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Hippie Profiles May 1999
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Name: Jessicka
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 at 13:12:57
Message:I didn't know so many loving and great people still exist!! 

Location: Reading, Pa USA
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 at 12:51:16
Message:Hello! :) 

Name: lemondrop
ct usa
Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 22:14:01
Message:hi everyone, let me tell you something i was a hippy in the 60's and 70's it's not how you dress or what music you listen too that makes you a hippy its whats inside you. it's how you care for a fellow human being never judging them for what they do or wear or smoke or injest but just living and let live. when you accept people for what they are and let them have their views too you'll find your A happier person and the world becomes a better place. also if you see someone who is in trouble try to help them out, whether its feeding them or giving them a warm coat if need be. when you live and let live you'll be happier and you'll find your inner peace. peace for now lemondrop. 

Name: jakki
Location: Va.beach, VA United States
Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 01:12:56
Message: LOve AlL ThAt YoU HaVe, iT WoNt alWaYS bE THeRE.

Name: Wild Child aka Kyle
Location: Eden Prairie, MN United States
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 22:47:17
Message:Im not sure whether im a beatnik or hippie, but really the only thing that seperates the two are the decades, man. I want everything out of it and Im not terribly stereotypical, sure I smoke grass, toss a frisbee, wear faded jeans, listen to acid rock, ponder life. I only wish there were more people like us. Peace! 

Name: Dave
Location: Woking, London England
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 14:36:10
Message: Hey man, I don't think I am that much of a hippie, sure I want peace, but deep down I think we all do. i dress in Tie Dye and faded jeans, I used to toke grass, listen to the doors, hendrix and that but hey I think that to be a true hippie you need a lot more than that. everyone in my college calls me one, I kinda like it coz hippies are cool, I wanna be one, and i am well on my way, bye the way I am 16 and an art student!

Name: Dave
Location: Woking, London England
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 14:35:26
Message: Hey man, I don't think I am that much of a hippie, sure I want peace, but deep down I think we all do. i dress in Tie Dye and faded jeans, I used to toke grass, listen to the doors, hendrix and that but hey I think that to be a true hippi eyou need a lot more than that. everyone in my college calls me one, I kinda like it coz hippies are ool, I wanna be one, and i am well on my way, bye the way I am 16 and an art student!

Location: shitville, va us
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 02:55:55
Message:what is a hippie? yes, that's the question of the day folks. the answers all yours! 

Name: so kiss me
Location: melb, VIC AUSTRALIA
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 at 20:22:49
Message:When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see. no i won't be afraid no i won't be afraid. just as long as u stand, stand by me. so darlin' darlin' stand by me oohhhh stand by me, ohhhhh stand now,woooah stand by me stand by me. if the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall or the mountains would crumble into the sea. i won't cry i won't cry no ii won't shed a tear, just as long as you stand stand by me. whenever your in trouble stand by me stand by me.@---->---> everyone, if your lonely or sad remember the most unsubtle times are the ones that remain in a herats 4eva. Even if we are strangers i call you freind. and i will suport your troubles and fears. QUOTES: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to just love and be loved in return." "the power is in the moment" 

Name: katie christopher
Location: Ligonier, PA USA
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 21:19:28
Message:I have just realized that i am truly a hippie. I love all people especially nice, nature loving people. I smoke pot occasionally to think and meditate. I love to hike in the woods and hack. 

Name: eamonn halliday
Location: galashiels, scotland
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 18:26:58
Message: where can i buy an afgan coat... love and shanti om Eamonn 

Name:Hidden Man
Location: read, every 5th letters
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 18:23:44
Message:gfdsh uytri oiuyp oiuyp uytri wqpoe alkjs lkjha ewqpr wqpoe alkjs rewqt ytreu oiuyp uytri salkd 

Name: Abbey
CTDate: Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 14:53:44
Message: I've been reading the viewpoints from all the hippies, young and old, some quite loving and some quite bitter if I might say. There are different reasons that may attract someone to become a hippy, the main one probably being where hippydome started - in the 60's. Looking back to the sixties, hippies were at Woodstock, they wore different clothes, they took drugs and yes, I dare not forget their stands on political and social issues. Hey, they're all important. So don't knock some 14 year old kid who says he's a hippy cause he listens to the Dead or wears birks. Yeah, the poser thing can get kind of annoying, but hey. That kid like the rest of us is trying to find himself. Shit, someone who's 40 may still be trying to find him or herself and find they want to become a hippy. And have you read any of the submissions by these young kids? I'm amazed at their talent for writing!! I understand you're sticking up for your people, but if you were a true hippy, wouldn't you love everyone regardless of what they wear, what music they listen to or why they do either? I'm a 23 year old female and don't really consider myself a hippy at this point in my life. I want to be, not because I want to look different, but because I want to find inner peace. Maybe that's why this profile is going off into so many tangents. I want to lead a simple life with good company. Find people that inspire me and encourage me to smile along my way to self-affirmation. Don't send any hate mail. I'm just a bit lost in my ways right now. 

Name:Ted Jackins
Location: Statesville, NC America
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 21:17:13
Message:I sometimes feel I was born in the wrong times. My record collection contains mostly 60's music and retro anything. My closet is lined with paisley shirts, corduroys, bellbottoms, and tie dyes. I like to pass the time spacing to one of Jerry's solos and staring into my lava lamp, reading the beats, writing poetry, and playing guitar. I am a phish head, and search out unity and places with a communal vibe. I wannna live in a commune, and spread the word of love. I am made fun of for my lifestyle, but that does not stop me. Keep on Space Truckin', Ted 

Location: Ipswich, Suffolk England
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 11:46:27
Message:Hi :) I'm a 16/f chilled out toker girl, spending my time smoking the good stuff whilst crashed out on my favourite floor listening to my favourite tunes. (Anything by the Beatles or Little Fluffy Clouds by Orb :) ) Anyone wanna get in touch, my ICQ is 11273409, and I'm always up for an email. Love & Peace Euphoria (Earth name - Gemma)

Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 08:12:25

Location: Salt Lake City, ut usa
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 00:28:56
Message:man, one day ... everything will be gone, and the world will go down with it. the technology beast is growing, and one day society will realize that it's too late. then things will get worse. i would like to start a community deep in the mountains, far from civilization ... maybe life could be more fulfilling without violence and the obscene demands of a corrupt society. yup ... im packing my bags. peacepeace
Location: tartu, estonia
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 10:14:26
Message:well...about one day of my life...we had a hippy gathering something like a camp and then our tutors decided to have a big so-called washing what is basicly just making eachother as wet as possible...i was dry and i did not want to go out but then i thought what the heck and went outside...anyway our camp included 100 hippies and when they saw me peeking around the corner one of them yelled out: dry person dry was a quite a sightseeing-me running over a huge field and 100 hippies chasing me that was one of my adventures in beeing a hippy scent candles are estonia, opium and cannabis scent-candles are some countries they are everybody from the last mentioned countries-come to visit me and my beautiful home-country though it is not a typical hippy-land :) 

Location: Charleston, SC USA
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 18:45:01
Message:Hola, I'm a 17 year old guy from good ole' Charleston SC. I'm the son of two of the greatest people on the planet. I've been brought up in the ways of my parents and am I social outcast like many of you. I am lucky though in the fact that I have a group of about 7 other friends who are in the same boat as me that live close by. I'm a strong advocate of conservationalism, peace, and unity. I'm a vegetarian and right now i'm working at a Land Trust. I tour with Phish and moe. in the summers and I feel that where music is definitley now a defining characterstic of a "hippy", it is what gets our messages out. People often forget that. I've also been trying to figure this out lately, mabye someone can help me, why is it that we spend so much time telling our children to put down the weapons and stop the violence, yet people find it ok for the American gov't to pick those weapons right up and engage in warfare? Just a question. Anyone who feels that they may have something in common with me or just want to chat, feel free, I'm open to anything! Share in the groove. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. 

Name: *Andrea*
Location: Manchester, NY US
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 13:29:18
Message: Hello sweet peoples. i don't know what is up with all these people having to write paragraph upon paragraph claiming why they are a hippie. i love u all's but who really cares WHY ur a hippie, i want to know what makes your soul so beautiful. i believe that this labeling of people has to stop, and it is what has corrupted our society today. why can't we all just be individuals and be happy with that? i can't say i am a "hippie", because what is that really? i am a lover of rain, dreams, poetry, music and big willow trees. i believe in a higher force that watches over us all, and that thing do truely happen for reasons-even though, at times, it is incredible hard to see why. i want to see peace, as many different cultures and people one can see in this short life. but most of all i want to see happiness and acceptness everywhere. take from these words what u wish, but please don't put a label on me, i am MYSELF. distictive and complicated as i am! if u would like to email me, feel free to do so. i would love to hear your opinions. "You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow"-Janis Joplin 

Name: luna
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 04:10:01
Message:hi. i'm a 17 year old hippie. i think that everyone should stop worrying about the future. people spend there whole lives waiting for the future. its stupid. they could die tommorrow and their whole life has been wasted. everyone should just be happy. and if things arnt working out. who cares. everything happens for a reason. i'm on icq if anyone wants to talk to me. my number is 35111879. smile. :) 

Name: Sweet Melissa
Location: Benzonia, MI USA
Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 20:40:24
Message:Im a young hippie with an old soul. I love my drums, and my hedgehog. I have many herb and flower gardens, I fallowed Further last year with one of my friends, I enjoy life so much its hard for many to take me all in at once...I always have music on, ALWAYS...I love everyone, but why not? Its very hard for me to get mad or to have any hate, its useless, well thats how I see it. I spend a lot of my time at concerts and festivals, considering my cash flow. I do yoga I dont eat meat, and I dont drink. I have long blond curly hair and bright green eyes, Im a big hippie...Im 5'10. I know all my girl friends are really tiny, so Im a tall hippie. I really dislike wearing pants, bra and undies though, I do at times to please my mother. My father died when I was 6, I think hed be proud of who Ive become, thats all that matters to me as of now. Im pleased with my life and I take life day by day...:)Peace, Love, Respect, and Joy, Melissa 

Name: Meghan
Location: Melbourne, FlDate: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 12:50:36
Message: Dont let yourself be a fallower, express yourself and shine throw 

Name: Meghan 
Location: melbourne , FLDate: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 12:36:38
Message: Express yourself in every way possible and LIVE life 

Name: betsy
Location: louisville , ky usa
Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 11:13:00
Message:show me the way..tell me what i can do to help spread inner beauty, peace and love throughout the world...i want to change things but i need guidance from those who started the movement...PEACE, a young hippy, 18 yrs. old-future owner of a womens shelter...i want to spread the idea of inner beauty to women who think they have none... for only with inner beauty can you be truly happy with who you are ( the first step to changing the world for better) email me with ideas 

Name: Piritta
Location: Kristiinankaupunki, Finland
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 16:12:51

Location: texarkana, ark US
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 08:23:24
Message: im a hippie proud and true i grow my weed and smoke it too hahaha

Name:Daniel Wilhelmsson
Location: Umea, Sweden
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 02:52:23
Message:Ok, Hi! My name is Daniel and I come from Sweden. It really seems as though you guys are really in to labeling yourselves and each other, so, to please you, I'd have to say I'm something of a Hippie-activist-punky-vegan-anachist-guy, puh! I'm 21 years old and I'm currently attending the local college of my town. I started out when I was about 12 to listen to local punk-bands, "became" a peacefighting punkrocker for about four years, then I really started getting in on the hippie way of life. I started thinking of myself as a hippie, even though I didn't really see any great differences between the two things (besides the music.... I still love them both,) they're both about, as I see it, and that's what counts, ain't it!?, freedom, beeing youself, love, resistance, anti-work, spontaneity, equality. But then, about two years later, I started to become very disillusionized, it seemed as though all that hippies were about these days was smoking pot and listening to music and that was not what I liked. (ok, I like that too :) ..) but what happened was that I started getting in on veganism and anarchism, which I thought was just a concretization of what I thought before. I done some reading and thought, 'hey!, this is Me!'. So it's pretty hard to label me, even for myself. If I was to tell you of my thoughts, this is it: I believe in freedom; I don't want no possessions, I don't want to have no home, I don't believe in "relationships", cause it keeps me from beeing free. i belive in hoboing, travelling the world, meeting new people, spreading the words of love, making love to everybody who wants to make love to me, sleeping out under the stars, refusing work, helping out where help is needed, evolve myself in every way. I believe in equality; I don't eat animals, I fight capitalism, I fight racism, I fight sexism, I believe in Non-Violence against any living beeing but I strongly belive in Direct Actions. I love love, that's why I don't believe in relationships, I don't think one should settle with just one other person, course, I love so many people, I want to make love to so many people, so why should I be with just one of these? One should always be able to express ones feelings. I read, I write, I play, I listen, I talk, I hear, I love, and, yes, I hate, but I make something positive and constructive out of it. There is so much evil on our earth, that we really can't ignore, too many people just sit around and smoke dope while some people get hurt or killed, some people starve to death. We Must act, not just react. I like to listen to all good, progressive music; Ani Difrranco, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, Phil Ochs, the Clash, Jethro Tull (not necicerilly in that order though!) In three weeks, when school is over, I'm going to sell the little I got and leave my home for to do some travelling, for at least six months, but hopefully for the rest of my life, that depends on you guys... I'm going to New York at the 8th of june with three friends of mine, for to travel "your" country for three months by car. During this trip I really hope to run in to you guys. If you'd like to write me, just chatting or saying you want me to visit you, or you want to meet me or anything, please, Please write me... Love... Daniel... 

Name: Kelsey
Location: Mt.Vernon, Ohio USA
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 at 00:23:59
Message:I was pondering my own existance today and I was wondering why does my family and fellow students want me to dress"90's"? It sort of upsets me. I feel restricted in"prep" closes. I like the way I dress. I am still me nomatter what I wear. I love all and want to pread happiness, but it's very hard when people bring me down for just being me! I love you all and I want to get to know you. Talk to me. ANd try smiling to a stranger ,it might make their day. Let Loose! Kelsey 

Name: Blebo Suncloud
Location: Brighton, Michigan USA
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 23:33:24
Message: Peace to all the hippies out there! I'm a 15 year old hippie looking for someone to chat with. E-mail me if you want a little hippie friend:-) Peace!

Name: Flower
Location: Port Townsend, Wa USA
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 11:35:32
Message: Hey, I am a 17 year old "flower Child" I live in a very excepting community that is full of hippies! If anyone would like to chat I always return email. I love taking hikes, nature horses, and animals. 

Location: Monticello, AR USA
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 16:14:10
Message:Hey!!Life is like a dog if you dont let it know whos boss it will walk all over you. LIVE. Peeace out. 

Name: Quo Vadis
Location: Tartu, Estonia
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 07:01:30
Message:peace help me. i want to be a hippy.and i want to live with other hippies. but im young and stupid... i dont know what to do...sob 

URL:url? they must mean LSD!
Location: Newark , OH USA(sadly)
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 17:53:37
Message:The soft spoken word awaits it's time, the man on the corner, a soul confined, our greed and injustice make us all blind. U likes? I've got more, I am a 16 year old hippy and i'm looking to identify. I am into spirituality and acid trances. Love is the answer. 

Name:Ida Mälarstig
Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 01:52:18
Message:WITH OUR LOVE WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD!! I love LOVE and magic. I love the magic of life and the hidden, unexplained power. Mysterious things we cannot prove exists with science. I love music from the seventies and the sixities I love warm hugs and reading strange poems, I love incense and just hanging around, whatching everything grow, I love nature and dancing in the cold moonlight I love odd clothes with lots of colours, old trouses with bellbottoms... And, I LOVE LIFE!! I'd love to meet new friends from the hole world, so please email me!!! 

Name: Julie 
Email:Not tellin'
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 23:24:18
Message:Hey,I'm 15 and I am on my way to being a hippie. I'm totally into that "nobody-should-fight-let's-all-love-each-other-and-not-be-sad" kind of philosophy. I'm also planning on growing my hair really long and not caring what anybody thinks about me. Let's hope I reach my goal, huh? Hehe. Peace, Love, Freedom and Everything Wonderful in the World Like Rainstorms and Moonshine, Julie ;-) 

Name: Shanon
Location: Tonawanda, NY USA
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 22:45:31
Message:Well...I am 18 years old. Funny, I didn't even realize I was a hippie until people started calling me that in high school. It just happened naturally I guess. My Dad is a hippie too, maybe that's where it comes from. I really don't know what to say, I'm just goin about my business, you all do the same. Peace, love, and kisses to all my brothers and sisters out there! Love you all! 

Location: Earth, U.S
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 22:02:37
Message:hey ya'll!! hmmm, what to put in my profile. well, i am a total peace & luving chic. i love the dead, phish, dylan, janis, hendrix, etc. i wear long skirts and patch pants, tye-dyes, and let's not leave out hemp. i love traveling, nature, freedom,and campings always good! festivals are right up my groovy way! i respect everyone for who they are and never lie on the inernet. believe peace&luv is the answer, but will never be worldly achieved. so, i guess you can say i'm a hippy! ya, and proud of it! so if you'd like to meet a 17 yr. old shakin' chic, who always returns e-mails, feel free to send me an e-mail! *thanx for your time* luv ya all!! xoxo ~daisy~ 

Name: Krista Ladybug
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 16:06:28
Message:love everyone... it may be easier to do this when you wake up every day beleiving that they love you- but don't get too self-involved- NEVER get too self involved. just enjoy they sunshine and open feilds and your life. remember to stay original, also. look deep inside yourself for the answer and take off your mask. feel free to email me.

Name: Krista Ladybug Doyle
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 15:53:25
Message:this web page is awsome! if ne other hippies from NY wanna talk, email me. whoever likes dancing bear, keep living. kisses to all! 

Name:Ocean Lily
Location: Logan, WV U S of A
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 15:15:24
Message:Hola, I'm 15 yrs old. I know I don't live near an ocean but I think that anything can happen with one. The ocean is one of mother nature's most beautiful creations and it should not be put through the crap it's going through now. Anyway, I'm to the net and I don't have a lot of friends. I'd like to meet a few people, it doesn't matter if you are male or female. I'll talk to anyone who will listen, although I can be a quiet person... 

Name: Karobi
Location: Laurelville, OH USA
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 13:24:07
Message:I am not only a hippy, I am also a raver. I would like to share the attitude of our scene with all of the hippies who have never been. For the past couple of months I have been attending these wonderful gatherings of like-minded enlightened beings, and have been exploring myself and enjoying what I find on a much more regular basis than ever before. A great deal of the people there have the same basic values as those in the hippy movement. We are about loving each other, not judging, wonderful music, dance, enlightenment, and most importantly togetherness and acceptance. However, I do not see many hippies there. I thought that perhaps getting these thoughts somewhere public might raise their attendance to our parties. I would understand if they do not appreciate the music and didn't come for that reason, but I fear that they might have the wrong idea about ravers from our appearance, and would like dissuade them from that way of thinking. I would like to hear all of your thoughts on who you are, and what you believe life to be about. Thanks all, God is in Peace, Love, and Understanding, Karobi 

Name: catherine bullis
Location: lafeyette, tn usa
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 08:34:18
Message:i am 16yrs. old and i must be the only hippie in tn that i know about i don't have a computer at my house so i use my dads when i see him durring summer, so if there are any hippie's out there from tn e-mail me at my dads address /
Location: Burke, VA USA
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 13:52:28
Message:Hi sweet brothers/sisters!! I hope you're having a nice day so far! Listen, I'm a 17-year-old hippie, who's a vegan, rock and roll lover, anarchist, and all-around-groovy chick. I'm always looking to meet more gentle people, and since I love you anyway, why not drop me a line? Mail me at or Or, if you like "snail-mail" like I do, or if you'd like to send me some drugs,write me at: 6475 Fenestra Court;Burke, VA 22015 I shall be waiting to hear from you,so until then, LOVE~PEACE~420~SPIRIT~VEGANISM~CWR~444~MUSIC~FREEDOM~POETRY~SHAMANISM~SOUL--- Love, your sister, Steffie.

Name: Morgan Moon Dance
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 05:41:13
Message:Hi you guys!! I've actually been into this hippy spirit for just a little while now...and it makes me feel kinda free you inside, in my soul...I think I've finally found something that's right for me, cause it feels right. You see I've been searching for the right ideology or the right path my whole life. I'm only 17 years old, but I've experienced quite a lot...due to my multicultural background. I was born in the capital of Iran, Tehran...I was 3 years old when I moved to Finland with my family cause my dad got a good work proposition over there...about 7 years ago we moved to Namibia and spent 2 years over there cause my dad was leading this health and management project in building a hospital in the North of the country, a place called Oshakati...Then after 2 years we moved back to Finland and now we've been living here in Brussels for two years; my dad works for the E.U.....So I've been moving around my entire life, not only learning new languages and places, but also about new cultures and atmospheres in order to survive...confusion has been a big part of my life...homeland for me is hard to define...sometimes I feel that I really don't belong anywhere or in any kind of society...I've felt to be extremely different my whole life, and I've always been looking for something to be a part of....Around the time when I was 12 I discovered Elvis and rock'n roll and the whole 50s kinda lifestyle that goes with it...and I was hooked for about 4 years or so....but recently I've been feeling this inner change in me...the naive era of the 1950s doesn't seem to attract me like it did before...I feel I need more freedom, more chance to express myself...and I think I just might have found it... I've been in and out of love for quite a few times, but never in a relationship...I've been waiting for the right guy to come along my whole life, but it has never happened...I guess most guys are kinda shy or scared to approach me cause I'm a lot different from girls in general, most of all, I'm not the type which you might call a "girly girl"....and I enjoy being plain friends with guys than I do with girls...girls have usually a hard time getting along with me... Well, I better be going now....I'd like it a lot if some of you folks could mail me and enlight my life a little bit...I know I still have a lot to learn and I figured maybe you guys could teach me something about life that I don't know yet...By the way, I'm going to this Brussels European School II next year and I don't know there anyone who happens to attend the high school section of the same school? Keep living with the true power of love in your souls. Morgan 

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA USA
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 00:03:47
Message:Greetings, sisters and brothers! I'm a "stealth hippie" (short hair, day job) living in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, home of the Haight-Ashbury, Berkeley and other counterculture strongholds. Lately I've been trying to manifest as much positive energy as I can in my life, and those of the people of around me...we all carry a spark of the Divine, and I try to see it in everyone and everything. It's especially hard in such mean-spirited, violent and greed-poisoned times, but I just can't abandon the ideals of the Summer of Love for no more than a shot at shiny consumer toys or the false security of cynicism. I guess spiritually I'm a me, Mother Earth and Father Sky are the givers of life to all of us, and I honor them. Cannabis is my sacrament of choice; it helps sensitize me and see the beauty in everyday things. This Sunday, along with some other brothers and sisters, I'll be running *naked* through the streets of San Francisco in the annual Bay to Breakers race/festival; to me, nothing is a simpler, more beautiful demonstration of our freedom and the beauty of our bodies to other runners and spectators (it also helps that SF's cops leave us alone on that day!) Click on the above URL if you'd like to read about the *first* time I did this! Anyway, I'd love to hear from others that feel as I do, or who would like to chat. Love is the Law, Mikal

Name: I need one, can someone help me? I would like something about water.
Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 21:57:07

Name: Kaytee
Location: Randolph, VTDate: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 19:15:55
Message: Come and see my world. Peace, love & cookies are all we need to save the planet, you dig it? 

URL:still don't know : )
Location: Albuquerque, NM USA
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 13:31:15

Name: Old Dude
Location: Music City, TN Mother Earth
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 12:21:04
Message:Dudes & Dudettes, I have seen more than my share of war against mankind and the environment during the past 49 years. It's time for everyone on Mother Earth to open their eyes! The entire environment has started changing very rapidly. Big Business and Government blame these changes on El Nino and La Nina. What a crock of crap! Look around your neighborhood, town, state, and country. Everywhere you look, trees and plants are being cut down for alleged progress and prosperity. Who's kidding who? It's all being done so somebody can make money because they don't care about anything else but money and their own greed. I admit it. I'd like to be rich. Who wouldn't? To be able to do what you want, when you want to, where you want to, but within reason, and with common sense! I've travelled the world, and it's the same everywhere. Destroy an entire ecosystem, no matter how small, for profit. Nothing is usually done to replace what is destroyed. I've seen little signs along highways saying this was replanted then, and this has been replanted now. Walk 50-100 yards beyond the signs and nothing has been replanted. Most of the time I want to cry when I see this. There will come a day when the earth will no longer be habitable for mankind. What's worse, it will also mean that the earth will no longer be habitable for plants, animals, insects, or fish, long after mankind is gone. Mankind is killing the environment for all types of living creatures, and the majority don't really give a damn. I truly look at life differently from anyone I have ever met. I don't remember ever being here before! I don't know if I will ever be here again! But while I am here, I'd like to see as much of the world as I possibly can. But everywhere I go, everywhere I look, the world is being killed for the mighty dollar. I read history about before Christ, after Christ, etc. What about next year, 100 years, 1000 years from now? Does anybody truly care if there is a habitable environment for any type of living plant or creature to live in? I don't think so! It's so sad. The entire world that all of us live in is the true Garden of Eden. It's never been one specific place, it's always been the entire earth! Most people don't care about anything, or anyone, except themselves. It's past time, if not too late, to care about everyone, and everything! Go out and plant a tree, preferably fruits and nuts, so that long after mankind has disappeared, there is still hope for the future of living things. But what do I know? I'm not a scholar, scientist, or anything like that! I'm just an Old Dude that cares about the world, all creatures, big and small, and all forms of living things on it! Peace and Love to all!

Name: Dawn
VA United States
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 01:01:59
Message:hey guys! well, my name is Dawn and I'm 22. I love to be outside, go to the beach, fly kites, have picnics, read, go on road trips, and just anything that makes me feel free! I just got this computer, and the internet seems to be a very cool thing . . . gives me a headache after a while though :) Anyone out there ever get to a point in their lives where they feel like being reborn and shedding the dead skin of the past? Man, I do! I have spent many years feeling the pain of others as well as my own, and now I want to make positive things happen. I know everyone is born into this world beautiful, and I just want to communicate with all kinds of people! E-mail me, I'd love to hear from you and I'll be sure to e-mail you back. This computer thing is pretty fun. I wonder when I'm going to find myself? I thought at 22 I'd be set, but maybe it's a continuous process . . . hope to hear from all of you and let's all be nice to each other and make people smile - we can never have too many friends! 

Name:Leslye Hand
Location: Huntsville, Al. 35805
Date: Friday, May 14, 1999 at 00:26:24
Message:Peace, Love ,and Harmony to all my brothers and sisters in the universe! 

Name: jacqey
Location: watertown, wi united states
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 23:21:19
Message:sometimes i think i was put in the wrong decade by accident..i'm a vegetarian and i dig the whole peace and love room is the most colorful thing, man...but i'm a happy person..i don't usually let things bother me that much..i mean the thought of people just getting together and smokin pot and takin acid and listening to music without any fighting makes me so happy...i would love it so much.. PEACE LOVE FLOWERS!!! 

URL:I still don't know!!!!
Location: Albuquerque, NM USA
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 18:06:59
Message:Hello beautiful people! I just finished writing one of these but being as stupid as I am, I don't know what happened to it. So here I am. Re-writing this profile. I hope this one is better than the last one. Probably not, Or equally as stupid! That's the story of my life. I guess. Well, in the past I haven't been much of an online person but I'm grounded till forever. Why? Well, you probably don't care but this is my profile so deal with it or don't read it. It's all good. My rents believe me to be an alcoholic. So now I can't see my 'druggie' friends wich they think are my drug dealers. I'm trying to deal and be cool with the whole parental vibe. But I found that the only way I can be decent to my family is if I come home stoned. This sounds totally horrible but its true. So I'm happy and they're happy. Personally, I think its a win-win situation. What I don't understand is why was I born to live this decade? I really am such a hippy that I constantly feel lost. Who wouldn't? It's hard for me to find people that I click with. Well enough complaining I just really wish the world could be better. There's just so much hate. MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR! BOB DYLAN: But on a more positive note, I love Bob Dylan. His music is one in its own. Totally original, with such meaning! Most of the music from the 60's was like that though. Jimi, The Doors, The Beatles, etc. Thinking makes my head hurt so maybe I'll finish the rest of thst list later. ;P POETRY: Well what can I say that hasn't already been said? Poetry has a big impact on my life. Its always been there in my moments of subliminal content and in my depths of dispair. But I don't have much of those anymore. Because I have found myself and no longer feel like society's doll. I believe that everyone should be able to do just waht makes their heart smile. They should be able to say waht they want at the moment they're thinking it without feeling like their soul is on trial. I believe peace is preferable to war and I believe that good friends are what lasts forever just about the only constant goodness in one's life except for the lucky one's--pot. But that isn't even as great as a friend that is so much more that just chilin' with them is the best drug. Well, I doubt anyone took the time to read this but props to any of you that did! :) Well and if any of you feel like emailing me please do so! Chewy, I send my love to you. You'll always be my perfect drug! *Smokey* 

Name: Carmen Rose
Location: St.Paul, MN 55110
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 14:36:07
Message: Hey everyone. I'm not sure what to say but I am a young little hippy. I love everyone and everything especially music and flowers. I am a big fan of gardening! I can also dig tattoos, etc. Just looking to see how all you other hippies are doing, what you're up to. Get back to me brothers and sisters and we'll spread the love. Peace...stay tall 

Name:*Sunshine Daisy*
URL:I have no clue what to put here folks =)
Location: My Spirit Lies Within No Boundaries, NJ *~USA~*
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 14:03:34
Message:*Greetings* Fellow Flowers - I am a brother to all. To share some info about myself; I am a folk-rock/folk guitarist & singer I dig psychedelic & folk-based music (the groovy stuff man!) I paint scenes of nature (Much Love To *Bob Ross*, my inspiration, my friend, my mentor) *You* will find me anywhere the flowers bloom in many colours, the sun shines even when it's raining, and the stars twinkle even during the daylight. Peace, Love, & *Butterflies* ~sunshine daisy~ 

Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 10:30:51

Location: ringwood, NJ USA
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 09:23:26
Message: Hey beautiful people!! This is rachel once again. my computer has a virus, so email me at my new addy. anyways, i'd like to meet new people!! I'm planning on going to phish shows and the rainbow gathering this summer.. if you too plan to go, perhaps we could go together!! but anyways... drop me an email PEACE -----Rachel W. aka GraceSlick in hippychat (if you remeber me)

Name:Sky Butterfly Watson 
Location: Bellaire, TX U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 17:06:59
Message: First of all i am 13 years old live in Texas and strongly consider myself a hippy and beleive in P.L.U.R.(Peace,Love,Unity,Respect)i made that saying up tofor my own belief.I love the Beatle especially Ringo Starr,he's so groovy.If you ask me what I am I will say I am a psychedelic hippie chic.Ilove butterflies, flowers,animals,my family,nature,and everything except for muderous creepsand jerks. 

Location: in the north of, Sweden
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 06:00:19
Message:Ok, Hi! My name is Daniel and I come from Sweden. It really seems as though you guys are really in to labeling yourselves and each other, so, to please you, I'd have to say I'm something of a Hippie-activist-punky-vegan-anachist-guy, puh! I'm 21 years old and I'm currently attending the local college of my town. I started out when I was about 12 to listen to local punk-bands, "became" a peacefighting punkrocker for about four years, then I really started getting in on the hippie way of life. I started thinking of myself as a hippie, even though I didn't really see any great differences between the two things (besides the music.... I still love them both,) they're both about, as I see it, and that's what counts, ain't it!?, freedom, beeing youself, love, resistance, anti-work, spontaneity, equality. But then, about two years later, I started to become very disillusionized, it seemed as though all that hippies were about these days was smoking pot and listening to music and that was not what I liked. (ok, I like that too :) ..) but what happened was that I started getting in on veganism and anarchism, which I thought was just a concretization of what I thought before. I done some reading and thought, 'hey!, this is Me!'. So it's pretty hard to label me, even for myself. If I was to tell you of my thoughts, this is it: I believe in freedom; I don't want no possessions, I don't want to have no home, I don't believe in "relationships", cause it keeps me from beeing free. i belive in hoboing, travelling the world, meeting new people, spreading the words of love, making love to everybody who wants to make love to me, sleeping out under the stars, refusing work, helping out where help is needed, evolve myself in every way. I believe in equality; I don't eat animals, I fight capitalism, I fight racism, I fight sexism, I believe in Non-Violence against any living beeing but I strongly belive in Direct Actions. I love love, that's why I don't believe in relationships, I don't think one should settle with just one other person, course, I love so many people, I want to make love to so many people, so why should I be with just one of these? One should always be able to express ones feelings. I read, I write, I play, I listen, I talk, I hear, I love, and, yes, I hate, but I make something positive and constructive out of it. There is so much evil on our earth, that we really can't ignore, too many people just sit around and smoke dope while some people get hurt or killed, some people starve to death. We Must act, not just react. I like to listen to all good, progressive music; Ani Difrranco, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, Phil Ochs, the Clash, Jethro Tull (not necicerilly in that order though!) In three weeks, when school is over, I'm going to sell the little I got and leave my home for to do some travelling, for at least six months, but hopefully for the rest of my life, that depends on you guys... I'm going to New York at the 8th of june with three friends of mine, for to travel "your" country for three months by car. During this trip I really hope to run in to you guys. If you'd like to write me, just chatting or saying you want me to visit you, or you want to meet me or anything, please, Please write me... Love... Daniel... 

Name: emily
Location: vancouver, wa u.s.a
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 20:56:56
Message:hey, how's life going? ok, i'm a young hippy. i'm only 15 my graduated in the summer of love so maybe that's where i got in from. i love listen to jimi hendrix, santanna, the doors. their all awesome. i'm always telling people to chill and take a deep breath. make love not war. love not hate. the only thing that really doesn't make me a hippy is that i don't do the drug and the wild sex. i think that all this is bombing is REALLY REALLY wrong. all my freinds and even parents swear i'm a hippy, o well it's pretty cool. i'm into inscents and candles to. it's like when you walk in my room you could swear it was the 60's with all the hemp, inscents, and music. o well it's my life and i like it. i have the attitude of if you don't me or my thinking o well. this is me. peace love & harmony emily 

Name: Shannyn
Location: Virginia Beach, VA USA
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 15:11:29
Message:Hi everyone! I'm 23 and just looking for some sweet people to communicate with. I am a college student - english major and I have a 4 year old son. Also looking for some people who live close enough to get together and maybe go camping this summer or to a rainbow family gathering which is something I've never tried but would like to do. Have a great day everyone! 

Name: constance corrick
Location: albany, or united states
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 10:05:23

Name: Kirk
Location: New York, NYDate: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 09:56:32
Message:I serve as a human 'lab-rat' for a major pharmaceutical company, whereby I participate in routine clinical trials -- as many as 10 per year -- and get paid for it. Its what I do and, believe it or not, it doesn't suck. All things considered, its a dream job.

Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 09:31:57
Message:Hi folks. I don't know about being a hippie, but I sure love and admire the hippie way of life. I know that's been said, but it's true. I wish I could take a year or two off to drive through the country or travel the world to learn about cultures far away and learn about stuff I don't know from inside my own country. Email me or visit my webpage, please! :) my love to all, Christina

URL:none or
Location: rome, ga u.s.a.
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 22:30:42
Message:iam a 14yr old with natural brown hair i just got it died red i have green eye`s i wiegh 112lb i am 5`5 i am looking for some one to talk to maybe hook up with so PLEASE E-MAIL ME IF YOU WANT TO GET FREAKY OR JUST CHAT!!! 

Name: jeni or
Location: rome, ga u.s.a.
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 22:04:01
Message:i am not really i am more like a freak trying to find the real me and not what everybody think`s i should be but i think hippy`s are o.k. so please e-mail me if you would like to get freaky or if you just wanna chat i will fill you in on what i look like i have natural brown hair i got died red and i have green eye`s i w/112lb and i am 5`5 so in your interested PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! 

Name: Aurora Woods (AUSTIN pOWERS)
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 18:26:22
Message: bE gROOVY AND Always A\HUg Trees!!!!!!!

Name: Justin Warring
Location: Kansas City, KS USA
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 17:04:39
Message:Hey there fellow dead heads. Just another patchouli reekin' freak here tryin' to find his way to the next String-Cheese show. E-mail me to chat. Or if you're ever in the KC area, drop me a line, we'll chill. Peace. 

Name: peachee
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 at 00:28:00
Message:hiya! this page is so much fun to read...and i couldn't help but to contribute a bit of myself:) i'm a 19 yr old sister...long straight hair and blue eyes...i'm a phan & dig the dead of course...i play the banjo...i have a sweet little lab/shepard puppy named chunk...i'm a veggie...i love to stitch and to draw...i just bought a beautiful 13 foot canoe & am painting it rainbow colors...i drive a 94 saturn when i'm not riding my bike...i'm in school for wildlife biology...and that's it:). can't wait for summer tour! so everyone keep cool and kynd...catch ya later & remember to set your gear shift to the high gear of your soul; you've got to run like an antelope, out of control. peachee:) 

Name: Martin V. Hippie
Location: Elizabeth, IL USA
Date: Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 23:34:10
Message: My name is Martin V. Hippie, and I am seeking nomination as an independent candidate for election to the U.S. House of Representatives 16th District (Northern Illinois). I hope to have my name on the ballot in the year 2000. For more details check out our website at There may be a Congressman Hippie in the near future. 

Name: keith
Location: peoria, ilDate: Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 22:57:08
Message: well no one can wkae up and say they are a hippy ! it's a state of mind that one must gather through thought and the way they live their life . many are and many try ! it's just got to be you ! later on !

Name: Merri Jayne Leas
Location: Rolla, ND USA
Date: Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 15:06:43
Message:Peace Out and Make LOVE not WAR 

Name: Todd
Location: Indiana, PA USA
Date: Sunday, May 9, 1999 at 06:56:55
Message:Hey, everybody! Readin' the profiles, figured I'd add my own. Thinking about how none of us really fit a profile, when you get right down to it. I mean, I'm kind of an earth-poppa, big guy, bearded Taoist itinerant philosopher thing. But, at the same time, my favorite kind of music is (gasps from the crowd) Frank Sinatra. I don't drop, smoke, drink, etc. But I try, try very hard, to love every organism as it is, which is really what it's all about. Don't try to conform, don't try to be different, just don't try. Just be. :) Off the soapbox. Serenity, everybody! 

Name: Nike
Location: Peoria, Il USA
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 13:05:40
Message:Hey guys! I have already written once, but after recieving a response from a fellow hippy (Hey Kathy!!) I decided to come back and read some more profiles. The more I read, the more I am disgusted by what most of you think a hippy is. Don't you listen. You can't "be a hippy when you grow up," because it isn't a career. You are not a hippy because of what you wear, or because you listen to the Dead, or you because you wear hemp. It goes so much deeper than that. You are a hippy because of what you believe, and what you feel. I am sick and tired of feeling trivialized because everyone wants to be a hippy. It isn't like some secret club that you can join. It is a way of life, and a way of being. So, for all you wanna-be's, I offer this simple piece of advice. Be yourself. Love yourself. The rest will follow if it is destined to be. Keep Smilin'. Nike

Name: marley watt
Location: amelia, ohio usa
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 11:54:02
Message:hey, i wanna be a hippy. thanx, me & steffier@Marijuana.Com
Location: Burke, VA USA
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 10:19:39
Message:Well Hello everybody!!! How are you today? There's no one around here that is a hippie- besides me, and my soulmate :)- So I am looking for fellow hippies to make friends with.I love everybody on God's green earth, even though I am made fun of a lot. I really love Rock and Roll, and I'm going to marry a rock star :). I listen to Paul McCartney, the Doors, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Donovan, the Beatles, and many acid-rock bands. I have recently been on a soul-search, and I now know what's important. So, join me in life, let's be friends, get high a while, talk, laugh, and smile. Do not be shy, send me an email at or steffier@Marijuana.Com. Better yet, write me a letter at 6475 Fenestra Court;Burke, Va 22015. I will be waiting to hear from you. Have a nice day, I love you all, Hugs, flowers, kisses, 444, 420 ~ Steffie

Name: Millsy
Location: Pearl River, Louisiana United States
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 08:02:41
Message: Hey there everyone... I have already given my profile to this site much earlier and doubt any of you would like to see it again. The reason I'm writing is because I wanted to share a little experience with you. Last night I met some really awesome, free spirited people. I wont tell you the details about the night itself; my point is that these people wern't afraid to do anything, yet they didn't get up in peoples face and go for shock value. They expressed themselves very freely and had innocent fun, talking to strangers and allowing for funny situations. (All of this was done at a coffee shop with others around, so nothing bad could have happened.) What I'm trying to say here people is that being a "hippy" has more to do with having a free soul, and making people smile with it. Just think about how it changes your whole mood when someone makes you smile. If people would just spread this happiness around and just be friendly, maybe we would be a few steps nearer to world peace....just a thought...I'll get off my soap box now. If you agree with me write me, lets communicate people!!! Lets talk about what makes us happy instead of what angers us! Hugs and laughter to everone! Good vibes and peace to all, Millsy 

Name: Moonglow Buttersun
Location: ,Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 03:37:31
Message:That wasnt a very groovy thing to say, you asshole 

Name:Shinelove EarthMotherLoveSharer
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 03:34:54
Message:to be honest with you, moonglow buttersun (if that is your real name, which i really dont think it is), i dont believe your fabled galligaska ranch even exists. i think it is just some figment of your imagination, dreamed up by a mind which needs as many escapist outlets from the dull oppressive tide of a life which perpetually reminds you of your own insignificance as it can. for all your exhortations about living today, in reality you live in some made up happyfairylovebuttersunshinelightpeace land where you can pretend that only the gratification of your own narcissistic impulses exists.

Name:Moonglow Buttersun
URL:what does that mean. :)
Location: Galligaska , CA USA
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 03:32:35
Message:I think earthmotherloveshareer should move to galligaska ranch with us true hippies and learn to realy share and love other people! Otherways, they should leave us alone and let us wear our bellbottoms in peace. Peace and light to the true Hippies......:) 

Name:Shinelove EarthMotherLoveSharer
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 03:22:22
Message:listen, you young love-mongers and sunshine happy land lovers of all things good and bounteeeeous and beeeutiful to mee and you love honey bee, i have a tale to tell: one day, i forgot what i loved in life. can you imagine what it would be like to forget all that is near and dear to you love honeyshine bumblebee? i did, but then i remembered i was a hippiiyee lover and realized that that meant i must love sharing and caring and flowering and deflowering (haha, you know what i mean love honeydipped child) and peace and love and BUYING LOTS OF STUFF FROM COMMERCIAL VENDORS WHO WILL SELL ME INDIVIDUALITY AT A HEFTY CONSUMER PROFIT WITH EVERY NEW CANDLE AND PAIR OF HEMP PANTS I BUY. I HAVE LEARNED TO EMBRACE A VEILED CONSUMERISM, TOO, IN PURCHASING A MALL PREPACKAGED IDENTITY. REMEMBER, YOU CAN ALWAYS BUY SOMETHING WHICH SUGGESTS YOU DONT SUPPORT CRASS CONSUMERISM YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS LOVE CHILDREN.

Name:Moonglow Buttersun
URL:what does that mean. :)
Location: Galligaska , CA USA
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999 at 03:21:27
Message:I am a hippie. I am very in to sharing, and flowers, bell bottoms, candles, incense, marijuana, . i am not in to hate, trendyness, poplular culture, corporations, authority, war, etc. And Im into peace and love. Hippys 4EVER!!!!! 

Location: Kennett Sq., PA USA
Date: Friday, May 7, 1999 at 14:41:54
Message:I like sitting around writing and listening to the Doors. I also love Hendrix, Zepplin and occasionly the Beatles. I am 15 years old and I pretty much fall under every catagory of being a hippie. (Minus the drugs.) I am going to Woodstock 99'!!! Yahhoo!!!!
Location: richmond, va usa
Date: Friday, May 7, 1999 at 08:35:40
Message: hi groovy people! i'm 17, and i always been a hippy and i always will be. I love to share, to love, to make other people happy, live concerts, festivals, meeting new people, everything that makes you a hippy. I'm writing to meet new people with who i can talk to, people that i know that will like the same kind of things that i do, so if you want to write me i promise i'll write back. Till than, peace and make love! the world is ours to make it a better place. 

Name: nathaniel sunshine
Location: perth, WA Australia
Date: Friday, May 7, 1999 at 04:36:01
Message: i dont have to prove to uy that i m a hippie but u should believe me.if your 16 or younger join hippie youth and be a part of tribe sunshine. if this apeals to u email me at

Name: Kathy
Location: Chicopee, MADate: Friday, May 7, 1999 at 04:35:24
Message:"PLEASE ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE myself" i'm JUST A SIMPLE GIRL TORN EMOTIONS PULLING THIS WAY AND THAT ANGER CHURNING FROM DEEP WITHIN FEAR ERRUPTS my EVERY BEING UNWILLINGLY i SUBMIT i'm DROWNING IN POOLS OF HATRED AND LUST ANXIOUS FOR IT TO END ALONE, AFRAID STRUGGLING TO BE BRAVE THE DARKNESS, THE NIGHT STILL OVERWHELMED WITH FRIGHT THE QUIET IS HARSH THE STILLNESS TO STRANGE BUT LOOKING AROUND i KNOW NOTHING HAS CHANGED Are the raindrops wishes falling gently to the ground Spreading their magic to those all around Or are the raindrops tears from the heavens above Are the angles crying for those whom they have loved Do the raindrops hold the secrets that we try to find And when we seek out answers, do the raindrops really mind Maybe God sent the raindrops as a lesson to us all Though one, so very tiny, together an unbeatable wall. 

Name: sahara sunshine
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 22:27:40
Message:Hey all u groovy psychadelic peoples.... Hey, I'm lookin' for hippie type penpal people, so hurry up ur bell-bottomed butt and write me man........ 

Name: Nike
Location: Peoria, Il USA
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 21:11:26
Message:I just wanted to stop in and say nothing more than to state that I agree with Perception and Vanilla Stream. Don't try to categorize yourself as a hippy. You are what you are. Don't try to be something that you are not. If you are destined to be a hippy, you will be. It's as simple as that. You have to love yourself, before you can spread love to others. Peace, Love, and Harmony. Nike 

Location: some where, wi in a place
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 10:19:36
Message: well lets all go out and live are lifes and not worry about any thing. That is the way life gos's just live day by day and every thing will be fine. 

URL:what does that mean????
Location: earth, U.S.
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at 17:07:04
Message: Hmmmmm, what to say. Well, hippies kick a**! With all the violence in the world today we need some peace! That's why we should all get together and form a revolution! Things I love: long skirts, tie-dyes, hemp, herbs, festivals, long hair, freedom, the dead, phish, dylan, ccr, traveling, and you!! Well, there you have it. If anyone would like to meet a 17yr. old *hippy chic* just send me an e-mail. Let your spirit live on. Thank you. bahbye,xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Daisy 

Name: River
Location: Happyville, U.S.A.
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 22:16:17
Message:Don't fret it's just a your life and spread your name...If you'll grow old...Make your dreams turn into gold! Hi, my name is River & I'm 9801 days old. My days are occupied by dreaming of upcoming roadtrips, woodstocks and gatherings with my best friend Daisy. We would certainly enjoy meeting you if you are a fan of the likes of Jack Kerouac, Chris McCandles and Richard Brautigan. Who knows...maybe we will see you soon on the road. Always looking for kind friendly folks... Email us, we'd love to meet you. Peace and love ~ River 

Name: Kate
Location: Albany, NYDate: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 14:20:20
Message:Whats shakin'? After reading a majorty of the porfiles on here it gave me some idead of what to say and what not to say so i decided to just state the facts. Im a 16 female that was rasied by 2 deadheads/hippies. I was raised Vegan but then went veggie man i can never pass up ben and jerrys. I speak the truth no matter what im asked. If its hurtful i try to stay way from it in the first place. I love music live shows and meeting people of all ages. If you want to yack.. tell me stories or anything drop me a line, I enjoy all i get and will deffiently write back. Till we meet again. Much Love! Peace Love and Veggie Vibes Kate 

Name: swaz
Location: skys the limit, forgot sweden
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 10:16:30
Message:hey, I AM A 18 year old hippie and proud of it. well if any body wants to send me any cool stories about there 420 experience please e-mail me at my address. PEACE 

Name: Heather
Location: Du Quoin, Il United States
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 10:14:11
Message:What is a real hippy? Drugs, free sex, love, harmoney,inner beauty and so on. if you practice at least two or more of these you are a true hippy. peace be with you all 

Name: Jay
NSW Australia
Date: Monday, May 3, 1999 at 22:35:21
Message:Hello fellow hippies. I am Jay the hippy from way down under. I am a strong beleiver that one day all us hippies will one day florish again the same way the old hippies did back in the 60's. We should get to know other hippies and start the old ways again, who knows maybe one day there might be another "Woodstock" for all of us to enjoy. I think peace, love, harmony, drugs, music, freedom and travel are the most important things in my life, things which I would like to practice before I depart from this planet. If you have any thoughts of what I have said or would just like to talk to another sane individual Email me. Peace everyone. 

Name: Julie Wright
Location: Findley Lake, NY U.S
Date: Monday, May 3, 1999 at 14:34:57
Message:Hey ya'll! Hippies rock, and don't let anyone tell you no different! I've gotten harrased various times, but that's alright, cause I'm proud to be one! My highschool is full of I don't know what you want to call them, wiggers I geuss. What is that all about? Whatever dillies your pickle. I love that phrase. But for me, music, peace, hemp, love, tie-dyes, and let's not leave out erbal substances, is what makes the eart-go-round! If theres any jammin' cats out there that want to meet a 17yr old *hippy chic* from NY, just drop me an e-mail. Thank you for your time. Peace&Love-*Julie* 

Location: Perth, WA Australia
Date: Monday, May 3, 1999 at 05:07:32
Message: Hey all you hippy poeples! I am a hippy, well I don't think you can really classify people with labels, but for the sake of this I'll say I am. I am 13 and female. I have ICQ, my number is 32632274. I am also a Shaman. I just moved to the city from the country this year and am kind of bored, and depressed. There aren't many natural places I can easily get to. I really love Bob Marley, Bob Seger, James Taylor and (forgive me) Metallica. But if you want to know why I like them you'll just have to contact me! I am planning to write when I get out of school. And I want to travel too, around Australia and some other countries like India and Vietnam. My school is very depressing, especially all the teenyboppers that populate it. They are nice, just not that interesting (I know I said I didn't like labels but hey, I guess I'm a hypocrite). I would really like to meet some people who have 'hippy' like qualities. Then I will have someone to relate to. Peace, Love, Light and Freedom BUTRFLY

Name:Davey Brown
Location: Pocatello/Seattle, Id/Wa UnItEd StAtEs
Date: Monday, May 3, 1999 at 00:26:00
Message:Hey the hell is everyone???:):):)Well my interpretation of a believe that the 60's were...creativity, self expression, love, kindness, hope, mind expanding, People coming was and is a natural thing it has happened since the dawn of time.....I there are probably alien hippies....."Beings that go with there own free will.....and Challenge MainStream Thought....or something like that........I think Hippies existed then, before, and now........Rock on.......and Uhm Love Each Other:):):) 

Name: Christina
Location: Bakerfield, CA US
Date: Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 23:54:21
Message: Im not a true Hippy, but I wish I was. I believe people need to follow their hearts and not what others think of you. Let the wind take you where ever it flows, and I hope that all Hippies live on. 

Name: Keith
Location: Versailles, MO USA
Date: Sunday, May 2, 1999 at 08:55:45
Message:I haven't worn shoes or changed my pants in at least a week. I found out that it's easier to work on the computer than to live in my van, so that's what I do now. My parents were hippies, and I guess I was kind of raised that way, but now they have changed, and disapprove of the way I live. Oh well. Anybody ever read any Richard Brautigan? Man he's like the best. Sometimes I feel like a character in a Tom Robbins book. I don't know. I guess I'm a hippie and I'm proud of it and that's all I have to say for now. 

Date: Saturday, May 1, 1999 at 18:43:38
Message:Hey there dahlinks, this is more of shameless self promotion than anything else I s'pose *grin*. I am 20 years old, female, satan.....but what perhaps I have shared too much ;) actually aren't all women part devil anyways?! My homepage pretty much says everything I want to say so check it out! Peace be with yous

Name: lelana
Location: South Bend , IN USA
Date: Saturday, May 1, 1999 at 18:26:02
Message:I just like to chat and get email and make good friends, ok? P.S. I really like Arlo Guthrie and Donovan too. Oh and Tom Paxtin. 

qld australia
Date: Saturday, May 1, 1999 at 18:05:27
Message:hi. i'm a 17 year old hippie. i'll talk to anyone. if your've got icq my number is 35111879. i love all the 60's music and i love that era. i wish i was lived in the 60's. seemed like everyone was much happier then. oh well. remember nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile.

Name: jessi
Location: moseley, va usa
Date: Friday, April 30, 1999 at 22:47:34
Message:i need some people to talk to!!! i got busted for weed and acid etc so now i am in rehab. my parents sent me there. i am on mad lockdown and need company. dont email me becasue i only check it once every few months. i don't have acomputer i use everyone elses. i want someone with time to write me real letters. we can like trade stuff and become friends.that'd be awesome. if you want to do that write me a real leter at 221 n. courthouse rd richmond, va 23236 hmm... thats cool i am a weiter and am working on a zine now.i read a lot especially william s. burroughs!! i am into poetry and art. i am also a shaman. i got to the unitarian church of richmond which is awesome.well thats it. 

Name: ryan
Location: houston, texas us
Date: Friday, April 30, 1999 at 21:44:30
Message: im orginally from saratoga n.y. but i moved to texas unfortunately. there are no hippies in my town. the only time i have seen any is when phish came to town. i want to know where they all went. i have long curly brown hair. i love every g.d. song i have ever heard. neil young is another favorite of mine. i sell hemp necklaces at concerts. i made 100$ at further last year. spent it all on hash and shrooms though. im 17 and i play guitar, but im not very good. i write poetry. im a jim morrison freak. i am growing a lot of kind bud that i bought from canada, sweet tooth, straberry blonde and niagra. i like to climb mountains but there aren't any in texas so i havent been doing that much lately. i truely do believe in peace and love. i dont like ignorant people. so if your a hippy that lives in the houston area, write me! or if your a hippy chick looking for love, write me! 

Name:Sunshine Daydream Elkinson
URL:<------------Don't know what that means
Location: Gatlinburg, TN USA
Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 17:12:14
Message: I work at the Hemp Store in Gatlinburg. I meditate twice a day. My parents were both hippies,too. I smoke weed like some people smoke cigarettes. I'm all about peace, love, happiness, and the peoples rights. I've been trying to get marijuana legalized since I was 18, I'm now 21. My wardrobe consists of long flowing dresses, spaghetti strap sleeveless shirts, anything hemp with flowers on it or tie-dyed, flare jeans, big elephant pants, and long flowing skirts. I live by myself and am a total daredevil.

Name: Stevie R. Colecco (a.k.a Stary}cloud*Chaser)
Location: Lynchburg, VA Uninted States
Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 04:27:34
Message:*handing a rose to all and giving you a hug*...peace my friend. I am a new age hippie. I don't dress like the 60's hippie, but it isn't the dress: it's the state of mind. I have a pure love for all that is natural and of course love my marijuana *smile*. I almsot baffles me at what the kids are doing these days...I am only 17 but still can't believe how people wear bellbottoms b/c it is a trend. To me that disgraces the hippie name, for it puts a label on something that isn't heart felt. Such as just anyone-like maybe someone who's an intellectual and a goody who doesn't think twice about anarchy or the unity ethic-sliding on some spikes (portraying a punk). But anyway, I can only hope that we will all come together in our own way b/c everyone has to be someone. *smile*....well, on to the next toke! 

Name: Antje Loveshine
Location: Kent, OH USA
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 23:36:26
Message:Hey, all you beautiful people! Hug a stranger, hug a tree, make love and run barefoot through the grass...keep on smiling and loving. **Peace and Light**, Antje 

Name: Carmen Williams or
Location: East Ridge, TN America
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 20:34:03
Message:Hey all my groovy people I love to be a hippy freak out person if you know what i mean so yeah what is the purpose of me writing in this box?? 

Name: Alex Chance
Location: Arlington, TX USA
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 16:53:02
Message: Is there any hippies in texas!!!! I am a very lonely hippie in arlington tx any hippie that lives in arlington tx e-mail me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Marju Hämäläinen
Location: Joensuu, Finland
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 05:39:09
Message:peace!Make love not war! 

Name:aimee gleeson
Location: kildare, ireland
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 04:43:14
Message: Hey hippies how are you. Im from ireland and my boyfriend and i are the only hippies left in the area. we desperately need new hippy friends to meet. We'll be at glastonbury this year if you want to meet us. 

Name: Julie Moonshine Sandburg
Location: Minneapolis, MN U.S.A
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 19:00:15
Message:I am 12 years old (or atleast I will be on June 24th) and would like to get together over the Net with young hippies that are about my age. I consider myself a hippy, even though I don't really have my closet filled a ton of bell-bottoms and all those other great things. You can email me @ or ICQ me @ 36138793. I would like it if you ICQed me because it's quicker and easier. 

Location: Woodstock, NY USA
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 14:04:44
Message: The only thing to being a hippie is smoking grass 

Name:Rainbow Beam
Location: Woodstock, NY USA
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 14:01:09
Message:The only thing to being a hippie is smoking grass! 

Name: April aka "Swirl"
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 13:35:37
Message:Hello everyone. My name is April, but everyone cal>

Name:Sam Wise
URL:i dunno
Location: wilmington, de usa
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 12:50:11
Message: life in drugs is like the preview to heaven 

Name: squeaker
Location: Charleston,, SC USA
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 12:15:42
Message: i am a hippie as i wish to be one. preach nonviolence, run sing, dance,blow bubbles. ihave fun and i play at the beach. i color with my glitter crayons and play. and when things are bad; nothing left to do but smile smile smile. 

Name: Ivy Briarpatch
Location: Wayoutthere, Inthevastocean Ofinnerandouterspace
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 at 18:28:33
Message:Hey there brothers and sisters, dealing with a perplexing question? In a moral jam? My name's Ivy and I can most likely help you out with your problems and get you out of that mental fix! Just email me your question or tell me your problems and I'll try my hardest to enlighten you. Just call it some hip advice from Ivy Briarpatch. I'm especially good at teaching teenage hopefuls "the ways" of our culture if you will. So, kids, if you gots a question ask me. Love and Peace, Ivy 

Location: Bloomington, IN USA
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 at 18:04:19
Message:Hello there I'm Amy, a modern day hippie if you will. I'm 16 years old and have decided my destiny in life is this lifestyle. Now I've heard a lot of crap from older hippies saying, "Oh, well, now, youre just a bunch of teenagers having a whole lot of fun pretending to be a 'hippie' and all but youre just a bunch of kids who dont know what its all about," but I'm not one of those kids, folks. I have a good level head on my shoulders and know what I'm talkin about cause I've grown up around it, so dont tell me I'm just some ignorant teenager. Now I may sound kinda defensive but really I'm trying to illustrate that not everything is as it seems, like some dumb teenage kid going on and on about how much of a hippie they are and how they wear bellbottoms and all that garbage about how they listen to this and that and how it makes them "Like, such a hippie, oh my GOD," I'm not anything like that. My heart is in protecting the forest and the earth and getting some hemp/marijuana legalized for our use and to save the planet, not in spending my hard-earned paycheck on the newest bellbottom flair craze at the mall and peace sign earrings. I'm not one of them materialistic plastic girls, for I care more about whether the trees and animals live more than "LOOKING LIKE A HIPPIE." I know I am one by how I live, not by what I look like. Hey now check out my page(s) at the address above. You may or may not find them interesting. Email me, bla bla bla. 

Name: William
Location: Claremont, IL USA
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 at 00:44:18
Message: "Lay down,Lay down,lay it all down.Let your White Bird Smile up at The Ones Who Stand and Frown"- Melanie 

Name: Harold
Location: Williamsport, Pa. U.S.A.
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 13:02:36
Message:Hello!I am a single 34 year old college student that is into;travel,art,music,movies/theater,reading/and the great out doors.I would like to meet ladies from around world for friendship or possible relationship.So,drop me an e-mail and tell me all about yourself.Hope to hear from you soon. 

Name: honey
Location: scottsville, kentucky usa
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 12:25:42
Message:i am 14 yrs old & me and my stepcousin amy and my best friend kelly are all wanting to start a hippy living status isnt what i wear but is based on my emotions!i want anyone who is a hippie and who is willing to help me to get started to email me!!!Luv u lots! 

Name: Tim
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 09:08:31
Message:Hello everybody!I'm called Tim,15(male). I'm a new generation flower child.I don't live the hippie lifestyle,but I feel I love all living creatures in this world, animals, people, plants, everything...I love Life on the whole, it's just great - every single moment of it... Of course it has it's ups and downs, but then, if there'd be no sorrow, how could we appreciate joy?..I just enjoy life as it is and am content just with the fact that I'm alive...Life is a marvel to me however hard it is...I can't understand this social structure of ours. Why run after money or a career or whatever and sacrifice your spiritual development?Why chase tomorrow, while the only day to live, love and be happy is today?And then at 70 or something understand that you've done NOTHING at all - neither for yourself nor for your fellow man and have just wasted up your single precious life on nothing?..I wish I could do something to improve it all...I'm a tripper and I wish I could also do something for the psychedelic revolution, for people to expand their minds...My interests are arts, religion, philosophy, psychology, music(my favorite bands are Pink Floyd and the 13-th Floor Elevators, my favorite singers are Elton John and Syd Barett - well, quite a mixed-up lot...), literature(esp. poetry). I enjoy sitting in my room smoking pot, playing my guitar or composing poems, walking in Nature or just talking to other people... I wish peace and joy to you all, and email me if you wish. PEACE, LOVE, AND COURAGE ON YOUR PATH. Your brother Tim. 

Name: Bische
Location: New Delhi, Delhi India
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 03:18:06
Message:Hi, I'm Bische, 25, male and working in New Delhi. I'm actually a second generation flower child. My parents were there in epoche of peace, grass and music if WOODSTOCK'69! My be it's the genes which has inspired me take up the flower child life. Well, generally, I'm a tripper and I wish to promote this particular revolution in my country. India is a conservative place and flower children are considered to be anti-social. Moreover, people who are tripper are forced to lead a cladestine lives. This is pretty ridiculous! I wish to unite all those fellow being like me, in my country or abroad to unite and fight the so called civilised human society, in order to revive the beautiful revolution of beautiful people - The movement of the Flower children of this world. I'm generally an artist otherwise, apart from my profession, which is again in the world of hypocrites . I'm fond of smoking grass, in pots. Well I do it everyday, wothout fail, after when I'm back from work. The pot shots help me to be selfless once again and I take up a creative life thereafter. Well, all those who are in a similar situation like me, are requested to write so that we could unite and fight these fake embargoes that are posed on Flower Children and their ways of living. This message of mine is rather an appeal to those who are better off legally than us (I mean the friends who are living in Holland)to spread our sad story to the trippers of this world. Well, that's all I can say for the moment, for life is truly beautiful after stoning and I'm actually sensing it at the moment.... ...with lots and lots of hope for that dawn......when things would be legalised in this part of the world too....... ..... Everybody I Love you! Bische, from New Delhi, India. 

Location: Minneapolis, MN USA
Date: Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 20:18:11
Message: Hey all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-) I'm 16/Female, but I'm a total hippy though. I love the 60's!!!!!!!!! And I'm esp. into into it lately though because I just smoked a bowl and watched the movie version of "Hair" and it was AWSOME!:-) LOL I got the soundtrack yesterday. Anyway if anyone wants to email me do! Now!*L*:-) Luv ya!

Name: Erin
Location: Prince Frederick, MD USA
Date: Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 18:31:52
Message:I may be 13, but i'm a hippy. I live in Hicktown, USA. Preppies hate me, teachers hate me. But I'm a hippy, and the 60's would have been my time of choice. Tree-huggers all the way! I'm a veggie, and live on the cliffs of the chesapeake bay. I have but 2 hippie friends. Hello to Barb and Greg. I don't really know what to say, except when I turn 18 I'm moving to a hippie community. you should do the same. peace.

Location: larissa, none greece
Date: Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 13:23:25
Message: hey man,i really am a yippie.(despite what yippies became in ameriKKKa.) i like demonstrations,love,sex,booze, acid and dope.i like my life without all these ? like votin',joinin'parliament parties,and listenin'to goddamn liers like Ronald Reagan 

Name: hannah
Date: Friday, April 23, 1999 at 15:59:19
Message: I really disagree with the "hippy profiles" that assert that the 60's were an era of peace and happiness. Some chose to embrase a spirit of love and peace, but others were fighting in the war. Remember that each decade has good and negative points. To wish that you lived in the 60's is fine, but don't wish that beacuse you liked the peace that surrounded that era (becasue it didn't necessarily as I have allready proved). The 90's and pease are not mutually exclusive. Embrace love and peace today. 

Name: Raiel
Location: Tavira, Portugal
Date: Friday, April 23, 1999 at 14:29:55
Message:Hi everyone!!!! We are Raiel and Íris and we're 16. We are hippies since we're born. We are portuguese, and we don't speek a very good english, so... sorry! By the way... why don't you mail us to discover a lot of things about us? 

Name: Erika Palovaara
Location: Kalix, Sangis, NB Sweden
Date: Friday, April 23, 1999 at 05:59:51
Message:If life was meant to live, why dont they let me? I know I will be alright by myself,.. Dont let the war take over, stop it before it`s to late,..if it not already is that,.. Love your people around, soon before you know they will br gone,..

Name: Kristen Weigand
Location: Warrensburg, MO U.S.A.
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 18:54:57
Message: I painted flowers and butterflys on my van but it's a ford and I really enjoy smoking pot. 

Name: Barry Dugre
Location: Green Bay, WI Brown
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 14:27:56
Message:I like to smoke a lot of grass and fall on my ass. I like to take LSD and pee on a tree. But hay I'm a Hippy just let me be 

Name: KT
GADate: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 14:24:03
Message:There's too much violence in the world. As for me, I say embrace the old school. That's right, the old school. I'm twenty-two years old, and I wish to God/dess that I could've been born twenty to twenty-five years earlier. Back when there was love, and music, and flowers, and dancing, and good times. Back when disco and folk music were things to dance to and mellow out and groove to, not like today when hate music and angry rock inspires evil. We need to love each other and get along with each other and celebrate our differences and revel in our joy--the world should be like one big Lenny Kravitz video. One day, there will be love and peace societies, hopefully, to overcome the hate, racism, intolerance, prejudice, and violence in our culture. Live it up, be nice, and instead of shooting and fighting--kiss, hug, and live it up. Here's to joy--good will overcome evil!
Location: Rolly View, Ab Canada
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 11:41:27
Message: My profile? One that is not that poplular in the plastic age. I am the lava lamp starin', pot smokin', peace fightin' (oxymorone), back to nature or bust seven teen year old; who strongly believes...wait this is a profile...(opinionated commi)..Birkenstocks or bare feet, organic farmer,Dylan, Lightfoot, Cohen..THE GREATFUL DEAD! Nothing trendy or materialistic, down to earth, cosmically attuned, 100% natural home grown personage. Pleased to profile. peace. 

Location: London, England
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 04:14:58
Message:I am groovy student flare wearing chic who digs the sounds of the 60s esp Dylan and The Beatles fab site ever is 'Hippyland'..I love composing poetry and smoking pot in a peaceful pscychedellic surrounding known as my bedroom,I am veggie and wish for world peace.."Hell no we won't go" and feel i was born 50 years too late..I oppose any form of authority and am anti-war..i recycle everything that comes my way -glass,paper..far out groovesters and don't forget to play it cool..rememeber also never to walk on the grass but smoke it!.. 

Name:Stefanie *SpaceFluff*
Location: New Balt, MI USA
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 21:57:26
Message:I wish there would be world peace, those poor kids in Colorado, they didnt deserve violence, they were just doing what society planned for them to do... to go to school. 

Name:Rachel W.
Location: Ringwood, NJ USA
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 18:59:47
Message:Hello Beautiful People!! I'm a cool mellow person who loves meeting new people. I play the bongos, guitar and piano. I am a vegetarian, and I love nature. It would be great if you emailed me... and if you have icq... my number is 23086915. Have a Grateful Day!! Peace 420 420 420 420 420........

Name: TeRi
PADate: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 17:34:34
Message:Hippys are cool! I love them all! I would like to make some hippy friends because there are NO HIPPYS in my town. email me if you want a friend from PA. 

Name: M_ilee
Location: Brunswick, Ga Utopia
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 21:34:35
Message: You know I read the papers and watch the news and it seems all we,the populuous in general, can do is create violence. I'm so tired of it. It gives me this sickening feeling and whats worse is that I can't do anything but voice my opinion. I can't go out and stop the violence or make world peace a reality or put an once of confidence into this god-forsaken world. It makes one wonder if not thinking of things that causes so much torment and dispare upon one's heart is wrong? All I want is utopia. Do you know where its at amongst all this madness and insanity? How can you find such a beautiful place within your heart when there is so much hatred prevading into even the loveliest places. So much is destroyed, so many lives wasted, and negitive energy going towards what has to be damnation. And in these sad words that are so true, my mystifing question still lingers, where has all the love gone. 

Name: Flower Child Of Florida
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 19:42:24
Message:I Love all Hippies, and I am one at heart