Hippy Message Center 
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Signals May 1999
Name: Kayla
Location: San Antonio, Tx USA
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 at 17:10:49
Message:I'm a 16 year old hippy looking for somebody to write to. If you're willing to put up with a very opinionated person, then write me! In the mean time, Peace!

Name: gothboy 
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 at 16:01:53
Message: Elis...i've been looking for you. Come back to hippy chat please. I hope to talk to you soon. 

Location: ANY, EVERY U.S.A.
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 at 05:37:07
Message:Hi I'm Jeff and I am a gypsy for me that means I live on the road and travel the country on a full-time basis. I am a honest,happy,caring and fun loving person. I have a great sense of humor and try to spread a smile wherever I go. I travel from Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana and love going to new places. I have found for me that life on the road is a very free and enjoyable life with constant change. I started this life because I could not stand the American dream I meet so many people who work two jobs and barely have time to enjoy what they buy with the money they earn and always owe money. It is hard to not were a mask in the real world people have forgotten the meaning of life and just think of themselves. I wear no mask and am who I want to be I don't believe in living to work I am into working to live. I sell Jewelry to stores Silver,Pewter,and body jewelry and make a good living doing it which gives the freedom to work when I want and enjoy the world around me. what I want is a girl who wants to live and be free and share time with a person who would really enjoy your company and treat you as person and not an object. I am not really looking for e-mail friends I am looking for a companion either short time or long term depending if we are great for each other. I would like to get to know someone thru mail first and see if we have the same ideas and then go from there. So ask me any questions you have nothing is to personal and if you are writing tell me where are you from what are you looking for in life how old are you,and anything else you want to tell me. last thing is i am 37 years old but am a child at heart,i live life thru the eyes of a child with no limitations other than the ones in my head. So if you are between 18 to 45 and you want live without the limitations a normal life has talk to me JEFF 

Name:The Morbid Hippy
Location: Richmond, VA USA
Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 21:15:30
Message: I feel in love with hippies long ago, and want help becoming one...please drop me a line...

Location: PAINESVILLE, 0hioDate: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 16:00:50
Message:Looking for Steve White, born 2-21-59. He has a brother named Mike and two sisters named Joyce and Laura. His parents are Dave and Leola. They were last known to be in Lauderhill, Florida. They are formerly of Windham, Ohio. Steve has two grown sons that would like to meet him! Please contact me with any information! 

Name: *Andrea*
Location: Manchester, Ny USA
Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 13:51:22
Message:hey, if any of u r looking for a online sistah email me, i'm very open minded, i love hearing all u beautiful people's ideas & opinions and i always write back. ~lotsa smiles 'n' sunshine~ "Silence is golden, but loud is fun, Laugh and laugh and fall apart" ~phish~ 

Name: Crystal cloud
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 15:46:44
Message: Hello all of you peace loving souls out there! Why is it that people don´t smile anymore? When I walk on the streets, no one smiles.Everyone just stares to another direction with a look on their faces that says "if someone comes near me, I´ll bite his head off!" Sad isn´t it? Yeah, world is a sick, sad place and so many people are unhappy, but don´t you agree that a little smile can make wonders? So I suggest we start a huge smiling project:give a big smile for everyone you meet! Attendance free! Personally I´m planning to start smiling so much that my cheeks ache at night when I go to bed! This smiling project could be a small step towards a happier society! Mail me your ideas on how to make this world a better place for all of us! So say cheese!!

Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 03:41:22
Message:>>:Pari and RainSpirit: Thanks for your messages. I was almost giving up all my hope when all I see in most of todays hippies is drugs drugs drugs. That's no good. How are we going to save the world if we're just smoking pot all the time? That's not the way, man. With our LOVE we can save the world. Right? Peace and Love to you all. /Pontus << Hey Pontus! :) Nice to read your post. You got that right. It is pretty hard to help a soul if we are all drugged out. Whiile it may make oneslef feel good, it also puts one in a situation where they can't lift a finger, REALLY. hehe Hard to get up out of our chair when we are all stoned out and help the world. Like I said, I do not judge anybody. I smoked weed myself as a teen, but I gave it up over 25 years ago and get high off of meditation. Anyone who would like to learn how to do it too, feel free to, write to me. Love ya, Pari 

Email:jael420@rica.net or hempladee@aol.com
Location: there, va us
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 02:59:50
Message: hey holly my little hippie angel. dont stress about bud, he's not worth it we're here for you angel. love ya, Kim

Name: Katie
Location: Oriilia, On Can
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 18:05:47
Message:Hey everybody I'm a 17 year old Hippy and i feel like chattin with hippy's in my age group so write to me if you feel like it!! 

Location: here, WV USA
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 18:00:24
Message:Hi folks, I know I just posted about this yesterday, but I made a new web page. Maybe it will help me sell some of my wares and pay off some bills. :) So please check out my web page, especially if you like stuff from India or incense, herbs, etc. THANKS. :) <3Pari 

Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 15:23:54
Message: Hi everyone!!! Some of you may know me as Grace710 on the hippychat. I just wanted to say hi to Parijata and Amy and Daisy, and why haven't you all written for so long? I just wanted to be sure that everything is allright! Drop me a line if you have a moment. And any hippy, young or old (being a hippy is an attitude and a way of life, not an age group!)please write to me if you want a friend to chat with or just say hi now and then. I always return e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you all. Deadheads or 60s music fans are especially welcome, but I'll write to anyone! Hope to hear from you soon. Peace and Love and Keep on truckin', :o) Bethany

Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 09:51:26
Message:Pari and RainSpirit: Thanks for your messages. I was almost giving up all my hope when all I see in most of todays hippies is drugs drugs drugs. That's no good. How are we going to save the world if we're just smoking pot all the time? That's not the way, man. With our LOVE we can save the world. Right? Peace and Love to you all. /Pontus 

Name: Justine Mora
Location: Manila, Philippines
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 06:43:51
Message: hi.I live in Manila for 1 year,before I was in China during 5years,I'd like to talk to other hippies all over the world, as I couldn't find anyone in Manila who was a hippy.I'm half french half spanish,22years old,and I believe I can say I've been a hippy since my childhood.I hope I will have some news of you,bye! 

Name: Dirty Angel
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 04:27:48
Message:Hello.hippies!!Is still there are in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

Location: Missoula, Mt USA
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 23:20:26
Message:Pari, I'm very happy someone understands my msg. And Please to the rest of you, understand I am not saying you have to stop smoking Cannibis, I wish it were legal so alot more people in pain, didn't have to be there. What I am saying is first off, Don't use anything not natural. And that includes extracted chemicals, Once it is just soem Chemical extracted, the Spirit is gone, and nothing remains but a killer. Second, You don't have to be a pothead, There are constituants to Cannibis that can hurt you, if used to much, for to long a time. And As Pari said, Yoga Meditation, or any other form there of can be a beatiful high, without the side effects. I personally Meditate as much as I can; To me it is a form of prayer, I astral Project, Ground myself, Use the time to find what in me is pure of heart, or what truly is wrong, If anyoen needs any suggestions on how to do this just ask Pari or myself, or anyone else who you know meditates, I personally like the sound of the ocean, of thunder storms. Helps sooth me, and makes me feel as if I am closer to Mother Earth. Trust me, Try it once, and you will be hooked, Better than any drug on the planet, and it does release natural drugs in your system, such as Seratonin, and Mopium. Peace,Love,Happiness,& Harmony to all. Love RainSpirit P.S. Hope to see you all on the Astral Roads 

Location: here, there USA
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 19:59:05
Message:I am an old hippie just trying to get by. Things are tight. I got into herbs when I was a young hippie. If you have read any of my posts you will know I use meditation to get high, not weed, etc. (Hey, not judging anyone.) I found an incredible love for the mystic herbs (not talking about cannabis, etc.) that heal, which are countless. I have seen so many heal themselves from a variety of ailments by the use of herbs, including my own family! I am also into incense. If you are interested, I have some small packs of NANDI ORIENTAL BOUQUET which is a wonderful blend of sweet smelling flowers grown in India and NANDI SHAHINSHA - A lovely earthy smell. As for the herbs: TRIPHALA : An Ayurvedic formula. Some say it has a mild laxative effect, sometimes. It is reputed to detox the blood and liver, sharpen the entire digestive system, aid in weight reduction and even as an eye wash to relive eye strain and sharpen vision. there is a humorous Hindu saying, "If you have no mother but have triphala, everything will be alright." Got books, music, children's cool stuff of India, etc. E-mail me for the how-to's. :) Parijata2@aol.com <3 Pari 

Location: universal, cosmos USA
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 19:30:06
Message:Hi Rainspirit! Thanks for the good input. Never know how it will be recieved, but you make a good point. Please, everyone, learn from the older hippies who have been messed up from the drugs. So many want to immitate what we did, and when it comes to the good stuff that is great! But when it comes to the bad stuff, well, please use your intelligence and discriminate. Hey, I love ya all and that is why I don't want any of ya's hurt. And one doesn't have to give up having a far out consciousness if they go *straight.* One can have the same, actually BETTER, consciousness through yogic meditation. THAT is the real high. Love ya, Pari 

Name: Paul
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 11:20:57
Message:hello hippies trotamundos my girl and i are artesanos ,we make handcrafts (artesanias)like earings, collars, pipes and tukeras you may think what is this.well there is a history when you smoke a cigarrete of grass the last part is called tuka, and this litlle thing is trowed to the air in the name of SAN TUKA who make you never to be empty. we are goin to travel to ushuaia on december whith a group of friends and our fingers you know in the route, if anybody a little crazy and searching for peace and adventure my want to come home is open. LIBERTAD PAZ Y AMOR PARA TODOS. 

Name: ~*sunshine*~
Location: baltimore, MD USA
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 11:03:19
Message:i'm desperately searching for my kynd friend who was forced to move to cali a few years back ~ most likely he is at venice beach, he is now 29-30 years old, shoulder length black curly hair, long kinda pointy nose, thin, named mark mullen. please please, if someone can help me find him, or give me some suggestions on how i might be able to search for him further, please help me out!!!!!! i would grately appreciate it!!!!! i miss him dearly & need to know that he is ok.......write me back if anyone has any info i could use, please!!!!! ~*happy ~ healing vibes*~ 

Name: Rainbow Sunshine
OHDate: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 06:44:59
Message: Hello brothers and sisters...Hey anyone going to Hookahville(Buckeye Lake)?It's gonna be one hell of a show--don't miss out!Ekoostik Hookah and Rat Dog at the same place man.Well it's this weekend so I hope you already made plans to go.Hope I'll see you there.Peace and much love to you all.Have a nice day:) 

Name: Serenity
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 00:42:52
Message:I follow my heart and use it for writing poetry.Poetry is my release from the world's chaotic increase. I believe in speaking my mind. My mind is a tool of great value. I create my own euphoria; I do not enhance in with substances that can cause damage. But we all find our peace or search for it in different places.Finding your peace and love in life is the challenge to strive toward. I like the music of many musicians such as Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, Mamas and Papas, Nirvana (just a few there). I also enjoy playing guitar and violin. I want to use my life to voice my creativity. A desk job seems very incriminating for me. I'd rather be outside with the butterflies and sunshine. 

Name: Joe
Location: Joliet, ILDate: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 23:16:02
Message:I am seeking like minded individuals (Allman Brothers Band fans/Peach Corp. volnteers) from Illinois, epsecially the Joliet/Naperville area that want to caravan to the Allman Brothers show at the World. Just email me at joe2007@hotmail.com and we can start the planning. See you there, Peace. 

Name:Wandering Bear
Location: Independence, OR U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 15:09:10
Message: Medicine Man Imports is an eccletic cultural diversity one stop shop. We have a vast inventory of tobacco stuff, masks, tapestries, posters, cloth & clothes, walking sticks, incense, beads, bumper stickers, stickers, swords, artisan corner, authentic cultural music, musical instruments, and free standing figures. We give 100% customer satifaction. Exchange anything within 2 days of reciept and pay just shipping. 

Location: Overmere, Belgium
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 12:44:55
Message: High, hippy folks!! I'm 18!! I missed the 60's Wheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pink Floyd people mail me!! Our visit our weedsite!!! Goodbye MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL

Name:Triton & Nereid
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk England
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 11:53:31
Message:If you're interested in some new wave psychedelic rock, download Triton and Nereid's mp3s! Peace :)

Location: MIssoula, Mt USA
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 23:23:33
Message:Hey Parijati, I fully agree, not that I have anything against Cannibis being used correctly in moderation, but I am getting quite sick of hearing,m hey let's all just get high and think about nothing for awhile(Or the rest of our lives). I mean How the Heck do we expect to make a dent in this world! Didn't we learn anything from the 60's Hippies mistakes? We need less drugs, and more care for ourselves and eachother, By Taking drugs we hurt our Bodies, How do we expect anyone to listen to us about respecting others lives, when we don't respect our own temples? Peace, Love, Harmony, & Happiness. May Love,Truth, and Kindness, to ourselves and others. Change the World. RainSpirit 

Name: spun
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 20:37:41
Message:White Bird, thanks for the plug in your Smoke Signals message. I agree with your message 100% sister. Your message was right on! 

Location: the universe :) , the cosmos :) USA
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 16:12:57
Message:I wanted to post and say that I am kind of tired of hearing about hippies and drugs as a simultaneous automatic. Nothing personal to those who do drugs currently, only that I am a 60s hippie and I saw, over the long haul, what it can do to ya. All these posts that read, "Hey man WEED," or "Hippies and drugs - COOL." Please forgive me, but I am concerned. However, I must add, I also feel that people get high to try to elevate their consciousness. The hippie movement is supposed to be above love, peace, kindness, helping others. If we get high we can't really do that. But some may wonder, how to elevate consciousness without drugs? Well, drugs may give some tinged idea of what that is like, but it isn't the real thing. I have been meditating for years. I can increase the endorphins in my body. If you don't know what they are, it is like natural morphine, BUT it is not addictive. It isn't as powerful either, but it isn't like it's worthless! You will definitely feel something. Now I will take it a step further and say that I think the rasing of consciousness is to connect with God. Not the hell fire and damnation God some are taught about, but a really cool God. So I chant Vedic mantra's that unite me with God. Yoga means to unite and that is what I do. Anyone interested in learning about mantra meditation, feel free to email me. Parijata2@aol.com Thanks for listening and give up drugs folks. It will mess ya up! Love and peace, Pari 

Location: Missoula, Mt USA
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 15:55:30
Message:Hey Carrie, I wanted to say I agree, I like your idea, and am willing to do the same, it doesn't matter if we are nations appart people. Its the Energy,The thoughts, and the Numbers that count, If we all stand up and say together, We are one in Love, Individual in Mind. And Peaceloving, Peace wanting, In Thought. We Can, and Will Make a change in this world. Never think "You" Cannot make a difference, Everyperson counts. Love,Peace,Harmony,&Happiness. RainSpirit 

Name: River
Location: Saltash, Cornwall UK
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 14:30:27
Message:I'm a lonely hippie, 15/m. If you're a hippy in the East Cornwall or Devon region of the UK, please get in touch, I need a friend! :) Peace out, River 

Name: Dancing Rain (Carrie)
Location: Houston, tx usa
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 13:39:12
Message:Is there anyone out there?

Location: Lund, SK Sweden
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 03:39:30
Message:Hi everybody, how are you? Just wanna tell you guys that my homepage is really cool! Love, em 

Name: Sunshine
Location: Lund, Sweden
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 03:37:23

Name: milagros
Location: buenos aires, argentina
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 21:16:08
Message: so, how´s everybody here?? my name is milagros and I´m from Argentina. I´m writting because I want to meet new friends!!! everybody is welcome!!! I also wanted to know where Daisy (or Lisa, they are the same person)is!! because everytime I write the message comes back. please write! I´ll answer, promise! good luck! take care! have fun! enjoy life! love, peace, flowers! mili =O)!! 

Location: Bethany, Il usa
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 17:41:10
Message: Looking for boy I met at a Bob Dylan concert in Normal,Illinois.Remember me, Tangerine??? You had long curly blonde hair, your name was Travis. I would like to hear from you. 

Name: Lesley Edwards
Location: Shorewood, WI USA
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 13:21:11
Message:Hello to everyone! I am having a free summer for the first time in a year, and i intend to enjoy it to the fullest. But my message is for anyone who is going to woodstock, or someone who is organizing some sort of road trip. I would love to join you if you are. Also, I am interested in meeting other people and making new freinds. I want to be free inside myself, and learn things that i haven't before. I'm 19. and need my freedom. I will be in college in the fall studying the arts. And I would love to try new things before college. So hope to hear from you all soon. And see you all later! Love, peace, and eternal hugs, Lesley Anne 

Name: Kamaria Leilani
Location: San Francisco, CA USA
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 13:08:38
Message:Greetings, brothers and sisters! Just wanted to smoke on in and send my love to you all. This is a real wild page! I would sincerely appreciate some e-mail from any of you out there that like to talk about the movement or threads or lingo or anything really. If you just like to talk to someone that understands. . . All my love, Kami P.S. You may remember my good friend Kylie from last week. 

Name: Lesley Edwards
Location: Shorewood, WI USA
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 13:02:39
Message:Hello everyone! The summer of love is about to start for me. I am quitting my job this week. I have decided to stop working for corporate morons who think they know what is best for everyone. I have made some wonderful freinds working though. But anyway, I intend to babysit for the summer. I want to meet some people, I wish I could go to woodstock. But i have no way of getting there. If anyone knows of some people in the midwest who are going, I would love to join up with them. Or if anyone would like to be a e-mail pen pal. I would love that too. Hope to hear from all of you soon. Peace and Love, Lesley Anne. 

Name: Dirty Angel
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 08:23:42
Message:Hello.hippies!!Is still there are in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 05:22:31

Name: slippery morning
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 20:57:54
Message:Are there any young hippie girls (aged 18-22) who live in England out there? If there are please write me. I'd love to get to know you. 

Name: Mary-Jane
TNDate: Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 14:22:10
Message: Hello everybody

Name:Rachel W.
Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 13:39:30
Message:hello Everyone!! My name is rachel and i'm from NJ. I am 18, and graduating high school June 17. I plan on going to the first or second PNC bank art center phish show, and the national rainbow gathering in penn. If you plan to attend either of those, please email me!! otherwise.. email me anyways. A goal of mine is to make friends with people over the internet, and perhaps meet them one day at a festival or something. I wouldlove to hear from you all!!! Garcialater -----rachel W. (aka GraceSlick in hippychat) u can add me to your icq list: 39381906 

Name: Bear Barnett
Location: City of Fate, AR WA
Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 13:17:28
Message: Hey whats up my fellow walkers of the path of peace. I'm kind of new to Arkansas And looking for like minded people to chill and talk about any range of ideas. I'm also looking for some one that studys shamanism or can teach me some things. Thats all, keep it cool.

Name: Double Z
wv us
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 22:26:45

Location: MIAMI, FL USA
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 18:45:17

Name: Shanin
Location: st.Joseph, MO USofA
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 11:06:19
Message: High everyone, I wanted to drop a few words. I can't help but hurt for all of the insanity that is going on right now, why are children killing childern. People can never accept anyone for who they are, this is the virus of the world. For all of the youth, don't look away, let it hurt you watch the new for all it's horror, we are the only ones who can change anything. I'd like to talk to many of you in this family, please send a few thoughts.

Name:Willow Grove Creations
Location: Minden City, Mi US
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 10:10:40
Message: Hey Now Everyone??? Looking for some cool hippy/deadhead clothes made by us. Check out our page Http://www.patchworkclothes.com Made by deadheads for deadheads Keep Smiling Peace

Name: Jesse
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 17:28:05
Message:hi ya'll, i'm a 13/m flower child hoo's lookin' for someone to talk to. i used to come here and find all these hippie messages of people who were true hippies at heart. yet i have trouble finding people who really are true flower children. i used to talk to a few "hippies" online as good penpals, but after a whil i realized that they weren't real flower children, they just liked the style, i could tell. now you may thnk "well what the fuck, he's a 13 year old kid, what does he know about real hippies" even though i am young i have axperienced some in my short life and i used to be a fake, just buying tye-dye and saying "far out" n stuff like that. but i realized that's not a real hippie. a real hippie isn't a hippie, SHe's a flower child, free with hir life, just at peace with life and this cruel world we live in. you don't have to do drugs to be a hippie, but if you feel that's you, go ahead. a flower child isn't being a hippy, it's being yourself, cuz that's what's really important. but enough about that, i'll tell ya'll a little bout myself. i'm a muzik lover, stuff like grateful dead, rusted root, blind melon, csny, bob marley, stuff like that. i also like reading, i'm in the middle of this book "The Drifters" by, James Michenour which i would recomend to anyone (i'd also reacomend "The Dharma Bums" by jack kerouac, my personal favorite) and poetry new(gary snyder, allen ginsberg) and ancient(tu fu, li po, han shan, wang wei). i also write poetry, play drums, am a vegitarian, am jewish, though i'm interested alot in the buddhist philosophy and lao-tzu's Tao Te Ching and i have a very strong belief in God. i mean, the universe didn't just blow out of a rock. life was created by a bog bang?? i mean come on, think about it. anyway, i've bored ya'll enough, so i'll go. peace, love, freedom, and of course happiness, ~JeSsE~ "if you get confused just listen to the music play"-grateful dead 

Name: Kylie Airlea
Location: norman, ok usa
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 15:43:17
Message: hi! this is a really good sight for youngins like me, i was borne in 83, and my father was a hippie! AND STILL IS! i have always wanted to go to woodstock, but not to the ones now, the orgional one. my friend kamaria is a hippie at heart also, and has always wanted a time machine so that she , ( and i, ) can go to Woodstock. peace, love, and, bananas..... Kylie E-mail me is you have any facts to give me, my father dosnt remember much, (i wonder y) 

Name: Marie
Location: Falköping, ?????????! sweden
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 10:38:59

Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 07:52:44
Message:Hello there! I just have one thing to say... TURN OFF THE F***ING COMPUTER!!! and give up the drug sh*t, too... it's no good for you, man! Do something serious instead, CHANGE THE WORLD! Peace and Love 

Name: Missy
Location: Boise, Idaho USA
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 01:26:16
Message:Blue, I read your message. I wanted to tell ya that me and my friends are laid back, weed smoken friendly people. You should come visit. You'd have one hell of a night. We enter a home of our hippies, everyone must hug or say hello to one another. It's our thing. You seemed to be a perfect fit. Well i'll say PEACE, and farewell. Feel free to e-mail me. melfry79@hotmail.com Peace. 

Name: Lyra Silverblade
Location: Boston (luv that dirty water...), MA USA
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 13:08:07
Message:Hey, wazzup boys and girls? I was just trippin' through, looking for stuff for a history report on the '60's and I found this groovy site! Very cool stuff, I love it! I would probably classify myself as a bit of a Jesus Freak, because I'm a little Hippy-ish in mentality, but also very strongly Catholic. I mean, it's perfect- "love your neighbor as yourself, love thy friends and love thy enemies!" It's the ultimate luv! Very sweet! Well, peace out to all you cool kids who have hung on to what you believe in, and stay cool! 

Name: Chantal
Location: Winnipeg, MB CANADA
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 11:27:52
Message:hey all =) i am a fellow hippie luver and im asking u all a huge favor. im doing a report on hippies and the 60s decade for english class and id really appreciate it if any one out there would contribute any info they would deem useful to me. anything at all, whether u were a hippie and u want to share ur stories or what u define a hippie to be...anything. thanks in advance. peace, luv and butterflies- chantal 

Name:Quo Vadis
Location: tartu, estonia
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 07:12:07
Message: peace everyone. im alone right now and ia do nothing. im trying to love this little world here but you know how hard it is to love it alone. love is a big feeling and i have to share it. 

Name: H.C.
Location: Peoria, IL USA
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 22:14:56
Message:Hi, I'm just looking for some fellow hippies to talk to. I'm 12/m my and I like Hendrix, Dylan, Lennon, & Jefferson Airplane. Please I.M., or e-mail me. Peace & Love, H.C.

Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 20:09:32
Message:Hey all! I found myself a name!........Just thought I would share, See you all laterz! Peace, Love, and Happiness. RiverDreamer 

Name: Nikki Trunt
Location: Lancaster , PA USA
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 11:07:51
Message:This web site is groovy and happining in a far out war do you know where i can buy crack ?????????? 

Name: Jill
Location: Hampstead, MD USA
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 06:56:29
Message:Thanks for your support Jude. I wish all of the West Coast people luck in reaching the Rainbow Gathering. Have a good TRIP and drive safely. Love, Jill 

Name: Jimmy C.
Location: Huntington Beach CA, CA USA
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 00:32:35
Message:Uhmmm...... Phuck yah!!!, life is such a treasure, hugs and love filled sunshine to each!! There have been a few sisters and brothers looking to head out to the Rainbow Gathering in PA..... I am looking to do so as well, very down for heading out that way! Only problem is I am here in Southern CA, if there are any folks from the west looking for a brother and a friend, please let me know!! 24yr old peace loving ex-marine college drop out here, been living in Alaska most of this past year, back in Orange County CA, LA area, but sooooooooooo need to get outa here and ride the wind with other love filled sisters and brothers, I guess my problem here is that the majority of the vibes around this area in SoCal isn't really very good, must hit the road here in the next month or so!! Am so in love with life and sooooooooo love our fellow beautiful sunshine filled people, Phuck yah!! Am a vegan and sooooooo very badly need to find a "commune" or just a happy group of sisters and brothers who love and protect all life! I have given most everything I own up or away, and quite ready to start living, please, please please....... If any of you read this and want to meet up and head East, write me please!! So.... i also way dig the greens, love walking through life now and then with Leary eyes on, grow shrooms when I can, and am all for consciousness expansion!! Way dig on Trance and GOA, drum circles, jugle, the Dead- of course!! Love to rave when I can and such, but really just dig on being with other beautiful people who get life!! I know I sound trippy and wacked but I can't help it, I really love our fellow light filled brothers and sisters!! The gifts of life and each other are gifts we must make use of now, AND I AM READY!!!! Well, enough said, keep givin out sunshine, even when life rains on ya!! As for this lost brother who hates hippy children, don't give in, keep lovin, our world REALLY needs as much LOVE and sunshine as it can get! Peace be with each of ya!! Hugs and sunshine!! Jimmy C!! AKA Natures Sun!! ;) 

Name: blue
Ontario Canada
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 21:37:31
Message:Hey whats up everyone! I have posted a few messages here before. Well anyway, this is the same question that I ask each time.... IS ANYONE HEADING DOWN TO THE RAINBOW FAMILY GATHERING IN PA THIS SUMMER?....just wondering. Well anyways, if anyone would like to email me...please feel free to do so. My favorite bands are the dead, phish, jethro tull, zeppelin, janis joplin, the airplane, dmb, blind melon, cat stevens, hendrix, and a lot more! I am also into art (mostly painting and drawing), and play the guitar, bongos & conga, piano, harmonica and more. I am a vegetarian, and some day want to find a hippie commune and live with a whole bunch of free spirited, laidback, dope smokin' people.... who don't have a warped image on the world, like most people I know do! Peace out! See ya, blue. 

Name: blue
Ontario Canada
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 21:32:52
Message:Hey whats up everyone! I have posted a few messages here before. Well anyway, this is the same question that I ask each time.... IS ANYONE HEADING DOWN TO THE RAINBOW FAMILY GATHERING IN PA THIS SUMMER?....just wondering. Well anyways, if anyone would like to email me...please feel free to do so. My favorite bands are the dead, phish, jethro tull, zeppelin, janis joplin, the airplane, dmb, blind melon, cat stevens, hendrix, and a lot more! I am also into art (mostly painting and drawing), and play the guitar, bongos & conga, piano, harmonica and more. I am a vegetarian, and some day want to find a hippie commune and live with a whole bunch of free spirited, laidback, dope smokin' people.... who don't have a warped image on the world, like most people I know do! Peace out! See ya, blue. 

Name: Jude
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 19:25:53
Message: Hey all of you. I just wanted to say that ALL of us should support Jill who gave us the info on that ignorant idiot down there. We are all sitting here trying to convince the others that we really are hippies, well here is our chance to prove it. Please speak your mind about this, RESISTANCE. We live in a world full of hatred and pain, we need people who smile and are free. We need hippies for fucks sake! If you don't feel comfortable using your e-mail address, just make up a bullshit one. This really is worth fighting for. I'm really worried about the saftey of our friends and also, we must make a stand so that the path is open for other free-thinkers in the future. Much love to you, Jude 

Name: tamii
Location: mother, earthDate: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 17:34:48
Message: DAVID D´AMOUR: ALL MY LOVE TO YOU DEAR ONE! i certainly hope you find this message. life is wonderful here in Vienna and each day brings some new pleasure but it would be so much better if i could see your lovely smile. you´re like a prism that takes the ray of sunlight and turns it into a rainbow. i miss you angel, and though you´re here in my heart, my eyes long to have you as well. i hope you´re having a wonderful time on the road with Trav and both of you are savoring each day! give my love to Trav and Tammie & Jack and little Tammie junior. E-mail me when you find the opportunity. i love You! 

Name: Jill
Location: Hampstead, MDDate: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 14:24:53
Message:The addresses didn't get to you in the correct format. Here they are again. WebMaster for Anti Hippy Action League: Benjamin Granby 430 West Main Street #402 ; Madison, WI. 53703; (608) 257-5771; or 407 West Doty Street #1; Madison, WI 53703. E-mail- bdgranby@students.wisc.edu Dean Of Students, Mary K. Rouse 75 Bascom Hall;500 Lincoln Dr.; Madison WI,53706 Office (608)263-5700; Fax (608)265-5646 E-mail- mrouse@mail.basecom.wisc or 407 West 

Name: Jill
Location: Hampstead, MDDate: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 14:16:01
Message:This is in response to a message left on May 12, from Arlington, TX. I have checked out the, "Anti Hippie Action League," web site. This site outlines various violent tactics which are meant to seriously hurt and kill hippies. It is very violent and disturbing. It is clear that these folks aren't joking around. This site also implies that Hippies are stupid. Well, I did some checking up on this site. At the bottom of the page there is an e-mail link to the owner of the page. The owner's name is, Benjamin Granby. He goes to Madison University and is Majoring in Political Science. Through the University's Intranet, I found two addresses and a phone number. He is using an e-mail address that is obviously part of the University's e-mail network. The violence that is referred to on this site is ultimately giving the school a bad name. Help me get this page taken off the net. You can write, call, or fax the Dean of UOM. You can also call, write, or e-mail the ignorant prick who ownes the page. Benjamin Granby Dean, Mary K. Rouse 430 West Main St. #402 75 Bascom Hall Madison, WI. 53703 500 Lincoln Dr. (608)257-5771 Madison, WI. 53706 or 407 West Doty St. #1 (608) 263-5700 Office Madison, WI. 53703 (608) 265-5646 Fax E-mail- E-mail mrouse@mail.bascom.wisc bdgranby@students.wisc.edu It is really important to me to raise my little boy with values of peace and love. It scares me to think of my son comming to a gathering with me and getting hurt by one of these pro-violence people. Let us dance, sing, and enjoy Mother Earth in PEACE. Take Care.

Name: Namless Naomi
Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 01:29:15
Message:Hey! Moonchild, If you need someone to cheer you up here I am. Just always no matter what bad times you go through that there is always good with bad. So if it's bad now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. And if instead it seems more like a never ending wilderness of snakes and scorpions. Remember also, that there are others in that wilderness, find them, and keep eachother afloat. It always helps me to help others when I am depressed. Peace Out. Eli. Ali. Jesus. Mohammed, Goddess and God be with you, They are all one, and we are one with them, put out the energy to make your life better, and help others no matter what, unless it costs you bodily and/or spiritual harm. It will always, always come back to you threefold! Merry Meet, Merry part, and as always in my life Merry Meet again... And to the rest of you. Judge not Lest ye be Judged. 

Name: Phish
Location: Florence , Ky usa
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 01:10:32
Message: Where is everyone i feel like im the lone hippie in kentucky. I anyone knows any local hangouts let me know. I need to be around people who think the same way as me. 

Name: Jimmy C.
Location: Huntington Beach, CA Orange
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 22:33:24
Message:Peace and happy sunny hugs to all! Not so sure about this internet Hippy thing, but I am really searching hard for a love and peace filled hippy kinda commune in which to live!! I am true and way for real, don't own a new BMW with dead stickers and such :-), way love dig on fellow brothers and sisters, need to be with like minds, and folks who get life and all its beauty!! Hope to find some kind of Earthy tribe, green hippy commune, happy sunny people who love this Earth and act as such!! I am 24, was a lost US.Marine, yet, thank the "everything" my heart was opened, now am a lover of human kind and all that lives, life is such a gift! Have been living in Skagway AK for the past 9 months, and am living in Huntington Beach CA as of the momment! Not a good scene here in Orange County CA, lots of Anger and pain!! Please, if there are any true happy hippies that wouldn't mind a new brother, please let me know, am a HARD worker, and sooooooo dig on lovin life, especially with other beautiful people!! Well, sunhine and peace filled hugs to all who read this!!! Your brother Jimmy C! E-mail: "RockyMtBoy@aol.com" 

Name: Darny
Location: Imperial, Sask Canada
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 15:11:15
Message:I am an 18/m hippy and I live in Saskatchewan. I graduate from high school this month and I want to join a real hippy commune or even start my own commune in Saskatchewan. There are lots of big farms here in Saskatchewan where I could start one. I want to meet alot of hippies though first. I know only a couple hippies right now, but there are not enough of us to start anything big. If any hippies want to help me out I would be greatful. I want to meet any hippies so feel free to e-mail me. Thank you. my e-mail is millman@sk.sympatico.ca 

Name: white bird
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 13:11:48
Message:This is a message for all you young hippie (aged 15-25) people out there so all you old guys no need to read this. Alright I'm a 22 year old sister and I noticed something on this board there are two types of young hippies. There are the ones who are influenced by 80's & 90's current trends like Dave Matthews, reagga music, Tom Petty, deadhead, tye-dye, etc. And then there are the ones who are stircly influnced by the real hippie movement of the late 60's and early 70's (dudes and sisters like New Buffalo, Spun, Childs Eyes, and Golden Sista). I too agree with the young ones like these who are directly influenced only by the ways of the real hippie movement of the late 60's and early 70's, this is the true way not some confused 80's & 90's way of dreadlocks, tye-dyes, no thinking, stoner, twril dancing, DMB, pop music way of living. Some of you are almost mall rats just in a different costume. I'd like to leave you with some words by real others: "Our pogramme is cultural revolution thorugh a total assult on culture, which makes use of every tool, every energy and every media we can get our collective hands on... our culture, our art, our music, our boods, our posters, our clothing, the way our hair grows long, the way we smoke dope and fuck and eat and sleep-it's all one messeage-the messeage is freedom-John Sinclair (1969) "Hippie was about being underground not pop" -new buffalo

Name:john s.
Email:bittwise@gyral.com?subject=hippie smoke signal
Location: manchester, ct usa
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 05:42:58
Message:do not fold, spindle or mutilate. am i out of time? i've decided to get a hair cut, but haven't determined which one will get cut... i need an extra long thread to sew up my insanity. i'm out of my mind right now, but at the tone leave your name (unless you're using it) and some numbers. my clock has stopped at 4:20. please don't feed the animals. the whole universe revolves around me and boy am i getting dizzy. i have to go lock the window to my mind in case there are intruders. too late. 

Location: cleveland, ohio usa
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 23:43:55
Message:this moonchild loves everything..and i would love to talk to a anyone about anything..i wish i could find someone who could make me laugh, to make my tears dance instead of crawl, too bad the real world is so far away.... 

Name: El Fumon
Location: fumolandia, cannabis
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 16:51:37
Message: estoy trabao 

Name: Help, I can't think of one.
Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 22:23:34
Message:Hey all, I need help with a name that fits me. I would like for it to have something to do wiht Water, as I am a pisces, if someone could please give me their input, I would be most appreciative. Peace Out 

Name: Naomi
Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 19:23:32
Message:Peace all! I just wanted to say that You all seem groovy, except that chick against toking:P. Anyway, I am from te backwoods faraway place of Montan, I was raised by the best Hippy mom in the World, and am still one. hehe. But Hey I just wanted to say, Visit Missoula Montana All you groovy hippies, cause as they say, Old Hippies Don't Die Man........ They Go to Missoula! Peace and love to you all. Naomi 

Name: Libby
Location: Wyomissing, PA 19610
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 18:57:40
Message:Hi all you happy people! About two years ago I became overly interested in all of the "sixties" stuff. Nothing fascinates me more than discovering information about hippies and everything that's related to them. If there are any original hippies out there, please email me. I'd love to hear your stories. Peace Out 

Location: Arlington, TX USA
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 19:07:15
Message: Hey everybody, Are you still kepping the hippie in you alive? I am still looking for Hippies 12 or 13 in arlington, If you are E-mail me!!!! Well I met a couple of Hippie frinds over the internet in states way far from here there real cool, ( H.C., Sunbeam). Did You know that there is a site called the Anti-Hippie Action league? Well there is!! If you want to look at its pitifulness go to Infoseek and type in hippie and scroll down and you'll find Anti hippie action league in plain black. Peace & Love Voodoo Child 

Name: Michelle D'Amico
Location: Portland, Or USA
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 16:07:16
Message:30 year old fun girl really into reggae. Problem is, none of my friends love it as much as me. Looking for some gal pals to hang out with and dance with!! (Already have a boyfriend) Or just write me. I love camping in my VW bus and travelling, especially to Jamaica. 

Name: Rick
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 15:33:44
Message: Can any kind hippys tell me how me how to make inscence?I would greatly appreciate it.PEACE!!! 

Name:El Patolucas
Location: Cartagena Colombia, South Am. 
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 13:30:19
Message:Soy un fumador empedernido de marihuana y quisisera tener amigos en la red que gozaran de la traba surfean do, tengo 31 años, casado y colombiano de nascimiento, intercambiemos experiencias.... 

Name:Martin V. Hippie
Location: Elizabeth, IL USA
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 13:15:55
Message: Instead of tearing down the system, let's take it over. I am currently seeking nomination as an independant candidate for U.S. Congressional Representative 16th District (Northern Illinois). I think most Americans are getting sick and tired of our current "leadership", and are ready for some alternative choices. It is up to us, citizen candidates, to offer the public a new paradigm. A new political movement is beginning. A Hippie in Congress? It's about time. Check out my website (www.hippie4congress.org) and let me know what you think. 

Name:The Ancient One
Location: st.catharines, on canada
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 13:06:51
Message:ONCE WHILE OUT A WALKING / IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD / I SPIED A LITTLE GIRL / MADE OF BALSA WOOD / THE WIND HAD SWEPT HER AWAY / AN UNSUSPECTING LOAD / THEN LEFT HER LYING FACE DOWN / IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD / THERE WERE HOLES IN HER CHEEKS / WHERE THE TEARS HAD BROKEN THROUGH / AND HER HANDS REACHED OUT FOR MERCY / AS IF SHE ALWAYS KNEW / THAT THIS IS A WORLD / WHERE IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU'RE GOOD / CAUSE YOU'LL ALWAYS GO TO HELL / WHEN YOU'RE MADE OF BALSA WOOD ////////// the above poem is about prejudice and is dedicated to all those brave enough to follow their path in the face of opposition.greetings from the ancient one.my name is micheal.i am a psychic/metaphysical practitioner in canada.with every step we create a path all our own.PEACE. 

Name: marie juana
Location: columbia, sc usa
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 11:40:45
Message: Groovy!!Dude i love being a hippie!!!

Name: marie juana
Location: columbia, sc usa
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 11:40:24
Message: Groovy!!Dude i love being a hippie!!!

Name: Mikal
Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA USA
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 00:52:20
Message:Greetings, brothers and sisters! My name is Mikal, and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, the home of the Haight-Ashbury, the University of California at Berkeley and other hippie strongholds. Unfortunately, since I work a day job :-( it's often hard to get out and meet kind people. Would love to hear from Hippyland visitors...if you're local, let's get together; if not, let's chat! My interests: Bay Rock (Dead, Airplane, Moby Grape et al), Hemp activism, neo-Paganism & Wicca, consciousness expansion, spirituality, intentional communities, Naturism/nude recreation, festivals. Love meeting new people and sharing thoughts and feelings. I'm currently single, so sisters are especially welcome to write, although all mail will be appreciated. Blessings to all of you! 

Name:Aron Kay
Location: NYC, NY Woodstock Nation
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 23:24:06
Message: i used to be one of the main focalizers of the griffith park love-ins which were sponsored by green power. perhaps it'd be kewl to hear from some of you i may have have touched base with during the 60s or the yippie era when i became the yippie pie thrower focalizing smoke-ins or attending rainbow gatherings 

Name: groovy7070
Location: new orleans, la usa
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 18:40:52
Message:When the power of love, overcomes the love of power; the world will know peace!!! I am looking for someone with similar intrest to talk to. 

Name: Turtle
Location: Indiana, PA 15705
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 15:42:04
Message:Hey, everybody:I'm trying to get in touch with a girl I met in HippyChat a few days ago, sign on was "denise." If you get this, denise, please, if you're cool with it, send me your snail mail to my e-mail address: I'll be losing my ability to send e-mail over the summer, but I can pick it up over the phone, and I want to keep contact, you know? That's all: serenity, everybody. 

Name: chris
Location: houston, tx usa
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 10:41:11
Message:smoke till you died. you only live once and most live hateing there self. people live they go to school they work they save their money and died,what kind of fucked up shit is that.i would never what to deid because i have every thing i want. like they say waste not want not, and you friend do stab you in the back they stab you in the chest. 

Name: chris
Location: houston, tx usa
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 10:35:02

Name:Barry S
Location: Athens, GA USA
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 23:12:00
Message:Help! I'm in need of advice as to how to live with square parents. In fact, my whole family are squares! ahhh! Well, if anyone wishes to chat with me about music, I'd love to!! I just picked up Jimi Hendrix's BBC Sessions CD, and it's great, man! Jimi does some great covers of old blues songs and some of his own favorites with the Experience. Highly recommended!! Also, I wanted to mention that a new 2-CD set of Jimi Hendrix's legendary Woodstock performance is coming June 29!! Even if you have the Woodstock album which was released by MCA in 1994, you'll still want to pick up this new release. It features all of Hendrix's recorded performance from August 1969, including several never before released cuts! This disc should be just as good as BBC Sessions and the newer Live at the Fillmore East CDs. June 29, Hendrix fans!

Name: Zoe
il America
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 13:07:03
Message: Merry meet Im an 18 yr old pagan. I'm intrested in finding someone (male or female)to spend a year or so with, traviling and living off the land. I'm an artist and I plan to someday settle down and do some organic farming. I'm looking for a soul mate and I want to have lots of children. I'm verry fond of northern CA but would like to see the rest of the late great U.SofA and Canada and Mexico If youre planing something or would like to take off drop me a line. If you're already free and have room for one more let me know. Im redy and willing. Zoe Oceana some organic farming. I'm semi-veg and a great cook.love Phish and 

Name:R Wessel
Location: Ringwood, NJ USA
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 08:39:15
Message:High everyone, tis me again... if those of you reading my message know me... please write a response letter through the hippy profile thing. My computer has a virus and I can't go online at home (I'm writing this message from school) I miss you all, so please give me a shout out!!! PEACE and garcialater ----Rachel Wessel aka GraceSlick in hippy chat 

Name: jonx pillemer
Location: capetown, south africa
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 02:37:39
Message: just a short note to the world... I like sending my point of presence out there exploring the cyber reality, which often can seem more real than the world that exists around us. funny that.. how a machine... and not evebn the machine, the things that we see within the machine are more comfrting, frightening, hopeful, and scary than anything that seems to happen in the supposedly real world around us. Well it weas just something I wanted to say. If anyone out there says hi. thank you for your kind eyes

Name: Turtle
Location: Indiana, PA US of A
Date: Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 07:11:00
Message: Hey, everybody. I'm just looking for people who might want to talk about Eastern philosophy...I'm a Taoist, or at least I'm doing the best I can following the Tao as a 22-year old male in today's America, but it's a lonely deal way too often. Anybody who wants to talk about Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, et al, just drop me a line or send up some smoke. Also: any women, 18-25, interested in an e-mail kind-of relationship deal could e-mail me, too. Yeah, i know: shameless and tacky, but I'm at a University full of Young Reoublicans, and I gotta find Real Women somehow! :) Serenity, big family. 

Name: Nike
Location: Peoria, Il USA
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 13:15:21
Message: Whatever happened to people who just believed in themselves? Why does everyone want to be a hippy. Being a hippy is a way of life, not a cliche. 

Name: Coral Journey
Location: Hightown, NY Smoketon
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 11:37:40
Message: Hi my name is Coral Journey and I love to smoke weed. If you want to join me in my fun adventures please send me a sign baby. In my spare time I love to read poetry in a coffee shop and I also love to hang out with Daisie Love and Feelfree Buzz. (my friends) 

Name: Coral Journey
Location: Hightown, NY Smoketon
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 11:36:42
Message: Hi my name is Coral Journey and I love to smoke weed. If you want to join me in my fun adventures please send me a sign baby. In my spare time I love to read poetry in a coffee shop and I also love to hang out with Daisie Love and Feelfree Buzz. (my friends) 

Location: Tampa, FLDate: Friday, May 7, 1999 at 09:26:31
Message: Any more old hippies out there from the nam era? age here is 55 with long (grey) hair work in Tampa area "Philosopher for Hire will think for a BEER"

Name: bethany
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 19:09:38
Message: what is this???all i see is drugs,drugs,and how about some drugs?"...i believe being a hippie is doing drugs ("mind expanding")..."give me a break!okay,pot is good,but that's not all there is to it.and if we continue to think this way,we won't be able to do ANYTHING for this world. 

Name: dick (ryan)
Location: okc, okla usa
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 18:28:52
Message: i want to do some travel to around the states if you wanna give me a place to crash email me..im 26 im a musician and an artist im 5'9 160 bl hr br eyes go tee mustache im cool and laid back if ya want to meet new people give me a buzz ill route you in!!!!!!peace dick

Name: dick (ryan)
Location: okc, okla usa
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 18:27:29
Message: i want to do some travel to around the states if you wanna give me a place to crash email me..im 26 im a musician and an artist im 5'9 160 bl hr br eyes go tee mustache im cool and laid back if ya want to meet new people give me a buzz ill route you in!!!!!!peace dick

Name: dick
Location: okc, okla usa
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 18:19:55
Message: im looking for some people out there who would be interested in letting me crash on the couch...i want to relocate this summer im 26 male ,,attractive and a cool guy let me know at dick108@hotmail.com 

Name: Erin W-L
Location: Tosa, WI USA
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 13:38:26
Message:I am doing a report on Woodstock for school and would like the views of a legit hippie. If you were at Woodstock it would be a plus, but it isn't a necesity. As long as you're cool with peace, love and understanding, I'd love to hear from you!! Thanks a bunch! 

oh usa
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 23:16:22
Message: SWM, 28, laid back and fun. Looking for someone to explore the country with. I love to read, write, sing and talk. Wanna come? No agenda or plan, just go where the sun shines and the wind blows. Hop in!

Name: hippiechic
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 22:06:45
Message:hey all u groovy psychadelic peoples!! Go On ANd HaVe A GRoOvy FuNky PsyChAdeLic DaY mAn!!!!!! 

Name: Shawn
Location: Elyria, oh usa
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 18:13:02
Message:I'm looking for any and all fests in Ohio and surrounding areas please e-mail me immediately!! Please keep me updated! 

I am a documentary producer in London, England, and in October of this year 
some friends and I will be taking a Red London Double Decker Bus from Canada 
to Tierra del Fuego, the southern-most point of South America, and making an 
8 x 30 minute documentary series about the journey for English TV.  The 
journey will take eight months.

Nearly three of those months will be spent in the USA, where our route will 
take us through New York, Washington, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, 
Dallas, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and then down into 

A major part of the journey and documentary is meeting people, and hearing 
about the way they live and their philosophies on life.  Everyone has a 
unique story to tell,  and we would love to hear from you if you would like 
to be part of the documentary, and live somewhere near our route. 

Alternatively, if you are reading this in Central or South America, please 
drop us a line, as we will be down that way in the new millennium.

Also, you may know of some festivals that are taking place which would be fun 
to attend.  Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

My e-mail address is: redproduk@aol.com

Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,


Name: Amber
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 08:28:22
Message:hey,how r u?well i'm from israel so i got a problem:the clothes here r soooo borring.i'ed like to buy some clothes from the past(hippy) or anything that's special(that means not every1 is wearing it) and looks good.so if u have some where to buy them around where u live e-mail me tell me and i'll send u cash for the clothes+ some cash for sending it and u send me the clothes.so if u feel u can help e-mail me.thanx. A*mber. 

Name: Sweet Les
Location: Shorewood, WI USA
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 07:52:19
Message:Hello to all the flower people out there! I was wondering if there are any people who would be interested in helping me with a hippie/modern story. Recently I had come across some old love letters of my mothers when she was 16. She had fallen in love with a guy in the East Village, and thru January to August of '67, wrote letters of their love for each other. I suppose what i am looking for is someone in Wisconsin or Illinois, who loves writing, and might be interested in helping me put this together. I have so many ideas, but i know I can't do it alone. So i would love to hear from anyone, exchange ideas, and bring back the love the flower children gave. Hope to hear from you all soon. Peace, Love, and Fountain pens, Lesley 

Name: rosebud
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 04:47:59
Message: Hippies rool! Get with the peace, love and all that hippy crap and the world woudn't suck half as much as it did!!!!! 

Name: Nelson Blardney
Location: Indianapolis, IN USA
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 18:55:25
Message:I have eleven (11) *unused* Gratefull Dead tickets for 7 different show throughout the midwest us 93-94. Im not sure what there worth. I'm asking $200 But if you want to make a offer. rdist@linuxstart.com 

Name:Ashley Couillard
Location: oconto, WI America
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 14:42:16
Message: PEACE

Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 14:34:40
Message: Looking for a friend:)

Name: Sarah
Location: Memphis, TN USA
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 07:21:51
Message:I am looking for information about the events that occured at Altamont in 1969. If anyone has any links or web addresses, please e-mail them to me. It would be a big help. 

Name: Rainbow Sunshine
OHDate: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 07:08:08
Message: Hey now...Just wanted to say hello to all of you beautiful free spirits.My name is Rainbow Sunshine...I'm looking for any Kind brothers or sisters who live in the Ohio area.I'm 16 and still in high school and I don't have a lot of friends because people at school say I am strange(just because I wear tye-dye and patchwork clothing and sometimes I pass out flowers to my classmates as a peace offering)...so I'm basically a loner I guess you could say.But I would really like to meet some new people that have similar interests.I enjoy:all things mother nature has blessed us with,watching a sunset on a beautiful summer night,writing poetry,playing my acoustic guitar,reading(Ken Kesey is a great author).My favorite poets are:Allen Ginsburg,Jim Morrison,and many more.I might be doing some traveling this summer..maybe I'll see ya on the road.Peace and much love... 

Name: The Spliff Man
Date: Monday, May 3, 1999 at 12:12:42
Message: Holy holy holy, im smoking guakamloy i'm stuck for weed to fill my needs holy holy holy

Name:Rachel W.
Location: ringwood, NJ USA
Date: Monday, May 3, 1999 at 09:07:02
Message: This is an pretty important message!! For those of you that know me... You may have noticed that I haven't been online lately. My computer has a virus!! =( No worries though!! I will reprogram my computer the minute I get a renewel disk. Garcialater!!!

Name: sequahna
Location: Medicine Hat, ab Canada
Date: Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 16:13:44
Message:I've got a silly little question on the transportation of mushrooms. This summer, I'm flying to the States, and I'd like to take some Canadian shroomage with me. Not much, just enough for one or two good trips. Would this be possible to do? I realize that there are extensive drug tracking devices already in place, but it seems to me that mushrooms would be difficult to detect. I was thinking they would go quite nicely in with a sandwich or some spaghetti... Am I completely off my rocker to think that this can be done? Or am I off my rocker to think that it CAN'T be done? There has to be a way... and I can think of no better folks to ask than the ones at this website. =) Anyone that can help me PLEASE email me asap..

Name: Bri
Location: Greenville, NCDate: Saturday, May 1, 1999 at 11:27:20
Message:Hey all... I just transferred to ECU this semester, and i've met so many kind people :) i'm looking to meet some spiritual brothers to maybe chat, discuss some of the deeper things in life... i'm currently in a religous transition, and i'm still doing some soul seraching for answers... e-mail me is you have any advice... thanks, and be kind :) bri