Hippy Message Center 
You can leave messages for other hippies here.  We will post your message for a few months. If you have something to sell, want to make an announcement, looking for a long lost hippie or whatever, just send us your message
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Click below for old messages

September 1999
August 1999

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Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 at 08:16:37

Name: Melanie Safka
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 at 07:13:03
Message: Come to hippie chat....now...

Name: Melanie Safka
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 at 06:56:07
Message: Hey....I like to think I'm a hippie because I am really peaceful inside and I am really anti war. PEACE!!!!!! I want you to write to me coz I want to meet some people who can help me to become more of a hippie. I'm only 14. PEACE!!!!!

Name: jack
Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 11:41:05
Message: sex drugs & estacy

Name:hippy hater
Location: any city, ma USA BABY !!!
Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 09:13:11
Message: I bet all of you losers are 40 and over weight and have nothing better to do but pose around as hippies all day long pretending to be cool when all of you are not hippy hater out--------

Name:hippy hater
Location: any city, ma USA
Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 09:09:16
Message:My name is hippy killer/hater all you losers should get into the 1990's hippys died out into the 60-70 and never will again return so get a real job and stop posing you hippy loser want-to-be's!!! hippy hater out------

Name: Annabel
Location: Preston, UK
Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 05:40:06
Message:Hi, Annabel here, I want to meet hippies from all over the world so e-mail me at annabel74656@netscape.net

Name: ziggy
Location: london, w.sussex england
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 11:20:21
Message: e-mail me u lazy hippies

Name: JONI
Location: CHICAGO,Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 11:15:44

Name: JONI
Location: CHICAGO,Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 11:14:39

Name: Snowwy
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 09:07:55
Message:Hey everyone! Check out www.hungersite.com, you can donate 1 and a half cup of food to people who really need it there just by clicking the donate button!

Location: Velenje, Slovenia
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 07:48:56
Message:Halo vsi! A je tuki se kdo iz Slovenie. Naj mi pise prosim. Aja, Tanja, kk si?

Name: michelle
Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 at 17:06:50
Message: This is purely a shot in the dark. Did anyone out there happen to attend the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band/Ozark Mountain Dare Devils/Brewer and Shipley concert at the Black Oak Mountain Ampitheater (Lampe, MO) Friday night? It was a kick-ass concert, and i met some really beautiful people. My name is michelle, i have red hair and brown eyes (i know that sounds strange) and i was wearing a Woodstock-style tie-dyed shirt and bell-bottoms. Yeah, i know that just described about every girl there, but maybe you remember me. If not, write me anyway! i'd love to talk to you!--Peace Brothers and Sisters--michelle

Name: marie
Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 at 14:07:51
Message: Hello. This is about watermelon Sugar. I LOVE IT.

Name: matthew
Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 at 13:33:43
Message: u r gay

URL:AOL screen name: KelliFlowerChild
Florida USA
Date: Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 16:03:52
Message:I LOVE THE WHO!!! Everybody who hates hippies is predjudiced and needs to find peace in themselves.PEACE! Please write me,cuz I got lotsa more to say!

Name: ;)
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 21:36:52
Message: *tee hee*

Name: Kona Jane
Location: Kimball, Ne USA
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 12:07:47
Message: I am here to tell you that... ALL HIPPY"S RULE!!! Smoking pot is the best thing that you can do KEEP IT UP...Blaze one for the nation...420!!!!

Name: murf
Location: chicago area, IL Amerika
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 01:34:22
Message: Hey Now, looking for pics of a bus from tour of 87 called the "STAGGER INN', would love to have to show my kids when they grow older,,,,,,,,,Thanks Mike

Name:Cheryl Anne
Location: Owensboro, KY America
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 at 14:13:30
Message:Salutations! This is the most outtasite place I've been in awhile. I love being a hippie, and I have been practicing for about 5 years now. But it's lonely without some people to share the peace and love of nature with... So give me a message! E-mail me. I need you just as much as you need me...trust me. Love and peace...*cheryl anne*

Name: Pamela Morrison
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 at 08:05:21
Message:Hey! I'm a hippie chick and I'd really like to get in contact with all of you open minded people out there. So if you love the 60's as much as I do(even though I wasn't even born then),and like getting nostalgic about it,you're free to drop me a line.... Peace & Love, Pam

Name:Mad Rambler
URL:I hate acronyms.com
Location: red deer, alberta canada
Date: Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 17:59:35
Message:hey man .... the currently employed mad rambler is back but I can rarely get on to the net because the stupid library only has three computers hooked up. so here i am .... now a member of the system payin' taxes and "contributing to society" to save up and get an "education" in the provincially mandated center of post high school learning (college). my mommy says i shouldn't give my address out over the internet, but i am interested in what people have to say.. and I HATE email. so if you want to talk it up or send me some stickers my address is #140-3110 47ave. Red Deer AB Canada T4N 3P2 so drop me a line and I will continue to take stock tips from the purple duck in my afro and making the blue midget do my chores and who Knows I might send you a free tie-dye shirt or some dirt or a skirt, or a german leichmanhert, or I might send you my uncle bert or we might flirt. so I hafta go, the purple duck is thinking about migrating so i hafta talk him out of it again with old donald duck movies.

Name:richard christian
Location: Lancaster, Lancs England
Date: Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 11:49:45
Message:Hi. I'm a phil/psych major in england. Im currently taking a minor in comp.sci. and am building a new MUD server with a view to using this as the code-base for HippyPad - a new (social) MUD. This will be a (text-based) environment themed around a dream hippy pad which you can explore, interact with, or just sit around and chat to the other users. This is still under heavy development, but i currently have the basic pad set up - living room, kitchen, library, garden, stone circle, and alien landing site. There's also an AI which is a modified eliza, representing the oldhippy - you can talk to him and receive advice on a bunch of stuff. um.. that's about it. basically i wanted to see what kind of response this would generate... i may be able to get it hosted on the net if there are enough people interested. if you want to pledge support / have any comments,pls send mail to --> vedanta@hipplanet.com. thnx, richard.

Online Hippie Newsletter - Drug Free
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 15:09:38
Message:I am an old hippie from the 60s/70s and must admit, I am tired of reading posts that being a hippie is all about drugs, sex and rock and roll. That may have been there, but it was so much more! And so many of my friends got messed up by that lifestyle. Some even died. So call me a square if you want, but I am against drugs (though will not judge anyone who is into them.) I have done some truthful research and found out that even marijuana can damage your liver, give trouble to your lungs, etc. But I can understand why so many like it and will not be happy to read what I just said. Please let me explain. I believe people smoke weed, etc., to raise their consciousness because the material consciousness is such a drag! So I would like to start a (free of charge) Hippie Newsletter about REAL hippie life. What is that? Well, first of all, we had a war going on, people were dying and young people at that. It certainly made us think differently! We had protests and so on. We reached out our hand to help our fellow brother or sister if we could, and if we couldn't physically we at least tried to help psychologically simply by listening. Sometimes just listening can bring another answers to their own questions! Anyway, let me tell you my basic story (and please read my link which tells it in more detail). It goes like this: I am an old hippie, into spiritual stuff now (no, not fanaticism). I learned a lot about India, lacto-vegetarian, real love and real peace. I learned that you can use your consciousness to get high instead of drugs. I am in no way judgmental of those who use drugs. Matter of fact, I agree they initially increased some peoples awareness. As the years push on that changes and they ultimately make ones consciousness fuzzy. So who am I looking for? ANY hippie of any age (including 60s hippies), who does not have to be drug free but wants to be, ANY Hippie who does not have to be a vegetarian but is OPEN to it, and ANY hippie who is open to spiritual stuff from India like yoga and consciousness, and ANY hippie who wants to talk about the world problems and HOW TO resolve them, ANY hippie who wants to post a current event (that helps people) in my newsletter. Your email address will not be made public in my newsletter. I am making this a place to post YOUR letters too - on how to help the world, your friend, your brother/sister, and if you have a problem you can post it here. Music/lyrics that increase awareness, poetry, realizations, earth changes, knowledge, astrology, maybe a little info on herbal healing (not weed lol), health, happiness, etc. Of course, you can't post anything asking for a ride somewhere. This newsletter is not about rides, concerts, not a place to pick up chicks or dudes , but about reaching out or just listening to those who reach out, and about raising your own consciousness, being more aware. Sort of an underground thing that has gone above ground. :) If you are interested in this newsletter, email me right away (cuz if I don't get replies I may give up) Here is my email address: Parijata2@aol.com IMPORTANT - Please read what I have said above very CLOSELY. I am tired of people subscribing and than complaining, "Hey man, you are against drugs! How closed minded." Well, sorry but I am tired of scraping someone off the floor or just watching their life get messed up and them INSISTING weed is too mellow to be doing that to them. Now I don't care what you do, I only care that you understand that weed or any kind of drugs or alcohol will not be advocated in this newsletter. If you find that a problem, this newsletter isn't for you. Incidently, hehe, I find it is usually the ones who are doing drugs that did not read this correctly the first time. You know, there is no place, or close to it for a stright hippie to go. Other hippies think "Straight? You must be out of it. I don't trust you." This is inaccurate. It is not a qualification that one must smoke weed to be a hippie. It is about changing the world and about consciousness, not drugs. So let this be one place without writing me any nasty letters. ALSO IMPORTANT - In the subject line of your letter, please type Hippie Newsletter. The reason for this is that get a lot of porno and can't be bothered with them, so I delete them. If you type, "Hey" or "Cool" well, so do they! hehe And it might accidentally get deleted. So it is very simple. Just put in the subject line of your letter Hippie Newsletter. Thanx.

Location: Alliance, OhDate: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 23:51:14
Message:Love. what is it? what does it mean? we gotta make more plans more events more experiances, more love. Think about this. I think we spend to much time focusing on if someone else said the "politically correct" thing or if they sounded hollow. Chill man, we all are fighting (well not exactly "fighting") for the same cause- lets look inward with a clear eye (or bloodshot one..) laugh more. Don't get to tangled in the trival things. Find a friend in yourself. and while you're at it email me! hee hee hee

Location: Eden Prairie, MN USA
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 23:02:22
Message: I am a wannabe hippie, and I would love some advice on how I can look and feel and act like a real hippie, i know its kinda pathetic but this world needs more hippies, personally i think once the millenium hits we should go back to the 60's!

Name: Sara
Location: Bjerred, Sweden
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 08:37:21
Message: Excuse me for asking....but can somebody tell me a really good reason why drugs should be legal????Please tell me because I´m trying to find that out....

Name: some girl noone knows
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 at 20:12:05
Message:hey i seen a couple people wanting up the movement again i dont know...we ask and ask and noone replies. No matter we say that it is never too late for peace, well it isn't we all die out, intil not one soul believe in peace and love or harmoney and all the world is doing is fighting and crying in vain. Calling for land and greed in their souls devouering the earth. Making it dead and pathetic looking. we can't be in touch and just talk about how much good we do... we got to do this,man, let the hippies that were in the 60's and 70's that were acutally in the "movement" guide us. Tell us what we should do and we will take it and try till we succeed. well yeah...peace is here just let it come out and show its-self.... Be kind if you want Peace..... Some girl

Name: alex
Location: London, England
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 at 12:18:36
Message: Flares in London, originals. where?

Location: London, UK
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 at 12:14:35
Message: who knows where they sell flares for people with long legs (big flares!) write me please see ya later

Name: Brother Buzzed
Location: Cassopolis, Mi USA
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 at 11:03:17
Message: I am looking for a ceramic penis water bong!Help!I am getting worn down looking!Email me with any info where I can get one!Brobuzzed@aol.com PEACE!

Name: andy
Location: reading, berks england
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 at 10:22:27
Message:any hippys out there in the reading area? meet up and exchange e-mails cheers

Name: Mr.Egg
Location: Kiev, ua Ukraine
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 at 06:11:48
Message: Hey, if someone by any accident is going to visit Ukraine and Kiev in particular, I will be glad to take you around. (free, of course) TAKE A GOOD HIP OF LIFE!

Name: Norm Dowling
Date: Sunday, October 10, 1999 at 16:53:49
Message:Anyone know the whereabouts of Sherry McBride from Savannah , GA . She worked in the Tiffany Lounge in the late sixties/early seventies ? Also , if any of you hippies who would like to chat about the times ,then and now ,especially if you hung out in the New York City / New Jersey area , drop me a line . I would dig hearing from you .

Location: Newport Beach, Ca USA
Date: Sunday, October 10, 1999 at 01:30:15
Message: I FOUND My soul mate, his name Hip One (and he is!) And I'm so excieted :) I love all of you hippies, and if you run into My hip one, tell him I LOVE HIM!!!!! 

Name: Jenny
MiDate: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 19:33:11
Message:Hey everybody. I'm trying to design a hippie T-Shirt and am having a hard time finding graphics. Does anyone know where I could find a cool hippie girl, bus, peace sign, etc? Thanks a lot! Jenny 

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask canada
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 14:22:34
Message:Hey all you chickeypoos I'm tired of hearing that if you wanna be a hippy you gotta do drugs. I'm tired of itdamnit! You wanna know what a hippy REALLY is, my loves? A hippy is someone who is willing to standup in the middle of a crowd of sit-still people and do what's right for the good of the earth and for God and for the creatures. I got a question -- how can you do good for the world if you're stoned out of your mind or pissed with alcohol? Get real darlings! peace'n'flowers - kaelin 

Name: Jenny
Location: Mio, MI U.S.A
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 13:36:24
Message:Hey Janis i'm like 16 and ever since i was little i have beleived that there should be peace and love on earth and i help pick up garbage in the town and i NEVER litter. Alll my friends say i'm not a hippy and stuff but what do you think? Please reply Janis or someone!? Peace and Love, Jenny

Name: janis
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 11:22:13
Message:Sorry if i offend anyone, but my opinion is my opinion, and i know anyone who is half real will respect that. i don't mean to down anyone or whatever, but all you kids out there who think you're a hippy just 'cause you smoke pot or wear bell-bottoms or whatever it is you do, wake up man, because a hippie is so much more complex than that. It's all in the soul, man, so just take the time to look close at yourself, and know who and what you really are, and not just what you think it would be fun to be. Peace hippies and un-hippies alike--janis 

Name: Ash
Date: Friday, October 8, 1999 at 14:36:11
Message: hey all you beautiful people... hows it goin? just wonderin if anyone is from alberta or bc.... anyone familiar with the south country fair out there? well if ya are, can ya please mail me and if anyones from the kootenays of b.c. (you are lucky) or alberta mail me... well peace love rights and fuckin good times!!!!! ~Ashley~ 

Name: Amber
Location: Saskatoon, sk Canada
Date: Friday, October 8, 1999 at 14:34:11
Message:Hey there all you cool and groov'n people out there! I just found out today that there is this big debate in Canada on right now about the legalization of weed. There is about 12 people with premission to use it for medical purposes and the government is having a big debate on legalizing for medicinal purposes. We're not there yet but it's a big step. Who know's, maybe in a few years Canada will be a big Amsterdam. Imagine that. Well, later everyone. Peace man. 

Name: stregone
Location: columbus, ohio usa
Date: Friday, October 8, 1999 at 09:38:40
Message: I am gen x hippy, trapped in the stereotypes of my ages. I am 30, male, a free spirit and a open minded, open hearted soul. I believe in legalization of drugs, rights for everyone, women, minorities, animals! we are all equal, every being, every organism, every thing on this planet. we all have the right to live as we choose. the secret of life is there is no secret. we are all here to enjoy life. so take off your shoes, take off your clothes and run naked in the meadow of freedom. let the wildflowers brush you legs, the wind move your hair and the sunshine warm your soul. let love rule. P.S. I love to chat with other cool people, so write me!!

Name:Bethany "Weir" 
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 19:53:09
Message:Hello, friends! :) I am starting a Grateful Dead newsletter that will be send by e-mail. It's still in progress, so it'll be a little while before it actually gets sent out. If you would like me to send you the newsletter, or would like to contribute something to it (any sort of article you want-be creative!) just send me an e-mail. I'm a very young fan, (16 yrs.) so if any older fans would like to help me out that would be groovy. I'd really appreciate it. So drop me a line, and put "Deadhead newsletter" in the subject. Thanks for your time. =) Peace and love, Bethany. 

Name: Victoria
Location: Dayton, OHDate: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 14:53:03
Message: Just wandering if anybody knows where I can get a 6' x 6' piece of blacklight responsive material???? (cloth) I have been on this quest for damn near a month with no avail, so if you know of anywhere I can get something like this please email me. I would be so grateful. The closest thing I have come across yet is a piece of black material 6' by 6', and a set of black light responsive paints - good idea, except I couldn't paint anything recognizable if my life depended on it. So mabey you know a good artist that could paint something for me. Someone, Please help me!!! Waiting to hear from you. 

Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 09:27:38
Message: Hello,hippies!!Is still there in Europe some of you who needs to live really like the REAL hippies of the 60s' and 70s',making road trips,walking barefooted let yourselves become dirty and fuck off the boring rules of society?If you are still alive,WRITE ME,and something of cool will happen!!! PEACE AND FREEDOM 

Name: Sara
Location: Bjerred, Sweden
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 08:42:09
Message: HI!! I´m looking for Jim(USA)who wrote to me but forgot to send his adress. I´m also looking for fellow hippies in Europe. Please write soon..... anyone can write to me!+

URL:Urgent Message for medical marijuana 
Location: Houston, TXDate: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 23:49:33
Message:Everyone should go to natlnorml.org and see the urgent legislation in the house of representatives about Medical Marijuana now! Last year the people of the District of Columbia(D.C.) voted 69% to legalize medical marijuana, now the republicans in congress are moving to stop it from becoming law and have less than a month to succeed with a 2/3rds majority vote. Please go to normls website natlnorml.org and get the whole story, then begin writing congressmen in your state immediately. The minute representatives can overide the will of the American people is the minute we no longer live in a democracy, but a dictatorship. To legalize or decriminalize marijuana we must first start at the state level. Lets get busy in a big hurry!!! 

Name:Brian Fowler
Location: babox, ga U>S>A
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 22:30:29
Message:Wanted to let all the hippies know, Bob Harvey original bassist JEFFERSON AIRPLANE has new band and new album being recorded.Above link is for website and information.Contact Bob Harvey at lyricplus@aol.com for info on obtaining CD. Bob welcomes questions and correspondence. other links http://www.starship.pp.se 

Location: Valencia, CA USA
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 21:48:55
Message: Helllo I am looking for some friends in Southern CaLIFORNia that would like to go to shows with me Thanks

Name: Vannah Bardsley
Location: Denahm Springs, LA U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 21:32:18

Name: daniello
Location: charleston, sc usa
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 21:22:20
Message: HI! I am in search of new friends here in Charleston South Carolina the beautiful beach town! If you surf,paint, sing,camp,party or just like to hang email me and lets hook up! Tired of my old scene ...looking for COOL PEOPLE!!! Have a good little convertible for road trips and can entertain visitors passing through by providing a tour of nice spots. I am in my 20's and love hippy life...drop me a line! PENPALS OKAY 2. THERE MUST BE SOME HIPPIES AROUND CONTACT ME NOW!!!! 

Name: Crysta
Location: Clarkston, MI USA
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 18:40:05
Message:Hello.. I wrote a little bit ago, yet didn't get very many replys.. So I'm gonna say a little bit about myself and hopefully that will be inspiring enough for someone new to e-mail me. I love music, I'm not going to go into bands though, I like so many its hard to remeber them all. I am a vegetarian. I live in MI and am getting completely fed up with all the so called hippys that live around here. They all have the perception that if they have long hair and do drugs, their automatically a hippy. They are also some of the meanest people I've ever met in my life. There are a few that know the true meaning of being a hippy, yet not enough. I dont do drugs anymore. I used to and I stopped and realized how much damage was taking place. However I wont be judgemental on those of you who do. So, if you feel the same way or are just bored, like I am, then please e-mail me. No matter what gender or age. thanks.. kisses.. Crysta 

Name: Amber
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 14:15:56
Message:Hey there everyone! How's it holding? Just thought I'd leave a message cause I'm bored at school and am waiting for my next class. I would like to meet some fellow hippies on here. In about a year I'm taking off, travelling over North America with a friend and so who knows, maybe I'll see you all then. Well, gotta go, ta ta for now. and like always, Peace man. 

Name:Monica cisneros
Location: monytreal, Que Canada
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 10:35:48
Message: Hi brothers and sisters! I'M leaving on a trip soon down to costa rica and mexico.If enybody (from the east) will be riding south and has room for A good easy-going down to earth girl let me know!I leave every year around november and would love to ride with folfs that do the same.I speak spanish and french 25 years old and Live in the woods of Northern Quebec but frankly like it better in mexico in winter(just like some birds..I'M out of here !) So If theres a van hitting the road soon,not TTOOOOO far from quebec,(I can travel to your state ) Orale!!! 

URL:hits from the bong
Location: ellicotville, ny usa
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 09:37:15
Message: my friend came over so i packed him a pipe, i told he'd better go easy on this shit, but he didn't believe the height. he sparked three bowls just to show he could take it, two minutes later he was layin' back on me nakked i'm fuckin' wasted adam sandler

Name:Erin Pollard
Location: Orange, MA USA
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 09:35:50
Message: Hey, what's happenin'? I'm a fellow hippy out looking for others. 

Name:dick weed
URL:pissed my pants
Location: cape coral , fld. usass
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 09:20:27
Message: This world is timed.I on the other hand live out side of time . For me time is not real.And we all just agzitest bye pimpil boy helo new world

Name:dick weed
URL:pissed my pants
Location: cape coral , fld. usass
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 09:18:13
Message: This world is timed.I on the other hand live out side of time . For me time is not real.And we all just agzitest bye pimpil boy helo new world

Name:dick weed
URL:pissed my pants
Location: cape coral , fld. usass
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 09:17:21
Message: This world is timed.I on the other hand live out side of time . For me time is not real.And we all just agzitest bye pimpil boy helo new world

Name: acidchick
Location: frankfort, ny u.s.a
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 20:45:15
Message: looking for NY hippies to chat with about drugs,poetry,music,etc.....17/f

Name: some girl noone knows
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 19:01:02
Message:okay man give me a place and a ride and i'll be their in a second for the new revolution i live in spokane wa i'm only umm 12 and that's ummm yeah okay well someone tell these peace 

Name:Karma Morrison
URL:Love nature
Email:Kharma Vive@AOL
Location: Campbell, NY USA
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 18:01:04
Message:Jesus was a hippie, peace and love was all he was about. That's why they killed him cuase that shits something people just can't figure out.Peace, Life, Love and Lust, it's been a long Trip.

Name:Rachel W
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 14:09:22
Message:Hey everyone!!! I'm away at college, going to FDU in NJ. Since i'm not at home, if you have been looking for me, write to me at the email addy you see!! Oh and also, if you live in nyc, my college is only 5 minutes away and i'd like to meet some beautiful people near me so that i'm nt stuck at this college clueless of you the grateful dead are!!!! thankies!! Peace ---Rachel W. aka GraceSlick in hippychat 

Name: revolver
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 12:51:36
Message:This is a message to all of us who are under the age of 30 from all over the world. All of us hippie young ones must come together to start the new revoloution. Drop out of the job, drop out of that school, drop out of those chains they have you in and come together. What are we waiting for we have the numbers to do. And in the new revoloution we should not bring any low energy music from the 90's like DMB, Phish, etc.... That music has no soul and it sounds like crap. We will use the music of the late 60's as out messengers and we will use the hippie ideals of the late 60's as our bible. We have to have strength in numbers if we want to be a cool scene again. So all of us should come together. LEts do it now. 

Name: ziggy
Email:ziggybabe 2000@yahoo.co.uk
Location: crawley, w sussex england
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 11:53:44
Message: peace ...... rite 2 me please pot rules 

Name: Aurinna
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 09:26:34
Message: Andrea!!!!(you have a boyfriend in Finland) We e-mailed a while ago and now it seeems that I´m not able to send you mail.My computer just won`t send the messages.Could you try and get another adress or something.... I´d still like to hear from you! Love & Peace Aurinna

Location: ALOT, MANY U.S.A.
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 02:51:22
Message: Hi My name is Jeff and I am a traveling gypsy. What I do is travel the country form Los Angeles to Boston and Arizona to Montana I am on a never-ending VisionQuest learning about myself and life. I support my life by selling silver and pewter jewelry to stores I make a good living and it gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want. At an early age I found I did not want to be part of the normal world around me it was to constricting for me and did not give me a chance to live a life without limitation's. I had to deal with to many things that made me be someone I did not want to be. I have spent a great deal of my life on the road alone. What I am looking for is a gal who would like to get to know who I am and find out if she would like to do a roadtrip with me. She must have a sense of humor (a smartass is a plus) someone who want to spend time with someone who plays no games who gives the truth and expects the same. This would be a trip that would require no money just that you contribute some time in helping with the business which is very little work just putting rings in trays and putting jewelry in displays. For the right person this would be a learning experience that may be something that you may want to get in yourself and if you wanted to learn how to go out and sell jewelry in coffeee shops and reastaurants which is how i got started you would also make money and learn something that you could travel with in the future. So if I sound interesting and you would like to get to know me feel free to ask anything that you would like. Last few details I should tell you is that I travel with two shelties (small collies) . I travel in a Dodge Caravan van and live in motels a lot of the time and camp whenever I want. Last thing I am 37 years old. I am looking for a gal from 18 to 45 you must be young at heart and i do not limit someone by their age just by how they deal with life thank you feel Jeff 

Location: virginia beach, va usa
Date: Monday, October 4, 1999 at 23:57:51
Message:Hey I'm a 21 year old female from va beach. I'm tryin to find friends in my area girls or guys. I love to party and puff and go to concerts. Please reply my hippie comrades:^i PEACE&LOVE 2 ALL 4 EVER,JACKIE "live and die free and in between puff a little for me"j 

Name: Turtle
Location: Indiana, PA US of A
Date: Monday, October 4, 1999 at 22:18:13
Message:Help! I recently received a message from a very nice person, but in attempting to reply, I somehow erased it! Someone with the word "morgan" in their e-mail address mailed me about a post I put in profiles. If you read this, yes, we did meet each other in college club, and I would love to hear from you again! Please re-mail me! Peace-Love-Happiness 

Name: River
Location: Saltash, Cornwall England
Date: Monday, October 4, 1999 at 15:23:34
Message:Hi, I'm still looking for a friend in my area, if your anywhere near me, please get in touch, I'm lonely :( Peace to you all, River 

Name: SARA
Date: Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 15:00:21
Message:Hi!! I want to join or rebuild a hippie movment so I need help from all over the world. Please write to me!!! 

Location: Cologne, Germany
Date: Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 10:00:36
Message:Hey! I’m Jens, a guy from Germany. I’m living near Cologne, and I’ve just finished university. Since my schooldays, I spend most of the year barefoot. Living a mostly barefoot life gives me the feeling of being free, independent and individual – not part of the boring “mainstream”! I enjoy travelling barefoot: Discovering a foreign country barefoot is simply great! I’m spending much time abroad, and I never wear shoes! After being barefoot several years, my soles got very tough and leathery, so I’ve few problems with the different surfaces, even if I’m going on a barefoot desert trip (I’m doing many crazy things like that!). I ‘m searching somebody (guy or gal) who doesn’t care about common conventions, who loves being free and independent and enjoys travelling and being barefoot. I would like to exchange my thoughts and experiences with you. It would be cool if we could do some barefoot travelling together. This year, I barefooted Egypt, next year, I’m planing to go to India (my favourite country!) Don’t hesitate to mail me, I promise to answer immediately (my E-mail: btraveller42@hotmail.com)! Peace & happy barefooting Barefoot Jens 

Name: tessa
Location: groveland, ca usa
Date: Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 02:16:24
Message: where do i buy supplies to make chain mail jewelry, and where do i buy bells in bulk.. i am a belly dancin groovin creative person who just wants to make her costume as innexpensive as possible...keep spreadin the love..thanks 

Name: Rue, the crazy hippy
Location: Porter, IN USA
Date: Friday, October 1, 1999 at 20:51:38
Message:I need to know the address for a site that has pot party rules and ettiquette. I can't remeber the name, any sites would be good. Thanks 

Name: Mark
Date: Friday, October 1, 1999 at 12:03:00
Message: It looks like a lot of us are still around.