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1999 Archived Hippie Profiles
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Name: Shelley Cleave
Location: sudbury, suffolk england
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 04:44:35
Message:peace man! 

Name: casper skøt petersen 
Location: taars, 9830 Denmark
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 01:30:41
Message: To be an hippy ar the ultimate to be !" 

Name: { echo }
Northern Ontario, Canada
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 00:03:06

"I'm a hippie"

"I think I'm a hippie"

"I want to be a hippie when I grow up"

Sound familiar? I think the reason most of us are posting on this site is in order to reach out and communicate with other people who perhaps share some of our ideas about what's important, the hippie 'ideals' perhaps. (if we could ever agree on what they were! ;) 
My point is that instead of writing several paragraphs justifying your decision to call yourself a hippie, maybe we should just describe who we are, our real profiles, as the site indicates. The fact that you call yourself a hippie is a bit redundant, since this page is for "hippie profiles", it is understood that you are a hippie, or have some qualities that you'd consider to be 'hippie qualities' or are perhaps in just talking to other hippies if you wouldn't consider yourself one.
At any rate, the fighting really needs to stop. There is enough of it out there, and instead of just saying the words 'peace, love, and tolerance' we need to get past the fact that those words have become cliche, and actually live them. How can we promote peace out there, if we can't even have peaceful interaction online?
I have met many very wonderful people as a result of visiting this site, and I hope to continue to do so. 

Anyway, I suppose it is time for my own profile of sorts, right? At the age of eighteen, I live in a rather close-minded society who look down on me me because I wear my hair in natty dreadlocks, don't shave or wear make-up, and choose to voice my opinions even if they don't always agree with what the majority would agree to be 'right'. My sarcastic sense of humour and sometimes oddball way of looking at life help me to get past the negativity and I manage to have a smile on my face at the end of most days. When I'm not counting the stars, or watching to clouds form into mythical animals, I can be found lost in my thoughs, perhaps spilling them out into one of my many notebooks, or attempting to capture them in music. I'll admit that I spend too much time at my computer, but hey, we all have our vices, right? 
Although I don't have a lot of time for chat, I am interested in emailing back and forth with people, building some new relationships across the country. Exchanging thoughts, ideas and laughs. Drop me a line, and we'll see how things go from there. 
Peace, love and all that other happy stuff,


"It's a beautiful life"

Name: Stephanie
Location: Marshville, N.C. U.S.of A.
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 19:53:41
Message:Hi! My name is Stephanie and I am a 16yr. old hippie or at least thats what all the hicks and preps call me at school. Though they missinterpret the true meaning of a "HIPPIE" they often stereotype it as "drug users" and rock and roll fans and other stuff yet they dont understand what a real hippie is the meaning of "HIPPIE" means that it is someone who doesnt conform to societys standards and advocates liberal attitude and lifestyle. Personally I think that a "HIPPIE" is is: person that believes in his/her self is their own person and are happy with themselves as a whole outside as well as in. I have put my two cents in this profile and hope you all have a far-out day!!!! :) :) PEACE!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Rain Child
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 18:24:22
Message: Looking around me, censored even on the HIPPIE PROFILE (Wha???) page, I see a lot of lonely people. Get off your computers, and get outside, meet some people, look at some things, and don't compromise for a second grade life! Live . . . 

Name: Hannah
UtahDate: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 17:59:38
Message:WHAT IS GOING ON??? The most recent posts make me NAUSEAS. Everyone's perspective on life is DIFFERENT. The way my neighbor lives is not the same as my lifestyle, but is that any reason to JUDGE him/her? The younger people posting are EAGER to learn and grow, does it make you feel good about yourself to talk censored to them? There is no reason to talk down to others because they are different or not as enlightened as yourself. Peace. 

Name: Laura
Location: Linton, Indiana America
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 17:36:21
Message:Hi my name is Laura Nicole Cunningham I'm 13 years old and In Junior High. I know I am young but I am a true hippy. My parents are hippys and I guess it just wore of on me! I love writing poetry and my favorite band is the Dead. I also like some Un-hippy stuff I am really into Indie angery girl rock. Oh my sister is also a hippy I guess my parents wore of on her to but my sister is way older than me she is like 29 and she is a major hippy and i spend a lot of time with her so I guess with my life I was destianed to be a hippy! 

Name: David
Location: Warren, RI USA
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 10:19:15
Message:Hi Everyone, :-) I am writing to invite Sera, Perception, and Marie to write me. Of course you are all welcomed to write..I tend to be very open and truly enjoy the free expression of thoughts, feelings etc.. However I was particularly interested in what these people had to say and I would very much like to exchange ideas with them... Hope to hear from you David Peace 

Name: Derfel
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 at 02:12:59
Message:Hey. Dude,am i lonely. I've really been thinking about life and happiness forever. I thought about what to achieve and I believe in Charma. Give me a Call. 15 Male

Name: Perception
Location: Miami, FlDate: Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 10:38:43
Message:This is to Anna and the person who send a message to Sera: The message directed towards Sera is only half right. Not all "hippies" know it. Have you read the profiles? If you haven't you should and then tell me what you think. And if you have you should know what I mean. I wasn't talking about everyone. And the part about sounding rude I apologize for. I guess I let myself get carried away. I didn't even read what I wrote afterward. And the part about being full of ourselves is BS,cause I'm not. I just wrote what was true,in my opinion. Love, Perception 

Name: bertille coroner
Location: marshalltown, IA USA
Date: Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 00:16:16

Name: Anna
Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 20:09:00
Message:Perception read the message directed towards Sera I think it applies to you too. 

Name: airin
Location: small town, in the USA
Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 14:58:44
Message:i had this friend and and man, she thought she was the phatest hippie...yeah, wow, the hemp she wore and the birks...and she let her curly blonde hair go into dreads and naturally she listened to the dead, the doors-- you know the bands-- and then one day she went on vacation and decided to go to a club so she didn't wear her "hippie" clothes and she liked the attention she got and decided and then she changed. now she thinks she is half-raver, half-hippie. thats crap, but a true story. peace. 

Name: Perception
Location: Miami, FlDate: Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 11:42:47
Message:What is wrong with all you people?! Why do you keep calling yourself hippies? Just because you listen to some kind of music or dress a certain way, doesn't mean you're a hippy. If you ask me half the people here are posers. I used to be like that. Dress like a hippy...bla bla bla. Then I thought about it and it was so stupid. Of course I would have liked to be in the 60's. But it's over. When I was like that you tend to be stuck in a time warp. Get over it. You can be a "hippy" without dressing like one or whatever "hippies" do. I was reading a lot of the profiles... and I keep reading how these so-called hippies didn't watch Dawson's Creek. What the censored does a show have to do with being a hippy. Grow up. I'm not really this bitchy. But dude, I got pissed after reading these profiles. You people need to look up hippy in a dictionary and find out what it REALLY means. Yeah, my favorite band is The Doors. So what? I don't go around telling people, "I'm a hippy, I'm so cool, I do drugs." Please. There is s much more to being a hippy. It's a way of thinking, a way of life. Not the way you dress. Just look at yourself from a different point of view, and you'll see how stupid you're acting. I was reading this profile on a little girl who said she wanted to be a hippy when she grew up. Hello? It's not a career people. Do your own thing. Then she wanted tips on what to wear. Whatever,man. Just love yourself first. Love, Perception

Name: Barefoot Hippie
Location: Ottawa, ON CANADA
Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 at 19:27:15
Message:I just want to say that if anyone lives near Ottawa ON and is interested, Saturday April 17, 1999 we are having a PEACE DEMONSTRATION on parliament hill from noon till sunset... It's in aid of the Kosovar refugees... It's free. It is appreciated if people would bring canned goods, blankets, etc... there's gonna be musical performances and lots of fun! PEACE! If anyone has questions, email me. PS-the rain date for that would be the following saturday (the 24th) 

Name: Sabbath
Location: Düsseldorf, NRW Germany
Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 at 17:18:24
Message:Greetings to all you hippies out there ! I consider myself not being a real hippy, but a shaman. I'm interested in traditional bongo music. I often sit around with friends taking magic mushrooms and playing my bongos all the evening. When I'm not playing bongos or my guitar, I listen to bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Butterfly etc. I'm not completely to hippy culture, but i would describe myself as open minded and free living, which is part of hippy culture. feel free to e-mail me, so that we can talk about the world going under peace

Name: Jimi
Location: Manteno, Il America 
Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 at 08:44:06
Message:Peace love happyness man. Im an 18 year old hippy living in an incredibaly small town man. Im like the only hippy here man, it a bummer man. I wish that i could like be able to sit around with other hippies and toke some grass. And this war stuff with Kosovo-end it now. WAR SUCKS stop the hate. Peace 

Name: Sean
Location: Malvern, PA USA
Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 20:52:57
Message: I am 14 years old and my parents used to be hippies back when. I have always grown up around that atmosphere of empathy and respect. I have learned alot about life from two parents. My dad taught me about respect for others around us and brought the love of good music into my life. My mom has always had her eye of me and looked out for me. At the current time I am a full time hippy! I open my mind to academics and take in as much knowledge as I can. And I also Play in a hip band called "FADED DHARMA." We try to spread our peaceful vibes to others. My friends and I are just enjoying adolesence and just diggin' our favorite tunes, toking some herb, and trying to "discover the wonders of nature" and Just having some HIGH TIMES.

Name: daisy
va usa
Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 16:13:37
Message:hey i am a hippy-like-freak and i think that prejudice is so dumb. if you are open minded and would like to talk to a 15/f then email me back. PEACE lies within. Share it with others. 

Name: Vanilla Stream
Pennsylvania USA
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 23:47:10
Message:I was reading this page, looking through what you have written. I don't believe in catagorzing people, and I do not think it is right for anyone else to either. So what if a 15 year old thinks they are a hippie. Does it really matter to you or affect you in any way? Just believe in yourself and dont worry about anyone else...Peace 

Name: Ashley
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 19:19:48
Message:hello, friends. im a free-spirited 15/f. im kinda lonely because its hard to find people in my little ol' town that has the same ways or beliefs as me. im probably like most of you, though. i enjoy listening to the Grateful Dead, feeling free (getting high), and just chilling. im also obsessed with Nirvana.(hey, im different) i would love to meet some fellow freedom pursuors here so just mail me-any age, sex. Peace, Love, Empathy, Ash 

Location: Peace City, Hippy HippyLand
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 19:11:45
Message:Peace to every one that can here me. PEACE! ANTI-WAR! MY NAME IS RAINBOW!

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 19:09:25
Message:Peace to every one that can here me. PEACE! ANTI-WAR!

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 16:52:46
Message: Everyone who is a real hippy knows this. And those that dress and "ACT" the part don't give a censored about what you type. You just ocme off sounding very rude and full of yourself. Peace, Marie 

Name: Dream Catcher
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 14:25:02
Message:Hello brothers and sisters Call me what you will. i'm a 23 yo brother from nowhere Fl i am in a wonderful relation ship with my soul mate i have much love for this sister who has put up with me for 3yrs now.(thank you) i also get to share my life with a crazy beutiful dog (lab) who we named Dark Star Dancing Bear we call him Dark Star though. he really loves to play fris bee and i really love that dog!! we also share the yard with a duck named magoo and a chicken named well chicken i don't really know why the chicken has no name? I drive a 68 VW bus its not to pretty but it makes me fell groovy. you really have to love em to drive em .i do all the work on it my self and it took alot of it just to get her on the raoad again i guess you can say i saved her (bus) see we bought her off some kid who had her sitting in his parents garage with a dream of a custom low rider why? but luckly he only got as far a striping the doors and windows out and some body work.(if you call it that) but any how it all worked out. befor that i drove a 70 bug that still sits in the yard i can't seem to part with she was my first! any how i have been a drummer most my life passed on through my mothers love for drums i love my mom. she rasied me in a very open minded household by herself with no hate for anyone in her heart shes also wiccan so i got to find my own religon instead of having it spoon fed to me. i also play guitar and a little bass and flute and all kinds of percussion. its never ending ! and of course i really dig the dead my girl friend is or was a head i guess its how you look at it. i missed my ride one summ and then thought whats the rush but as we know well you get the idea. so then in 97 i went to a rainbow gathering in FL and wow! did that change my life.oh well thats more than enough info to laugh at so i send my love to all brothers and sisters around the world. and hope to hear from more of you as time goes on you can't change the world if we don't unite Dream Catcher Please excuse the slop!!! 

Name: strawberry delight
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 13:10:23
Message: Hi! E-mail me!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Sera
New Zealand 
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 03:39:35
Message:Okay everyone, I'm talking to all those little teeny-boppers out there who think they're a hippy because they wear tye-dyes, or listen to so called 'hippy music'. A hippy is so not what you are on the outside, it's the inside. A hippy is someone who cares about mother earth, and her creatures. It is someone who believes in peace for everyone, no matter where they are from, and stands up for what they believe in. Okay, so in the '60s they wore they're tye-dyes, and smoked they're dak, but the REAL hippies were the ones who cared about mother earth. saying you're a hippy because of what you wear is a label, and hippies don't give a censored about what clothes they're wearing,ect. Love and Peace Forever....... 

Name: rosemary
Location: boonies, canada
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 02:07:50
Message: This is so cool farout maybe! There are so many young'uns out there wantin' to be hippies. You know its not in what you wear or smoke that makes you a hippie. Its in your mind, Its that you care, Its that you care about your fellow human beings. Its that you don't give a rats ass about what the current trend is. you know who you are and if you can help only one person in this world without buckling under to what is the norm then my friend you are a hippie. Help someone less fortunate than you,care about our world and our people and you will be one of the real ones. from Rosemary 44 mother of six age 26 to 9 one of the origanals Rochdale college anyone?

Name: John (Mad John)
Location: Waukegan, IL USA
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 21:27:45
Message: This is just too Groovy! I'm the real thing, still being me. Grad of the class of '69 (1969) Draft number 4. Remember those days? Student deferment til 71. protestin' the WAR (VietNam)and ended up smack in the middle of it. Lots wiser now, but still have long hair. Love the Music, PEACE, LOVE, Janis, Jimi, I could go on and on and on. Like Otis Say's....Just Sittin' on the Dock of The Bay. in the middle of it 

Name: Lilika
Location: Burlington, VTDate: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 13:24:17
Message:First of all what the censored are you people on??? Im stuck inside with a 103 degree temperature, what could be more entertaining than the internet? I can't even handle some of the stuff I'm reading on here. I hate to inform all you "hippies" but this is all a big joke on you...after I had some shrooms the other day and went for a little walk (with my hemp necklace on). censored, I was trippin...I tripped on a tuft of grass and fell down into a patch of daisys. I walked up to my room put the 1st set of the Great Went on and laid in my bed (my bed's a matress on the floor, cause im such a hippy). My roomate knocked on the door, so I got up and let her in. On the way to the door I passed my miror. I looked into it and a big smile stretched across my face. I had a big daisy stuck in my hair, and then I saw my groovy hemp necklace,and then I saw my peasant shirt, and then I looked at my feet...and what do you know? I'm wearing birkenstocks. And I was like OH MY GOD!!! I am SUCH a hippy... OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! I hope all of you note the sarcasm in this. I find it really amusing that people my age and younger call themselves hippies. Being a hippy isn't about what you wear, what music you listen to, or if someone tells you that your a hippy. So anyway like I asked before what the heck are you on? Because thats some funny censored. Yea go "hippies" 

Name: Jessica
Location: Sprgfld, oh America
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 11:56:06
Message: I am not submitting this about me but about my best friend in the whole world who is a hippy. Her name is Stephanie and she shares her freeloving point of view all the time. Her points are so strong that I'm starting to take them on as my own. Hi Stephanie and fellow hippies! 

Name: Thomas Anderson
Location: Oneida, TN Does it Matter?
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 07:59:46
Message: I am a fifteen year old proto-hippy that plays harmonica to every Bob Dylan album that exists. I'm the only hippy at my school. That gets pretty annoying, but it's also really fun to freak out all these squares and pigs and whatnot. I try to preach peace and love, but apparently no one wants to listen to me. On a more personal note, I would like to say something to the girl of my dreams, Liana Stephens. I would like to ask her...Don't You Want Somebody to Love? 

Name: Jeff or "Phishy"
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 01:51:43
Message:I hate when people classify others and put them under certain headings, but a lot of people think I'm a I dig it...sure why not...I'm a 20 year old college the video and film program...and you can usually see me wearing my tie dye t-shirts or representing the greatest band alive, PHISH, that if ya dig phish or the dead...or just feel like chattin' me...peace out and happy trails... 

Name: Lisa Berberian
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 at 22:05:17
Message: I wish I was born in the late 40's/early 50's, that way I could've been a Haight- Ashbury living,Vietnam protesting radicalist. But No! I'm stuck in a shitty High School with mindless conformist peers. I spend my time listening to artists like Hendrix, Phish, the Dead. The Allman Bros., Janis Joplin, The Doors, Dylan,theStones, Etc. I love to read the works of Beat Generation poets such as Ginsburg,and Keroacand I write books and poems on my own. My philosophy is that of the Transcendentalists i.e. 19th century writers like Ralph Waldo Emerson who believed in pacifisum, communal living, nonconformity, and standing up for what's right--sound familair- you dig? Anyway it's nice to see that there are other social outcasts, trapped in the wrong decade in this world, this is a really cool Website. "The 60's are the '90's standing on your head"- Wavy Gravy Creative501@AOL 

Name: jenn
Location: Bourbonnais, IL USA
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 at 18:08:01
Message: I don't always dress or act hippyish, but i've been called one enough times to find merit in putting a few words in here.I recently became a vegetarian, i make the hemp jewelry because i've loved making little things for people and weaving forever and hemp is what people i know and love like. i love nature, especially when it's raing and storming. i love to learn, not necessarily from school. I'd like to travel the world and live in Ireland (i've's beautiful). i'm wiccan (or learning how to be). Most importantly, i'm learning who i am and seem to be most in tune with the "hippies". love and my thoughts to you all, jenn 

Name: Bronwyn Jane Haden
Location: Boring, MD U. S. of A.
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 at 15:32:18
Message: I'm not sure if I can really call myself a "hippy" but I think that thats probably the closest stereotype that I could fit in too. I'm an 18 year old college freshman at College of Notre Dame. My major is Early Childhood education,I want to be a teacher because I love children and I want to make an impact on people's lives. I grew up (am still growing up) on my Granfather's 100 acre farm. It is the most beatiful place in the world to me and I hope to someday raise my own children here. I think it is such a blessing to grow up in the peace and harmony of nature. My mom is one of the coolest 70's chix I know. she raised me and my two sisters and my brother on Bluegrass and John Denver. Some of my best memories are of going to Bluegrass festivals and laying on a big quilt in the sunshine. Lately I'v been trying to spend more time on meaningfulthings like reading and meditating about my life and the world that I'm living in. I love the music of Bob Dylan, dead(other ones), pink floyd, nanci griffith, led zeppilin, peter tosh and bob marley, neil young, and many others. I love to sow my own clothes and make jewelry and collages. Please e-mail me if you want to say hi:) -ONE IS ONE'S OWN REFUGE, WHO ELSE COULD BE THE REFUGE -BUDDHA 

Name: Bronwyn Jane Haden
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 at 14:59:08

Name: ashley
Location: near Charlottesville , VA USA
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 at 13:57:51
Message:What am I doing? What do I expect to find? I don't know, but yet I keep looking. Looking for some sense of belonging, for people who accept me, respect me, and appreciate me. And I want to give back (hence one reason that I studied education). I want to be and be surrounded by nuturers, lovers of life. Surprisingly, this rare species is hard to find. Can anyone help me?

Name: Bronwyn Haden
Location: Boring, mdDate: Monday, April 12, 1999 at 13:39:18

Name: michyl
Location: winnipeg, mb canada
Date: Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 10:40:00
Message: ok well i was a little unsure about doing this, but i guess i will anyways. i am 15 and i live in winnipeg and i am kind of in the process of becoming a hippy. but i don't know too many and the ones i know i dont think like me very much (or maybe they just didn't noticve me, i don't know). anyways, i dont even know how to tie dye but i like to, and i am growing my hair long, and i have been a vegetarian for about two months. i am into political activism, but i constantly find myself making excuses for not going to protests or annual "food not bombs" meetings. maybe it is because i am scared or intimidated, i am not sure. i am totally for peace but i also am a pessimist and have the feeling that everlasting peace is not likely to happen because there are so many people who find it so darn difficult to get along. i go to a high school that totally bashes being different, but i think that it is changing. i don't know too many hippies in winnipeg, but i'd like to - i'd like to find a place that sells hippy clothes too cause i like them alot. as for music ? i like alot of folk music new and old, some of my favorites include: bob dylan, janis joplin, ani difranco, hayden (i don't know if anybody knows who he is) jewel, joan baez ? i am just teaching myself how to play acoustic guitar and i write alot of stuff. so if youre from winnipeg, or even not, from anywhere, email me ! my email is well, i wish the best for everyone - peace - mike 

Name: Plath
Missouri U.S.A.
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 23:53:04
Message:Hello everyone. I am choosing to relay my life in detail for the rest of the world to laugh at. Actually, (and I know that this has already been said), the state of a true hippie is determined by philosophy and a way of thinking. And, as far as I'm concerned, love and peace are all you need. I'm not going to sit back and look on. I'm fifteen, a female in an a small, narrow-minded town that would like to forget me, just as I would like to forget it. But in reality, we all have that small circuit of hypocrite in us. I am a hypocrite. Everyone is. But by uniting, I feel, we will have no need for labels. There is so much we can accomplish, because as "hippies," we have the spirits that will bring us together and change the world. Quite a mouthful and that is just how I feel about hippiedom. I listen to the Who, Hendrix, janis joplin, the Doors, the Beatles, and especially John lennon. That's enough for that list, we all know what we listen to. My favorite book is the Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath. My favorite movie is the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I love monty python and am a humanist. Things like these define all of us, and I just want to thank all of you who help me relate when questioning authority AND reality. "The heart has reasons of which reason has no knowledge"-Pascal. love, plath 

Name: Violet Skye
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 19:15:38
Message:I just wanted to say I think this site really rocked and I hope the people who designed this site should keep up the excellent work. Well I am a 17 female and I live in Ontario Canada. I would not consider myself a hippy because I do not like to put labels on myself because I am who I am and I have my own beliefs about life. I believe in saving our earth, world peace and making a difference in society by all means. Being a hippi is not just about listening to 70's music or smoking pot but it deals with a whole lot of different aspects although I myself enjoy listening to 70's music. I also love art, working out (yoga) concerts and parties just like any other person. I wish for world peace and I am so sick of violence in todays society, stereotypes, prejudice people and lunatics. If anyone wants to get back to me and shares these similar beliefs email me or if anyone wants to be penpals I want to here from you! Please dont be shy either! PEACE AND LOVE TO EVERYONE OUT THERE 

Name: Lynnsee aka Skylar
Location: Little town(300), Kansas us
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 15:31:00
Message:i am looking for others like me i dont have many friends with the same interests as me in this little town. I am only 14 almost 15, but, please if u are into 60's and believe in the Hippie life style then mail me and we can chat Peace, love and happiness, Skylar 

Name:Timm Gehrmann
Location: Niederkrüchten (near Düsseldorf), NRW Germany
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 13:17:07
Message:Hi you guys out there ! I'm a 16 years old, beer loving, weed smoking, Social Democrats member ! I think that weed should be legalized to be sold (you may have it and smoke it in germany but it may not be sold). I like Black Sabbath, the doors, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Grateful dead, Steppenwolf, Deep Purple and many more. I can't identify myself with everything that's part of the hippy culture but i'm very close to it. I simply like drugs and the music made in the sixties and dislike brutality and war. I can't understand why the americans allow their children to have weapons but don't give them any beer until 21 ! Here you can legally get beer when you're 16 and nobody cares when you're younger. I think weapons should be forbidden, not harmless drugs like weed - or did anyone of you hear that someone died as a result of weed consumption ? OK - I'll have to live with this when i'm going to the USA for my schoolyear but i would never accept it ! What's going on in politician's heads when they advert with their death penalty successes ?? That's against the human rights and doesn't fit into a western country like the USA. "Living life comes easy when you know which way you're going" (Black Sabbath) Peace to all of you - and i'm always open for discussions about politics. Timm

Location: ., . USA
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 13:12:26
Message:I was a hippie in the 60s/70s and finally got around to writing it down. :) I made a web page out of it. My web page describes my personal experiences and where they lead me. This is my story. I would like to share it with anyone interseted. From Woodstock to nature to herbology to vegetarianism to the sprit ..... I sincerely feel the hippie movement lead me to all these wondeful things I discovered and uncovered for my life. Hope you enjoy it! Here is a little piece of it: "When I was a teen I was growing up just like everyone else in the late 50's.....boring. Then the hippie movement hit. I found myself drawn to the music of the Beatles, George Harrison and later on, Bob Dyaln, Leonard Cohen, Donovan, Cosby, Stills, Nash and Young, The Moody Blues along with others that were either mellow, thoughtful & intelligent, or spiritual. I did not find myself too attracted to the heavier music, though maybe a little. ...I had a friend who said, "Hey, there is going to be this really far out concert at Woodstock (yes, the original one). Let's get your father to drive us there." I thought he would never do it and was afraid to ask. Oddly enough, he agreed ...So one illusion about hippies is that they are uneducated or downright stupid. This is what one person, somewhat of a friend, recently told me. I was there. She can't tell me what hippies were into when she is 10+ years younger than I am. LOL ....I told her that I went to college and almost everyone who attended my college were hippies too. Her mouth dropped open, hit the ground and stayed there a minute. She next became speechless. hehe I must admit, I took great joy in telling it to her like it was. :) " Hope this wasn't too much to post or for you to read. I am just so excited about my new web page! Thanks. (Write me!) <3

Name: Taylor Goforth
Location: Morganton, N.C. U.S.A.
Date: Friday, April 9, 1999 at 22:12:58
Message: Hi,I am a 15 year old male living in a small town near Hickory,North Carolina.I didn't become a hippy till recently.I don't know exactly how it happened.I used to be in jrotc with military career plans for the futrue who loved killing and guns.At the beggining of the year i was introduced to marjuana.I noticed something right away to.While all my friends were doing drugs so they could,and I quote,"get fucked up',I relized the more interesting aspects.I enjoy converstaion while high so I can better share the experience,and learn also at the same time what is happening to others.I do drugs for experimentation,and to get to a higher level and thinking.Although,all I have done drug wise so far is weed,and dextromorphene,or dxm,int the form of robitussin coff syrup.I have only done this 3 times because the last time I had a really bad experience, and hangover.I think I might just stick to weed,although I have considered lsd.Oh, by the way, I havn't quite got the hang over hippy apparellel,iI usually wear tiedye,cargo pants,a shroom hemp necklace, and airwalks,with a camping sort of hat.Thanx.Oh yeah,almost forgot,my music now is Jimi Hendrix,The Doors,The Gratefuldead,a little bit o Floyd, and all of a sudden I really like that song get together,for some reason,i can never hear it enough to satisfy me??!! Peace and music forever, Taylor 

Name: henna
Date: Friday, April 9, 1999 at 05:28:14
Message:hi everybody!I'm sweet sixteen years old girl who is looking for soulmates.Of course I'm sad because I haven't seen the 60's, but past is past and we can't bring it back. So why don't we get together and make these years worth of living, years of love and peace.The world is bad and everyone thinks materially.But you can't buy world peace with money.Should we do something?It makes no differences how do you look, what are you wearing or what is your age,the most important thing is inside you.Living is easy with eyes closed...Open them NOW!We aren't alone, this whole world is full of hippies and we should work together.I love singing and I hope some day I will make songs that change the world...My own music favourits are doors, jimi hendrix,beatles, janis,john lennon....I'm coming to London in the beginning of this summer, could it be the summer of love?So, if you live in there, I'm looking for see you soulmates!Love you alreday! You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.... I LOVE YOU ALL!! -henna- 

Name:The Barefoot Hippie
Location: Cornwall, Ontario CANADA
Date: Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 18:55:07
Message:Hey everyone! I'm a 20 year old barefoot, deadhead, vegetarian, hippie chick. I love to listen to music (especially the Dead, Zeppelin, the Doors, Janis, Jimi...the list goes on), read, write, photography, play guitar, do yoga, meditate, travel, trip, write poetry, swim, garden, anything to do with nature and climbing trees (barefoot of cource). I'm learning to play hacky sack too... Let me tell you this- bell bottoms were NOT made to play hacky sack in. I'm the oldest of 3 kids (I've got 2 younger brothers--I'd say they are my "little" brothers but they're both bigger than me...) I don't feel that I need to sell myself to other readers, boring them with superficial reasons that in some way have been linked to "hippies." It seems that this is what people want to read... 'I'm a hippie cause I wear bellbottoms and smoke weed'... So what? Be a hippie 'cause you believe in the philosophy, the ideology, the way if life...--don't base it on what you wear or what you ingest. If anyone wants to write, go ahead. PEACE! 

Name: stardust
Location: chariss, 00 northen lights
Date: Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 06:02:10
Message: hay man cill I'm sorry this probably isent fery funy but I couldent resist. (I think I am a hippy, I used to live on a bus and my dads hear was doen to the midel of his back)

Name: Allegra
Location: Santa Rosa, CADate: Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 02:23:58
Message:Alright. This may be kind of a non sequiter and probably this is not even the right page for my ramblings, but anyway. I've been thinking lately. Am I the only one who is just a tiny bit bothered by the fact that now more than ever we are constantly being bombarded by capitalism? Everything is buy this, buy that, even when you are in a situation that is supposedly supporting the opposite. Case in point- About a month ago I went to a show called RENT. Probably everyone's heard of it, but the basic message is "No day but today" and it's pretty much an anti-estamblishment musical. At intermission and after the show, I walk out, feeling energized and ready to fight for freedom, and the next thing I see is a huge stand selling merchandise at outrageous prices. The hypocrisy absolutely kills me. I have a lot more to say, but I'm just going to shut up now, and if you would like to hear anymore of my ranting and raving, or if you just want to talk to me, please e-mail me. Peace, Love, and Freedom for All, Allegra 

Name: Casey
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 21:02:07
Message:"Homo sap, that creature who believes his purpose is to control and conquer Nature, is just now beginning to remember to obvious -- that he is a part of Nature himself. He had fought his way to the top of the planetary spinal cord, inflicting damage every step of the way. Now, bewildered, he looks around: what am I doing here? "assuming responsibility", answers a still, small voice, all around him." - Paul Williams in "Das Energi" You should read this book- it's really says the things you feel and think about but have never been able to put into words...!! 

Name: maggie (again)
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 19:44:18
Message:hi again. i just had to write another comment. i just got through reading the rest of the comments (i dont know why they didn't show up before)-but i have a couple comments on them... first-it was simply amazing...the warm fuzzy feeling i got reading about the rest of you...pure love for you all, something, sadly, i haven't experienced in a long time...i wanted to thankyou. from the depths of my young heart, i've been having a hard time with life lately, and you all brought me up, and i can't thankyou enough. i realized what i said before about the clothes or anything doesn't matter, its how you feel. you cant imagine how this will change my outlook from now on, and when im back like this again, then i will come back and read them all again. second- just a little thing, someone said something about going outside when the weathers nice...who needs nice weather? i had the most wonderful walk in the rain yesterday :) thankyou so much again, maggie 

Name: maggie
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 19:13:29
Message: i guess im not a hippy. i dont dress like one, i dont act like one, but i think like one. so i guess maybe i am. i always would've liked to live in the hippy-era, but sadly, that was not to be, this lifetime, maybe before. i am 15, and my mother says i am an old soul, she knew it the first time she held me. i am a veggie, and i wish people would realize the beauty of mother earth, and get their acts together. i'm stuck in upstate ny (like ben, and i think i may even kn>

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narrow-minded people around me who don't think, because it isn't the thing to do. i love to read, and ponder the questions of life (no answers yet) i've never worn flowered skirts or tye-dyes too much. bright colors bother me. i've always though peace was an amazing concept, and what a world it would be if it came true. i am just realizing my dreams, and i am i can change the world-for the better :) maggie 

Name: Silver
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 18:51:57
Message:hi. i don't know wheather or not i'm a hippie, cuz i hate to put myself into a group, but i do live for the whole 'hippie' way of life. i mean, freedom, peace, love, unity, and a deep understanding of and connection to the world. i wasn't raised to be a 'hippie' or anything else like that. on the contrary, i've got parents that made me conform to the, what everyone else has called, 'abercrombie and fitch' way of life. i'm a simple minded person, and can't say much for the hate that goes on in this world. i often think about philosophy, and the way of life the way it could be if there wasn't so much hate in this world. i'm very into hinduism and india. i've spent a considerable amount of time there, and i'm in love with the people there. they're incredibly sweet and caring. i went there first at the age of 10, and have been going once a year ever since. i'm now fourteen, and an aspiring actress. anywho, love and hugs for everyone~ *Silver*
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 09:24:30
Message:Hi brothers and sisters, I'm a 25 year old man and I like too much the 60's music. My idols are Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Allman Brothers, the Dead, the Who, Ten Years After, and FRANK ZAPPA (to name a few). I'm interest in get information about the hippies culture, so please e-mail me to if you like. Love you beautiful people! 

Name: Some call me carzy, some politely call me free
Location: woodbridge, njDate: Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at 20:15:26
Message:It seems that many people are very misinformed about what it is to be a hippy. It is not about music, pot, or the disregard for material things. It is about LOVE and the true concern for all human beings. there isnt a "way of life" you can see at a concert..beleive me i have toured quite a bit, and have met many loving people who are truly hippies. But for the most part what you think you see isnt all it is cracked up to be. What i feel a person needs to do to consider themeselves a hippy is to look around them and see what is truly wrong in their immediate surrounding, and make a concise effort to change it. There was a time when i thought puffin down on nugs, and listening to Jerry jam was all it was about, until a kind hippy opened my eyes to the real truth..the love of it all. He didnt puff, do drugs or even like music all that much. But he made a difference by trying to open up peoples awareness to certain causes he felt needed to be addressed. it would be silly to say that music doesnt play a major part in being a hippy because it fills your soul with emotion. but to be a true hippy is to love all people and truly want to change the world for good. 

Name: M-ilee
Location: Brunswick, Ga USA
Date: Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at 14:34:38
Message:this world is full of hate and surpression. Where has all the love gone?? I walk around crowded hallways and all I hear is what one person has done to another person or what new object they have bought with their mommy and daddy''s money. All I think is isn't there anymore to life than that. Neeedless times I am ridiculed by teachers and students for my asthetic view and how I want to live in my van and travel and have enogh money to live and the gas to go somewhere else. People seem to want lots of money and big houses and all the material possessions their hearts desire. But what goodd is that going to do? When you have to work your whole life away to obtain these things. There will be no time for enjoyment or pleasure, because you'll be too stressed out and die of a heart attack. So I say censored the industrial world and all the corporate bastards who are only looking for a power trip. Live and be free and true to ones self. 

Name: Natasha Zenanko
Location: Jacksonville, AL USA
Date: Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at 08:22:13
Message:If you were true hippies, you wouldn't be on a computer. I'm at school, i have to be. you don't. you'd be meditating and smoking bud. 

Name: Colleen
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Date: Monday, April 5, 1999 at 20:05:11
Message:This is to Emily, the one who wanted to start a band of wandering hippie travelers. I'll go with you and be in your band. i think it would be so awesome. i love to play my guitar and sing and it would be great to do this. so if you really wanna mail me k? 

Name: Brian (Cosmic Snowphish)
Location: West Allis , WI U.S.
Date: Monday, April 5, 1999 at 15:37:48
Message:I am 14 years old, and I really don't like Kiss anymore. I think that I first went on the path of the hippy on August 9,1997. This was the night when I went to my first concert. It was Phish, and it was at Alpine Valley. I really didn't think of Phish as a hippie band until that night when I was introduced to the way of living of some of the coolest people. I didn't know what to expect of the concert, but I soon found out. When we entered the parking lot, all I could see was total tie-dye, long hair, and dreadlocks. I was surprised and at first I was scared of the people, but that night, I believe I became a hippie. I now wear almost all tie-dye cloths and hemp necklaces. I enjoy music. I play the drums and guitar. I listen to a lot of music but mostly the Dead, Bob marley, Jimi Hendrix,Tom Petty, Dave Matthews, Bob Dylan, Zeppelin and Phish. People consider me to be weird,and I like that. I call my self a prep school hippie. My future plans are to live in a bus, be a musician, and toke up all day. Finally, in the words of Bob Marley,"I don't come to bow, I come to conquer." Jah! Rastafari! 

Name:Shannon Marie
Location: Denton County, TX USA
Date: Monday, April 5, 1999 at 15:36:06
Message: My name is Shannon (that would be me in the picture) and I'm the 17 year old offspring of two of the most far out people to walk mother Earth. (That would be my parents.) I would just like to remind everyone that a hippie isn't someone who dresses a way or listening any kind of music. It's and idea. A way of thinking and living. (But the music sure is GROOVY!)Visit my "A Little About Me" page above and E-Mail me if you think we have anything in common. Peace+Love+Happiness, because without one the rest mean nothing. --Shannon 

Location: Kokemäki, Finland
Date: Monday, April 5, 1999 at 12:24:35
Message:i'm 14 year old girl. i like to listen music; dead, janis joplin, (90's) nirvana, black sabbath, bob marley, simon and garfunkel, bob dylan, jimi hendrix, beatles and many more... I also play guitar, keyboard and piano...i like to write poems and songs, though i'm - probably - not very good on it. i like reading...i like stephen king's books, but i basically read anything i get to my hands :). i'm a vegetarian, like animals and own a dog. um...i think that's all i've got to tell...if you want to, feel free to write me. peace; daizy

Name: Aurinna (It means sun in finnish)
Location: Espoo, Finland
Date: Monday, April 5, 1999 at 05:33:35
Message: Hey are all crying that "I wish I lived in the 60´s" but it isn´t about the era you live in it`s all about how you feel inside. You know there`s still hippies all around the world and we can and we should unite...and by the way there´s gonna be a great love-in in Finland this summer so everybody`s welcome.....and hey, mail me and you will be answeared Love & Peace Aurinna 

Name: Crazy Daisy
Location: Baker, Mt USA
Date: Monday, April 5, 1999 at 01:27:59
Message:I'm 18 and on my trip to becoming a hippie. I would love to hear from all other hippies and wanna be hippies, so please e-mail me. Peace and Love to All! Hope to hear from you all soon. 

Name: Jessica *Daisy* Baca
Location: Wyoming, Ohio United States
Date: Sunday, April 4, 1999 at 17:26:50
Message: In this harsh world, where the majority of the people are fake, and live in thier fantasy world, stands a 17 year old girl, who just watches. That girl is me. You see i was taken from my perfect world of fabricated lies, and thrown in reality. And so now I watch. And I live. And i am talked about because I am true. And i am free. Because I am who I am, and thats fine. My main goal in life is too live. And so i classify myself as a hippie follower. Because the hippies, they were the outcasts,.. because they too were thrown with much force into reality. So here I am,.. Jessica to the Fake,... daisy, which represents happiness, to the real. What you call me by name, is how i will classify you,...Peace and love to all,... 

Name: rumor
azDate: Sunday, April 4, 1999 at 00:13:03
Message: yes I'll admit it, im a tree huggin hippie chick, long hair, Doors music, Pink Floyd lover and all.It was a hard thing to admit at first due to all the "dirty" hippy haters, well, i'm not dirty, I'm natural, and rude comments arent going to change any of it, peace and solidatry, rumor 

Name: Shanin Warren
Location: St. Joseph, mo us of america
Date: Saturday, April 3, 1999 at 19:31:36
Message: There is no definition of normal. Always remember that when someone wants you to conform to their ways. We have all been given the great power of thought don't let anyone take that away! Love the world and the world will show you what love really is, the sunset, a perfect spring rain, the dust falling through a ray of light. Everyone, everything has it's beauty, just look. 

Name: Josep D. Seguí
Location: Alicante, Spain
Date: Saturday, April 3, 1999 at 17:07:29
Message: Amor y revolución!!! 

Name: Bethany
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Date: Saturday, April 3, 1999 at 12:22:48
Message: Hey everyone! I'm 15 years old and can't wait to get in touch with other hippies of all ages-i'd especially like to hear from people who were hippies in the sixties. I love music, especially the Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, (my nickname is Grace Slick!) Doors, Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and just about any other psychedelic band you can think of!! Well I look like an "average" (haha) hippie:long straight hair, bell bottoms, peace sign necklace, etc. I belive that kids in my generation have got it all wrong. The attitudes of the sixties have appealed to me ever since I was a little kid. (When I was 5, my fave song was "Touch Me" by the Doors, much to my mom's dismay!) I'd like to get to know a lot more hippies, so i'll respond to everybody! Peace to my brothers and sisters everywhere, and please write to me! For someone that's really sad that she missed out on Haight-Ashbury, Woodstock, and the protests, getting in touch with someone who was there is the highlight of my day! Peace out, "Grace slick". 

Name: Jannelle
Location: E-town, IN usa
Date: Saturday, April 3, 1999 at 11:44:32
Message: Peace, Love, dope man. I wish i was a hippie in the 60s cause they were really far out (there). haha Hi I am 17 and i'm reincarnated from a hippie who died while they were trippin.(thought they were superman and tried to fly) I love to get high and listen to the Doors and Greatful Dead. I wish i really could have lived in the 60s. if i could go back and never get to come back to the 90s i would totally do it man. cause back then everybody was stoned and peaceful and everybody was a freak and all were groovy! 

Name: Francesca
Location: LA, CA USA
Date: Saturday, April 3, 1999 at 03:14:02
Message:Wow! I'm soo happy I found this site. I'm a 17yr old chick with a 47 yr old hippy spirit! I think it is real comforting to find others out there who still share those good ol' Hippy values. I'm a firm beliver in random huggings and that you should plant flowers for fun, not just on earth day! If there is anyone out there who would like to drop me a note, go for it! I'd love to hear from you! So for now,.. cherish what we've got, Mother Earth, she's the best!! 

Name: Rain Child
Date: Friday, April 2, 1999 at 19:15:24
Message: I've been breathing the same breath my whole life, if you know what I mean or feel the same feel free to talk to me, I dig that . . . 

Name: Colleen
Location: Winnipeg, MB Canada
Date: Friday, April 2, 1999 at 13:15:03
Message:I just want to say that i adore hippies and their ideals,and what they believe in. I think they were awesome people, who stood up for what they believed in. This summer I am going on a trip to a third world country to help build houses for the people and to show love to them. I am hoping that it will be a great experience for me, and help lead me to the life of love, peace, and happiness that I hope to obtain. I'm not that old (only 15 1/2) but I want to do my part. I want to change the world. peace out 

Name: Robin
Location: Fayetteville, NC USA
Date: Friday, April 2, 1999 at 12:37:43
Message: Hmm...we'll I don't really have a message. 

Name: Hannah
Location: Northern, UtahDate: Friday, April 2, 1999 at 00:40:32
Message:Again I sit and write, these outbreaks of personal tidbids from the lives of people I have never seen before inspires me. My parent's didn't attend Woodstock, they didn't flee to Canada to escape the draft, but they are free in spirit. They have raised their children to live free also. I do not consider myself a 'Hippie', though I know there are some that do. Classifying ourselves is just another form of segregation, and isn't that what we are trying to abolish? I cannot sit at a computer and bash technology at the same time, or denounce God with blasphemy while portraying myself as 'one with God'. Hypocrites are everywhere, and there is an ounce of hypocrite in all of us, but the hope comes from the effort to change and release that negative energy that we were raised into feeling. That is when the earth will change for the better, when we see everyone around us as equals, and as nothing less or greater than equal. Feel free to respond, you won't be judged. 

Name: Pat
Location: phoenix, az good question
Date: Friday, April 2, 1999 at 00:05:33
Message: Well, I guess I'm a little surprised. I'm 17, and my parents are tragic yuppies, influenced by the latest trends, and always looking for the latest fashion trend, or in my dads case, piece of technology. They still sneek a toke now and then, but they hide it from me, and they still think I don't know. I'm surprised because inspite of their false exterior, their inner child is still there, the one that dodged the draft, and walked to woodstock, only to turn around and go back for fear of getting an ass kicking from their parents, the one that I saw and was influenced by and even taught by. I am the oldest, and the only hippie in the family ( on the outside, as well as inside ). I'm so happy to see all of these profiles, especially the ones of hippies my age. I was never sure if there was anyone else out there that actually felt the way I do. I too enjoy the Dead, Phish, Rusted Root, Dave Matthews, Floyd, CS+N+Y, and so on. I too write poetry, and go on long camping trips. I constantly have this feeling inside me that wants to jump out and change the world. I want the world to know true love, and to know what their missing. I don't believe doing drugs is part of being a hippie. I'm not saying you won't catch me with a stamp on my tongue, or munchin on some shrooms, and, of course sparking up a fat doobie whenever I can, but that's not what being a hippie's about, it's an incentive. =) However, I do believe marijuana should be legal, think about it, it's the only common ground we have. I believe that it would bring us humans a little closer to eachother. Anyway, I'm rambling. If you're in the phoenix area, or anywhere for that matter, e-mail me, we'll get together. =) 

Name: four leaf
Date: Thursday, April 1, 1999 at 17:30:20
Message:If I wear my hair up,am I still a hippie???If I take off my beads,do I transform??? 

Name: Echo
Date: Thursday, April 1, 1999 at 16:08:45
Live, love, smile and laugh. 
Hold someone's hand, tell them you love them. 
Grow a garden, touch the Earth, smile at the sun. 
Welcome new friends, enjoy every one. 
Hug a tree, kiss a flower, embrace the wind. 
Do whatever you will, remember, 
Live, love, smile and laugh. 

Name: Spiritboy
Location: SLC, UT USA
Date: Thursday, April 1, 1999 at 09:39:44
Message:WOW, I just got done reading every message on this board. I laughed, I cried, and I got cold chills. I was at the Deercreek PHISH show last summer tour, and I had an revelation, actually I just figured something out. It started as a good show, usual thing, score some nugs, walk around, watch everyone scrammble to get their tents up so they can get busy making money for the next show. What was this, a family gathering or another upshoot of corporate mauradering. I was walking around with my groovy sister, LaLynn, and we ran into an old friend of Dr. Timothy Leary....He had a lot to say, and we just looked at each other as we strollled down shakedown.....our brothers and sisters are working for Guiness, Bass, Budweiser, Coors, and any other corporation that profits from tours. Phish has become another Wal-Mart for our generation. pseudo-hippys stroll around looking at my bros like freaks. They drive daddys car on tour while using mamas credit card.....I was evolving, I was changing, I was reaching the new plane. That was it...just like introductory college corses, we all are screened out by evolution. Some become rightious, some assimilate into this damaging dangerous culture, some revolt, some reform...some are recruited by the opposing political organization, who run the federal government and gradualy are disenfranchising my family by imprisoning them under unconstitutional laws. The facts are this....hemp is, was, and can be used for many things. Clothing, fuel, paper, and medicine. Any one who recieves a pleasurable or enjoyable feeling or sensation from marijuana suffers from a degenerative disorder that is caused by free radicles and UV-B radiation from the sun with increased sensitivity due to recent (100,000 years) and increasingly dangerous solar flares. This disorder is known as can look it up under Drugs back in Hippyland under the article published by dr. Alan Gordon titled...Marijuana is Legal...check out his defence and start medicating yourself, responsibly.... Don't abuse the herb.....Over use is equal to overdosing on any medication, except no-one has ever been known to die due to marijuana overexposure. In fact, you can regain that high feeling that you used to have "back in the day" I am a 26 year old free lance computer hippy who lives on a small farm in central Utah....I am all about love and peace and freeing my people. The rainbow tribe is being assembled, and we are being called to serve eachother for the common good. There is no more me, there is only us....if we don't band together we will face assimilation. Be Kind to all people on every evolution level....Tools become brothers, and brothers assimilate if we don't show them love. Shagging eachother doesn't accomplish anything.... I love you all, and I love everything that lives, and as stated in the bible, i use the herb for my health and give thanksgiving....don't be misled, and don't lose your values because others don't understand.... Peace and Namaste Spiritboy 

Name:Steve Urbauer
Location: Lincoln,Ne, Ne US-Freakin'-A
Date: Thursday, April 1, 1999 at 09:34:50
Message: Well, let's see. I'm almost 28 years old. March 16th 1990 is the date I credit with being the "Birth" of my "Hippiness." (First Dead show... How 'bout that Scarlet->Estimated!) I guess people had Called me a hippy before that, but I had no idea what they were talking about. I basically hated myself before that time, Total Low Self Esteem case. Suicidal tendencies and the whole bit. Basically I was just a pot-smoking, acid eating, Pink Floyd/Metallica listening to, depressed, Life Hating, long hair wishin' I had, miserable, drunk all the time, pissed of at my parents (and everybody else), worthless sack of Nuthin' guy. I was real fun to be around. Then on that Fateful Day I was dosed at school and the Dead were in town. All I knew by the end of that day was that I had to go. So I did. Man, did I get a Wonderful slap in the face: LIFE ROCKS!!! I took many moons passing for me to get better, but I have changed 180 degrees. (Most days.) Thanks to Jerry and Co. and the whole scene that surrounds them Today life is Wonderful. I am leading a succesful (by MY terms) life. I am happy, joyous and free the vast majority of the time. I don't LOOK like a hippy. To me: It DOESN'T MATTER what you wear, just as long as you are THERE, period. I don't do drugs anymore, either. It got to the point that they didn't show me anything new, and basically just hindered my Growth. Not to mention the fact that They Controlled Me, not the other way around. I had to get Serious help for that problem, and I did. The best decision I've ever made... The only thing that 'rules' me now is the Higher Power which I choose to call God (for simplicity's sake, really.) The blessings I have received make me happier (and HIPPIER!!) than I ever could have Imagined. Morning Dew's NEVER sounded so fine... Hey! I'd love to hear from ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Jill
Location: Los Angeles, CA United States
Date: Thursday, April 1, 1999 at 03:59:12
Message:My fellow brothers and sisters.. why is it that some people are born in the wrong generation? I'm an 18 year old Wiccan hippie chick.. who can't stand living in a such a shallow time where magazines influence what people wear, act, and live. I have reddish brown hair about 7 inches past my sholder, brown eyes and am incapable of wearing anything that's not polyester. I can't understand modern day trends and wonder if I'm the only one. Drop me a note on your thoughts of this if you have any comments or just to talk.. i'm always looking for people that have sensible taste in music (Classic Aerosmith, GD, Santana, Joplin, Tom Petty, etc.)and an open mind to teach and learn from.. May the goddess be with you.

Name: Bridgette
Location: nashville, Tn U.S.A
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 17:32:47
Message:Still at 26 trying to find a trade in this life that will allow me to be my free self, help living things, and be fullfilled. Some call it laziness, I call it my journey. Any ideas? 

Name: Silver Sun
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 17:16:47
Message:Hey guys, I just realized that in a past e-mail, where said my name was Silver Rain, I said my e-mail was, but thats not my email adress, it's MCEGGPLANT@HOTMAIL.COM...I dont know whats wrong with me...Anyway, I think it sucks that a lot of poele think its bad to be a hippy...a lot of people call me a hippy, and they are mean, or teasing when they say it...but others say it as a compliment, which is nice...Like, my friend Jesse calls me his hippy, because sometimes I eat my lunch ouside on a soccer field, and i take off my shoes, and run around anyway, I don't know if anyone else experiences this sort of thing...

Name: Silver Star
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 17:09:36
Message:Just thought I'd share some more stuff about me...I love to write songs and poems...I love to draw...I am majoring in photgraphy at school...I also love to be outdoors, I love to hike and rock climb...My goals in life are to grow my hair out really long, and drive across country in a VW bus, which I will paint, with my friends. I already have a cross country fund started, and I'm just 15!!! But hey, I'm taking Drivers Ed next year...Still, a part of me wishes everyone would save energy and WALK everywhere, but I want to drive across country!!! I also wish we still lived in the 60's because we would get to experience Woodstock for the very first time. Oh, I also love Jimi Hendrix...Anyway, hope everything's going well with everybody... Love, Charlotte/Silver Star PS: I also wish we lived in the 60's so we could all go live on Communes, like THE HOG FARM!!! In the summer I go work on a dairy farm which is the closest I can get to living at a cummune, everyone who works there are hippies, they all live in old beat up buses or cabins we build in the woods.... All of you hippies would LOVE this place, it kicks a helluva lot of ass... I also enjoy wearing long flowy skirts and flimsy tops...I have an herb and vegetable garden and enjoy baking ethnic breads and foods...Talk to you guys later!

Name: Silver Rain
Location: Newton, MA uSa
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 16:53:42
Message:Just thought I'd share some stuff about me... Best Music: Beatles, Ani DiFranco, GDead, Ben Harper, Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Joan Baez, and kind of bluegrass, and jazz.... Best Movies: Jaws and Star Wars Trilogy What I look like: Tall, slim, green/blue eyes, long red hair with natural blonde streaks, freckles.... E-mail me my sisters and brothers, or talk to me if you have AOL, my screen name is McEggplant! LOVE YOU ALL....PEACE!!! 

Name:Eric Roger Apple
Location: San Diego, CA USA
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 14:31:43
Message:I'm a Pro-Choice, Hair to my belt, tie-dye wearing, GDead Loving, Voting, Meat Eating, Fur and Leather wearing, Hemp Smoking, People Loving, Libertarian, Working, Living, RenFaire Participating, NRA member Hippie Giant. 

Name: Rain Child
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 14:29:19
Message: I think it is sad that someone can find a Maxwell House coffee commercial enlightening. (To find out what I am talking about read down to a girl named Ashli), TURN OFF THE T.V.'s PEOPLE!!! 

Name: Hannah
UtahDate: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 14:03:26
Message:'Hippie' is just another classification for society to throw people into. Can't we have the same state of mind, or lack of, and be simply described as free? I want to live, love, and worship freely, and yet I run from the labels that that generates. Dance wherever you may be, don't hesitate about life. 

Name: Skye
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 13:13:13
Message:Hey brothers and sisters! I have been reading all of the hippie profiles. I felt as if since I am among like wise souls I would submit my own. Well I feel as many of you out there do that it is not right to label someone. If you must however be labeled I consider being labeled a hippie is a compliment. Not some durogitory remark.I have met some etremely nice people who believe that it is o.k. to hug a stranger, love mother earth, and think of other species rather than our own (we humans tend to feel we are superior)-want peace and to make a difference in this world! I love for people to incorporate these values in to thier lives every day! If this is why people have called me a hippie - because I do believe in everything I said and practice them every chance I get-all I can say is...thanx man!! I am a 27 yr. old woman- I feel much like a teenager still- act like one and I've been told still look as young as one-I am a petite blonde with hazel eyes.I am married happily for almost four years.I have always since I was very little (When I say little I'm talking only 4yrs.old, people) in my opinion been an open minded, loving, compassionate person of all of God's creatures. I usually don't do much that would be considered among the norm. I'm not comfortable with it. That to me would be limiting your life experiences and the level of depth to your soul.That is what makes a person to me. How much have they experienced? How open is your mind? Suddenly Jimi Henderix's song Are You Experienced comes to mind. I beieve that marijuana should be legalized-not just so I am free to smoke it. Because I believe it has strong medicinal properties and the government doesn't want us to use it for this pupose because then we would have a lesser need to buy what they have synthesized, priced way too high and can eventually become dependant on. I am a vegan, I love to write, read, listen to music, play with my 2 cats, be with my friends,cuddle with my husband and watch River Phoenix movies ( I consider River THE BEST because his ethics, values and morals about mother earth and it's inhabitants ran high and deep.Judge him for the way he died if you must.To do so would mean to forget what River was REALLY about.) I do love music from th 60s (like The Doors, The Beatles, Janis Joplin,and so many others) the clothes and everything that went with it.The 60s is a period in time I can most relate to. It's great to know that there are brothers and sisters out there keeping what was good and pure about the 60s alive as best we can in these times. after all-wanting to make a dfference in this world along with a loving compassionate attitude towards all living things is always a classic life style to be living! My e-mail is always open to those who want to get to know eachother.So e-mail me at Peace and Love everyone!!! 

Name: Kymberly Hugie
Location: Prineville, Oregon United States
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 12:51:28
Message: I would love to be a hippy i think it would be awesome really i do!! 

Name: Ashli (Mayo)
Location: Louisville, KY USA
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 18:14:03
Message: Just wanted to say that I have a list of pictures at down and enter my e-mail address under "view a member's profile". It's cool!! 

Name: Ashli (known as Mayo)
Location: Louisville, KYDate: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 17:48:05
Message: I'm a 16 year old hippie girl. I go to a big druggie/hippie school. I'm a very very extroverted person. Hmmm, what else to say??? Well, my freinds can smell me when I'm coming because I always wear patchouli oil...aaahhh...smells like really sweet pot. They call me a dirty hippie, but thats's ok. I've recently decided to be optimistic for probably the strangest reason: I saw these Maxwell House commercials and they said "act your shoe size, go barefoot more often, and make everyday 'good to the last drop'." I guess it's kinda strange, but I realized (as I stared a bit too intently at the tv) that I was way too cynnical and pessimistic about everything, so that really made me change. I play guitar, sing, dance and act. I'm such a performing arts freak. Look for my name in lights someday, I'm really gonna make it out there!!! AND I WON'T EVER BECOME CORPORATE!!! censored THE MAN!!!! 

Location: VALLEY, CA USA
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 14:24:45

Name: Roxanna (Roxie for short)
Location: Morrow, Ohio USA
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 10:19:14
Message: Hey! I'm only 12, but i'm really into the whole hippie scene. Please e-mail me (in case you're wondering the address is my mom's name) Peace out!

Name: Roxanna (Roxie for short)
Location: Morrow, Ohio USA
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 10:14:06

Name: Roxanna (Roxie for short)
Location: Morrow, Ohio USA
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 10:14:05

Name: Jason
Location: changes a lot,USA, ???? USA
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 00:05:12
Message:Hey all you kind folks. I'm Jason. I'm 19 years old and I live with 4 of my buddies and my dogs on a 367 acre farm in rural southern Virginia. I'm living in Va currently but my heart and birthplace is a small town outside of Ashville, NC. I am a southern boy and I started to learn how to pick bluegrass as a kid. My dad tuaght me but around the same time he turned me on to the Dead. I have a guitar, banjo, and mandolin that get a kick out of playing me. Other than nature, that is the love of my life. I was taught as a kid to love people and to respect nature more than anything else. So I do. On this farm we are completely self supporting. We live by mother earth's grace. Other than music my hobbies are reading and building banjos. I read a lot of JRR Tolkien and Thoreau. I am an earth's rights activist. I tried to go to sKool and get a degree in fish and wildlife management but it didnt work out. so now i sit on the old front porch, picking bluegrass and Dead tunes, and watch my dogs and crops grow.(and my friend Sunshine's baby, Ariel. she's 4 months yesterday) drop me a line. But i dont have a computer i'm using someone elses right now, so dont be upset if it takes a while for me to get back to you love jason 

Name: Brian
Location: West Brookfield, MA USA
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 22:34:04
Message: hello, i am a dead loving 19yr old male. music is my life. i am a vegitarian and would love to meet others like me. if you feel like you want to chat or possibly meet someone who is open minded and loves to have fun, then drop me a line.

Name: Jessica Adele Gill
Location: Fallston, MD United States
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 19:52:58
Message:man, i wish we could all stop the violence and jest get along. take it easy and go outside while the weathers nice. later... ~JESS 

Name: a.p. franceschini
Location: goshen, c.t. U.S.A.
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 17:04:19
Message: Hi what is up I am 18 years old, and My mom always told me to treat everything the way I wonted to be treated so I feel that I am a hippy like her she lived the 60's and told me about it how much fun they had and how people came to gether. but we cant turn the clocks back and so i am tring to make the most of what I have to day smoke the green and respectALL a.p. 

Location: wIRRAL, Merseyside England
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 16:47:46
Message:To all hippie chicks and groovers, Keep hip and happin Love A someday hippy

Name: Rain Child
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 14:23:49
Message: Do you ever feel . . . ? 

Name: Dreaming
Location: Miami Beach, FL USA
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 09:21:04
Message:I've always been in love with the ways hippies are, but since last week i've had this incredible desire to finally let my self be. I could say I recently found myself then..I feel great about being who i am and it hurts me to see this world turning into such a manipulative, dominating, materialistic tale for all of those incoming. Maybe if we would all allow that peace within our souls to flow freely then i guarantee you happiness would definetely be raining outside. Love and Peace to all my brothers and sisters!!!

Location: Northen part, Norway
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 at 08:32:51
Message:If the world could see. ------------------------- If the world could see what woud it be? Would it see the terror and the hate from the people. Or would it look another place and see people living in peace. See a man sitting alone looking at the sky. See him take pleasure in the way the clouds slowly drifts away. Hi is looking at the world in a diferent way. He doesn't enjoy the wars that is curently going on. But he hopes for a better day. A day whit out war and whitout pain. -- - FlowerPower Just a thougt to bring joy.

Name: CASEY (420heaven in Hippy chat)
Date: Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 21:42:49
Message:I think too often we forget to use our senses and we block out all the beautiful scenery and block out other's words, and forget to enjoy how everything tastes and smeels and feels on our skin. My advice is to forget about material things and enjoy just the simpleness of being!!! 

Name: Madison
Location: Conroe, Texas United States 
Date: Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 12:44:28
Message:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIPPIES ALL THA WAY!!!!!!!!! : )

Name: River
Date: Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 12:34:10
Message:Enlightenment to all!...For any of you who wish to respond to my poem: Fairbanks 142, that is just a few spaces below, please be aware that I just created a new address. See me at See you soon! 

Location: S.W.O.T.R, KA USA man
Date: Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 00:20:11
Message:coool site peope and my friend said that we shoud get a vw and paint it all groovy and have a bunch of little kids when we learn to drive. i like the idea. 

Name: Moonunit Blessing
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 20:58:46
Message: Athough Im only 12 I feel that my soul is much older,my philosiphy is that if you have peace,love,live in harmony,& do it all happily than you have truly lived life to its fullest! 

Name: River
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 19:53:05
Message: FAIRBANKS 142 By: River My eyes are drunk with confusion My soul alive with Kerouac dreams My heart pounds out deafening tones I'm tearing apart at the seams Time races out of control I'm alive as never before The future courses through my veins My wings of freedom soar Time burns slowly forward My nirvana is close at hand I am the wind, the sea, the sky I cover every inch of land My desire cannot be broken My spirit eternally rages on A twisted fate has yet to hold me And countless days have yet to spawn A soul once full of lifeless existence, buried in burdens of worry Now surges with understanding clarity FOR ALEX SUPERTRAMP LIVES ON WITHIN ME! Hi my name is River. Has anyone (or everyone)read "Into the Wild" by Jon Krauker? LIVE YOUR LIFE! Don't waste it by chasing after "Big Money". Take it day at a time. I'm a 9233 day old male who wants to meet other souls looking to live their lives with others who enjoy good conversation, living simple and communing with nature, not to mention defending mother nature. Hope to hear from you. ~ RIVER 

Location: Riells i Viabrea, CAT Spain
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 19:13:45

Name: Charlotte
Location: Newton, MA USA
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 18:37:28
Message:Howdy my fello hippy friends. I wish we still were living through the 60's because then this would all be original and just beginning. But I guess since it's the 90's it's still OK that we are hippies because SOME PEOPLE have to keep the hippy traditions alive. I didn't think there would be sooo many people still keeping the hippy spirit alive! But man, was I wrong! I just wish there were more hippies around my school. Feel free to e-mail me, my friends. Peace out everyone! Love, Charlotte

Name: Charlotte
Location: Newton, MA USA
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 18:36:04
Message:Howdy my fello hippy friends. I wish we still were living through the 60's because then this would all be original and just beginning. But I guess since it's the 90's it's still OK that we are hippies because SOME PEOPLE have to keep he hippie traditions alive. I didn't think there would be sooo many people still keeping the hippy spirit alive! Buy man, was I wrong! I just wish there were more hippies around my school. Feel free to e-mail me, my friends. Peace out everyone! Love, Charlotte

Name: sertug tanriverdi
Location: izmir, turkey
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 11:05:13
Message:i don't care anything i just do what i wanna do unless i hurt nature and people. i love freedom philosophy and music. looking for the meaning of life 

Name: Sheena
Location: Windham, NY USA
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 10:46:56
Message:Hey everyone! 

Location: tele pt, nsw Australia
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 02:06:35
Message: hey my name's Lavender I'm 27 female and from Australia I love this site because it makes me feel comfortable for who i am and i enjoy meeting many new friends keep life peaceful and tranquil 

Name: Daisy
Location: santa cruz, ca usa
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 01:07:39
Message:hello....i've been perusing this page for a few weeks now, and was sure i'd never submit a message, but i'd really like to say something now. i'm 26 years old, not really wise, but certainly tired from what this world can do to a person. i love hearing everyone's interpretations and ambitions, and i must admit the word "hippie" has always been sweet to me. but i am concerned with the energy that much of this page carries. so many of these profiles sound like i good enough? am i a hippy? will i fit in? i know the world can be cold, and difficult to live in. but i have always believed (just my opinion) that the hippie revolution was, at least in part, an incredible awakening for people. no longer were god's children subject to titles, and requirements, per se. for possibly one of the first times, brothers and sisters lived in a place of harmony and peace, but it was not only in thought, but also in spirit and in action. it's a beautiful idea that there are those out there who would call themselves hippies. but the hippies that once ran the beautiful bookstores on the Haight, or camped out in Golden Gate Park did not fight for their beliefs, and freedoms, and privilege to openly express themselves for nothing. the "free love" days may have ended some twenty years ago, but the ideas and concepts don't have to be squelched. there is nothing "generational" about loving one other, infinitely, without regard or measure, simply because we are like spirits. there is nothing unusual about having concern for the planet, preserving nature, and for God's sake, protecting animals. there is nothing WRONG with taking a stand when you know something is not right, when you can see with your eyes that one of the creation is being harmed. these are human decencies. there is too little of it in the world. true, somewhere along the way, someone (or something?) stepped on the throats of those who really tried to make a difference. it's sad, but it was inevitable. the country we live in (or world, for those internationals :)....)cannot stand to be challenged. when negativity or evil, if you will, is in control of a people, they can't help but kill the good that tries to come out of the ashes they've created. the 60's must have been an incredible time! but the 60's had their time in history. the only reason they are REMEMBERED is because people have allowed the age to die. the same ideals that ruled then can still be alive today, you just have to be willing to lay down fears, indecisions, insecurities, and ask yourself what you're in it for? are you interested only in toking? no, you're here on this web site because you want to meet you look for the place they'd be. that's terrific! i'm so glad there is such a place. but the point i want to make is, you are all incredible, beautiful creations already. you don't need to audition for anyone. love the life you're living, love those you're sharing it with. but more than the happy-happy gestures you're making on this page, please try to LIVE well. do something. there is hope for the future. it is you. i'm glad there is the fervor and excitement over what the 60's stood for, but don't forget what the 60's did for all of history. if we can not only dream, but also act on those dreams...boy, think of what a change we could make in this world! i don't mean to go on and on like an old bore. but i have known some "real" hippies, who were there when it was alive and kickin', and they have taught me well about not wearing the title unless you're ready to live up to it. and how did i know i was ready to live up to it? i had to know in my heart who i was, and what that meant to me. and i will never, ever post a "profile"...i am one of the creation. that's all i am. :) and it is enough. bless all of you for your endeavors. i truly hope that everyone who has posted messages here know what their saying. and remember, people fought and cried, and lived and yes, even died in those magnificent 60's, so that a younger generation could arise without the need to supress who they are...please, let's try to respect that. bless you all, dear friends peace to you... one final Marty, the 42-year-old hippy from NY, i'd love to talk with you. your message touched my heart, but you forget to leave an email...if you read this, please write me! peace to you, friend... Daisy 

Location: eafb, ca us
Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 at 22:05:56
Message:hippies are the grooviest bunch of people i know flowere power and peace and love to all, anti war and more love for all!!!!----i had to get that outa my system cindy! 

Name: Blind Catfish
Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 at 16:47:31
Message:Everyone let's be understanding and pleasant to our fellow man no matter how obnoxious, or misunderstanding they are to us. The man on the street is a friend you haven't met yet, so be groovy!

Name:The Ancient One(micheal teal)
Location: st.catharines, ontario canada
Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 at 09:14:09

Name: Lori
Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 16:48:31
Message: "Sometimes the past isn't always the past- sometimes its the future." Hippies kick ass! Peace and rock on! 

Name: Brigid
NYDate: Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 16:28:22
Message:I am not a hippy, or maybe I am. At least not in the sense that most people percieve one as. I do not wear tie dye or have dreads and stuff like that. I'm just a simple girl who believes that everyone should just sit back and relax every once and a while. I love hippies and I love every other stereotypical type of person as long as they can have an open mind about everything else. Although I may not agree to everyone's ideas and beliefs, I always respect them because they are their own. That's about it. I don't really know what to say. Happy 4:20 Everyone. Brigid

Name: Adi Bowyer
Location: Meadville, MO USA-isn't it great?
Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 15:24:09
Message:i'd rather regret doing it rather than regret not doing it. 

URL:i'm on irc: dalnet, nickname : echoing, or sandals
Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 00:34:45
Message: once there was a girl who loved to laugh, and the only predictable thing she wore was a smile. her best friends were the sun and the wind, and chasing rainbows was one of her favourite pastimes. although unknowing people didn't find her pretty, the girl knew she was beautiful in other ways, and her soul radiated this knowledge proudly. she loved freely and passionately, and she yearned to be loved in returned, but all she could find were empty stares, men and women who dreamed of picket-fence lives, with not adventure or creativity. the girl fell silent, and withdrew into herself, letting the rainbows fade from her clear eyes. then, one day the girl stumbled across a gold mine: a meeting place for others of her kind, people who loved, and laughed, and felt; people who wanted more than life at face value. all of a sudden the girl felt laughter bubbling up from her chest, and the rainbows returned to her eyes, more brightly than had ever shone before. this 18 year old soul from canada is looking to commune with other individuals who are truly alive. she is seeking deep and lasting friendships with both men and women. some of her passions include writing; music of all kinds, as long as it makes her feel good; travelling barefoot and nearly broke; basking in sunlight, and exploring meadows filled with the everpresent laughter of dew-drops and clover; and intimate conversations with the people she loves. *not all who wander are lost* peace and balance, fellow friends love, echo 

Name: Cher
Location: Toronto, ON Canada
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 20:07:58
Message:Man oh man, i'm so glad i found you guys. i'm the only hippie at my school, and i gotta tell you, it is really lonely. a lot of people think that being a hippy is all about sandles, bells and flowers. but it's not! it's about loving yourself, loving other people, and voicing your thoughts in a peacefull way. it's about finding the good in people, even when it seems impossible. i'm glad to finally have found people who understand me. if anyone out there wants to connect with a fellow hippy, feel free to drop me a line. peace, love, & eternal happiness to each and every one of you! 

Name: Tammy Hoffman
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 18:01:03
Message:It's a state of mind... Peace, love and happiness to all!!! 

Name: sanjin
Location: quebec, qc canada
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 21:00:24
Message:this is a little message for Alice, who posted her profile on march 22th Alice, if you ever read this, please e-mail me. you're kind of person who i never succedded to become. i'm not talking about being myself, as much as accepting myself...long story... however, it's be really cool to hear from you. 

Name: John Wahl
Location: Missoula, MT USA
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 06:16:01
Message: Hey..I am a 29 year old, retired Radio Dj.....I smoke my kind in the morn, and plan my trips...I love following bands:semisonic, Soul Asylum, Green Day, any cool new band..I like seeing bands in bars and clubs, before they get big..much more rewarding....I love Outdoor shows at the Gorge or other cool ampitheaters around the country...I can't find anyone to go with me on my crazy trips:no itinerary, date, reservations..i sleep in my car or tent it, when I am tired, hitch-hike for stretches to meet cool people....i always pick uup hitchers too..Life's too short to live in fear..i trust people, and it hasn'tr failed me yet...well if you wanna rap, drop mea line at my e-mail or icq:5911886.>Ciao, john

Name: cristina baldroegas
Location: alcochete, setubal portugal
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 05:48:23
Message: hello!!!!!!!!! my mail is : 

Name: noora kajander
Location: huittinen, 32700 finland
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 05:05:30
Message: hello to everyone! I´m not very sure am I really hippy or not! I love lissening to 60`s music, walk whit out shoes on a wet crass, and I love the clothes that were used in the 60`s,(but that dosent make me a material girl), I have this very good happet to say every morning hello to the sun which I Love so mutch. But the sun dosent shine very often in here! so I have to say hello to it every morning! I wiss that someday they would make a timemachine so I could go back to the 60`s!! so Icould see the 60`with my own eyes, so I wouldn`t have to dream about it every day, what kind of world it was!!! PEACE AND LOVE TO EVERY ON!!! Let`s make the world abetter place to live for all of us! 

Name:$Smokin Grass$ 
MnDate: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 00:31:04
Message:stay true to who you are and the rest will just fall into place 

Name: Alise
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 at 23:20:52
Message:this is a sweet website:) i think a lot of you guys should stop and think about what you are trying to prove with your profiles. just be yourselves, everybody. stop fretting over how you have to prove to the world that you are a hippie. ok? no offense intended, of course. i'm 19 and in my second semester of college. i grew up with fairly liberal parents in an ecologically-conscious family - i am proud to say! i am a new veggie - only two months old but showing promise. i dislike big business (the mcdonalds/disney/microsoft monsters),uninformed people, the inhuman amount of waste that america generates on a daily basis, organized western religion (please don't push your morals on me - i don't push mine on you!), and people who complain about things but don't try to change them. get involved everyone! we can change the world still. i like to canoe, hike, drive with the windows down, and sing (out of tune:)). i sew my own clothes. i am a phan and i also like leftover salmon, old folk and bluegrass, rusted root, the flecktones, the dead:) and bob marley. i want to be an illustrator later on (i'm working on a set of drawings based on the lord of the rings trilogy now) but life is good as it is right now. isn't it? hey you young want-to-be-hippies out there, i think you are making a great statement about what kind of caring, loving person you are by choosing the hippie way. but please be serious. don't just grab some bell bottoms and scribble peace signs everywhere. we need people who are true to themselves and their heart in this world so join in if you know who you are! kick off your shoes, take someone by the hand and dance at the next full moon. help someone out by carrying a heavy bag for them. if you see litter on the ground, pick it up. don't buy imported goods if the label doesn't say "sustainable" or something like it (most profits on imported goods don't go to the poor families who work 15 hour days to make hackysacks and indian dresses - they go to put prime rib on the tables of corporate fatcats). buy your food organic if you can. there are so many little things we can all do to help, and you'll feel SO good knowing you've made a little difference! wow, this is pretty long - thanks if you made it through to the end! i guess i can ramble on a bit sometimes... remember that just smiling at someone can change their life and make them feel loved. kyndness --- Alise 

Name: Sheena (Ocean)
Location: Windham, NY USA
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 at 08:50:28
Message:THE DOORS kick ass! Me and my best friend Danielle (she hasn't decided a hippie name yet) love to listen to THE DOORS and Bob Dylan and toke some weed with our boyfriends, who aren't hippies but we fuckin love em anyway! Well, I love all of you guys, you're all wonderful fuckin hippies man! And email me if you get a chance! Love Ya! Pace and Love, Ocean

Name: Sheena (Ocean)
Location: Windham, NY USA
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 at 08:43:11
Message:Hippies are great! We're the ones that understand nature, we're the ones that believe in love and peace, we're the ones that dress awesome and wear cool beads, we're the ones that enjoy life, and are laid-back wihtout worrying what anyone thinks about us. We're the ones that will change the world! Peace, Ocean

Name:$Smokin Grass$
Location: Stillwater, MN usa
Date: Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 22:54:32
Message:hey there i am a 21 year old guy. not sure im a hippy but i love to get high and i love making up cool tunes on my guitars.just wanted to leave a note here. i was paralyzed in a car accident a couple months ago and as soon as i got out of the hospital and back to my weed i was off thier synthetic painkillers that hardly if ya get a minute write to someone in your state government and tell 'em the censored should be legalized!! 

URL:i dont know!
Location: amherst, nh usa
Date: Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 21:40:46
Message: hey to all yall hippies.. peace and happiness to ya all. i have alays had this true felling that i was a hippy.. i mean, i luv the 70's and 60's music.. i have aluv for poetry.. if only i could find some hippies in the new englad area.. i cant say i am all peace.. i do luv my drugs.. i luv them to deat.. i am not gonna beat around the bush.. i am a junkie and i luv drugs.. oh yes i do.. but what o luv more is beinga hippy.. i mean, i luv the peace and kindness, but i luv beng baked.. i mean hippies arent all about bein baked and drugged up all the time but they are like calm, and into peace and luv.. and i am all about peace and luv .. i luv it all, but drugs are a big impact in my life.. I LUV YA ALLL..jamie

Name:Jamie DiFrancesco
Location: Amherst, NH U.S.A.
Date: Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 21:31:46
Message: i luv this censored.. it is so grrrrreat.. hippy's 4 eva

Name: Aletia
Location: owensboro, ky usa
Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 22:36:57
Message:I can't wait till I get money so I can redo my room. When I get my room redone I can brong out the hippie in me. I am so excited. If you would like to help me raise me the money just E-mail me and we can talk! PEACE! 

Name: iwanttobeyourlover,notyourboss...
Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 22:02:57
Message: STOP!!! LISTEN!!! Everyone is living in their own existence. The world means a completely different thing to everyone you see every day. So be kind and gentle, and maybe when your time is up, there'll be a smile on your face, and on the faces of some people you have touched. I don't mean to get so sentimental but when I look around it is hard to see the meaning, if anyone else is feeling a bit confused, feel free to contact me. 

Location: Minden City, Mi USA
Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 17:54:01
Message:Hey now! Come check out my patchwork clothing page for some kynd handmade threads to wear :o) Peace! 

Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 at 20:36:54
Message:hippy profile huh. i was looking for jack kerouac and they give me this? what the goes. i used to be all depressed and pretty much anti everything. i got infuriated by the majority of society and thought that all of life was monontanous and pointless and that EVERYONE was ignorant. i was like this for what seemed like forever until it hit me. absolutely nothing that any of us will ever do will ever mean anything on the big picture. absolutely everything and anything means absolutely nothing. it's all about perception and how you fill the void between birth and death (they're interchangeable) so i went insane. and here i am today growing more and more out of my mind everyday and loving it . i love evryone and everything. most stuff anyway. god didn't put us here to spend our whole existance working a nine to five job and watching tv. he put us here to learn and expierience every thing we can. and i mean everything. i've been through some censored since my manic dpressive days and through all of it i've learned 3 basic things that get proven to me over and over again day after day...absolutely everything happens for a reason...good things happen to good people...and most importantly everything works out in the end. that's it. IT'S ALL ABOUT PERCEPTION. 

Name: Jacquelyn
Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 at 18:34:48
Message:I've always thought that being a hippie meant more then wearing huge bell bottoms and doing drugs. I am 13 years old, with a father who is in the N.R.A (National Rifle Association), and a fervert supporter of the Republican Political party. My whole life I have tried to shut my eyes to his ignorant prejudice towards nearly (everyone different from him), but it's been impossible. I've always been strong willed which isn't necessarily always a good thing. I wouldn't consider myself to be a "true" hippie, because I was not alive in the 60's and all I know is what I've seen and felt. Still, I relate with the belief that everyone is equal, despite the influence of my father. War is the most horrible thing possible, "obscene" as my English teacher put it. Killing people who have wives that love them, little girls at home who miss their daddy, and run to their mailbox each day anxiously every day, looking to see if a letter has come. All because of the need to be number one. Perhaps World War 2 was unavoidable, it's scary that one man could convince millions that they were superior, and lead them on to "wipe out the inferior". Sometimes, during the spring, the morning sun rise wakes me up, it's rays invading my eyes. If the mood is just right, I'll start crying for all those who can't see it. For those who don't want to see true beauty, and never will. Why is it that some are so consumed by their own hatred that they are blinded? Blinded by racisim, religon, moral standards, and death? I could try to talk to these people until I'm blue in the face, they still would be oblivous. I have been told that I "am very old and wise", "Think too much", "Can't worry about those less fortunate then me because I can not do anything",and "cry to much for everyone but myself". Personally though, I know they can never say I feel hate.

Name: Chris (Windsong)
Location: Wellington, ---n/a--- New Zealand
Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 at 04:42:01
Message: Greetings My Brothers and Sisters from This Multi Cultural World. My Name is Chris But My Hippie Name Is Windsong, Im A Dedicated 19 Year Old Hippie and love Mother Earth and Her Possessions, i prefer a "Laid Back" way of life and enjoy Be-Ins with my Fellow Hippie brothers and sisters. I Enjoy listening to Hendrix, Black Sabbath, The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Who, Canned Heat, The Dead, Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles, John Lennon, Deep Purple, Buffalo Spingfield and The Shondells I Love Herbs, Bonfires, And plan to go communal living soonish, i love Hippie Clothes, Especailly Jeans, (i either rip them or draw patterns over them) Coats with the tassles on them, Black Leather Jackets Nylon Shirts, Tie-Dye t-shirts and checkerd pants, i have long hair and a full growen beard, i drive a 1980 hillman avenger and have it laced with pro cannabis, anti nuke and anti war stickers, i plan on getting a bedford van and painting it groovy colours, i dont smoke or do drugs anymore but i LOVE to drink heaps, especially Jim Beam and Vodka. so if your a Hippie Chick aged between 17 and 22 then give me an email, hope to hear from you soon peace and love man chris 

Name: Callie Rainbow
WVDate: Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 11:29:25
Message: I have been called a hippie for as long as I can remember. I have a really positive attitude about everything and I love flowers and the 60's. I'm 18 years old. And, if you haven't guessed, I was not born Callie Rainbow. But, I like that name. Anyway, I believe in peace and love and happiness. My favorite band in The Beatles and I love John Lennon. I hate shoes, I like to go barefoot or wear sandels. I love tye-dye and peace signs. :) 

Date: Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 07:28:41
Message:Hi! I am a 42 years young feeling & looking - hippy female! I feel that no matter when I would have been put upon this earth, I would feel the same about life! It just so happpens I grew up during the hippy years & there is a name for what I am! Yes, I still have long, straight hair, & wear my fringe coat, blue jeans, & people as me..."Are you a hippy?" Hehe I am proud of who I am. I believe within my soul in peace & love! I am addicted to music! If you visit my pages I have listed, you will see how much I get into music & some pics of me on the first few links! Still looking good for my age! I just wish I could find my soulmate for life! Where did all the hippy's go? Did most of these baby boomer yuppies never really believe in anything we fought for? Well, I say...John Lennon led us into a better world of peace! Any guys out there into peace & love? Do you have long hair & you are mellow? CONTACT me if so! I live in the country & raise wolf/hybrids. Love to all of you & make every day special! Peace! 
I thought the hippie ideals were Dead and buried with Jerry and Abby. What a refreshing breath of
idealistic freedom! I just hope the young hippies have yuppies as
parrents.Especially the yuppies that always look at me in disgust.I am, as
described by my wife as a"terminal Hippie lost in the 60's".I have had long
hair since 1968 and my music preference hasn't swayed from theDead.Before
finishing school ,I traveled across the United States for a few years.I
attended probably 60 to 80 Grateful Dead concerts in that time,(you have to
understand that it was long ago and the times they were a changing).I think it
was the most important part of my education,experiencing different people and
Now I am known has the "Hippie Vet".I am a Veterinary
Anesthesiologist .{Can you believe they trust me with all these wild drugs?}I
still have my 60's attitude and I'm still trying to make a difference.My
favorite Quotes are:"It's what you learn AFTER you know it all is what
counts"and"Who are the Grateful Dead and why do they keep Following Me?" Have
a peaceful day. P.S. If you ever want to hear about my Seventies
adventures on the road Drop me a line.

I am a 15 year old male living in Pennsylvania, (outside of Philly). I am
a total dork in my school or at least that's what most people who judge me
on the outside look at me as. I love to wear tyedyes, sandals, bandana,
and hemp jewlrey, and I even wore a headband that was once my aunt's to
school in protest of not allowing students the right to write articles in
the school newspaper about legalization of marijuana. I love bands such as
Phish, the dead, Marley, Led Zeppelin, the Moody Blues, U2, Blues Traveler,
the Black Crowes, Hot Tuna, and many others. I am a Liberal Christian
meaning that I think God is found in everyone's heart and loves all and
does not descriminate on sexual orientation, religion, or personal belifes.
I am for free speach and have said certian words such as Lesbian,
homosexual, and asking a guy in an assembally if he liked the Beatles
(Which my teachers swear I said "Do you Smoke Weed?"). I am the only
"true" hippie in my grade (the rest are just wannabe phans or what I call
pousers), I don't watch Dawson's Creek but friends of mine do and I was
angered that the people of the WB broadcasting played Phish's Birds Of A
Feather on Dawson's Creek. I used to be a hardcore Conservative person
until my aunt taught me that its ok to be different, and not to judge a
book by it's cover. I also love to play guitar. Write me sometime.

-John Newton

Come visit my Homepage at:

I have an idea for all you music lovers and art lovers a like. A more in-
depth feeling of the music and art. Maybe even a revolution. Instead of
listening-feel your music as well. When purchasing your new album or maybe
even old you also receive a box. Put the CD in, record on, tape in or push
that 8 track in and as the music flows through you reach in to the box. Feel
the emotion-is it fur, spikes, hot or cold? Close your eyes and let the
experience have you. There is so much more we can add to just hearing alone-
broaden your horizons-if you are an artist of any sort see how you can be more
effective cause that's what it is all about. Take a feeling and stretch it
for all it's worth envelope yourself in it. Keep on strumming your guitar till
it's all out, keep mixing the paint till the color is perfection. We all have
the freedom let's not neglect it. What can you do? We can all do something
don't stop until you've found it!! Peace out all of you! I wish you well!

E mail me at

I remember the day I learned that not everyone's parents strolled around in Dashiki's and Caftans. I remember when I learned for the first time, that the androginous lifestyle I was blessed to know was not cohesive with the average "heads" in the street. I, more than anything, remember the first time I cut off my freak flag like all the other boys. It was the most bummer of a day I dare recall. But it was also the sun phase where I first was warted by the metaphysical "reality", that not everyone was a hippie. 
I am Seamus, child of two far out Gael'ic guru's, presently seventeen, and I have recently (non-litteral time connotation) found myself embodying the vehicle of 90's hippy. Hippy was a word which has in the past been difficult for me to refer to myself as, but have been guided by the all knowing energy of the Freak God to learn of all peoples rightful place in Truthville. I have been a veggie, and animal rights activist (not involved in the bad scene of the animal rights military society) for six years now. I am an aspiring jazz man, weened from the sounds of Hendrix, Deep Purple, Vanilla Fudge, to the Boston sounds of Ultimate Spinach, Beacon Street, and Orpheus. 
I am not a self proclaimed hippy, nor am I a hippy because I claim to be so. I am a hippy because I love you. Because I see love not as a sexually driven machine to direct to a drive through chapel service. I see love as an all encompassing, sightless, soundless, genderless, speciesless energy to which we are all made of. As Hair begins, "Trasedental meditation on the ocean of reality is love." All life can be broken down to love, and that is the evolutionary link of life. I share sex to all life open enough to understand love for it's subtle simplicity. I share smoke with any energy that understands that all interstellar travel comes first from within. I share my groove with the urban clanks of the earths hammer striking down. I will go out dancing, as song man does sing. 
Hippydom is not an elitest clubhouse for babyboomers only, but rather a ripe little cottage to provide shelter from the rain of pop culture forever. I summon a wind flown kiss to all enlightened selves whom I share the world with. Peace and love to all energy, and Qi' to the flamboiantly wonderful flowers out there. Untill we live again, I am a seeker present purple schemes. Far out to you all.

Hi, my name is Ben, and I live in upstate NY. The thought of me being
an actual hippy never crossed my mind, until people brought it to my
attention (alot of people jokingly call me a hippy.) I didn't really
pay much attention to them, until one day, it hit me - "whoah, they are
right!" I think that my mind is open to a whole different way of
thinking than most "non-hippies," and I also manage to see the sunny
side of the street, some would call it being stoned, but I know that it
is much more than that. My musical interests include: Phish, Beatles,
moe, Tom Petty, Bob Marley, Beck, Rusted Root, Allman Brothers, Grateful
Dead, Frank Zappa, CCR, etc... Without music, I don't think I could
live as a sane man. I also write quite a bit of poetry, I wouldn't
know what to classify it as, I have never read to much poetry to know,
but I really enjoy to write it. =)

Long Live the Music


I'm not a hippie, I'm me. I believe the world is extremely confused,
society is evil and people refuse to see the truth that is why they work
so much. Some may say I'm a pessimist, but they are wrong, I just see
things for what they are. The people who say that are blind, stuck in
their fabricated lives that they were given by society from birth. I'm
just wanted to put my opinion on the table and welcome any comments.

Hi im a 42 yr old hippie and I wish I was back there in the 60s again ,
but I live my life now and enjoy it I have my 300 vinal/78s to listen to
and i sometimes run into other like souls.Remember life is a journey and
there are many roads to chouse if you take the wrong one dont be afraid
to go back and take another, remember your free, free as the birds/fish.
Its inspireing to hear so many people takeing this path, you will be
rewarded in a big way. I miss haveing colourful chicks in flowering
dresses to dance with. I miss good dope. I miss makeing love in the
stillness of a moon filled night. Maby ill buy that harley I was
dreaming about last night, do you dream. Im in N.Y. about 40 miles from
Woodstock, im Irish. I realy loved the anti nucular marches... 
If you want to write an old hippie please do, if your in my area on a
trip come see me. 
love to all my sisters and brothers.. Marty..

Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I'm a 14-year-old hippie. I know that may sound
young, but I'm very mature for my age. I believe in peace, love, freedom,
and rock and roll. My favorite bands in the whole world are The Beatles and
The Doors. I love almost all music. I live for it. I'm aspiring to be a
singer/songwriter after I finish school. Everyone calls me a hippie, and I
know it's true.
I have a lot of friends who I've gotten to listen to the groovy bands from
back in the day. I've also tried to influence them with the peace and love
theory, although it's hard not to wanna yell or smack somebody when you're
in a school in New York filled with teenagers. But I try. I hope someone
will write to me and keep me thinking peacefully. I'd enjoy talking to any
hippie of any age, old or young. Although I think all hippies are young at

Love always,

Words ring in my eyes, and tears well in my ears when I see the phrases
laid down by those who feel it necessary to "prove" rather than
"improve" themselves in front of the mass numbers of beings, fleeing
from their lives trying to find smiles, trying to get off trial, trying
to quit denial, trying to get over, all the while, in their basement
their clocks continue to chew . . .

Hey Man! My name is Lilly Star. I am almost 13 and am 5'6 with blue eyes, pale white skin, and dark brown hair that reaches my chin. I decided to become a hippy because my parents hate them, and because I would also love to hang out with people who appreciate my lazyness, and laid back attitude. I am an artist and a musician. I play guitar and piano. 
I have decicded to name my first child ( if I ever choose to have one) Garcia. Cuz he, along with Hendrix, Lennon, Joplin, Kantner, and many many others shaped the hippie culture with their music y'know man? My favorite songs are China Cat Sunflower By The Grateful Dead, White Rabbit By The Jefferson Airplane, Love Street By: the Doors, and Purple Haze By Jimi Hendrix. 
My life goals are to grow my hair out, get a REALLY REALLY groovy pair of bell bottoms, and recreate Woodstock, oh wait! I think some guy from Janes Addiction did that already, Oh well, one less goal to accomplish. 
Well thats all for now See ya! 

ok heres my life....i am a 16 year old hippie i think, no one chould be
a true hippie they only come from the 60's and 70's, but i wish i was. i
love the doors, pink floyd, lynard skynard, hendrix, and ozzy.i drive a
big brown van with my bf and i do the common drugs LSD, acid,pot, and
crack. hippies come from the heart and do not care what others think of

I really don't know what to say. I am 17. I grew up on grateful dead, and
the attitude that you should be who you want to be. I respect and admire the
ways of a hippie and would love to be like that. If someone met me one the
street, or if they had just seen me they would probably call me a hippie. But
I do not feel that I am fully who I want to be, or fully what a morally good
hippie should be and until I am, I don't think that I will ever be satisfied.
Thanks for listening.

Hello all you lovely people! My name is Tiffany and I'm 16 years old and I live in a small town in South Carolina. I don't think anyone would call me a hippy if they just saw me...or actually if they listened to me. I think you have to know me a while before you figure out that I do have a little hippy inside me :-). Even I have to dig a little to get it to come out sometimes. I'm working on that though because it really is the true me but it's stifled by my uncreative little high-school and this comfortable little town of unchange I live in. Inside me is this incredible love of everything and everyone and a incredible soreness towards anything hateful. I want peace for the world and I want recognition for our mother earth. I'm not a vegetarian though and I'm sure that you'll all be open-minded enough not to go hating me for that. I do have respect for any animal who had to give its life to feed my greedy belly though. I'm also not religious...nor do I even believe in any sort of god. The closest I get is loving the earth as the mother of us all. I listen to every kind of music that I've ever heard of and I love almost all of it so I can't very well tell you all the groups that are my favs...well, maybe I can tell you two...they would be Aerosmith and The Beatles. I love to make music too through my piano and my clarinet :-). I love art and I hope to oneday be up there with the likes of Picasso and DaVinci. That's all I can think of to write about me so this is the end. 
Don't hesitate to write to me. 
I love getting email :-). 
Catch y'all later! 

Peace to all, 
I'm a 22 year old Dutch girl and i have been a hippie since i was 15. My goals are bringing the flower power period back and organisating a worldwide Be-in. So if you are interested mail me at: . I'm also looking for Hippies in the Netherlands. Please contact me. Peace and Love, Jennifer

Reading all these profiles was awesome - no one where I live (a tiny
town in Virginia) can relate to me! Everyone is so sidetracked by
Abercrombie&Fitch and Hanson and all that other stupid shit! No one
thinks about what life is really one stops to think about all
the shit we let continue happening everyday like animal testing,
polluting our beautiful earth, rasicm&hatred, and narrow-mindedness. I
do not beleive I was born to spend my life at the mall! What annoys me
the most is how "hippies" can be steriotyped into bellbottems, weed, and
longhair,etc - cause for me it is really not that at all. Sure, that may
go along with being a hippie, but not in every case. Being a hippie is a
mind set - being open to love and peace and doing what you can to make
it! This world can be a better place if we do our best to become
healthier people - in mind & body! 
As for weed - I love you Maryjane:) I think it's helped me open up and
relax and have fun. Some of the best expierences I've had have been on
acid - everything was so beautiful and interesting and open! I think
drugs can be a bad thing if you do not know how to handle them - if you
let them control your life. The hemp plant is great - it can spare the
time and space of so many thousands of trees if we would only get past
the control-freaked gov't's narrowminded ways!
Some stuff about me: my name is Casey, i am a 16/F with long blonde
hair,who listens to The Indigo Girls, Ani, Led Zeppelin, The mamas & the
papas, etc. Yes, I do wear bellbottems and hemp and berks but only
because I love it and I hate everything from Abercrombie and all the
other teeny-boppy stores. :) I help out at animal rescue shelters and do
my best to incourage others to boycot evil companies like Proctor&gamble
and gillete(is that spelled right?) 
So if you hear what I'm saying (or even disagree) - I wanna hear from
you...write me at:

Hello, my name is Dana. I am a 45 yr young single guy.. living on the
beach near Daytona Beach FLorida.. I would love to meet a single hippie
chick that is cool.. open and looking to find a soul mate to experience
life together.. truly sharing from the soul..I am happy here and love
this area.. were spiritual.. the love energies are powerful and we all
walk around with a smile on our faces... So if there is someone out here
who, like me, wants a caring, passionate, nice looking man, with a good
job, to meet.. give me a ring...



Ok, I've never done any drugs before and don't intend too any time soon. My
tastes in music, although I do like the music of the 60's a lot (though,
honestly, i'm not really familiar with too much of it though i'd like too)is
very diverse--i love broadway music like Les Miserables and Rent, I love Sarah
Mclachlan and Jewel, Alanis, Classical music like Beethoven and Chopin (i play
the piano, and very little guitar and harmonica), some new age, and just
whatever happens to be on. I'm otherwise just an 18 year old vegetarian from
Long Island who wears jeans and a t-shirt just about every day of the
year--don't care if it's february, it's still comfortable. I used to want to
be a doctor and make money and save lives, but now I just want to be useful. 
I would love to live just writing books and whatever--i love writing. I love
reading and poetry. I love being outdoors, everything in nature. All I want
out of life is to love someone and be loved and maybe make a difference if I
can. I would love to do what thoureau did--just live out in the woods for a
couple of years, though i'd like some company there.

I've never felt like I really belonged in this generation. Everyone's just
following the crowd. They don't seem to care what people feel...they just
want to surround themselves with happy, popular people no matter what
principles they lack. They don't try to spread their love around, just find
more escape. Their drugs, their music, their technology--all about escaping
from this life. Hippies did drugs to gain some perception and
get in touch with something within. Not escape. We wanted to change the
world, not get away from it. I mean, I still love them all...I can't hate
anything animate or inanimate, no matter what it does or what it teaches. We
just need a little more love. I guess I'm just judging people here, but I
don't think I am...I'm just trying to express something that needs to be
changed. We all need a cause--that was the essence of hippiness. Now some
people seem to think that we're running short on causes. I say there's always
something out there to fight for.

What I probably despise more than anything is censorship...bans on books,
blocking the words of people, preventing us from expressing ourselves to the
fullest extent.

I would love most to get over looks...I wish I could be as a blind man and see
from within, but I don't feel I've completely passed that, and maybe I don't
deserve to be a hippy because of that. I find that the greatest people...the
most loving and kindest and giving...are so often ignored and treated as
outcasts. The non-conformists have the most love. The crowds out there
promise acceptance, not love. The same acceptance you'll find in brutal
street gangs. I wish we had the capacity to transcend the restraints of
vision. I know and believe everything is beautiful, and wish we could all
treat everything that way.

I long for a word of equality, peace, and love. That is the essence of
hippiness. that is why i consider myself a hippy.

I keep a journal online at my website
<> so feel free to explore my
thoughts and words there. You can IM me if you have aol instant messanger (my
handle is "Veggyman98") or email me at "" if you want. 
I love you guys. 
peace (/|\) & love <3

--eddie (my name means "happy protector")

Reading through all the profiles, some questions came into my head about
the whole idea of why people would label themselves as a “hippy” to
begin with. It seems to me that people get a kick out of calling
themselves a hippy just ’cos they wear the flares, get a buzz off
drugs...etc. It’s a state of mind, it’s a way of life and it’s the
freedom to spiritually develop the mind regardless of what society says
is right or wrong- regardless of our race, background religious
upbringing or style. I really admire people who feel that this is what
is the true meaning of the word.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Linda and I’m studying at
university, here in London, for an environmental degree. I wouldn’t want
to call myself any label but as a freedom fighter, being a hippy at
heart is the closest description of the label that fits me the most. All
my life I have fought for what I believe in...yeah, it is true to say
that a lot of people never understood what or who I was, simply because
I went across every barrier that society imposed on a female, as
a mixed race person ( I’m originally half Spanish, half Sudanese ), my
retro clothes, the dreads that I used to have ( too long now- so I cut
them off! ) and as a spiritual believer.
I love learning about different cultures...temple visiting, learning
from people from all over the world and really mixing to expand my mind.
I’m part of 2 campaigns at the moment. The first is for keeping young
people off the streets who are homeless, and the other is against the
SICK animal testing that goes on. As humans, we tend to think that we’re
the only ones that can have rights- I’d like to change that. One other
thing I love is nature. To me, it is the Great Spirit of life. It is the
balance of all our energies, which is why it is now fighting against us-
the balance has been messed up, by the propaganda that material things
is going to make us a better person. 
We all need to heal. We all need to awaken to our true identity of our
belonging. It’s time for a change. Let’s connect and help make this
world a better place. I leave you now with a little poem that really
touches me about the order of things now:

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been polluted,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.

-Prophesy of the Cree people.

Hope to hear from you soon. BYE.

i am a 16/m hippy from turkey.i listen jimi hendrix,the doors,pink floyd,deep purple,beatles,rolling stones...
i like rock and blues.
i also play the guitar and sing in a band called PENUMBRA.i believe in PEACE,LOVE and HAPPINES.
and one of the most important things in life is FREEDOM!
pls mail me

yes i would like to becomr a hippy when i grow up
do you have any hippy fashion tips for when i grow up?
thank you alot

your fellow hippy for the future

T.P. email me at
its my friends email because my onternet is getting fixed

i just thought i would tell you that i am doing a presentation for a socialogy class on the hippy culture. 
First of all, i noticed alot of people here suggest they are hippies because of the music they listen to or the way they dress, it's not a correct assumption to think you are a hippie just because of these factors. 
Being a hippie is a way of life, and has no dress code or requiered music for listening. 
My dad was a Hippie, and from what i have heard from him, America was a much different place. The draft is no more, racism has been on the decline, sexism is on the decline. 
i can't understand why you insist on labeling yourselves, the real hippies from the 60's hated the label "HIPPIE" 
be yourself people don't pigeonhole yourself or your fellow humans, because that's just not fair.

Once I was a tiny pink seed, and my mother Earth layed her breath on me so that I flew high, higt up in a bow. And the trace I could watch behind me where of many shimmering colours. 
Suddenly I felt that I was back in my mothers bussom again and i startes to dig in to it because the high air had been a bit frightening eventhouhg it was more beautiful thing I ever layed my little seedy eyes on. 
And I felt that my mothers heat made me grow. And guess what happened! I became a beautiful flower, and if you want, you can meet me outside. I have been waiting for a long time now. I use to watch you, you know. Every time you pass I wave my green little arms, and I would be happy if you waved back at me some day. 
I have a friend in Sweden too if you want to meet a human friend. I have learned that human get restless just spending time with flowers. Though she is a flower too, she is born with the gift of singing and dancing. Please use the snailmail to write. 
Nina Lindström 
Koppar v. 49 
176 72 Järfälla 

Je suis un "Hippie"
For all of my non-French speaking friends out there, translated that means, I
am a hippie. At least, that's what people tell me. I never thought I was. I
don't fit the stereotype of a hippie. I do not own anything tie dyed, I have
never smoked pot, and I have never heard a Grateful Dead album (although I
have watched a 3 hour documentary about dead-heads on Bravo and found it very
intriguing.) I guess the reason why I am labeled a "hippie" is because I am
very anti-establishment. I am a pacifist, I have never walked into an
Abercrombie and Fitch store (I've only been to the mall like 10 times in my
life), I don't watch Dawsons Creek (That show is evil), I am always trying to
get people to stand up for things they find unfair, I question authority, I'm
always getting people to sign petitions, I listen to folk music and play
guitar, I am open-minded, and I once protested a required woodworking class at
school because "we are selfishly chopping and hacking away trees for what? a
lopsided doorstop." I guess the last one alone was enough to dub me a hippie
for the rest of my life. (I was successful though, I was able to do a
different project without using wood. I had to figure out a way to recycle
and old tennis shoe and was very happy hacking up an old nike tennis shoe and
creating a tres chic and unique purse)
My life is full of internal conflicts. I feel very hypocritical, I try to be
as peaceful as possible, and say I'm a pacifist, yet, sometimes I can't
control myself and whollup one of my many siblings upside the head. (I am one
of 7 kids). My dad works as a supervisor at a nuclear power plant, and
nuclear power is a big no no of the hippie lifestyle, yet the food I eat is
bought by the nuclear power plant (What luck I have). I honestly don't
think nuclear power is that bad, in my opinion, coal power is much worse. 
I am 15 years old and in 10th grade at the horrendously uncreative high school
of Farmington Hills MI. But age is just a label, and you'd probably never
guess that I am this young. I am on student council at school which I thought
was going to be great (I'd get to speak my mind and make a difference.) But
student council is run by the populars, and alas I was shunned by them. It's
miserable. I don't know how I got onto student council, considering that I
don't have many friends (Quality not Quantity). My favorite subject is
History, I have a great teacher that encourages discussion and 2 great
classmates and we have wonderful conversations while the rest of the
stereotypical teens in the class put on makeup or sleep. In my spare time I
like to write, everything, I don't like English class though, (I do have a
wonderful teacher and it's not her fault honestly) because I don't like to be
told to write. I write what I want to write and when I want to write.
Anyway, I'm a Libra with Gemini rising and moon in Gemini. I love Gemini's,
Libra's, Sag's, Aquari's, and Virgo's. But anyone can write!
Oh yeah, I am and Ani DiFranco fan.

Hey all you friendly beings out there. My name is Elf and I am
considered a flowerchild not because of the way that I dress or
because I have long hair, I am considered a hippie because I am very
peaceful and I respect all who are around me and I do more than my
part to care for and respect this earth. I have been going to rainbow
family gatherings since 1995, and every one has been a very beautiful
experience. I am a practicing devotee of Asatru(Scandinavian paganism).
I live in a shallow minded small redneck town in Missouri.
Unfortunately there are very few hippies or even half way like minded
people around where I am. I could definitely use some correspondence
from other kind people. Write if you would, Peace, love, and light.

I'm a 17 years old young man from Québec so, excuse my English because I
speak French.

Yes, I'm a christian, but not a fundamentalist, not a christian who
listen «christian» music and I'm opened-mind. The tolerance, the
freedom, the peace, the LOVE, the life in harmony with all my human
brothers and sisters, in harmony with God, in harmony with my soul, in
harmony with my body, in harmony with my mind, in harmony with Mother
Earth.... it's all I want!

I like to practice psychedelico-hallucino-rave-poetry
I let the hair down
I let the sun enter in my ears when the world is too cold: Let it be
I'm pessimist when I talk of the future but I get an hope despite I know
it's impossible with the mind of majority and society
I listen Beatles (it's the only hippy music I listen), Nirvana, The
Offspring, No Fun At All
I'm against too many things to say that here (capitalism, America,
exploitation, companies, all the system, customer society, technology,
Progress...) Yes it can seems...I don't know the word in English... in
French, it's «réactionnaire», the opposite of progressist.
I like to go in the woods, naturism, lonely meditation in the middle of
nature, smoke a little bit of hash, write poems, read poems (Rimbaud,
Baudelaire, Verlaine, the Surrealists poets), read Romantic litterature
(Victor Hugo), think to.....ah.....a girl, protest against many things
like the materialist and individualist values of our society...

See the sky is blue, the ocean is his mirror and the sun is the mirror
of God. I can be optimist because, if there's mad, bad and horribles
things on Gaia, our little planet, it's because God let us the liberty
to choice the good way, so liberty is fundamental in a perfect creation,
so everything is going right if you choice the way of Sun, Freedom,
Tolerance, Peace, Love, Blue sky, Birds, Green trees, Respect of humans
and Earth, Ocean with relax waves, Poetry, Cool and non-commercial
things, Social conscience, Idealist vision of the world...... the Hippy

Peace, Love and Compassion
Protest against all violence, hierarchic system and inegalities!!!!!
Be what you want to be, become what you are, do what you want!!!!

Hello everyone,
My name is Derek and I'm from North Carolina. I'm a strong supporter of
the Woodstock Nation and the Neo-Hippy movement against present US
immoral acts. Anyways, I'm 18 years old and a senior at Topsail High
School. I live on The Doors, Led Zeppelin, KoRn, Limp Bizkit and

My dad was a hippy back in the day and he supports my decision to be
who I am. We share the same philosophy, "save a life, burn a draft
card." No, I'm not dirty or some big drug addict like the stereotype of
a hippy is...I do have dreads and a nice goatee though. Cords and
tye-dyes are my clothing of choice.

Just remember to always be yourself and to never let yourself down,
and believe in what you think is moral. If you wanna chat, drop me a
line at and we'll talk about peace and fun. See you
all at Woodstock '99.
Derek J. B.

hello everybody!
my name is Will.I'm a young "hippy" who lives in Delaware,the greatest place
in the world!......yeah.......right.I'm 14 and haven't experienced much and
probably not a "real" hippy,whatever that is.I would like to get in contact
with fellow hippies from anywhere!
I'm unfortunately very lonely due to a hippy shortage here in hickland,USA.i
would even be intersested in meeting people in person once i'm out of HS.I'm
already planning a roadtrip before college(can't go alone!).I believe anyone
who has an adventurous and open mind is a hippy.not necessarily one who
listens to the Dead and Phish and babbles on about saving the environment!My
hobbies include reading(poetry,fiction),guitar (future Garcia???,i
don't think so),art(pyschedelic,abstract realism), musik( Dead,
Phish,Hendrix,Marley,Widespread Panic,others).if you want to know more about
me then feel free to email me!: ) ******

I am a dorky person who fits the description of a hippy!
I have no friends!
I live in a silly Ohio town!
I need out!
Freaked out yet? Don't be it's just me bekah, that dorky girl who wears
"hippy clothing"- I would like to talk to people- especially ones who would
like to get me out of ohio and out to oregon where my boyfriend lives. Sorry
for shallowness but it's worth a shot. I am young and not fully equipt with
the mature "hippy" mind, but i am working on it!! I like cool music which i
dare not list cause i'd be repeating everyother person on this page. E mail me
and I'll try not be as dorky as I am being now. I do love all of you, even
the ones who look like fat old politicans =)
here iam---------->>>>>

Greetings in the name of his imperial majesty Haile Selassie I JAH
My name is Carlos and I'm 15 and live in Puerto Rico. I consider myself
a hippie in my ideas and ways of thinking> I think that being a hippie
is not about fashion and music (eventhough i like hippie music). I think
that listening to the Dead or wearing a tie dye is being Hippie.
Being a hippie is more than that.
I believe in peace, freedom, equality, unity, justice and righteousness
and i also believe in many rasta ideals. I do not tolerate Capitalism,
pollution, wars and Imperialism.
I like reggae and and hippie bands( Bob Dylan, The doors, Jimi Hendirx,
Bob Marley, Peter tosh, beatles, lennon, jefferson airplane, dead, hugh
mundell, velvet underground, israel vibration, gladiators, abyssinians,
ink floyd, Mc5 and many more)
I like photography and a little of art like Picasso.
I dont' use drugs but i'm not against them.
I dig Leary Marx, Nietzche and Ginsberg and many other movements of the
60's like Black Panthers, SDS.

I fight for the independence od my nation Puerto Rico which is a "colony
of the U$A.
My role models are: John Lennon, Pedro Albizu Campos(PR Nationalist) and
Che Guevara (revolutionary and Marxist)and Bob Marley. 
Peace and Unity!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I am true hippy at heart. I love not just the bands from long ago
in the true hippy area, but I also love lots of folk like ani difranco.
I believe that it doesn't matter what you wear or if your hair is fixed
or if you are shaved. What matters is how you treat people--the hippy way.
True love is not based on your looks(like so many have come to in our
society) it comes from what we can spiritually give to another. I might
not give you a new shirt but a hug or an offer to help out where it is
needed. I am not a hippy because I listen to The doors or Jimi, I am a
hippy because I believe in spirituality and finding a good karma to
surround yourself in. Believe in what is inside you, that will leave you
with many visualizations!!!!!

Hey, everybody!
My name is Sharon. I live in a small town called Indian Lake, New York. If
anybody who reads this knows where Indian Lake is you've definiteley got to
e-mail me. We've got some talking to do! Only about 2,000 people in the
entire town. 100 kids in my high school. 250 kids K-12. I'm telling you,
it's small. Anyway, to be a teenager today it's tough to get adults to
listen to you. It's tougher when you come from such a small town. People
here think that you should conform yourself to fit into the rest of society
just because you're supposed to. I have a hard time trying to stand up for
what I believe in. I do it, but have little luck getting anyone to listen.
It doesn't bother me too much. 'I love what I love and I want it that way'
Grateful Dead. So anyway, I have no problem with sticking out in the crowd.
None of my friends enjoy the things that I do. In fact, one of my friends
used to have her walls plastered with pictures of Hanson. How sick is that?
My other friend gets her kicks by watching back episodes of Dawson's Creek.
I'm not like them and I don't try to be.
I believe very strongly in self-expression and mind expansion. To me, it
doesn't matter how you achieve these things, as long as they are achieved.
I find that the best ways are through poetry and music. I play guitar,
piano and clarinet. I also sing. The music I enjoy listening to includes
The Beatles, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Mamas and the Papas,
Phish, Grateful Dead, and Rusted Root. There are many others but I think
that these are my favorites. 
I don't believe in eating meat. I think that it's wrong to kill animals
when we could easily survive off of vegetation. But, I definiteley don't
have any problems with thoses of you that do choose to eat meat. To each
his own. 
I don't want to be another 'hippie stereo-type', but I have long brown
hair, I'm usually found wearing bell-bottoms and patchwork, tie-dye, or
crepe, and I usually wear brightly colored scarves around my head like a
bandanna. This means nothing. I wear whatever I find comfortable. 
I plan on heading to Woodstock this summer, maybe go to a few Phish shows,
and I have plans on heading to San Francisco. I'm going to check out the
Haight. I believe I'm getting a VW Bus with my crappy summer pay, and I'll
take a few of my friends on some trips. All in all, I'll have fun. I'm 16
years old. If anybody would like to chat about ANYTHING, please e-mail me.
I'll talk to anyone. I love writing to people.
'And now the time has come, and so my love, I must go.' -The Beatles
''Scuse me, while I kiss the sky.' -Jimi Hendrix
Peace, Love, and Music,

I'm a young Hippie. I was born too late for the really fun stuff...I'm a
19 male from the mid-west and can't wait to move somewhere cool. I drive
a 74 bug (no flowers though) and work enough to support myself and
habit.. I like road "tripping" but haven't been able to sense last
summer cause my damn job interferes to much...Now everyone knows a little
about me.

Hiya Everyone !! My name is Rachel Wessel from NJ. Some of you might
have seen my articles in Hippyland about my views on vegetarianism. If not,
then check it out man!! Anyways, I'm 18 and a senior in high school. I love
the Grateful dead, phish, jefferson Airplane, and other heavy groups. I wear
thrift store clothes, homemade clothes (patched pants etc.), and other
"hippy" -like clothes. I wear patchouli oil all the time. I love meeting new
people because my town is small and kinda sux except for the manor parks in
which I go to drum circles in the woods with my friends. It would be heavy
if YOU....the viewers of my lil profile, perhaps dropped me an email!!!
thanx a bunch!
sincerely, rachel Wessel (aka graceslick in hippychat)

My name's Emily,although i'm not big on stereotypes and labeling people I would consider myself to be a hippy, I've
felt for the longest time i was born in the wrong time and should
have been born in the 50's so i would have gotten to really experience
all the things that happened in the 60's instead of just reading about
I think i'm a hippy for several different reasons,I believe in
idealogies of the 60's,I believe in peace,love,unity,and respect to
everyone,i consider myself to not only be an old soul but a very open
minded person, although raised a christian i have tried recently to learn
as much about as many other religions as possible, and at this point
would not consider myself a christian, I have great respect for our earth
and all animals and people. In my spare time I listen to Eric Clapton,The
Allman Brothers,The Doors,The Beatles,The dead,The who,and Jimi Hendrix
just to name a few.I also have a passion for reading and writing
poetry. My favorite quote is by jim morrison "Have you been borne yet and
are you alive? Lets reinvent the gods all the myths of the ages."-from
"An American Prayer".I also look like a hippy i live in Bell bottoms and
have long hair.I really want to go to the woodstock reunion,and i want
to go to the Haight in San Fran as soon as i can. Anyway,i have a lack of
hippy friends both on and off line, i would love to talk to and meet some
real hippies sometime, cause being a 16 year old hippy in a small
Tennessee town isn’t the best thing in the world, so if your a hippy
looking for another hippy to just talk with please e-mail me at


i want to see the myself....just me and my legs....i want to
love much as i love myself...i want to spread my
happiness...and smile for god.....

My name's Jessika and I'm rooted in Knoxville, Tn. for a while. I'm 17 and
still in school ; ( Can't wait til I'm out of it because I'm gonna paint me a
big ol'bus and tour the world. I love being barefoot and listening to music in
the hills with tall grass and flowers and being wiccan. Everyone knows me as
"that hippie girl". I love the Dead, Joplin, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane,
Doors, and especially Zepplin. I play guitar and flute and love quoting people
whenever anyone asks me a question. Well, guess that's about it.
Smiles and barefootedness.
"Sometimes you find the light in the strangest of places if you look at it
"Not all who wander are lost"
If your anywhere near Knoxville drop me a line.

Greetings all my brothers and sisters! This is Amy, a 16 year old sister
who's trying real hard to get all young hippies to unite. If you are between
the ages of 12 and 17 and are interested in meeting others your own age on the
same wavelength and making new friends, check out my page called, "Young
for details go to:

Remember, we are all in this together!

hey. i'm only 15, but i love the hippy life. my parents are right out of 
the 60's too. the music out of the hippy era was great i love hendrix, 
the doors, and the easy rider soundtrack. i don't do the drugs but 
still........ i love the peace aspect of the life, if anyone ever gets 
into a fight i say," make love not war!". i'm from WASHINGTON STATE 
birth place of jimi hendrix baby! it's very boring in the town i live in 
though. i'm 4'11" with out shoes, i have long brown curly hair, deep 
brown eyes and i'm mostly italian. anyway this is my life. 
if you want to write i would love to meet you, use this address or

I'm not sure I consider myself a hippy. You see I'm 13 now, and a
year ago I was just minding my own business when I decided (I don't know
how or why) that I liked how hippies dressed, I liked their fashion. So
I dressed like one, jean bells, tie dyes, and hippy jewelry. Then I did
some research on hippies and decided that they are very smart people
(except for the drugs). And since I am from Israel (but I don't live
their now) and they always have those wars then I decided to be a
hippy. I believe that it was stupid for the United States to send
soldiers to Vietnam for a war that didn't even include them. I guess I
was born about 30 years too late to be a hippy, but hippies can be in
any time or form that they want to be. Recently I saw a miniseries on
T.V. called, "The 60's" and ina way I'm glad I wasn't born then because
it seemed like really hard times.
I don't listen much to 60's music, like Janis Joplin and the
Grateful Dead, but I listen a bit to the Beatles. I am mostly a
Pop/Rock person. I listen to (and love!) Savage Garden, Janet Jackson,
Natalie Imbruglia, and the reborn Madonna. But I also like Queen.
Also I learned recently that "Shalom" in my language Hebrew means
"Hello," "Godbye," and, "Peace!" So now whenever I see a relative or
person the speaks Hebrew I say, "Shalom!"
I believe in Peace, and that all the enemies of Israel should just
leave Israel alone! Let there be peace in Israel!
"We're not against the soldiers, We're against the war!"
Did you know my name means Israel will live forever in Hebrew? Well it
does. Far Out huh? :-)

I have just spent the last hour reading through some profiles on this peaceful page, and -- now, I'm not trying to be degrading here -- but being a hippy is a bit more than a lot of you seem to beleive. That's all fine and dandy. If you'd like to call yourself a hippy because you wear bell bottems and tie-die t-shirts, that's fine. All the more power to you. I consider myself a hippy for other reasons that I'd like to share.

I haven't found too many people around here (a tiny, yuppy suburb of Pittsburgh) who are in tune with me... Most people just look at me and snicker. And I let them. If that is how they wish to treat someone who is willing to speak their mind, then I will let them. 

I do not subscribe to a particular "religion." I am Roman Catholic by tradition and sing for that church every other Saturday. I do not beleive in all of the beliefs, but still find ways to keep with the singing... The ritual calms me. I have been a cantor since I was about 7 years old, and don't want to drop it, now. It is the only way I can express myslef musically at the present time, and plan to continue doing this until I discover another outlet for this musical side of me.

I beleive in peace and freedom and personal beliefs. I am entirely willing to accept anyone's thoughts and beliefs, as long as they have good reasons to support them. I have not used drugs to this point in my life, although I would not rule out the future possibility. I do beleive that they can expand your conciousness, but haven't had the opportunity to try them just yet. I can be tolerant of either drug users, although I would not support a long lasting addiction... I do not find that type of behavior healthy OR helpful.

I enjoy the Beatles more than any other music group in all of history. I can tolerate the music of the '90's, although I perfer the peace filled songs of the sixties, and, in particular, the Beatles. John Lennon was truly a revolutionary and a hippy in one of the fullest tenses of the word. He is an inspiration to me. 

I am looking for other people who are willing to enter into either on-line relationships or real life relationships, to give me piece of mind. I need to hear from other "true" hippies... I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE! I can't be completely alone in my frame of mind. 

Please write to me at I am willing to read and respond to all e-mails and would really like to contact any real hippies who might be interested in a friendship. If anyone was offended by what I said, you, too can feel free to respond. I will listen and respond to you as well.

Peace and love,
Strawberryfields (Emily)

Hello everyone,
My name is Brad, and I guess I can be considered a hippy at this blatantly
Backstreet Boys-esque conservative little college that I go to, Xavier
University in Cincinnati, OH. Not that I don't enjoy it or anything, but
there are no more than 10 genuine Phish phans on the entire campus.
Anyways, I'm 19 and bow down to the band Phish. No, my parents weren't
hippies, no I don't have dreadlocks, no I don't wear patchworks and tye
dyes everyday (some days, but not everyday), but I enjoy the musical aspect
of the hippy subculture. I do smoke the kinder, but to me, from reading
the rest of these profiles, it seems like a large number of you think that
doing drugs and being scummy is what being a hippy is all about. Not all
of you, but quite a few. I don't think this is any way of justifying your
"hippyhood". It's what's in your head that makes you a hippy (and that
doesn't necessarily mean THC or LSD). For the past two years, I have
traveled along with parts of the Phish tour, and saw my 19th and 20th shows
in New York City on the 29th and 30th of December (and yes, they were
indeed phatty). Not that my passion for Phish makes me a hippy by any
means, but I have witnessed a culture among the Phishheads that consider
themselves hippies who are following the band for the drugs and not the
music. This has been a negative aspect to the Phish scene for a while now,
and for all of you true phans out there, you're great and I love every one
of you. Where am I going with this? No idea. I just thought I'd express
an opinion of mine to a audience in which it is relevant. If anyone would
like to chat sometime, especially any die-hard Phish phans, float me an
email at and we'll talk about things with less than no
worth. Until then, I send out my deepest wishes of happiness and love.
Keep the sense of unity and community prevelant in this particularly
squirrely world that we live in, and keep sharin' in the groove. 
Bradford L.

"Inspiration, move me brightly."

hey this is jael once again. im lookin for some people to e-mail me and 
talk to because im sick of the people in my town, and like talking to new 
people. please e-mail me! Jael.

Hello. I'm as so called hippie from NJ. I'm only 15 but I've been told I
have and old soul so I interact with other people older than me quite well.
I'm a girl with long long wavey goldish. strawberry hair and hazel/green eyes.
I'm short, 5'3" to be exact and stopped growing. I've been this way since I
was about 10 years old. My family is normal and my parents divorced.
SOmetimes I feel outcast, but I like it. I have a beaustiful boyfriend who
soon with be my husband, Carl, S. I like campingm deep sea fishing, Archery
(But no hunting) , concerts, music of The Beatles, Ozzy Osbourne, Black
Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Iron Butterfly, and many many rock and metal artists. I
like dogs and I play piano and guitar by ear and I read music. Anyone can E
mail me. I' m looking for hippie conpanions. I'm at
Love and Peace, ALi (Smuckers)

So..this is where you end up when you're bored and alone. I believe being a true hippy has nothing to do with long hair, rock and roll, and drugs (but it helps!). The whole ideaology behind "being a hippy" has to do with peace, love, and happiness. Loveing Mother Earth and trying to make a difference in a blind and deaf society. Speak up and don't studder when you have something to say. 
E-mail me--> 
Peace, love, and happiness-- 

My name is Brooke.

I'm 21-years-old, but have been raised as a hippy.
Never been in a commune or anything, but have walked down Tinker ST. in
Woodstock, NY tripping on white blotter, kinda getting into the "groove" of
things past. Dig?
I spend my summers traveling the country experiencing things like my
I admire Robbie Robertson (The Band), Timothy Leary, Jack Kerouac, Allen
Ginsberg, Grace Slick (Airplane), Mike Clossin, Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper
and Ken Kesey. 

To whom ever should read this: My name is Genevieve I am 15 and I live 
in Lismore, Australia, for those you of you who don't know where it is, 
it's in northern NSW, about 30km from Nimbin aka "the hemp capital of 
Any way, that's not relevant, reading these letters I've noticed most 
start with "I am a hippy" says who? Isn't hippism about tearing away the 
labels?? You are here, because you don't want to conform, you want to be 
a hippy so people would stop labelling you. But by saying the words "I 
am a hippy" you have conformed, and worst of all, you've labelled 
yourself! I thought alternative living was all about getting rid of 

Well any way, I am not a vegetarian, because I believe that eating meat 
is part of life, That bird in the sky who you gaze at in awe, who you 
wish to be, the freest of animals that you admire. That very bird has 
probably killed about 100 fish and many marsupials, but…enough said 
about meat.

I love The Doors, I love Bob Dylan, Led Zepplin, Leonard Cohen, Hendrix, 
Joni Mitchell is pretty good. and heaps of other stuff, but they are 
probably the favourite ones.

I moved to Lismore a year ago, and have been much contented since, there 
are many people living alternative life styles here, and they are the 
warmest people I've ever met. 

I was not bought up on or around drugs and so I don't do them much, it's 
just a casual thing for me I guess. I have no problem with them.

I have a passion for poetry and music, I play the piano and guitar, but 
singing is what I do most. I believe in the soul and I'm quite convinced 
that ones state of mind determines everything they will know. I believe 
that both god and the devil are states of mind. Notice how God is good 
but missing an "o" and devil is evil, but it's got a D on it?? Hmm, 
interesting. I write a lot of songs about the mind and the soul. I 
prefer to keep the heart out of it, for it is material, The heart keeps 
us alive, but it doesn't wake us up.

I believe that most humans are asleep, I feel that I am in the process 
of waking up…and seeing reality for what it is. It's… pretty fun. I like 
monty python too. (had to throw that in somewhere)

My favourite movies are "The Doors" "forrest gump" and "the Isle of 

My favourite quotes are "she is wisest who knows she does not know" a 
derivative of Socrates' quote "I know one thing, and that is that I know 
I have been inspired to think and do differently since I've been in 
Lismore. So if any one in Australia is feeling rejected by a 
conservative void of uncertainty then I suggest you come to live in 
Lismore or Nimbin. 
I don't have much else to say except "Death feeds on life's vitality to 
become an immortal end of nothingess." That is all.

Peace & Harmony. 
Genevieve… ?¿

I am not your "normal" hippy. But I am a trippy little person. All my friends
are either hippies of some sort or the like. I am not able to be one of the
"Old Hippes" seeing as how i wasnt even alive in the 60s...or even in the 70s!
But I am not a retro-wannabe. i am one of the hippies of the future! And Im
loving it!

i'm in love with hippies. the way they dress, the way they talk, everything
they are for and against...except the drug/sex part, but anyway. my friend
and i want to become hippies, special hippies (see last part of last
sentence). i want to know everything there is to know about hippies. my name
is clarissa, i'm a sophomore in high school, and i live in oklahoma. i know
i'm lame, a loser even, but i'm obsessed. can't help it.

My name Is April Victoria W. I'm 15 years old and I live in Alabama. My
parents didn't raise me as a hippie or try to at that matter (which most
people these days consider all hippies as, long-hired, flared jeans and pot
smoking freaks) but as I grew older and older I decided that I ws leaning more
over toward that direction. I admire the way they all acted & lQQked. I
though tit was totally mellow, far-out and down-to-earth. I love flowers and
I'm pretty earthy. Ya' know like, I believe in the new age things like "earth
air fire and water." I'm the type of chic that opens her windows, picks
flowers, hastons and tons of candls & flowers all over my room. I'm not into
that grunge type of thing tough. Oh well! Gotta go!!

Name: Ben Hanlan at
Location: Clarksburg WV
Birthdate: 2-9-82
Sex: Male
Music: I love most everything from the 60's and 70's, but I love THE BEATLES!
Marital Status: Hopeless romantic up for grabs
Hobbies: Spending my time in pepperland watching the march of the mennies
Computers: This big yellow screen in my home
Occupation: Employed at Burger King ( 4 hours a week ha ha they hate me)
Personal Quote:" I give everyone my trust once, but if they stab me in the
back never again"

I have had a lot of things happen to me. With people who pretend they are your
friends, and you find out later they where using you. I'm not saying I would
be a prick to these people. I just don't trust them anymore. I guess you can
say I have love for everyone no matter what.

Well first of all I want you to know I found this web page. By acting like an
idiot on my teachers computer, and yes I have fallen in love. Now a little
about myself I never considered myself to be a hippy. It was about three years
ago when my mom bought me The Beatles anthology 2. Then I started reading
everything I could find on the subject, and I have made several hippy friends
who come from the farm land outside of my town. They are the nicest people I
know. People you can actually talk to that have something interesting to talk
about. All though we talk about music a whole hell of alot, and I have always
been a nature boy. I don't consider myself a hippy hippy. I'm still learning
things new ever day, but I love everything about it.

Your Brother
Gentle Ben 

hi! My name is Mali, I'm from a small town in Mississippi. I saw your
message on the hippie profile page. I'm a 16 year old female. I'm dying to
go to this year's Woodstock reunion. I believe in peace, love, unity among my
brothers and sisters, vegetarianism, mind expanding drugs, and music which
frees the soul and mind.
My parents, well my mom mostly, don't dig these beliefs. So I've been
planning to runaway when I graduate, next May. I want to live in a commune
with the same beliefs. Love-

how are you all?
I am a Brooke. I live on Long island New York.. I love Animals, Nature,
Music, Clothes and lots of other stuff. I belive in Free Spirit and free soul.
I like lots of music., Such as Van Halen, Van Morrison, Joni Mtichel, Ani
Difranco, The Allman Brothes, Floyd, The dead, The who, Yes, Beatles,
Sublime, and Greenday, and so on.. Humm. I dont know what to write.. Well i
love traveling, going to manhattan- and shopping in all the thrift stores and
alkl the 70's stores. I love Psychadelic Stuff, and Art - Especially
picasso, and my friends art. I love collecting articles , and just little
things. Humm thats about it. E-mail me and ask me some stuff. or just to
talk.. OH yeah - i write lots of things!!!

<3 Peace : ))


Mm, my names Dana. I'm a 15 year old very open minded person. Some call me a hippie. I am also a non practicing wiccan. My bday is May 14th 1983 and I'm getting my liscence this summer. I'm going to get a van and paint it like the Mystery Machine and then I'm going to go on a road trip through out the US. I also want a motorcycle. You can check out my page for more info at My pics are at I am looking for a guy in my area. I like goth/punk guys too. I believe that goths and punks are the next stages of hippies/alterna culture. Well, if you want email me or icq me at 27150217. Ok, peace and cya!
Dana Beeman

Hey, I'm Rob. I'm 23 from Dayton, Ohio and I am definately looking to hook
up with some hippies in the Cincinnati/Dayton/Columbus Area, or anywhere
for that matter. 

I am totally searching for my soul mate... and I am sure she is a beautiful
barefootin', free lovin', hippie chic... and she most certainly will know
me by my pics on my homepage

Now the've done it....they made us "Fit a profile" remember the 5 o'clock news lady ".....and police say the suspect fits the profile....." I never thought I'd fit a profile, hell I try my best to avoid anyones profile or target audience or a bulleted age group! I am a 90's hippie (could that be a stereotype in disguise?) I am just me...ok, I am a "deadhead" (oooops another group lable) and promote a healthy earth and promote peace on the other hand I am not a veggie and do not car pool but I do have a few Hand Made tye dyes....ok so WalMart had a sale. I am a person who has declared to me and whoever was unlicky enought to be on that city bus at the same time that I will try to be the best person I can and know I am human, I will assist all my bro's and sis's as we are all Earth's family and again know they too are human. I will not ignore an injustice if I see one 'cause it would be a double injustice and I will always remember to teach to all that surround and learn from all that are around: We are Teachers and Students and are both daily, forget one and you forgot both. I guess I got a bit pissed when it was obvious many "Hippies" segued into Yuppies so I am not nor will I ever be grouped, labled again I am me period!Oh ... and for gosh sakes, why is it always me who gets the ash hit on that pipe? 
Peace: It never went out of fashion for me and you can't buy it at WalMart

well....I think I've read just about everyone's profile and I was kinda
afraid to put mine in, but here we go : )

I'm Sarah and I'm18 yrs old....and I'm not going to say that "it doesn't
make me a hippy" because I know I'm not really! I hate fitting myself into
one group and I HATE stereotypes sooooo much. That's why I don't really
call myslef a hippy.....

I guess you could say I believe idealogies of the sixties...I believe in
freedom and equality...I listen to a bit of hippy music like Zeppelin and
Simon and Garfunkel. I am a vegetarian, make hemp necklaces, wear a lot of
dresses and birks...but that's about as far as it goes folks!

I always feel comfortable around other hippies..they make me feel so
welcome and give me a warm fuzzy after being around someone really laid
back and friendly... : ) 



<First let me say that this site is really the most exciting thing on the
net. To think that all these people are into one another is amazing!
Finally, a light in the dark tunnel that is the nineties...>

Hi O my brothers and sisters! My name is Mr. Kite but my real name is Adam
but that's not important but it's something my parents called me, so just
call me whatever you'd like. I feel like I've been hip my whole life and
after discovering hippie culture through the works of The Beatles, I feel
like i've finally found a place in the world. Right now, i'm just a freak
in high school, stuck listening to plastic robots and self-centered kids
talking about their new cars, pep rallies, and other mumbo jumbo. I'm in
Atlanta, the friggin' Bible belt and it's tough! Very rarely do i meet an
open-minded person, but since you're all here i guess this makes up for it!
I'm an atheist but very spiritual (actually, you might call me a
Lennonist). I really dig the audial sculptures of The Beatles, The Doors,
Cream, The Byrds, Pink Floyd, The Dead, The Airplane, The Who, and that
crazy Frank Zappa who, tho he poked fun at hippies, was a real freak. I
just finished On the Road and if anyone wants a good book, pick it up! I
also really enjoy Lewis Carroll's word-plays and the way you can stretch
'convenional logic', sort of reminds me of John! Right now, I'm at that big
crossroad where you decide if you wanna go to college or whatever and i'm
really lost. I'd really like to become a musician but don't really have any
reading ability. Maybe i'll go cross-country. Is there any place that still
has dance festivals and be-ins? I'd love to talk to all of you but I'm
afraid I haven't enough mouths.

All you need is dove
Mr. Kite

once man, i was at a um place and there was um some um people there and
we were um sitting um down and um i um farted and i had um ate sooo much
weed that when i farted people got high. it lasted about um 3 days and
um 2 days one night. so um then it was day time and um sun was out i
think and um it was reel cloudy and um but it wasn't cloudy across the
street it was just cloudy in my van. so i tried to make a right at the
red light but i um made a straight and drove into the a&p store at the
frozen foods and my window busted on my um van and the um windows at the
um a&p and so my cloud camed out of my van and went to the vegetables
and so i had the munchies and needed some chips but i knew that if i ate
chips um my high would go up in smoke and um the chip isle was too
cloudy um anyway so when the pigs came and um not the police but the
pigs from the pig farm across the um a&p i got scared they were as tall
as the store and they could um fly so after one of them ate me i um lit
one up and took another drop all and all it was a good 3 days and 2 days
that night.

Member Name: Bridget "The" Kelly Friends: Val,Kirsten,Nora,Sara,Dale,
Dan,Andrew,Frank,Jui,Abby,N icki, and whoever else is coo
Location: chillin in...uh...delaware....I Miss You , Angie at AI
Birthdate: 6/3/84
Sex: Female
Marital Status: just chillin
Hobbies: VOLLEYBALL, track, partyin, guyz, chillin over other people's houses,
reading good books(yes i know its sad), chillin wit friends, listenin to
music(pink floyd, joni mitchel, phish, suicide machine, scatologists,nofx)
Computers: wow, if you really wanna know IM me, and i'll tell u just how gay
you are.
Occupation: How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl, Year after year--Pink Floyd
Personal Quote: Mean people suck, confused people bite; Have a little
compassion for the next person, you could end up in their shoes any day