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A. Describe my life in detail for the rest of the world to laugh at. 
B. Tell everyone some amusing anecdote about when I was a hippy, long, long ago.
C. Become a hippy when I grow up.
No, I would prefer to:
A. Live in denial. 
B. Join the NRA and the Moral Majority
C. Take another hit while I think about it. 

The following are profiles of actual hippies. Their brains have been changed to permit further expansion. We at Hippyland can neither confirm nor deny the validity of their stories. We leave it to you, the reader, to take what is written with a gram of whatever substance is handy. We thank those who have so bravely contributed to this page. 

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July 1999 Profiles

June 1999 Profiles
 May 1999 Profiles
The Older Profiles have been archived.
Name: jacquelyn
Location: Western, NY USA
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 23:43:53
Message: Whats up people... I am a down to earth person who loves nature and music (specially the dead).I want to know where are all the down to earth,creative,wild, and party people are in NY--Am I the only one left? 2 those of you in NY that are cool - E mail me- All of my friends have gotten pregnant and I am the only partygirl left!! what is this world coming to? 

Name: DM
Location: Toronto, sane Canada
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 21:28:07
Message:Peace and Love dont make you hippy. it's whether you hear the butterflys' song amd understand her pain. hear her wimper DM 

Name: Colleen
Location: Orchard Park, , NY USA
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 17:32:12
Message:Hey folks, i'm glad there are people put there who care about the earth, each other and themselves. It's refreshing. I don't know if any of you are familiar w/ani difranco, but she has these great lyrics: "i've got friends all over this country; friends in other countries too...I've got lovers whose eyes I've only seen at a glance." I think about that everyday as i pass folks on the street. If you'd like to get to know me better as i would you, send an email my way. Enjoy the day. Peace hugs and smiles :Þ Coll 

Name: Liz the Flowerchild
Location: Milton Keynes, Bucks England
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 15:49:38
Message:I have been a hippy for as long as i can remember - it just seemed natural to have long hair and wear pretty flowing clothes. I am 18, and enjoy going to parties, raves and festivals. My favorite festival is Glastonbury, as it is full of other hippies and it is where I met the love of my life. We are getting married there next year by the Archdruid of Glastonbury and Stonehenge - it will be mental!! I enjoy smoking pot and eating magic mushrooms to expand my awareness - you should try it too!! People have made fun of me for being a hippy my whole life, but i feel it is something to be proud of. I do volunteering for charity, as i feel even doing a little bit will make the world a better place. I can't stand hippycrits - those people who go on about loving the world, moan about all the problems, and then do nothing to try and change it. Please - if you love the world you must try to help, even if its just putting a smile on someones face it will spread and make joy for many people. 

Name: barefoothippie
ohioDate: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 02:51:37
Message:Any bi-hippie guys out there? 

Name:Karyn Lynn
Location: Suburb of Chicago, Mental somewhere next to my coffee pot and ashtray
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 00:41:05
Message: Oh please,my dear little ones,stop trying to impress your elders! We are the ones fighting so hard for you NOT to have to be what is considerd "hip" for the moment. We only want you to enjoy your childhood by being a child. Play! Smile! Live! Love! Enjoy your ignorance while you can! Learn to be tolerant and loving and understanding. Learn all you can soak up now! You will be a better person for it later! Only then can you carry on the true spirit of being a hippie! Learn to love yourself, help the one's who don't know how to, and forgive the one's who don't care to try! Kiss your mom, hug your dad, tell grandma you love her, or just smile at the mean man down the street who yells at the top of his lungs when you step on his lawn! Try your hardest NOT to care about what kind of clothes you wear, but try your best to wear the biggest smile you can. Being a hippie is just that, BEING THE BEST PERSON YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE! 

Name: Ariel Rayna
Location: Pasadena, CA USA
Date: Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 22:06:52
Message:A hello and friendly smile to everyone! I'm a complete hippie (though you wouldn't tell by the way I dress) and I'm 13 years old. I'm totally in to everything '60's, especially the music. My favorite bands are the Mamas and the Papas (they're my favorite), Crosby, Stills and Nash, the Jimi Hendrix Experience. I'm a vegetarian and I've completely sworn off what I classify as junk food as protest against the junk food industry. I love the earth and often find myself picking up after anyone that litters. I'm a Libra and my birthday is October 16, 1985 approximate time, 5:30 AM (astro-twin, are you out there?) I'd love it if anyone around my age would e-mail me. I'll wear my heart on my sleeve and tell the truth, I've been so bummed lately 'cos I don't have anyone my age that's really like me. Until then, I'll keep my chin up and sing Go Where You Wanna Go. Love, Ariel Rayna 

Name: marie
Location: Nottingham, England
Date: Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 06:51:31
Message:Hey, I'm a new hippy!!! I dont look like one, and i dont take drugs, but I DO belive in free luv and all that, anyuone similer? send us an e-mail 

Name: Sheena
Location: Windham, NY USA
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 18:20:59
Message:Hey's it goin?? I absolutely agree with Wind Spirit about being a hippie is a state of mind, and it doesn't matter what clothes you wear or what drugs you do. You have to understand love and peace, and that nature is a beautiful thing. Everyone has the right to be loved, and everyone has the right to understand peace and nature, but only some of us are lucky enough too. Anyway, if any of you wanna email please feel free! I love getting mail, and meeting new people!! Anyway....PEACE Peace&Love, Sheena 

Name: jessica
va usa
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 11:31:54
Message:hey all you HIPPPIES out there. hows it groovin? i love all the old rock music and i like all the ideas on freedom and sex and drugs and being able to do whatever the hell you want. but even more so is all the peace and love out there. the music expresses every point of the hippie generation and i love it. i am just looking for some hippie buds out there! peace and love to you all. i hope someone out there will e-mail me or if you have AOL or AIM, then send me an instant message sometime. keep it groovin ya'll! love ya! jessica 

Name: kahia amber farrar
Location: yakima, WADate: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 02:12:57
Message: hi i just want to say alot of people have hate in the world today and i think its not right you need not to care what people think of you live your life the way you want to.And don't hate others love everyone for who they are.well i guess i shoiuld tell you what i look like i'm 5'5,hazel green eyes,blondesh brown hair,105lbs,and very peaceful.if you want to be my friend email me anytime.i also have a band named mystic_soul_spiders its a alternative/folk band i'm the singer and guitar player.and about the clothes i wear the gauze dresses and skirts i love them their so comfortable.well enough out of me. love,peace & harmony, kahia ;o) 

Name: kahia amber farrar
Location: yakima, WADate: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 02:09:03
Message: hi i just want to say alot of people have hate in the world today and i think its not right you need not to care what people think of you live your life the way you want to.And don't hate others love everyone for who they are.well i guess i shoiuld tell you what i look like i'm 5'5,hazel green eyes,blondesh brown hair,105lbs,and very peaceful.if you want to be my friend email me anytime. love,peace & happyness, kahia ;o) 

Name:Michelle a.k.a. Wind Spirit
Location: Flagstaff, AZ USA
Date: Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 22:50:56
Message: Okay people. I put in a profile about a week ago, and I can't find it. But, of course everyone else probably has read it. I have read some of the profiles in here, and I would have to say that I agree mostly with Perception's theory. Being a hippy isn't the way you dress, the shows you watch, or the music you listen to. It is a state of mind, the way you think about things. It's a spiritual thing, not just a fad like being a prep, or a jock or a wannabe anything. And to be a hippy doesn't mean that you have to do drugs, and if you do, hippy's did drugs for a reason. To expand their mind, to help them to find deeper meanings of things. So, next time you look in a mirror, and think, "I am a hippy, afterall I am wearing bell bottoms and a tye died shirt!" do a favor for me, slap yourself! The bell bottoms they sell ARE NOT bell bottoms, and the tye die isn't even the same. Hell, it doesn't have anything to do with being a hippy anything, so there. If you wanna be a hippy, change your attitude, your frame of mind, your personality, love yourself. Then, for kicks, wear the clothes and listen to the music, and if you really wanna, do the drugs. Then you MIGHT be a hippy, I don't garauntee it though. Wind Spirit. 

Name: Sandra Sunshine
Location: montreal, quebec canada
Date: Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 21:44:44
Message:i'm a free spirit roaming barefoot through this beautiful land. open mindness is the key to true happiness. just try and be yourself, love yourself for who you are and don't try and be somebody that you aren't. who cares what others think of you? let them live in their constipated society, maybe you will be a source of light to them, maybe they'll open their minds up a little bit. express yourself and opinions in any way, and never be ashamed of who you are and what you have to say. take care of and love this planet, probably someday humans will end up destroying it for good. and never forget the power of words........ the art of life consists in the creation of a free person.

Name: ashley
IL U.S of A
Date: Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 16:34:03
Message:hey, it seems like some of u are tryin to fit a description of a group (hippie) way to hard. i know u all don't like the same thing and don't look the same and don't have the same beliefs so why do u try to pretend u do. i know that sometimes each and everyone of u wants to stand up in that 6th hour class and cause out that dickhead u have for a teacher but u don't because you're all about peace and stuff. and i know sometimes u feel like wearin somethin but then you're afraid it doesn't look like somethin a hippie would wear so u throw it in the back of your closet. just a little advice-be who u are and nothin u don't feel like bein. im serious! if one day u feel like wearin your pants with the big pockets do it and the next day u feel like wearin your peace sign necklaces then u better damnwell do it. but whatever ya do just remember what i said ' don't be anyone u aren't!' 

Name: adam
Location: wilkesboro , NC united states
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 10:26:58
Message:All i could ever ask of this world is the dead and and a day, a day to enjoy the music. After it is all said and done,we will all become gratefully dead. long live Jerry and Tim leary. peace to your journies and love to your heart keep the faith. 

Name: Marissa (I'm looking for a New Hippy Name;)
Location: Lafayette, OR U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 03:22:53
Message:Hello All!!! I am looking for A local Hippy House to Move into so if you are in my Area, E-mail Me!!! Also, I need to choose a good Hippy name...Based on My Personality...Here's a Description that might help you out... Me- Hyperactive, Happy, Free, Loving, Caring, Kind, Hospitible, Respectful... If you have any Ideas or Know of A Local Hippy House PLEASE do Not Hesitate to E-mail me!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!

Name: Ryvre (I'm thinking of changing it...
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 03:17:28

Name: Maxine
England; South
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 16:47:08
Message: Having heard the testimony of various psuedo-hippies and so-called "real" ones. I'm not here to try and prove myself as the genuine article, or to moan about other people's un-hippieness. Whether or not I am genuine is down to the personal perceptions of others, and I can do very little to change anyone's perception of me so what's the point in fretting about it? I may well be crazy, and exceedingly proud to be who I am, but, at the end of the day, I'm not wearing a peace sign around my neck to sell myself. I'm wearing it because I appreciate the deep, detailed, complex and often perplexing issues and questions that lie behind such a symbol. At 15, I seem to be gradually moulding myself into a laissez-faire, free-spirited, chaotic, outlandish, outspoken, yet extraordinarily sensitive person who's ready for whatever else life is going to throw at me. And I couldn't ask for much more than some like-minded people to share its moments with. Peace! 

Name:Sunshine or
Location: Parkville, Md USA
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 14:32:39
Message:I'm a young hippy trying to follow in the footsteps of the great hippies that have gone before. I'm working on a 60's tribute webpage at the moment, and I'm seeking pictures and stories. Can anyone help me? I hope so. Peace and Harmony, Sunshine 

Name: HappyJappy
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 14:20:47
Message:Am I a hippy??? Hmmmm, well I do have the long hair and wear bells, but I old a steady job and I like 60's tunes,(especially CCR, David Bowie ,you know his older shit, The Beatles), but I don't think I 'd consider myself a hippy. I'm very much for peace and love, but I'm beyond over that whole drug scene. It doesn't bother me when all my friends are either dropping, snorting, smoking, but shit I do see a change in them when they're flying high on some wacked out crap. But it's their choice not mine, do what whatever it is you desire as long as it doesn't harm someone else. Plus I don't understand SOME veggies, they claim that killing an animal is "a terrible act", but then they go out to ALDOS and buy themselves some cow licking booties and say that leather is the best shoe material, please somebody explain that to me. I don't understand why millions of crazed citizens of this nutty world run out and buy all those tee shirts with the words nike and addidas written all over, which were hand stitched by children in third world countries, ya know the ones that work for corporate America who firmly believe in child slavery. Doesn’t that set off An alarm??? Yes??? No????This is my profile, I just can’t sit back and watch our gorgeous,lush world self-destruct...oh wait my mistake I mean it’s the people the citizens of this once awesome planet who have destroyed it, well it took years to introduce programs like blue boxes, and it pisses me off when I’m in a bathroom watching some Pamela Anderson wannabe spraying her peroxide blond hair with that toxic waste people call hair spray. Why do we teat make-up products on animals, are we so vain that were willing to sacrifice God’s gorgeous creations just to make ourselves appear better looking(or so we claim) Hey world well I messed up too I’ve been brainwashed also I use some make-up because I’ve been told without it I’m horrid, ugly that I better wear I Safeway bag over my head if I dare go out in public!!! I wonder if any of you readers will respond to my scattered thoughts, I sincerely hope so cheers to you all! 

Location: Rolla, MO USA
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 12:57:10
Message:Hey. Email me or sumpthin. 

Name: Christine McWilliams
Location: Haverford, PA US of A
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 08:44:58
Message:Hey whats up all? My name is Christine. Being a hippy completes me. I love everyone even though some hate me. If anyone wants to chat with me or send me an e-mail. DO! I love the DEAD, Rusted Root, Santana, Dave Matthews Band, Phish, and MARLEY!!!!!!! Hope to Talk to you soon.. Peace~ Christine

Location: Oulu, Finland
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 07:25:45
Message:Peace and Love! I'm a 14-year-old hippie girl from Finland (and yes, my real name IS Cloudberry, translated in English. In Finnish I'm Hilla)... I'm a nature's child. I love green forests, the smell of rain and thunderstorms, the feeling of warm beams of sun, the blue lakes that glitter in the moonlight... This world may be full of hate, cheating, lying, intolerance and thoughtlesness, however it may be, I still love it. And, though many don't these days, I still believe in the future... We can make this world a better place, oh yes, WE CAN (if we try hard enough). I don't know if I annoy you, like I annoy many of the people I have to live with (like school "mates" etc.), but I hope not. A friendly smile to all of you! 

Name: Luz
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: Monday, August 23, 1999 at 22:08:34
Message:Hey everybody, I´m a Rock 'n Roll hippie who lives in Argentina, I'd love to meet people who believe love is energy for success, and who enjoy great music, eg, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, The beatles, Dylan, Joan Baez, Blues, etc. People say I actually look like I´ve fell from a time machine loaded in the 60s, so what else can you expect from me, than such a musical taste?? Love you all, Luz 

Name: winter
Location: carriere, ms usa
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 19:29:56
Message:i wish much peace and love to all of my fellow hippies. 

Name: winter
Location: carriere, ms usa
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 19:29:30
Message:i wish much peace and love to all of my fellow hippies. 

Name:Michelle or
Location: Flagstaff, AZ USA
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 15:44:27
Message: I have lived in Flag for almost a year, and before that I lived in Scottsdale, AZ. It was kind of hard being a hippy in Scottsdale, a lot of people always told me that hippy's were dead. But, I believe hippy's are born every day. Peace, Michelle

Name: Nicole
Location: Charlotte, N.C USA
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 09:43:22
Message: I am awesome! 

Name: zoso km
ctDate: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 19:52:52
Message:being a hippie my friends is not about the clothes, nore the music, the drugs, or anything superficial as such. It's the way you think. We hippies are the free thinkers, we are the dreamers, the one's who truly see what is going on around us. You can't really describe a hippie...for the long hair, the beads, tie dyes and the such, these mean nothing, unless the soul is true. So just because you listen to the dead or zeppelin or whatever, and you wear beads and have long hair and other such 'hippie characterist', you don't qualify as such...for without the purity of your soul, you are nothing of the sort 

Name:Nicole Lashawn Sundy
Location: Sharon, PA USA
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 17:30:46
Message:I really want to say that my life is partial hell! So I want to live it trying every day to make if more PEACEFUL! After all some of these people need to get a life and start to live for love and not for war!! Why don't we start the peace riot again! Who cares if we never declare peace world wide, it gives us peace in some parts of the world and more time to party and live life like we should be liveing life! I think my life was funny, it was depressing, horrid, terrible, and great in some categories, but I think that we should all think about ourselves and then we should worry about others but you have to declare simply peace before you go for world wide peace! I also want to add I love to write poetry, it's the best and I love to sing, dance, read, and think for myself(etc)!! I like to listen to r&b music, alternative, oldies(and you know but goodies), the seventies music RULES, I LOVE IT TO DEATH, FOREVER A SWEETWATER FAN! I love to listen to other peoples opinions, and actions and beliefs, etc.... I'd like to hear anyones SO EMAIL ME SOMETIME DAHHHH........HIPPIE AND A HALF FOR LIFE BABY!!!!!!!!!! NIKKI_THA_HIPPIE 

Name: Lynnsee(sky)
Location: small town(300), Kansas USA
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 13:19:28
Message: hello people! my name is Lynnsee, i live in a town of 300 where every one thinks i'm weird lol. newaz, i'm 15 but my parents even agree that i was born at the wrong time. i DONT belive in hurting animals (thats why i am going to have a hard time in Science class!)i am all for feminism to. women can to just as much in the work area and beyond! if i had much of a choice i wouldnt even eat meat i HATE it, i do dress like a hippie and if there were some rallies around i would go to them in a heart beat i might even start some of my own! i like all kinds of music. i have blond hair a little past my shoulders, blue eyes, kinda pale skin more like fair, around 5'8"tall, and some have told me i look kinda like Jewel in the face but i dont think i do to much. ne ways if you want to know anything else about me i would LOVE for you to email me. it might take me a little while to email back cuz of school but i PROMISE i will.. bye every one!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Sari Anttila
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 10:50:06
Message:It´s me again. I just screwed up with something with my computer... (how unusual) I didn´t have the time to write a message to all you people in there. Well, I´m a hippie and I´m proud of it. But still I´m kinda new age hippie, ´cos I don´t protest against everything. Of course I have loads of things that I don´t like about, but I think some people are complaining maybe little too much... but they don´t nececcerily have to be hippies. Usually hippies complain only about important things... I love peace and I especially love love. Don´t take this wrong, I´m purely straight, but I can say without any problem, that I really love some of my girl friends. (I´m a girl, as you can guess.) I think that everybody can love everybody. Of course it´s impossiple to love everybody. Of course I do hate loads of people, but I think that girls can love girls and boys can love boys. Boys don´t have to preach about loving some boy as a friend. It´s okay if you know that yourself. I love my mates so much. I don´t know what I would do without them. I love to be a hippie. It´s lovely to feel so free. I can think what I want and I can be what I want. And I love these clothes and jewelry and hippie rock´n´roll!!!:) Even that I´m living in Finland, I can find loads of super cool hippie stuff. But that´s because I´m living in a big city, but still. And I LOVE ROCK`N`ROLL!!! My favourite bands are for example Kula Shaker ( I think it´s the best band in the whole Universe), Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy and Mott the Hoople is also okay. I couldn´t live without Kula Shaker. It´s my whole life. It´s like my religion, or something...:) And they are providing loads of great hippie thoughts about Universe and everything. They are so wise. But don´t ya people think that I´m a hippie only because they are hippies. NO!! I´m hippie because I am a hippie! It have must always been in my soul and heart. Since I was born. Well, what else can I say. Peace and love. And remember: love is the key for the revolution... love Sari 

Name: Sari Anttila
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 10:26:00

Name: mike
Date: Friday, August 20, 1999 at 17:56:44
Message: Hi Everybody! I'm a recent college graduate on the road. Right now I'm at a friend's apt. in Phoenix, preparing a trip to Latin America. If you live in Mexico or a Cental American country, and can put up a traveler or a couple (days/weeks?) please write. Thanks! 

Date: Friday, August 20, 1999 at 08:55:40
Message: I've posted here once before. I'm a hippie, at least I consider myself a hippie, not by the way I dress, but by my beliefs. I believe in peace. I don't look like a hippie in any way, but I dress like one. I would love to meet other hippies and have more hippie e-mail pals. My favorite hippie is John Lennon. Please feel free to write me. 

Name: david
Location: prescott, az usa
Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 23:17:01
Message:To all: Would you believe that when I do listen to music--I happen to prefer playing music to being entertained--I still primarily listen to "Blue" and "For Everyman". And I still think the 100 Acre Wood can teach us everything we need to know. :) 

Name: mad rambler
Location: red deer, alberta canada
Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 16:48:32
Message:I am a hippy at heart. I like to rage against the machine "rrraaaaarrrgh rrrraaaaaarrfhasl,.....stupid machine" But seriously I am agaisnt corproration and what it stands for I am all for finding out for your self what truth is and not beleiving all that you see in the media. I am all for peace and I believe Jesus was the original hippy spreading the message of peace and love. 

Name: long john
Location: acapulco, gro mexico
Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 03:08:17
Message: hey..!! it seems that I am the only one in this page who grew up in the sixties, somehow I end up in Acapulco, Mexico..I think it was a bad-trip...anyway,Doctor Feelgood told me I´ll be allright in a couple of years... 

Name: Blue
Date: Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 01:13:30
Message:Hello. I guess you could say I am a hippy. I definitly look like one. I try to live my life in peace and harmony and I try not to hate anyone. If anyone wants to talk about anything and everything drop me a line. Peace out... 

Name: melissa (mud)
Location: brea, ca usa
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 15:43:17
Message:ok! hey,im a 15 year old female hippie! there are no other hippies at my school or even in my area, most people at my school hate hippies! i really want to get to know other hippies so please email me! i really want to say that the young hippies of our time really need to get together and create another hippie movement,we need to do something about our dieing world! PEACE AND LOVE! 

Name: Daydream
MI Usa
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 15:05:02
Message:Hey There All ! I just want to give you all *hugs* *kisses* *laughter* !! So there ya go. They always make my day better. :) 

Name: freedom
Location: Fairbanks, AK USA
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 06:06:28
Message: If any ladies want to drop a line, then do so, or otherwise toke on!

Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 00:53:23

Name: Erb
Location: somewhere, Inthe U.S.
Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 at 23:57:16
Message: well so far out of The 6 years i've owned my V.W. van i've fit 18 people in it all at one time.And the thing still drove ,surprisingly. i'm still driving it today 

Name: Kieran
Location: Invers, New Zealand
Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 at 01:07:08
Message: Honestly I don't know if I'm a hippy or not, I prefer to live in denail and refuse to pigeonhole myself ;) (I'll leave that to the rest of the world). I don't do medition or live in a tie-died microbus, nor do I like to stereotype people ;) But I listen to the 60's kinda tunes, eagles, doors, hendrix and so on. I prefer talking to smacking the hell outa someone so I dunno what that makes me.. I also think I'm the only 19yr old dude I know that actually listens to the oldies station ;) so yah e-mail away, or don't, Chill and stuff all

ohio usa
Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 21:21:18
Message:I don't really think I fit as a hippie. I guess from what I am, there is a really nice crossover of the two. Well, I also babbled a little more on my webpage, go look. 

Name:Feather Rain
Alta Canada
Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 18:08:40
Message:I'm more of a new age hippie... I guess I'm into most hippie things, but I don't do drugs. I want to chain myself to a tree at the hiking trail by my house which is being dug up! The only problem is that I have no on to do it with. I live in such a hippie-deprived community. There aren't many *true* hippies here, especially my age. And no one seems to understand that the original Woodstock truely was the best one, not this nightmare that just happened. There isn't much I can do though. People are accepting of my choices; they all love my hippie clothes. I can live with who I am. I'm a happy hippie. PEACE LUV LUCK

Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 14:08:25
Message:Is there anyone out there with an open mind/heart who wants to talk to this free, nature lovin' girl??? write me...

Location: Pittsburgh , PA USA
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 22:56:07
Message:19 year old hippy girlchild studying music therapy and finally remembering what it is to breathe in this body. feed your soul in the most satisfying way you can. frolick alot, be colorful, and sparkle muchly =)... listen to the music, it's the blood in your veins...... *be lovely my beauties* *~*~may*~*~* 

Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 22:45:23

Name: Bethany
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 at 19:18:21
Message: Hello everybody!! I have put profiles on here several times, but all the groovy people who wrote me before (okay, except for 3) have, I assume, disappeared into the incense smoke. I'm fifteen; no,I wasn't born in the sixties, but I believe in a simpler life and became a hippie. I do not take drugs though. I believe in natural forms of getting high like meditation. I dig the Beatles, the Dead, Tom Petty, Jefferson Airplane, and others. Anyone want to write to a cool hippie chick? So anyway, please write to me if you are a hippie or just a free spirit!! I like getting mail from both guys and girls so anyone can write me! ;) I can't wait to hear from you all. Be yourselves! Don't let the establishment get you down. "You're either on the bus or off the bus..."~Ken Kesey. Peace, Love, and Freedom, ~*Bethany*~ 

Name: danna duce
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 at 14:34:31
Message: hello everyone, all your messages made me smile. now i feel devly ( a word i made up -pure happiness ) well i don't have long wavy hair, i just shaved my head on monday but it's growing! i am trying to love every single person in this world it is difficult at times but you all pumped me up I am also slowly planning to get a peace pole in my small town- lots of work! is anyone out there a pathofist? i don't know how to spell it sorry, but i have some questions about it so please e-mail me if you are one or whatever, everybody write me please! we are changing the world with our love:) peace peace peace love all. danna 

Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 at 00:18:30
Message:~Hello~, When I was a little girl I would always put flowers in my hair and dance barefoot under the moon. Not much has changed since then but it made me relize that I was different from other people. I always tend to be the first one to say calm down or lets not fight. I belive we must reach the peace with in are selfs before we can change the world. We can all do that and make a difference cant we?? I think so!! Iam a lover of nature (proud to be pagan) I love music..(PHISH). I dont like people that sterotype.. when some one see's me there most likely thinking is this girl stuck in another generation?? Then label me freak o' pot head, but thats not me at all. I dont do drugs and I dont drink i figure if thats how i feel im going along with it. Im part of the new era of Hippies... 15/f/Ohio. Im 5'7 125lbs, i have long brown hair and green eyes. If you would like to get to know me a little better e-mail me well chat. ~PEACE~

Name: ~cassidy~
Location: earth,, NY u.s.a.
Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 18:47:11
Message:i am a mushroom eat me, eat me, la la la.. hehehe~ ya dig that? those are some groovin' lyrics from my friend's band. dude, i am a hippy and damn proud of it!!!!!!! i smoke mary jane and i'm proud of that, too :) okay, somebody please e-mail me, i'm a really nice person. i'm obsessed with the dead, and rusted root, i live in a yellow submarine and luv to wear long skirts and hemp. write to me, and take a walk down the path of peace and understanding. bahbye~ luv ya all. *many hugs and kisses* 

Name: moonglow
Location: Huntingdon, PA USA
Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:03:08
Message:i am a very free spirited person..i speak my mind to avoid pain on the inside..i live each day to the fullest..i enjoy to meditate to free my mind of bad things that happen in the world..i enjoy listening to nirvana,the greatful dead,korn,the doors,and pink floyd,and some others...i feel that we all need to live in even though your heart aches,live to make yourself smile...peace and love to all your beautiful souls... :)

Name: child of the wind
Location: frackville, pa U.S.A
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 22:46:43
Message: well i guess i should tell a little about my self. i'm 17 and i am a free spirited person,i speak my mind, i like to have fun and i think you should live for the day every day i play lead guitar in a band.i,m 6'2 160lbs shoulder length redish brown hair and brown favorite bands are black sabbeth,w.a.s.p,pink floyd,metallica,doors,tom petty,and stevie nixs. so if i catch any of your intrest let me know thanx good bye 

Location: Brisbane, QLD Australia
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 21:27:04
Message:Okay I don't know WHAT to say. If you believe in wannabe hippies then I am the person to talk to!! Hehe, my page is a prime example......

Name:~your friend(Steffie)
Location: Burke, VA USA
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 18:57:55
Message: ~~ Hi! Hmmm...I look at people's profiles here all the time. They make me smile because I realize I am no longer alone. My parents were Seargeants and Majors in the Army.My brother is going to be in the FBI. I don't know how I'm this way, but I'm really happy that I'm my own person. My family wants to change me;they don't love me the way I am. They always say,'what happened to you'.When I was younger I used to zone out in front of the TV and eat hamburgers and cheetos.But since i've become a vegan,anarchist and hippie,they want me to go to counseling and stuff. My family is always so mean to me... I finally have friends who know who I am and love me... ~If any of you wants a friend,feel totally encouraged to email me. *Love,freedom,rock n'roll,weed,veganism,hope,the moon,peace, sunshine and smiles,~Steffie 

Name: miranda
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 09:18:13
Message:Cheeser~ I agree. Today someone says a person is a hippy because of their clothes and outward appearance. No one seems to be concerned with the ideals that made the hippy generation what it is. Tie-dyes and bellbottoms didn't make the hippy generation, music and books didn't make them, drugs didn't. What did is a part of all of these, and the addition that hippies wanted to change the world for the better. They wanted peace so they got up off the couch and worked for it. They grew their own veggies because they wanted to live closer to nature. they educated themselves about the world. Today those ideals are very foreing to some people. Most people. peace mir

Name: cheeser
US of A
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 22:47:17
Message: being a "hippie" in the true sense of the word is not very difficult. just learn how to be self-sustainable. if you can survive on your own - grow your own food, stitch your own clothes, build your own home, fix your own bike - you will have gained what timothy leary preached thirty-some years ago. you will have tuned in to the self-sufficient human being that we all have inside of us from the days when we made our living off of the land and connected with the natural world around us. you will have turned on to the better life that we can make for ourselves and mother gaia by learning to live without the trappings of a miserable consumer-oriented modern world. and you will have dropped out of that sad consumer society that causes businessmen to open fire in the office and children to fester, unchallenged, in overcrowded, underfunded city schools only to find themselves adrift as adults in a dog-eat-dog money-driven cesspool of sport utility vehicles, DVD players, and cellular phones. don't you agree? there's something hypocritical about proclaiming oneself a "hippie", a term that stands for caring and social change, while one continues to eat mcdonald's hamburgers from chemical laden cattle grazing in non-renewable slash-and-burn rainforest clearings, while drinking coffee made from columbian beans harvested by eight-year old children for mere pennies and wearing indian gauze clothing woven by enslaved children in Pakistan as one phones ticketmaster to get the latest overpriced tickets to the next installment of the Woodstock concert series. there are global implications to everything that we do. as hippies we need to practice what we preach.

Name: Ocean Ty Karma
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 18:01:45
Message: Hello bros and sisters! My name is Ocean Ty and I want to be friends with everyone here :) I love the Dead, Dylan, The Band, John Lennon, and the Mommas and the Poppas. I am a definite partier, but I enjoy peace more. Some of you are lucky to have hippy parents! Mine are cold and insensitive and don't understand "where they went wrong". I am grateful to find a group like you all. Write me or I'll write you, you can't escape! Hehe Peace and liberation, Ocean Ty

Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 15:46:28
Message:I'm a 17 year old idealist who finds herself hopeful but easily disappointed in "the way things are". It's great to see so many loving people around here, we could all use some more of that. Smiles to all the borthers and sisters who care enough to make a difference. 

Name:devin mamid
nj usa
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 12:55:37
Message:i am a 22 year old grrrl. mom's a hippy and raised me accordingly. i am a poet, writer, and painter. feel free to email me if you want to chat. if you want to know more about me, check out my website. later ... 

Name: Blaze
Date: Monday, August 9, 1999 at 17:34:16

Name: Sarah-Jane
Date: Monday, August 9, 1999 at 07:22:35
Message:Hi, I am a 16 yr old female in Australia and I like sunshine, good music, markets, good food and happy people amongst other things. Fireworks are good too. I am going to India in December so I would like to hear from lots of people esp. anyone who has been to India, anyone who lives in Australia or anyone who wants to say hi, Lots of love, Sarah-Jane. 

Name:Miranda Dwyer
Location: clearwater, MN usa
Date: Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 23:23:30
Message:Good Evening all. It was a glorious day today, napped in the hammock. Well I'm 16, starting my second year in college, studying philosophy. I truthfully want to get a degree in peace studies and work with children to create non-violence. I'm totally into organic gardening, and sustainable living. I live my life as peacefully and naturally as possible. I'm a liberal who believe in Thearou's words that the best government is one that governs less. I'd love to get to know other people on here, this is a really great site. Peace!

Location: Weirdoville, BLA! soodiLOODY
Date: Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 14:31:23
Message: hI!dO YOU kNow whO chris reamer is?I DO!! I"m A CrazY LOOn!! YoU Don"t Know WHo HEIS YET!

Location: Burke, VA USA
Date: Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 14:27:49
Message:Hi! I just put a bunch of temporary tattoos on my belly! Well,yesterday I went to the mall with my mom and older brother, because he had to get a suit.He's going on an interview to be with the Secret Service or FBI or something.Can you believe that?My own flesh and blood!But I love him anyway, 'cause I love everybody.I'm going to marry a rock star.I'm so different from the rest of my family.I don't know how I could be raised by them and be the way I am. Sometimes I think I'm an alien. I think I'm from the moon. The moon is pretty. The sun is pretty too, all cozy and bright. But the moon is bright in its own way. And it's groovy and mysterious.And really romantic. I really like an Anime called Bisoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. I'm weird. If you want to email me, please do!If you ever wanted to know a loony wacky burnout girl, I'm the one!!

Name: raina
Date: Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 07:31:30
Message:hi, i'm a 17 year old hippie from australia. ilove to paint and i listen to heaps of music, including the beatles who i love! my resolution for this year is to be nice to everybody. even those who annoy me. and i'm going real well. ok. email me. i dont care who you are. young or old.italk to anyone. part of my thing of being nice. : ) 

Name: Unknown
Location: Atlanta, GaDate: Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 20:10:06
Message:Hey are there any hippies in Georiga besides me?? write me!!!! 

Location: Milton, N.H. U.S.A.
Date: Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 17:39:17

URL:check out it's where i work
Location: Syracuse, NYDate: Friday, August 6, 1999 at 15:43:38
Message:Torn open the 3rd eye - hoping to find people to share insight - A.'.A.'. - numerology - Qabalah - transcendence - i know you're out there.... 

Location: doylestown, pa US
Date: Friday, August 6, 1999 at 11:20:23
Message: Don't have long hair but liberal as hell. 

URL:i have a shit page
Location: melbourne, vic australia
Date: Friday, August 6, 1999 at 06:09:50
Message: hi. i used to be a hippy and this page is pretty cool

Name: SuNfLoWeR
Location: Blairstown, NJ USA
Date: Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 22:17:50
Message:If you're looking for a groovy girl who likes to dance in the rain,walk barefoot through mud puddles in summer, listens to all kinds of groovy tunes,and loves to laugh and smile and cause others to do the same.....Here I am !!!! =o) 

Name:Just Call Me Dot
New York USA
Date: Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 17:55:11
Message:hi im 20/m from new york. i am 5'10 and have long blon d hair (to about my ass )and brown eyes and i like singing smoking , grateful dead and phish and a whole lot more. just mail me if u want to or look for me in the room i am a dot:)

Name:Just Call Me Dot
New York USA
Date: Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 17:54:43
Message:hi im 20/m from new york. i am 5'10 and have long blon d hair (to about my ass )and brown eyes and i like singing smoking , grateful dead and phish and a whole lot more. just mail me if u want to or look for me in the room i am a dot:)

Name: Kelly
Location: Lakeside, CaDate: Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 23:36:42
Message: I realized that you must purify yourself before you can make the world a better place. 

Name: *julie~daisy*
Location: earth, u.s.a.
Date: Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 22:14:38
Message:hello all you groovy cats!!! i've put my profile on this site way too many times, dude what's wrong with me??? allrighty, i'm goin' to make this short and sweet. i'm a 17yr. old hippy chic from ny. love shakin' music, playin' the guitar, festivals, expanding my mind, being freeeeeeeeeee!!!!! so if you would like to e~mail me i promise to write back. oh yes, and if your a long~haired hippy, i would reeeaally be happy to hear from you :) sorry, it's kinda an obsession. so, ya, e~mail me, you won't be sorry!! toota lu hugs & kisses~~~~~~~ daisy 

Name: Natasha
Date: Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 14:53:16
Message:}}i{{ Just wanted to remind everyone to hold on to your dreams. It's never too dark to see a star in the sky - no matter how far away it may be. }}i{{

Name: Somebody
Date: Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 08:37:48
Message: I'm going to answer all the above questions on this page, since they are very specific and straightforward. 1.) What do hippies do? In the morning, they get up and howl at the sun. Then they eat twigs and leaves from the nearest available tree. Afterwards, they run around in circles for hours on end. In the evening, they dine on slugs and algae from the nearest available swamp. Then they howl at the moon and go to sleep. 2.) Where do they live? Aparently in the magikal island of the Hippies. That's the latest news I've heard, anyway... 3.) What does a hippie look like? The male has a distinct marking on the stomach which indicates he is male, while the female is very plain as not to attract predators and safely raise hippie young while the male is out doin' stuff. 4.) How do you raise them? To raise a wild hippie in captivity can be a lot of work, but soon he will calm down and become your average workin' joe. Just purchase a cage from your local pet shop, along with a picket fence and a triple-digit income, and a Mercedes and an entry-level office job at your local corporate machine. Be sure to feed him lots of champaign and caviar. 4.) What kind of weird rituals do they do? To celebrate the arrival of the Hump-back Chickenchoker, they hold a ceremony in honor of the famed elder by stripping naked, covering themselves in maple syrup, rolling around in the sand, performing random circumsizions on whomever's name is drawn from the sacred hat, and doing the Chickenchoker Elder's dance. It is an honor to take part in this ancient ceremony. 5.) Should you let your daughter date a hippie? If you want her becomin' one 'a dem chicken chokin' sand dancin' moon howlin' weirdos, go right ahead. 6.) How many hippies can you fit into a VW wan? Seven exactly. Geez, people, its not about what you do, what you look like or how you dress. It is all inside you. Hopefully my humor will help you see the light. There's more to us than labels. 

Name: the Sunflower Queen
Date: Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 08:15:00
Message:~Greetings fellow human beings~ Isn't that what we all are? Who cares about petty labels? I think that there is so much more to the soul than an image. The only rules to live by are the ones personalized for you; the ones you make for yourself. Don't let yourself fall into a trap of being labeled, brothers and sisters. Everyone is beautiful. Be yourself, and let the world see how beautiful you are =) because who you are inside your heart has nothing to do with fitting a label. You can't put people into categories, because there is so much more to us than the shallow layers that society creates on the outside. Alot of people cheat themselves out of alot of warm sunshine and love by trying so hard to fit under a category. Living creatures are all so diverse and special that to fit them under categories would be false. Just be your beautiful selves and don't get hung up on the "hippie" category. Be you. After all, what a boring planet it would be if we were all the same. Peace and Love to all of you, the Sunflower Queen =) 

Name: Kristen
MODate: Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 01:09:36
Message:I just quit my job at the burger king and I'm hanging out at my parents house till college starts back up in a couple of weeks. My mother has a quilt store and I am painting a quilt/farm scenery mural on the wall in there and i'm also working on decorating my van. Last summer I painted flowers on the outside. Now i am working on the inside i just bought 5 yards of this purple vinal but have not really figured out what to do with it 

Name: John Munhall
Location: Columbus, OH USA
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 22:03:18
Message:I admit it, I try to be a groovy dude and consequentially, I love hippy chicks, and espesially phunky bitches I might add, but I rarely can find any around me who have the true hippie outlook on life. Where the hell are you girls?! I wish I were back in the sixties! Peace, Love, and Happiness, John 

Name:Valentina Morgan
URL:in a while,be patient....
Location: Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 17:45:57
Message: My profile?- Young Hippy ,I love BBHC (big brother and the holding Company),I love to read,especially fantasty and science fiction,I believe almost all TV,especially sitcoms,are evil,I have a thing for James Gurley from BBHC,(heehee) but I think the back street boys should be banned from stage,as they take up valuable space for REAL musicians. 

Location: corinth, ny usa
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 09:31:14

Name: Tamara
Location: Hamilton, ON Canada
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 00:45:01
Message:What's going on? I dunno. Boy. I'm having fun....haHA!! 

Name:Ocean mist
Date: Monday, August 2, 1999 at 17:22:37
Message:Hey! My real name is Zoe and I'm a hippy. Knock yourself out and email me!!! 

Name: Sunshine
Location: Manteno, IL USA
Date: Monday, August 2, 1999 at 14:58:15
Message:I forgot to mention this website: It's for a good cause, and I'm sure you would all be more than willing to participate. So check it out. Lotsa luv, Sunshine

Name: Sunshine
Location: Manteno, IL USA
Date: Monday, August 2, 1999 at 14:38:16
Message:Hello Everyone!!! I've been reading some of your messages, and there's too much hostility. 'Live and let live'. These are words to live by. If we stop judging people now, and spread our love unconditionally, others will join us. Well, a little about myself. I'm big on loving everyone. Spending hours under a night sky full of stars relaxes and inspires me. Another thing that inspires me is music. I'm not going to name bands or anything, cause I listen to everything. I embrace all ideas, cultures and people. Well, that's enough about me. Have a nice day, and spread your love. :) ~Sunshine~ 

Location: westernville, NY U.S.
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 17:02:28
Message: Just tryin to figure out what I want to do in my life before I O.D. but I cant because people tell me I am not going to do shit with my life- That drags me down and then I go get fucked up and everything is alright. Why cant it feel like that when Im sober?? 

Name: Zoe Larissa
Ga U S of A
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 16:43:55
Message:I am 13. I am learning to become a hippy and would like any tips and hints you would be willing to give so email me sometime!!! 

Name: Rohit
Location: Leicester, Britain
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 13:57:16
Message: You are a hippy in relation to your ideology

Name: moona
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 11:24:20
Message:well...hmmm...I donno, I'm the product of two artist hippies. ;-) yup, and it shows...screw the bellbottoms-go staight to the Kurtas and gauze skirts. 

Name: The Papermache Rabbit Head Man
Location: Shelburne, N.H. Amerika
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 10:13:07
Message:Wow,I just buzzed through this site and I wasn't aware that people actually say Real Stuff. Well I guess I have to be real,to keep the Kama flowing. What I noticed was that the majority of people leaving messages wern't even born in the 60's. So for what it's worth here's some thoughts from someone who was. That Woodstock 99 thing has Really disturbed me. We all knew before the 1st. one that the gig was "promoted" and some freaques were only tring to make a living. Noone expected too much from it all and retrospectedly, it was just an Acid-Ego thing---you know "look at us we exist ha ha ha ha!' Well 30 years down the line I really expected different or at least hoped it would be. So I got to be Dialetical about it and think well, maby something can really come out of Woodstock99. First of all the kids who attended and had a true "mind-expanding experience" have to be telling themselves"do I want to be identified,for years to come as a generation of "plastic fantastic drug-consummer-zero awareness & negative kama" type of being? So these young freaques will hopefully get the SAME "flash" that some of us older folks got-----but after some long painfull/necessary lessons. Well I had faith then and I'm not loosing any now. "Wave your freaque flags high" 

Name: The Papermache Rabbithead Man
Location: Shelburne, N.H. Amerika
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 09:36:44
Message:The message is the same...Wave your Freaque Flag high! 



O.K then. Repeat after me: I am not a hippie, I am not a hippie, I am not a hippie.


Man, how'd you end up on this page???


Hey, man it's my turn!