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Name: Mr Whippy
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 21:59:29
Protest: Free world peace! End the whales! Stop East Timor!! Get rid of the Berlin Wall! 

Name: wez
Location: Melbourne, vic Australia
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 21:55:03
Protest: I believe that capitalisum should be put to an end, we should stand up for that right to not pay taxes. We need to unite as one to fight this cancer on us all! 

Name: Ben
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 00:44:36
Protest:This COULD be a good way of actually talking about things and getting to meet other people who feel the same way as you, though unfortunatly mostly it's just turned into a bunch of bashing and name calling it seems like. I was going to write a long statement here about why I also protest against religion, and also feel that killing animals is most likely wrong when you don't have to do it, just like murder, but this is just too wacky and I don't feel like anyone can really have much of an actual discussion or debate or anything if everyone just yells all the time. Want to talk about religion or civil (including animal) rights? I'd love to talk if I get the chance to :) Just e-mail me...

Name: N.O.Y.B
Location: Emerald, crazy USA
Date: Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 03:18:07
Protest:To frank, how can you bitch about people sitting at their computers bitching when you are doing the same damn thing. Personally I am sick of polititions that bullshit there way everywhere. We need more people like Jesse Ventura that will say what they mean and do a good job without kissing everyone's ass. So many people are so concerned about what other people think of them that they make themselves and everyone else around them miserable. Be yourself, stand up for who you are and what you belive. Peace, Pot, & Microdot to all, and to all a good night. Remember, it's not morning until you've gone to sleep and woken up again. Do what makes you happy, but remember, if you don't do good, Carma will fuck you in the end. 

Name: AK 47
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 18:08:21
Protest:well i guess i should start on a passive note,to those who lie in a general state of apathy as was witness to my country a few years back people wake up as our mother is being raped and we are sitting by discussing policy and plans,always with the well meaning sub commitee just close behind,,time for revolution,,what sitting on the fence and towing the line of multinationals is doing is creating a window for abuse and subtle manipulations of our perceptions of what we call freedom,change must come ,here in the south of africa there is growing thought that militant action is fast becoming the only recourese to stop the further plundering of our planet.time has come for destructive change,a change striking at the heart of those who without our permission alter the make up of foods and place various controls over us.We must remember that the way we live is of our choosing and not some far away countries foreign policy or consumer greed .In the third world there is plundering happening while the world watch dogs pick and choose the conflicts of greatest financial gain.When governments like my own are spending billions of dollars on weaponary in a supposed new south africa its population continues to suffer still by being deprived of basic needs,people of awareness have always shown the way forward by a non violent approach,the earth continues to be raped and pillaged for short term gain ,soon a time will come when the rainbow warriors put down thier flowers and hang up thier peace flags and start fighting fire with fire ,the new flower will be steel,the rally cry world revolution,soon the words will become action ,an evil government trained us in the south for war and oppression,this training will soon be put to use ,the multinationals shall burn,the first blow will soon be felt before the millenium,its time to take risks ,only we can empower ourselves,children of the earth take back what is being stolen ,amandla 

Name: Robyn
Location: livonia, MI U.S.A
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 16:38:19
Protest:I dont get how everyone can love n*suck, wackstreet boys, bitchy queers and all those fags. First of all they dont play their own instruments. Second of all they dont write their own music. Third of all they only sing about love, i dont know about u people but love isnt the only emotion i feel. when i listen to music i want it to really mean something to me, i want to be able to relate to it. People dont realize just how long some great bands have been out like KORn they released their first CD in '94 but unlike queer boy "bands" they do more then sing in high squeky voices and dance they sing about real things, real problems like getting abused as a child or getting made fun of. i mean prolly a lot more people can relate to that rather then im so in love ill never break ur heart. sorry to dis boy "bands" but i just think they suck 

Name: sluss
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 07:55:44
Protest: You all know that evryone of us will die one day. Everyone have to go through this process and from here no one ever know where is our next destination or is there any. If you were given a chance to live again right after you die what is your wish? Think about it! Don't waste you time as it is too short for any of us. 

Name: Tomas Ben David
Location: Hoosier National Forest, In U.S.A.
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 20:04:37
Protest: Being an old Hippy aka Tet 67/68 University of S.E. Asia having fought and bled for your right to protest and would again if called. Stop the frigging WHINING and go to work. Where you are!!! Stop the dribble on this msg format and focus 1 issue at a time . ACT on the 1 it will become 100. As long as WE the people act like blind sheep , we will be treated as such. And my Socialist friend on here can take a flying leap at a rolling donut. Wake up. I spent my life in the military was in Berlin in 63 , Lived to see that stinking symbol drop to the ground. We are a Constitutional Republic ; not a Demonocracy. Want to change things start with #1 YOU. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution. I have lived in Socialist Countries and it aint pretty , always living in fear, waiting for a knock on the door in the middle of the night. If my Englander friend was Irish he would understand. Living in this world isnt pretty,free,easy, but you do the best you can with what you have for you and your neighbor and you will live better , safer, more continted at least. The Nuke changed it all and it is not so simple any more. I lived as a child with my mother , Grandmother and Greatgrandmother and 2 Great grand Uncles we were a family unit. We loved and cared for one another and our neighbors and they did the same and it wasn't always good but it was better than anywhere the rest of the world had to offer. I hate politics , fence setters , Do something damn it and make it happen. For those who yell that there will be no peace , we are gonna have some coming in a short time I hope and all can see thru the tyrany of it and not give up our God " Ya " given right to personal freedom for the stuff thats right at the door. In the end it will be Ok. Better than Ok. Heaven here amoung us or rather us here in heaven. So how about it focus FOCUS 1 issue , look for solution , ask , talk , write , FOCUS , Gather Like minded people and ACT. Stop yiping like a fief and then asking who the hell left the gate open. We , You , I , are our gatekeepers and the guardians of our future. Our children and our Grandchildren are the legasy and hope for ourselves and our country , demand Death penalty for anyone anywhere who stops the beating of an innocent heart. Clean out the prisons , punish them , death to murderers and restitusion for all the thieves ; However rich and powerful they are , make em pay back in full. Let them live out of a Mac Donalds Dumpster for a year or so. It didn't kill me. A draft dodger in the whitehouse while Veterans live in cardboard boxes just doesn't make sense to me. Neither does sending Billions to other countries while our own people suffer and are hungry and with out proper medical care with a budget surplus of Billions. What to do. Forward this post to two people. Each forward it to two people add your , their own comments and forward to two more each in 30 days we will have more than 1 million protests Carbon Copied to the White house and Senators and Congressmen, We should all do this in our own districtcs and towns and states and just not stop till it changes. Yell so damn loud and long that they HAVE to listen or throw them to Hell out of office , Our duty is to vote , be involved we are essensialy in charge , if we do not do our duty we need to shut up and take what ever is dished out we EARNED IT. Just an old tired Grund who knoiws that Infantry will always be the Queen Of Battle. 

Name: D.J.
Location: Tell City, In. U.S.
Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 at 18:19:52
Protest:You want Protest? Go back and read some of this crap! Screw peace and love, you will never have it for the whole world. Start thinking about our children, they are our future.Take care of the kids. Stop worrying about loving everyone.Some of you really need to work on yourself and some of the stupid stuff you wrote. Love everyone! Where in the world do you come from.Thinking you can love every one is asure fired way to get your seat in a hole. The first thing on everyones list should be to save our most precious, OUR CHILDREN! Get off your self pity potts. 

Name: Sofia
Location: Porvoo, Finland
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 13:50:55
Protest:Well...this really annoys me:So few people really care about something else than their own, small lives.Eastern Timor, the rainforests, the ogoni people&Shell. You know about all this, so what?not my problem!It doesn´t affect your life... But hey, we´re one unity, we belong together;forrests, human beings,animals and so on. Peace to the planet!!! 

Name: Catepolo
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 12:32:31
Protest:What is peace? No war, no rape, no... is this what we call it peace? No the world won't peace..... forever...... 

Name: Kat
Location: Orlando, FlDate: Sunday, September 19, 1999 at 14:31:01
Protest:I think everyone should just stop bitching and realize that the point of this is not to encourage hatred, but to encourage love. How can all of you say that you are so for love and peace, when you cannot tolerate another person for who thay are? If they like music you don't, tough shit, you need to tolerate that, and respect them. Just becuase you like music from the 60's and 70's doesn't make you any better than them. Peace and love to everyone, and respect yourself and others. 

Name: Anoi
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 14:29:38
Protest:Hey People Rock!!!!!!!!! We've got to stop hating people for what they like, or dilike. Give people a chance.!! Cause people can love other people no matter what race, religion, sex or what ever you want to think of. Love is the thing here. everyone loving everyone else means no war! no hatred or cruelty! That would be the best thing for the planet! So please don't hate! 

Name: PmSonic
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 13:48:49
Protest:Give us ICQ 2000!! 

Name: Angela Noseworthy
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 09:50:31
Protest:I agree with world peace, but as long as there is freedom of speech, there will be none. Too many people have their own thoughts, that differ from others. I also support Freedom, but only to a certain extent. If people are totally free, then this means they can go around killing whomever they dislike, abusing whomever they want, and fucking whomever they want (I don't care if you want to go have sex with 10 ppl in one week, but for god sakes, use birth control!! NO KID wants to have a life where their parents aer irresponsible and not ready to raise a child.) I protest Drugs and ciggaretts, they only screw up your life in the long run. I protest parents who get drunk every night and have their bf / gf come over and throw the children on the street. I protest Animal Cruelty, although I don't agree that everyone has to be vegetarian. I'm certainly not, but I support one of my best friends who is. She also has no problem with the fact that I eat meat. We can both sit down to an enjoyable meal, without even realising what the other is eating. This is what I call Peace. I also respect Gays, Lesbians and bi-sexuals. They are only ppl who like different things, and that's ok to me. I protest racism, sexism, and religion. NO matter what, we all have the same god, goddess, power, higher being looking over us, (if there is one at all) and whoever or whatever it is loves us all the same, even if we beleive that it has eight arms, or if we believe it to have the same thoughts as us. I protest pollution, that's a big problem that HAS to be fixed, or else the population of the world -animals too- will die. I also think something has to be done with the third world countries. we can't just feed and make habitats for them all. We have to do something like distributing FREE birth control to them, and get our ideas across to them. One of the bigger things I will protest against is Super Models. It's ok to be fat, or lanky, or short, or to have pimples. IT'S NORMAL. All these Cover Girls and Baywatch babes make every girl in the world feel inadequate. This is what causes the problem of bulimea and anorexia. I agree totally with the song and video from T L C - unpretty. The last thing that I think has to go is Money. If there was none, there would be no greed, we wouldn't have sucha bad material world. and then MAYBE we would be a litte closer to World Peace. Thank you for reading this and please feel free to e-mail me if you read something you liked/disliked, or just wanted to dicuss or share a thought. 

Name: Kate
Location: Dayton, OH USA
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 22:08:56
Protest:This is in response to the misinformed person who said that eating meat is a natural process for human beings, when in fact, it is perfectly unnatural. Humans are not carnivores. We do not have carnivore teeth. our closest relative, the gorrilla are primarily vegitarian. And yes, eating meat is very, very wrong. Even if you don't give a shit about animals, there are hundreds of thousands of people starving in third world countries due to our societys selfish, greedy, self-satisfying meat eating habits. We are the also the only species to drink milk after birth. You call that natural? 

Name: BOY -in this life.
Location: Ihmemaa, HKI FI
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 19:26:19
Protest:*TOP TEN THINGS I PROTEST* 1) War 2) Violence 3) Racisim 4) Hunting & Animal Cruelty 5) War on Drugs 6) Censorship X)Meat eating I Like top 3 1) Sex, Making LOVE & Fucking 2) Love 3) Learning. Face it, Americas, let's get together and fix WORLD. Email = Peace+Love+Mistoffolees!!! ??? BOY who likes SEX but don´t have it. On the next life i wanna be a girl. (again) 

Name:Someone Special
Location: no, IA USA
Date: Monday, September 6, 1999 at 20:47:07
Protest:America Sucks!!!!!!! Overthrow the goverment I protest the goverment and all their fucked up taxes and taking my money for their own damn use. 

Name: JAcke
Location: karlshamn, Sweden
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 18:18:14
Protest:Ny protest is to the most people and it says: Why can´t just everybody sit down for a minute and just think for guds sake just give peace a chance 

Name: Timmy
Location: Eindhoven, NB The Netherlands
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 11:56:49
Protest:What ever okey let's do it oke 

Name: Me
Location: Brisbane, QLD Australia
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 at 07:46:24
Protest:More than anything.. I really protest religion.. religion causes so many problems, and creates rifts and cultural boundries between people, which in turn create wars.. religion is truly the biggest brainwash of them all.. Also, I protest about a lot of people on this board who claim that they want free world, but then continue to say how they would like to outlaw the killing of animals etc.. the world will truly be a great place when everyone has a choice (to a certain extent of course).. where they can choose to eat meat, or choose to die.. and just have choice.. and I feel that many of you *hippies* are trying to take that away from people.. surely you can't take away the right for someone to eat meat, a food that has got us to this stage of evolution.. that is absurd.. Finally, I protest about people trying to feed the millions of starving people in the world.. when will people understand that there will never ever be enough food, because the people that are starving don't understand birth control... they have 10 children each.. did you know that the earths population is increasing at an expedential rate?? Around 1700 there was an estimated 750 million people on the earth, but 1900 there was 1.5 billion, 3 billion in 1960, 6 billion in the year 2000, looks like we're headed for 12 billion around 2020.. and sure, just like any population, it'll slow down eventually.. when we run out of space and food.. but can you imagine the living conditions?? They should educate people about birth control, and even though it is harsh (and really going against my speil about choice), I really believe that china is doing something positive by inforcing a one child policy.. as far as I am concerned, as soon as we lower the population of the earth we'll be right.. imagine if we cut the population in half.. that means half the amount of forest cut down, half the amount of pollution, twice the amount of room.. or we could keep trying to feed the hungry and we'll have 24 billion people around 2030.. there will be no forests, no wild animals.. how dare we as humans take this from every other living thing just so that we can survive and multiply rediculously.. Anyway.. if anyone has found this remotely interesting, or if its made you really mad, give me an email.. I love to chat about this shit.. Also, I suggest everyone should read a book called The Story of B.. its by daniel quinn, they have a site, its ... it drags on a bit, but god damn its insightful.. a few very very interesting points.. Ok.. thats enough from me.. 

Location: Birmingham, WM England, UK
Date: Saturday, August 28, 1999 at 13:20:26
Protest:Nah! ...Oh alright then. I protest. Just put your arms out both sides and swing 'em about as much as you feel like: That's freedom. Hit someone while you're doing it: That's not freedom anymore. Keep swinging about when you know you're hurting others: You blew it. That's all folks. Ooh just one more thing - listen to John Lenno - All I Want is Some Truth. :-) Chill! - Hang loose! Love ya, Alex x

Name: Kellie Whalen
Location: Fallston, MD USA
Date: Monday, August 23, 1999 at 13:23:18
Protest:Hi! I'm only 21 years old but I have a pretty good idea of how the world is working today. It's all about killing, money,and materialistic shit! No one these days seems to care about anything with a purpose. Anything anyone cares about invovles who the President is sleeping with, well it's over let it go! Hey fellow hippies lets get together and make this planet a better place for all beings!!!! We need to join together as one and show the world that Love is the answer; LOVE,PEACE,and HARMONY! Thanks for listening! 

Name:Brian Evans
Location: Auckland, Auck New Zealand
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 23:17:55
Protest:I protest that protestors are not organised and TOGETHER. I SUGGEST you all read my page I think if we all pool our stuff, we can beat the enemy. They are organised, but just for money Brian Evans 

Name:Zim-Zum 002
Email:None of your business
Location: just look at my other protest, man, depressed >: ( The Land of Flowers
Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 at 18:02:07
Protest:People today fuck around with others emotions today its pathetic.Who cares about who I am, where Im from, or what I have to say, but this is to the mean, hateful ass-holes in the world ... STOP MESSING AROUND WITH LOVE!!!!!!!!! Hate and war seems so systematic these days "peace and love" are now just words... no longer emotions. 

Name: Lindsay
Location: White City, Oregon United States
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 22:44:53
Protest:I protest hate, and anger. I protest the killing of animals and people. I protest people who murder flowers so they can watch them in their house for a few days. I protest trees being cut down, paper isn't neccisary. I protest violence, those people who are so out of touch with love that they live in an artificial world. I protest artificialness. I protest commercialism, always "buy, buy, buy." I protest the lack of open mindedness in this country. I protest the old people who think young people are wrong just because they are different. I protest old ladies who always think you are going to steal their purses. I protest the people who steal old ladies purses. I protest the lack of love and spirituality in our government, it is so dull and dark. I protest large subdivisions and overpopulatated Earth abusing suburban areas. I protest the people who sit in their houses all day, the people who go from box to box. And I protest the box. 

Name: erc whiteside
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 18:45:41

Name: Jack Tracker
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 15:19:16
Protest: I protest all the freaks that write on this stupid page of worthless liberal ramblings. Go ahead and smoke all the pot you want and protest the war on drugs. You're only killing your own brain cells. No wonder you people protest the stupidest things...You're coming up with these ideas while while piloting "puff the magic dragon" around the solarsystem with Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix as your co-pilots. DROP THE WEED AND GET A LIFE. And anarchy...what's with all this pro-anarchy propaganda?? I agree that gov't is over-inflated, but if their was no governing authority the world would be a completely unstructured war zone. Gun toting bandits would rule and peace-love freaks would be the first ones to be killed and looted for whatever resources they had to sustain some band of roving thugs. You all seem to mean well..but have absolutely no clue! Common sense people...Marijuana kills, and anarchy is not the solution to big gov't. You need to refocus your wayward intentions and attempt to achieve something with lasting positive results. "Not legalizing mind-altering drugs........" See ya on the flip side....!!!! 

Name: Old Hippie & Elle
Location: harrisburg, pa usa
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 00:06:15
Protest:I am an aging Hippie ,My protest is greedie spouses,that what it all for as long as they can drag you in to count. Making a mental mess of the children by degrading mom or dad just so they can get money and not let the other parent see the children much.They sit around drinking,and ignoring the children. While they watch them ,and put the other under a microscope.Telling the world lies so they can keep the checks coming in.What is wrong with a world that say a drunk is the better parent? Next or a parent that doesnt see thier children even if they only live afew miles away.When they do they drop the children off at grandmoms while the deadbeat parent goes and has fun. These parents dont know the pain a child feels because of thier actions. I feel that the counts of this great country should take a close look at the way parent interact with the children,before asigning them to one parent or make it so both parents must do thier part in the rising of the children all children were made by love...Lets make sure they are always loved by both parents if not all Be well and may you walk in peace on your path my friends Love Old Hippie & Elle 

Name: Heather
Location: Gray, TN USA
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 16:36:14
Protest:Okay I have something to say in response to all this Woodstock stuff. First of all, I went to Woodstock 99. Yes, most of the bands were about aggression, and a whole hell of a lot of people there were college kids that just wanted to party and get laid and hold up signs that said "Show us your tits," but for the most part, it was an incredibly beautiful experience. Even if the people behind it attempted to ruin the spirit by charging $4-5 for a bottle of water and making the whole thing purely commercial, I for one still had an amazing time. There were plenty of peace-loving people there! I know because I met many of them! There were tables to sign petitions for causes such as vegetarianism, and if you hung out with the craft vendors like i did the whole time you'd see that the spirit of woodstock has not died. I agree with so much you all are saying about it. I mean, it was an evil, evil scam to bring money to the people of Rome, NY, but all in all, if you weren't there you don't have a clue how beautiful it was. There was COMMUNICATION. Something this flower child from Tennessee has never seen. The people there were not all about hate. There were a few like i said, but I'll tell you the worst parts about Woodstock--the chauvinst men, the porta johns, the showers, the clutter of garbage everywhere, and the fires at the very end. But the fires weren't hardly any part of it. It was just the end of it for God's sake. And I am proud to say i left about 3 hours early before all that shit started. I wish I could tell you all how amazing the entire experience was. I spent so much money I dont know if I'll ever be able to make it up, but it was all inexpensive stuff that the craft vendors had. I bought long silk dresses for $20-25. I am a peace loving person. I went because I wanted to experience it all and meet the most amazing people of my life. And you know what? I did. And I'm going back in 2004. I refuse to believe that Woodstock 99 was all "crap." There was some good music at the Emerging Artist Stage--groups who have made albums but havent made it big--and to me they were some of the best groups there. There was vegetarian restaurants which I was thrilled with. There were beautiful people there if you knew where to look. I myself was on a natural high for 3 days, and when i left i was in tears. I will never ever forget what Woodstock gave me. I am a stronger person than I was before. I have the memories to cling to. I am only 16. And I have knowledge that Generation X doesnt. I only wish i could make people see how us hippies think. :o) You all have been misled when it comes to Woodstock 99. It wasn't all bad--honestly. I wouldnt have liked it if it wouldve been. I stayed out of the aggressive places. I went to the right places and I believe I DID get just a glimpse of what the original 69 festival was like just by talking to the craft vendors. They were so great, beautiful, beautiful people. They would give you the shirt right off their backs. There were some that were selling bottled water for $2 while the other places were charging $4 or 5. There were people there that I didn't think existed after seeing the first part of just partying college kids. But after that the experience got better with every day. I loved it. Please--just try to get all the facts before you start pointing fingers and judging things. I would probably be doing the exact same thing if I wouldnt have gone and wouldve just watched it on TV and saw the fuckers starting fires. It was, in part, what you think of it--a huge commercialized mess. But there were so many good parts I can't even name them all. People are making it seem like there were 225,000 people either miserable, aggressive, or fucked up out of there minds. When it was really not like that entirely. If you weren't there, then you don't understand. And you probably have no inkling of what went on. You just see what the media is telling you, and you all should know, the media really does just give you the bad parts. I mean Wavy Gravy was there!!! How the hell can it be all bad when Wavy is up there telling you "Take care of each other, alright?" and people are screaming "Hell yeah!" It filled me with energy and life, something i have never truly had. 

Location: -, - US
Date: Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 11:09:13
Protest:I agree wiht many of you. I myself am an animal rights activist, marijuana legalization activist, and anti-war protestor myself. The government in the USA is more worried about enforcing laws than listening to the people. This goevernment was based on the voice of the people and it is now being ignored. 80% of the people in this country feel marijuana should be legalized but it is still illegal. I am only 18 but have been arrested over 10 times for different violations all of which are BS. This new generation has to come together and creat a utopian society based on peace and happiness not war and greed. Peace to you all and come together to help. By sitting and not being active your as guilty as the aristocrats in washington. 

Name: Sunshine
Location: Manteno, IL USA
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 11:40:58
Protest:I protest the word HATE. Don't hate people, things, or ideas. LOVE them. If you can't love them, at least care about others and what they think. Our world will only improve if we stop hate. 

Location: Port Colborne, ONTARIO CANADA
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 17:45:09

Name: Frankenflower
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999 at 13:32:43
Protest:1.I protest scumbag yuppies who used to preach about changing the world when doing so made it popular to dodge the draft then suddenly cashed in their nehru for business suits when the war was over and their asses were safe.You weren't concerned citizens of the world,you were cowards hiding behind a popular facade to save yourself from service in vietnam.Otherwise you would still be trying to make a better world instead of charging 150.00 a head to experience "woodstock",if you could call it that. On the other hand kudos to old hippies who kept the faith. 2.I protest corporate slavery perpetuated by government policy and the iron fisted domination of marketplaces which should be,and would otherwise be met by small businesspeople who could control their own destiny rather than being forcably recruited into the corporate culture and spend the majority of their useful lifetime chained to the corporate machine. 3.I protest the stock market which is in reality a mechanism by which the affluent may profit from the labors of the working class while taking the lion's share of the fruits to support a system of tyranny and repression around the world. 4.I protest privately funded so called "Elections" and the presence of "lobbyists" in the people's halls which make it possible for the "elite" classes to control the character of government.Such so called elections are no more than a hollow scam designed to placate a generally ignorant populace into believing that casting a ballot every couple of years to choose from a slate of aristocrats will result in anything but a new set of elites screwing them. 5. I protest the intentional "dumbing down" of educational systems through central control of curriculum and shamefully inadequate funding to produce a class of citizen not only increasingly tolerant of,but somehow largely disinterested in the above mentioned screwing or the fact that they could actually do something about it. 6. I protest marajuana laws which were created by ignorant assholes and are perpetuated by even more ignorant assholes(who all probably have money in the stock market). 7. I protest the ever increasing violation of the basic human right to free choice in the name of the "good of society" which in reality is for the good of industry and the elite coprorate slaveowners.There are no higher motivations for drug laws and other laws which are designed to keep you from having the choice to take risks than to forceably create a healthier "herd" from whose efforts the elite may better profit.Human beings should not be treated as cattle and those who would do so are unspeakably evil and if christians are right,and there is any justice in the universe,will spend eternity with a hot poker up their ass. 8. I protest the murder of JFK,RFK,MLK and a plethora of "lone assasin" killings of anyone who tries to help which just happen to form a goddamned suspicious pattern.Can you say,"Kill the best and buy the rest"?. 9. I protest myself for being overopinionated and protesting altogether too much. So there...I don't usually protest but now I feel better.

Name: Pearl
Location: Phoenix, AZ USA
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 21:31:30
Protest:Hi, I don't know if you can really call this a protest. It is more like a protest w/ a bit of plain old bitching mixed in. Anyway... I get so pissed off at how people are today, almost EVERYONE. I mean its all about materialistic shit, It seems like no one cares. Or if they do care, they only care about their one thing...They don't care about the world as a whole. I know this isn't entirely true, that its easier to look at the negative, but sometimes i just get so overwhelmed. I mean even some of the self proclaimed "hippies" that I know aren't really "hippies". I mean they HAVE to have store bought bellbottoms and all that. Just because they dress like a "hippie" doesn't make them one. I just feel like everything is about how you are on the outside, but thats just a facade...I mean say yours some really gorgeous chick (at least on the outside) but your really vain and you don't care about anyone or anything..well you could get in a car wreck and it could disfigure your face. If your "identity" is being all gorgeous and shit but you never work on the inside your totally screwed...You in a way don't exist anymore b/c you never worked on the real YOU...Okay i feel im just babbeling now, im sorry for takeing up your time. Thanx for reading this..I was just trying to say how people have to worry about each other about the earth and who gives a shit if they wear bellbottoms or not...they can be nude for all i care. 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 19:29:04
Protest:This is a long post. But it's necessary. Read it and you'll see why I think this needs to be said - all of it.

There's a lot of shit on this protest page about modern music. Main 'protested bands'? Rap music, limp bizkit, and modern music in general. I protest the ignorant. Rap music is often violent and offensive, but listen to this one song, I think it's called "That's Just The Way It Is" about racism. Then, listen - seriously - to the lyrics of some limp bizkit songs. How about "Pollution"...

so when they tell me to turn down that volume
I'm gonna bring that beat back
and when they tell Sam to turn down that bass
I'm gonna bring that beat back
and when they tell me to turn down the vocal
I'm gonna bring that beat back
and when they tell us to shut the fuck up
I'm gonna bring that beat back

What's wrong with saying you want to play your music loud? Then, even better, listen to Counterfeit...

pitiful you, your hideous behavior
hate what God gave ya, fakin all the flava
artificial minds seekin out the new trends
get in where you fit in
quit thinkin like a has-been diggin in my culture
let me let your punks know I'm an old school soldier
with the funk flow
a damn shame you wanna change yourself

Counterfeit. It's about people who change themselves to fit in with the trends. It's about people denying themselves because it ain't 'cool'. It's saying they suck. Isn't that true? Isn't that part of what being a hippy is all about? Next song. Stuck.

you wanna play that game bitch
you take a dash for my cash, it's your ass that I'm blasting
boy you wanna play that game bitch
you take a dash for my cash, it's your ass that I'm blasting

It's protesting greed, capitalism, and the commercialisation of music.

And then there's the one which most of you are protesting in line with. 'Untitled Ditty'.

am i freak in the darkness, or am i misfit?
you speak of opinions
do sink in so deep
but it's alright
you're just an illusion, confused by your narrow mind
reality is up ahead in the distance
but that lack of persistence has left you behind
now you're reaching for your sanity
cuz you afraid of me
so don't fuck with me
you wanna ask me a question?
well, i gotta question
how much longer can i tolerate this shit
egos trip when you're livin' on the flip side
drop out of a uterous and god damn
i see you pointin' your finger
you stereotype me cuz you don't like me
well you don't even know me don't know me

stereotype me cuz you don't like me

As for modern pop music in general, a lot of it is senseless shit based on a combination of love, sex and mind-numbing stupidity and repetition. Occasionally you get something good - go listen to The Shamen's songs. I've labelled each song with the best remix available, as The Shamens' songs often come out in several versions. Anyway, Ebeneezer Goode [Beat Edit] promotes partying and ecstasy. Phorever People [The Beatmasters Heavenly Edit] promotes knowing yourself and what the truth is - being a hippy. The best is Comin' On Strong [Beat Edit] - a song promoting the abolition of the divide between cultures and races within modern day youth culture.

And Re: Evolution is a great song to listen to while your mind is running on something illegal.

Alternatively, some tracks are simply great dance tunes. Fat Boy Slim... ATB... Wiseguys... These songs aren't supposed to have a message. They're supposed to help you have a good time.

"So what?" I hear you ask. "That's only a few bands of the many." Listen to Garbage - When I Grow Up, protesting the oppression of the teenager. Or Guns 'N' Roses - Civil War, which carries an important message about the realities of war. You might be offended by Get In The Ring, but that's about the 'distortion of the truth' employed by journalists to promote their magazine and get rich. Iron Maiden may not seem that way inclined, as a band, but listen to the Angel and the Gambler. Salvation is there for anyone, regardless of what they have done in the past.

Now. The two ultimate 'devil' bands. Fear Factory and Nine Inch Nails. I can see you thinking that I'd falter when I got to these. You think the wrong way. Ever listen to Fear Factory - Zero Signal? It's about God. It's protesting that God never answers the prayer. About the fact that no matter how much we pray for peace and for each other, we still get hatred and war. Most of the rest of their songs are simply music meant to help people enjoy themselves. It's Fat Boy Slim in heavy metal. Even New Breed, which seems to tell Generation X that we can change the future and do whatever we want to it. What happens in the future is our responsibility. That's a salient point, isn't it?

And now NIN...

'Heresy' is about the blindness of some who devote themselves to God and ignore all other opinions and possibilities. And, more specifically, when those people move their ideas into government and use them to restrict other free thinkers. There used to be a law in England, before the colonisation of America, that everyone had to go to church on Sunday for at least an hour. Don't tell me that's right.

"March Of The Pigs". Police oppression. You reckon this is a good thing? If you ever do, *then* you can protest against NIN.

"Closer" is expressing basic instincts, harsh reality. Deep down, this is how you feel.

"Ruiner" seems to me about both Judas Iscariot and corporate mega-people. Listen to it and see what you think.

I ask just one thing - listen to all the songs above, listen to the words, understand them and assimilate them. Realise that the concepts within these songs are not hatred and violence. A previous post made a very intelligent point - people often hate songs and think of them as songs of the devil simply because of the music behind the lyrics. That's an important thing - the lyrics are not behind the music. The lyrics are the most important thing. The music is simply appealing to a particular group's tastes. Anyway, remember this:

Doesn't matter if people say fuck. Doesn't matter if they describe graphic violence, even. It's if they're doing it *right*. March Of The Pigs is the most graphically violent song you'll find almost anywhere, and yet - it's in a negative light. It's about the oppression. About the restriction. About the use of brute force to repress and destroy. All this is real and can't be ignored, and graphic violence is also a reality. In order to plan the future, we have to understand the present. Don't ignore the truth. Don't come down on good music - or even bad music - that you don't understand because you've never listened to it. Don't simply think - industrial music, graphic violence, shouting, it must be promotion of evil. It isn't.

Fucking well sort yourself out.

Power to the Subculture

Name: Sarah
Location: Moon Twp., PA U.S.A
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 01:27:23
Protest: Hi. Lets be honest,there will never be true world peace. But we can make world peace happen. A lot of the problem starts at people who thrive on power, money, status, and greed. Part of the problem is people keep moving away from God. He gave us a perfect world, he's gave us free will. Look what man has done to this. What ever happened to simplicity, love for one's neighbor, and love for our earth the place we call home. Violence is everywhere. Children killing children. What happened to parents who taught thier children right from wrong. Now I may only be 16, but damn it we can all make things happen. Most of parents took part in the 60's revolution. We try to imitate this with a woodstock 99 and look it ended with riots. I thought they fought for peace, love ,and understanding. I believe we can make things happen, but we need to get up off our asses and quit waiting for someone else to start the revolution. Each and every single one of us can make a change in this world. It can be as easy as writting letters, creating art, sharing your ideas and feelings with others. We need to ban together, put aside our differences and fight for what we want. Peace, Love, and Understanding. Protect our earth, love your neighbors, don't let hate corrupt your hearts. Don't let power, money,and greed rule your lives. no one person can do this on thier own. we must fight together. Look back in history the million man march. Now that said something, that got peoples attention. Although we may be young, old, male, female we can fight this together and win. But we can only win through unity. There's no need for racism because God made man in his own image. Let's get peace. let's all do it together. ~Free Spirit~ 

Name: ~elizabeth~
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 22:08:57
Protest: well my protest is WOODSTOCK '99....what the hell is wrong with people 2day?? first off, nothing can ever compare to WOODSTOCK '69. they made a complete and total mockery of what WOODSTOCK was and what it should be. the only reason WOODSTOCK '99 happened was people just wanted to find a new way to make more FUCKIN' $$$. WOODSTOCK was created to unite a great number of people with a lot of diversity that would rarely be with each other. by doing so, they brought the world 2gether with a common interest....MUSIC. WOODSTOCK '99 was all about the $$$ and there is no doubt about that. so why were people so shocked when they had to pay $4 for water??? and why is that grounds for starting fires and creating violence?? the people of today have all their priorities backwards. get real because when it is all over, none of it will matter and all of you know that....not the $$, not the clothes, not the job that you have...what will matter will be if you TRUELY were a benefit to this world. beside if someone is going to hold a festival like WOODSTOCK the bands should NOT get paid. they should be honored enough that they would be able to play at an event like WOODSTOCK, or should i say, what WOODSTOCK should be, not what it currently was. if your going to charge $155.00 for a ticket and $4 for water, dont use the $$$ to pay the bands, give it charity or to a good cause. c'mon people get yourselves 2gether. PEACE and LOVE to you all.....~me~

Location: London, England
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 20:22:34
Protest:All people who want to put an end to war, racism, homophobia,sexism, and any form of oppression especially class oppression, Join The Socialist Worker's Party in the UK or another socialist group in your country, for details e mail me, we must all unite in the name of internationalism, and socialism, and put an end to the governments that breed oppression.

Name: Alex Di Pasquale
Location: Reggio Calabria, RC ITALY
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 11:28:15
Protest:I've not much to say. War in Serbia it is just finished. Everyone knows about it. Make love not war, man! Peace and love, Alex ps: greetings from italy 

Name:Marielle Profijt
Location: Hoogeveen, Drenthe Nederland
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 09:21:07
Protest:Everybody have to life in peace!!! Don't eat meat and also give love to animals!!! 

Location: scunthorpe, england
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 04:37:04
Protest:I protest against waseting food when other people need it more than us. 

Name: Tim
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 01:00:42
Protest:I oppose lab testing on animals. Instead, I propose that all testing on lab animals be stopped, and scientists world wide begin lab testing on hippies. That's right. Hippies will actually contribute something to mankind for the first time ever. It's time the crud cuddlers do something beneficial for society. We can stop cruelty to animals and begin cruelty to hippies.

Name: DAN
Location: London, England
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 22:16:36
Protest:If anyone wants to crush oppression, and help form a workers state, join the SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY for details email me. 

Name: Dan
Location: London, England
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 22:13:42
Protest:I protest capitalism and the oppression of the masses, the fact that the government is refered to as they, it should be we, we should legalise cannabis,m not they should legalise cannabis, if people stopped voting for the parties that don't listen to the people the government will never be we or us, crush barbarism, crush capitalism, crush racism, and remember we have nothing to lose and a world to gain. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE. 

Name: Captain Spoot
Location: Vista, CA USA
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 05:39:15
Protest:i protested before against marijuana, saying it was addictive and it is. its not addictive like cigarettes, but you get hooked psychologically. at any rate, ivegot some statistics for you. sixty five percent of teens poled voted that you should keep good ole mary jane illegal. to quote from the movie "Good Will Hunting," "How do you like dem apples?" 

Name: Beth
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 20:43:59
Protest: When will everybody see that all the world needs for peace,happiness & harmony is the love of Jesus? He loves you,no matter what you have done. He wants you to love Him back. In Christ<>< 

Name: Daria
Location: NY, NY USA
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 10:48:25
Protest:I really dislike my town. Maybe it is in all towns, I do not know. I live in a high class, lots of money, gossipy, preppy town. And I want OUT. One evening I was taking a walk with my boyfriend--who happens to have longer hair, down to his shoulders almost--when a woman who's daughter goes to my school, not even my friend, see's us walking together, at night, with a few other people. Now what we were doing should not have been any of her business but in our gossipy town everyone feels they must talk about everyone else so the next day this woman goes up to my mother and starts talking to her and saying how she "wouldnt let HER daughter do something like that--especially not with some skanky boy with LONG hair" Now I have you know he is NOT skanky and so what if he's got longer hair?? He treats me well--just as well as he would if his hair were shorter and he dressed as a prep. Another thing that I greatly dislike about my town is how everyone must be in a "group" and be labeled. In our school we have the "preps" the "wiggers" the "losers" (more like the not accepted because they dont care about the things the preps do) and my group's--"the 'acid tripping' 'pot smoking''crazy''hippie''lost their minds''gone insane''their opinions dont matter' group. First off I have never dropped acid, and have only tried pot-granted some of my friends do these things but they are not "pot heads" as to being called a hippie? I do not mind that. But "crazy, psycho, in need of seeing a therapist"????? They only say this because I am not like them--I dress in many different kinds of clothes--I wear jncos because they are comfortable, I wear huge bells because i like them, I love shopping at Prime Cuts a hippie deadhead store, for clothes and i love wearing my shirts with my favorite music groups on them, and my shirts with interesting quotes on them--how does this make me crazy? Because I dont like wearing the prep clothes that are in the majority? That is why they call me that, that reason and because of the way I think. I am agnostic and I have strong feelings about different things--peace, no war, gov sucks, etc--I made this art project where I cut up lots of different words or sayings from magazines, that taken away from the rest of the add can be interperted in many different ways. Then I glued them all on this one board. Because they saw that it was MY project they interperted the words as words of death, drugs, and other things like that--none of which I support (drugs maybe) I like a lot of different kinds of music (hendrix, zeppelin, pink floyd, etc) but I also LOVE Metallica. People label me a Satanist because of this--they think that Metallica worships and supports the devil. Just to prove them wrong I typed up the lyrics to the Metallica song "Nothing Else Matters" I personally feel that this song is a very wonderful song and the lyrics are very touching and beautiful. I did not tell them who the song was by I just showed them the lyrics. Once they had read them they thought they were beautiful and asked who had written them, when I said that it was a Metallica song they immediatly said that it was a horrible song and there was probably devil messages involved in the lyrics. Is it so wrong to be me? Why cant anyone just accept that I dont like to spend my time worrying over whether I have the new abercrombie and fitch shirt in my closet or not?? My group of friends are all very different from eachother, and I love them all--why cant all of my other peers just accept me for me?

Name: Carnivore
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 06:17:42

Name: sungirl69
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 02:20:20
Protest: I am protesting eating meat and using animals in experiements, lab tests and in food and beauty products. I also protest genitically engineered food. This is wrong!! Mother nature is just fine they way she is, and humans don't need to kill or eat animals to live! Without the slaughter of millions of animals the world would be a much more peaceful place!! Meat is not good for you and neither is dairy. It's extremely hazardous to the environment and to the human body. Protest capitialism... go animal-free today! And buy organic!! today!!

Name: sungirl69
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 02:19:34
Protest: I am protesting eating meat and using animals in experiements, lab tests and in food and beauty products. I also protest genitically engineered food. This is wrong!! Mother nature is just fine they way she is, and humans don't need to kill or eat animals to live! Without the slaughter of millions of animals the world would be a much more peaceful place!! Meat is not good for you and neither is dairy. It's extremely hazardous to the environment and to the human body. Protest capitialism... go animal-free today!!

Name:Yup, sorry, it's me again: Maxine
URL:there will be soon, just you wait.
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 11:50:11
Protest:Re WoodCrock 99: In England, my part of the world, we are lucky in that a proportion of our festivals actually capture the spirit of the original Woodstock. Any that don't are shunned by the press and media, as well as the hippies. Glastonbury in Somerset, UK is THE example of true Woodstock 69 spirit. It is the biggest festival of its kind in Europe, and it has been running for circa 30 years. Yes, it costs a bomb to get in, but guess what? The money actually goes to good and deserving causes- Greenpeace and the leftie press. You won't find commercial pop or Marilyn Manson-esques anywhere, and you can actually give someone a flower there without getting a punch and a sneer back. Just like Woodstock 69. In fact, there is a joke amongst British festival goers that basically says that there are probably more long-haired hippies at Glastonbury than there were even at the original Woodstock. And, one more thing, *whispers* Glastonbury is the easiest festival to get into a) with drugs and b) without a ticket. But I didn't tell you that of course......! Yes, to all you Americans, don't despair about Woodstock 99. Come over to this side of the pond next June for the biggie- Glastonbury 2000- and get the Woodstock Experience you never knew still existed. Ask nicely and I'll pay for your flight(!) Glastonbury 2000- I'll be there- will you? 

URL:watch this space- there'll be one soon.
Location: Buckinghamshire, England
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 11:47:34
Protest: Other than WoodCrock 99, the majority of argument on this page seems geared towards what is or what isn't a hippie. This just detracts from the real issues that are important here. For a start, no-one "calls" themselves a hippie as such, ie, it is not a label you give yourself, rather a label that other people give you, to the extent that you start to use it. People who say that a hippie is someone with a liberal line on things, rather than someone who smokes grass and wears tie-dyes may be partially right- but then, most people who simply take a liberal line on things would not call themselves hippies and would be at best, surprised and at worst, horrified if anyone else did. Also, saying that a hippie isn't someone who wears all the stuff and smokes all the stuff is confusing three things: leisure, appearance and views on politics/global issues. Leisure includes all the stuff like smoking dope, dropping acid and making beads. Appearance includes things such as wearing the tie-dyes, sandles and growing your hair. And views on poltics/global issues- that's really what makes you a hippie. But it doesn't set you apart from non-hippies who may have the same views. That's where the sandles and tie-dyes come in- they're there to give hippies an identity separate from others and the drugs are a personal choice that go with that idea. After all, if hippies didn't have these things to give us our identity, there wouldn't really be any way of distinguishing us from any other person with left-of-the-middle views and a penchant for travel and vegetarian cooking, would there? On the other hand, some people who would call themselves hippies by virtue of their views, don't want such an identity, so they dress and behave just like everyone else. That doesn't make them more or less of a hippie, either. So, please stop all the blather about who is or who isn't a hippie. Hippiedom is meant to be about tolerance, so let those hippies who wish to do drugs and wear sandles and beads wear them, and let those hippies who wish to be tee-total and wear Parka jackets and Hush Puppies do that too. If you're wearing the gear and doing the drugs for the right reasons (ie because you want to), then you're a hippie. If you're not wearing the gear or taking the drugs, but you still think like a hippie, then you're still a hippie just the same. The only people who have no true right to call themselves hippies are those that do not believe in anything remotely hippie and are horrible people, but simply wear the gear for fashion reasons. That's really all there is to it. I protest against non-hippies who obviously know nothing about the movement and have stupid preconceptions about what we are and, especially worryingly, seem to have a long list of the things that we're supposedly to blame for. There are lots of examples of these sorts of people that have passed through here over the months, I can't remember the names of all the offenders, but I'm sure they will know who I mean shortly. For a start, it appears that some people think our fault that this generation is messed up. Well, it seems to have escaped these people's notice that a) Most of the people on this page are not the 'original' hippies, but actual members of Generation X and we can't be blamed for messing up this generation when we weren't even alive before that, and b) Most of the reasons for which Generation X is messed-up (eg: mindless conservative propoganda and capitalism amongst others), are precisely some of the things hippies have been protesting against for the last 30 years, NOT things that we have bought upon the world ourselves!!!! Someone also said that hippies are to blame for spreading STDs. Did it occur to them that most problem STDs were around and spreading hundreds of years before hippies came to exist?!! Which brings me to the next common cricism of hippies: "You've been doing this for 30 years and nothing's changed......" Well pardon me, how long do you expect world change to take? Ten minutes? It's like having a three-year old kid in the back of a car on a long journey, who screams out: "Are we nearly there yet?" every two minutes because she/he hasn't yet learnt to be patient and realise that things take time. Just becasue things take time, doesn't mean we should stop bothering. People say our ideas are stupid and unrealistic. I suppose they have much better ones? What's stupid or unrealistic about wanting to change things for the better, in whatever way? Most hippie are perfectly aware that world peace can never really be achieved, but it's a matter of trying to get as close to it as possible and do our bit to let that happen. And there's nothing better to fuel people's dislike of hippies than the mention of drugs or body odour. What a fantastic way to dodge the real issues: politics and the world. What we choose to do in our leisure time or to our bodies is our business, and should not interfere with our views on politics and other issues, and what we are trying to achieve. Non-hippies: forget the drugs, forget the sandles: we've got aims other than to get as stoned as possible, and we need YOUR help to achieve them! Critics of hippies: if you don't like us, sure, you can have your opinion but GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name:Nikki Sundy
Location: Sharon , pa USA
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 16:15:02
Protest:I really can't stand racism, we need to realize how much love in the world we have for each other if we put aside some very rediculas things! I hope one day that we can get along!! I'M STARTING A PEACE RIOT EMAIL ME IF YOU WANT T TO JOIN 

Name: Drew Smith
Location: Atlanta, GA USA
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 15:16:07
Protest:Free Leonard Peltier now! Eliminate all nuclear weapons! No more oppression!!!!! Let's all work TOGETHER, every man, woman, and child, for a brighter, united tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Ocean Lilly
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:13:58
Protest: Everyone is so much more interested in blaming other people about violence, why don't they just wake the hell up and stop complaining and do something about it! If everyone loved as much as they hated, our world would be so great. Peace my friends. 

Name: Brian Kent
Location: Guys Mills, PA America
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 08:52:56
Protest:In america we're supposed to be free...right! Well we're obviously not, so why ain't there more being done. Headlines- "Stop World Hunger" "Solve the Debt" "Don't Do Drugs", we need to stop the pollution and enjoy our opportunity to experience this high we call life. If there was no currency and everyone did their part we wouldn't have a national debt, world hunger, wars, and so on. First marijauna and acid, illegal- what the fuck...It reaches our outer minds and helps us live, so stuck up rich people ban it. Yeah, there in control. I totally hate how society is making it illegal for certain people to do different things. If you only 15 you'll get fined for driving, i am only 15 and to me that's just like predjudiced. I have no problem with marijuana and acid, the only drug i hate is the mind washing drug of society... 

Name: Crimson
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 21:10:04 we've got this whole peace and love and equality thing going right? Time for my pet peeve...all of the "hippies" that won't talk to the "non-hippies" Isn't this the exact opposite of your believes? Can we say hypocrite? This is one of the things that trigger anger in many minds. I also would like to agree with whomever it was that made the message about Yoko being wrongfully accused. She did not do it. That's all of your time I need for now. Thanks. SMILE :) 

Name: cheshire
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 15:33:41
Protest:hey we are living in a country were we want peace and love and we allow america to keep adoption records closed. think about it...why can't children know all of their parents and visa versa. give peace a chance and help people trapped in adoption issues a chance to thier nature. let them have a birth certificate like every other citizen. . 

Name: Dharma
Date: Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 16:23:42
Protest:OK, OK - this is simply a pet peeve, but I have to spread this around. Me, being a totally devout fan of the Beatles, have come from yet another debate over the break-up. I absolutly love the Beatles and have no serious problems with Yoko Ono, and I'm thoroughly sick of the misinformed scapegoating her to this day. I won't take up precious board space over this, but will be PLEASED AS PUNCH to take up a debate via e-mail if you disagree. I will argue this until I'm blue in the face (and fingers). The breakup was long in coming - it was a slow death in which Yoko played only a small role and would have occured with or without her. I have read about this over and over - but even common sense should tell you they had long outgrown each other. Well, as I said - I won't take up any more board space. I will be happy to argue down anyone who disagrees with me =) Peace and Love to you all!! Dharma 

Name: Kathey Reese *~StarDust~*
Location: Janesville, wi USA
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 01:45:31
Protest:PEOPLE need to take care of our earth (Gigiaa) because its the only one we have and if you dont treat it with respect you dont ruin it for just you you ruin it for everyone around you and even you children or grandchildren so take care of the earth and show some respect~ Please! Peace and Love Kathey a.k.a *~StarDust~* 

Name: Lily (Ali Emert
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 22:03:24
Protest: I may be young but I feel everyone should treat everyone and everything respectfully and lovingly. Animals may have been put here for us but that dosen't autamatically mean should go out and kill them. Everyone should be heard. People shouldn't forget about the 60's. War should be stopped! 

Name:Bobby Clark
Location: Boca Raton, FL USA
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 20:58:52
Protest:These are the list of things that I am protesting against 1. NBA game tickets, merchandise, or anything bearing the NBA logo. The NBA epitomizes everything wrong with American society. They are a bunch of overpaid losers who don't work hard. All they care about is money 2. MTV, I will continue to boycott this channel until they start playing decent videos, get rid of all the idiotic shows, and go back to the original 24-hour format they used to have 3. Meat, I believe it is wrong to kill animals for food, enough said 4. Rap Music. Rap Music is the most offensive and vile form of music that exists today. It is just a bunch of illiterate idiots that act like morons in interviews and in their videos. I'm not even going to go into the whole ebonics thing. 5. American Radio Stations, I will continue protest against American radio stations until they remove their ban against British music and kick 3rd rate dullards like matchbox 20 to the curb. Because British music has proven to be far superior than American music
Location: peace n love, Canada
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 16:11:43
Protest:I'm against people who judge someone by their sexuality alone! Being bisexual myself, I can tell you that it's not pleasant to be bombarded with the comments that I do get. It hurts, and people need to realize that someone's sexual orientation doesn't make them a bad person: It's their heart, soul, and spirit that matter. Anyone who can't see that isn't worth your time... Peace.

Name: janis
Location: NY, NY USA
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 15:43:32
Protest:yeah, i do agree with those people who protested against woodstock 99. it's suppose to be about peace, love and music. i'm not saying that it's only for hippies and that's it! it is, in fact, a be-in...everybody's welcome!! but the problem is....people are commercializing it. i don't have any problems with bands that create music (any kind of music!)..after all, music is art but when they use their music to promote violence is wrong! they promote violence and murder and hate....that's when they get out of hand. music is good but it's suppose to be a tool to enlighten people or teach them what's right. these bands and people that create music that promote violence are only seems. i mean, the truth is nobody likes to suffer or be hated! do you? so, all of what they are saying is wrong. i bet that if they become prisoners for people like, for example, Hitler...and Hitler would make them suffer a slow death..i know they'd be the first one to scream and wish that everything in this world is just love and no war! they're only saying that they love violence because they want to look cool and not sound corny. but sometimes, being corny is being real! i don't want to offend anybody who like music with violence or to anybody who's going to woodstock 99. please be open minded and let me remind you that this is only an opinion....respect it. 

Name: Moondance
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 00:31:54
Protest:I have to protest for my little animal friends. In my city and many others, probably the whole of the western world, it is now a law that CATS have to be on leashes and chained up. it is bad enough that dogs must be confined and chained up like a crazy human, but now cats? It is getting out of hand. Cats are one of the free-est creatures you could think of. Did you know that if a cat had a collar on and it jumped off a fence of a tree branch and jumped a certain way, it can get the collar caught and it will choke to death. We're more concerned people won't be afraid of cats, or that they won't leave a "mess" on your lawn than the freedom of a great and powerful creature. Cats are proven stress relievers..they can't reduce our stress if they're full of stress from trying to avoid everything that is a probable choker. 

Location: Peoria, IL USA
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 23:58:32
Protest:I'm totally against racisim and I'm totally outraged at what happned the previous 4th of July weekend (sorry kinda late I guess). When the white-supremmisist went on his killing rampage. He only lived a couple of cities over & apparently bought his gun illegally in our city. Now our city is the place where most of it began, I'm ashamed to live in a city where such a horrific event started. I think to myself it could have been one of my friends, my prayers go out to the friends & family of those who have been so thoughtlessly murdered. Thank you for your time in reading my protest.

Peace & Love,

Name: Child of the New Rising Sun
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 22:42:11
Protest:I totally agree with what Dharma said about WoodCrock '99. It's a total insult and a blemish on the name Woodstock. Tickets to the 1969 concert cost $18 for the three-day festival. Tickets to WoodCrock '99 cost a whopping $150. Woodstock '69 was eventually declared a free concert. WoodCrock '99 has a 12-foot high fence to prevent non-ticket holders from getting in. It's not about music or art or anything. It's all about fucking money. I was outraged when I heard that acts like Limp Bizkit and DMX and Marilyn Manson would be playing at the festival. What the hell does this festival have to do with Woodstock?? They're not even holding it in the right month!! If they had used another name, I would not be so outraged, but to use the name Woodstock for a commercialized outdoor festival featuring several of the most obnoxious, violent and hostile musicians in the world is akin to heresy. Tattooed skinheads in a big mosh pit does not exactly bring to mind visions of Woodstock, for me at least. Sorry for rambling, I just wanted to state my opinion on this crock of shit that's coming up this weekend. 

Name:Debby McElhenney (steve west's computer)
Location: Deltona, FL USA
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 15:55:47
Protest:Everytime something bad happens to the Kennedy family people have to immediately badmouth them, not thinking of the good they have done in this country. Also, no one ever thinks of the good use Michael Jackson has done with his money, e.g. medical relief teams. Do we always have to be so critical of famous people? It would do us all good to try to imitate them in their good endeavors, and not bitch about them. Thanks for letting me bitch. Also, boycott Proctor and Gamble..they still torture animals. 

Name: Dharma
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 15:43:25
Protest:I know this topic has probably been more than exhausted, but I have to say something about this Woodstock99 crap. I put a post over there on that board a few weeks ago stating my opinion and was barraged by hate replies, which was expected because it was their board. I beleive it is the complete bastardizaton of 1969. Parents are flying their kids out to this pitiful commercialized recyclization of a defining 60's moment -and that's just wrong right there. How many parents flew their kids out to the original?? The 90's is a sorry attempt of a remake of past decades - just flip through any magazine and see what I'm talking about. I'm sorry, Backstreet Boys and N Sync don't strike me as the type to pour their true beleifs into the music. How can you take 90's music and hang a 60's title on it?? Woodstock meant peace and love - give someone a flower at WoodCrock99 and see what happens to you. The 90's is not about peace and love. I would like it to be - that's why I wish I could've been born 34 years earlier than what I was. If this concert was under any other name, it would be tolerable. It just degrades the original. Honestly, I love you all, but I don't care if I offened anyone. Peace and Love to you all always (even if you are going to Wood Crock 99) Dharma

Name: Nina
Location: near Milwaukee, Wi U.S.
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 12:26:03
Protest:So many believe in freedom for all, but what about the innocent prisoners right here in our towns, our cities, day after day being ignored, pushed aside, by the ignorant, the arrogant!?! What about the animals? If you live near the Milwaukee area, or don't mind traveling, please email me. Please join the Primate Freedom Tour. 

Name: Kristen
Location: Monroe, La USA
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 23:18:59
Protest:Look, sorry if I sounded ignorant, but all I was trying to say was that I support Woodstock today, then, and forever. People in the 60s and 70s were all about expression and feelings. In MOST of today's music, that is still what everything is about...expressing your feelings. Personally, I don't like the Backstreet Boys, but I respect people who like them. I respect people for being who they are. Matt, I am sorry, but I was just expressing my opinion. If I sounded rude, egotistical, or nieve, sorry! I don't appreciate the personal attack, though. I am not an ignorant person; I'm just an avid supporter of every type of it N Sync or Type O Negative. Second of all, I never once mentioned "old"...I did refer to the other generation, though. My music tastes vary, and I listen to 60s and 70s music, but that's not all I can hear. I am a very open minded person, and I see the beauty in almost anything. Once again, I would like to apologize if I offended anyone in any way. 

Name: Lenah
Location: Gilbert, AZ U.S.A>
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 22:18:47
Protest:My Essay is called: Why Hatred and not Love? I just watched one of the most intense and truthful movies ever made; American History X. It made me start thinking about a lot of feelings I have. The first feeling that came to mind was hatred. This movie showed me that hatred is an on going cycle and it is a disgusting feeling. We as a society would not have as many problems if hatred was not an option for the cowards, including myself. Why should I hate the White supremacist? I should be directing my energy on helping them. Then again, I could probably about a hundred reasons why I hate them. First of all, how dare anyone worship the devils of all devils, Adolf Hitler. He brought pain aand suffering to not only 6 million Jews, blacks, mentally handicap, gypsies, twins, gays, and all minorities. But he brought, and still bring, suffering to all the families, soldiers, and countries involved in the war. (If you have never seen Saving Private Ryan, watch it! It will give you a good idea what these men were put up against.) As you can see, we still have people hating other people because of this foolish man. And did any of those idiots think about what a coward their almighty leader really was? He shot himself because he knew deep down in his heart he was a weak and stupid man, and he could never face his failures. What a leader. I want to know, what is so wrong with living peacfully and not having to live your entire life trying to prove you are better than so and so. Because I live peacfully with God and people in and out of my community, I get to enjoy things that those fools are too busy for. For instance, I can go to Mexico and appreciate their really neat laguage. And I can watch the sunset over the horizon. And I can look at a black, Hispanic, Korean, or white person, and see beyond their skin color and accents. For this, I can live in peace with myself. I am 18 years old, and I wonder why I am not a superficial teen. Did God give me something special to overcome a future obstical, or are their more people like me who are just too affraid to say how they really feel and THINK?! I believe that is the case. Everyday I turn on the TV, or open the newspaper, and I am filled with bullshit, coplete bullshit! All these stupid adults question why our youth is out of control. I'll give them one good guess. Look at the people who are on the news every single night. Gangbangers, white supremacists, phycos, burglars all make our TV's glow at least two time a day. And hey, if you have cable, you can watch that shit all day. I am tired of these idiots consuming even one more second fo anyones day! So my point is, lets stop hating and lets start enjoying life. You only get a good 70 years and then it is over. You know what? I would even be happy if people would just start tolerating each other. Violence solves nothing, it only creates more problems. Freinds do not come in in a color or a race, but rather with knowledge, compassion,a nd a personality that you like being around. So the moral is, lighten up, start enjoying life, and learn anything and everthing possible, because life is too short to stay simple minded (I like to call it stupid, but I'm being nice) and worrying about who you hate. Make love, not war. Lenah 

Location: Jackson, ky usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 17:27:40
Protest: I think that the World white church or whatever there name should be banned from all civilazation. and should take there page off the net. We should stop discrimnation on the net.!!!!!! 

Name:Mr. Kite (Adam Bruneau)
Location: Dacula, GA USofA
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 17:12:54
Protest:I've been reading many really angry protests about the new Woodstock and, while I must agree that the name has changed into a product that the establishment is selling off as "alternative" (while being the exact opposite of that), I think that the best way to approach this is by supporting underground music. The best music today is underground, and just because millions of people listen to sludge like the Backstreet Boys and Limp Bizkit doesn't mean you have to! Be adventurous and pick up some albums by groups like Apples in Stereo, Neutral Milk Hotel, etc. I'd really recommend any Flaming Lips album to every hippie that visits the page. They make the most beautiful, fun, and insightful music I've ever heard.

Name: Matt
ny usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 15:08:09
Protest: My name is Matt. I posted the message 2nd down from this one. I am writing back to say how ignorant kristin sounded in her replay that was wrote regarding woodstock. First of all i'm not old ,i'm 18. I don't have a problem that you listen to groups like the backstreet boys but i don't think a good name like woodstock should be ruined by having all shitty groups like them there. Today's music is shit. I can't stand how many people of my generation are so fucking ignorant. 60's and 70's music is that best and that's all there is to it. THE END

Location: Monroe, Louisiana USA
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 14:27:28
Protest:I think everyone who is all uptight about this year's Woodstock should chill out. I mean, come on...the only way kids are going to find out stuff is from the older people. Now, if the other generations get ticked off at our generation for trying to hold a Woodstock, THAT'S lame. Music has changed, yes, but everything evolves. I bet people who were your age when you were our age thought your music sucked, too. But, you loved it. We got the Woodstock idea from you guys, let it evolve, shaped it, and made it our own. This is our generation's party...let us party. We give you credit. It's our turn and everything we do was taught to us by someone else. So, come on, we're just taking what you guys handed down to us, molding it, and making it something new. But, it's not entirely new. There will always be a little hippie in everything. As long as people are still expressing feeling in songs, there is a little hippie in music. =o) So, cheer up...we credit you. Sincerely, The New Generation 

Name: Matt Jarvie
new york usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 14:19:52
Protest: I can't agree more with what the cat before me made in reference to this years so called"woodstock 99" festival. To me it all seems to be a big crock of shit. All it is is this big commercial hype,which people seem to go crazy over. This festival does not even deserve to be called woodstock. This festival bares no similarities at all with the original woodstock,it's not even close to the same location. The groups performing at the festival are as lame as hell anyway,rap music and woodstock do not go togeather neither does fucking metallica. The music of the 60's beats the shit out of todays untallented,overhyped,overcommercialized bubblegum shit groups. All iv'e got to say is that this years so called woodstock festival is a big sham and should be boycotted by all those with true spirit for the 60's and the music. peace........Matt

Name: Matt Jarvie
new york usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 14:14:38
Protest: I can't agree more with what the cat before me made in reference to this years so called"woodstock 99" festival. To me it all seems to be a big crock of shit. All it is is this big commercial hype,which people seem to go crazy over. This festival does not even deserve to be called woodstock. This festival bares no similarities at all with the original woodstock,it's not even close to the same location. The groups performing at the festival are as lame as hell anyway,rap music and woodstock do not go togeather neither does fucking metallica. The music of the 60's beats the shit out of todays untallented,overhyped,overcommercialized bubblegum shit groups. All iv'e got to say is that this years so called woodstock festival is a big sham and should be boycotted by all those with true spirit for the 60's and the music. peace........Matt

Name:a lonely hippie giving voice to opinion
URL:url ? they must mean LsD hehehehe:-)
Location: not where i want to be, same where else would i be from ?
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 09:50:31
Protest: I'd just like to say a few things about Woodstock 99. I had originally made plans to go, with some friends, and celebrate some peace and love, that is what its all about, right ? well, circumstance has made it impossible for me to go, but this has allowed me to gain some insight into the whole thing, i think the woodstock scene has sold out and lost focus. i do not think that very many of the bands playing woodstock this year give a damn about peace, love, and understanding. what is the message they are sending ? anger, hatred, destruction, not hippie themes. the spirit of woodstock has been lost among all the noise and the advertisements. it seems to me we will not be able to regain what we had in 69 on this course. so anyway, it just doesnt bother me that i cant go to woodstock this year, its lost the freedom it once had. if you agree with me, thats cool, i realize that there will be plenty of hip people at woodstock 99, all looking for an answer. my problem is that the answer may no longer be there. 

Name: Jennifer Simmers
Location: Rialto, CA US
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 02:24:33
Protest:I'm looking for anyone, EVERYONE who shares my views and is in the area. I'm a full-time 21 year old (majoring in Biology) college student. I'm a practicing vegetarian, finding that my love and respect for animals far outweighs my taste buds. I'm staging a protest against Proctor and Gamble and their senseless, painfully executed experiments on defenseless animals, slated for August 28, 1999. If you'd like to help, plese e-mail me and let me know. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and I plan on squeaking!! Any and all help is most definitely appreciated!

Name: Brenna
Location: fresno, caDate: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 00:49:32
Protest:we all need to become one! if there are any others reading this from fresno or those whole share my ideas, PLEASE right to me so we can do something about this and notjust talk about it! peace and love brenna

Name: sarah
Location: springfield, IL USA
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:55:28
Protest:wow. where do i start? i guess the easiest way of saying it is that i protest the ruthless, greedy, heartless monsters that we, as a society have so unfortunately become. Being a 16-year-old child, growing up and learning only from the people and things surrounding me, it has become quite clear to me that the sole purpose of my being, of OUR being, is to be successful any cost, no matter what. Love doesn't matter, friends don't matter, your happiness doesnt matter, as long as you have lots of money and lots of material possessions. i wish that i knew where and when and how this greed and hatred were instilled into this world. a small minority of us realize that giving and recieving love and friendship are the only truely fullfilling things. but not nearly enough of us. i guess, all we can do, is smile on our brothers and sisters, and give love wherever and whenever we can. we can make a difference. dont give up on love ever. in the end, we will all be happy.... 

Name:Rebelling Ryan
Location: Baton Rouge, LA Usa
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 13:13:27
Protest:First of all, I think vegetarians should stop telling people not to eat meat. One of my favorite artists: Tool says "This is necessary, Life Feeds on life." Its cool if u don't want to eat meat and kill animals, but don't tell other people they are wrong, cause its natural. Another thing is people need to stop dissing drugs if they have never done them. If you have never smoked pot, I don't want you telling me that its better to be sober. Drugs are not nearly as bad as the government portrays them with it's brainwashing. What else would you call them coming into our schools while we are at an early and impressionable age (i remember it back to 1rst grade) and telling that drugs are bad, and telling us half-truthes to lies about them to make us think so. Those are the only things that I havent seen posted so peace out.

Name: Midnight
Location: Barrie, Ont Canada
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 14:32:39
Protest: When you feel you make the right decision for yourself and others try and lead you away from YOUR right decision.Kind of like Christians standing outside a Marilyn Manson concert trying to make not perform, it does nothing but make fans,promoters etc... even more angry. If they pay the money and he wants to perform,he will. The Christian activists are not doing the right thing, he'll only poke more fun at them. He doesn't hate them. He's a spokesperson for angry youth that feel misunderstood. And animal testing. Why don't the people that still do that test the various products on themselves.The monkeys don't have aids or wear lipstick. Why not try the "cures" on people with aids (with their consent) or put the lipstick on themselves? But these are merely my beliefs. 

Name: redrum
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 11:34:06
Protest: hello =) I thought of something.... what is most important?? To fight against the things that are bad and evil... or to support the things you like??? I think...but I'm not sure that I think that it's more impotant to support the things you love...all you need is love..after all.. I LUV U!!! puss på dej rubus om du läser detta!!! =) 

Name: Crystal and Brandy
Location: Monticello, AR America
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 00:04:41
Protest:Will someone please tell the parents of this generation that nagging youre kids does not make them quit using drugs? It does not help to "talk about things" and it sure dont help to fucking "drug test" them I will tell you what helps: to leave youre kids the hell alone and let them develope there own individuality and THEN mabey we wouldnt need to do drugs just to fucking find it! Bye! Crystal 

Name: hsthompson
Location: mo'town, wv hell...usa
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 02:15:48
Protest:protest? PROTEST? what a joke. some people get rich, others eat shit and die. there's no inbetween, no argument, no drunken conversation. nothing. just remember, you could die in a second. then what would "our" protesting mean? did it change anything? no. die. that's the only thing any of us can count on. 

Name: ~elizabeth~
the FUCKED up one called USA
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 22:49:00
Protest:ok, first off...i think that this country is totally fucked up. we are over in these 3rd world countries trying to solve everyone else's problems when we have problems of our own that we all are neglecting. we waste millions and millions of dollars on things that aid in war and hate when we should be using that $$$ to help the homeless and all the other problems we have in todays society. second, i totally dislike it when other people try to silence me just because i'm outspoken. ohhh no!! heaven forbid i might says something against the "norm". screw that. there is no such thing as normal and i will NEVER be silenced. it amazes me to see that the people of today reduce themselves to the limitations of society and this government. c'mon people...wake up!! dont they see that the govt is actually hurting them, not helping? and why the hell am i paying taxes when i dont even agree w/the govt? why should they take my well earned $$ from my paycheck to go towards social security that i'll never see when i'm 65?? its all BULLSHIT...i may only be 16 but i refuse to sit here and take it. and i totally agree with what all of you have to say, but talk is cheap. who cares what other people think about you, go out and DO SOMETHING!!!!! FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!! do what ever it takes. believe in yourself, and others will follow. -----"stand up for what you believe in, even if your standing alone" i'll have more to say later....~PEACE OUT~

Name:Zim-Zum 002
Email:None of your business
Location: Zepherhills, FL North Am
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 13:15:54
Protest: Why do somany people hate hippies? We spend hours,days, months at a time trying to create peace and understanding and people put us down for trying to do the right thing. WE try to make a difference because the world is so messed up and we care about it, and we get resented for doing it. Just sit and think of all the beautiful things that could happen if people took a second off and talked to each other and resolve some differences. Look, call me whatever you wish but I love Earth and all creations on it, exept for hate and god knows we have plenty of that. But to make peace we have to have peace, and right now humanitys working towards its destruction. Peace and love to everyone who reads this. 

Name: summer
Location: fuquay, nc usa
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 11:14:11
Protest:decriminalize pot! they have beer, which is killing our friends and family on the road and it degenerates the liver, which can kill you, pot does not do this 

Name: bob
Location: gwinner, nd usa
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 06:15:13
Protest: legalize weed man, i mean we can kill ourselfs with booze and cigarettes right? why not weed? 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 16:56:44

Some of the post below doesn't make much sense. But most of it does. So just try to get the gist of what I meant to say, OK? 

Power to the Subculture 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 16:53:06
Protest:Wake-up call. Dope is marijuana is cannabis. Cannabis is not, in fact, dangerous if taken brewed in a drink or eaten. If you smoke it it has some of the same effects as smoking; especially if you add tobacco to make it work better. If you don't want to screw your lungs up, brew it in coffee. The high is stronger - however, it's uncontrollable, so you can't stop if it's going too far.

Some people may think I shouldn't spread info like this around; however, there's an ugly side to free speech. Besides, what if I do stop a few people from screwing their lungs up?

Taken in a less dangerous form, cannabis is extremely beneficial to the human body. For example, it's a good painkiller, a good analgesic, a good cure for pretty much anything - it's practically nature's medicine. A few hundred years ago Victorian doctors realised its benefits and started using it widely to treat their patients for a variety of major and minor disorders. In the past hundred years, this medical trend has been lost and subsequently ignored; however, I think cannabis, like aspirin, should perhaps be commercially available in a pill form. Put it in water, wait a bit, you've got Magic Coffee. Don't take more than two in four hours or more than six in 24 hours, or we'll be forced to ignore you. :)

I'm starting to think I should start writing my own website. My protests on here are starting to get a little long.

On a more serious note, this whole free speech thing is fine and people are free to slag off hippies if they want to. But "generation X" are just evolved hippies. I'm a generation X guy who's realised that there's nowt wrong with wanting something that may or may not be attainable; sure, you say peace and love and freedom are good things, and you say that the hippy way doesn't work, but do you see anyone else stepping forward to defend these values? And besides, how are we adding to planet Earth's problems by telling you what they are and doing our best to help get rid of them? We'll be like you, shall we, and ignore them to live in the safety of our small, insignificant lives, just not giving a fuck about where tomorrow's gonna come from?


Power to the Subculture

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 23:30:29
Protest: I love earth. I love people. I love creatures of all statures and of all minds and bodies. Why can't every- one have the love that me and many others do? Because society has deprived us of our love. Look at the movie that are being made! Listen to the musci that is being made! look at the clothes that are being made! I know that our appearance shouldn't determine who we are, but let's face it. we're humans and our clothing DOES determine who we are because our clothing expresses us. We have to help people back to the light! We must show them that there is another way besides the way that our ONLY home earth is going. 

Name: kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 22:40:52
Protest:A HIPPY IS NOT SOMEONE WHO SMOKES DOPE AND DRESSES FUNNY! Most hippies I know do NOT smoke dope. They know it kills. The point of a hippy is to make people understand one another. Most of us KNOW that world peace is impossible and will NEVER happen. We just want the world a better place for our children. Most hippies I know don't have sex with just anyone anytime they feel. STOP stereotyping hippies. The hippies of today are not like most of the hippies of yesterday. 

Name: Bill keim
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 14:55:07
Protest: Yeah, I have a protest for ya. I protest your (hippies) constant call for action and free thinking. Stop bullshitting. Jesus Christ welcome to planet earth, we have a shit load of problems and all you are doing are adding to them. Why don't you stop smoking weed and dropping acid and clean yourselves up. Haven't you damaged the genepool enough? Stop banging on your bongos and singing peace and love cause it just isn't working. You have been trying for 30 odd years with no avail. All that you have brought is a declination in American society. Your liberalist ideas have demoralized our culture to the point of no return. Your free sex and free drugs and free thought have spread v.d.s, rampant drug use and an entirely new generation (generation X) that is so utterly fuct up that I'm ashamed to be a part of it. Your ways of trying to bring about change have completely crushed conservative morality and a defacement of human values altogether. Yes, granted, peace love and happiness are all wonderful things and I want them as well but I don't need weed or lsd oor any other substance or ludicrous idea to attain them. Just be a good person-be realistic. Stop killing your braincells and wake up. Being unshowered and high with dreadlocks isn't going to gain you respect it will only get you ridicule. Your approach isn't working. Hippies aren't working. The war is over. Stop following people who support drug use, bad hygeine and intrinsic yes but unrealisic and especially unattainable goals by your methods. 

Name: steven thomas wirth
Location: morgantown, wv usa
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 05:21:15
Protest:i am protesting protesting. Just in the sense that, sure, some people can get together and get city hall to grant the little leauge team a couple of thousand dollars for a new ballpark, and the church ladies can get all government buildings handicapped accessible, but world peace? what a story. societys gone to shit, and you would have to be one intelligent bastard to convince me to "stand up and make a change." Read a Hunter S. Thompson book, and then wake up and try to enjoy the life you've chosen for yourself. God bless us all. 

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 00:17:18
Protest:I PROTEST TECHNOLOGY! Ya, I'm on it right now. Guess that makes me a hypocrite, a narrowminded regular person. Guess what? We all are in our own ways. I protest technology because it POLLUTES! Not in the short run, computers won't polute. But what about when the computer stops working and is no good anymore? When it can no longer be possibly fixed? It will go one of two ways : it will either be thrown into a landfill where it will hurt our great mother earth, or it will be recycled, so it can some time in the future be thrown into a landfill to hurt mother earth. WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE EARTH LIKE THE GOOD GOD INTENDED! God gave us the land to rule over, not run with an IRON FIST! I encourage you to read Walden by Henry David Thoreau....get an idea of what you MUST DO! 

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 00:07:49
Protest:"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them." This was written by Henry David Thoreau, a man who died over 100 years ago. He lived in solitude at Walden Pond. If we use this in an analogy to our dreams of peace, then sometimes they are in the air. Sometimes they have no foundation. I just want to say that we have to state facts in order for dreams of peace to become a reality. We need to show we know what we're talking about and that peace is THE way to go! So don't go shootin out your thoughts like there's no tomorrow, unless you can back them up. 

Location: Johnson City, TN USA
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 17:07:47
Protest:I protest the persecution of homosexuals. I am not one myself, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and let people tell me that being a homosexual is "against God's will" or even "against nature." Because it's a proven fact, there are cases of homosexuality in many different species. Also, ANY LOVE IS GOOD LOVE! Love is the constant source of energy for all living things! I strongly believe that if people would just shut the fuck up for a little while and listen to the beautiful sound of silence, then they would feel weird when they realized that they had been bitching over nothing! Now I've been reading this thing on here and I'll admit, I'm not a vegetarian, and I have never smoked pot, but I do see your all's point. Because really, they ban smoking a plant but they let you kill animals? That is really fucked up. I'm sorry but that's just my belief on the whole thing. I've tried to become vegetarian a really long time ago but it didn't last long. I'll probably do it again. I protest the fact that whenever I try to tell a Christian at my school about my beliefs, they look like I am Satan himself. I protest the fact that I can't live my everyday life and dress and act as I'd like to without being judged. I HATE the persecution of hippies, we are some of the most loving people that have ever lived. And nobody will tell me otherwise. The whole "If Jesus hasn't saved your soul, then you will burn in Hell eternally" thing. My own mother told me this! I am so tired of this belief running the world. As my prophet John Lennon has said, (in a sense in the song "Imagine") if people weren't so fucking worried about getting into those pearly gates then they wouldn't have anything to fight over. Religion is one of the main reasons the world is incapable of uniting at this point. People like to be around people with the same beliefs, hell, including me! We hippies are the right ones. I protest any violence of any kind. As Joan Baez said in her book "Daybreak," "The only thing that has been a bigger flop than organized nonviolence is organized violence." And as John Lennon said, "Okay, so flower power didn't work. So we start again!" Let's make a stand! Let's all unite once again and quit the bitching at each other! Make it happen! 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 15:27:17

Why do people want to get rid of guns? Because they can be used to kill people. Why do people want to have guns? Because they want to stop being shot themselves.

It's like the nuclear weapons situation. Everyone has nuclear weapons, so that if anyone else suddenly builds some they don't have overwhelming power over everybody else.

Government justifies keeping guns as making sure people can defend themselves. This means that, in any encounter where someone attacks someone else, at least one person ends up dead rather than hospitalised. I think that makes sense.

It also means that guns are freer for purchase. In this way, by defending yourself you're also handing your attackers a shotgun. I think that makes sense.

Then again, maybe having a gun is a citizen's "right". Now, let's take a look at the underlying principle of a democratic existence:

"I am free to swing my arm wherever I like, so long as I don't break someone's nose."

Thing is, how can anyone verify that the gun you buy won't go to the psycho across the street who'll actually use it on someone else, or that you aren't a total psycho yourself? Most americans might not have heard of the Dunblaine massacre. As you all know, the United Kingdom is a gun-controlled country. Some nut with a gun license, whom the police had obviously forgotten to check for sanity, burst into a primary school and gunned a load of children down. This illustrates a point: having guns around at all is bad.

Guns are needed for war: maybe. But two things: you don't need to go to war in peacetime, and in a well-balanced society - something that 3000 years of social development hasn't managed to light upon yet, because invariably the rich and powerful decide what happens to their money - war isn't necessary.

Unfortunately, until militaristic and out-of-control countries like Iraq come under decent leadership, we'll get guns hanging around all over the place after being built. And, of course, people who build guns often try to sell them. And, of course, people who buy guns often try to use them. The problem would be similar to current drug laws; it's impossible to restrict completely, a few people die every now and again, but most of what tries to get in stays out.

(On the other hand, drugs are probably a bad comparison. Death by drugs is suicide, not murder.)

So, to conclude:

1. There is no reason to keep guns in circulation.
2. There are good reasons to restrict guns heavily.
3. Guns should be made illegal as soon as possible in all countries, except for government-controlled military purposes, which are required for the security of the country as a whole.

That last one may sound like the "protection of the individual" thing about guns for home use: however, don't worry. There are always going to be militaristic countries looking to pick a fight, and they'll always need something to stop them. Often these things get stopped with less of an impact than if they don't; the aggressors are neutralised and, after a while, left alone, rather than taking over other countries and heavily oppressing *everyone*.

Power to the Subculture

Name: Jenna
Location: spokane, wa usa
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 13:49:23
Protest:i am totally againest guns......everytime someone fires a gun that kills a person.....people cry for the lose of their son, their brother, their best friend since ever, their long time crush, their boyfriend ,etc..... you see everytime someone fires a gun they get more confident that they can do it again more people cry tears of fear,saddness and haterty....... its like some kids just walk in a high school and start throwing bombs and shooting guns. Man,those kids will never ever forget that.....make people feel wanted and not like trash in da makes them less likely to go shoot someone for the hell of it... say hi to the kid your friends have made fun of since 3rd grade.....say hello to the kid with only one arm that has always been every chance you have ...... peace 

Name: Dharma
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 00:04:54
Protest:To all intolerant adults: "Come mothers and fathers throughout the land And don't criticize what you can't understand Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agein' PLEASE GET OUT OF THE NEW ONE IF YOU CAN'T LEND YOUR HAND For the times, they are a-changin'" -Bob Dylan You were here once. Please accept and help us. Peace and Love - Dharma 

Name: Dharma
Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 23:29:18
Protest:To intolerate adults: "Come mothers and fathers throughout the land And don't criticize what you can't understand Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' PLEASE GET OUT OF THE NEW ONE IF YOU CAN'T LEND YOUR HAND For the times they are a-changin'" - Bob Dylan You were here once too. Accept us and help us. Peace and Love Dharma (feel free to mail me) 

Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 05:47:04
Protest:Racism Homophobia Guns Chinese in Tibet Indonesians in East Timor PNG in Bouganville Funding Cuts to Unions/Universities/my music department

Name: mike
Date: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 21:58:42
Protest: yeah,i protest any situation where innocent people are being mistreated.. for example,leonard innocent man is rotting his life away in prison for crimes he never even commited... i also protest these damn huge corporate empires overcharging their product and paying their employees minimum wage and providing poor working conditions ((one of the problems with a capitalist society)) i protest censoring all types of media many music being censored today reveals much of the problems with our society...why should we let other people be the ones to decide whether we want to know something or not? why should we let the goverment blind us? and lastly, legalize marijuana for gods sake...i shouldnt even have to explain that 

Name: willow
wv usa
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 19:54:40
Protest:i think everyone should go to this site and put a message on their guest book. i think that is it. they say that hippies should die. i wrote to them and said they were adding to the hate and intolorence in the world. so everyone protest site like this and hate in the world Peace 

Name: Zoe Star 
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 18:13:53
Protest:Why the need for marijuana? We should all be able to find euphoria in the simple mindstate of potential peace and equality! Instead of getting high and losing our intellectual views on life...we should all put the same amount of enthusiasm into working towards peace as some of you put into smokin weed! I understand the bleakness of life and the occaisional need to escape...but getting high is not the answer ....If we all truly feel the way we say we do...we should indeed all rendevous at a certain landmark and make it known to this country that we will not go out without a fight...that we have views, opinions and ideas and that we won't be silenced!!!! WE ARE ALL ONE VOICE, ONE BODY,and ONE HEART and SOUL!!!! Together we can accomplish much.....we must stand together or we will all fall alone! it is for these reasons that i make this proposial....In the year 2000, when things will probably be at their worst..if nothing should happen on this upcoming eve.. we should gather at the front of the whitehouse on the day of the upcoming presidential elections and stand together with one voice, and one purpose!!!! I respect you all and it is my belief that talk is cheap...and that we should all take a stand on our beliefs!! Because we are all one friend and i need ALL of your opinions....we sincerely mean what we have stated...and we desperately need to hear from all of you!!!TO BE ORIGINALS,WE MUST FIRST BECOME OUTCASTS!!!!!PEACE..... In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make! -John Lennon If you are up to the challenge,send your opinions to our e-mail address: We hope everyhting works itself out and that all of you out there have the courage to stand up for your beliefs....we believe you all have what it takes!!!!! 

Name: Zoe Lake
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 17:35:44

Name: Ariel 
Location: Waldorf, MD USA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 20:50:12
Protest: People are going to be people. That is something everyone needs to deal with. We are all individuals. We are all different, and yet we are all the same. We all love and want and suffer. We are all human, and that is what we all have to learn. I don't think that it is right to eat other defenseless creatures unessesarily, or fight long, deadly wars to solve a greedy dispute. I don't believe in a Christian god, or a Muslim god. I don't believe in a lot of things, and I live by what I BELIEVE in. But, above all of MY other ideals comes my belief in tolerance. We are all different. We need to let our differences bring us closer together. If you don't mind slaughtering a poor, helpless calf and serving her as a delicacy, then, I guess, so be it. I mind. I wouldn't do it. But, I'll be damned if I'd let anyone else tell me what to do. In the end, in a completely natural state of consciousness, we wouldn't need to fight. Love will prevail, because that it all we need to survive happily. Give love because love gives you everything. ~*~ Ariel ~*~ 

Name:iRon MaN
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 18:29:36
Protest:I'm gonna make my protest short and sweet. If certain political leaders like Jesse Ventura see marijuana as being a perfectly legitimate product, then why can't the rest of the government. It should be legal. The country could make money off of it instead of losing money fighting against it. It should be our right to decide if we want to smoke it too. 

Name: Rachel Gouge
Location: Fort Campbell, Ky USA
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 22:01:31
Protest:I would just like to start by saying I love you, this goes out to EVERYONE, those i agree with and those i don't. I would like to invite everyone to think the next time they get mad at some one. I heard a girl say just the other day that it wasn't a normal day, if she wasn't mad at atleast one person. Can you imagine the world of hate she must live in? i don't want to imagine it. Moving on. If you are not vegetarian, please don't try to force meat upon vegetarians. I myself, am vegetarian, and many people have tried to force me to eat meat since i came to my decision. It is my life, i have the right to live it anyway i want to, as long as i am not getting in the way of anyone else's rights. Also, do all that you can to stop littering. One day a girl i know threw a napkin on the ground. I asked her to pick it up and throw it away, and she did and hasn't littered since. We can all make a difference, start making yours a positive one. If you hang out with other hippies, please think about how fortunate you really are. I have no real hippie friends, for there aren't any hippies, that i know of here. I am not as fortunate as you to have true hippie-brethren. Remember you have what others don't, whether that is friends, money, beauty, etc. Think about that as you go through your day, and when you start to complain about not having something, just think about how so many have so much less than you do. For atleast you have a computer with the internet. Spread Peace, Love, and Happiness in all things you do. Think positively, never negatively. Reality is subjective, if you think it is wonderful, it will be. I hope that my words have inspired to go out and make the world a better place. Remember everyone needs love. 

Name: tilde
Location: Laholm, Sweden
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 15:07:32
Protest:hi =) I think everyone is very smart here. I dont have very much to say... I just would like to beg to you grown up people...pleace accept the junger generation and pleace understand even if we dont look very big. We can have big feelings. Have a nice day everyone!!! /tilde =O) 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 13:12:08
Protest:Just to clarify. It is no-one's right to define a hippy or whether they are a hippy or not. I think of a hippy as anyone who rejects society's limitations for a more liberal view, not anyone who smokes grass and wears clothing with flowers on.

Power to the Subculture 

Email:snail mail me at 15281 catalina way ,Holly Mi 48442
Location: "", "" USA
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 11:06:26
Protest: Everyone is saying how great the sixties were. But this is the nineties. You must not ignore now. Do not submit yourselfs to society's standards, you must not ratify your govrnment they only seek to control you, they don't CARE how you feel or what you want. And they never will unless you do something about it. Some are doing all they can in protest, while others do nothing and proclaim themselves to be hippies. If we all unite in protest of this government and every thing we want to change it will be changed, if we sit back and accept SOCIETY'S ideals nothing wiil everchange. We have something they didn't have back in the day. The Internet. I say we plan a event and LET PEOPLE KNOW HOW WE FEEL! 

Name: Judith
Location: Burgum, Holland
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 10:59:32
Protest:Stop the un-need violence, the discrimination of people and of animals. Don't eat meat anymore, it's like you think you're better than the animals - they have a life too and the shouldn't be mistreaded. People shouldn't treat the nature so bad!! We can live without it so we all should do something about it. I do my best. Stop drinking, smoking, and being used. This is like a straight-edge idea, anybody know about that?? Let me know!! I hardly know any other people who live like the straight-edge idea. Write me!! I'm not a hippy, I only love flowers, peace, love and I only want the best for the world. Don't you? Judith Zijlstra, Holland. 

Name: Rachel Fisher
Location: Dover, England
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 10:57:24
Protest:I think it is wrong to have little babies have pierced ears, it makes them cry to have them. The parents should wait until it is older and has it's own opinion. I also hate the seven year olds trooping around town, they think they are the modern Paul McCartney. Didn't used to be like that.

Name: starwind3
Location: OKC, OK USA
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 23:36:53
Protest:Okay---i am appalled at how the media manages to twist and manipulate what's going on in our world today. Believe me, what we are told by them is but a small fraction of what's happening. An example---the Kosovo crisis. Yes, the people in Kosovo were being treated in a terrible manner and were being cruelly persecuted, but don't let the media fool you into believing that our country got involved because they had compassion for them or were trying to avoid another mass genocide---it was all political. In Sudan, the persecution and mass killings of people is much worse than the situation was in Kosovo...but our country doesn't get involved because Sudan and the US are involved in oil trade together and we import a lot of sorghum from that country. In other words, it would affect our economy negatively, therefore we ignore the people who are dying in Sudan. Now you don't hear the media talking about THAT do you? Research it---you'll find that what i say is true. Peace out--- 

Name: Ana
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 22:26:37
Protest: In contrast to the glitter associated with circuses, performing animals' lives are pretty miserable. Because animals do not naturally ride bicycles, stand on their heads, or jump through rings of fire, whips, electric prods, and other tools are often used to force them to perform. ***Support animal liberation by not visiting zoo's and circuses!***

Name: september rain
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 22:16:10
Protest: Thou shalt not KILL Go Vegetarian! 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 16:06:56
Protest:Jennifer - Marijuana will be legalised when a fair government is created that can understand the relative benefits and losses of its actions.

Wildflower - The minority cannot overpower the majority, and often would not know what to do if they could. The hippy movement is a way to acheive personal freedom; however, it is a personal choice to be liberal or not. Just as people should not be able to repress the choice to smoke cannabis, others should not be able to force a major change in basic culture. The majority of people would rather have a structured society and a stable life than to work for an ideal and have freedom. It's often true that someone would not remove their metaphorical ball and chain if they had the key, simply because they are used to it.

Aura - People do take action. Maybe not enough, but read the first sentence of my message to Wildflower. Dope is not an instrument to creating peace - however, its use can strengthen the bond between two or more individuals, as friends or more, and creates an inner peace which many hippies try to pass across to the real world. It is a medicine. Those who want it may become hippies to try and bring about a world in which they can use it. Dope may be a reward, but it can also be a guide.

Rainbow Gypsie - Elvis Presley was famous and exploited. I can understand that you don't want this exploitation to continue after his death, but the alternative is a sort of Egyptian Pharoah ending where his belongings are buried with him. Those who buy will do so out of respect; where the money goes is not important. Preventing the sale will prevent the chance for people to brighten their lives with a connection to their hero; it will also mean his belongings will simply fade away and turn to dust.

Rebecca - All methods of protest have benefits, and all have failings. Peaceful protesters can all too easily be ignored, and violent protesters - while they get more attention - can sometimes be despised and darken the popular attitudes towards what they are fighting for (e.g. the IRA want Ireland back, the Irish should rightfully have Ireland back, but it will never happen and never would have happened even if the IRA had never started. However, the IRA have brought national and global attention to the case).

Punk - Really. Thought for the day - is discriminating against those who discriminate the right thing to do? On one hand, you are trying to end discrimination. On the other, you are discriminating against yourself. You need to clarify your position, and remember that violence and legislation cannot end racism, merely drive it into hiding. Racism will, unfortunately, always be with us, and I believe that the only solution to racism is to seperate the races (for a while at least), thus negating any need for racism or any possibility for its reinforcement.

The Gypsy Sehlis - Keep up the good work. More people need to take action for what is right, not what is written.

Oil companies destroy the environment. However, don't blame the US/NATO "invasion" of Yugoslavia on them, and don't think it was a bad thing. Also, all companies overprice to make a profit and there ain't much you can do. Buy an electric car. Oh, and by the way, why not protest the ethnic cleansing of native Kosovars by the Serbs instead of the retaliatory attack made to protect the lives of the Kosovars, who cannot retaliate? NATO made some mistakes, their first being thinking that an air offensive would be offensive. But, as you know, police will restrain a psycho with "minimum necessary force" - which may include shooting him in the leg - so as to prevent further damage to others.

Anonymous - No protest is a waste of space. Love contains the greatest potential for causing pain in any individual, but contains the greatest potential for long-lasting happiness. Since the pain will fade gently - never forgotten, but not ever remembered - but happiness can last until death parts you and another. If your personal pain means more to you than the state of the world, do not deny it and think others will put you down. Every individual, as an individual, is more important than a statistic, and love is what makes us an individual. Please learn to smooth over your pain, and in future relationships, look towards and anticipate a day when the pain will return. It's true, it may not return - but the pain will be less for the anticipation, and the happiness greater for its unexpectedness. 

Tovah - It would be better in such a case to contact and support Amnesty International. Thus the efforts of all worldwide can be concentrated for greater effect. One group working for a cause is better than two groups working for the same cause.

I've received emails about my reference to New Communism in an earlier post. New Communism, or as I now call it Neotribalism, is the perfect society in which all hippy and liberalist ideals can be reached, such as the protection of the environment, the removal of poverty and unemployment, and the use of environmentally friendly energy sources. As soon as I've finalised my ideas of Neotribalism, I'll try to get them on the Web somewhere and search for funding. Please don't expect me to reveal the ideas soon, as if I do not think carefully enough about the aspects of the new system then Neotribalism could suffer the same fate as Communism, or at the very least its benefits could be greatly reduced.

Power to the Subculture.

Name: Tovah Lieberman
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 14:02:56
Protest:I am protesting againtst the Iranian government! They have 13 jews locked up in they're prisons and that is a crime. We have a petition for everyone to sign to get them out just go to and put your name down. PEACE
Location: philly, paDate: Sunday, July 4, 1999 at 00:41:36
Protest:i protest the inevitable sadness that comes with falling in love. i know that to some, this protest seems like a waste of space. but at this moment in time, the state of the world seems like small potatoes when compared to the war being fought in my head. is love worth the pain? 

Name:Floyce White
Location: san diego, ca usa
Date: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 09:53:33
Protest:Protest Oil Company Wars Informational picket line and leafletting at a gas station Thursday July 15 4-6 pm Chula Vista, CA H St. across from Trolley Station, just off I-5 Freeway The oil companies are using the US military to expand their empires. Come protest the US/NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, the US bombings of Iraq, as well as high gas prices at home. 

Name:The Gypsy Sehlis
PADate: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 08:13:29
Protest:Every Thursday at noon at the gates to Penn State University we have for the past 74 weeks held a protest against the Prohibition of Cannabis. Prior to the Marijuana Tax Act (written by a Professor at PSU) Cannabis Extract was in medicine cabinets and hemp was in our clothing. The term marijuana as used to prevent people from realising that cannabis and hemp were under fire. Hemp paper doesn't require chemicals in the pulping process, paper made from tree fibers does. We don't need to destroy our forests! Pressed hemp board is strong and makes excellant building material. The American Medical Association said then and still says today that Cannabis IS medicine. I personally prefer to put natural substance into my body than many of the chemical compounds the pharmaceutical companies have created. Mother Earth has provided well for my wellbeing. It is immoral to me, to declare her gifts 'evil'. I also find it immoral to lock up, take away the voting rights, deny employment and educational opportunities and seize the property of individuals who make use of the gifts of earth. We do not do these things to those who use alcohol. The alcohol user goes to jail when his BEHAVIOR becomes unsafe. So it should be with any substance. We make pamphlets available to those who want them while drawing attention to the many issues surrounding cannabis. Education is crucial to any cause.

Name: punk
nswDate: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 01:07:18
Protest:I would just like to protest about RACIST PEOPLE who are really fucked in the head we are human beings so just deal with it!!! SMASH RACISM!! TAKE CARE DUDES, ALANNA**

Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 23:58:27
Protest:Ok...Here goes.I believe in protesting...But not in the way everyone on here is doing it.....Ever heard of peace?This is why we have no peace.Everyone seems to think that they can get things done by screaming and shouting.This will not get anyone anywhere.A peaceful organized protest is the key. Pro-life,anti-homo, Rebecca15 

Name:Rainbow Gypsie
Location: ?, ? Mexico
Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 13:15:22
Protest:Hey, brothers and sisters, our brother Elvis Presley was the king of Rock and Roll (and still is), we got to do something because they are going to sale 2000 personal belongings, memorabilia, like cars and boots. hE WOULDN´T LIKE THAT TO HAPPEND, please let´s make something about it 

Name: Sunshine
PADate: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 21:44:31
Protest:There are many issues which concern me and I feel frustrated by the lack of cooperation from most people. My main issue is animal rights. If we could stop all practices of cruel treatment to God's creatures I believe the world would be a better place. I just can't understand the mentality of the people who participate in or support such things as animal experiments, wearing fur, eating animals, or going to a circus. The animals need our support- they have no voice of their own. Please do your part in this struggle to win animals their rights.