Hippy Message Center 
You can leave messages for other hippies here.  We will post your message for a few months. If you have something to sell, want to make an announcement, looking for a long lost hippie or whatever, just send us your message
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Name: Michelle
Location: Portland, Or USA
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 13:31:26
Message:Hip 30 year old girl into camping in my VW bus, travelling (to Jamaica in particular) reggae music, rastafari and the legalisation of marijuana, animal rights etc. I am single and looking! Write me if you live nearby and are interested in the same. fireflyglows@reggaemail.com Reggae Ambassador Worldwide #1143 

Name: Lil Bear
Location: Estacada, Oregon USA
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 22:28:11
Message: Hey I was just wondering if there are any young hippies around 17-18 in the Portland area that wouldnt mind hanging out. I moved not to long ago and I dont know anyone where I live and I need more friends that think how I do. So if ya wanna kick it email sometime. Thanks. Much love. Peace out. 

Name: moe
NYDate: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 20:15:42
Message:OK Pari, we get the picture about your little group. Now, you don't have to post it everyday. And if you really want to help a brother or a sister why don't you house some of them that are on the quest. Or would that be stepping over line of your so called help? Oh i forgot You don't gain anything out of that. think about it. 

Name: jasper
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 20:10:39
Message:hey, some girl noone knows. I think your message was right on. I wish more people would really drop out and be "real" hippies. Today they have a bunch of fake hippies who are just nothing but "white-picket fence" sheep people but in freaky clothing and hair. They'll never drop out because as they say "it might mess up my future job". What bullshit fakes. 

Name: some girl noone knows 
Location: spokane, wa usa
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 19:18:23
Message:hey, i think we need the longer lasting revolution we should start it now... society is losing the point of freewill we the people are using it the wrong way we are sitting on our asses bitchin about the way the would could be (most of us) instead of doing what should be taking first in proity. I am willing too quit school and get a ride or a pad someone would let me stay in no dough and i will work my ass off intil this world starts to get better. come one man, lets do this... lets let the hope come back please... it's never too late for peace intil... we give up hope 

Name: The Seeker
Location: Cologne, Germany
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 16:21:38
Message:Hi to y´all Im 35 years old and was delighted to see, there are soooo many young and very young people visiting this place who still believe in Love and Peace, I hope one day will see another friendly (but longer lasting) revolution. 

URL:Don't have one sorry
Location: Toronto, Ont Canada
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 12:17:17
Message: This page is so awesome. There should be more sites just like this one. I really love this site, the info on here is really cool. And the little hippy man is so ultra coo. I have told so many of my friends about this site, and they think it's awesome too. Keep up the good work, and stay groovy all you hip cats! 

Free Hippie Newsletter, Offer
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 12:01:44
Message:I am an old hippie from the 60s/70s and must admit, I am tired of reading posts that being a hippie is all about drugs, sex and rock and roll. That may have been there, but it was so much more! And so many of my friends got messed up by that lifestyle. Some even died. So call me a square if you want, but I am against drugs (though will not judge anyone who is into them.) I have done some truthful research and found out that even marijuana can damage your liver, give trouble to your lungs, etc. But I can understand why so many like it and will not be happy to read what I just said. Please let me explain. I believe people smoke weed, etc., to raise their consciousness because the material consciousness is such a drag! So I would like to start a (free of charge) Hippie Newsletter about REAL hippie life. What is that? Well, first of all, we had a war going on, people were dying and young people at that. It certainly made us think differently! We had protests and so on. We reached out our hand to help our fellow brother or sister if we could, and if we couldn't physically we at least tried to help psychologically simply by listening. Sometimes just listening can bring another answers to their own questions! Anyway, let me tell you my basic story (and please read my link which tells it in more detail). It goes like this: I am an old hippie, into spiritual stuff now (no, not fanaticism). I learned a lot about India, lacto-vegetarian, real love and real peace. I learned that you can use your consciousness to get high instead of drugs. I am in no way judgmental of those who use drugs. Matter of fact, I agree they initially increased some peoples awareness. As the years push on that changes and they ultimately make ones consciousness fuzzy. So who am I looking for? ANY hippie of any age (including 60s hippies), who does not have to be drug free but wants to be, ANY Hippie who does not have to be a vegetarian but is OPEN to it, and ANY hippie who is open to spiritual stuff from India like yoga and consciousness, and ANY hippie who wants to talk about the world problems and HOW TO resolve them, ANY hippie who wants to post a current event (that helps people) in my newsletter. Your email address will not be made public in my newsletter. I am making this a place to post YOUR letters too - on how to help the world, your friend, your brother/sister, and if you have a problem you can post it here. Music/lyrics that increase awareness, poetry, realizations, earth changes, knowledge, astrology, maybe a little info on herbal healing (not weed lol), health, happiness, etc. Of course, you can't post anything asking for a ride somewhere. This newsletter is not about rides, concerts, not a place to pick up chicks or dudes , but about reaching out or just listening to those who reach out, and about raising your own consciousness, being more aware. Sort of an underground thing that has gone above ground. :) If you are interested in this newsletter, email me right away (cuz if I don't get replies I may give up) Here is my email address: Parijata2@aol.com IMPORTANT - In the subject line of your letter, please type Hippie Newsletter. The reason for this is that get a lot of porno and can't be bothered with them, so I delete them. If you type, "Hey" or "Cool" well, so do they! hehe And it might accidentally get deleted. So it is very simple. Just put in the subject line of your letter Hippie Newsletter. Thanx.

Name: Skyeona
Location: Salinas, CA USA
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 00:39:20
Message:Am looking for the folks who called themselves (ourselves) "Warthogs", Berkeley, '72: Shine, Stonecrazed, Sunny, Felicia, Jingles, Beezul, Libby, TC. I know where Brad is and have a lead on Bernie. Please contact me (Rainbow at the time)--sure qwould love to hear from you!! 

Name: Starshine
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 22:02:55
Message:I'll be in Amsterdam Dec15-23rd....anyone else gonna be there??? write me 

Name:Bethany Edmondson
Location: Mount Desert, ME USA
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 15:07:23
Message:Hey!!! I am a 16 year old hippie from ME.... I am really from PA and like it better down there cause they got the better weed and shit... N E wayz... so if u are a guy from PA, from 17-23... write to me... or write if u just wanna get to know me better!!!! Peace out

Name: canyon
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 14:31:03
Message:fuck society's rules and just let your own funkyness explode out of your body peace and love to all 

Name: Starshine
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 at 22:50:44
Message:Erin Leigh??? From camp? (A.R.E.) ring a bell??? I'm Casey...if you rememeber me will you email me 

URL:ask me and ill tell ya
Location: Cloud 9, high Paradise
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 at 22:21:46
Message:~~~This message goez out 2 tha most beautiful man,Ive never met face 2 face~~~I'm glad you've recognized our light~~~ 

Location: Hippie Newsletter,Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 at 09:06:09
Message: I am an old hippie from the 60s/70s and must admit, I am tired of reading posts that being a hippie is all about drugs, sex and rock and roll. That may have been there, but it was so much more! And so many of my friends got messed up by that lifestyle. Some even died. So call me a square if you want, but I am against drugs (though will not judge anyone who is into them.) I have done some truthful research and found out that even marijuana can damage your liver, give trouble to your lungs, etc. But I can understand why so many like it and will not be happy to read what I just said. Please let me explain. I believe people smoke weed, etc., to raise their consciousness because the material consciousness is such a drag! So I would like to start a (free of charge) Hippie Newsletter about REAL hippie life. What is that? Well, first of all, we had a war going on, people were dying and young people at that. It certainly made us think differently! We had protests and so on. We reached out our hand to help our fellow brother or sister if we could, and if we couldn't physically we at least tried to help psychologically simply by listening. Sometimes just listening can bring another answers to their own questions! Anyway, let me tell you my basic story (and please read my link which tells it in more detail). It goes like this: I am an old hippie, into spiritual stuff now (no, not fanaticism). I learned a lot about India, lacto-vegetarian, real love and real peace. I learned that you can use your consciousness to get high instead of drugs. I am in no way judgmental of those who use drugs. Matter of fact, I agree they initially increased some peoples awareness. As the years push on that changes and they ultimately make ones consciousness fuzzy. So who am I looking for? ANY hippie of any age (including 60s hippies), who does not have to be drug free but wants to be, ANY Hippie who does not have to be a vegetarian but is OPEN to it, and ANY hippie who is open to spiritual stuff from India like yoga and consciousness, and ANY hippie who wants to talk about the world problems and HOW TO resolve them, ANY hippie who wants to post a current event (that helps people) in my newsletter. Your email address will not be made public in my newsletter. I am making this a place to post YOUR letters too - on how to help the world, your friend, your brother/sister, and if you have a problem you can post it here. Music/lyrics that increase awareness, poetry, realizations, earth changes, knowledge, astrology, maybe a little info on herbal healing (not weed lol), health, happiness, etc. Of course, you can't post anything asking for a ride somewhere. This newsletter is not about rides, concerts, not a place to pick up chicks or dudes , but about reaching out or just listening to those who reach out, and about raising your own consciousness, being more aware. Sort of an underground thing that has gone above ground. :) If you are interested in this newsletter, email me right away (cuz if I don't get replies I may give up) Here is my email address: Parijata2@aol.com IMPORTANT - In the subject line of your letter, please type Hippie Newsletter. The reason for this is that get a lot of porno and can't be bothered with them, so I delete them. If you type, "Hey" or "Cool" well, so do they! hehe And it might accidentally get deleted. So it is very simple. Just put in the subject line of your letter Hippie Newsletter. Thanx. 

Name: Snowflake
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 at 06:41:27
Message:Peace! Well, I'm looking for hippies in Europe.. Most of "smoke signals" are from people from the US so I'm beginning to wonder if there are any hippies in Europe.. I hope there are, and I also hope they will mail me :) AND if there are any WIGWAM fans out there, I really wish they'd write. Peace & Love Snowwy 

Name: FREE
Location: THE LOST ONE, INANEDate: Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 16:04:03

Name: Guy a.k.a. "Smiley"
Location: Manhattan, KS USA
Date: Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 14:47:21
Message: "Don't just see the light, BE the light"

Name: genie
nc us of a
Date: Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 11:13:49
Message:hey all you hippies, hope youre all having a plesant day and taking it easy. if there is anyone out there who wants to drop me a line, please do. im just curious to peoples views on LSD. im trying to figure some things out. fare thee well. 

Location: ., . Old Hippie Starting Hippie Newsletter 
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 07:04:46
Message:I am an old hippie from the 60s/70s and must admit, I am tired of reading posts that being a hippie is all about drugs, sex and rock and roll. That may have been there, but it was so much more! And so many of my friends got messed up by that lifestyle. Some even died. So call me a square if you want, but I am against drugs (though will not judge anyone who is into them.) I have done some truthful research and found out that even marijuana can damage your liver, give trouble to your lungs, etc. But I can understand why so many like it and will not be happy to read what I just said. Please let me explain. I believe people smoke weed, etc., to raise their consciousness because the material consciousness is such a drag! So I would like to start a hippie newsletter about REAL hippie life. What is that? Well, first of all, we had a war going on, people were dying and young people at that. It certainly made us think differently! We had protests and so on. We reached out our hand to help our fellow brother or sister if we could, and if we couldn't physically we at least tried to help psychologically simply by listening. Sometimes just listening can bring another answers to their own questions! Anyway, let me tell you my basic story (and please read my link which tells it in more detail). It goes like this: I am an old hippie, into spiritual stuff now (no, not fanaticism). I learned a lot about India, lacto-vegetarian, real love and real peace. I learned that you can use your consciousness to get high instead of drugs. I am in no way judgmental of those who use drugs. Matter of fact, I agree they initially increased some peoples awareness. As the years push on that changes and they ultimately make ones consciousness fuzzy. So who am I looking for? ANY hippie of any age (including 60s hippies), who does not have to be drug free but wants to be, ANY Hippie who does not have to be a vegetarian but is OPEN to it, and ANY hippie who is open to spiritual stuff from India like yoga and consciousness, and ANY hippie who wants to talk about the world problems and HOW TO resolve them, ANY hippie who wants to post a current event (that helps people) in my newsletter. Your email address will not be made public in my newsletter, unless you want it to be, in that case you will have to add it in your letter. I don't even know if calling it a newsletter is the right name, though I am sticking to it, but I do not think, as of yet, that I will have a lot of editorials to post but I will have recipes and spiritual info. The rest is up to you! I am making this a place to post YOUR letters on how to help the world, your friend, your brother/sister, and if you have a problem you can post it here. Music/lyrics that increase awareness, poetry, realizations, earth changes, knowledge, astrology, maybe a little info on herbal healing (not weed lol), health, happiness, etc. Of course, if you are under 18 you can't post anything asking for a ride somewhere. hehe One thing I have learned from being an old hippie, you must always follow the law. :) Anyway this newsletter is not about rides, concerts or such things, but about reaching out or just listening to those who reach out, or about raising your own consciousness. Sort of an underground thing that has gone above ground. :) If you are interested in this newsletter, email me right away (cuz if I don't get replies I may give up). Here is my email address: Parijata2@aol.com IMPORTANT - In the subject line of your letter, please type Hippie Newsletter. The reason for this is that get a lot of porno and can't be bothered with them, so I delete them. If you type, "Hey" or "Cool" well, so do they! hehe And it might accidentally get deleted. So it is very simple. Just put in the subject line of your letter Hippie Newsletter. Thanx. 

Name: Nina
Location: Milw., Wi USA
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 00:00:18
Message:Did any of you people go to the Black..um..something Music festival in Beloit, Illinois this past weekend? It was awesome! Darkstar was there, along with some other cool bands. I finally met some awesome hippies, sold lots of hemp, dreamcatchers, and glass, met my current boyfriend whom I LOVE and was just able to forget everything and have a blast for 3 days. It was my first hippie fest, and I never felt freedom and love like that at any other concert I've gone to! If anyone knows of fests happening in or around Wisconsin, email me! 

Name: Crysta
Location: Clarkston, MI USA
Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 at 17:43:54
Message: Greetings to all... I'm 14 and looking for someone interesting to chat with. I'm not quite a hippy, yet in love with ones. So please feel free to e-mail me no matter what gender or age. Peace and toodles... Crysta 

Name: Shadybacon
Location: Orlando, FL USA
Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 at 13:38:51
Message: Brothers and Sisters, I am writing to inform you of the Magnolia Fest Music Festival this October in Live Oak, Florida (no, I don work for or have any interest in promoting the festival) It will be a beautiful experience. I hope to see you all there. (check out there web site at www.magmusic.com) I love you all. PEACE 

Location: Old Hippie WantsTo Start A Hippie Newsletter With Contirbutng letters from REAL hippies who are Drug-free,Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 at 10:44:20
Message:I am an old hippie from the 60s/70s and must admit, I am tired of reading posts that being a hippie is all about drugs, sex and rock and roll. That may have been there, but it was so much more! And so many of my friends got messed up by that lifestyle. Some even died. So call me a square if you want, but I am against drugs (though will not judge anyone who is into them.) I have done some truthful research and found out that even marijuana can damage your liver, give trouble to your lungs, etc. But I can understand why so many like it and will not be happy to read what I just said. Please let me explain. I believe people smoke weed, etc., to raise their consciousness because the material consciousness is such a drag! So I would like to start a hippie newsletter about REAL hippie life. What is that? Well, first of all, we had a war going on, people were dying and young people at that. It certainly made us think differently! We had protests and so on. We reached out our hand to help our fellow brother or sister if we could, and if we couldn't physically we at least tried to help psychologically simply by listening. Sometimes just listening can bring another answers to their own questions! Anyway, let me tell you my basic story (and please read my link which tells it in more detail). Basically it goes like this: I am an old hippie, into spital stuff now (no, not fanaticism). I learned a lot about India, lacto-vegetarian, real love and real peace. I learned that you can use your consciousness to get high instead of drugs. I am in no way judgmental of those who use drugs. Matter of fact, I agree they initially increased some peoples awareness. As the years push on that changes and they ultimately make ones consciousness fuzzy. So who am I looking for? ANY hippie of any age (including 60s hippies), who does not have to be drug free but wants to be, ANY Hippie who does not have to be a vegetarian but is OPEN to it, and ANY hippie who is open to spiritual stuff from India like yoga and consciousness, and ANY hippie who wants to talk about the world problems and HOW TO resolve them, ANY hippie who wants to post a current event (that helps people) in my newsletter. I don't even know if calling it a newsletter is the right name, as I do not think, as of yet, that I will have a lot of editorials to post, but I will have recipes and spiritual info. The rest is up to you! I am making this a place to post YOUR letters on how to help the world, your friend, your brother/sister, and if you have a problem you can post it here. Of course, if you are under 18 you can't post anything asking for a ride somewhere. hehe One thing I have learned from being an old hippie, you must always follow the law. :) Anyway this newsletter is not about rides of such things, but about reaching out or just listening to those who reach out. Sort of an underground thing that has gone above ground. :) If you are interested in this newsletter, email me right away (cuz if I don't get replies I may give up). Here is my email address: Parijata2@aol.com 

Location: MANY, ALOT U.S.A.
Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 at 05:44:42
Message:Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel Jeff 

Name: Big tabs
Location: nottingham, england
Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 at 04:11:03

Location: Hippyland, USA
Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 17:21:08
Message:"If everyone made peace instead of getting another television set, we'd have peace." --John Lennon 

Location: Hippyland, USA
Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 17:19:14
Message: Hello! Hey if any of you want to talk to a fellow hippy, e-mail me! And visit my page too! Oh yeah and don't forget to sign my guesbook!!! Love ya'll:) Peace, love, and psychedelics!!! 

Name: Lizard
Location: wilkes-barre, pa us of a 
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 21:35:32
Message:hey all my buddies out there, where've you been?? my friend eric just took a trip to cali and i'm wondering where he is. can't describe him cause he looks like every other hippy staring at his/her computer...anyways, eric, if you're out there...i miss you and love you like my brother...come back soon, even if it's just to bring me out to cali with you. 

Name: Starshine
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 21:24:21
Message:TLCoder - I read what you posted in the protests and I thought you were perfectly right when you said people have become confussed with the "I wants"....just thought I would thank you for the insperation 

Name: Harold
Location: Williamsport, PA U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 16:28:01
Message:Hello,I am a single college student that is into:travel, music,art,movies/theater,and the greatoutdoors.I an seeking females from around the world with simalar interests for friendship or possible relationship.So, drop me an e-mail and tell me all about yourself.Hope to hear from you soon. 

Name: a girl noone knows about
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 12:39:44
Message:life is a world of it's own and life is something you can change with a word it's never too late... it's never too late... try too resepct Mother Earth as much as ever when she's gone she's gone...... 

Name: Rob Sheathelm
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 09:08:08
Message:Peace all, I'm another isolated hippy who wishes he knew others. I live in a small town in Michigan. I try not to act like I know what being a hippy is since I didn't live what I beleive to be the golden years, but at heart I beleive in the same basic principles as my hippie forefathers. Oh, and if anyone knows of any place that sells hippy attire in the Tri-city area let me know. I do believe in psychedelics but not in excess. Does anyone know where I could find a commune around LA as I plan to go to UCLA film school and maybe plant a seed of the ongoing hippy movement on the Sundance Channel. I idolize Jim Morrison above anyone else but also enjoy Hendrix, Pink Floyd (Roger Waters years), Cream, Ted Nugent, & the list goes on. I'm 15 yr old guy and i guess that about covers it. It'd be great to hear from some kindred spirits with good vibes. Peace and love, and don't forget to be free spirited. My e-mail's verovan@hotmail.com

Name: Brad aka Prophet
Location: South Canterbury, New Zealand
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 22:39:43
Message:Hey, anyone from south canterbury, new zealand???? Looking for people to help protest at mcdonalds timaru on anti-mcdonalds action day(16 oct). or if there are any hippies in the area i would love to talk to you. im 17/m. peace, love, equality Brad 

Name: jason
Location: Carrollton, GA USA
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 17:28:59
Message:HEY...DOES ANYONE KNOW A GUT WHO'S IN HIS EARLY 20'S NAMED ZAEB (POSSIBLY SPELLED WRONG...PRONOUNCED ZIE-EB) WHO'S FROM CANADA? I met him with his sister while traveling in Eugene, OR....he was very cool and I'd love to get in touch with him. At the time he had dreads and a septum bull-type nosering. I think he was from London, Ontario (if that even exists). If anyone can help me find him or knows who I'm talking about, please e-mail me!!!Peace to you all....Jason 

Name: jason
Location: Carrollton, GA USA
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 17:28:30
Message:HEY...DOE ANYONE KNOW A GUT WHO'S IN HIS EARLY 20'S NAMED ZAEB (POSSIBLY SPELLED WRONG...PRONOUNCED ZIE-EB) WHO'S FROM CANADA? I met him with his sister while traveling in Eugene, OR....he was very cool and I'd love to get in touch with him. At the time he had dreads and a septum bull-type nosering. I think he was from London, Ontario (if that even exists). If anyone can help me find him or knows who I'm talking about, please e-mail me!!!Peace to you all....Jason 

Name: some girl noone knows about
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 10:58:00
Message:ummm i'm sorry that one was so long but please read it (the message below) 

Name: someone girl noone knows about
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 10:56:17
Message:ya know man, somethings people say to me are really cruel just cause i am a hippy sometimes i wanna pass over to their side and be mean but i know if i do that will be one less person in the world that has hope and man we need start again we need to let the world know were still here dude i saw this and i thought this was the awesomest thing in the world here it is...... When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying a new tribe of people shall come onto the Earth from many colors,classes,creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again.They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow -Old Native Americain Prophecy This is telling about us dudes and dudetts this proves this was our destiny we gotta follow it....it failed or more like never got finished its been 30 years and now its time for all you retired hippies too teach us the new generation how y'all tired too save the world and we will try so hard not the same but the same with a new twist. come y'all its time and you know what really pisses me off is when you see those people holdin' hands around the world and its says "our world" well its not our world its the animals world we are the keepers that have too look after each other and animals thanx man -some girl noone knows of 

Name: P.C Plod
Location: Londinio, phillippines
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 05:25:09
Message: I'm goin to get you cause I know where you live and you smell like you haven't washed in years

Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 02:47:18
Message: Hello,hippies!!Is still there in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

URL:ask me how 2 get there becuz itz complicated
Location: FUNKY TOWN, TX U.S. of A.
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 at 21:17:45
Message:Hey Phishy or rolleypolleyphishy or.... I just wanted 2 say HIGH and I LOVE U ,MAN!!! :D 

Name:hip hipster
Location: hookaville, oh usa
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 at 18:58:10
Message: hi check this site out ya hippy friends,peace 

Name: storm
Location: kingston, ar us
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 at 14:41:45
Message: I love you all dudes! 

Name: opel
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 at 11:55:35
Message:This is a message to Kristy. Let me, just tell you that Peter and the rest of the Monkees were consider dorks by real "hip" (hippies) so who cares what he says about smoking anyway. He didn't even play his instrument and he was playing to a bunch of 11 years old suburban girls in heat. So his opinion and his teenybopper music does not matter when it comes to real "hip" (hippie) people. You try telling a real head in the 60's like Grace Slick, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, or Paul Kantner not to smoke out and they'll laugh and your lame face. maybe the reason why you don't like smoking pot and drugs is because you have not done them right. Pot and other drugs are not for partying. They are spiritual and should be handle in a special spiritual way. Or maybe your just not "hip" (hippie). Maybe you just have a knack for retro tennybop stuff. Because let me tell you sista The Monkees and Hermans Hermits were not the hippest things in the 60's. Don't ever forget the underground. 

Name: el bako jako
Location: Iron River, Wi usa
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 at 10:29:19
Message:hey I love hippies!! Smoke lots of pot!!! I wanna meet some more hippies so e-mail me and lets talk hippies! okay so I'll tal;k to you later smoke lots!! jake!! 

Name: Starshine
Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 at 22:47:24
Message:TURTLE - what you wrote in hippy-profiles about the bucket of water...the hose -- was so true and I really admire your insight! Thanks for inspiring me!! 

Name: Bohemia
Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 at 15:46:17
Message:Anyone with info or that wants to do festivals please let me know. Also anyone that goes to Augusta I'd like to talk. Thanks. Love 'n Laughter are the best medicines

Name:the barefoot hippie
Location: Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 20:43:12
Message:This is just a message to any university/college-age hippies in the Ottawa-Carleton area. If anyone would like to meet more hippies (me and about 2 others) drop me a line...We need to have a gathering of the tribes. PEACE! ~the barefoot hippie 

Name: Bianca
Location: `Buenos Aires, bsas ARGENTINA
Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 19:29:18

Location: Hippyland, USA
Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 16:33:30
Message:Oh yeah I forgot to say something -- in the words of Peter and I quote "Smoking may be hazardous to your health." and, uh, drugs are too. But don't send me any heated remarks, cuz I really don't care if you do drugs or whatever, so peace to you, and everybody else!:) 

Location: Hippyland, USA
Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 16:29:05
Message:Hey - drop me a line everyone! I would love to hear from all of you! And be sure to visit my groovy pad to see what's happening and sign the guestbook while you're there too! Peace, love, and psychedelics!!! 

Name: Ajda
Date: Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 15:11:46
Message:Hi everyone! I'd really like to meet a lot of hippy friends. So, write me, please!! 

Name: michael
Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 at 10:57:35
Message: smoke lots and lots and lots of pot.

Date: Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 16:06:10
Message:Hi, I'm hoping that my mate DREAMCATCHER will see this so that she knows I've been on this Brilliant website! If you see this DREAMCATCHER can you either E- Mail me or let me know at school so I know you got my signal. 

Date: Monday, September 13, 1999 at 20:52:23
Message:PhillipX (Jacksmoove) - i read your responce to the protest I posted and it was nice to know there was someone out there that felt the same. Yes- I agree with you on moving out into nature and taking time away from all this society bullshit.... :) 

Name: Starshine
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 22:35:03
Message:"We are learning to draw lines. No lines between black and white No lines between young and old No lines between our side and your side No lines between me and you" "It's all up to you. You are compleatly responsible for your life You are the creator It's an awesome burden and a great freedom" Thought these quotes were inspiring and worth thinking about. These are from the book, "Das Energi" read it- it's SO good!! 

Name: Starshine
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 22:11:49
Message:"Homo sap, that creature who believes his purpose is to control and conquer Nature, is just now beginning to remember the obvious - that he is a part of Nature himself. He has fought his way to the top of the planetary spinal cord, inflicting damage every step of the way. Now, bewildered, he looks around: what am I doing here? Assuming responsibility, answers a still, small voice all around him"...I saw this quote and thought it was something worth thinking about. This is from the book - "Das Energy" -- you've gotta read it - it is great! 

Name:Rachel W.
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 10:31:31
Message:Hello everyone!!!! I'm in my first year at college and to be honest... I'm quite lonely and depressed. I do love it, I have a nice group of friends, my classes aren't bad, and the food is ok... but there is no one that knows the grateful dead. Every one at my college basically istens to rap. That's all I hear. I don't know anyone there that has the same interests as me. If you live in NJ, or share the same conflict, I wish you to email me. I just need someone close to my age (18) to talk to. I feel left out at college. Thanks for reading this =) ---rae (aka GraceSlick in HippyChat) 

Name: Io Skye Hiker In Libra
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 06:02:21
Message:Hello to all you hippies out there. I think this is one of the best websites I have come across - very informative and helpful. A special hello to my good buddy Dark Star*. Hope to hear from you soon. 

Name: Gretta Renee
Location: some desert, CA U.S.A.
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 at 21:13:12
Message: Help me figure this out. I am a very open minded person and accept all people. No matter what religion or belief you have, I respect it. If I can respect the beliefs of others, why can't they respect mine? Why are people so judgemental? They get mad if you don't accept them, but they seem to have a problem accepting you! Just because I don't have the same belief or religion doesn't make me a bad person. I hope none of you are having this same problem. Peace and Love to all. E-mail me if you have some advice or sweet words that might help. Peace out ~ Gretta Renee 

Name: canyon
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 at 08:05:56
Message: dam rite kristen but calm down a little

Name: Kristen
Location: brigantine, nj usa
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 at 17:05:15
Message: hey marijuana rules!!! weed is a plant that grows in the ground if god didnt want it it wouldnt be found so all you little assholes that wont get high shut the f*** up and give it a try! peace out!!

Name: Canyon
ny us
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 at 16:32:50
Message:and also try the herb 

Name: Canyon
ny us
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 at 16:27:57
Message:i wanna make this message out to anyone who is having a tuff time in life and thinks that they are lost. never give up and never shut ur inner feelings out. be ur self and just be happy and nice to others and sooner or later you will feel peace love and happyness. 

Name: jason
Location: Carrollton, GA USA
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 at 14:10:25
Message: Make that one last time, not once last time (In reference to the message below). 

Name: jason
Location: Carrollton, GA USA
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 at 14:09:01
Message: Once last time I'm posting this in hopes that I'm not the only cool bi or gay hippie guy on the planet. 

Name: Jill
Location: Baltimore, MDDate: Friday, September 10, 1999 at 12:24:02
Message:Matt- You are so right!! All of us Hippys should be smokin' somewhere but, unfortunatly some of us have to work. I'll join all of my brother and sisters when I get off of work, okie doke. Then we can sit around and smoke and talk about ways to KICK YOUR ASS!! Lots of love to ya Matty Baby. Jill 

Location: anycity, ma usa
Date: Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 19:40:02

Name:Matt Maderose
Location: any city, MA USA
Date: Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 19:36:12

Location: London, U.K
Date: Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 18:47:05
Message:A quick call out for a bit of help.... I suppose we're all getting ready to experience the World's Biggest party on New Year....yeah, I know I'll be doing some of that! But on a serious note, I'd like to reflect on those who might not see it as such a good time....another day cold on the street, no meal, a lonely pensioner with no family perhaps....there are loads of 'em out there. Just wanna start the millenium with a bit of peace and love to the less unfortunate. I would be grateful for any ideas on how to make this a time to spead a little free love, charities that might be interested.....anything! All of them count! And, another shot-out to all the people in the U.k or London area who might be interested in getting involved. Love to hear from all of ya!Thanks! Make love to life, 'coz you know you can ~*fLy*~ One Love, Shamanica. 

Name: summer
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 18:13:12
Message:looking for any hippie to share my ideas with.If you wanta talk e-mail me 

Name: delyle
NC usa
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 11:10:13
Message: Anyone in NC going to the PHISH shows in Raleigh, Hampton, VA, Washington,DC please e-mail me. 

Location: Durham, England
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 12:50:59
Message: Hi any hippies out there fans of Blind melon? If so please check out my website and keep the memory alive. There's plenty of space for contributions...concert reviews, thoughts, views....anything at all....please check it out and sign the melonhead book. Peace and lemonade!

Location: not telling, ma USA
Date: Monday, September 6, 1999 at 23:12:09
Message: Hi people About 2 months ago One of my friends Accesed this site and said some really NASTY stuff about HIppy's and hippy life. And I remind you this was one of my looser friends NOT NOT NOT me. Sooooo I am very very very sorry and would like to say !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIPPIES AND HIPPY LIFE AND PEACE AND LOVE IN JENNERAL hIPPIES R-U-L-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name:Sunshine Andromeda
Location: Balto, Md USA
Date: Monday, September 6, 1999 at 15:57:49
Message:Greeting to my fellow hippies! I want to paint an old school bus and tour the USA! I know that sounds a little farout, but I'm so wanting to do this, before I move to a hippy commune. Anyone want to come? If not I'm also looking for hippy friends. You know somebody that thinks like me. I can't find many hippies around where I live. Anyways, I'm very lonely and out on a limb because nobody accepts me since I'm a hippy. Well.... I hope to hear from somebody. Until then...... Peace and Harmony, Sunshine Andromeda 

Name: summer
Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Date: Monday, September 6, 1999 at 15:29:26
Message:Hey, I'm wanting to meet other hippies here in Victoria, also, I'm looking for an old friend of mine, his name is Peter, he's from Victoria also, last year we used to walk around barefoot all day, and go to beacon hill park and get bean buns, and write rituals, he used to be married to jaime, if you know anyone like this please contact me, and if you read this pete, write me right away peace and love....Summer Skye 

Name: Sky
Date: Monday, September 6, 1999 at 11:56:41
Message: Hello sisters and brothers! I an as you can see, from Finland so dont blame me if I write something wrong.I Haven't always been hippie. In older age I have just noticed that it is the only right thing in my life. I have been a vegetarien for a year now and it seems to fit very good.I hope someone would write to me and tell me how they think about things and staff like that! Well,... Love you folks and peace for everyone! Yours truly; Tiia (known as SKY) 

Location: bangkok, bangkok Thailand
Date: Monday, September 6, 1999 at 03:46:50
Message: Hey man, I looking for some ganja smokers in da town Why don't ya try to write to I for a smoking appointment. Always high Rastajoe 

Name: chet barrett
Location: tehran, iran
Date: Sunday, September 5, 1999 at 05:58:27
Message: Hi,how can i have an accunt? 

Location: MANY, ALOT U.S.A.
Date: Sunday, September 5, 1999 at 00:14:17
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel Jeff 

Name: Kira Moon
Date: Saturday, September 4, 1999 at 18:38:25
Message:hey there, i was wondering if anyone knows of/or is selling any late model VWs...type 3, karmann ghia, beetle, bus...i would like to know about any car the is in the NJ, PA, NY area. thanks. peace, love and a better america, kira moon 

Name: Kira Moon
Date: Saturday, September 4, 1999 at 18:35:37
Message:Hey there, I was wondering if anyone knows of/or is selling any late model VWs...type 3, karmann ghias, bugs, busses....that are in good condition. i would like to know of cars that are in the NJ, PA, NY area. thanks. peace, love and a better america, kira moon

Location: Estevan, SK Canada
Date: Saturday, September 4, 1999 at 00:22:30
Message:Heyhey there chums I' 14/f and startedWorld PeaCE Club intwo differentschools. I just wannasay that I wish peoplewouldstop thinking allhippies are stupid, potsoking, druggeduppeople. Ifyouwanna email me go rightahead. Luvya all and remember, "Gottaget back to the land and set my soul free," -Joan Mitchels 

Name: james nackino
Email:big buds@4.20 98723
Location: youngstown, oh usa
Date: Friday, September 3, 1999 at 10:11:28
Message: hey whats up it friday about to go smoke out side of school; and go to nelsons ledgesa after schooland party happy trails

Name: dusty akers
Location: kona, hawaii usa
Date: Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 19:33:04
Message:aloha looking for an old friend jamie porous of woodside and grateful dead tape maker and any friends of marin in the mid 60's 

Name: summer
Location: jacksonville, nc usa
Date: Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 17:57:32
Message:hi!:) lookin' for some hippies in my hometown of jacksonville,nc.please e-mail me if your from there. 

Name: phillip x
Location: down south, CADate: Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 14:46:10
Message:hey hay! i'm searching for some cool, chillin' people in southern california to hang out with... i'm heading to work with an old "granola" dude in hollywood (into the heart of babylon!) for a bit... if there is anybody out there lovin' 4:20 each day, and just wanting to hang out and listen to good music, talk about getting out of society, etc., drop me an e-mail, will you? my spirit's dying out here without nourishment... peace and love for unity... phx, out. 

Name: Erin*
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 09:56:57
Message: HEY EVERYONE!! I was wondering if anyone is planning on going to the New Years Eve phish show down in Florida. If so, I am looking for a ride or anyone going. Please e-mail me :) Thanx! Erin*