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Name:Kris aka D@Z3D
Location: Duncan, Ok USA
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 11:59:06
Message: Hey all! Long time no see! Well as most of you know I havent been in HC for a long time. Well my computer is screwed up bad! So I wont be in for awhile so if yall miss me (yeah right) just e-mail me :) I miss talking to all of ya'll! I am still the crazy ole' me, I am having withdraws not being able to talk to ya... If your feeling real daring and just want to talk to a lil' old cowgirl (for Kri and Angel, lol) you could just call me (580) 252-6464... I am at my sisters house right now so thats how I am gettin' this up on here. Well I guess thats it for now, oh yeah if one of ya'll sees this will you tell all my friends in HC to come and look at this? :) Ok well thats it, I might leave some more messages on here if I get time to get on here so check back everyonce and awhile if ya would :) I miss and love ya all! ~LoVe D@Z3D~ 

Location: Duncan, Ok USA
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 11:58:32
Message: Hey all! Long time no see! Well as most of you know I havent been in HC for a long time. Well my computer is screwed up bad! So I wont be in for awhile so if yall miss me (yeah right) just e-mail me :) I miss talking to all of ya'll! I am still the crazy ole' me, I am having withdraws not being able to talk to ya... If your feeling real daring and just want to talk to a lil' old cowgirl (for Kri and Angel, lol) you could just call me (580) 252-6464... I am at my sisters house right now so thats how I am gettin' this up on here. Well I guess thats it for now, oh yeah if one of ya'll sees this will you tell all my friends in HC to come and look at this? :) Ok well thats it, I might leave some more messages on here if I get time to get on here so check back everyonce and awhile if ya would :) I miss and love ya all! ~LoVe D@Z3D~ 

Name: Steph Wacker
Location: Collins, Ohio U.S.A
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 15:54:55
Message: I have always had a facination with hippies! In fact I am a hippy I have a VW van A VW bug were Tidied shirts Incents candles lave lamps tie dyed byean bags. Hemp neackleses. I even have a tie dyed house.

Location: a small, suffocating town in..., VADate: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 11:36:10
Message:if anyone would like to write me we could maybe share poetry, pics (i love photography!), whatever...it'd just be nice to meet some more like-minded people! Everyone and evrything can be beautiful if you look at it with the right eyes...PEACE! 

Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 03:53:50

Location: MANY, ALOT U.S.A.
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 02:45:32
Message:Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: lauren 
Location: adelaide, SA Australia
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 23:13:58
Message:I was going through the net looking at woodstock and i decided to look up hippies as ive alwayz had a fascination with Hippies!!!!!This page is wild!!!!!Great work...Peace, Loven Empathy Lauren!!!!

Name: christy
Location: Tioga, La amerrikka
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 12:55:49
Message:29-july-99 hi all! i m 18, an AQUARIUS (hippy chik by birthright, huh?), and i don't fit in!!! not that it get's to me anymore. if you can't be yourself, who can you be? (that's mine, but feel free to share it!). I m 5'11", related to JIM (as in, MORRISON), veggie (or trying to be). Jesus didn't wear a mink!!! I left the church. they kept trying to infringe on my own unique beliefs. and, they prob'ly thought i m gay (i just like my hair short!! it's not even that short!) i like freedom. i don't know what i wanna do for life, other than travel the world. i could attempt to help peeps get over culture shock! thank god for exchange students (one of my good friends was an e.s. from holland). he's great (ok singer, too, if you like dutch guys that sing who's that girl?). i would like to start a commune, i think that's great. i just have no greens, and, yeah, all my friends and fams would think i m nutz for it, and prob'ly try to get me not to do it. but, i can dream, right? so... e-mail me!! i'll love you forever if ya do. (oh, yeah, you gotta like redheads and black cats named gobi) i'll explain lata. ik hou van jou!! (its dutch) ;) 

Name: freebird
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 10:00:51
Message:Hello my brothers and sisters- i have only a simple request, so i will keep this message breif. i am looking for an old (by that i mean more mature, so please do not be offended) Lynyrd Skynyrd fan who can tell me what it was like to see the band in their early days. i just want to hear your story and maybe share mine. If you have the time, i would truly appreciate it. Thank you all for your time. -freebird 

Name: Nina
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 00:23:08
Message:Damn...my peace sign didn't work out...oh well, peace, love, and all that good stuff.

Name: Nina
Location: Milwaukee, WI USA
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 00:22:22
Message:Any 16-20 yr. old NON-drug using hippies from around the southeast Wi area? I've met a few, but they've all been bunk or drug or heroin addicts. Anyways, email me. 1 1 1 /1\ / 1 \ / 1 \ 

Name: John
Location: Monroe, NC USA
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 15:15:54
Message:Hi dudes and dudettes! Greetings from the beautiful green piedmont area of North Carolina. Unfortunately not many hippies in this area, but "we get by with a little help from our friends" (oh yeah!) Just wondering if there's a chick out there, say 18-37, who is interested in discussing the feasibility of "expanded family" living. After living on the road a while (many years ago), I learned emotionally what we all know intellectually, that materialism and consumerism don't buy happiness. When you are sharing day old donuts and cakes given away by a bakery on Peachtree Street (Atlanta) with other hungry freaks, you know what happiness is all about. I've lived pay-as-you-go since, no debts, acquired a lot of practical skills, and saved very well without a high income. Now I'm looking for land in this area (no mortgage) and hoping for another companion to share it. I don't care what your orientation is. I already have a woman. But if you would like to be part of a loving, spiritual family and build something beautiful together, write me for more details. Oh and a little about yourself would be much appreciated. Love and peace! 

Name: Willow
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 11:30:56
Message:I am absloutely disgusted at the bullshit that happened at Woodstock/99. First of all, they shouldn't even be using the name. Woodstock/69, wasn't about commercialzation or capitalist gains. Secondly, why would anybody want to set fire to things, or destroy property ? What do you think you'd get out of that ? What would it prove ? I think it was just awful that todays kids would ruin such a glorious, historic event. Yes, I'm feeling preachy today. 

Name: Jill
Location: Baltimore, MDDate: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 12:33:44
Message:I am very happy that I didn't waste my money to go to Woodstock '99. What a joke!!!! Instead I went to see Wide Spread Panic, and they kicked ass!!! No riots, violence, or fires there. Just PEACE, LOVE, AND MUSIC. Plus a 45 minute drum jam that blew my mind. Gotta love those veggie burritoes. Rainbow hugs and sunshine kisses. Jill 

Location: ALOT, MANY U.S.A.
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 10:40:19
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: Moon Lilly
Location: Valrico, FL USA
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 10:37:15
Message:I'm 12/f years old, great huh? I have reciently started being intereted in the 60's. Well, I have for about a year. I'm just getting away from the crowd that sucked me in and changed me into someone I didn't want to be. I have followed my sister's steps and tried to be her. I admired her, but I relized I was being her because I was afraid to be me. She was really hard on me because of that. Then last year and I wasn't happy, I wasn't having peace with myself, accepting who I was. This summer, I have changed a lot spirtually. I just wanted to be me. The part I couldn't find. I love to write peotry/literature and run through the meadows barefoot, be one w/ nature... I know this sounds corny, but it isn't if ya think hard about it. I want to become a vegitarian, but I can't, not now, I'm not ready. I am a leader not a follower.... I feel as if I am in a prison. I believe earth is Hell in a way. I'm a faithful Christan but, look around, hatred, crudeness, war, pollution, killing these awful things are around us and speak to us each day in a hidden messgae and we ignore them like we don't see them. Our nature resoures are depleating fast! Our forests, animals, water, clean air, Oze-Zone Layer, polluted-free earth, just so many things we don't care about it, because we are to busy thinking about ourselves and too busy to throw away a can. Now I know we are not perfect and our world isn't, and never will be. And I'm not suggesting we live in grass huts, but I do think we could be a lot more conservative to each other and our fragile world. I make my own footprints in the sand. I am against war and hate. I accept everyone for who they are, even if they dis-like me. I love each and everyone one of my brothers and sisters, everyone. Man, I dreamed of being in the 60's, protesting, burning my bra, going naked, woodstock, the vibes man..... This stuff is strong and real. My freedom. Each person has to fight to emotionally earn it. It's not just drugs, sex, and bellbottoms... its a way of life and a state of mind!I personally don't do the drugs and I hope I don't get into that stuff, I'm 12! So now that you read this. I don't know if I'm a hippy or not. I feel as if I am deep inside, even if I don't have on the bellbottoms and tye-dye shirts right now. Half of my wordrobe is hippy stuff and the rest are my old clothes/ my old life. I'm my most happiest, free, peaceful, and this is me. It was hard to get here (this feeling) with all my changes and growing up. I still am growing up, I have many changes ahead of me, but this is one change that will stay inside of me forever, the true hippy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would love to hear from all ya, so if you have some free-time drop me and email, till then, PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY, AND FRREEDOM!!!! ~ MOON LILLY 

Name: shannon
Location: harrisburg, pa USA
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 08:48:43
Message: I am so disappointed that the Woodstock festival ended the way it did. Imagine...the 30th anniversary of Peace and Music ending in riots and violence. It just goes to show that these festivals are not at all like what Woodstock was like. Calling it Woodstock is just a way for concert promoters to bring in more cash...by cashing in on the name of the original legendary concert. Peace to all.

Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 18:53:29

Name: Michel
Location: Wolfville, NS Canada
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 10:16:02
Message:Just wanted to say hello/bonjour/hola to everyone here, especially all you young hippies - you're great! Hey, I just had my first meal made completely from stuff grown in our organic garden. Man, those potatoes were sweet, the lettuce was crisp and those jalapeno peppers were HOT! 

Name: wild-spirit
Location: melb , vic australia
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 04:12:29
Message:PEACE TO ALL !!!1 hi ya mates im a 16 year old hippy i love anything spiritual or trippy and im honest an open ill chat about anything i would like to here from some older hippys too im a gemini and love to learn and comunicate drop me a line and u wont be disapointed BONG ON . PEACE MAN XXXXXXOOOO love wild spirit 

Name: Katy
Location: Edgewater, FL US
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 13:06:20
Message: Does anyone know of any web sites that sell bell bottoms, the kind where the bells are almost as big as the waist. i've seen a couple but the prices were un - reasonable so if anyone knows of a sit that sells bellbottoms for a reasonable price please e-mail me. Thanks :) 

Name: Laura L. Sydell
Location: San Francisco, CaDate: Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 22:10:42
Message:Hello all, I am a reporter with National Public radio newly based here in San Francisco. After much cajoling of my editor I have convinced them to do a story on "How to be a Hippie in the 90's." It might sound trite, but I promise it won't be. I'm interested in getting beyond the definition of hippie that Madison Avenue has created for mainstream America and getting down the the values that created the movement in the first place. I am hoping that some of you might be able to help me locate some people in this area of northern California who consider themselves hippies and have been able to reconcile the materialistic 90's with the counter cultural values of the 60's. If you think you can help, please email me at radiodaze@aol.com I am under a tight deadline for this. The piece must be done by August 11th. So please get in touch as soon as you can. In advance, thank you for your thoughts. Laura L. Sydell 

Date: Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 17:37:40

Location: LOOKING FOR LONEHIPPY,Date: Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 05:54:06
Message:I am looking for a guy whose screen name is LoneHippy or LongHippie. I met him in hippieland chat and he was suppose to email me. I think I accidentally deleted his email, so if anyone knows how I can contact him, or if you are reading this Lone, please email me. Thanks. <3 Pari 

Location: ALOT , MANY U.S.A.
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 19:00:17
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: summer
nc us of a
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 18:38:47
Message:hey all you hippies, hope youre all having a wonderful day, if anyone out there wants to email me, ive got an open mind and would like to talk, also, if anyone in NC is hittin the tom petty concert, email me so maybe we could meet up or some thing. peace 

Location: Charleston, WV America
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 13:48:55
Message:Just passing through and thought I would leave a footprint. Peaceful and Pleasant Happenings, Feralmoon 

Name: smitty
Location: oshawa, on canada
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 11:57:41
Message:made my first bong last night. used a 3 foot whale bone. i'm very happy with it. smooooth... 

Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 06:32:31
Message:I am an old hippie of the 60s and a mom working out of home to stay near my family, Things are tight. If you are into herbs, incense, gemstone necklaces, far out music of Inida or far out books for yourself or your kids, please take a look at my link. Thanks. <3 Pari 

Name: Nina
Location: Mil., WI U.S.
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 23:12:05
Message:LOVE, NOT WAR. PEACE, NOT HATE. FREEDOM OF SELF, NOT BOUND BY SUBSTANCE. don't let it take YOUR freedom away. 

Name: wild-child
Location: melbourne, victoria Australia
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 03:16:30
Message:Hi ya im a 16 year old chick who is into starsighns , bob marley any thing trippy a bit of the old herb and just a good time . I love nature and people i love to party and me motto is ya live for a good time not a long time well if ya male or female dont care emaile me if ya like what ya read OHHH and if looks matter im 5'5 long blonde wayvy hair blue green eyes 49 kg . tripp on bye love me 

Name: Dharma
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 16:05:30
Message:if i could do one thing different with my life, it would be to have been born in the late 40's and live as a flower child in the 60's (if i had the oppourtunity to travel back in time now, i wouldn't. i could not take a 90's mindset into the 60's and expect to be truly happy). I would love to know - is there anyone who lived their youth during the 60's that would trade it to have been born in the early 80's and grow up in the 90's? I have never met a person who would trade what they had then for the hell we have now. in my opinion, no amount of technology is worth giving that up - but i wouldn't really know because i wasn't there. please e-mail me if this is your case - i would love to know why

Name: sycamore
Location: columbus, oh usa
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 12:20:26
Message: I am a fun loving peaceful, hippy type looking for bro's and sisters to hang with in the columbus area. I like to listen music, meet new people, travel and have a high time. Anyone know where a bro can go and hang out with some like minded peoples?

Email:yenta7474@aol .com
Location: MOST, ALOT U.S.A.
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 23:15:11
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: Daniel Elijah Blue
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 11:09:41
Message:Hey Willow, haven't seen any words of wisdom lately ? Where are you hiding ? I'm loving Scotland. My parents farm is incredibly beautiful, wish you were here. I'll be home soon. we'll light up the hookah and soar. Missing you. 

Location: Hemptown, AR. U.S. of A.
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 02:52:24
Message: Hey there im lookin for the cool little chick i met from AR. that moved off.I never new her name but i feel like she was very inportant to my life.If you know of any little hippy girls that are from AR. ....I mean real hippy girls askem if they met Rod from AR..I got red hair in braids and i am in a band.I am also the owner of a counter-culture store.Please someone help me find this beautiful star so my life will be complete.I have waited 3 years for her and ill wait forever more if i have too. Yours Truly, Hempy 

Name: Jennifer Simmers
Location: Rialto, CA US
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 02:16:00
Message:I'm looking for anyone, EVERYONE, who feels the same way I do! I'm a 21 year old full-time (majoring in Biology) college student. I'm a practicing vegetarian and find that my love and respect for animals and the earth far outweigh my taste buds. I'm staging a protest against Proctor and Gamble and their needless, painfully executed experiments perfomed daily on defensless animals. The protest is slated for August 28, 1999. If you have ANY interest at all in helping or showing up, please e-mail me and let me know. The more people there are, the more noticible we'll be. Remember, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil, and I plan on really squeaking!!! If you love animals and the environment and all the joy received from life and what it provides, please help me with what you can. I'm grateful for all and anything I can receive.

Name: Shemesh Friedman
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:50:07
Message:Peaceful greetings to all of my fellow Brothers and Sisters. Anyone who was at this years Rainbow gathering in the Allegheny Forest in Pennsylvania, and remember stopping at the "rest area" on your travels, then please stop and give me a shout. I am new to this area and would like a few Rainbow friends to chat with. Maybe someone from around here could tell me where I could find a singles organization that could abide to Rainbow peple like myself. Thank you for your precious time. "WE LOVE YOU". 

Name: Shemesh Friedman
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:49:13
Message:Peaceful greetings to all of my fellow Brothers and Sisters. Anyone who was at this years Rainbow gathering in the Allegheny Forest in Pennsylvania, and remember stopping at the "rest area" on your travels, then please stop and give me a shout. I am new to this area and would like a few Rainbow friends to chat with. Maybe someone from around here could tell me where I could find a singles organization that could abide to Rainbow peple like myself. 

Name: Shemesh Friedman
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:48:55
Message:Peaceful greetings to all of my fellow Brothers and Sisters. Anyone who was at this years Rainbow Agthering in the Allegheny Forest in Pennsylvania, and remember stopping at the "rest area" on your travels, then please stop and give me a shout. I am new to this area and would like a few Rainbow friends to chat with. Maybe someone from around here could tell me where I could find a singles organization that could abide to Rainbow peple like myself. 

Name: Shemesh Friedman
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:48:42
Message:Peaceful greetings to all of my feloow Brothers and Sisters. Anyone who was at this years Rainbow Agthering in the Allegheny Forest in Pennsylvania, and remember stopping at the "rest area" on your travels, then please stop and give me a shout. I am new to this area and would like a few Rainbow friends to chat with. Maybe someone from around here could tell me where I could find a singles organization that could abide to Rainbow peple like myself. 

Name: Shemesh Friedman
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:48:31
Message:Peaceful greetings to all of my feloow Brothers and Sisters. Anyone who was at teis years Rainbow Agthering in the Allegheny Forest in Pennsylvania, and remember stopping at the "rest area" on your travels, then please stop and give me a shout. I am new to this area and would like a few Rainbow friends to chat with. Maybe someone from around here could tell me where I could find a singles organization that could abide to Rainbow peple like myself. 

Name: Rainbow Sunshine
OHDate: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 15:01:41
Message: Hello to all of you beautiful free spirits.I read your messages and I think they are wonderful.Sometimes I feell like a lost soul wandering aimlessly around,searching for some kind of answer,looking for people who share my views about life.But then I found all of you...my brothers and sisters.None of us should ever feel like we are alone...we have each other.And together we have unity...we can acheive so much...we have the potential...we can change the world."You may say I'm a dreamer,but I'm not the only one...I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one"--John Lennon...I would like to hear from you.We can share ideas and opinions.I love meeting new people and hearing their views about the world.I am a person with a lot of love to share.Well....have a nice day.Peace and love to you all.

Name: laura
Location: Essex, none England
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 13:23:16
Message: Hi, River, your address won't work, please Email it to me, thanks! love Laura PEACE! 

Location: Brisbane, QLD Australia
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 09:30:37
Message:Greeting fellow hippys and followers of truth and happiness. I'm looking for penpals... anywhere on the planet and beyond. I would especially love to meet Aussie hippys... they seem to be a rare breed. I am a twenty year old female.... looking to chat to males and females of a like mind. Peace, Love and Rainbows to you all. 

Name: Ben
Location: K.C., Mo. USA
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 01:00:21
Message: Hey all, I'm 18/m from the midwest... I'll be starting college the last week of August, but untill then I'm gonna set out on a lil road trip. I've got family to visit in the south, but after that I really just wanna wander around this whole place. Does anyone have some good suggestions on where to go - not necessarily big cities but lil out-of-the-way places, such as farms/campsites/etc.? Oh and BTW, I had planned on going alone, but at times I think it may be better for someone else's company... anyone out there looking to do the same as me? Male or female, it doesn't matter. I just want a travelin buddy (or two or three), but if something evolves out of that then that's fine too :) I LOVE the Beatles, Dylan, Skynyrd, Jimi, etc. and I play drums and guitar (love them both ;) So anyone please write if they have some advice or wanna go too... Thanks! Ben

Name: theresa
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 21:54:07

Name: Kate Meinel
Location: Grand Haven, MI usa
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 19:07:26
Message:HI,> My name is Katie and I am from the West Michigan area. > I will attending a Dark Star Orchestra concert in Madison Wisconsin at the > Barrymore Theater on Sept. 11. > I am looking for somewhere to camp that has a likeness to a national forest. > If anyone can offer any advice or recommendations on my request I would > greatly appreciate.> Thanks alot...>> kate_meinel@yahoo.com> 

Name:Jon Ingels
Location: waynesboro, Pa US
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 15:01:39
Message: Check out a cool blues/rock/jam band from So.Cen.PA




Name: River
Location: Plymouth, Devon UK
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 06:21:00
Message:Someone sent me a mail afew days ago and my Hipplanet mail has stopped working. I am SO sorry, but could they please send it to the above address, thanx! River 

Location: ANY, ALOT US.A.
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 01:54:30
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 19:37:11
Message:Hi everyone! Before I go smoke another bowl, I would just like to say PEACE! I hope you're all having a GrOoVy day! Write to me, and we'll take a trip into Wonderland! Later! 

Name: Andrea
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 16:50:30
Message: hey my sweet friends. are any of you good at interperting dreams? i have a bunch of real weird dreams i'd like to figure out. email me, por favor. thanks ever so much....anybody going to the grassroots festival in Ithaca Ny? i highly recomend it, it should be a pretty groovy weekend. 

Name: V
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 12:15:24

Name: Steffy
Location: Bluefield, WV USA
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 01:38:23
Message:Hey hippies! I already sent in one message but, oh well! I think this is the most mellow site! I enjoy this stuff! I'd love to hear from some of you guys with questions or comments! Email me!!! Peace & Love, Stef

Name: Stefanie
Location: Bluefield, WV USA
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 22:25:43
Message: Hey hippies... I just wanna meet a hippy so, eail me @ bubbles_02@hotmail.com if you're a true hippy... Please ppl! Peace, love and happiness! ~hippy gurly~ 

Name: Stephanie
Location: minot, ND USA
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 19:24:01
Message: Peace...Thought i would lay down my two cents...... Good things only come to the people with Love and respect in there hearts. So all of ya keep it true and have a happening year. 

Name: River
Location: Plymouth, Devon UK
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 12:36:04
Message:Just to say that it's summer and I'm desperately seeking any hippies in my area to spend time with, I'm lonely and afraid of loosing the faith, thank you! 

Name: summer
Location: fuquay, nc usa
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 12:28:57
Message:hey hippies, hope youre all enjoying today, if you want to chat email me, i am open minded to any race sex and age, i like to listen to all kinds of music specially the dead and would really like to meet other hippies. keep tokin love 

Location: Celina, Ohio USA
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 18:32:01
Message:Just wanted to say hey! Come and visit my website. It's still being worked on, but there's some neat stuff on there right now. Feel free to email me about anything, and PLEASE sign ny guestbook! Peace and Love-Beth 

Name: Jenna
Location: spokane, waDate: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 17:29:50
Message:hello.... i am sick of sitting on my butt and doing nothing watching the world die in front of my face.... so i decided that i need a ride with some other hippies somewhere any where for i am only 12 i am ready to change the world ummmmmm email me please Peace 

Name: Jeff
Location: Lakeland, MN USA
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 11:26:04
Message:Guess we got frog marched into the straight life a while back but we never forgot. Guess the swan song of our life in hippydom was that backpacking trip we took to Greece in '73 but I've got to say '69 until then was a rocket ride! I guess I'm glad we kind of moved on and grew up-like nothing is more pathetic than someone trying to constantly relive his or her glorious youth-but everyone who was there should be proud that that rabid dog right still sees that whole '60's thing as anathema. Don't ever kid yourself the reactionairy right still hates your guts-anyone ever listen to Marilyn Quayle? Ah well-"politics is poopadoodle." Why do you suppose Robert Crumb moved to France? 

Location: Hippyland, USA
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 14:59:40
Message:Hi out there! Just dropped in to say, WRITE ME! I'm terribly bored and need some friends to talk to. I'm a neohippie and am looking for a new city to move to--if you know of any real hippie towns, please tell me. And please visit my webpage, though under construction:) and sign the guestbook! Peace, love, and psychedelics! ~Kristy~ <@>---^--- 

Location: Peoria, IL USA
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 22:34:25
Message:Hey everybody
If there's any hippies looking for someone to cat w/, e-mail back & forth, I.M., etc. please e-mail me. 12/m/IL oh & Voodoo if yur reading this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me. Thanx.

Peace & Love

Name: Jen
Location: Key West, FL USA
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 18:27:31
Message:I got them blood shot red eyes look into my eyes did you see a big surprise can you tell that I am HIGH!!! 

Name: Dharma
Location: goobersville, Arklahoma US of A
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 05:11:27
Message:Not looking for anyone in particular, just in a good mood and wanted to say hi to everyone. PEACE FOREVER!! Peace and Love- Dharma (fellow hippies - feel free to mail me!) 

Name: spun
Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 20:47:19
Message:I'm looking for a girl who is 18-22 years old. She has long straight dark black or bright blonde hair that reaches to the bottom of her chest right above her stomach (or you could say it stops in the middle of her back). She is beautiful to me even though I have not seen her. She is free. Her idles are from the late 60's and early 70's hippie underground movement. Are you that girl? if so write to me. thanks. spun. 

Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 13:57:31
Message:Hello.hippies!!Is still there in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

Name: daughterOfzion
Location: madison, WI u.s.a
Date: Saturday, July 10, 1999 at 14:34:08
Message: Greetings brothers and sisters I just looking at some of recent post's and I , I dont mean to preach, really I am not, I dont feel I a more holy then any of you, or have more "knowledge" on life... Just speaking my heart, but suppose I should be more carefull how I speak things sometimes... have a beuatifull day my brothers and sister love allways a soul sister from creation a daughter of zion

Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Saturday, July 10, 1999 at 14:00:48
Message:Merry Meet all, I haven't written on this msg board in awhile, and thought I would add my two cents. I love how everyone has been so uplifting lately, and loving. Keep it up. Remember only acceptance, loving, and harmony among the massess, will Get us to a Peaceful World of Happiness. Judge not lest ye be judged. No matter who the person is. They have their own lessons to learn. Peace, Love, Happiness, Harmony and light To you all. RainSpirit 

Location: Hippyland, USA
Date: Saturday, July 10, 1999 at 11:27:41
Message:Hey all you wonderful people out there! Always looking for others to talk to...so stop sittin on yer brain and E-MAIL ME!!! Oh, yeah, and please visit my site...(though it's not completely done) and sign my guestbook! Peace, love, and psychedelics!!! ~Kristy~ 

Name: Starr Dust
Location: Plymouth, CtDate: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 14:59:04
Message:Hello, Im a 17/ hippie chick.. I am looking for other hippies to talk to... If you want to talk to me.. E mail me and i will write you back! Peace and Love 

Location: MANY, ALOT U.S.A.
Date: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 13:43:44
Message:Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: Jill
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Date: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 08:08:30
Message:Hey Blue- I tried to send this to you via e-mail but for some reason it wouldn't work. I got a weird error message. I'll just post it here. I didn't want you to think I wouldn'y write back. It was a great Gathering. Unfortunately, I could only stay for three days. It was amazing how all of the brothers and sisters built the kitchens, stoves and ovens. I really wish that I could have stayed longer. Positive energy all over the place. Lots of hiking through mud!! I didn't realize how much hiking we did until I got home an took off my shoes. Big swollen feet alert. The brothers were making steps out of mud slides. The drum circles were mind blowing. Loven Ovens had the best corn bread I've ever tasted. It was great. I'm at work right now and practically jumping out of my skin because of the Phish show tonight. I wish I could fast forward the day until 3:30. I'm not going to any other shows this summer. I hope to hit at least one of the fall and one of the winter shows. I have a six year old that I have to support so money is a little tight. I bet you are so excited for the Oswego show. I've read the set lists and reviews for this tour and it sounds like they're really rockin'. We went to both Hampton shows last winter. I had to scrape my husband off the floor after the first set of the second night. Take care and have fun at Phish. Peace, Jill 

Name: *~~*~~~*SpaRRoW*~*~~*
Location: miami, fl usa
Date: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 00:29:30
Message:hey all my brothers and sisters!! like, i just wanted too say PEAcE! and if any of you kind people want too email me, DO IT!!! :) well talk about trippin', music, the mother earth--i love her! and jesus!! and peace and other stuff, man! im everyones friend, so....... hey! i totally dig earthy spiritualit, native american stuff, and eastern wisdom. I LOVE THE DEAD!!! FOR REAL!!!! :) RIGHT NOW I HAVE THAT SONG FROM JIMI HENDRIX-CALLED "BOLD AS LOVE" STUCK TOO MY HEAD!!! oops.. i forgot the capslock was on... :) i want too meet real people who will get involved too save the earth, legalize cannibis, spread peace, and hang out with!! so, im here for all my brothers and sisters of the mother earth!!! so, make peace with nature & each other, question authority, love, good karma, happiness, harmony, and psychedelicize!!! :) your brother, SPARROW :) 

Name: GREG
Location: Lancaster County, PA USA
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 23:21:25
Message:Mother Nature's Son seeks female soulmate I'm 29 swm that loves the Beatles Nature playing guitar hiking gardening I'm reserved,quiet,honest and caring If you live in Pa near Pa or anywhere, please write! 

Name: blue
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 21:31:29
Message:I was just wondering what concerts and festivals are everyone trying to catch this summer? I am going to 2 phish shows, Roger Waters, Jethro Tull, Allman Bros, and possibly Tom Petty. Email me if you want to chat... i am a 17/F if you wanted to know! Peace! 

Name: Person.
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 21:27:18
Message: I am just writing to let everyone know about a phish mailing list. It is just a list of fans who talk about phish, and other things. Please join the list because there isn't a lot of people on the list, and no one talks!!! So help us please. Go to www.onelist.com then type in "phishphreaks" in the search box, and join! If you do not like the list, then you can simply just unsubscribe! Peace y'all! 

Name:David Bienenstock
NJDate: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 16:19:38
Message:Hey, everybody, I think you'll really enjoy my website -- The Vengeful Buddha Experience (www.vbuddha.com) , it's all about a ficticious college "jam-band" from Hempsted College Send me an email on the site and let me know what you think -- Thanks, Dave

Name: Cody
Location: Fort Wayne, IN USA
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 11:59:01
Message: I'm 9 years old and just got new e-mail and i'm lookin for cool people to be my friens wanna talk just call with the adress above. Peace, CODY J. 

Name: Jill
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 07:57:18
Message:Hey Guys-- I'm back from the Rainbow Gathering. I had a blast! It was rough though. Hiking through mud and rain with 50 pounds on my back. Whew. I Met a lot of cool brothers and Sisters there. What a beautiful experience it was. I Can't wait to see PHISH tomorrow. Anyone else going to the Baltimore show. I've heard that they are really rockin' this year. Then again they always rock. Talk to ya later. Peace--Jill 

Name: Kat
Email:Enid17@Yahoo.com, Hipster@Hipplanet.com
Location: Goldendale, WADate: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 07:47:44
Message: I am looking for people who are ready to change the world, if you are e-mail me

Name: Nate
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 17:34:48
Message: I was just reading the weekly question and responses. Now I understand why the US is called the "Land of Hypocrisy". Now I'm not a full hippie, although I share many of the same opinions and I am quite tolerant. But somebody said, (not to single anyone out or anything)," Any woman." I'm not being sexist, but because somebody is female, would that make them a good president? No. And another said," Flesh-eating should be illegal.". Now I thought hippies were tolerate. I eat meat. And that is a personal choice that nobody but the person can make. Sorry if this starts a flame-war, I just wanted to point that out. Nate

Name: Cookie
Location: Santa Monica, CA LA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 16:06:50
Message:Hi, Oh am I glad to find this site. My counsin in New York just sent it to me. I am a HIPPIE. Oh hooray.... I am 54 years old and did the 60's very well. I just the whole concept of us speaking and looking for hippies. I live in California and need, really need to meet people who like to send smoke signals like this one. I am Italian, born and raised in Brooklyn moved out here in '73 and never went back. I do miss it, but I think I miss that time period more than anything. So, if you live somehwere near me or even close, I will travel to met you.... okay... good-bye for now. Peace, love, and hippies forever..... Cookie I forgot to say.... I am female... good health, 118 lbs. 5'2" with a great sense of humor. 

Name: Cookie
Location: Santa Monica, CA LA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 16:05:48
Message:Hi, Oh am I glad to find this site. My counsin in New York just sent it to me. I am a HIPPIE. Oh hooray.... I am 54 years old and did the 60's very well. I just the whole concept of us speaking and looking for hippies. I live in California and need, really need to meet people who like to send smoke signals like this one. I am Italian, born and raised in Brooklyn moved out here in '73 and never went back. I do miss it, but I think I miss that time period more than anything. So, if you live somehwere near me or even close, I will travel to met you.... okay... good-bye for now. Peace, love, and hippies forever..... Cookie 

Name: Hippie4Life
Location: Newport Beach, Ca USA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 14:45:08
Message: I want to start off by stating that i LOVE HIPPIEs, my love grows more everyday, i love seeing hippies, talking to them, i love how they SMELL!!!! the smell of freedom and LOVE I know you all agree with me, thats why i love this site, and everyone in it :) Being a hippiy alows me to express who I am to anyone i choose without the fear of being ridiculed, i am proud to call myself a hippie, and lucky for me, my friends are proud to know one. PEACE LOVE and HAPPINESS to every one of you beautiful creatures, I luv you all :) ~PEACE~ 

Name: Samantha
Location: Pine Bluff, AR USA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 11:25:50
Message:Hey Everyone, Just thought I'd drop in and say Hi! I would love to hear from ya'll and hear what everyone is doing this summer!! If there are any Arkansas hippies out there, come pick me up and we can go have some fun together. Well drop me some lines if you can. blueannu@hotmail.com Love Always Samantha

Name: ema
Location: Riccione, rimini ITALY
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 06:54:53
Message:CIAO!!! Is there any italian hippy? I don't speack english very well... I'm 17 but I love '60th, Woodstock and peace. I like write to my hippy brothers!!! Write me, please!!! PEACE, LOVE!!! 

Name: Cat
Location: Montgomery, AL USA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 00:45:45
Message:Hello to all my hippy friends. If any of you wanna ever talk send me some email. Where are all my Hippy people from ALABAMA!? Well anyway... John Lennon lives on baby peace n' hugs-- Cat

Name: Scarlette Lake
Location: Perth , WA Australia
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 00:10:22
Message: HI brothers & sisters, I was just wonderin' if anyone could recomend any cool psychodelic 60's bands... I And I was also wonderin' if anyone would want to snail mail with a 18/f. E mail me & I'll write EVERYONE! Love you all!! Peace. 

Name: quicksilver girl
Location: medford, oregon usa
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 17:08:32
Message:i have a professional/portable karaoke business, i am available for parties and such. i have over 1000 titles, really great stuff! i will travel several hours east,west,north or south. you can e-mail me to get prices, they vary depending on hours & driving time. thanks qsg 

Name: Nicole 
Location: atlanta, ga U.S.
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 01:13:16
Message: Two kynd sisters are seeking a roomate in Carrollton GA. We have a beautiful house on the with a fenced in backyard. The rent is right above $300, including utilities. If you don't mind a beautiful black lab, and are looking for a place to stay, please email me, we need someone to shakedown our new house!! 

Location: ALOT, MANY U.S.A.
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 15:18:24
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: Tovah Lieberman
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 14:06:24
Message: help the fellow friends sign the petition at http://www.vjnews.com/iranpetition.htm Peace to my brothers and my sistas

Name: Willow
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 13:33:39
Message:I only have one question, where have all the long haired hippies gone ? 

Name: Dave Bell
Location: Colorado Springs , CO US
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 08:29:19
Message:Greetings one and all. I am in the process of rebuilding a VW powered trike, and down to painting it. Right now it looks like something out of mad max, I know it will turn heads but, I want to give people whip lash when it passes by. So if any one can give leads to decent pictures of 60's/hippie painted vehicles, and graphics I would also like leads to graphics of underground comics - Mr Natural, Freek Brothers, Cheech Wizard etc. 

Name: RainSpirit
Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 01:43:20
Message:~~~~~~~~~"}"~~~~~~~~~Happy Indapendance Day Everyone!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"{" 

OHDate: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 01:39:27
Message: Hey all, I'm a 16/f from Ohio. I'm looking to meet some people with the same interests as me. I'm not what you would call a real hippy but I really dig the scene and a lot of my friends are. My favorite bands are Phish, Moe, and Ekoostik Hookah. I'm kinda lookin to talk to a guy but I'll talk to anyone if they're cool.

Name: Becca
Location: Mancelona, MIDate: Sunday, July 4, 1999 at 22:05:17
Message: Hey, what's up? I'm 14 years old although I don't think age should matter in anything. I consider myself a hippy. I love the doors, Zepplin, Hendrix, Joplin, Bob Dylan, but I also like newer bands like Nirvana. Well I guess it's not that new. I love poetry, especially Dylan Thomas. I love getting high and partying and believe Jim Morrison is as close to a god as anyone could be. I firmly believe in peace, free love, and rebellion against any and all authority. I'm looking to talk to a guy, but am willing to talk to anyone who has similar interests as me. PEACE, LOVE, EMPATHY Becca 

Name: Moon Lilly
Location: Valrico, FL USA
Date: Sunday, July 4, 1999 at 21:56:15
Message: I'm 12/f years old, great huh? I have reciently started being intereted in the 60's. Well, I have for about a year. I'm just getting away from the crowd that sucked me in and changed me into someone I didn't want to be. I have followed my sister's steps and tried to be her. I admired her, but I relized I was being her because I was afraid to be me. She was really hard on me because of that. Then last year and I wasn't happy, I wasn't having peace with myself, accepting who I was. This summer, I have changed a lot spirtually. I just wanted to be me. The part I couldn't find. I love to write peotry/literature and run through the meadows barefoot, be one w/ nature... I know this sounds corny, but it isn't if ya think hard about it. I want to become a vegitarian, but I can't, not now, I'm not ready. I am a leader not a follower.... I feel as if I am in a prison. I believe earth is Hell in a way. I'm a faithful Christan but, look around, hatred, crudeness, war, pollution, killing these awful things are around us and speak to us each day in a hidden messgae and we ignore them like we don't see them. Our nature resoures are depleating fast! Our forests, animals, water, clean air, Oze-Zone Layer, polluted-free earth, just so many things we don't care about it, because we are to busy thinking about ourselves and too busy to throw away a can. Now I know we are not perfect and our world isn't, and never will be. And I'm not suggesting we live in grass huts, but I do think we could be a lot more conservative to each other and our fragile world. I make my own footprints in the sand. I am against war and hate. I accept everyone for who they are, even if they dis-like me. I love each and everyone one of my brothers and sisters, everyone. Man, I dreamed of being in the 60's, protesting, burning my bra, going naked, woodstock, the vibes man..... This stuff is strong and real. My freedom. Each person has to fight to emotionally earn it. It's not just drugs, sex, and bellbottoms... its a way of life and a state of mind!I personally don't do the drugs and I hope I don't get into that stuff, I'm 12! So now that you read this. I don't know if I'm a hippy or not. I feel as if I am deep inside, even if I don't have on the bellbottoms and tye-dye shirts right now. Half of my wordrobe is hippy stuff and the rest are my old clothes/ my old life. I'm my most happiest, free, peaceful, and this is me. It was hard to get here (this feeling) with all my changes and growing up. I still am growing up, I have many changes ahead of me, but this is one change that will stay inside of me forever, the true hippy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would love to hear from all ya, so if you have some free-time drop me and email, till then, PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY, AND FRREEDOM!!!! ~ MOON LILLY ~

Name: Naomi
Date: Sunday, July 4, 1999 at 16:40:16
Message: Hi!!! I'm desperately looking for a french hippie...Does it still exist? Please...Peace and Love Naomi , 16 , Frnace 

Date: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 18:36:27
Message: WELCOME! 

Name: ziggy
Location: sterling, VADate: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 18:32:36
Message: hey yall.... dude, ok im a 16/chick and man iv been lookin for a hippie that lives in VA for soooooooo long. if u are one PLEASE e mail me. thanks. peace 

Name: DaughterOfzion
Location: madison, WI u.s.a
Date: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 17:23:42
Message: Greetings brothers and sisters, I am really sick and tired of hearing hippies and love this and love that,ok Love is wonderfull seriously it is, I wont get into self morals of mine, but really.., I guess I am sick and tired of "hearing Love is the only way", first of, what do you even mean when you are saying that?.. that means really nouthing in itself.. really you have to take it to another leval. if love is going to have a moral side, we must be spacific anough , other wise every time we say something like " love will see us through" what are we really talking about, see the thing is comments like that, we really dont no what we are talking about, its just sort of an easy way out to sove problems.. its like ok here is just one example.. PEOPLE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE RAINEFOREST, THEY ARE RAPEING THE LAND, AND PUSHING NATIVES ONTO RESERAVATIONS!!, we need to solve this problem, we need to do something about this, this needs to STOP.. "love will see us through"... you see what I mean brothers and sisters.. I am sorry but unfornetly thats just now how it flows on earth.. I dont meant to sound harsh or anything, but once againe are problems on this earth arent gonah be solved that way... may you tread upon this earth peacefully daughter of zion cheryl

Name: just "Bekah"
Location: Alliance, OH U S of A
Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 15:11:26
Message:hello all you lovely pepole, does anyone know of anything goin on i ohio that a nice little hippy girl caould get to with out a car? Any road trips or anything? I want to have a nice summer and make some friends. I love you all.. peace be with all of you. write me and I'll write back. Bekah ps. Wish me happy birthday on the 10th! I syill have no idea what to do on my birthday if you got one send it to me! 

Name: Hazey Kate
Location: Reading, England
Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 09:11:14
Message:I am a teenage hippy living in a capitalist town and feel trapped. I want to make new friends but am unable to use the chat so this is my last hope. I am hoping to change my name soon but don't know what to change to. I quite like Sunshine, does anyone have any ideas for a second name or a good combination name they feel would describe me? Just go with your intuition, write soon my fellow believers. Peace and Love, Kate 

Location: MOST, ALOT U.S.A
Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 02:19:17
Message:Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also makew money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel free to e-mail me at yenta7474@aol.com Jeff 

Name: ~*Moonshine*~ from Alaska
Alaska USA
Date: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 22:37:28
Message:Hari Aum, Hippys!! I am a thirteen year old hippy from *Alaska* looking for someone to go with or meet at the Talkeetna Bluegrass Festival in August, or just plain meet up. They say there are lots of hippys here, but I can't find any...send me an email, or ICQ me! Hari Aum, ~*Moonshine*~ ...xxxxxxx... veerlefaee@hotmail.com 18726376 

Date: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 21:04:07
Message:I'm thinking about moving and was wondering if anyone knew of any hippie cities or otherwise far out, groovy places. If you do, please tell me about it. I'm not looking for any one place in particular so if it's overseas, tell me anyway! Thanks so much! And please check out my page! Peace, love, and psychedelics! ~Kristy~ <@>---^--- 

Name: Vee
Date: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 17:50:36
Message: For great classic rock in the tri-state area, call the YASGUR'S FARM 24 hour hotline at 732-462-6089. To get on their e-mail list, send an e-mail to yasgursfarm@rockfan.com Peace. 

Name: Wesley
Location: Austell, Ga USA
Date: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 13:38:13
Message: hey i am a 15/m who enjoys learning and trying new expierineces. i play the guitar and i love music like Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Led Zeppelin and of cousre The GREATFUL DEAD. i want to meet some hippie girls because there are no hippies in this city. i enjoy peotry, music and getting out in nature. i do smoke and trip some but i still believe in Jesus and hope there are some of u out there with these same but wierd beliefs. Please write me sometime if u want to talk and say hi, i am always of ear. PEACE to all 

Name: Cindy 
Date: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 11:02:19
Message: Hi my name is cindy. I am looking for other hippies to talk to . Where I live there are some but not many. I like reading, wrighting ,poetry , music, art and more. If interested please e-mail me . Hope to hear from you soon.