Read about real live hippies here. What do hippies do? Where do they live? What does a hippie look like? How do you raise them? What do you feed them? What kind of weird rituals do they do? Should you let your daughter date a hippy? How many hippies can you fit into a VW van?
Find out the answers to these and many other strange hippie habits on this page.
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Yes, I would like to:
A. Describe my life in detail for the rest of the world to laugh at. 
B. Tell everyone some amusing anecdote about when I was a hippy, long, long ago.
C. Become a hippy when I grow up.
No, I would prefer to:
A. Live in denial. 
B. Join the NRA and the Moral Majority
C. Take another hit while I think about it. 

The following are profiles of actual hippies. Their brains have been changed to permit further expansion. We at Hippyland can neither confirm nor deny the validity of their stories. We leave it to you, the reader, to take what is written with a gram of whatever substance is handy. We thank those who have so bravely contributed to this page. 

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See the May 1999 Profiles
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Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 19:12:04

Name: Ace Bongwater
wv usa
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 21:48:24
Message:hi, talk to me....about anything. 

Name: daren woodside
Location: natural bridge, N.Y. USA
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 20:50:54

Name: Butterfly
Location: Peterborough, Ontario Canada
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 12:19:17
Message: Hello everyone. I am a hippy and I am proud to be one. I stand out and I am proud to be myself. Im 15 and female. I don't wear shoes, I dress "hippyish" with my bell bottoms and tie-dye shirts. I wish I could have been born in the sixties to help change the world for the better with other hippies, but I was not. But I am a part of the new hippies. There are few of us but we must stick together, help one another, spread the word, be proud to be who we are. I listen to all of the 60's bands(The Beatles,The Mamas and the Papas) and my hero is John Lennon. I knew I was a hippy forever. Sometimes people tell me to be "Normal" but how do they know they are normal? What they are telling me to do is change. But I'm not the one who needs to change, they are. It is hard to find people who understand me. Luckily I have a friend who is a hippy also. If anyone wants to e-mail me who understands me, please do so. remember: "All you need is love," John Lennon. Peace, love and harmony, Butterfly 

Name: angie
Location: melbourne, vic Australia
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 09:48:15
Message: Howdy, I just stumbled across this site today and would love to talk to anyone out there...I'm so sick of talking to ppl that don't share similar views or values, but stare blankly at me while i ardently ramble on...If anyone from Australia happens to read this, please don't hesitate to write to me..I'd love to hear from you, but if you're not...not to worry! I'd equally love to hear from you too! Just a few details before i leave, (seeing as ppl rely on these to make judgement on what a person is like) I'm a female, a student, an aquarius..and i won't state my age because ppl dismiss others far too easily because of their age! If you want to know more, get typing and ask!!! Lots of love from Angie xo

Name: Jen
Location: Celina, OH USA
Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 at 20:44:30
Message:Im not a hippy but my best friend Beth is. Me Im all for New or old Ideas. Um I would like to say I was on drugs for 3 yrs and I never called myself a hippie.So I would like to say for the record there is a difference between a hippie and a stoner. So and if you think im a poser go ahead. Im not a hippie, My classification is human. You are who you stay true to all your life. 

Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 at 18:20:10
Message: Got some great stuff that will make you happy! Check it on the URL Have a peaceful day~ 

Name: Meg
Location: here, there and everywhere
Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 at 14:46:36
Message:HEY! how's everybody. Man, you must be bored, you're reading my profile. Well, I don't know what you might find interesting. I'm an aspiring you singer, actress, author, artist, and philosopher. I've never smoked pot or tried any other psychedelic drug for that matter. (I'm like this all the time, I can't imagine what I'd be like with drugs in my system.) So, that's about all there is, I guess. I don't really know how I became a hippy, but I like it. i'm in this because I totally think that if we got along peacfully, we'd be happier. (oh..there's the philosopher that lives inside my head..heehee) ~~Love in Pieces~~ Beatlefreak13

Name: ~sunshine daisy~
Location: earth, U.S.
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 22:23:34
Message:hello :) okay i just browsed through a few "hippy" profiles and i must state an opinion. okay, why???? why must we all judge and label one another as hippies, preps, so on??? we are all one. yes, some of us may were tie~dyes, smoke weed, groove to the music scene, etc. but what does that all stand for? i don't understand labels. i don't understand that why when someone has dreds their odamaticly stamped a "hipppy". what is a hippy? if anyone would like to share there pholosiphies on this subjet drop me an e~mail. luv & harmony~~~ *julie* 

Name:Deirdre; the sorrow-filled wanderer
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 20:52:46
Message:I'm a 16 year old pisces chic. I suppose I would fit more into the category of a gypsy than a hippy. It's even in my lineage. For the most part I'm a peaceful person. I write poetry & songs, sing, dance, act, and kick back and enjoy the finer things in life. Of course I smoke herb, and party a lot. What teenager doesn't? But what I mostly do is take care of my beautiful baby boy, Brendan. I'm going to school to become a psychologist but of course I want to be a singer. I listen to a lot of types of music. "classic rock" includes The Doors, Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Beatles, The Mama's & The Papa's, Creedence Clearwater, The Rolling Stones, The Who, & more. I owe all that to my mom & dad. I also listen to alternative, rave, punk, heavy metal, & a little r&b and rap. I'm pretty well rounded. My dad raised me to worship Nirvana by the time I was 4 I was ready to marry Kurt Cobain. My parents are constantly telling me that I was born too late since I missed the 60's. I keep telling them, "nah, I was there. I'm Janis Joplin reincarnated" :)

Name: Linda
WV usa
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 01:50:57
Message:hey~i'm a student studying environmental science~ i'd like to see if anyone is interested in trading legs~Allmans, Dead, Phish, Bob M., any kind shows~ i don't have much in the way of hours but i'm a craftsy person & can twist up some dream catchers ~embroider anything ~make something from my herb garden ~send some organic veggies from my veggie patch ~& i have some lame tapes but rare ones~have merry pranksters playing the drum machine W|the dead~have access to head friends legs & everything give me an e~mail too if you're feeling as wonderful as i am "The more the people smoke herb, the more Babylon fall..." ~any tour dates would be greatly appreciated ~any future rainbow gathering updates would be ever so sweet "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."~Henry David Thoreau ~i'm going to try my new Kelty out on the AT everyone live mindfully 

Name: Valeri
Location: Willowick by clevland, Oh USa
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 23:35:11
Message: Im 15/f from Cleveland , Ohio and im a short hippie and i love to listen to Janis Joplin, Jewel, rusted root and other things, I like partying and playing guitar. Anyone interested feel free to e-mail me.. Peace

Name: Melissa
Location: Melbourne, Victoria Australia
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 23:12:28
Message:Hey everyone, i'm new at this hippy stuff, i'm not a pot smoker and i do have showers every day of my life, and i'm 14 right now i'd like to know what is a hippy? Are they just people who dress brightly and think it's cruel to do anything related to vandilizing our earth? or is there more to hippies than meets the eye? Please feel free to email me and tell me more, because i'm diggin' hippies right now man! 

Name: Melissa
Location: Corydon, In USA
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 19:45:19
Message:Alot of people say hippie is a state of mind and I believe this. I'm 21 and a preschool teacher, so its not like its a trend for me. But I'm not putting anyone down because I don't know how anyone is inside theirselves. I work with children because I hope to give them a loving and peaceful out look for there self and the world around them. One day I hope to join a group that I could teach children, grow my own food and live as people were ment to. 

Name: Gretta Renee
Location: a valley, CA U.S.A.
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 18:08:49
Message:I would just like to say "Hey" to all of you. I enjoy reading your profiles and learning about others like me. If anyone wants to talk just e-mail me. Peace out! 

Name: Maxine
Location: High Wycombe, England
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 16:19:44
Message: Hey there! I'm a 15 year-old hippie and I became that way a)the whole idea is just so damn good in general and b) through frustration at the way in which people in society tags people as either "normal" or "abnormal" depending their own personal perception of what is "normal". This is mind-blowing arrogance against which we should all make a stand. OK, so maybe we can't all change the world in a day, but if we can just leave a little bit of love behind, we'll know we've done our bit. So, if you feel the same, I can't wait to hear from you, especially if you're male and aged between 15-18. The whole drug thing isn't an issue for me, I don't mind either way, as long as your reason for smoking pot is not due to a need to make more sense than you would otherwise (and you don't mind sharing it- tee hee! Me, I'm a caring vegetarian with a GSOH. I like mostly alternative/rock music, esp Manics, Verve, Radiohead, Smiths, Seahorses, and also, of course, the 60s sounds of the Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. I am a faithful member of Amnesty International, the Drop The Debt campiagn, Greenpeace, The War Resistors etc....I also have a passion for creative writing, dolphins, silk painting, travelling, reading and guitar playing. Peace! 

Name: Maxine
Location: High Wycombe, England
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 16:18:29
Message: Hey there! I'm a 15 year-old hippie and I became that way a)the whole idea is just so damn good in general and b) through frustration at the way in which people in society tags people as either "normal" or "abnormal" depending their own personal perception of what is "normal". This is mind-blowing arrogance against which we should all make a stand. OK, so maybe we can't all change the world in a day, but if we can just leave a little bit of love behind, we'll know we've done our bit. So, if you feel the same, I can't wait to hear from you, especially if you're male and aged between 15-18. The whole drug thing isn't an issue for me, I don't mind either way, as long as your reason for smoking pot is not due to a need to make more sense than you would otherwise! I'm a caring vegetarian with a GSOH. I like mostly alternative/rock music, esp Manics, Verve, Radiohead, Smiths, Seahorses, and also, of course, the 60s sounds of the Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. I am a faithful member of Amnesty International, the Drop The Debt campiagn, Greenpeace, The War Resistors etc....I also have a passion for creative writing, dolphins, silk painting, travelling, reading and guitar playing. Peace! 

Name: kaya
Location: eau claire, wi usa
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 14:03:41
Message: Hello world!! How are you? Just wanted to say peace and have a groovy day!!!!! I'm 22yrs. old and I live in my van with my man and two cats. I love it very much and wish the whole world could live in there vans!! peace and love!!
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 12:31:41
Message:Hi you all hippies!!I'm a hippy-girl from Finland!!(the middle of now where!!)I would like to get know hippies from all over the world...Peace and Love!! 

Name:Messenger of Truth 
Location: check out my, web page Everyone!
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 11:19:21
Message:Hi, my name is Maryjane and I'm on a mission to spread truth and justice and sanity in this world, and one of the ways I choose to do this is through my web page about hemp and marijuana legalization. I believe that marijuana is harmless and that hemp would be a great economical and environmental godsend to the United States. If you have a moment of spare time, I encourage you to check out this page. 

Location: Fremont, NE USA
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 02:33:29
Message:Hi Im Crystal I live in a small nothing town that is filled with alot of junkies...I guess its pretty cool it seems as though the drugs here keep anyone from being violent...they always make me calm and peaceful....I have very long red hair all of my friends call me "hippie" and say I have all of the characteristics to have been a hippie back in the day...I dont idolize anyone in this world but if I had to itd be all hippies in general...they are peaceful intellegent people with good taste in music and dress apparell...I love hippies!!! 

Name: Beth (Gia) 
Location: Celina, OH USA
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 at 22:30:38
Message:hey everybody:)i have already had a profile on here, but when i first came here, i wasn't sure if i was a hippy. i have been on a long journey searching myself, and have decided that, yes i am, but it doesn't matter. "Hippy" is just a title. if you are wondering if you are a hippy, don't do it because you wear bell-bottoms, or smoke pot, or have "the look". it doesn't matter. the drugs especially don't matter. being a hippy, to me, is simply enjoying the life God gave you, the earth, and beleiving in unconditional love, and peace. if you'd like to e-mail me, please do. i will get back a.s.a.p. peace to all- Gia 

Name: (Sampson)JEFF
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 19:51:03
Message: . I live in a very Infuened sport community so I no what-ya guys mean If theres not a lot of happy hippsters around but spread the word man. teach em well..Hey im still learn. Lifes a challange. And kep the happy thoughts and keep dream-n. My personality i say Im a off the wall kind of joker dude that trys ta make people laugh-dont mean no harm. My favorite toons Rusted RoOt,Dead,Phish,lot-a Reggae.Oyea did I say Rusted RoOt:*)Mickeys the man I luv Planet Drum!Right know Im tryn o get my stuff tagether and get prepared 4 the college scene got alil bit mor high schooln left. after college I would like to Join the peace core n teach hort-E-cultr or somthing of that nature,Iluv lil kids so maybe kind-e-gartin professor:^)I also want to fill my brain with knowlege till my head x_plodes -N- plants happy seed I would luv to be a public speaker spaking 4 peace Like Martin Luther King spoke for the end of discrimination that would b wild. Hope ta meet up with ya down the line. nothin left ta do but smile,smile,smile!!! Peace luv,n-Jerry 

Name: Rain dancer
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 16:23:59
Message:I'm a 13 year old girl just barely getting along in the world. I know when you think of a 13 year old you think of a little girl that doesn't have the first clue of anything in this world but, me personally I have been forced to grow up. Allot of things have happened to me in my life and my childhood was pretty much taken away. Well now I'm thinking about hitchhiking the US. I'v always wanted to just get up an go where ever I felt. No place where I have to be, at no certain time. I think that hippies are a very beautiful and spiritual thing. I have a real connection with hippies and I was wondering if there's any hippie friends that I might be able to stay with while I’m doing my hitchhiking thing. Doesn't matter where you live I’ll proubly be pretty much everywhere. If you could e-mail me that would help allot. Peace love and happiness Rain Dancer 

Name: Jenny
Location: Clarkston, MI U.S
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 16:05:31
Message: Hello, I would just like to start off saying that I myself am not a hippy. I do however have deep respect for those of you that are true hippies. I would like to hear some stories about woodstock because its very facinating to me, so if anybody attended that, and have a good story to share, i beg of you to e-mail me! Also, I just got a new e-mail address, so, please everyone e-mail me! ok, I think I'm about finished now!! peace and much love, burn pot not people, jenny 

Name:Desperate love
Location: St. Croix, VI USA
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 15:49:03
Message: I am in desperate need of a place to stay while passing through philly in july. I need a kind hippie to lend a couch near the historical district Please help. The love of my life may be sleeping on a park bench if not. Help me if there is any love in this world. This is what it is all about, Peace, love and trust in fellow human beings. 

Name: Luke Doyle
Location: Flint , MI USA
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 14:46:20
Message: i work way tooooo much, and live way to little
Location: Voronezh, Russia
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 05:04:09
Message:I'm an intelligent fluffy kitten. 

Name: Anna aka Hip 2 Hop
Location: Somewhere In, Ohio USA
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 22:13:17
Message:Hey! Ok my name is Anna or you can call me hippy! My best friend and I have totally fallen for this trend of the hippies my favorite movie is Dazed and Confused I love Janis Joplin the Beatles the Doors Plink Floyd the Mamas and the Papa's and just about any other classic rock music I can think of. I know exactly why I like being what I am! I like to party and be myself and I don't really care what people think of me! I think everybody in the world had something good to em but they just don't know how to get it out. I know I am only a 15 year old gorl but trust me I have been like a hippy trying to get out siince like the age of 5. I don't know exactly everything about hippies but I want to. I wanna know where you shop cool romm decorating ideas and anything else you wanna tell me. Please e mail me to talk. And remember those around you might not think you are real but you can always IMAGINE! Peace Love and DRUGS (thats where the happiness is at!) 

Location: Marineland, Fl USA
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 19:02:29
Message: I sure would love to meet a lovely hippie lady, I am single and age 46.. there has got to be a wonderful lady out here intested in meeting me.. how bout it..looking for a real soulmate to grow with.. love, Dana 

Name: Robin Isaac
Location: St. Catharines, Ont Canada
Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 at 13:45:18
Message:Hey, I've just recently got bitten by the "hippie bug" and I think you guys are so fasciting and I would love it if somebody wrote to me and teach me all about you guys. I'm sixteen years old and I love playing the guitar and flute. I feel alone in the world a lot but I have a really good group of friends who remind me that I'm not. I love going barefoot and I love wearing my hair in braids. Please e-mail me and tell me about you. Flower Power Robin :) 

Name: mercedes 
Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 at 13:31:25
Message: hippies wouldn't use computers or glorify thier place in life..."hippy" is a state of mind you mindless suburban agrophobics. You can still be a dreamer within reality. cut the bullshit and learn to live, NOW in the 90's, not in the 60's. psssssst...THAT would be the PAST. morons. 

Name:Glenn jacobsen
Location: Stavnager, RO Norway
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 22:40:48
Message:It`s a jungel out there, But what kind of a jungel is it, A Man made jungel, Built on the rules made up by man, lets change the world together and build a new paradise by the rules of natures. We are all Gods, seek within our own minds and The answer will appear. 

Name: sabby
CA US of A
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 19:59:54
Message:Hello my children of the earth, how are you today? Smoking ganja are we? I'm really bored. Tired of nintendo, can't get past the damn levels. All my friends are at work. Need friends. 

Name: Little Flower
Location: Mountain, On Canada
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 19:37:17
Message:I'm the Future Hippy!I'm like totally freaky,and all hippy!I'm A girl so like bye! 

Name: Lindsey
Location: Cary, Nc USA
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 14:32:02
Message:I just recently turned hippie. i would like to know where you guys buy your clothes, or how you make them. let me know! thanks! and i am getting a vW bug soon (old one) hehe ;) PEACE, LOVE, & HAPPINESS! 

Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 15:22:20
Message:Hello to all:-) I'm a neo-hippie; very original and go my own way all the time. I'm in love with the 60's and would do anything to go back! :-P Please e-mail me all you out there, cuz I need some friends to talk to that understand me for me:)*s* Don't smoke--it kills! "Our world is nothing like it used to be. Everything's changed; some for the better and some for the worse. Join the culture and spread the word. Long live the peace." 

Name: Serenity
Location: St. Marys, PA US
Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 00:40:23
Message:Hey everyone. Whats going on. I hope to hear from you. Mainly because I am from a small and quite narrow minded town, have parents who dont except me for me, and would love to talk to anyone and everyone to learn to become more loving, gain more knowledge, and because i love talking to *groovy, down to earth* people. hope to hear from you soon. peace love freedom and psychedelics. ~serenity~ 

Name: Chrissy
Location: Genesee, Mi USA
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 22:07:54
Message:Hey now folks!! Where to begin. I am a college student at Michigan State University, but not for long (I hope). My wanderlust is increasing tenfold every minute. I'm hoping to set off on my journey through time in the spring of next year. I want to give myself time to expand my circle of friends throughout the country. To do this I'm attending as many festivals as I can this summer. The way I see it, there is SOOOO much out there for me to see and other than family vacation I've never really been anywhere. I just want to travel and see what I see and become who I am destined to become. I'm 21 years old and have no clue what I want to do with the rest of my life, I need to see what opprotunities are open to me. At this stage in the game I'm really scared. Scared that I won't be able to handle it, scared that I'll get stuck in the desert without a ride to my next destination. Just plain scared. So if any of you folks have already gone on a similear journy any advice or tips would be much appreciated. I love you all!!! 

Name: Rae Neil
Location: ????????????, ???????? ?????????????
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 13:44:59
Message:I went to winnepig for a school feild trip and my friends said that we were supose to dress up like a hippy and then we will change b-4 we went...I painted my face like a clown and thought that it would look cool. I went to school and found out that as soon as we got to school that we had to leave and i never had time to wipe off the paint and i had to ware my face like that all day and every-1 laughed and my sister seen me and was so embarased to admite i was her sister

Name:Abby and James
Location: St. Croix, USVI USA
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 13:14:09
Message: We are two peace lovin hippies stuck in a coporate hell. 16/f and 18/m who enjoy lifes pleasures to there fullest and the wonder that is humanity. We live on the small island of St. Croix that we like to call the barren rock. While the nature is beautiful it is being depleted daily by the scum sucking oil companies and crooked politicians. This message is a scream for help! If you read this please smoke a bowl for us. Besides complaining about the beautiful place in which we are accustomed we enjoy making magical brownies with James parent's coffe grinder. What a buzz to wake up too. Just a little Morning Dew. Abby is a experinced deadhead and she is pushing the influence of the life onto me.(James) We love all sorts of music such as(anything your heart desires.) You Like it we will give it a try. Please send tapes of worthwhile music to two desert islanders in need of a listen. To get an adress please email me(abby) at the given address. We can't wait to hear from you Peace Love and insanity!!! 

Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 05:07:35
Message: :Hello.hippies!!Are still there in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

Name: Helena
Location: Macau, South of China
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 00:30:41
Message: I´d like to become a hippy!

Name:Somu Moonbow
Location: Portsmouth, VA USA
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 16:10:49
Message: Heylo... call me what you will- but I am a freefloating spirit just on another long and eventful journey.. Im 15 and loving my journeys and explorations... Im fascinated by hippie philosophy as well as the Native American shamanism philosophy... I like to listen to lots of far out bands like The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead, Cream, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Santana... Im also in a band that plays a lot of psychedelic songs... anyway... if you go to my site, it will explain a lot more about me and about my band(you can also vote on what you think is a groovy name for it to) also u can travel through my hippy link page for all sorts of interesting things... Also- if u have AOL IM my screen name is Shaman91 well cya later -don't smoke! it causes brain damage, lung problems and ....uh ...what wuz Memory loss.. Peace, Love, and Exploration....

Name:Bethany (Grace710 on hippychat)
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 09:57:06
Message:Hi friends!! My name is Bethany but a lot of people call me Grace. I'm 15/F and consider myself a hippy. I have already posted on here before, but there's a second time for everything right?! I think I was definately born 30 years too late, even my parents think so!! (Or maybe they just want to get rid of me...) Anyways, I need some people to e-mail me because I don't know any hippies around here except for the ones I e-mail. (Hi Sunshine Daisy, Parijata, Daisy, and Amy!!) I'll write to anyone. If you want to talk about music, I love to do that! I dig the Beatles, Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, Dylan, Jefferson Airplane, and many more. If you just want to chat, that's fine too! Peace and love to everyone, keep on truckin' and never let anyone's opinion of you change you! Oh, if you want to see a story about the Dead I wrote, it's on the hipplanet page. I want some feedback on it. Thanks! Write soon everyone! Have a Grateful day. 

Name: Amber
ohio usa
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 at 21:34:24
Message: I'm A HIPPIE, a new hippie i just got involved in this culture ,way of thinking,belief.and style im really in to it so email me if you have any info to give or advise or tips please email me at peaceout@ 

Name: Kyna
Location: oklahoma, ok usa
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 at 14:30:47
Message:hi all! im an aspiring hippy, and i love the 60's. my father went to woodstock, and i know a lot of people who went there, and i feel that i was borne 30 years to late. some of my friends, Kamaria, and Shannon, are hippys, and they love it, .please e-mail my if you want to talk, i love talking, and i love you! im also in the sca, a ,edieval reinactment group, just go to ot visit us. well, i have to g now, live the dream like there is no other! 

Location: Knox County, Ohio USA
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 at 05:40:48

Name: Jadite Moonstone
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 at 00:46:15
Message: Right now, I could go for a nice green worn backpack, some loving friends, maybe some hiking boots and go on the adventure called life... I am living one day at a time and to it's fulliest. Peace brothers and sisters.... Remember, you can always imagine.... 

Name:S M O K E Y !
URL:Why do they even ask?No one has a clue!
Location: Albuquerque, nm USA
Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 21:16:23
Message:well this is the millionth time i've written in her but it doesn't get old. HHMmm . . . I've read alot of profiles and known many hippies. I think I can say that being a hippie is about being able to be yourself (ina hippy sort of way.) That made sense? Peace and love 2 my hipsters Sunshine Daisy, drea, Chewy, Sugar bear, Ica, Scorpio, n e 1 else I* forgot : ) PEACE! ~pass it on~ Smokey (420) 

Name: Hilary
Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 12:17:18
Message:What will happen after this? 

Oklahoma USA
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 20:57:02
Message: Hey all you sexy people! I am a 17 year old southernbelle female from Oklahoma USA I am 5'10, blondish brown hair and blue/green eyes.....I love music, all kinds! I love chatting with people! I love people, well I love nice people, hehe....... I am a christian (not the best one though) Most people think I am crazy, I think they are right! I am a fun person, I joke around alot! I have ICQ my number is 34471886 if you ICQ me tell me where you found me cuz I am paranoid, I had a virus , but this awsome guy from Scotland help me get rid of it... ok well I guess thats it, all ya'll take care! ~Kris~ 

Name: *Candee May*
Location: Attleboro, MA USA
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 19:50:14
Message:Hey :) My name is Candee, i'm 17 and i live in mass...i love to play my guitar and sing...i'm looking for a band to play with right now actually :) i must say i'm a recreational drug user....if anyone wants to email me, please feel free!!! Peace and love Candee* 

URL:i feel the need, the need for weed
Location: calahoo, AB Canada
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 19:17:09
Message:hey everybody, i dont know what to say, just that i love hippies and being one. Ummmm,I like to smoke pot, drink, amd listen to music. I write poetry and short stories. Everybody probably thinks i'm really borimg out there but, i do not care. so if anyone would by any chance want to talk to me that'd be great. peace, love, drugs, sex, rock and roll 

Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 08:10:24
Message:Hello! It's me again, daizy (or maria) I've probably written here about 7353 times before, but never getting tired of it :). So, I'm a hippie (heh, what a great way to start). I also look like one; long hair, tie-dye shirt, bell bottoms.. I also listen the music you expect me to; Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Dead, Joan Baez.. If someone would like to write this really lonely hippie who's got no e-pals at all at the moment...?

Name: Kim
Location: smalltown, KY USA
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 02:00:45
Message: Peace Love and Happiness to all

URL:don't know what this is
Location: Simpsonville, SC USA
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 20:01:50
Message:I'm a vegan. I like nice people and i'm nice to people that are not nice. i like bob marley. i like hiking and traveling. i like nag champa and patchouly. i don't know what to say. i wish i could play the bongos. i'm going to save all the animals and whoever wants to help me can. 

Location: Billings, Mt USA
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 17:05:36
Message: Comments: Peace to All My favorite People! The Hippies! Long may we live! First I'd like to Say, Any Hippies coming through Billings Mt, You have an open invitation to use our Couch anytime. Ok now that that is over wiht, I have to share with everybody a Wonderful Site I think we Should All Visit!It's Called DIE HIPPIES DIE! I found that these people need as much Hippie Love! Go Leave loving Msg on their msg Board. But Please Remember to Heap Hot Coals of Kindness Upon their heads. Remember wiht every msg you leave. Love Thine Enemies....It Confuses Them. Here is the msg I left: I have found many things in my life that were sad. But This bakes the cake. I have only one question, Why do you as individuals, feel the need, to put down peaceful people. Hippies are people from all walks of life. Not all of them are "Treehuggers", Not all eat Tofu. The only requirement to be a hippie, Is to Love Your Fellow man. And believe in, work towards, and want Peace on Earth. Hippies Love Diversity, in clothing, eating, thought, and belief systems. That You people would feel the need to put them down, only has a bad a reflection on you. If You hate yourselves so much, that You Feel The Need to hurt the people Most likely to accept and love you. Then This is your problem, emotionally, physically, and Spiritually. Just remember this one thing. No Matter how much you hate us "Hippie tree huggers" We will always love you. And in the End we will be the Only ones there to Say, "Hey! You're alright, Because you, are you, And that's all that Matters to me, and the rest of the "Stinky, treehugging, Peaceloving, Birkentsock wearing, Inscense burning,cork-soled, bead-sucking, tofu-loving, patchouli-stinking dirty hippies crusties" Because we love ourselves no matter what you say. And that In all Honesty,is What bothers you. Because You can't love yourselves. Peace,Love,harmony,Happines, & Light follow you all in your paths, and Lessons in this life. RainSpirit The Site is : As Always Peace,Love,Happiness,Harmony & Light follow you in yoru path of Life RainSpirit 

Name: Rain or
Location: Mississauga, ontario Canada
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 10:51:55
Message:I m 19 and I just want to say the hippies of the world should unite and solve problems for ourselves, the government will promise that they willbut they'll do shit. We need to help our earth before its to late, I would do almost anything for this planet and I think you all would to, I would love to get more involved in my area. But I know of no others and alone I am small to little and quiet for anyone to hear, I feel that if I could find others of the same cause together we would be much louder, we need to be like brothers and sisters in the 60's and rally for what we want. If they had a point to make they made it and we need to do that now. PeAcE and LoVe to all of my fellow Hippies, and to all those War Pigs get a life and MaKe LoVe NoT wAr

Name: Shawn
Ohio USA
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 10:23:54
Message: Oh,I also have 50 inch wide legs and 55 inch BellBottoms made specially for me!!! Please feel free to e-mail me all the time. And if you are an older hippie from the 1960's hey please e-mail me I would love to talk to you! You all are my role models!!! I love you all, So e-mail me! please 

Name: Shawn
Ohio the Great USA
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 10:16:20
Message: I'm a Hippie I will always be one! I love the people and the nature! I love life but sometimes it can be a bitch to you and me, I still love it! I have a Hippie group starting in my home town. Everything in my room and house is nothing but Peace, Love and Joy to the world. When a person is a hippie they know who they are and they love life! I am only 16 but I'm a very ture Hippie, Mom and Dad were Hippies and they taught me the way. Well I have to go Peace Love and Joy to the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be kind to nature!!! ~Shawn "69"

Name:Dave Knight
URL:I love the world !!!!!!!
Location: Bethel Park, Pa USA
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 09:37:45
Message: My mission in life is to bring back all of the 60's and 70's music to the world so everybody can see how much it kicks ass. I have found a soul mate her name is Sheryl and she is the greatest girl on the planet. I play guitar (both 6 string and 12 string) and also play the keyboard. I love all of my friends cause they are all really cool and they bring happiness into my life. Although I don't dress like a hippie I think and sometimes act like one. I have quite a few hippie friends and I hang out with them alot. Well ok I gots to go. Peace Out. Dave 

Name: Hilkka...(my friends calls me cinnis)
Location: Valkeakoski, Finland
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 05:54:10
Message: well...i don't know what to tell u...i'm soon 15 years old, my my whole family think's that it's cool that i'm myself, well my granny said, when i told her that i'm a hippie, "u're not any hippie, u're just normal girl" she doesn't even know what is a hippie... my favourite bands are "the beatles" and "the mamas and the papas" well ofcourse i like other bands from 60's too...the best songs i've ever heard is "look trough my window" and "the fool on the hill" hey, i gotta stop writing now, but every hippies on earth, please send me some mail!!! let the sun shine!!!peace&love 4 u all!!!

Name: Brooke
Location: Atlantic beach, ny usa
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 20:28:52
Message:Hello all.. Im 16, i hope ppl are actually reading this. I am so bored now and i have nothing better to do with my time then do this-- Ok i like alotta music===!! i listen to Folky kinda stuff, Classic rock, and misc. stuff! read my profiles at : or I live in New York. I have absolutely no life in new york. so if anyone lives on long island or anywhere else PLEASE talk to me.. im mean e-mail me.. Ok so Peace all--- fellow Boi's n Gerlies.. *~Br00ke~*

Name: Anik Bélanger
Location: Ottawa, Ont. Canada
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 15:45:03
Message:Hey, everybody. I'd like to say that my understanding of the term hippy is just to live and let live. Peace and love starts in every individual's personal life and home. Also, it's the journey, not the destination that matters. Everyday is an adventure. But the rest is cool too. I'm now 27 and it's bee 13 years since the hippy bug "got" me. It started with the Beatles and grew from there. I love the music, which is at the center of the philosophy of hippies, and it's all the history, the ideologies ect. I love meeting other hippies and hearing what got them involved in the "movement", if I can call it that. Old hippies are also the best because their memory of how things were really happening in the 60's is better than any book about it all. You can really feel the vibe of the events they witnessed and people they met then. I knew this woman who had been friends with Janis Joplin, and her stories about her were amazingly real and honest; no bullshit about how perfect she was, just how insecure and very talented she was. If anyone out there wants to talk/write, don't be shy and dial my e-mail address. I love hearing from other hippies, nomatter the age or distance. Thanks for sharing, everybody. :-)

Name: Beth
Location: Celina, OH USA
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 11:40:33
Message:Hey people! I'm not sure if i'm a hippy or not. i believe in loving each other unconditionally, i love nature, am trying to become vegetarian, love to feel the grass under my feet, but i also have strict moral beliefs, and i don't smoke pot. e-mail me and tell me what you think-Beth :) 

Name: kristi
Location: tartu, estonia
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 03:40:47
Message:I want to be,I want to be free...hippy is free, I want to be body looks almost like hippy but mind is too far for it...too bad...I need teacher...real teacher...or something...hey,all of you,peace & love,help me and my mindless spirit LET´S MAKE LOVE , NOT WAR 

Name: Echo
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 02:28:48
Message:I have a small garden beside my small house. A small garden, surrounding a large tree in a sort of arboreal hug. In the shade, soothed by the sweet scent of marigold, and the heady, musky scent of lemon thyme, I sit and sit, alone, in contemplation. 

The daisies don't seem to mind my unshaven legs; the yarrow doesn't seem offended by my makeup-free face, or by my wind-tousled hair.

In fact, when my dress is rumpled and my eyes are sparkling, the flowers seem to shine their brightest. 

When my thick waist shows through the cotton, their heads nod with approval, and bask in their own luscious extravagance.

How unfortunate it is, that people aren't more like flowers. 

I sing in the sun, I cry with the moon. I dance in the rain. 

And I continue to sit, enveloped in the lusty scent of thyme, and meditate.


Name: peacefrog
Location: Tartu, Estonia
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 02:26:12
Message: well talk about me... im a simple girl whos mom would do anything to stop her daughter walikng around whos brother asks: are you crazy or something... me- what a strange little word... always me... oh... theres nothing else to tell that im happy, but i need other little hippies around me here aint them much... and its hard to feel happy all by yourself peace ppl and a lot of warm huggs to ya peacefrog 

Name: jasom
Location: wilkes-barre, pa us
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 01:25:42
Message: hey everyone, im a 17 year old male from pennsylvania, and there is not to many hippy chicks around my way, as a matter of fact there is not too many hippys at all. i just want someont to talk to that think the way i do, belives in what i believe in. it feels like im out in the world alone. but im sure im not, because i see all you wonderful people here. so if you would like to talk sometime you can write me at peace out, jason 

Name: Julie
Location: dallas, TXDate: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 11:08:40
Message: So anyway, i'm not sure if i'm a hippy. When i was younger i claimed to be one. I don't have many strong opinons about anything, i don't go out much. I love nature, people, animals, plants, music, and pot. i think i'm really bored. I would love to move to a commune of some sorts with a bunch of hippies and live there forever. I'm stuck in a rut of work and sleep. If there's anybody who can help me, please do. I'm not in touch with myself anymore and it's really depressing. MUch love and happiness..... 

Name: Hannah Sage
Location: Anchorage, AKDate: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 00:57:50
Message:well anchorage isn't exactly the hippie capital of the nation, infact it's just like any other city, with the smog and skyscrapers obscuring the mountain view, except it's colder. And uglier because of the contrast between beautiful wildlands and the makeshift, junkyard, progress-minded center of the city. Anyway. I've lived here most of my life, and was raised in a fairly down-to-earth hippian manner. I have recollections of my mother diving into green house dumpsters to save flowers, my dad disapearing into the wilderness to run mountain marathons. Only recently have i had the opportunity and freedom to wander the rest of the state and bond with kindfolk, but in general the rule here, as i guess it is anywhere, is the wilder the country, the wilder, dreadier headed, mellower, harmonious, treehugginger, crazier and hippier the people. They seem to just come out of the woods periodically for be-ins or bluegrass festivals. The more I see of this state and the people, the more i am learning to love it. 

Name:Trent Appleman
Location: Raleigh, NC US
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 23:34:23
Message:Hey to all ! Within the past year or so I decided to release my personality , to stop caring what others think about me .I'm learning to be relaxed , to be tolerant , to appreciate diversity .I don't consider hippydom to be a conforming thing . A hippy has a state of mind . I'm a vegetarian , I'm a member of the Green Party , and I love reading , talking . The Earth is important to me . I feel conncected to it . When I walk barefoot , it's like I'm closer to it all , more alive .I'm 14 , the son of stifling conservative parents .Tie-dye is kind of an expression of my personality. I like the phsychedelic colors and the happy music . I also love classical music , etc. I like hippy bands . I like others , too . I like hippies , and I like other people as well . I am unique . I am me .I am a hippy . Peace ! 

Name: melanie
Location: Clarksville, IN United States
Date: Monday, June 7, 1999 at 09:29:09
Message: Hey, my name is Melanie, but people call me Tree, Shorty, or whatever they prefer. I will be 17 on September 3, 1982, and I guess I am a hippie. I believe in freedom, equality, harmony, and simplicity. I think we all should stop judging one another and accept and love one another. Everyone is beautiful. I am always looking to meet new people, so if you like, you can e-mail me at the given address. I enjoy writing poetry, groove dancing, walking barefoot and feeling the earth beneeth my feet, helping my friends, and advocating individuality, non-materialism,and peace. Yes, I listen to hippie music. Feel free to e-mail me. And please, people: let's project love and understanding and not hatred and narrow-mindedness. 

Name: Candee May*
Location: Attleboro, MA USA
Date: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 23:40:51
Message:I'm looking for some kids who maybe are chill...yeah...just email me or whatever :)

Location: Billings, Mt Usa
Date: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 18:22:51
Message:Hello All! I am a Peace loving Woman from Billings Montana. I am 17. and live with my mom, also a hippie. I love doing so many things, the not like list would be smalle,r but here goes it Bellydancing,CandleMaking,M odeling for me mum's paintings,Reading,Writing,P hotography,Hiking,Camping,S wimming,Singing,Learning Piano and French,chasing Faeries,the ethereal kind:},Planting,Studying Herbology and Ancient Civilizations,Singin. And I am a Pisces:}, Anything else just drop me a line, peace and Love to all in the world, Remember it's our differences that make societies grow. 

Name: Moon Dance
Date: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 08:38:31
Message:I'm 17 years old, I'm a writer, photographer, poet, musician and songwriter. I'm a vegetarian and I'm against war. I wear bellbottoms, sandals, love beads, etc. I make my own beads and wear them, and I'm very proud of that. I don't really fit in with anyone I know, everyone tells me to act more normal. Nobody can really say what normal is. I live with my parents, but I'm my own person. I dig bands from the sixties like The Beatles, The Monkees, Lovin' Spoonful, The Mamas & Papas, and just 60s music in general. I love live concerts. I think that war in Kosovo is totally useless. Our troops have no right being there at all because it's not our concern. Dig? Peace, love, understanding and freedom for all. Flower power! Love always, Moon Dance 

Name: rain
Date: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 03:01:50
Message:hi. i'm 17 year old hippie and from australia. i love to paint and i listen to heaps of music. including the beetles who i love! my resolution for this year is to be nice to everybody. even those who annoy me. and so far i'm going pretty well. maybe everyone should do that - be nice to everyone. would be a lot nicer place then instead of some people thinking they are better than others. oh well. email me. i dont care who you are. young or old. i talk to anyone. part of my thing of being nice. smile :) 

Name:Lo Lo Schoolio
Location: Austin, Tx usa
Date: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 00:18:15
Message:The women make the hippie life. No panties. No bras. I love being their puppet. 

Name: Jessica
Location: Weston, FL United States
Date: Saturday, June 5, 1999 at 14:21:56
Message: hi. wuz ^? i'm not the stereotypical hippy. i dress in a surfer/skater style, i listen to Nirvana, Pantera, and Tool, i shave, and my lingo is pretty nineties. however, i do have a lot of hippy qualities. i do drugs, i'm a vegetarian, i love animals and any other fellow creature of the earth, i play the guitar,paint, and write poetry, and i am very openminded and accepting of everything true and natural. Thanks 4 reading my profile. Love and hugs to all, jessica 

Name: Renae
Location: stevensville, MI USA
Date: Saturday, June 5, 1999 at 13:58:02
Message:im just here as are all of you. id like to live in a less populated, congested world, but its what we have now, so thats what i take. i say : "be free" that is the true form of self expression. id like to chat with others like me, feel free to email me anytime, or catch me online on AOL. later all, and free, with your self. love you all.

Name: Ash
Location: Huntington Beach, Ca USA
Date: Saturday, June 5, 1999 at 01:37:28
Message:I have one thing to say to all my brothers and sisters out there... GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Love to All Ash ^_^feel free to e-mail me ^_^ 

Name: lemondrop
ct usa
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 14:59:26
Message:hi it's me again, I hope you all read my first message on being a hippy i didn't finish it at the time because it was so late at nite when i wrote it , so i'll continue, another way a hippie finds inner peace is to be aware of nature, when i lived in a commune, i lived with 8 other people there was no electricity, we did have a stove but it was wood burning, we lived off the land there is a book in most libraries called living the good life and that is what we fashioned parts of our life after it told you what to plant , how to live off the land etc, we grew our vegetables all summer and then we went to farmers market to trade for what we needed for food. we did not eat alot of meat we did eat rooster though, yuck, what we usually ate was soy burgers with lots of cut up onions in them and shapped into pattys, they were not bad, we also built a manmade pond in the back yard and within one year we had frogs and snapping turtles and life in it. we could go outside in the winter and know that if it snows with the sun shing at the same time then within a week we would have a major snowstorm of over 6 inches, also we predicted our winter weather by watching the wooly bear catapillars they have never been wrong yet you see it is a lot more than the look its communicating with yourself, each other and nature and you will find that inner peace, just stop and really listen. lemondrop 

Name: Dee
Location: Valparaiso, IN USA
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 08:53:29
Message: IM just here to say thanx for the GRATEFUL mems and that iv been on the bus for a while now and Idont think Iv found my stop 

URL:b yourself
Location: palmbay, florida us
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 06:34:31
Message:i already wrote once it wasn't on here well at least not yet. a true hippie isn't just about what people call us or what we wear or listin to a true hippie is someone who believes i mean actully believes in world peace and love and everything in those hippie books you read at school. write me love u all , hope ps, anyone have some magic shroooms? 

Name:Rachel but people call me Hope
URL:stay yourself don't let no one put you down for what you believe in
Location: Palmbay, Florida U.S.
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 06:16:00

Name:i havent found mine yet, call me Ian for now
URL:just stay where you're at !
Location: Valrico, FL ,its one earth
Date: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 19:44:17
Message:alright, lets see if i can cover this once and for all... im a 17 year old male living in...a house with parents, in the town and state ive already mentioned. my parents have given me the name, Ian, but im still finding my real name. im more or less alone, most people around here are not only conformist, they are anti-hippie. but that state of living gives me plenty of time to think, and thats how i became a hippie in the first place, using my mind. MINE, and my own, no one elses. thats the first thing i'd like to emphasize, be your own person, dont let other people control your life. anyway, ive been turned on for about a year now, marijuana is good for the soul, and has freed mine. acid's next though, because there are realms of understanding that require psychedelic sacraments of that sort :) if i could pick a year to be born, i think it would be maybe 1946 or 47. since finding my real self, ive always felt i was a part of the 1960's hippie culture, even though i was not around then. Musical interests range from Beatles to Zeppelin and everything in between. Doors, Dead, Floyd, Who, and certain Indian music (Ravi Shankar type). I play several musical instruments, guitar being my favorite, (its just too easy to write a song) :) i write and read alot of poetry (Jim Morrison's the best) and if i can ever get my head together, maybe i can put my poetry in a song and give it a name. im getting into meditation, its just a matter of keeping a (*gasp*) disciplined schedule of doing it. yup, i look just like your stereotypical hippie, long hair, infrequent showers, torn up dirt faded jeans, people always tell me not to dress like that because im "upper middle class". i tell them, "no, my parents are rich upper middle class types, i am my own person." but im not like that to fit someone else's opinion of "cool" i dress like that because its comfortable, and it suits me. i make my own tye dyes and wear them proudly, not store bought, for all the extra $$$, thank you :) Im very much opposed to the war in Kosovo, dropping bombs on innocent people is not my idea of diplomacy. i understand that action had to be taken to stop Milosevic's ethnic cleansing, but killing is not the answer. i am appalled by todays short term solution, fast paced, destruction based society. we are destroying ourselves as a race of beings. Anger and hatred built the Atomic weapons we have aimed at people we dont agree with. these same forces will end the world. it is a hard job to undertake, but peace and love are the are the answers. Mr. Lennon said it, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. i have so much to say, and very few to listen, so anyone who would like to talk, feel free to contact me. my email is listed above, or you can try: or ICQ if youve got it: 10862154 I wish Peace, Love, and all Understanding to you, have an enlightening day !

Name: Bernard Greenbud
Location: Greenville, WaDate: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 12:34:22
Message: Please send me some cool pictures and posters of the sixties. Any information you could send me would be very useful. Burn a Faty for the world!!!!!!
Date: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 11:25:40
Message:hello to all who read this. i am 15 years old. i dress different from everyone else. i wear the tyedye, i wear my hair in braids, i like the faded jeans, i like to stand out. is that what makes me love hippies? because i want to stand out and be my own self and be on equal terms w/ everyone, yet have them know my opinion? i love all of the old bands, i am always told i was born in the wrong generation......i think that myself sometimes. i want to go to woodstock this year. but, i know it wouldn't be anything like the old one. i wasn't alive then, but i've seen and heard enough...... if anyone wants to chat w/ me. you are welcome to. new friends are always welcome here. keep it groovin' everyone.....well, i'm not done yet, now that i think about it. i think freedom is essential. to be able to think, and feel, and do what you want. to go places and do things and experience 'life' to its fullest and enjoy everything it has to offer. i have never traveled anywhere away from the east coast. i hope i can someday, and i will. if everyone would just be happy w/ who they are and w/ the way everyone else is, the world would be such a better place. i'm getting into one of my 'expression' moods again, so bye everyone. and as always, keep it groovin'. hope to be hearing from you soon. 
Name: sycamore
Location: columbus, oh usa
Date: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 09:47:39
Message: I have to say I agree with lemondrop. I am not quite old enough to be an original hippie, I'm 30. But I know alot of them, their kids and their lives. It's about treating the world with love and understanding. Its about doing more for others than for yourself. It's about changing the world, one little bit at a time. I love the accessories of the 60's too, the beads, the hemp, the music, etc. But there is more than that. Volunteer. Spend time at a communal farm, make a difference in the world. Even if you just make yourself a kinder, understanding person, you will be more of a "hippie" than the 14 year old standing next to you with the tie die, beads and the 'me' attitude. I'm not cracking on young people. It's just that I see too many who by their hippie gear at designer shops and think thats what it is about. Its about love, man. Let love rule. Thank you lenny. peace in your heart, sycamore

Location: San Francisco, CADate: Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 19:22:18
Message:I am a hippie of the future... I suppose the world in general would call me a goth... I demonstrate whenever I can, have a job at Planned Parenthood, and go to school near the Haight. I am a neo-hippy. Love and peace to all. 

Name: Dirty Angel
Location: Genova, Italy
Date: Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 09:31:16
Message: :Hello.hippies!!Are still there in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

Name: Breanna
Email:x hippy
nc usa
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 17:00:44
Message:im not saying im the biggest hippy of all, but i've been reading what other people have wrote..isnt part of being a hippy being open-minded and loving..instead some of you in your profiles write about how " unhippy " the other people are... 

Name: Breanna
Email:x hippy
nc usa
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 16:54:09
Message:I was bored so i thought i would just type of bunch of stupid stuff to keep my occupied. If you want my me...see ya 

Name: Sara....(Fairy Magic)
Location: Canton, OH USA
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 10:27:26
Message:I just found the world of hippies at Hookahville over the weekend And I am obsessed. I found a gorgeous little hippie boy who filled my head with shrooms and acid and E and fucked me And made my world beautiful for a while. I want him back NOW! He is on his way hitching to Cali. You will know him when you see him His name is Indy. He will be the lovely little boy with freckles saying, "hits, doses,...." Bring him to me. Tell him I'm sorry I didn't go with him into his world. Tell him I found something like love beyond my ego for him Tell him goodbye. 



O.K then. Repeat after me: I am not a hippie, I am not a hippie, I am not a hippie.


Man, how'd you end up on this page???


Hey, man it's my turn!