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Name: Pearl
Location: Phoenix, AZ USA
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 21:31:30
Protest:Hi, I don't know if you can really call this a protest. It is more like a protest w/ a bit of plain old bitching mixed in. Anyway... I get so pissed off at how people are today, almost EVERYONE. I mean its all about materialistic shit, It seems like no one cares. Or if they do care, they only care about their one thing...They don't care about the world as a whole. I know this isn't entirely true, that its easier to look at the negative, but sometimes i just get so overwhelmed. I mean even some of the self proclaimed "hippies" that I know aren't really "hippies". I mean they HAVE to have store bought bellbottoms and all that. Just because they dress like a "hippie" doesn't make them one. I just feel like everything is about how you are on the outside, but thats just a facade...I mean say yours some really gorgeous chick (at least on the outside) but your really vain and you don't care about anyone or anything..well you could get in a car wreck and it could disfigure your face. If your "identity" is being all gorgeous and shit but you never work on the inside your totally screwed...You in a way don't exist anymore b/c you never worked on the real YOU...Okay i feel im just babbeling now, im sorry for takeing up your time. Thanx for reading this..I was just trying to say how people have to worry about each other about the earth and who gives a shit if they wear bellbottoms or not...they can be nude for all i care. 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 19:29:04
Protest:This is a long post. But it's necessary. Read it and you'll see why I think this needs to be said - all of it.

There's a lot of shit on this protest page about modern music. Main 'protested bands'? Rap music, limp bizkit, and modern music in general. I protest the ignorant. Rap music is often violent and offensive, but listen to this one song, I think it's called "That's Just The Way It Is" about racism. Then, listen - seriously - to the lyrics of some limp bizkit songs. How about "Pollution"...

so when they tell me to turn down that volume
I'm gonna bring that beat back
and when they tell Sam to turn down that bass
I'm gonna bring that beat back
and when they tell me to turn down the vocal
I'm gonna bring that beat back
and when they tell us to shut the fuck up
I'm gonna bring that beat back

What's wrong with saying you want to play your music loud? Then, even better, listen to Counterfeit...

pitiful you, your hideous behavior
hate what God gave ya, fakin all the flava
artificial minds seekin out the new trends
get in where you fit in
quit thinkin like a has-been diggin in my culture
let me let your punks know I'm an old school soldier
with the funk flow
a damn shame you wanna change yourself

Counterfeit. It's about people who change themselves to fit in with the trends. It's about people denying themselves because it ain't 'cool'. It's saying they suck. Isn't that true? Isn't that part of what being a hippy is all about? Next song. Stuck.

you wanna play that game bitch
you take a dash for my cash, it's your ass that I'm blasting
boy you wanna play that game bitch
you take a dash for my cash, it's your ass that I'm blasting

It's protesting greed, capitalism, and the commercialisation of music.

And then there's the one which most of you are protesting in line with. 'Untitled Ditty'.

am i freak in the darkness, or am i misfit?
you speak of opinions
do sink in so deep
but it's alright
you're just an illusion, confused by your narrow mind
reality is up ahead in the distance
but that lack of persistence has left you behind
now you're reaching for your sanity
cuz you afraid of me
so don't fuck with me
you wanna ask me a question?
well, i gotta question
how much longer can i tolerate this shit
egos trip when you're livin' on the flip side
drop out of a uterous and god damn
i see you pointin' your finger
you stereotype me cuz you don't like me
well you don't even know me don't know me

stereotype me cuz you don't like me

As for modern pop music in general, a lot of it is senseless shit based on a combination of love, sex and mind-numbing stupidity and repetition. Occasionally you get something good - go listen to The Shamen's songs. I've labelled each song with the best remix available, as The Shamens' songs often come out in several versions. Anyway, Ebeneezer Goode [Beat Edit] promotes partying and ecstasy. Phorever People [The Beatmasters Heavenly Edit] promotes knowing yourself and what the truth is - being a hippy. The best is Comin' On Strong [Beat Edit] - a song promoting the abolition of the divide between cultures and races within modern day youth culture.

And Re: Evolution is a great song to listen to while your mind is running on something illegal.

Alternatively, some tracks are simply great dance tunes. Fat Boy Slim... ATB... Wiseguys... These songs aren't supposed to have a message. They're supposed to help you have a good time.

"So what?" I hear you ask. "That's only a few bands of the many." Listen to Garbage - When I Grow Up, protesting the oppression of the teenager. Or Guns 'N' Roses - Civil War, which carries an important message about the realities of war. You might be offended by Get In The Ring, but that's about the 'distortion of the truth' employed by journalists to promote their magazine and get rich. Iron Maiden may not seem that way inclined, as a band, but listen to the Angel and the Gambler. Salvation is there for anyone, regardless of what they have done in the past.

Now. The two ultimate 'devil' bands. Fear Factory and Nine Inch Nails. I can see you thinking that I'd falter when I got to these. You think the wrong way. Ever listen to Fear Factory - Zero Signal? It's about God. It's protesting that God never answers the prayer. About the fact that no matter how much we pray for peace and for each other, we still get hatred and war. Most of the rest of their songs are simply music meant to help people enjoy themselves. It's Fat Boy Slim in heavy metal. Even New Breed, which seems to tell Generation X that we can change the future and do whatever we want to it. What happens in the future is our responsibility. That's a salient point, isn't it?

And now NIN...

'Heresy' is about the blindness of some who devote themselves to God and ignore all other opinions and possibilities. And, more specifically, when those people move their ideas into government and use them to restrict other free thinkers. There used to be a law in England, before the colonisation of America, that everyone had to go to church on Sunday for at least an hour. Don't tell me that's right.

"March Of The Pigs". Police oppression. You reckon this is a good thing? If you ever do, *then* you can protest against NIN.

"Closer" is expressing basic instincts, harsh reality. Deep down, this is how you feel.

"Ruiner" seems to me about both Judas Iscariot and corporate mega-people. Listen to it and see what you think.

I ask just one thing - listen to all the songs above, listen to the words, understand them and assimilate them. Realise that the concepts within these songs are not hatred and violence. A previous post made a very intelligent point - people often hate songs and think of them as songs of the devil simply because of the music behind the lyrics. That's an important thing - the lyrics are not behind the music. The lyrics are the most important thing. The music is simply appealing to a particular group's tastes. Anyway, remember this:

Doesn't matter if people say fuck. Doesn't matter if they describe graphic violence, even. It's if they're doing it *right*. March Of The Pigs is the most graphically violent song you'll find almost anywhere, and yet - it's in a negative light. It's about the oppression. About the restriction. About the use of brute force to repress and destroy. All this is real and can't be ignored, and graphic violence is also a reality. In order to plan the future, we have to understand the present. Don't ignore the truth. Don't come down on good music - or even bad music - that you don't understand because you've never listened to it. Don't simply think - industrial music, graphic violence, shouting, it must be promotion of evil. It isn't.

Fucking well sort yourself out.

Power to the Subculture

Name: Sarah
Location: Moon Twp., PA U.S.A
Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 01:27:23
Protest: Hi. Lets be honest,there will never be true world peace. But we can make world peace happen. A lot of the problem starts at people who thrive on power, money, status, and greed. Part of the problem is people keep moving away from God. He gave us a perfect world, he's gave us free will. Look what man has done to this. What ever happened to simplicity, love for one's neighbor, and love for our earth the place we call home. Violence is everywhere. Children killing children. What happened to parents who taught thier children right from wrong. Now I may only be 16, but damn it we can all make things happen. Most of parents took part in the 60's revolution. We try to imitate this with a woodstock 99 and look it ended with riots. I thought they fought for peace, love ,and understanding. I believe we can make things happen, but we need to get up off our asses and quit waiting for someone else to start the revolution. Each and every single one of us can make a change in this world. It can be as easy as writting letters, creating art, sharing your ideas and feelings with others. We need to ban together, put aside our differences and fight for what we want. Peace, Love, and Understanding. Protect our earth, love your neighbors, don't let hate corrupt your hearts. Don't let power, money,and greed rule your lives. no one person can do this on thier own. we must fight together. Look back in history the million man march. Now that said something, that got peoples attention. Although we may be young, old, male, female we can fight this together and win. But we can only win through unity. There's no need for racism because God made man in his own image. Let's get peace. let's all do it together. ~Free Spirit~ 

Name: ~elizabeth~
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 22:08:57
Protest: well my protest is WOODSTOCK '99....what the hell is wrong with people 2day?? first off, nothing can ever compare to WOODSTOCK '69. they made a complete and total mockery of what WOODSTOCK was and what it should be. the only reason WOODSTOCK '99 happened was people just wanted to find a new way to make more FUCKIN' $$$. WOODSTOCK was created to unite a great number of people with a lot of diversity that would rarely be with each other. by doing so, they brought the world 2gether with a common interest....MUSIC. WOODSTOCK '99 was all about the $$$ and there is no doubt about that. so why were people so shocked when they had to pay $4 for water??? and why is that grounds for starting fires and creating violence?? the people of today have all their priorities backwards. get real because when it is all over, none of it will matter and all of you know that....not the $$, not the clothes, not the job that you have...what will matter will be if you TRUELY were a benefit to this world. beside if someone is going to hold a festival like WOODSTOCK the bands should NOT get paid. they should be honored enough that they would be able to play at an event like WOODSTOCK, or should i say, what WOODSTOCK should be, not what it currently was. if your going to charge $155.00 for a ticket and $4 for water, dont use the $$$ to pay the bands, give it charity or to a good cause. c'mon people get yourselves 2gether. PEACE and LOVE to you all.....~me~

Location: London, England
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 20:22:34
Protest:All people who want to put an end to war, racism, homophobia,sexism, and any form of oppression especially class oppression, Join The Socialist Worker's Party in the UK or another socialist group in your country, for details e mail me, we must all unite in the name of internationalism, and socialism, and put an end to the governments that breed oppression.

Name: Alex Di Pasquale
Location: Reggio Calabria, RC ITALY
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 11:28:15
Protest:I've not much to say. War in Serbia it is just finished. Everyone knows about it. Make love not war, man! Peace and love, Alex ps: greetings from italy 

Name:Marielle Profijt
Location: Hoogeveen, Drenthe Nederland
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 09:21:07
Protest:Everybody have to life in peace!!! Don't eat meat and also give love to animals!!! 

Location: scunthorpe, england
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 04:37:04
Protest:I protest against waseting food when other people need it more than us. 

Name: Tim
Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 at 01:00:42
Protest:I oppose lab testing on animals. Instead, I propose that all testing on lab animals be stopped, and scientists world wide begin lab testing on hippies. That's right. Hippies will actually contribute something to mankind for the first time ever. It's time the crud cuddlers do something beneficial for society. We can stop cruelty to animals and begin cruelty to hippies.

Name: DAN
Location: London, England
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 22:16:36
Protest:If anyone wants to crush oppression, and help form a workers state, join the SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY for details email me. 

Name: Dan
Location: London, England
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 22:13:42
Protest:I protest capitalism and the oppression of the masses, the fact that the government is refered to as they, it should be we, we should legalise cannabis,m not they should legalise cannabis, if people stopped voting for the parties that don't listen to the people the government will never be we or us, crush barbarism, crush capitalism, crush racism, and remember we have nothing to lose and a world to gain. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE. 

Name: Captain Spoot
Location: Vista, CA USA
Date: Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 05:39:15
Protest:i protested before against marijuana, saying it was addictive and it is. its not addictive like cigarettes, but you get hooked psychologically. at any rate, ivegot some statistics for you. sixty five percent of teens poled voted that you should keep good ole mary jane illegal. to quote from the movie "Good Will Hunting," "How do you like dem apples?" 

Name: Beth
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 20:43:59
Protest: When will everybody see that all the world needs for peace,happiness & harmony is the love of Jesus? He loves you,no matter what you have done. He wants you to love Him back. In Christ<>< 

Name: Daria
Location: NY, NY USA
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 10:48:25
Protest:I really dislike my town. Maybe it is in all towns, I do not know. I live in a high class, lots of money, gossipy, preppy town. And I want OUT. One evening I was taking a walk with my boyfriend--who happens to have longer hair, down to his shoulders almost--when a woman who's daughter goes to my school, not even my friend, see's us walking together, at night, with a few other people. Now what we were doing should not have been any of her business but in our gossipy town everyone feels they must talk about everyone else so the next day this woman goes up to my mother and starts talking to her and saying how she "wouldnt let HER daughter do something like that--especially not with some skanky boy with LONG hair" Now I have you know he is NOT skanky and so what if he's got longer hair?? He treats me well--just as well as he would if his hair were shorter and he dressed as a prep. Another thing that I greatly dislike about my town is how everyone must be in a "group" and be labeled. In our school we have the "preps" the "wiggers" the "losers" (more like the not accepted because they dont care about the things the preps do) and my group's--"the 'acid tripping' 'pot smoking''crazy''hippie''lost their minds''gone insane''their opinions dont matter' group. First off I have never dropped acid, and have only tried pot-granted some of my friends do these things but they are not "pot heads" as to being called a hippie? I do not mind that. But "crazy, psycho, in need of seeing a therapist"????? They only say this because I am not like them--I dress in many different kinds of clothes--I wear jncos because they are comfortable, I wear huge bells because i like them, I love shopping at Prime Cuts a hippie deadhead store, for clothes and i love wearing my shirts with my favorite music groups on them, and my shirts with interesting quotes on them--how does this make me crazy? Because I dont like wearing the prep clothes that are in the majority? That is why they call me that, that reason and because of the way I think. I am agnostic and I have strong feelings about different things--peace, no war, gov sucks, etc--I made this art project where I cut up lots of different words or sayings from magazines, that taken away from the rest of the add can be interperted in many different ways. Then I glued them all on this one board. Because they saw that it was MY project they interperted the words as words of death, drugs, and other things like that--none of which I support (drugs maybe) I like a lot of different kinds of music (hendrix, zeppelin, pink floyd, etc) but I also LOVE Metallica. People label me a Satanist because of this--they think that Metallica worships and supports the devil. Just to prove them wrong I typed up the lyrics to the Metallica song "Nothing Else Matters" I personally feel that this song is a very wonderful song and the lyrics are very touching and beautiful. I did not tell them who the song was by I just showed them the lyrics. Once they had read them they thought they were beautiful and asked who had written them, when I said that it was a Metallica song they immediatly said that it was a horrible song and there was probably devil messages involved in the lyrics. Is it so wrong to be me? Why cant anyone just accept that I dont like to spend my time worrying over whether I have the new abercrombie and fitch shirt in my closet or not?? My group of friends are all very different from eachother, and I love them all--why cant all of my other peers just accept me for me?

Name: Carnivore
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 06:17:42

Name: sungirl69
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 02:20:20
Protest: I am protesting eating meat and using animals in experiements, lab tests and in food and beauty products. I also protest genitically engineered food. This is wrong!! Mother nature is just fine they way she is, and humans don't need to kill or eat animals to live! Without the slaughter of millions of animals the world would be a much more peaceful place!! Meat is not good for you and neither is dairy. It's extremely hazardous to the environment and to the human body. Protest capitialism... go animal-free today! And buy organic!! today!!

Name: sungirl69
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 at 02:19:34
Protest: I am protesting eating meat and using animals in experiements, lab tests and in food and beauty products. I also protest genitically engineered food. This is wrong!! Mother nature is just fine they way she is, and humans don't need to kill or eat animals to live! Without the slaughter of millions of animals the world would be a much more peaceful place!! Meat is not good for you and neither is dairy. It's extremely hazardous to the environment and to the human body. Protest capitialism... go animal-free today!!

Name:Yup, sorry, it's me again: Maxine
URL:there will be soon, just you wait.
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 11:50:11
Protest:Re WoodCrock 99: In England, my part of the world, we are lucky in that a proportion of our festivals actually capture the spirit of the original Woodstock. Any that don't are shunned by the press and media, as well as the hippies. Glastonbury in Somerset, UK is THE example of true Woodstock 69 spirit. It is the biggest festival of its kind in Europe, and it has been running for circa 30 years. Yes, it costs a bomb to get in, but guess what? The money actually goes to good and deserving causes- Greenpeace and the leftie press. You won't find commercial pop or Marilyn Manson-esques anywhere, and you can actually give someone a flower there without getting a punch and a sneer back. Just like Woodstock 69. In fact, there is a joke amongst British festival goers that basically says that there are probably more long-haired hippies at Glastonbury than there were even at the original Woodstock. And, one more thing, *whispers* Glastonbury is the easiest festival to get into a) with drugs and b) without a ticket. But I didn't tell you that of course......! Yes, to all you Americans, don't despair about Woodstock 99. Come over to this side of the pond next June for the biggie- Glastonbury 2000- and get the Woodstock Experience you never knew still existed. Ask nicely and I'll pay for your flight(!) Glastonbury 2000- I'll be there- will you? 

URL:watch this space- there'll be one soon.
Location: Buckinghamshire, England
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 11:47:34
Protest: Other than WoodCrock 99, the majority of argument on this page seems geared towards what is or what isn't a hippie. This just detracts from the real issues that are important here. For a start, no-one "calls" themselves a hippie as such, ie, it is not a label you give yourself, rather a label that other people give you, to the extent that you start to use it. People who say that a hippie is someone with a liberal line on things, rather than someone who smokes grass and wears tie-dyes may be partially right- but then, most people who simply take a liberal line on things would not call themselves hippies and would be at best, surprised and at worst, horrified if anyone else did. Also, saying that a hippie isn't someone who wears all the stuff and smokes all the stuff is confusing three things: leisure, appearance and views on politics/global issues. Leisure includes all the stuff like smoking dope, dropping acid and making beads. Appearance includes things such as wearing the tie-dyes, sandles and growing your hair. And views on poltics/global issues- that's really what makes you a hippie. But it doesn't set you apart from non-hippies who may have the same views. That's where the sandles and tie-dyes come in- they're there to give hippies an identity separate from others and the drugs are a personal choice that go with that idea. After all, if hippies didn't have these things to give us our identity, there wouldn't really be any way of distinguishing us from any other person with left-of-the-middle views and a penchant for travel and vegetarian cooking, would there? On the other hand, some people who would call themselves hippies by virtue of their views, don't want such an identity, so they dress and behave just like everyone else. That doesn't make them more or less of a hippie, either. So, please stop all the blather about who is or who isn't a hippie. Hippiedom is meant to be about tolerance, so let those hippies who wish to do drugs and wear sandles and beads wear them, and let those hippies who wish to be tee-total and wear Parka jackets and Hush Puppies do that too. If you're wearing the gear and doing the drugs for the right reasons (ie because you want to), then you're a hippie. If you're not wearing the gear or taking the drugs, but you still think like a hippie, then you're still a hippie just the same. The only people who have no true right to call themselves hippies are those that do not believe in anything remotely hippie and are horrible people, but simply wear the gear for fashion reasons. That's really all there is to it. I protest against non-hippies who obviously know nothing about the movement and have stupid preconceptions about what we are and, especially worryingly, seem to have a long list of the things that we're supposedly to blame for. There are lots of examples of these sorts of people that have passed through here over the months, I can't remember the names of all the offenders, but I'm sure they will know who I mean shortly. For a start, it appears that some people think our fault that this generation is messed up. Well, it seems to have escaped these people's notice that a) Most of the people on this page are not the 'original' hippies, but actual members of Generation X and we can't be blamed for messing up this generation when we weren't even alive before that, and b) Most of the reasons for which Generation X is messed-up (eg: mindless conservative propoganda and capitalism amongst others), are precisely some of the things hippies have been protesting against for the last 30 years, NOT things that we have bought upon the world ourselves!!!! Someone also said that hippies are to blame for spreading STDs. Did it occur to them that most problem STDs were around and spreading hundreds of years before hippies came to exist?!! Which brings me to the next common cricism of hippies: "You've been doing this for 30 years and nothing's changed......" Well pardon me, how long do you expect world change to take? Ten minutes? It's like having a three-year old kid in the back of a car on a long journey, who screams out: "Are we nearly there yet?" every two minutes because she/he hasn't yet learnt to be patient and realise that things take time. Just becasue things take time, doesn't mean we should stop bothering. People say our ideas are stupid and unrealistic. I suppose they have much better ones? What's stupid or unrealistic about wanting to change things for the better, in whatever way? Most hippie are perfectly aware that world peace can never really be achieved, but it's a matter of trying to get as close to it as possible and do our bit to let that happen. And there's nothing better to fuel people's dislike of hippies than the mention of drugs or body odour. What a fantastic way to dodge the real issues: politics and the world. What we choose to do in our leisure time or to our bodies is our business, and should not interfere with our views on politics and other issues, and what we are trying to achieve. Non-hippies: forget the drugs, forget the sandles: we've got aims other than to get as stoned as possible, and we need YOUR help to achieve them! Critics of hippies: if you don't like us, sure, you can have your opinion but GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name:Nikki Sundy
Location: Sharon , pa USA
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 16:15:02
Protest:I really can't stand racism, we need to realize how much love in the world we have for each other if we put aside some very rediculas things! I hope one day that we can get along!! I'M STARTING A PEACE RIOT EMAIL ME IF YOU WANT T TO JOIN 

Name: Drew Smith
Location: Atlanta, GA USA
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 15:16:07
Protest:Free Leonard Peltier now! Eliminate all nuclear weapons! No more oppression!!!!! Let's all work TOGETHER, every man, woman, and child, for a brighter, united tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Ocean Lilly
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:13:58
Protest: Everyone is so much more interested in blaming other people about violence, why don't they just wake the hell up and stop complaining and do something about it! If everyone loved as much as they hated, our world would be so great. Peace my friends. 

Name: Brian Kent
Location: Guys Mills, PA America
Date: Monday, July 26, 1999 at 08:52:56
Protest:In america we're supposed to be free...right! Well we're obviously not, so why ain't there more being done. Headlines- "Stop World Hunger" "Solve the Debt" "Don't Do Drugs", we need to stop the pollution and enjoy our opportunity to experience this high we call life. If there was no currency and everyone did their part we wouldn't have a national debt, world hunger, wars, and so on. First marijauna and acid, illegal- what the fuck...It reaches our outer minds and helps us live, so stuck up rich people ban it. Yeah, there in control. I totally hate how society is making it illegal for certain people to do different things. If you only 15 you'll get fined for driving, i am only 15 and to me that's just like predjudiced. I have no problem with marijuana and acid, the only drug i hate is the mind washing drug of society... 

Name: Crimson
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 21:10:04 we've got this whole peace and love and equality thing going right? Time for my pet peeve...all of the "hippies" that won't talk to the "non-hippies" Isn't this the exact opposite of your believes? Can we say hypocrite? This is one of the things that trigger anger in many minds. I also would like to agree with whomever it was that made the message about Yoko being wrongfully accused. She did not do it. That's all of your time I need for now. Thanks. SMILE :) 

Name: cheshire
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 15:33:41
Protest:hey we are living in a country were we want peace and love and we allow america to keep adoption records closed. think about it...why can't children know all of their parents and visa versa. give peace a chance and help people trapped in adoption issues a chance to thier nature. let them have a birth certificate like every other citizen. . 

Name: Dharma
Date: Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 16:23:42
Protest:OK, OK - this is simply a pet peeve, but I have to spread this around. Me, being a totally devout fan of the Beatles, have come from yet another debate over the break-up. I absolutly love the Beatles and have no serious problems with Yoko Ono, and I'm thoroughly sick of the misinformed scapegoating her to this day. I won't take up precious board space over this, but will be PLEASED AS PUNCH to take up a debate via e-mail if you disagree. I will argue this until I'm blue in the face (and fingers). The breakup was long in coming - it was a slow death in which Yoko played only a small role and would have occured with or without her. I have read about this over and over - but even common sense should tell you they had long outgrown each other. Well, as I said - I won't take up any more board space. I will be happy to argue down anyone who disagrees with me =) Peace and Love to you all!! Dharma 

Name: Kathey Reese *~StarDust~*
Location: Janesville, wi USA
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 at 01:45:31
Protest:PEOPLE need to take care of our earth (Gigiaa) because its the only one we have and if you dont treat it with respect you dont ruin it for just you you ruin it for everyone around you and even you children or grandchildren so take care of the earth and show some respect~ Please! Peace and Love Kathey a.k.a *~StarDust~* 

Name: Lily (Ali Emert
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 22:03:24
Protest: I may be young but I feel everyone should treat everyone and everything respectfully and lovingly. Animals may have been put here for us but that dosen't autamatically mean should go out and kill them. Everyone should be heard. People shouldn't forget about the 60's. War should be stopped! 

Name:Bobby Clark
Location: Boca Raton, FL USA
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 20:58:52
Protest:These are the list of things that I am protesting against 1. NBA game tickets, merchandise, or anything bearing the NBA logo. The NBA epitomizes everything wrong with American society. They are a bunch of overpaid losers who don't work hard. All they care about is money 2. MTV, I will continue to boycott this channel until they start playing decent videos, get rid of all the idiotic shows, and go back to the original 24-hour format they used to have 3. Meat, I believe it is wrong to kill animals for food, enough said 4. Rap Music. Rap Music is the most offensive and vile form of music that exists today. It is just a bunch of illiterate idiots that act like morons in interviews and in their videos. I'm not even going to go into the whole ebonics thing. 5. American Radio Stations, I will continue protest against American radio stations until they remove their ban against British music and kick 3rd rate dullards like matchbox 20 to the curb. Because British music has proven to be far superior than American music
Location: peace n love, Canada
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 16:11:43
Protest:I'm against people who judge someone by their sexuality alone! Being bisexual myself, I can tell you that it's not pleasant to be bombarded with the comments that I do get. It hurts, and people need to realize that someone's sexual orientation doesn't make them a bad person: It's their heart, soul, and spirit that matter. Anyone who can't see that isn't worth your time... Peace.

Name: janis
Location: NY, NY USA
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 15:43:32
Protest:yeah, i do agree with those people who protested against woodstock 99. it's suppose to be about peace, love and music. i'm not saying that it's only for hippies and that's it! it is, in fact, a be-in...everybody's welcome!! but the problem is....people are commercializing it. i don't have any problems with bands that create music (any kind of music!)..after all, music is art but when they use their music to promote violence is wrong! they promote violence and murder and hate....that's when they get out of hand. music is good but it's suppose to be a tool to enlighten people or teach them what's right. these bands and people that create music that promote violence are only seems. i mean, the truth is nobody likes to suffer or be hated! do you? so, all of what they are saying is wrong. i bet that if they become prisoners for people like, for example, Hitler...and Hitler would make them suffer a slow death..i know they'd be the first one to scream and wish that everything in this world is just love and no war! they're only saying that they love violence because they want to look cool and not sound corny. but sometimes, being corny is being real! i don't want to offend anybody who like music with violence or to anybody who's going to woodstock 99. please be open minded and let me remind you that this is only an opinion....respect it. 

Name: Moondance
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 00:31:54
Protest:I have to protest for my little animal friends. In my city and many others, probably the whole of the western world, it is now a law that CATS have to be on leashes and chained up. it is bad enough that dogs must be confined and chained up like a crazy human, but now cats? It is getting out of hand. Cats are one of the free-est creatures you could think of. Did you know that if a cat had a collar on and it jumped off a fence of a tree branch and jumped a certain way, it can get the collar caught and it will choke to death. We're more concerned people won't be afraid of cats, or that they won't leave a "mess" on your lawn than the freedom of a great and powerful creature. Cats are proven stress relievers..they can't reduce our stress if they're full of stress from trying to avoid everything that is a probable choker. 

Location: Peoria, IL USA
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 23:58:32
Protest:I'm totally against racisim and I'm totally outraged at what happned the previous 4th of July weekend (sorry kinda late I guess). When the white-supremmisist went on his killing rampage. He only lived a couple of cities over & apparently bought his gun illegally in our city. Now our city is the place where most of it began, I'm ashamed to live in a city where such a horrific event started. I think to myself it could have been one of my friends, my prayers go out to the friends & family of those who have been so thoughtlessly murdered. Thank you for your time in reading my protest.

Peace & Love,

Name: Child of the New Rising Sun
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 22:42:11
Protest:I totally agree with what Dharma said about WoodCrock '99. It's a total insult and a blemish on the name Woodstock. Tickets to the 1969 concert cost $18 for the three-day festival. Tickets to WoodCrock '99 cost a whopping $150. Woodstock '69 was eventually declared a free concert. WoodCrock '99 has a 12-foot high fence to prevent non-ticket holders from getting in. It's not about music or art or anything. It's all about fucking money. I was outraged when I heard that acts like Limp Bizkit and DMX and Marilyn Manson would be playing at the festival. What the hell does this festival have to do with Woodstock?? They're not even holding it in the right month!! If they had used another name, I would not be so outraged, but to use the name Woodstock for a commercialized outdoor festival featuring several of the most obnoxious, violent and hostile musicians in the world is akin to heresy. Tattooed skinheads in a big mosh pit does not exactly bring to mind visions of Woodstock, for me at least. Sorry for rambling, I just wanted to state my opinion on this crock of shit that's coming up this weekend. 

Name:Debby McElhenney (steve west's computer)
Location: Deltona, FL USA
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 15:55:47
Protest:Everytime something bad happens to the Kennedy family people have to immediately badmouth them, not thinking of the good they have done in this country. Also, no one ever thinks of the good use Michael Jackson has done with his money, e.g. medical relief teams. Do we always have to be so critical of famous people? It would do us all good to try to imitate them in their good endeavors, and not bitch about them. Thanks for letting me bitch. Also, boycott Proctor and Gamble..they still torture animals. 

Name: Dharma
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 15:43:25
Protest:I know this topic has probably been more than exhausted, but I have to say something about this Woodstock99 crap. I put a post over there on that board a few weeks ago stating my opinion and was barraged by hate replies, which was expected because it was their board. I beleive it is the complete bastardizaton of 1969. Parents are flying their kids out to this pitiful commercialized recyclization of a defining 60's moment -and that's just wrong right there. How many parents flew their kids out to the original?? The 90's is a sorry attempt of a remake of past decades - just flip through any magazine and see what I'm talking about. I'm sorry, Backstreet Boys and N Sync don't strike me as the type to pour their true beleifs into the music. How can you take 90's music and hang a 60's title on it?? Woodstock meant peace and love - give someone a flower at WoodCrock99 and see what happens to you. The 90's is not about peace and love. I would like it to be - that's why I wish I could've been born 34 years earlier than what I was. If this concert was under any other name, it would be tolerable. It just degrades the original. Honestly, I love you all, but I don't care if I offened anyone. Peace and Love to you all always (even if you are going to Wood Crock 99) Dharma

Name: Nina
Location: near Milwaukee, Wi U.S.
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 12:26:03
Protest:So many believe in freedom for all, but what about the innocent prisoners right here in our towns, our cities, day after day being ignored, pushed aside, by the ignorant, the arrogant!?! What about the animals? If you live near the Milwaukee area, or don't mind traveling, please email me. Please join the Primate Freedom Tour. 

Name: Kristen
Location: Monroe, La USA
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 23:18:59
Protest:Look, sorry if I sounded ignorant, but all I was trying to say was that I support Woodstock today, then, and forever. People in the 60s and 70s were all about expression and feelings. In MOST of today's music, that is still what everything is about...expressing your feelings. Personally, I don't like the Backstreet Boys, but I respect people who like them. I respect people for being who they are. Matt, I am sorry, but I was just expressing my opinion. If I sounded rude, egotistical, or nieve, sorry! I don't appreciate the personal attack, though. I am not an ignorant person; I'm just an avid supporter of every type of it N Sync or Type O Negative. Second of all, I never once mentioned "old"...I did refer to the other generation, though. My music tastes vary, and I listen to 60s and 70s music, but that's not all I can hear. I am a very open minded person, and I see the beauty in almost anything. Once again, I would like to apologize if I offended anyone in any way. 

Name: Lenah
Location: Gilbert, AZ U.S.A>
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 22:18:47
Protest:My Essay is called: Why Hatred and not Love? I just watched one of the most intense and truthful movies ever made; American History X. It made me start thinking about a lot of feelings I have. The first feeling that came to mind was hatred. This movie showed me that hatred is an on going cycle and it is a disgusting feeling. We as a society would not have as many problems if hatred was not an option for the cowards, including myself. Why should I hate the White supremacist? I should be directing my energy on helping them. Then again, I could probably about a hundred reasons why I hate them. First of all, how dare anyone worship the devils of all devils, Adolf Hitler. He brought pain aand suffering to not only 6 million Jews, blacks, mentally handicap, gypsies, twins, gays, and all minorities. But he brought, and still bring, suffering to all the families, soldiers, and countries involved in the war. (If you have never seen Saving Private Ryan, watch it! It will give you a good idea what these men were put up against.) As you can see, we still have people hating other people because of this foolish man. And did any of those idiots think about what a coward their almighty leader really was? He shot himself because he knew deep down in his heart he was a weak and stupid man, and he could never face his failures. What a leader. I want to know, what is so wrong with living peacfully and not having to live your entire life trying to prove you are better than so and so. Because I live peacfully with God and people in and out of my community, I get to enjoy things that those fools are too busy for. For instance, I can go to Mexico and appreciate their really neat laguage. And I can watch the sunset over the horizon. And I can look at a black, Hispanic, Korean, or white person, and see beyond their skin color and accents. For this, I can live in peace with myself. I am 18 years old, and I wonder why I am not a superficial teen. Did God give me something special to overcome a future obstical, or are their more people like me who are just too affraid to say how they really feel and THINK?! I believe that is the case. Everyday I turn on the TV, or open the newspaper, and I am filled with bullshit, coplete bullshit! All these stupid adults question why our youth is out of control. I'll give them one good guess. Look at the people who are on the news every single night. Gangbangers, white supremacists, phycos, burglars all make our TV's glow at least two time a day. And hey, if you have cable, you can watch that shit all day. I am tired of these idiots consuming even one more second fo anyones day! So my point is, lets stop hating and lets start enjoying life. You only get a good 70 years and then it is over. You know what? I would even be happy if people would just start tolerating each other. Violence solves nothing, it only creates more problems. Freinds do not come in in a color or a race, but rather with knowledge, compassion,a nd a personality that you like being around. So the moral is, lighten up, start enjoying life, and learn anything and everthing possible, because life is too short to stay simple minded (I like to call it stupid, but I'm being nice) and worrying about who you hate. Make love, not war. Lenah 

Location: Jackson, ky usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 17:27:40
Protest: I think that the World white church or whatever there name should be banned from all civilazation. and should take there page off the net. We should stop discrimnation on the net.!!!!!! 

Name:Mr. Kite (Adam Bruneau)
Location: Dacula, GA USofA
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 17:12:54
Protest:I've been reading many really angry protests about the new Woodstock and, while I must agree that the name has changed into a product that the establishment is selling off as "alternative" (while being the exact opposite of that), I think that the best way to approach this is by supporting underground music. The best music today is underground, and just because millions of people listen to sludge like the Backstreet Boys and Limp Bizkit doesn't mean you have to! Be adventurous and pick up some albums by groups like Apples in Stereo, Neutral Milk Hotel, etc. I'd really recommend any Flaming Lips album to every hippie that visits the page. They make the most beautiful, fun, and insightful music I've ever heard.

Name: Matt
ny usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 15:08:09
Protest: My name is Matt. I posted the message 2nd down from this one. I am writing back to say how ignorant kristin sounded in her replay that was wrote regarding woodstock. First of all i'm not old ,i'm 18. I don't have a problem that you listen to groups like the backstreet boys but i don't think a good name like woodstock should be ruined by having all shitty groups like them there. Today's music is shit. I can't stand how many people of my generation are so fucking ignorant. 60's and 70's music is that best and that's all there is to it. THE END

Location: Monroe, Louisiana USA
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 14:27:28
Protest:I think everyone who is all uptight about this year's Woodstock should chill out. I mean, come on...the only way kids are going to find out stuff is from the older people. Now, if the other generations get ticked off at our generation for trying to hold a Woodstock, THAT'S lame. Music has changed, yes, but everything evolves. I bet people who were your age when you were our age thought your music sucked, too. But, you loved it. We got the Woodstock idea from you guys, let it evolve, shaped it, and made it our own. This is our generation's party...let us party. We give you credit. It's our turn and everything we do was taught to us by someone else. So, come on, we're just taking what you guys handed down to us, molding it, and making it something new. But, it's not entirely new. There will always be a little hippie in everything. As long as people are still expressing feeling in songs, there is a little hippie in music. =o) So, cheer up...we credit you. Sincerely, The New Generation 

Name: Matt Jarvie
new york usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 14:19:52
Protest: I can't agree more with what the cat before me made in reference to this years so called"woodstock 99" festival. To me it all seems to be a big crock of shit. All it is is this big commercial hype,which people seem to go crazy over. This festival does not even deserve to be called woodstock. This festival bares no similarities at all with the original woodstock,it's not even close to the same location. The groups performing at the festival are as lame as hell anyway,rap music and woodstock do not go togeather neither does fucking metallica. The music of the 60's beats the shit out of todays untallented,overhyped,overcommercialized bubblegum shit groups. All iv'e got to say is that this years so called woodstock festival is a big sham and should be boycotted by all those with true spirit for the 60's and the music. peace........Matt

Name: Matt Jarvie
new york usa
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 14:14:38
Protest: I can't agree more with what the cat before me made in reference to this years so called"woodstock 99" festival. To me it all seems to be a big crock of shit. All it is is this big commercial hype,which people seem to go crazy over. This festival does not even deserve to be called woodstock. This festival bares no similarities at all with the original woodstock,it's not even close to the same location. The groups performing at the festival are as lame as hell anyway,rap music and woodstock do not go togeather neither does fucking metallica. The music of the 60's beats the shit out of todays untallented,overhyped,overcommercialized bubblegum shit groups. All iv'e got to say is that this years so called woodstock festival is a big sham and should be boycotted by all those with true spirit for the 60's and the music. peace........Matt

Name:a lonely hippie giving voice to opinion
URL:url ? they must mean LsD hehehehe:-)
Location: not where i want to be, same where else would i be from ?
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 09:50:31
Protest: I'd just like to say a few things about Woodstock 99. I had originally made plans to go, with some friends, and celebrate some peace and love, that is what its all about, right ? well, circumstance has made it impossible for me to go, but this has allowed me to gain some insight into the whole thing, i think the woodstock scene has sold out and lost focus. i do not think that very many of the bands playing woodstock this year give a damn about peace, love, and understanding. what is the message they are sending ? anger, hatred, destruction, not hippie themes. the spirit of woodstock has been lost among all the noise and the advertisements. it seems to me we will not be able to regain what we had in 69 on this course. so anyway, it just doesnt bother me that i cant go to woodstock this year, its lost the freedom it once had. if you agree with me, thats cool, i realize that there will be plenty of hip people at woodstock 99, all looking for an answer. my problem is that the answer may no longer be there. 

Name: Jennifer Simmers
Location: Rialto, CA US
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 02:24:33
Protest:I'm looking for anyone, EVERYONE who shares my views and is in the area. I'm a full-time 21 year old (majoring in Biology) college student. I'm a practicing vegetarian, finding that my love and respect for animals far outweighs my taste buds. I'm staging a protest against Proctor and Gamble and their senseless, painfully executed experiments on defenseless animals, slated for August 28, 1999. If you'd like to help, plese e-mail me and let me know. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and I plan on squeaking!! Any and all help is most definitely appreciated!

Name: Brenna
Location: fresno, caDate: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 00:49:32
Protest:we all need to become one! if there are any others reading this from fresno or those whole share my ideas, PLEASE right to me so we can do something about this and notjust talk about it! peace and love brenna

Name: sarah
Location: springfield, IL USA
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 23:55:28
Protest:wow. where do i start? i guess the easiest way of saying it is that i protest the ruthless, greedy, heartless monsters that we, as a society have so unfortunately become. Being a 16-year-old child, growing up and learning only from the people and things surrounding me, it has become quite clear to me that the sole purpose of my being, of OUR being, is to be successful any cost, no matter what. Love doesn't matter, friends don't matter, your happiness doesnt matter, as long as you have lots of money and lots of material possessions. i wish that i knew where and when and how this greed and hatred were instilled into this world. a small minority of us realize that giving and recieving love and friendship are the only truely fullfilling things. but not nearly enough of us. i guess, all we can do, is smile on our brothers and sisters, and give love wherever and whenever we can. we can make a difference. dont give up on love ever. in the end, we will all be happy.... 

Name:Rebelling Ryan
Location: Baton Rouge, LA Usa
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 13:13:27
Protest:First of all, I think vegetarians should stop telling people not to eat meat. One of my favorite artists: Tool says "This is necessary, Life Feeds on life." Its cool if u don't want to eat meat and kill animals, but don't tell other people they are wrong, cause its natural. Another thing is people need to stop dissing drugs if they have never done them. If you have never smoked pot, I don't want you telling me that its better to be sober. Drugs are not nearly as bad as the government portrays them with it's brainwashing. What else would you call them coming into our schools while we are at an early and impressionable age (i remember it back to 1rst grade) and telling that drugs are bad, and telling us half-truthes to lies about them to make us think so. Those are the only things that I havent seen posted so peace out.

Name: Midnight
Location: Barrie, Ont Canada
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 14:32:39
Protest: When you feel you make the right decision for yourself and others try and lead you away from YOUR right decision.Kind of like Christians standing outside a Marilyn Manson concert trying to make not perform, it does nothing but make fans,promoters etc... even more angry. If they pay the money and he wants to perform,he will. The Christian activists are not doing the right thing, he'll only poke more fun at them. He doesn't hate them. He's a spokesperson for angry youth that feel misunderstood. And animal testing. Why don't the people that still do that test the various products on themselves.The monkeys don't have aids or wear lipstick. Why not try the "cures" on people with aids (with their consent) or put the lipstick on themselves? But these are merely my beliefs. 

Name: redrum
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 11:34:06
Protest: hello =) I thought of something.... what is most important?? To fight against the things that are bad and evil... or to support the things you like??? I think...but I'm not sure that I think that it's more impotant to support the things you love...all you need is love..after all.. I LUV U!!! puss på dej rubus om du läser detta!!! =) 

Name: Crystal and Brandy
Location: Monticello, AR America
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 00:04:41
Protest:Will someone please tell the parents of this generation that nagging youre kids does not make them quit using drugs? It does not help to "talk about things" and it sure dont help to fucking "drug test" them I will tell you what helps: to leave youre kids the hell alone and let them develope there own individuality and THEN mabey we wouldnt need to do drugs just to fucking find it! Bye! Crystal 

Name: hsthompson
Location: mo'town, wv hell...usa
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 02:15:48
Protest:protest? PROTEST? what a joke. some people get rich, others eat shit and die. there's no inbetween, no argument, no drunken conversation. nothing. just remember, you could die in a second. then what would "our" protesting mean? did it change anything? no. die. that's the only thing any of us can count on. 

Name: ~elizabeth~
the FUCKED up one called USA
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 22:49:00
Protest:ok, first off...i think that this country is totally fucked up. we are over in these 3rd world countries trying to solve everyone else's problems when we have problems of our own that we all are neglecting. we waste millions and millions of dollars on things that aid in war and hate when we should be using that $$$ to help the homeless and all the other problems we have in todays society. second, i totally dislike it when other people try to silence me just because i'm outspoken. ohhh no!! heaven forbid i might says something against the "norm". screw that. there is no such thing as normal and i will NEVER be silenced. it amazes me to see that the people of today reduce themselves to the limitations of society and this government. c'mon people...wake up!! dont they see that the govt is actually hurting them, not helping? and why the hell am i paying taxes when i dont even agree w/the govt? why should they take my well earned $$ from my paycheck to go towards social security that i'll never see when i'm 65?? its all BULLSHIT...i may only be 16 but i refuse to sit here and take it. and i totally agree with what all of you have to say, but talk is cheap. who cares what other people think about you, go out and DO SOMETHING!!!!! FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!! do what ever it takes. believe in yourself, and others will follow. -----"stand up for what you believe in, even if your standing alone" i'll have more to say later....~PEACE OUT~

Name:Zim-Zum 002
Email:None of your business
Location: Zepherhills, FL North Am
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 13:15:54
Protest: Why do somany people hate hippies? We spend hours,days, months at a time trying to create peace and understanding and people put us down for trying to do the right thing. WE try to make a difference because the world is so messed up and we care about it, and we get resented for doing it. Just sit and think of all the beautiful things that could happen if people took a second off and talked to each other and resolve some differences. Look, call me whatever you wish but I love Earth and all creations on it, exept for hate and god knows we have plenty of that. But to make peace we have to have peace, and right now humanitys working towards its destruction. Peace and love to everyone who reads this. 

Name: summer
Location: fuquay, nc usa
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 11:14:11
Protest:decriminalize pot! they have beer, which is killing our friends and family on the road and it degenerates the liver, which can kill you, pot does not do this 

Name: bob
Location: gwinner, nd usa
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 at 06:15:13
Protest: legalize weed man, i mean we can kill ourselfs with booze and cigarettes right? why not weed? 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 16:56:44

Some of the post below doesn't make much sense. But most of it does. So just try to get the gist of what I meant to say, OK? 

Power to the Subculture 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 at 16:53:06
Protest:Wake-up call. Dope is marijuana is cannabis. Cannabis is not, in fact, dangerous if taken brewed in a drink or eaten. If you smoke it it has some of the same effects as smoking; especially if you add tobacco to make it work better. If you don't want to screw your lungs up, brew it in coffee. The high is stronger - however, it's uncontrollable, so you can't stop if it's going too far.

Some people may think I shouldn't spread info like this around; however, there's an ugly side to free speech. Besides, what if I do stop a few people from screwing their lungs up?

Taken in a less dangerous form, cannabis is extremely beneficial to the human body. For example, it's a good painkiller, a good analgesic, a good cure for pretty much anything - it's practically nature's medicine. A few hundred years ago Victorian doctors realised its benefits and started using it widely to treat their patients for a variety of major and minor disorders. In the past hundred years, this medical trend has been lost and subsequently ignored; however, I think cannabis, like aspirin, should perhaps be commercially available in a pill form. Put it in water, wait a bit, you've got Magic Coffee. Don't take more than two in four hours or more than six in 24 hours, or we'll be forced to ignore you. :)

I'm starting to think I should start writing my own website. My protests on here are starting to get a little long.

On a more serious note, this whole free speech thing is fine and people are free to slag off hippies if they want to. But "generation X" are just evolved hippies. I'm a generation X guy who's realised that there's nowt wrong with wanting something that may or may not be attainable; sure, you say peace and love and freedom are good things, and you say that the hippy way doesn't work, but do you see anyone else stepping forward to defend these values? And besides, how are we adding to planet Earth's problems by telling you what they are and doing our best to help get rid of them? We'll be like you, shall we, and ignore them to live in the safety of our small, insignificant lives, just not giving a fuck about where tomorrow's gonna come from?


Power to the Subculture

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 23:30:29
Protest: I love earth. I love people. I love creatures of all statures and of all minds and bodies. Why can't every- one have the love that me and many others do? Because society has deprived us of our love. Look at the movie that are being made! Listen to the musci that is being made! look at the clothes that are being made! I know that our appearance shouldn't determine who we are, but let's face it. we're humans and our clothing DOES determine who we are because our clothing expresses us. We have to help people back to the light! We must show them that there is another way besides the way that our ONLY home earth is going. 

Name: kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 22:40:52
Protest:A HIPPY IS NOT SOMEONE WHO SMOKES DOPE AND DRESSES FUNNY! Most hippies I know do NOT smoke dope. They know it kills. The point of a hippy is to make people understand one another. Most of us KNOW that world peace is impossible and will NEVER happen. We just want the world a better place for our children. Most hippies I know don't have sex with just anyone anytime they feel. STOP stereotyping hippies. The hippies of today are not like most of the hippies of yesterday. 

Name: Bill keim
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 14:55:07
Protest: Yeah, I have a protest for ya. I protest your (hippies) constant call for action and free thinking. Stop bullshitting. Jesus Christ welcome to planet earth, we have a shit load of problems and all you are doing are adding to them. Why don't you stop smoking weed and dropping acid and clean yourselves up. Haven't you damaged the genepool enough? Stop banging on your bongos and singing peace and love cause it just isn't working. You have been trying for 30 odd years with no avail. All that you have brought is a declination in American society. Your liberalist ideas have demoralized our culture to the point of no return. Your free sex and free drugs and free thought have spread v.d.s, rampant drug use and an entirely new generation (generation X) that is so utterly fuct up that I'm ashamed to be a part of it. Your ways of trying to bring about change have completely crushed conservative morality and a defacement of human values altogether. Yes, granted, peace love and happiness are all wonderful things and I want them as well but I don't need weed or lsd oor any other substance or ludicrous idea to attain them. Just be a good person-be realistic. Stop killing your braincells and wake up. Being unshowered and high with dreadlocks isn't going to gain you respect it will only get you ridicule. Your approach isn't working. Hippies aren't working. The war is over. Stop following people who support drug use, bad hygeine and intrinsic yes but unrealisic and especially unattainable goals by your methods. 

Name: steven thomas wirth
Location: morgantown, wv usa
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 05:21:15
Protest:i am protesting protesting. Just in the sense that, sure, some people can get together and get city hall to grant the little leauge team a couple of thousand dollars for a new ballpark, and the church ladies can get all government buildings handicapped accessible, but world peace? what a story. societys gone to shit, and you would have to be one intelligent bastard to convince me to "stand up and make a change." Read a Hunter S. Thompson book, and then wake up and try to enjoy the life you've chosen for yourself. God bless us all. 

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 00:17:18
Protest:I PROTEST TECHNOLOGY! Ya, I'm on it right now. Guess that makes me a hypocrite, a narrowminded regular person. Guess what? We all are in our own ways. I protest technology because it POLLUTES! Not in the short run, computers won't polute. But what about when the computer stops working and is no good anymore? When it can no longer be possibly fixed? It will go one of two ways : it will either be thrown into a landfill where it will hurt our great mother earth, or it will be recycled, so it can some time in the future be thrown into a landfill to hurt mother earth. WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE EARTH LIKE THE GOOD GOD INTENDED! God gave us the land to rule over, not run with an IRON FIST! I encourage you to read Walden by Henry David Thoreau....get an idea of what you MUST DO! 

Name: Kaelin
Location: Estevan, Sask Canada
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 at 00:07:49
Protest:"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them." This was written by Henry David Thoreau, a man who died over 100 years ago. He lived in solitude at Walden Pond. If we use this in an analogy to our dreams of peace, then sometimes they are in the air. Sometimes they have no foundation. I just want to say that we have to state facts in order for dreams of peace to become a reality. We need to show we know what we're talking about and that peace is THE way to go! So don't go shootin out your thoughts like there's no tomorrow, unless you can back them up. 

Location: Johnson City, TN USA
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 17:07:47
Protest:I protest the persecution of homosexuals. I am not one myself, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and let people tell me that being a homosexual is "against God's will" or even "against nature." Because it's a proven fact, there are cases of homosexuality in many different species. Also, ANY LOVE IS GOOD LOVE! Love is the constant source of energy for all living things! I strongly believe that if people would just shut the fuck up for a little while and listen to the beautiful sound of silence, then they would feel weird when they realized that they had been bitching over nothing! Now I've been reading this thing on here and I'll admit, I'm not a vegetarian, and I have never smoked pot, but I do see your all's point. Because really, they ban smoking a plant but they let you kill animals? That is really fucked up. I'm sorry but that's just my belief on the whole thing. I've tried to become vegetarian a really long time ago but it didn't last long. I'll probably do it again. I protest the fact that whenever I try to tell a Christian at my school about my beliefs, they look like I am Satan himself. I protest the fact that I can't live my everyday life and dress and act as I'd like to without being judged. I HATE the persecution of hippies, we are some of the most loving people that have ever lived. And nobody will tell me otherwise. The whole "If Jesus hasn't saved your soul, then you will burn in Hell eternally" thing. My own mother told me this! I am so tired of this belief running the world. As my prophet John Lennon has said, (in a sense in the song "Imagine") if people weren't so fucking worried about getting into those pearly gates then they wouldn't have anything to fight over. Religion is one of the main reasons the world is incapable of uniting at this point. People like to be around people with the same beliefs, hell, including me! We hippies are the right ones. I protest any violence of any kind. As Joan Baez said in her book "Daybreak," "The only thing that has been a bigger flop than organized nonviolence is organized violence." And as John Lennon said, "Okay, so flower power didn't work. So we start again!" Let's make a stand! Let's all unite once again and quit the bitching at each other! Make it happen! 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 15:27:17

Why do people want to get rid of guns? Because they can be used to kill people. Why do people want to have guns? Because they want to stop being shot themselves.

It's like the nuclear weapons situation. Everyone has nuclear weapons, so that if anyone else suddenly builds some they don't have overwhelming power over everybody else.

Government justifies keeping guns as making sure people can defend themselves. This means that, in any encounter where someone attacks someone else, at least one person ends up dead rather than hospitalised. I think that makes sense.

It also means that guns are freer for purchase. In this way, by defending yourself you're also handing your attackers a shotgun. I think that makes sense.

Then again, maybe having a gun is a citizen's "right". Now, let's take a look at the underlying principle of a democratic existence:

"I am free to swing my arm wherever I like, so long as I don't break someone's nose."

Thing is, how can anyone verify that the gun you buy won't go to the psycho across the street who'll actually use it on someone else, or that you aren't a total psycho yourself? Most americans might not have heard of the Dunblaine massacre. As you all know, the United Kingdom is a gun-controlled country. Some nut with a gun license, whom the police had obviously forgotten to check for sanity, burst into a primary school and gunned a load of children down. This illustrates a point: having guns around at all is bad.

Guns are needed for war: maybe. But two things: you don't need to go to war in peacetime, and in a well-balanced society - something that 3000 years of social development hasn't managed to light upon yet, because invariably the rich and powerful decide what happens to their money - war isn't necessary.

Unfortunately, until militaristic and out-of-control countries like Iraq come under decent leadership, we'll get guns hanging around all over the place after being built. And, of course, people who build guns often try to sell them. And, of course, people who buy guns often try to use them. The problem would be similar to current drug laws; it's impossible to restrict completely, a few people die every now and again, but most of what tries to get in stays out.

(On the other hand, drugs are probably a bad comparison. Death by drugs is suicide, not murder.)

So, to conclude:

1. There is no reason to keep guns in circulation.
2. There are good reasons to restrict guns heavily.
3. Guns should be made illegal as soon as possible in all countries, except for government-controlled military purposes, which are required for the security of the country as a whole.

That last one may sound like the "protection of the individual" thing about guns for home use: however, don't worry. There are always going to be militaristic countries looking to pick a fight, and they'll always need something to stop them. Often these things get stopped with less of an impact than if they don't; the aggressors are neutralised and, after a while, left alone, rather than taking over other countries and heavily oppressing *everyone*.

Power to the Subculture

Name: Jenna
Location: spokane, wa usa
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 13:49:23
Protest:i am totally againest guns......everytime someone fires a gun that kills a person.....people cry for the lose of their son, their brother, their best friend since ever, their long time crush, their boyfriend ,etc..... you see everytime someone fires a gun they get more confident that they can do it again more people cry tears of fear,saddness and haterty....... its like some kids just walk in a high school and start throwing bombs and shooting guns. Man,those kids will never ever forget that.....make people feel wanted and not like trash in da makes them less likely to go shoot someone for the hell of it... say hi to the kid your friends have made fun of since 3rd grade.....say hello to the kid with only one arm that has always been every chance you have ...... peace 

Name: Dharma
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 00:04:54
Protest:To all intolerant adults: "Come mothers and fathers throughout the land And don't criticize what you can't understand Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agein' PLEASE GET OUT OF THE NEW ONE IF YOU CAN'T LEND YOUR HAND For the times, they are a-changin'" -Bob Dylan You were here once. Please accept and help us. Peace and Love - Dharma 

Name: Dharma
Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 23:29:18
Protest:To intolerate adults: "Come mothers and fathers throughout the land And don't criticize what you can't understand Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' PLEASE GET OUT OF THE NEW ONE IF YOU CAN'T LEND YOUR HAND For the times they are a-changin'" - Bob Dylan You were here once too. Accept us and help us. Peace and Love Dharma (feel free to mail me) 

Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 05:47:04
Protest:Racism Homophobia Guns Chinese in Tibet Indonesians in East Timor PNG in Bouganville Funding Cuts to Unions/Universities/my music department

Name: mike
Date: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 21:58:42
Protest: yeah,i protest any situation where innocent people are being mistreated.. for example,leonard innocent man is rotting his life away in prison for crimes he never even commited... i also protest these damn huge corporate empires overcharging their product and paying their employees minimum wage and providing poor working conditions ((one of the problems with a capitalist society)) i protest censoring all types of media many music being censored today reveals much of the problems with our society...why should we let other people be the ones to decide whether we want to know something or not? why should we let the goverment blind us? and lastly, legalize marijuana for gods sake...i shouldnt even have to explain that 

Name: willow
wv usa
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 19:54:40
Protest:i think everyone should go to this site and put a message on their guest book. i think that is it. they say that hippies should die. i wrote to them and said they were adding to the hate and intolorence in the world. so everyone protest site like this and hate in the world Peace 

Name: Zoe Star 
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 18:13:53
Protest:Why the need for marijuana? We should all be able to find euphoria in the simple mindstate of potential peace and equality! Instead of getting high and losing our intellectual views on life...we should all put the same amount of enthusiasm into working towards peace as some of you put into smokin weed! I understand the bleakness of life and the occaisional need to escape...but getting high is not the answer ....If we all truly feel the way we say we do...we should indeed all rendevous at a certain landmark and make it known to this country that we will not go out without a fight...that we have views, opinions and ideas and that we won't be silenced!!!! WE ARE ALL ONE VOICE, ONE BODY,and ONE HEART and SOUL!!!! Together we can accomplish much.....we must stand together or we will all fall alone! it is for these reasons that i make this proposial....In the year 2000, when things will probably be at their worst..if nothing should happen on this upcoming eve.. we should gather at the front of the whitehouse on the day of the upcoming presidential elections and stand together with one voice, and one purpose!!!! I respect you all and it is my belief that talk is cheap...and that we should all take a stand on our beliefs!! Because we are all one friend and i need ALL of your opinions....we sincerely mean what we have stated...and we desperately need to hear from all of you!!!TO BE ORIGINALS,WE MUST FIRST BECOME OUTCASTS!!!!!PEACE..... In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make! -John Lennon If you are up to the challenge,send your opinions to our e-mail address: We hope everyhting works itself out and that all of you out there have the courage to stand up for your beliefs....we believe you all have what it takes!!!!! 

Name: Zoe Lake
Date: Thursday, July 8, 1999 at 17:35:44

Name: Ariel 
Location: Waldorf, MD USA
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 20:50:12
Protest: People are going to be people. That is something everyone needs to deal with. We are all individuals. We are all different, and yet we are all the same. We all love and want and suffer. We are all human, and that is what we all have to learn. I don't think that it is right to eat other defenseless creatures unessesarily, or fight long, deadly wars to solve a greedy dispute. I don't believe in a Christian god, or a Muslim god. I don't believe in a lot of things, and I live by what I BELIEVE in. But, above all of MY other ideals comes my belief in tolerance. We are all different. We need to let our differences bring us closer together. If you don't mind slaughtering a poor, helpless calf and serving her as a delicacy, then, I guess, so be it. I mind. I wouldn't do it. But, I'll be damned if I'd let anyone else tell me what to do. In the end, in a completely natural state of consciousness, we wouldn't need to fight. Love will prevail, because that it all we need to survive happily. Give love because love gives you everything. ~*~ Ariel ~*~ 

Name:iRon MaN
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 18:29:36
Protest:I'm gonna make my protest short and sweet. If certain political leaders like Jesse Ventura see marijuana as being a perfectly legitimate product, then why can't the rest of the government. It should be legal. The country could make money off of it instead of losing money fighting against it. It should be our right to decide if we want to smoke it too. 

Name: Rachel Gouge
Location: Fort Campbell, Ky USA
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 22:01:31
Protest:I would just like to start by saying I love you, this goes out to EVERYONE, those i agree with and those i don't. I would like to invite everyone to think the next time they get mad at some one. I heard a girl say just the other day that it wasn't a normal day, if she wasn't mad at atleast one person. Can you imagine the world of hate she must live in? i don't want to imagine it. Moving on. If you are not vegetarian, please don't try to force meat upon vegetarians. I myself, am vegetarian, and many people have tried to force me to eat meat since i came to my decision. It is my life, i have the right to live it anyway i want to, as long as i am not getting in the way of anyone else's rights. Also, do all that you can to stop littering. One day a girl i know threw a napkin on the ground. I asked her to pick it up and throw it away, and she did and hasn't littered since. We can all make a difference, start making yours a positive one. If you hang out with other hippies, please think about how fortunate you really are. I have no real hippie friends, for there aren't any hippies, that i know of here. I am not as fortunate as you to have true hippie-brethren. Remember you have what others don't, whether that is friends, money, beauty, etc. Think about that as you go through your day, and when you start to complain about not having something, just think about how so many have so much less than you do. For atleast you have a computer with the internet. Spread Peace, Love, and Happiness in all things you do. Think positively, never negatively. Reality is subjective, if you think it is wonderful, it will be. I hope that my words have inspired to go out and make the world a better place. Remember everyone needs love. 

Name: tilde
Location: Laholm, Sweden
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 15:07:32
Protest:hi =) I think everyone is very smart here. I dont have very much to say... I just would like to beg to you grown up people...pleace accept the junger generation and pleace understand even if we dont look very big. We can have big feelings. Have a nice day everyone!!! /tilde =O) 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 13:12:08
Protest:Just to clarify. It is no-one's right to define a hippy or whether they are a hippy or not. I think of a hippy as anyone who rejects society's limitations for a more liberal view, not anyone who smokes grass and wears clothing with flowers on.

Power to the Subculture 

Email:snail mail me at 15281 catalina way ,Holly Mi 48442
Location: "", "" USA
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 11:06:26
Protest: Everyone is saying how great the sixties were. But this is the nineties. You must not ignore now. Do not submit yourselfs to society's standards, you must not ratify your govrnment they only seek to control you, they don't CARE how you feel or what you want. And they never will unless you do something about it. Some are doing all they can in protest, while others do nothing and proclaim themselves to be hippies. If we all unite in protest of this government and every thing we want to change it will be changed, if we sit back and accept SOCIETY'S ideals nothing wiil everchange. We have something they didn't have back in the day. The Internet. I say we plan a event and LET PEOPLE KNOW HOW WE FEEL! 

Name: Judith
Location: Burgum, Holland
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 10:59:32
Protest:Stop the un-need violence, the discrimination of people and of animals. Don't eat meat anymore, it's like you think you're better than the animals - they have a life too and the shouldn't be mistreaded. People shouldn't treat the nature so bad!! We can live without it so we all should do something about it. I do my best. Stop drinking, smoking, and being used. This is like a straight-edge idea, anybody know about that?? Let me know!! I hardly know any other people who live like the straight-edge idea. Write me!! I'm not a hippy, I only love flowers, peace, love and I only want the best for the world. Don't you? Judith Zijlstra, Holland. 

Name: Rachel Fisher
Location: Dover, England
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 10:57:24
Protest:I think it is wrong to have little babies have pierced ears, it makes them cry to have them. The parents should wait until it is older and has it's own opinion. I also hate the seven year olds trooping around town, they think they are the modern Paul McCartney. Didn't used to be like that.

Name: starwind3
Location: OKC, OK USA
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 23:36:53
Protest:Okay---i am appalled at how the media manages to twist and manipulate what's going on in our world today. Believe me, what we are told by them is but a small fraction of what's happening. An example---the Kosovo crisis. Yes, the people in Kosovo were being treated in a terrible manner and were being cruelly persecuted, but don't let the media fool you into believing that our country got involved because they had compassion for them or were trying to avoid another mass genocide---it was all political. In Sudan, the persecution and mass killings of people is much worse than the situation was in Kosovo...but our country doesn't get involved because Sudan and the US are involved in oil trade together and we import a lot of sorghum from that country. In other words, it would affect our economy negatively, therefore we ignore the people who are dying in Sudan. Now you don't hear the media talking about THAT do you? Research it---you'll find that what i say is true. Peace out--- 

Name: Ana
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 22:26:37
Protest: In contrast to the glitter associated with circuses, performing animals' lives are pretty miserable. Because animals do not naturally ride bicycles, stand on their heads, or jump through rings of fire, whips, electric prods, and other tools are often used to force them to perform. ***Support animal liberation by not visiting zoo's and circuses!***

Name: september rain
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 22:16:10
Protest: Thou shalt not KILL Go Vegetarian! 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 16:06:56
Protest:Jennifer - Marijuana will be legalised when a fair government is created that can understand the relative benefits and losses of its actions.

Wildflower - The minority cannot overpower the majority, and often would not know what to do if they could. The hippy movement is a way to acheive personal freedom; however, it is a personal choice to be liberal or not. Just as people should not be able to repress the choice to smoke cannabis, others should not be able to force a major change in basic culture. The majority of people would rather have a structured society and a stable life than to work for an ideal and have freedom. It's often true that someone would not remove their metaphorical ball and chain if they had the key, simply because they are used to it.

Aura - People do take action. Maybe not enough, but read the first sentence of my message to Wildflower. Dope is not an instrument to creating peace - however, its use can strengthen the bond between two or more individuals, as friends or more, and creates an inner peace which many hippies try to pass across to the real world. It is a medicine. Those who want it may become hippies to try and bring about a world in which they can use it. Dope may be a reward, but it can also be a guide.

Rainbow Gypsie - Elvis Presley was famous and exploited. I can understand that you don't want this exploitation to continue after his death, but the alternative is a sort of Egyptian Pharoah ending where his belongings are buried with him. Those who buy will do so out of respect; where the money goes is not important. Preventing the sale will prevent the chance for people to brighten their lives with a connection to their hero; it will also mean his belongings will simply fade away and turn to dust.

Rebecca - All methods of protest have benefits, and all have failings. Peaceful protesters can all too easily be ignored, and violent protesters - while they get more attention - can sometimes be despised and darken the popular attitudes towards what they are fighting for (e.g. the IRA want Ireland back, the Irish should rightfully have Ireland back, but it will never happen and never would have happened even if the IRA had never started. However, the IRA have brought national and global attention to the case).

Punk - Really. Thought for the day - is discriminating against those who discriminate the right thing to do? On one hand, you are trying to end discrimination. On the other, you are discriminating against yourself. You need to clarify your position, and remember that violence and legislation cannot end racism, merely drive it into hiding. Racism will, unfortunately, always be with us, and I believe that the only solution to racism is to seperate the races (for a while at least), thus negating any need for racism or any possibility for its reinforcement.

The Gypsy Sehlis - Keep up the good work. More people need to take action for what is right, not what is written.

Oil companies destroy the environment. However, don't blame the US/NATO "invasion" of Yugoslavia on them, and don't think it was a bad thing. Also, all companies overprice to make a profit and there ain't much you can do. Buy an electric car. Oh, and by the way, why not protest the ethnic cleansing of native Kosovars by the Serbs instead of the retaliatory attack made to protect the lives of the Kosovars, who cannot retaliate? NATO made some mistakes, their first being thinking that an air offensive would be offensive. But, as you know, police will restrain a psycho with "minimum necessary force" - which may include shooting him in the leg - so as to prevent further damage to others.

Anonymous - No protest is a waste of space. Love contains the greatest potential for causing pain in any individual, but contains the greatest potential for long-lasting happiness. Since the pain will fade gently - never forgotten, but not ever remembered - but happiness can last until death parts you and another. If your personal pain means more to you than the state of the world, do not deny it and think others will put you down. Every individual, as an individual, is more important than a statistic, and love is what makes us an individual. Please learn to smooth over your pain, and in future relationships, look towards and anticipate a day when the pain will return. It's true, it may not return - but the pain will be less for the anticipation, and the happiness greater for its unexpectedness. 

Tovah - It would be better in such a case to contact and support Amnesty International. Thus the efforts of all worldwide can be concentrated for greater effect. One group working for a cause is better than two groups working for the same cause.

I've received emails about my reference to New Communism in an earlier post. New Communism, or as I now call it Neotribalism, is the perfect society in which all hippy and liberalist ideals can be reached, such as the protection of the environment, the removal of poverty and unemployment, and the use of environmentally friendly energy sources. As soon as I've finalised my ideas of Neotribalism, I'll try to get them on the Web somewhere and search for funding. Please don't expect me to reveal the ideas soon, as if I do not think carefully enough about the aspects of the new system then Neotribalism could suffer the same fate as Communism, or at the very least its benefits could be greatly reduced.

Power to the Subculture.

Name: Tovah Lieberman
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 at 14:02:56
Protest:I am protesting againtst the Iranian government! They have 13 jews locked up in they're prisons and that is a crime. We have a petition for everyone to sign to get them out just go to and put your name down. PEACE
Location: philly, paDate: Sunday, July 4, 1999 at 00:41:36
Protest:i protest the inevitable sadness that comes with falling in love. i know that to some, this protest seems like a waste of space. but at this moment in time, the state of the world seems like small potatoes when compared to the war being fought in my head. is love worth the pain? 

Name:Floyce White
Location: san diego, ca usa
Date: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 09:53:33
Protest:Protest Oil Company Wars Informational picket line and leafletting at a gas station Thursday July 15 4-6 pm Chula Vista, CA H St. across from Trolley Station, just off I-5 Freeway The oil companies are using the US military to expand their empires. Come protest the US/NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, the US bombings of Iraq, as well as high gas prices at home. 

Name:The Gypsy Sehlis
PADate: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 08:13:29
Protest:Every Thursday at noon at the gates to Penn State University we have for the past 74 weeks held a protest against the Prohibition of Cannabis. Prior to the Marijuana Tax Act (written by a Professor at PSU) Cannabis Extract was in medicine cabinets and hemp was in our clothing. The term marijuana as used to prevent people from realising that cannabis and hemp were under fire. Hemp paper doesn't require chemicals in the pulping process, paper made from tree fibers does. We don't need to destroy our forests! Pressed hemp board is strong and makes excellant building material. The American Medical Association said then and still says today that Cannabis IS medicine. I personally prefer to put natural substance into my body than many of the chemical compounds the pharmaceutical companies have created. Mother Earth has provided well for my wellbeing. It is immoral to me, to declare her gifts 'evil'. I also find it immoral to lock up, take away the voting rights, deny employment and educational opportunities and seize the property of individuals who make use of the gifts of earth. We do not do these things to those who use alcohol. The alcohol user goes to jail when his BEHAVIOR becomes unsafe. So it should be with any substance. We make pamphlets available to those who want them while drawing attention to the many issues surrounding cannabis. Education is crucial to any cause.

Name: punk
nswDate: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 01:07:18
Protest:I would just like to protest about RACIST PEOPLE who are really fucked in the head we are human beings so just deal with it!!! SMASH RACISM!! TAKE CARE DUDES, ALANNA**

Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 23:58:27
Protest:Ok...Here goes.I believe in protesting...But not in the way everyone on here is doing it.....Ever heard of peace?This is why we have no peace.Everyone seems to think that they can get things done by screaming and shouting.This will not get anyone anywhere.A peaceful organized protest is the key. Pro-life,anti-homo, Rebecca15 

Name:Rainbow Gypsie
Location: ?, ? Mexico
Date: Friday, July 2, 1999 at 13:15:22
Protest:Hey, brothers and sisters, our brother Elvis Presley was the king of Rock and Roll (and still is), we got to do something because they are going to sale 2000 personal belongings, memorabilia, like cars and boots. hE WOULDN´T LIKE THAT TO HAPPEND, please let´s make something about it 

Name: Sunshine
PADate: Thursday, July 1, 1999 at 21:44:31
Protest:There are many issues which concern me and I feel frustrated by the lack of cooperation from most people. My main issue is animal rights. If we could stop all practices of cruel treatment to God's creatures I believe the world would be a better place. I just can't understand the mentality of the people who participate in or support such things as animal experiments, wearing fur, eating animals, or going to a circus. The animals need our support- they have no voice of their own. Please do your part in this struggle to win animals their rights. 
Name: Aura
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 05:27:06
Protest:sorry it's just that i was reading some of those other protests and WHAT THE HELL DOES DOPE have to do with creating peace those who have found peace should enjoy the feeling of being stoned those who have not yet found the peace within themselves should not turn to DOPE for peace. IT should be found by yourself no matter how natural dope is it's a self thing i am fully for dope being legalised and all but it shouldn't save the world 

Name: Aura
Location: Adelaide, S.A Australia
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 05:15:06
Protest:My protest is simple: I want the world to be a place of peace but to do that everyone reading this needs to do something about it not just sit here and read or write even if it's only a little thing like stopping a school yard fight every little bit counts 

Name: Wildflower
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 00:47:38
Protest:Ok so I learned that all this started because the 50's were so fucked up and structured and kids started to get pissed at the whole culture so they decided to change cool is that? I just really think it sux that society "won" the battle, the hippies just became overpowered and kind of decided that they did not need everyone to agree, they can just be themselves and not care about what everyone else thought. Who cares how my hair looks or how my fucking armpits smell? Why do they care so much? i dunno. I wish I did....nope, I really don't care. Any way, I hope a lot of people read this cuz I think its pretty cool. Carpe diem for real, its the only way. 

Name: Jennifer
Location: pollock, LA USA
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 21:45:35
Protest:i know u have heard it before but i will say it again: marijuana should be legalized!!! no one has the right to illegalize a plant. if it grows natural then it must of been put on the planet for a reason. think about it- peace- "Shroomy" 

Name: TLCoder
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 17:16:10
Protest:Protest against war. Protest against politicians. Protest against lawyers. Protest against the difference between "law" and true justice. Protest against prison. Protest against restriction. Protest against capitalism. Protest against the elected tyranny we laughably call democracy. Protest against the state. Protest against the raping of the Earth. Protest against petrol. Protest against alcohol. Protest against tobacco.

Support liberalism. Support New Communism. Support life. Support true justice. Support "house arrest" imprisonment. Support the oppressed.

Power To The Subculture


Name: mushroomman
Location: nashville, tn usa
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 14:38:12
Protest: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD TODAY Where is the peace?Where is the love?Cause all of us are really one.To many people stuck on money,power there is to much greed in the world.Live day to day for the day. PEACE NOT WAR USE YOUR MIND ALL THE TIME 

Name: The cosmic Hippy
Location: Here, There and Everywhere
Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 at 15:02:32
Protest:We should focus more on what is good in the world, not what is bad. If we pay more attenion to the good, the bad looses it's spotlight, gets pissed off and leaves. 

Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 at 13:48:47
Protest:I think we should protest against NATO. No-one has the right to destroy lives. I think we should protest against the cops. No-one has the right to arrest you when you're using something that's less damagable then alcohol. I think we should prtotest against the law that forbids me to make love with my gf (anyway I do (I'm 15)). I think we should protest against the employers. They should pay you MORE for LESS travel. I think we should protest against the multinationals for letting poor people work for a too low salary. I think we should sit down and talk instead of war. PEACE, rainbow 

Location: chigwell, essex England
Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 16:52:33
Protest:I feel that as i am half british, it is my duty to proteset against the labels we inflict upon each other. Sure the irish are slow, but so would you be if you were brought up in irland. And yes some texans tend to be built more then europeans, but this is a sign that they are wealthy, it is their way of flaunting all they have Without making it seem as though they have gone out of their way to show off. The jewish community has suffered the largest amount of pain then any other race in this this century. And we must aplause them, after all this time they still have enough heart to laugh at themselves with us. After al they do realize that all the sterotypes passed around about jews are true, but it is using this instinct that has made them so succesful in the business world. The far east are thought of by many as being poor pitiful and producing the largest amount o whores in the world. but these people were not given the advantage of owning citizenship to a productful country. And colored people, these people have been given the horrific judgment of being thieves, i am sure that not all are this way, only those with a disturbed childhood. so i plead to you do not enforce labels upon us or show any sign of unfairness beteween the races, treat one as you would treat the other. I am not racist, i hate every one equaly!

Name: Iris
Location: Trelleborg, Sweden
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 17:49:57
Protest: I think we sould protest against censorship, people that hurt animals and the people that manufacter fur clothing. 

Name: Maxine (Max)
United Kingdom
Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 10:16:07
Protest:The Blue Blob's Last Shot (A Protest For The Planet) Intro: This is the world according to me, a hippie chick, aged 15. The room now empties rapidly, the back button on the browser clicks. This title has been chosen primarily to give the misguided impression of a theme of preoccupation with and discussion of substances of some sort. You can't wait to see that bit, and, bad luck, it's all the way at the bottom. The second reason for this title is because it's the truth. The planet, our poor little blue blob, is spewing up and it's got one last shot before it disintegrates. Hence the blue blob's last shot. Look at me, what do I know? Well, put it this way, I've seen enough of the wrong sort of attitude. I can tolerate many different attitudes, but not those that are harmful towards other beings or nature. Despite the best efforts of our parents back in the 60s, mess is still rife. So the worst thing we can do is think sod it and drop the whole revolution idea. We might not be able to change things straight away, but not bothering to even initiate change is the worst thing we can do! It's a fact of life that once things are pissed up, unpissing them takes a lot longer than it took someone else to piss them up. So we can either face that fact and do our best to unpiss it or leave it and let it get more pissed up. Society & Changing It I said just there that I've seen plenty of the wrong sort of attitude. Of course, it doesn't mean that people have the wrong attitudes to absolutely everything- it could be one thing, it could be a lot of things. But it matters. To begin with, let us not be too harsh on society. Let us focus on some positive things about the world in which we live today: firstly the fact that, for all its faults, some people seem to be surviving in it. Secondly, lastly and most importantly, there is the fact that some people are prepared to change it for the better. This is perhaps, society's "saving grace". However, who can really change the world for the better? Everyone thinks that their strategy is the best, though few offer many solutions. Whatever anyone comes up with, there will always be someone else who doesn't like it. By writing this, I am not providing any solutions. It's not my place to do that. I'm simply highlighting a need for them. The Role Of Young People Consider the fact that the Western World is, for the most part, a materialistic, capitalist society. This type of society turns a large number of its citizens into materialistic, capitalist, elitist and shallow. Being young, this attitude is easy to notice and easy to fall into. Too many of my peers have an unhealthy yearning for money, power, glory, designer labels and cheap thrills. The result is that teenagers forget about things which are going on around them, or far away, in political prisons, in famine-zones, in slaughterhouses or in nuclear test zones. The type of society in which we live makes it too easy to forget about these things. People refuse to be affected by the truth unless it's on their doorstep. Modern Music A large amount of the songs which teenagers like myself are exposed to every day are an insult to our intelligence. They contain nothing thought-provoking, inspiring or even remotely interesting. The only thing they tell us is the low IQ of the songwriters. I only harbour respect for certain bands, usually rock or indie style, sometimes rap, that sing in a more expressive, intelligent, thought-provoking and perhaps slightly humorous or ironic style about anything, be it relationships, sex or the problems within society that I am highlighting. Long live The Verve, REM, U2, Super Furry Animals, Manic Street Preachers, Placebo, the Seahorses, Skunk Anansie, Alanis Morrissette, etc etc. This list of excellent bands may seem like a long list, but the list of shit ones printed on this page would fill the hard disk drive of the entire population of the UK and USA put together. When you consider the state of British and US music, with only a handful of greats around to save it, you have to ask yourself whether it's really any wonder that teens like me prefer to listen to the same records as our bloody parents- The Beatles, The Airplane, The Dead, Santana etc etc....These are the bands that stood for something, and had actually had noticeable personalities- not the cloned stick-thin, blonde-haired, dental-flossed posers of today, jumping around beaches in fucking matching bikinis to hideously synched dance routines. The Big Cs. The big C-Words: Capitalism, Commercialisation. These days, no-one can escape commercialisation- such is the greed or "enterprise" in our society, that commercialisation and capitalism even go beyond the grave: when Jesus Christ was born, some distant, robe-clad relative of Richard Branson probably sat in a straw hut which he'd pioneered himself and realised that everyone around him was pretty excited about this Christ guy and he thought: "Hey! What an excellent way to make money and rip people off!" and the first officially endorsed Christmas cards went on sale (all proceeds to the Jesus Christ Birth Fund). . A couple of thousand years later, people suddenly began to think capitalism was a good idea again, and it began spreading like some evil plague. Nowadays, dying is a good thing. Who says you have to stop making money when your life ends? Yes, dying is great, because, if you were famous enough, you can make a stack of money out of it. Why are capitalism and commercialism so bad? Well, I'd love to be able to say otherwise, but unfortunately, they inevitably lead to a certain amount of exploitation. They don't always do the planet any favours either, but we'll get on to that later. Companies seem to think people, especially the young, are stupid. They think they can rip us off, making us pay unreasonable prices for mediocre goods- think: football shirts, computer software etc. Companies also exploit us through TV ads and by using us effectively as slaves to save them labour costs. Companies do next to nothing except invest in death and disease and get 2 billion pound profits at the end of it. No member of the public wants this to happen, but what can they do about it? Nothing, because companies have power. That's all they want, and we let them have it by investing in them- sometimes we don't even realise it. No-one exactly wants to see the planet destroyed by capitalism and the menace of modern science, but most of us are dissuaded from doing anything about it by apathy and an inability to think beyond the end of our own lives and imagine life for future generations. Why should we? After all, we're not obliged to. We don't have to worry about our great, great, great, great Grandchildren dropping dead because some man in a white coat stuck chemicals in their tomato puree thinking it was safe but it wasn't. Politics When I go out and vote for the first time after I turn 18, I won't be voting for the person who I want to run the country. I'll be voting against the other three who I don't want to run the country. Voting is a question of electing one grinning idiot to power, which has to be done in order to stop the even bigger idiot. The chances are, I'll select the lesser idiot on the basis of charisma. As long as s/he isn't a facist dictator, I don't really give a stuff what s/he's talking about. I'm not interested in what's going on in Brussels or whatever. For all I care, s/he could be talking about washing powder. But if s/he puts it across in a way that's original and entertaining enough that I don't fall asleep in the middle of it, then s/he gets my vote. Yet half the people in our parliament in Britain have got personalities you could grate lemon on. They wonder why we don't listen to them or don't take on board what they think, and yet they stand still on platforms as stiff as rulers with faces like wet cloth! That's no way to start any kind of positive revolution! War Whatever happened to War is Not The Answer? Today, War is, ironically, used to stop War. That seems to be on a par with thinking that the best way to stop an alcoholic from drinking is by taking them to a brewery, presenting them with the biggest opportunity to get plastered that they've ever had in their life. Hopefully, everyone would agree that this is stupid. Why, then, was there this support for the Kosov@ bombing? (I use the @ sign to remain neutral to both the Albanians and the Serbs in this conflict, as the Albanians refer to the place as 'Kosova' and the Serbs as 'Kosovo' ) Using War to stop War is daft. In this case, it's like saying: "We want to stop Milosevic's killing by killing other people." Of course, Milsovic's killing had to be stopped, there's no two ways about that. But the point is that killing is no way to stop killing. And that peace treaty laid down in France before the bombing started was stupid as well because it was nothing but a way of giving NATO an excuse to go to war. They came up with terms in the treaty that they knew Milosevic would almost certainly object to. Back to the original question of why support for the NATO bombings? Well, simply because people were so appalled by Milosovic's actions, they were intent on doing something, anything about it. "Even if it is totally the wrong thing," said a friend. "We must do it. We must be seen to be doing something about this." With that approach, justifying war becomes all too easy. But just remember what your mum told you: "in times when you're not sure what to do, better to think first, act later than act first and think later." In a case so important as this, surely it is better to do nothing than do something and do it wrong, making the situation worse? I protest against the idea of war being glorified, films portraying fighters as heroes and the like. Children should be taught, not the benefits of war but the benefits of living together in peace. Drugs- the case for legalising hemp. I suppose I'd better tell you what I think about drugs now. That's what you've been waiting for, isn't it? I suppose, given what you've read so far, you're expecting me to promote myself as some drug-crazed tree-hugger who smokes joints in pairs. Well, first and foremost, call me an effing tree hugger and I'll show you what you can go and do to a tree. The term is 'environmentalist', or, more vaguely, 'hippie', man. Secondly, to smoke joints in pairs demands hefty lungs, a massive mouth and a regular supply. I have none of these- I live in such a desolate pit, you can't even find good hemp unless your Dad owns a theatrical costume shop in a well-recognised middle-class heartland. What gives anyone the right to condemn drugs in general? How can you, when you don't know the facts on every single drug user, top to bottom, inside out? You could condemn individual cases. You could say that drugs are dangerous- they must be or people wouldn't die, but then, people have used them for years and not died so they're obviously not dangerous in every case. You just don't know whether you're going to be one of the lucky ones or not. It's all too easy to say that cannabis should not be legalised- it's the instinctive thing to say, isn't it? But what about my best friend's mother, creased up in pain through multiple sclerosis? What about all the people who have to go through the regular torture of chemotherapy to keep their cancer under control? And on the recreational side of things, let's not forget that the more young people are told not to do something, the more they will want to do it. And, at the end of the day, if a young person, or anyone, wants to smoke a spliff, they'll do it. But that doesn't mean that they have to be put in prison. What threat are they to anyone else, after all? They might well be harming themselves if they do it often enough, but no-one else. Perhaps prison is the solution to make them see the risks and dangers? No, not at all, in my view. After all, isn't prison the best place to come to get drugs? Whilst in Prison, they will get stressed or angry, and as a result, may rebel and end up getting addicted to other drugs that they wouldn't have touched otherwise. Even if they don't do this, I believe there are more effective ways to combat the problem than simply crowding up Britain's prisons with people that needn't be there. Perhaps legalising cannabis for practical reasons might benefit. What I don't understand is why people are so liberal and relaxed about alcohol, which, as we all know is the most mis-used drug. Alcohol-related illness is a big problem, and it turns people into monsters, makes them do evil things. What do drugs like, say, hash and acid do, on the other hand- make people's senses wake up a lot, give them a high, make them wander around flapping their arms and talking to trees in the park. Taken excessively, acid users may experience mental problems, while smoking pot like a chimney messes your lungs up. But it takes a lot more hash or acid to induce these negative effects than it does to get someone screwed up through alcohol. And many parents would rather have their child smoke a joint or two on occasions than have a long-term nicotine habit. The long-term effects of alcohol and cigarette abuse cost the taxpayer millions every year. Yet, which of the array of drugs I have mentioned is legal and which one not? Hmmmm..... Some people say why bother legalising hemp. Well, why not? The End I hope you enjoyed my protest. I feel that pages are fabulous for people to get their thoughts together so they can go into 'revolution' mode with a clear agenda. That's how people listen. However powerful they are, slogans by themselves will not work. You have to be prepared to justify what you're chanting. And I've damn well had my best shot at it here. PEACE AND LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!! Maxine. 

miDate: Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 09:37:46
Protest:Out in northern california there is a jackass company by the name of Pacific Lumber. This company is responsible for the destruction of nearly 96% of oldgrowth Redwood trees. I'm sure some of you have heard of the tree-sitter Julia Butterfly. Please look at this website for a much better detail. Thank you. 

Name: Kyle Wagner
Location: Jacksonville, FL United States
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 20:19:50
Protest:I would like to protest the governemnt spending billions of dollars on army equipment that gets wrecked or blown up for a cause that has been going on since before everyone in congress was born.

Name: Cécile
Location: Erlangen, Bavaria Germany
Date: Friday, June 25, 1999 at 13:32:46

Name: Jeremy
Location: Winfield originally New York, WV Winfield
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 23:18:14

Name: Jeremy
Location: Winfield, originally from New York, WV USA
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 23:00:34

Name: freedom
Location: w.s., n.c.Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 00:28:48
Protest: i am just so sick and tired of doing nothing but write letters to the goverment. i am ready to really do something about all of the things that i think are wrong in this counrty. we have the tools to organize ways to protest so why arent we??? why arent we starting a reveloution??? we are running out of time. things are falling apart and if we dont do something fast there wont be anything to protest over. is anyone with me???? 15f freedom
Location: VAFB, Ca. U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 at 01:48:03
Protest: i,m protesting that weed needs to be legal.i mean more people die each year of alchol poisoning than of weed overdose i,v never herd of anyony oding on bud.and y cant i get a job with long hair it's fucking sexist.thats it for right now.i'll say more later

Location: Concepcion, CHILE
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 20:28:01
Protest:hey, i really hope the US goverment is whatching this, yea, make me an FBI file, just like John Lennons. i hope they read this: FUCK YOU!!!!! anyway, that's one of the things i'm protesting against. the u.s goverment and their campagin of ruling the world. i protest coz i aint free to somke pot. ..........and, why can't i have long hair in school??? or, why can't i get a fucking job with long hair??????

Name: Sampson
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 20:12:29
Protest: AN Idea-------Take away all waeapons.Nothing left to use 4 physical pain on a fello friend. Paint a beautiful picture on everything so when some one comes to pik it up and hurt sum 1 theyll see the beautiful picture and realize that it wasnt met to hurt some one than theyd all b friends-sorry mayb confusing? joke of the day--What do ya call it when ya walk into TacoBell with Cold feet?Brrrrrrr-e-toes (Sampson original) another idea:We liv in a day-n-age of modern technology we need to invent the anti hate+pro luv machine a bro out! Later,Im going for a bike ride 

Name: Bas Koers
Location: Apeldoorn, gelderland The Netherlands
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 08:45:26
Protest: I'm figthing for a better world for understanding of other cultures,gay's,other sexes, animals, different relligions, age's etc. Here in The Netherlands we have a free country, we've got free drugs and try to live to getter with people from other cultures. There's still a lot to do, but with love,understanding and peace we can make it, the older hippy's have come quite far but the hippy generation of today has to move on and fight further for freedom, because there's still much hate, wars and differences between cultures en relligions. It's not possible to change things like that there are many factors in the way like history, haterated, economy, other peoples interests. But together will can make this world into a better place! Much love, peace and understanding from Hippymania (17) 

Name: ramblin' rose
Location: NY, NY USA
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 08:16:23
Protest: i'd like to protest this whole hate within the youth of today. yes, there might be hippies among the youth....but i see the hate everyday, man. i live in new york..and this is, what they call, "the melting pot".....because most races are in here. the world is here. yet, i can still see racism. sure, it might not be as big as before....but it's still there. i see it everyday...wherever i go. they are mostly done by kids and pre-adolescent people....sometimes even adults, who oughtta grow up and see the light already! it's not just caucasians anymore, man....... it seems like every race hates another race. they're not big gestures anymore like name calling or threats...although, in high schools here, there are name callings. but outside and beyond high school..there are people who talk about another race and tell their friends why they hate this race or why this race's culture seem odd or dirty or outlandish...nurturing their friends to be a racist themselves. i see shoving, frowning, covering of the nose..and all those little things that show that they hate. those little things can make big differences because they can be pass from person to person. i hate racism to be back all over again. if this goes on, racism might become a big bussiness soon. don't get new york wrong.....this is not rampant here but this is, also, not rare. so, i think, if it happens in new happens on other parts of the world. i hate to blame it on the youth but they are the ones that i mostly see doing this. i don't know if we, protestors, can do a lot about this. it's hard to change somebody's mind when they are trained to have this thought already. i think it's up to their parents and friends. so, i ask every parent and every friend to please show people the right thing...not to hate but be open minded. i don't ask you to preach outside. you can do it in your own little ways. PEACE, LOVE AND HARMONY!!
Location: New York City, nY U.S.A
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 00:00:22
Protest: We dont need fools to tell us how to live . If everyone is made different then they should live different how we want to live . I hate to see all these trendy people these days always trying to fit in ....give freedom a chance open-minded ...experiance as much as u can in life cause u only live once . Another thing , legalize HemP dont kill u ....tobacco kills u ...but yet thats not restricted ..i dont get this country ...u can fight in a war when ur 18 but u cant drink till ur 21 ....but in the words of Jimi HendriX " All castles made of sand slip into the sea ....eventually .." Peace, Love and Booze email me if u live in NYC ..(greenwich village) and u want to protest... or just email me ur opinion LonG LiVe ThE HIPPIE PeaCe

Name: banana
mi usa
Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 at 17:38:04
Protest:A Full study of Henry David Therou's book, Walden, should become manditory in all high school litt courses. Luvin' B

Name: Erik S
Location: Stockholm, svea Sweden
Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 at 16:15:44
Protest:Hi there! I love animals. And i like the doctors making tests on animals. But i hate sport hunting! When the old men are shooting animals for fun! If i see one shoot a big animal for fun. I would Stick his gun up his ASS!! AND BLOW OFF!!!! Leave the Doctors alone! They are doing a BIG favour for us! But of course, for money. No one works for free! Are you stupid?! Are you a guy, then you are more stupid. You should show respect to the doctors! They are making medicine for people. Do you folks think that they are doing it for fun? Just read little more about " animal-tests ". Tests on animals is the most effective way to research new medicine. You cannot make a test on apples or flowers. It must be something alive!!!! Shall they do tests on people. NO! They are doing it on animals that are alot of! Is it better if people get sick and can't buy medicine? Or is it better if people gets recovered? OK, lets say your mom has AIDS/HIV and there is medicine for it. You would buy it for your mom!!!! But if you think it's wrong testing animals for creating medicine to us. Dont buy it! If you buy it, Thut the FUCK UP! And be greatful!!! 

Name: Jason Chung
Location: yeh , yeh aussie
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 08:17:25
Protest: in further addition to my previous message, i think we should stop progress of man kind to a complete stop and i feel the unrealistic need to take a giant step back to a more 'primative' life. Human kind DO NOT fit into the natural environment.. that is a fact....

Name: Jason Chung
Location: Sydney, NSW Australia
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 08:11:01
Protest: I think the protest that needs most attention is that we should get rid of the sense of 'society'. This has lead to too much fucking discrimantion and nationlism, that started from forms of tribal warfare. Also, may be i'm being too extreme, but we should get rid of human greed, by attacking the source of it, MONEY. Creation of money could only lead to the seperation between people, those who are rich, and thoses who can't live nemore becasue the need for this thing occurred. I have alot more to say, but if you want more, email me and i might answer.

Name: Courtney Odom
Location: Midland, Tx US
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 04:16:38
Protest:The opinions stated in owr sociaty today are limited to the Close-minded politicans. Where were you last night.........they could have busted you wether you were landsliding or free balling 

Name: Leslie Patterson
Location: Coppell, TX USA
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 at 00:59:07
Protest: HATE!!! Think about it.....Yes!You've come to observe the same thing that I do. No...not that Star Wars is one of the greatest movies of all time (even though thats true)but this........HATE LEADS TO ALL BAD THINGS,ACTIONS, AND IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it's very hard to not hate. Even I find it very hard to not hate things(everything). I mean just today I was sitting in Chili's with my mom and there were these kids and they were being unruly and screaming. I was so mad and I swore that I was gonna kill them. Now if I had just taken a deep breath and thought about them more I would've loved them. I mean they are just kids having fun and being young. We were all young once. So whenever you get the urge to hate, take a step back and think about it. After you're done I would hope that you came to love whatever it is that you were going to hate. Thanks for reading my article. Read everyone elses too, they're great. I LOVE YOU! Please E-mail me (Beatles forever) As a wise man once said....ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 

Name: misty
Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 17:20:42
Protest:i protest the fact that a person can't be themselves without other people trying to harm them in some way. i protest war, it's not necessary. make love not war. they should make marijuana legal. not only is there no reason to keep it illegal, but if it was legalized it would do so much good for the people. cancer victims would benefit and the economy would benefit, giving us more to spend on the children of the world and the saving of the earth. i protest the fact that government has such control. it's got to stop! make love, not war...that's all i'm saying. love -n- peace, misty 

Name: HippieHeather!!!
Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 14:43:20
Protest:Well now, I just read all of these legitimate concerns you folks have for the world, and wow there are some mighty articulate folks posting things here! Now what we need to do is put these brains and powerful words to good use. Write some letters, make your concerns count! Threaten the offenders of your concern with what matters to them- money. For example something that completely offends me is the use of child labour and sweat shops in third world countries. What I do is boycotte and spread the message to boycotte the worst companies- Disney, Guess, Gap, J.C. Penny, K Mart, Nike, Wal Mart, and Victoria Secret. If you believe in this cause like I do you can stop buying their products to get the message across the only way that matters to them- a slap in the wat wallet! Imagine! 

Name: Josh Watson
Location: Macon, GA USA
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 19:55:17
Protest:well, I suppose the first thing that comes to mind when I think of something worthy enough to stand up and protest against would be the descending alienation many people absorb themselves into...I mean, it's true, the fact that the technological & scientific advances of the twentieth century has given us countless priviliges that we wouldn't've experienced if we hadn't expanded our minds, but do you realize that the same people that came out of the sixties and seventies, the ones that "preached" peace, love and understanding are the same ones that have evolved and grew into the corporate role of manipulating our vulnerabilities and weaknesses as a society which has become so disconnected with the ONE LOVE that we seek out personnal fulfillment by switching on a computer and communicating with some stranger a thousand miles away without any knowledge of who that person is, or that we walk silently down the road of life often times being a stranger to a world that has gone strange over the can we get connected to who we are if we tend to view our travelings as physical journeys rather than breakthroughs which occur within the mind and soul, and leave its markings on the hearts of those of us who seek out truth in a world filled with counterexplanations and falsified prophets...I'm an aspiring musician, poet, writer, lyricist, humanist, and someone who is seeking out a philosophy of life I feel oneday I will find...and it's not the fact that I plan on finding it, isn't it the journey towards truth...? how nice it would be if we lived in a utopia society, how nice it would be if everyone looked upon their neighbor and saw in them a brother or a sister, rather than a nice it would be if we could use those extensive military funds to help aid the homeless and offer our children a better education....but the question is, what are you going to do about it? what are you going to do to reach that day where there is such a place, peace on earth, good will towards men...perhaps we need to become that which we seek in the physical world before it can manifest, I suppose, in the end, I guess I don't have anything to complain about....everything which IS, is simply a means to an end which I can see clearly, eye to eye seer...we each have a vision of how we may interpret the world to be, how we expect it to turn out, but until we step into the world from the confines of our own locked up pandora's box, we can't expect to participate in the world, start up that conversation with a stranger, laugh at the outrageous situation you might find yourself in every day, smile, dance to the beat that rings inside your heart, and love...unconditionally.. 

Name: Basil Pasely
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 16:14:20
Protest: I think loose fitting clothes on women should be destroyed and tight exposing clothes should replace it 

Name: NightRain
Location: howard, mi u.s.
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 01:02:08
Protest: I am a 15 yr old hippy/wiccan. I am sick and tired of racism war and the destroying of our Earth. It hurts me deeply when I see people and animals getting hurt and abused. I want to make a difference and i'd like to talk to others who feel the same way. I don't eat meat but I don't think it is wrong because we are all a part of the circle of life. We eat animals, we die and fertilize the grass that the animals eat. I do think killing animals for sport is sick. It hurts when I see people kill animals just to see who can get the biggest one or to make a rug thats just going to get stepped on and dirtied. Evil lies only in the hearts of men. Not in nature nor in zen. Nature breaks what does not bend. You can not controll it, but only be one with it. And why the FUCK would you want to control it anyway. Love Peace and Blessed Be. 

Name: tammy
Location: Macon, GA USA
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 00:57:52
Protest:"Greed is the root of all evil..." I don't know who said that, but it's true. You take away all the money and go back to trading, everyone will be equal. Hence, the end of war, poverty, political opression, etc. 

Name:Rev. Joseph "Crazy Wolf" Villalobos
Location: Portland, OR USA
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 19:22:44
Protest:I protest the attack on people who have chosen the Drifter lifestyle in order to be close to the Mother and protest Corporate Rule. Want to help change that? Hey now Folks! Are you a Solitary Pagan & live on the road? Want a place you can settle for awhile and study and not give up your lifestyle? Or tired of the road and need a community to retire to? You want to help fellow Nomadic Pagans preserve their lifestyle by creating a Sacred space for them? Do you want a place were your lifestyle won't be judged whether you're a hippy, gutter punk, gutter Goth or just plain drifter? Then maybe the church of An Tuatha De Na Bothar (trans: The People of the Road) is for you. We is trying to form this church in Oregon. If you are interested and like to help out, contact me at Check out our website at . We hope to take the Rainbow Family's way one step further. So come on. Contact us. NOTE: No blissing ninnies please. Bright Blessings Rev. Joseph "Crazy Wolf" Villalobos 

Name: Sierra
Location: Newport Beach, Ca USA
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 at 18:34:27
Protest: I want to shout out to all the sick people who torture poor animals for testing. I want to scream at the doctors and uncompasionate people who kill their babies in the womb. But most of all I want to inform everyone of our depleating earth, and rainforests, which makes up more than 50% of our earths oxygen supply. I know my small voice can't change anything, but a million voices can, so SHOUT, SCREAM< and INFORM people, ~if we don't tell them who will?~ sierra~
Location: Lincoln, NEDate: Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 18:01:05
Protest: When the dust of your troubled teen years settles, what then? One moment I'm 19, smoking before and after class, drivin around the lake, finding images in the clouds, just me and my best friend.... The next thing I know I've moved into a noisy city where you're bound to be cursed at, flipped off, ignored and underapreciated. Oh, how life is so precious... so why am I so frustrated? I realised that an environment full of hate and ignorance will slowly consume you until you "blend". God forbid you look at the people next to you and start a conversation. But I am going to rebel and I urge all others to do so as well. I will not become snobbish and angry at the world. I will not throw my litter on the streets. I will not call the cops on the nice guy that, on occasion, digs in my apartment dumpster. I will not go on and on with this letter if you will just do me the favour of staying real. That, or I will go insane, run for president, and make everyone wish they had "just gotten along". Peace out my friends..... thanks for your time. 

Name:Fried Green Tomatoes
Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 03:13:14
Protest:...people would have to change their thinking...

Name: Raphael
Location: new york, ny usa
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 22:38:48
Protest:What's with this new music? It's so artificial and commercial. What happened to the great music of the sixties? peace and love, raph 

Name: ~Rachel~
Location: Fairdale, WV USA
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 15:52:20
Protest: ~ Hello. I protest racism, hatered, and war. Marijuana should be legal. Smoking age should be 16, and drinking should be 17. If everyone would look at the person inside and stop making rude remarks about the person on the outside, then most of our problems would be solved. Peace and Love Love Love Rach 

Name: Juli
Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 13:00:28
Protest: There are so many bad things going on on this planet and it's about time to try and do something about it. I'm talking about wars and killing, about the animals and plants that are dieing out and all that stuff. Why can't there just be peace? Another thing which really doesn't make any sense is that hemp is not legal; people's lifes could be saved, the rainforest would not have to be destroyed, so many problems could be solved... A good friend of mine has cancer and is on chemeotherapy, with cannabis she would not have to suffer so much... Legalize it and make love not war! Peace

Location: Simpsonville, SC USA
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 19:54:51
Protest:Don't kill anything or cause a living thing pain. Be nice and help everybody.

Name: Dave Knight
Location: Bethel Park, Pa Usa
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 09:24:00
Protest: Hey guys Why in God's name would you want to harm our precious Earth that God has given to us? And bring war to the world. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. Peace Out, Dave

Name: Jessica Weigant
Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 at 06:46:28
Protest:I protest against homiphobics, sexists and other silly people. Why is it that at 16 I know that it dosent matter if you aprear diferant, you are still of this universe. I am tired of feminists that think that men are evil and all of them should die. I am gay but I don't think men are evil...they are just human. And one more thing all humans make mistakes, thats life. Don't get mad, get the giggles. Thanks, Blessed be, Jess

Name: patient_x
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 22:04:48
Protest:I would like to protest against the government who is taking OUR FREEDOM day by day and for taking God out of schools. I would also like to protest against all the satanists who bring evil to this world! PEACE TO ALL AND LEGALIZE HEMP! 

Name: Randi
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 20:06:45
Protest: I really hate how the government is so worried about a few harmless people who smoke weed. I don't smoke weed...never have and never will, but it just makes more sense to me to worry more about murders and starving people than someone who grows marijuana in their backyard to get a buzz every now and then. Marijuana should be legalized. There is no point in putting some really great people in jail because the smoke a joint. Because, honestly, doesn't beer do the same thing??? All the laws that apply to alcohol should apply to the usage of pot, but I guess that just makes too much sense gor the government, eh?

Name: i am me
vaDate: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 20:01:05
Protest: I protest people in general. Sure its being a traitor to my species, but what good are we honestly doing??? 

URL:What do you think I am rich well I'm not I'm a Hippy
Location: Mississauga, Ontario Canada
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 15:57:42
Protest:Look around you ppl, what do you see, I see stacks belching smoke into mother earths sky, I see ice caps melting and increasing temperatures worldwide, well look I live in Canada, I love the winter and this year there was no snow. This saddens me greatly, I try to help but I feel no one trys along with me. Anything I do to help seems to be like totally over-shrouded by things like the humid days of this summer. I used to be able to sit around outside in the sun with my friends and chill but now it was warm, to warm. we sit inside and chill and whats with the Kosovo crisis, can't ppl realize that life is to precious to waste fighting. The rain forest can't ppl realize that when its gone we are. I see so many things and realize so much but I can't speak out to others because the government has buttered things like they are only temporary and they are working on it.....sorry ppl the gov't is doing shit. N.E wayz to all my brothers and sisters who fight for a different and better way of life, PEACE :)

Name: Marie Olsson
Location: LYSEKIL, Sweden
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 14:26:53
Protest: i tink that all of us around the world, should take care of the world and of our lives....because we're only got to live it one time 

Name: Laura
Location: neenah, WI US
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 10:33:26
Protest:I look around at the world today and it saddens me. Our generation is gradually moving away from the hippie philosophy. Whatever happened to love..peace...and harmony. I see bombings, hate crimes,prejudices, and selfishness among society today. We have to lock our doors because we are in fear of what may happen, if you don't wear the right dress or shoes it is a sin, the word love is referred to as sex, and peace is foriegn to quite a few. Our youth of today, beleive that a hippie means someone that wears patchwork pants, smokes pot, and hemp necklaces. well I disagree.Anyone could wear this disguise and be the devil secretly inside. Being a hippie is all in the state of mind and it is about revealing it to others and spreading never-ending love. Opening hearts, saving lives and our environment, and overall trying to make the world a better place is our misson and should not be this hard to overcome.

Name: Chief Skytoker
FLDate: Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 04:17:34
Protest:i protest the military/industrial complex, the insurance/health care scam, the intrusion on civil liberties, bankers, lawyers, politicians, flag-wavers, bible-thumpers, and anyone else who feels they have the right to "protect me from myself". Oh, yes, and i protest all those idiots who STOP when they exit a bus, escalator, elevator, airplane, or any other "portal" when others are following them! 

Name:Carrie Coursolle
Location: Mound, MN USA
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 17:56:48
Protest:I think we should all stop and think about how stupid we are........we need to stop burnng the rainforests stop all this nonsence war shit and all get along......we also need to stop killing poor animals for food cus we have pleanty of veggies and fruits we can eat........and fur coats are disgusting as hell......i have a lot more to say but it would take all more thing......FREE TIBET!!!!! 

Name: Gerry Ramier
Location: Niagara Falls, ontario canada
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 08:46:36
Protest:I am a young male, and am facinated with the 60's(67+). I am now sickened with how closed the minds of people have become. People judge on the way you dress, walk talk. And it is all a bunch of shit! I dont get why people cannot come together again and forget the petty differences to live again in peace. I hope that someday the summer of love can be re-lived, and stay that way. Life would be simpler, and the expansion of ones mind would be legal, and everything would be near perfection. peace \/ gerry long live jim, jimi, janis, jerry 

Name: Amy Gianfriddo
Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 18:46:39
Protest:I would strongly like to protest against mining in Jabaluka. Kakkadu in the Northern Territory is a natural heritage site. It has lots of Australian history in it and if it is destoryed our precious environment will be ruined forever. I love everyone in this site because I think you are all excellent and very sexy. 

Name: Peta Fisher
Location: Melbourne, vic Australia
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 18:38:15
Protest:I would like to protest against Jabaluka mining becuase it harms the environment in a very harsh way, and because i love Luke. 

Name: Jenn
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 17:28:16
Protest: I think that we all have do something about the Kosovo problem... We should try to make the world a PEACEFUL place and it isn't working... To all you older hippies out there who used to protest back in the day, where are you now?? The world needs you to wake them up and to give their head a shake... as your peers once said.. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! Why did you stop.. The future needs you! Lets make some noise about this.. I know that their can be less violent solutions... PLEASE REMEMBER... LOVE for one another leads to PEACE and that brings HAPPINESS!!!!! Thank you for your time and please help to do something about this... Love.. Youth around the world...
NY America
Date: Sunday, June 6, 1999 at 19:43:09
Protest:Ok I agree with nearly all of your protests. But HOW will we go about accomplishing them. All the problems are quite obvious (cept to the majority of people whos minds are a large cloud). Any ideas?? 

Name: Colleen
Date: Saturday, June 5, 1999 at 20:09:17
Protest: I feel that this would be one of the places where I am best understood since we are all hippies.... meaning we believe in peace, love, and freedom... Freedom for ALL living creatures and to me this includes animals, so therefor I am a vegetarian. I WANT TO PROTEST ALL THE FACTORY FARMING going on that kills not thousands, not millions, but BILLIONS of animals each year. WHY? Simply to satisfy the American craving of animal flesh. Yes, the meat you might buy in grocery stores comes up all wrapped pretty with a nice label and an appealing look. However, is it appealing to you how these animals have to spend their whole life locked up being practically tortured, and then going through a painful death? Plus, you would be so much healthier without meat, and if you want to take it a step further like I did, eliminate the dairy products from your diet TOO. It is only wise to make the decision of vegetarianism if you are a true hippie!!! Please take my advice and help the animals too! 

Name: crystal randle
AR America
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 11:59:29
Protest:I live in a town where there are alot of black people and so therefore the white people automaticaly label the blacks nigers and the black people automaticaly think that all the whites are prejudice, Which is not true, I am a white girl but i respect the colors of all people and i think it is wrong to judge a person by the color of their skin all who agree with me please email me at the above email address

Name:Allegra Silva
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 11:03:01
Protest:I protest the killing of innocent animals for the purpose of making clothing or cosmetics ... animals have rights too, and humans are the ones who have to work to uphold them ! 

Name: Mira
Location: Munich, Germany
Date: Friday, June 4, 1999 at 07:46:14
Protest: I protest the killing of animals! Love your animal friends!! I protest war! Give Peace a Chance!! I protest the philosophy that hold one race superior and another inferior!All humans andAnimals are equal!! LOVE AND PEACE AND FLOWERS African Unite & Free Tibet MIRA

Name: Martha Breeden
Date: Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 23:41:14
Protest:hi i would like to protest against all the women that say men are jerks and so on first off a guy can get raped and batterd just like women. men are equal to.. you cant very well say that a man cant have any of that happen to him. if a guy wears something that a women likes they are bound to rape them..what if a guy did something that a female didnt like we either beat the crap out of them or hurt there testicales men fight it... we have to stop the racism against the men. thank you 

I protest against the two-facedness of some people.  Some men get turned on
by the idea of lesbians but then when it comes to gay men, thats another
story.  And if they get approached then they instantly take offense and
beat that person up, for no other reason than that don't have the maturity
to deal with it. 
Big love to everyone
I protest the WAR ON DRUGS!  It is unnecesary to spend so much money on
something that can harm innocent potsmokers all over the United States.
It needs to be legal.

1) Hunting & Animal Cruelty
2) Sexisim & Sex hysteria
3) School 
4) Censorship
5) War on Drugs
6) Racisim
7) War
8) Politics
9) Manufactured anything (music, clothes...)
10) Bubbleheads

Face it, Americas, let's get together and fix America. 

ICQ= 36433705
Email =


Shake n Bake it,

As I read the protests I notices most were about the Kosovo Crisis and  wanting Marijuana legalized. I agree with these too. I think that it is ironic really. The government want a free country, yet they want us to be free a certain way. You see, we aren't suppose to pick up and kill people, but they get up so eagerly and kill people in Kosovo. They think that if they legalized marijuana, people would go nuts and kill everyone. Well, maybe they will, but after a while it will go away. I say as an American "We need to just come back, sit, chill, and let them kill them selves. Sooner or later the people of Kosovo will figure out that they don't need to fight. Us, Americans, don't need to stick our noses in things that aren't our business. I protest this childish war! I protest marijuana being illegal. (I don't do drugs, but yes I have in the past.) I end this saying my motto: Every rainy day turns sunny, so smile it'll only get better. Peace Out!
Love, Coral
Is anyone else fed up with the bullshit we have to put up with every day?
Is anyone else besides me ready to stand up for what I believe in?
We all need to unite and change the things we can and keep on tring to change 
the rest.
We aren't like the government, we don't have to have a horrible war to get the 
things we want, we don't have to take and do things by force.
We are SMARTER than them!
They are all a bunch of close minded, power driven, insecure assholes that
have to hide behind war because they are scared.
Does anyone else wonder why we have all these people representing us in the 
government and they arn't doing anything important like saving  this earth.We 
need some of us up in there. Does anyone else understand the need for "the 
biggest mall in America" or a 30 screen movie theatre?
We could be using that money to feed the poor or saving the earth.
Does anyone else picture the future of earth as one big concrete ball?
We all need to unite and protest against the government! Let everone know 
whats is going on in this world and change it.
Would anyone else just love to shut down all those factories that are just 
polluting and ruining our world or the fur industry with all those insecure 
men killing innocent animals. One day I will do all this, trust me!
Everyone just has to have faith.
I protest the KKK and any one who supports them. How could our government do 
that? Any one who thinks witches worship "Satan" should get real. Is this 
Kosovo thing really necessary? Anarchy! I promote anarchy! Voice of the 
people, my a**! More cruel and unusual punishments! FREE TIBET!

Today's the day, the walrus said, to speak of man things...L.C.

Its hard to find love in a world of injustice and hate like this
I love my friends for being with me
Getting high
Spreading love
The silent revolution starts with you brother
You and I
Stand up for who you are and what you believe in
Be a hippy

What if all the jet planes riding shotgun in the sky were turned into butterflies...
Stop the pentagon from raping the world.
Stop bombing Kosovars
Stop killing people (maybe don't kill so many animals either?)
Just live how you want to live and don't try to make me or anyone else change
Because we won't.
I like bare feet
I like guitars

hey all... generally i try to be as tolerant as possible, but sometimes
people push me the wrong way and i get a little irritated. so here it
is.. my protest is people who would shove their beliefs in my face. am
i hurting you---NO . yes i eat meat, raw sometimes, but lets face it
the cattle and chickens that are slaughtered daily are raised
specifically for eating. if you think its gross and mean whatever fine,
cool ok, but do not tell me that i am a horrible person because of it.
i don't hunt for sport and i don’t go about killing things just for shits
and giggles. the taking of life is quite serious, so be thankful and
acknowledge the fact that the animal (or plant) gave its life so that
you and i could nourish our bodies. don't call me a murderer because i
like venison because i assure you, in the tradition of my ancestors i
use as much of the deer as i can (and give away what i cant) and i am
always grateful for its sacrifice. I’m not trying to step on anyone’s
toes here, just please if you are out and see me having a big ol steak,
don’t come to me and tell me how evil i am, just know that i am where i
belong in the great scheme of things and so are you. yours in peace and
tolerance. aryll

I protest smoking! the hell!!!! what good does it do to you? it can
cause lung cancer, it can make ur gums black, it can make your fingers
yellow plus it's air pollution! i've seen really really young kids
smoking and they think it makes them cool.....NOT!

I protest killing animals for making all those silly expensive not worth
it fur coats, bags, belts,’etc.! why couldn't they just make all these
things out of a different material instead of animal skin! remember
animals have rights too and just because human beings are superior we
can exploit them....hey c'mon respect animal rights!

I would just like to comment on this>that people can walk around naked
and have sex anywhere. I don't believe in this and anyone who does this
loses his/her self respect and respect for other people around you too!!
who would want to see people naked in public?!?! This also won't be good
for children who will be seeing this! c'mon don't just think of
yourself! think about other people too!

I protest today's narrow-minded society. Whoever thinks that they are so
much better than someone else because of race, sexual orientation, beliefs
or whatever has so much to learn. I don't know what they are trying to
cover up or get across with their messages of hatred, but it's doing
nothing but killing us all.
I protest the cruelty towards animals in our world. They are a
spirited being and there is no reason that their lives be cut short to
feed, clothe, or accessorize our life. There are so many alternatives out
there. I don't why people would kill another being to make themselves
happy, because that's not gonna work. It's just going to fill your
conscience and coat your heart with the armor that has already covered that
of so many in our society.
What's wrong with nudity? It is the purest form of our physical bodies. 
Don't be afraid to expose yourself. You're beautiful. 
I can't understand what people see wrong with relationships between people
of the same sex. I guess it's just that society has drilled into our heads
(and hearts) for so long that it is "better" or "right" to only love
someone from the opposite sex. Why limit yourself? Love, no matter how it
comes, is a beautiful feeling that you should share with as many people in
your life as possible. 
I protest against the people who can't find it in their hearts to smile
when they pass people. I know there are such things as bad days, but there
is always something to find beauty in. Smiles are contagious and I think
that if everyone smiled at people they see in the street, almost all of the
hate in our world would take care of itself.
Just love yourself and others. Remember to create yourself everyday.


I protest against lots of thing...I think that Marijuana should be legalized. 
I don't understand why it isn't already. It doesn't kill you, tobacco does 
and that's not illegal. Does that make any sense to anyone. I protest other 
people telling us how to live our lives. Everyone tells you to be your own can that be if people tell you what to do? I just don't 
understand it all. Everything in this world is just so fucked up right 
now...someone has to do something to get it back to good.


man i protest war!!! give peace a chance.
i also protest the government. they have 2 much control!!
i protest the people who are anti pot when they don’t know the facts!!
my friends, we need to do as the hippies of the 60s did. my generation 
right now needs to stand up for our right to live, our right to choose.
we must make our voices heard. WE ARE THE FUTURE.
lets bring back social protest lets change the world!!! we can do it!!!!

i'm a big animal rights person and i don't think killing animals for
food or anything is any where near, that's all that people
depend on is animals for food, clothes and other's so
wrong...animals are just as human as the rest of us...they breathe, they
eat, they have sex, and they LIVE like the rest of us... man it's just
another problem with the world.. ya know...
everybody get together try to love one another right now......

I protest against the protesters for they feel their protest make them safe. 
The truth is nobody is safe, and protesting solves no problems. 
Be it a law that is unjust, a social movement that purports to contain a 
solution without any action is part of the problem. You want to correct a 
wrong, if you feel strongly about it, it is going to take action on your 
part. Action, not words, solve the problem.
If you are against guns in school, what a safe thought, you must rise and 
demand your government give you this protection, instead of bowing and 
ass-kissing the gun lobbies.
If you believe strongly that you are wronged you must act, find people that 
feel the way you feel, and do something, anything.
What will this accomplice? Probably nothing but it might cure some of the 
boring repetitious krap coming from that bullshit factory they call the " 
white house ."
Belief will not cure today's evils, but action may. And the action does not 
need to be violent.
and vote 
If the people in your favorite political party does not share AND ACT with 
the same beliefs you do, organize and vote the out of existence. Sweat for, 
dedicate time and effort, and act on your beliefs. 
And if that does not work, hell it's your government, put it on a leash. a 
very short leash. 
Control it before you lose the option of controlling it
It's growing out of control
And it is not being nice about it
Hell, today kosovo, tomorrow Atlanta, or Boise, or YOU
Protest all you want, but be ready to talk the talk and walk the walk when 
your protests fall on deaf ears.
I did not ask my government to waste man-hours and my tax dollars to prove 
Clinton had sex, i don't care.
Do you? It's run wild, it's self serving, and it is gonna bury you!
Protest, have fun, it won't work, it never did.
Would you rather be the bug or the windshield, it's that simple.
>From the heart or the head, this rambling was brought to you by "radar" and 
the "majic people"

@ ->-> >- >-->----->-------
I look at this world with a kind of sadness....
Where are all the free-thinkers?!?
That's what I want to know!
All these politicians claim to be doing the best for us, when really it is all in 
the name of profit 
and money.....the roots of all evil in this western society.
Oh sure, it's all very well that these middle-aged men sit around and have
"peace talks" all day 
long......a war starts and they have the nerve to act as if they are horrified! 
They haven't got a 
CLUE about pain! The only people who suffer are those innocent descent 
human-beings who 
want food on the table and clothes on their children’s' backs......
They tell us that by law we are allowed to this and that, this is wrong and 
that is right....COME 
ON!!!! These are all man-made laws! Are we not entitled to our own 
So, please, let us all open our eyes to the true meaning of reality, get 
together and realize that 
the only thing that matters are our souls, the home we live in ( Beautiful 
Mother Earth ) and the 
most powerful energy that exists....LOVE!
Take Care and spread the word,

hi there!
i want to disagree with quite a popular opinion today. i believe that
nato does an important job in kosovo - not well, and even really badly,
A genocide (which is what happens and what happened there) cannot be
allowed by nation with free conscienceness!
Haven't you learned anything from aucshwitz and treblinka? are you ready
to allow it to happen?
i do agree that nato does a very clumsy job, yet people are getting
massively slaughtered. My grandmothers and grandparents don't have any
relatives. they were all gassed and murdered the same way that is being
done in kosovo today.
It's crimes against humanity!
yael peled

This country was founded on the idea that people should have the right to do 
what they want as long as it doesn't hurt other people. That is what our 
hippy forefathers fought for, those rights. The right to love whoever you 
want, the right to eat whatever you want, the right to write whatever you 
want, the right to be whoever you want as long as you are not hurting anyone. 
It seems no one is willing to stand up for those rights anymore. People 
are too eager to give away those rights for a false feeling of safety. 
Every day a right that our hippy friends from the 60's and 70's fought for 
is taken away, with little or no protest, by people promising safety. It 
is your right to smoke cigarettes in your own home, is your right to drink 
alcohol before you reach a certain age limit, it is your right not to have a 
baby, it is your right to kill yourself if you want to, and it is your right 
to stand up and peacefully protest. We should not protest for rights that 
we want until we can stop the elimination of rights that we already have.

I protest violence. Violence in all forms. Physical and psychological.
Against, women, against men, against animals, against the world, our
mother and so on. Violence is not only hitting somebody or killing
someone. Racism is violence. Sexism is violence. Speciesism is violence.
Ageism is violence. Capitalism is violence (i believe).

How can we work against violence? Well, first of all, you can't fight
violence (as many people think). There is only one way to fight
violence: LOVE. With our LOVE we can save the world. So, what are you
waiting for?
Peace & Love to you all
/Pontus (SWEDISH)

hey i'm emily. i'm 15. everyone thinks i'm a hippy. i think the main 
thing i protest on is the war in kosovo. .It’s 
horrible killing innocent people and putting their lives in danger. it's 
not like they themselves did anything. i strongly think this needs to 
stop, and the main reason that Clinton ordered the bombings is so he could 
be remembered for something other then his pants. it's like if he had a 
good Christian soul he wouldn't do this. like my 2 motto's are. make 
love not war. and love not hate. it just needs to end.

This kinda disagrees with much said on this page, but I'll still say it. 
First, I protest people trying to turn other people into vegetarians/vegans. 
I was scrolling down, readin what everyone was saying, and isn't it clear 
that those people are doing exactly what they protest? They're trying to 
tell people they have the way, and that anyone who disagrees is ignorant. 
Let's just except each other, considering veganism does have its down sides, 
(lack of calcium, nutrients) but of course, pro-vegans won't tell you that. 
Hmm, what else....drugs, I'm sorry but NO, I believe in live and let live, 
but that's for your own personal use, I protest other people forcing the 
legalization of marijuana, because although they may be able to handle it, a 
lot of people out there will use it till their brain is fried. The truth is, 
your mind and your heart is all you have in the end, and that's if you're 
lucky, why destroy either of them? Lastly, I protest people striking down 
Christianity. Compared to other religions, it treats women like human 
beings. And yes, it has downfalls, but what do you expect? It's religion. 
So there, whew, I'm done with bitching.


I think that many people has written a lot of smart things,
even though I don't like the thought of marijuana being legal.
Drugs creates a bad society, and a bad mental health.

But the most important thing is:

Cause drugs are the same thing as money, power, technology, alcohol..
all those things that makes us unhappy.

Don't protest until you've thought about it for a while.
In the end, all that stuff makes us unhappy.
But we think it makes us happy,
and that’s why we are so easy to fool.

Money and power can disappear,
and if you've got it you just want more and more.
And all the people who let other suffer by their selves,
it's often the rich people.

Technology takes us away from our soul, and to be happy we need both soul
and body.
Alcohol is ok to drink, not too much though,
but it also creates mental illness.

And when you have love, you don't need any of those things.

Love makes you dizzy, happy and cool like the drugs and the alcohol

Love makes you feel like the hole world is under you feet, like the power

Love makes things irrelevant, so you don't need no money or technology

So why just don't love instead of finding other ways to happiness and a 
better world.
It is so easy.


All you need is love!! /Ida Mälarstig

I really hate what people do to animals and the environment. People just take 
it upon themselves to cut down trees, hunt, drive animals from their 
habitats, Eat meat ,litter, And another thing is that people don't have the 
decency to help out and do their part for Mother Earth.

Peace and Love



Rodrigo La Hoz Sala( 


i protest the turning of our schools into prisons to prevent another
Columbine, would it not further embrace violence in our lives?
i protest the hatred of Eric and Dylan, they were not monsters, what
they did was monsterous.
i protest denying what our constitution says is our human rights, do you
think by making guns illegal we will get rid of them?
i protest the society that bred Eric and Dylan and is breeding more
erics and dylans as you read this.
and most of all
i protest the stupidity and hate that started it all.

I protest against any discrimination whether it involves gay, straight,
black, white, male, female, or for the legalization of marijuana. I also
protest against people looking at me strange because I like to wear
tie-dye shirts, birkenstocks, and so called carpenter pants.
I protest against war-violence doesn’t stop problems and the government
wonders why there is so much violence in schools.
I protest against animal cruelty and the use of lab animals.
I protest against destroying mother earth-if there ever is an end to this
world it will be humans fault.
'Give Peace a Chance,
Hey there, i'm not exactly sure if this would be protesting, but i feel we all will be the reason for this world coming to a soon end. As i can see it so far we are just starting, with those not to small, but not to big wars going on all over, in different parts of the world. to me the trench 
coat mafia was a warning, saying that we should open our eyes and see what’s happening to 
our" so great world" to see how it's going to end. i don't think that there will be any big crater or that dinosaurs will come back. i think it will end in our stupidity. we will let war occur again, but we shall not be able to stop it this time. we will fight and instead of loving each other. find reasons to kill and soon it will be so out of control no one will try to stop it, except maybe us beatniks, by than maybe we will just try to save our selves. i would just like to end this saying please help me stop all of this before it gets worse. by the way i'm under 16 and do know what's going on. 

I protest against discrimination against gay/lesbian women or men getting married, 
and trying to raise a family. What is such the big deal? Both the parents 
can provide love for their child, and provide a good environment, if not a 
better environment for children to grow up in than man/woman marriages. And 
society is trying to project that this is a bad thing, that it shouldn’t 
happen, so the younger generation is catching the bad vibes... which isn’t 

Everyone here as made very good points. My main problem is ignorance, I 
protest ignorance. We must spread our word and save the planet. 
I protest the fact that we use too much paper and don't have the room to 
plant trees so they can grow back. I think it is very important for us to do.
I protest the fact that there is so much discrimination towards people who 
are different whether it's color, religion, beliefs or just the way they 
look. Look at how many people can't be excepted because the have dreads or 
I protest any harm that is done to animals. 
I protest any wars our government gets us in.
I protest marijuana being illegal. Especially when alcohol is. Alcohol causes 
more violent crimes than marijuana.......In fact I don't know one person who 
has gotten into trouble.. as far as violence goes when smoking. Yet A Lot do 
when they are drunk.
I protest littering. 
And people who think that there's nothing they can do beacuase4 they're 
just 1 person. they don't realize that there are so many 1 persons around 
that we can and will make a difference.

Lennon Angie

Werdet Vegetarier!!! Die Tiere haben es nicht verdient, wie Gegenstände
behandelt zu werden. Die Menschen haben nicht das Recht, sie als
Rohstoffe zu verwenden. Es sind Lebewesen, genau wie wir. Und genau wie
wir können sie Angst und Schmerz spüren! Klar, in der Natur essen Tiere
auch andere Tiere. Aber da haben sie wenigstens eine Chance davon zu
laufen. Wir halten sie in engen Käfigen gefangen. So etwas zu tun, ist
ein Verbrechen!

Ich protestiere gegen die Abholzung des Regenwaldes, gegen
Atomkraftwerke, gegen Atom-tests, gegen Tierversuche, gegen Gentechnik, gegen Zoos und Zirkus, und
allgemein gegen Umweltverschmutzung und -zerstörung und gegen Tierquälerei. Außerdem
gegen Kinder-arbeit, für die Gleichberechtigung aller Menschen, egal ob Mann oder
Frau, und egal welcher Hautfarbe oder Herkunft. Und natürlich protestiere ich gegen den Krieg
im Kosovo, denn Krieg ist NIE eine gute Lösung!!!

I cant stand the fact that millions and millions of helpless animals are 
being painfully slaughtered, their bellies being slit open from the neck 
down, their dead flesh being ripped out and mechanically altered into the 
different types of meat products we all know and "love(hate)" and all this is 
being done by machines, not people, so it is like being thrown into a big 
death machine, like the gas chambers in the holocaust, impersonally and 
hatefully and scornfully killed by machines, powered by people who operate 
the machinery from behind the scenes so they don’t have to look at the damage 
that they're doing. Now grab a big old hunk of steak and take a bite of it. 
Oh, no! You just ate your brother, your mom, your aunt, your best friend, 
your dog. You just ate an adorable kitten. You’re eating FLESH dead FLESH! 
Yuck, you disgusting, horrible sicko! Just a little something to think 
about, to make eating meat a little harder for you. You’re crying? Its ok to 
cry, we all do it when we feel guilty for TAKING A LIFE! Let it out, man!

I think that America needs fixing. I think it needs a complete overhaul. We are supposed to be free yet, we are ridiculed on how we choose to dress, the government chooses what we are allowed to hear on the radio, the television, and sometimes in certain books. The government even tells us what we can and cannot ingest into our own bodies. I can understand the alarmingness of crack, and heroin, because they are dangerously addictive, but if people want to do that let them, I am not saying let people die, I am just saying give us the freedom to get high. I am a firm believer in marijuana and psychedelics. You know nature, peace and love. Yet the government acts as if I and people like me are some evil, gun toting monsters. I just chill. Take my life and enhance it. Try to live in this horrid environment, and not crawl in a hole. I just want real freedom. that's all

-WAR! -guns, bombs, nuclear weapons
-fighting, murder, mental abuse
-sexism, racism
-animal cruelty
- testing on animals
-aerosol cans
-cutting down of the Red Wood trees ( and all other trees)
-the government
- selling of grateful dead bootlegs
-etc. etc.

"hell no we won't go" if that’s what it comes to with this Kosovo business..... 

ban fox hunting.
return Israel to the Palestinians. 
overthrow the house of lords 
end the Kosovo crisis(but how?? )


The Things I Protest 
~people who judge you by the brand of clothes you wear 
~pigs (AKA cops) that harass you because of how you look or who your parents are 
~random drug dog searches in school 
Thank you for listening to my opinions.

i protest the war in Kosovo 
Clinton went and said lets put our noses up their ass 
and see how much we can piss them 
off and for him fuckin up we will have to pay the 
price cause the government is plannin on bringin 
back DRAFT and see i am almost 18 and there is no way
in hell i am gonna go fight for what the fuckin government 
screws up on cause they had no business 
doin what they did so if i get my draft slip i am gonna 
wipe my ass with it and send it to washington cause this war is wrong
oh yea my name is josh thanks for listening ( PEACE )

We have to destroy this village in order to save it--we have to bomb
these refugees in order to save them...30 years on and its still the
same, Vietnam to Kosovo. What if all the jet planes riding shotgun in
the sky were turned into butterflies...i protest any war machine killing
people to protect "national honor" (whatever that means)> NATO has given
a dictator an excuse for kicking people out of their homes. Gee thanks,
NATO. If boys have toys (eg stealth bombers) they will play with them
and big business profits because more "toys" get made. C'mon, American
Empire, wake up Mr Clinton! GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.

I just want to add my little word of the wise here...animals are our
friends...would you eat your friends????? at my school i get teased alot
because I’m a hippie...why ??? We are all humans...why can’t we stop
teasing each other???? When will hunger stop??? When will we all get
along and stop eating our friends????
This is Cloud saying : STOP EATING

My friends and I at school are working against: 
-Styrofoam trays and disposable forks at the lunch counters 
-No soda bottle recycle bins 
-Not enough effort being put into the paper recycling program 
(It may be a small list, but it's a start!) 

This world will never be a perfect place, but there are some things that 
could be fixed!

-Eastern Conflict?

-Vegetarianism? I guarantee that if you killed it with 
your own two hands you couldn't eat it. 
(unless you're a sick freak)

-Environment? Is this the age of not caring until
it's too late? Looks like it to me!

-Child Labor Laws? They're pushing it too far. Kids today
(and might I say I'm one of them) don't know responsibility
because they are not forced to learn it. I want to work, but 
because of the Amerikan government I can't.

-Sexism? What happened to the women's movement?
I mean, I'm still sitting in gym class hearing with my own
ears that the guys have higher standards than girls on the
physical fitness tests.

-Racism? Why are African Amerikans still looked down upon?
I though one of the government documents said "All men are equal"!
And white folks wrote that too.

-Government? Am I imagining things or is the government getting worst?
When they do amendments to the constitution, they should have
Amerikan citizens vote whether the amendments should be made.
These idiots that are or have been in congress (Sonny Bono excluded)
don't even know what they're talking about.

-Money? Read the sign on the wall in the Monkees' pad.

-Media? I'll tell you, it's giving us teen girls a bad image of what we
should be. Before I became a hippie I was anorexic because I thought
I was supposed to be thin. Guess what? I'm not supposed to be,
I'm me, that's it!

-Drugs? I support the whole Drug Peace Campaign.

-Nudity? If the Great Spirit wanted us to wear clothes, wouldn't
we have been born in them?

-Religion? I ain't knocking anybody's beliefs, but this whole "If you're
not a Christian you're going to Hell?" I don't think so! I live in harmony
with he earth, and I believe that's what the Great Spirit intended.

-Science? What happened to the world of imagination and believing?
I have Native Amerikan beliefs. I've not yet found a science teacher
at school that can prove to me that "inanimate objects" don't
have a spirit.

Think I'm insane? That's groovy. At least if you think I'm insane 
you're thinking about what I said. Drop me an e-mail.

"All you need is Love"
"Have you hugged a tree today?"

You flush out your system to pass a test
to get that job that pays the best
and when the days through and your on your way home
You pick up a 6 pack a 12 pack or more
when the weeks done 
and the house needs some paint
DuPont is the one you choose for your place
now this is just a few of the things ponder
while you sit and roll up with your favorite partner.
and if an adventure is what you need 
just get off your ass and plant the seed!!!!!!

spread the love 
Johnny Ganja Seed


POR toda la pinche porquería neoliberalista, que nada más jode a to el
mundo. Por los pinches nihilchistas que se esconden en una máscara de

My protests may not mean anything, 
But I protest against well paid executives who don't understand 
how the rest of the company works.
I Protest the companies who spew toxic fumes into our air, 
and dump their waste in our water and on our lands.
I shout out against the closed minded people who can't understand what
human nature is, but rather expect human perfection.
I detest people who believe their popularity rests purely in their fashion.
They lack the ability to keep it real.

I think the Kosovo Crisis has gone too far. I don't get why we have to 
destroy innocent lives. I'm not that old, I'm only 15, but ever since I was 
young as was told that fighting wasn't the answer. What kind of example are 
our leaders setting if they don't bather to even try and talk things out. 
Plus, I feel disgusted whenever there is talk of those three soldiers who 
were captured. We feel so sorry for their families, and I do too, but what 
about the hundreds who have been killed by the US's hand, and their families. 
Most of them have been separated from each other and don't know if their 
loved ones are alive are not. I think it's terrible that our country is being 
run by power crazy people who have no souls.


Unfortunately as the years pass, there are a growing number of
issues, policies and attitudes that warrant PROTESTING. Being 47 years of
age and having considered myself a "Hippy" from the early '70's, I like
many, experimented with many types of drugs at the time and as a result,
like with many, severe and persistent mental illness developed. As a result
life has been hell ever since, having to live on medications 4 times a day
just to survive and keep my head in the real world.
Mental Illness is a real problem but what is worse is the ignorant
attitudes of many in society, towards those with neurobiological
disorders. The WORST OFFENDERS are within the healthcare provider industry
itself, who knowingly violate Federal and State mandated legislation by
not abiding by the "Rights of Recipients who are in need of Mental Health
Services". Some say there are Protection and Advocacy Agencies within each
state who are there to help the Consumer/Survivor in assuring they receive
the services they are entitled to but this, in most cases, is NOT the case.
Usually P&A agencies in each state are underfunded and as a result end up
having only 1 or 2 full time Consumer Advocates who are supposed to cover
literally hundreds of incoming cases. As a result, the grievances are
handled less than satisfactorily if at all. So what I am basically saying
is that , in reality, Consumer/Survivors who have rights being violated,
which happens more often than not, they are left to fend for themselves and
end up frequently falling through the proverbial cracks in the system and
subsequently more suicides/homicides come to pass.
I've taken it upon myself over the past 6 years to learn to advocate
for myself first, then along with it comes the ability and determination to
help advocate for others who are less fortunate. -Chris Dinsmore, Maine

my protest is that i think marijuana should be legalized! the only reason it 
hasn't already is simply because the people are afraid to come out with it in 
public. don't be afraid! this is our damn country as well as theirs. we 
should have the right to get grow, produce, and sell marijuana as we want. if 
everyone would openly come out in public we could change the entire system. 
why should the government have all the fun smoking it? we have rights as an 
american citizen, that are being violated everyday, release our prisoners of 
war! <the drug war> if you would simply legalize marijuana the crime rate 
would tremendously drop. you wouldn't need a speed limit cuz everyone would 
be driving slow and eased back! <hehe> you would save billions of dollars 
because there wouldn't be so many people in jail for simple possession of 
drugs or drug use. 

There are so many people that wrote to this thing that are conformist.
They're like yeah i protest eating meat, i protest this and that. Do you
protest it only because other people do? Why do you protest it? because
you were told it was bad, because people have filled your mind with the
idea that what they say is right? A lot of people have said that they
think people should respect their views and choices, then you have to
respect other peoples. 
For example a girl on here said this : I am against a lot of things,
such as discrimination against people for the way that they look, dress,
act, or 
certain values they may have. But she goes on to say she hates Rap, and
she's protesting against it, because it's crap. Could This be
I think that people should stop and think about what they are doing to
the earth and their bodies. But you can not convince everyone that eating
meat is wrong, or throwing trash out the window is wrong. And you'll come
across people in your life that say that what you do is wrong. Such as
eating meat, i met a guy in LA that said that the bible says that animals
were put here to eat. It promotes the consumption of animals. That's what
they believe, so respect it. Hopefully they'll respect what you believe. 

This world is full of such hatred, it's pathetic. I've met so many
different kinds of people....from freaky weirdos to the most religious
Buddhist monk in the world. And they are all going to have different
perceptions of life and different views. You CAN NOT tell them they are
wrong if they don't follow your beliefs. Find you're own beliefs. and
follow them. 

My whole Life i have been told i was wrong. I had no direction to form
my own views. I was told what to believe up until i was 15, My mother
died when i was ten, and my father was an asshole. I moved in with my
aunt and uncle at 11, I left and moved to Asheville when i was 17 with
a bunch of hippies. Drove to LA in my VW van with 7 guys that had no
where to go nothing to believe in, we went and found our selves. Found my
soul mate. We lost some people to overdoses, guns, violence, hatred,
people lost in life and we gained people. I've been down in the lowest
state of life that one can be. Living on the smallest necessities, all i
had was what was on my back. Lived off the land in the mountains for
three months with four guys. Ate roots, Herbs, Grass. We didn't take
anything with us. When you are all alone in life and you don't have
shit....then you find out what you believe in and what is real in life. 

I wish all the kids that read this will go find them selves. and not
follow along just because it seems the groovy thing to do. 

Abolish hatred
Create Peace
Bring each other together.
Be there for each other
We all need each other to lean on every now and then. 
If we let the materialistic things that we are creating pacify us, we
will become nothing. 

I'm sure that there are many out there that disagree 
But why do you disagree? 

Get into the minds of people that are filled with hatred and figure them

I'd love to hear from everyone , and get their views......My e-mail
---Gwyneth Zimmerman--Peace 

i protest any human rights violations. i'm in Amnesty International at my 
school and we write to governments who are oppressing their people. i protest 
animal rights violations <animal testing, fur coats, etc...>. i protest 
littering. at the rate some people are going - in some # of years we won't 
be able to see our earth. i protest racism, nazism, fascism, and other forms 
of hate. i protest the restraints on the rights of people under 18 - i think 
that just because we are young does not mean anyone can take away our rights. 
we can not learn from our mistakes if we are not "allowed" to do so or 
"don't have the right" to do so. i protest student council elections - it's 
all a popularity contest and not one person does anything to make a 
difference. i protest popularity - my definition of it is to worry about 
what everyone else thinks of you, to be brain washed, to conform to everyone 
else, to have fake & back-stabbing friends, and to judge others based on 
looks, clothes, appearance, etc. i'd personally rather have a lot of true 
friends and be myself rather than to be what everyone else is. 

Hello there. I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'm starting a youth peace group in Calgary, Canada and we need some more people- is there any way you could inform people of the group on your page?

The things I protest are... 
-The fact that my school cafeteria uses paper trays instead of real ones 
-Everything going on in Kosovo (we are learning about it) 
-Abercrombie and Fitch 
-rap music(it's just a bunch of CRAP!) 
-sexism, racism, and any other kind of "ism" out there. 
-animal cruelty(especially animal testing) 
-aerosol, it hurts the ozone layer. 
- I protest almost everything except, peace, love, free speech, equality, and beautiful flowers 


The world will never be a perfect place, no matter how you look at it.
There will always be corrupted souls, the needy, the sick and ill, the
hurtful, the normal and the separate classes of people. What we protest
will only show that we "care" it might not ever make a difference and to the
government and those powerful we are basically nothing. But to ourselves
we can accomplish anything, working together, coming together to for a more
"perfect union". Forming a perfect union in love, and basing the foundation
on peace we can build a whole other paradise to mother our own children in.
This world is ours to create for the next generation, we can "make it or
break it" , protest hate, destruction, and narrow minds....
"We are stardust we are golden and we have to get ourselves back to the
garden-" Joni Mitchell ~Delilah

Mindlessness is overcoming the United States. People do things without
thinking about them.

I'm a vegan and people are offended by my presence, because I'm
different. If people took the time to learn about their bodies,
everyone would be vegan. It's a natural state of being. 

People do not do or say anything that strays from the norm. The Status
Quo is bad. We need to understand what the meat and dairy industries
are doing to the environment. I live in Baltimore and the runoff from
the chicken farms in Maryland are poisoning the Chesapeake Bay, killing
fish and making people who live near the water sick and some are dying. 
But chicken is so commonly eaten by the mindless masses that more
industrial chicken farms are being built.

How does this make sense? Why do people not think about the impact of
their actions?

Combat Mindlessness! Think for yourself and questions authority.


I haven't really gotten into protesting that much yet, since I'm only
14. I wrote a letter to some asshole producer about him destroying a
beach on a National Park in Thailand. He's bulldozing out the natural
vegetation and putting in 100 coconut trees. He has no right to do
this, so I made him aware that I will boycott his movie The Beach, and I
will also get my friends and family to boycott it too. I'm also going
to make a petition for stopping the destruction and send it to the
producer and other people who probably should get it. Hopefully, I'll
reach out to them, and get them to stop. I don't know. And now I want
to protest against the war we are having with Yugoslavia. I will figure
something out. 
Peace and Love,
Kara (

*I think a Woman should have the right to choose and NO laws should be
made about it, I'm not for it or against it, I just think our bodies
belong to us, and no government is going to tell us otherwise* 
*BAN THE BOMB - Bring our brothers home from Iraq! PEACE! Make love not
*Save the planet! I'm a vegetarian! We should all love our fellow
Peace and Love always,
Hiya! As an avid protester, I am against a lot of things, such as 
discrimination against people for the way that they look, dress, act, or 
certain values they may have. I also dislike animal abuse or cruelty in any 
way, such as experimentation and testing. I protest litter and other such 
harm to the environment. I also protest the fact that marijuana is an 
illegal drug. There are more uses for it than meet the eye. There is, 
however, something worse than having all of these problems, and that is not 
doing anything about them. So, in order to keep our planet a groovy place to 
live, try to make a difference and always be yourself! Peace, love, and 
butterflies, -Starlight
I protest the millions of media-hypnotized dunderheads who have been
tricked into thinking that EITHER of the two major political parties
cares about anything more than GETTING ELECTED, and

I protest the constant jailing and harassment of NON-VIOLENT drug
offenders at record rates while RAPISTS, MURDERERS, and THEIVES are
released on parole

I protest the Government’s HYPOCRACY in using military force against a
country refusing to sign a peace treaty.


I protest against capitalism, because capitalism is the source of almost 
all evil.

I fight for women’s, animals, youths, and black peoples equal rights.

I don't think that there is any use really to do small things, while 
continue to indirectly support the "big thing", then you're still on 
minus. For example: To recycle and still buy products from 
multinationals; to demonstrate against capitalism or unemployment and 
have a job, etc.

I don't believe in reform, I believe in revolution. (Not necessarily a 
armed one!).

We must protest at all fronts, refuse to work for "them", refuse to buy 
"their" products, help every brother and sister that's getting pushed 

Libertaian socialism, also known as anarchism, is the answer. Freedom is 
great, but it Must be for all, You can't be truly free until everyone 
is, Solidarity!

"You're only as rich as the poorest of the poor, only as free as the 
padlocked prison doors" - Phil Ochs.

So crash their windows, burn their stores and go and camp on their 
golfcourses. :)

Daniel Wilhelmsson, Sweden.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

i protest against any type of authority i think that any type of authority is
just like slavery and that we should all question anything that is said to be

What i protest is of the norm and i guess a little out of the norm. I protest against the image girls seem to have to live up too, that being beautiful is of the most importance. I'm against war, i feel that we don’t need to lose people, innocent people, so that their last image is of horror. What outrages me is the example of thousands of people dying because two countries couldn’t decide on what type of table to have during the peace agreement. its ridiculous and out right wrong! I protest on how people are so ignorant that they won’t open their minds to the possibility that either they may be wrong or maybe they would reconsider if they just took one last look. 
But most of all i protest those who don’t follow their heart, who don’t speak their mind who follow theirs around like puppies. We were all blessed with a mind of our own; we need to start using them. ---love, sarah---

I believe in these things!! 
people should not be restricted from drugs 
people should not eat meat 
people should use skateboards for transportation 
people should be able to go naked to places 
people should be able to have sex anywhere 
and that's all i can think of right now 


I protest the legalization of pot. It's dangerous, it kills people, it
ruins lives, what good comes of it? all it does is fry your brain cells,
and then sends you on your downward spiral, we should definitely lower
the drinking age though, I mean, if you're to young to drive, you can't
kill anyone in your car. LOL

Greetings from the ancient one. There are far too many wars as it is what is NATO doing.  I know an election is coming in the fall and the Americans need to bolster spirit after the Clinton fiasco, but take care of your own backyard. How can you save the world when you cant save yourself. Ireland, Israel, Bosnia. There will be war always. Why not set an example by abstaining from violent actions and trying to create a home environment of peace and love. When you hear public officials say things like -sure innocent people will be hurt but that’s the price you pay ,you have to wonder if or when they’d sacrifice you-for the right cause. Once again the American government will have innocent blood on their hands because they’ve stuck their nose in business that wasn’t theirs. War is as American as apple pie. Anyone for dessert. 
Micheal teal 
All we need is love!!( John Lennon) 
We the people need to keep the peace alive and stop hatred!!! 
Bring back the love and peace that we used to have stop the hatred.. 
The beatles have influenced me. 
Listen to their music and you will see what i mean.. 
Especially pay attention to the words of **imagine** 
Peace love and all to the people 

(WWW.WEFORUM.ORG) is the top 1000 corporations 
of the world, located in Hitler's former brothel getaway in Davos, 
Switzerland. They are the pigs that cause babies to starve, start wars, enslave the spirit 
around the world and  promote shantytown poverty everywhere. You can contact them at the 
above address,  contact us... please fill it out correctly, bogus address information 
notwithstanding. Please  promote peace, love, spiritual fulfillment, management of basic needs 
and understanding of humanity in the greater animal/plant/terrestrial role of ecology. 
Your opinion is needed  now... there is almost no critical literature on their action and they 
are gaining control over  the UN. The most literature I have found in on 
'analysis' search,  world economic forum, 134 entries (most are vague). Please pray and do 
right, right on. 
Tibet, Kikuyu, Hopi and native Swiss lead the way. Meditate and stay 
tight with the spirit. We are transitioning to a peaceful and better world; hopefully 
without one last calamity; if it ever looks like nuclear war, the Hopi in No. Arizona 
offer sanctuary (spiritual and physical), pray and prepare to give/help. Love. 
bullfrog (seth)
I protest against the slackers that know what is going on around them,
complain about it, but don't try to change anything. If you want to make
the world a better place - DO SOMETHING!
I protest human beings thinking that we're not animals. WE ARE ANIMALS, and are not better than any other creature of this earth. People should get rid of their superiority complex, and look at the damage we've done. We're not that wonderful after all.
make Exxon pay before it makes more $ on the Dow with atco. i live here
and i see Prince Wilhelm Sound, Alaska. it is sad. the animals are dying. i see

So many people like to think that their religion is the right one and they
arrogantly assume that everyone around them follows that path, or if they
don't then they should. I protest this when preachers come to speak on
campus and tell all of the non-Christians that they are going to hell. I got
in trouble for protesting last fall.

I also think people should be aware of which products are tested on animals.
I informed some people in a store that what they were buying were products
produced by companies that test on animals. They did not care at all. They
were actually quite rude to me. 

Can anyone tell me when National Hugging Day is supposed to be? I think every
day needs to be hugging day so I am sending a big hug to everyone who reads
this (and even those who won't see it!) HUG!!!!!!!!!!!

A hippie in trying,
Zedral :)

I'm against unfair treatment of physically handicapped people. I think
disabled people should have the right to work where they want and do whatever
they want to do as far as a job and everything else. I think we should get out
of places we don't belong like Kosovo. We don't belong there period. I think
women deserve equal pay as men. I'm against any war where we don't belong. I
think everyone should be treated equally.

Hey.. I would just like to protest male dominance. I see the world, I'm not 
blind, and I feel the pain my fellow womyn go through. I'm not against men or 
anything, I would just like equality among the sexes. I believe that in a 
world where womyn and men can tread on the same ground with a clean earth and 
kindness towards all creatures without having to feel like they have to outdo 
each other, is a world I would like to live in.. Hold peace and equality in 
your hearts.

I protest against racism! i go to a school with many 
murries[aboriginals] and are sick and tired of people fighting about 
skin colour. it what’s on the inside that counts.
TO add to this list is war, violence, the need for drugs, false friends 
and how bably people look after the earth.[it's all we have why not take 
proper car of it]
For all the people that agree with me lurv ya

    Since I'm only 13 I protest small things. Like I protested against
not having a recycling center; so I started a recycling organization in
my school, and I also made a club that picks up the litter on the school
The school now looks much cleaner and many of my fellow peers have
noticed that having a cleaner earth looks so much more attractive. When
I started the club to pick up litter, I had 30 people to help out; now I
have 230! I'm glad that I made a difference; even on such a small peice
on earth. If we all do a little we can do a lot.
"Imagine all the people, living life in peace."
-John Lennon
Peace out,

I protest militarism and nuclearism. Within the past year I've been 
arrested at the Nevada Test Site protesting continued US nuclear testing 
and nuclear dumping. Been at the Ward Valley, CA proposed nuclear waste 
dump, in solidarity with the Indian tribes of the lower Colorado River. 
Went to a demonstration against Clinton's "impeachment bombing" of Iraq, a 
few weeks ago. We're having a Mother's Day action, 5/9/99, at the Nevada 
test site. We can shut them down. Call me for information.

No nukes,
John Owen
PO Box 65951
L A CA 90065
323 344-8084

Hi! As a Libertarian, I protest those things that would endanger my
freedom. This includes, most especially, the insane War on Drugs. I
protest the callous government attitude that leads to the arrest of such
clear medical patients as author Peter McWilliams and Steve and Michele
Kubby by authorities who close their eyes to pity and act brutally. This
one issue is so egregious and evil that I urge everyone who has a shred
of compassion for sick and dying people in need of cannabis to likewise
protest this cold-blooded persecution by the likes of Placer County D.A.
Bradford Fennocchio. If you live in California, write to your local
paper and demand his recall immediately. If Mr. Fennocchio is unwilling
to enforce the laws of the State of California, he should not be
District Attorney.
Jeffrey R. Sommer
Vice-Chair of Marin County
Libertarian Party of California

I am a member of the ADL(animal defense league) and I take part in as
many animal rights protests as I can. I just wish that more people would
take the initiative to standing up to what they feel to be unjust. All
it takes is passion and I know there is some in all of us. A closed
mouth is just as bad as a closed mind. The feeling you get from speaking
your mind is an unbelievable sense of complete release. We all have to
keep fighting for what we believe in and we MUST educate and learn from
others. Hey,you never know-utopia may be possible...

Big, greedy, multinational companies who exploit not only their employees,
but the worlds valuable, finite, resources. Greed is destroying our planet
and our people.

i protest animal testing by not buying products tested on animals. i protest abuse of workers rights by not buying things from companies that do. i protest ignorance and intolerance by spreading the love of God to all people.

*animal abuse, torture, testing, slaughter, mistreatment, or exploit
*nuclear power/war
*weed being outlawed
*hate, rasicm, ignorence to acept others

I protest all our culture as takers the whole totalitarian agriculture really
is leading to catastrophe.

exorbitant costs of anything in the world of medicine make cures and
treatments available only to those with money.

I'm a radical farmland preservationist. I'm tired of watching beautiful pastoral landscapes destroyed by generic monotonous housing developments and gaudy stripmalls. It is a serious problem here where I live in Pennsylvania and around this entire nation. Check out my website at: 
Barry Koch

I protest against the exploitation of animals. Anything that is cruel to
children, animals and our mother Earth.

Pot Prohibition, Racism, Scientology

I protest against
technology that destroy our mother Earth
capitalism and America that control the world
custommer society (it's manipulation)
companies (it's manipulation)
gouvernement (it's manipulation)
society values (it's manipulation)
all that's military
internet (paradoxal, no?)
prime minister
the end of morality
multinational companies


Hi. my name is Erin, I protest: Chinese Government oppression against
the Tibetan people.

The things I protest is anything that invades your privacy, hurts mother
earth, hurts any living thing, or stops you from doing as you
please.(unless you kill or start fights.) If we are all tolerant,
open-minded, loving, forgiving, and caring, then I believe we can have
world peace. If we are all this way I don't think that we as flower
children would need to protest. Love on earth begins at home! 
Make Peace With Nature!

I protest the continual needless slaughter and abuse of animals in meat and
dairy production. I also protest the use of animals in product testing.
People need to quit buying anything that has been animal tested (Proctor &
Gamble, Colgate Palmolive - to name a few...) and at least limit their meat
consumption if they have absolutely no intention of going vegetarian.
McDonalds is a disgusting example of how much meat our country consumes. How
many animals do we have to pump with hormones, ship from cleared South
American rainforests, and kill before we realize that eating meat is wrong for

MANY THINGS, but the important one would be: HATE

I protest Rudy Giulianni's Fascist grip on NYC by smoking a blunt on the
wrong side of the street during the days they have alternate side parking
regulations in effect. John Molinari. P.S check out

i protest those damm teletubbies thats what i would too if you
could only know what true evil they are.but wait,don't give up.just turn to
mthat great man that wonderful tolerant ray of light that you can call jerry
falwell,all praise his name,let him help you,afterall he speaks for GOD,whos
luckie he has someone like old jerry here to help him out.i mean GOD knows
what GOD would do with out jerry falwell to speak for now you see what
i protest,jerry sayes that teletubbies are evil,well then evil they are.I also
think it would be nice if you all could send jerry a note or two to let him
know what a fine job he is doing.peace jan

my name is milagros, which is the spanish word for "miracles" and I live in argentina. 
about the question, I think that we´ll always have a reason to protest... 
I think that we are in an awfull situation...nobody cares about anything. 
the governments (in general, here too) just want power, and money but they seem to forget that people voted for them... 
I hate wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every time I watch t v or on the radio the news talk about that.. wars are a waste of lives, maybe inocent people that has nothing to do with the problem... 
violence in the society, I don´t know there, but here, in soccer matches people from different teams fight and in the news paper you can read how many people died... 
and ilnesses, and lots of things I hate and protest...maybe you agree.. 
remember that an argentinean hippy is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
peace, love, mili. please, take care!!!!!!!!!! 
my e-mail: 

protest abortion, war, rap (hehe) and unfair police action

i protest tv for the most part BUT i watch it once in a while such as
sundays for x-files, haha. 
but i also prtest shaving my legs which some people find gross but i
mean we all know girls have leg hair so why shave em? 
i protest brand names such as nike. due to their sweat shops
and i protest make-up which i think is a waste of time money and
effort altogether.

take it easy
~jess gill~

Well, the one thing that I protest greatly would be meat. I am a vegeterian
and am also anti-fur. I think it is wrong to take an animals life for human
consumption and it is even more disgusting the ways the animals are treated
before they are murdered. I am strongly against fur because I think it is
disgusting to drape a dead carcass of an animal that was tortured over your
back and call it fashion. I hand out fliers and phamplets to people who are
wearing fur telling them about the horrors that lie in the fur industry and
don't eat any meat.


I Protest Michael Jackson gettng any money from the sales of Beatle
music. Buy used, buy bootleg, or steal it.

Hello! I might be accused of protesting too much. I fear that the world is
falling prey to a very subtle fascism channelled through the economic system.
The existence of the World Economic Forum,, and the Hopi
prophesy (Hotevilla, T.Mails and Dan Evehema) indicate that my social
perception is not far off the mark. I protest non-human treatment of one
another, especially regarding priorities like jobs, health care, home, etc.
80% of the world population suffers from this humanity, check out the
International Labor Organization web site. I protest stupidity, meanness and
trends towards mutually assured destruction. And if things go sour, I
recommend being in Hopiland before the generals blow the cork. Read books on
the angelic four corners, Hopi, Swiss, Tibet, Kikuyu of Kilimanjaro. Welcome
to the next phase of life, peace! "bullfrog" seth leonard

I "Protest" lack of compassion, self importance, greed/want. At the
top of my list is that I "Protest" that I can't change it.

I protest the constant brainwashing of students by school authorities.

I protest Kristin using my e-mail address instead of just getting her 
own and becoming computer-literate. I protest my friend Corie using 
'hippie' as a derrogatory term whenever she gets annoyed with me 
("guddam hippie flowerchild freak girl"), I protest people refusing to 
acknowledge the existence of bisexuality (Kristin seconds that last 
one), I protest the emphasis placed on SAT tests, MCAS tests, and IQ 
tests. I protest ignorance, and people who call other people hypocrites 
are hypocrites ;-), I boycott Wendy's and McDonalds (and my digestive 
system isn't missing their food much either,) and any kind of passionate 
hatred because it's a waste of good energy.

I protest the derogetory attitude toward raves and ecstacy damn it. I 
protest the preppy people who think they are all that and they really 

I protest people who put me down for warning them about poisoning their 
bodies. And the only reason I don't like Kristin going to raves is 
because she won't stay sober. (I care about you, honey!)

One thing I protest is the Government because it sucks.

tyrannical parents
bombing innocent people for what their govt. leaders do
self-appointed "cool" people

Things I protest are : 
1. when rights entitled to us by the constitution are suddenly taken away by Poletics who try to bend the rules/rights stated there. 
2. When people are judged by their race, sexuality, age, religion, or anything else about them. 
3. When people or companies uncareingly waste materials from nature ( wood, iron, coal, oil.) 
4. When people are punished or arrested for expressing their rights. 
5. When the Government tries to fully control the U.S. citizens ( particularly teenagers & young adults) ex. curfews, school uniforms, searching lockers/back packs without student's permission. 
Hopefully, in time, we may be able to change these, and many other problems, to make this world a more, peaceful, and pleasant place to live. 
Peace and Love Always! 
- Rei

I'm a freedom addict. I'm a 18 year old girl and can't really live without freedom.I am against limiting one's freedom justice. Because you come to world only once and you have to live as freely as you can, you have to travel as much as you can (if it's possible all around the world).
I also protest using violence in prohibition.Noone can reach his/her aims when there is a cruel punishment after breaking the laws- especially death sentence- Whatever the person's guilt is, the real solution can never be found in giving an end to his life. Briefly I protest the word 'VIOLENCE' ... 
'Find the solution in peace instead of trying to reconcile your differences by making wars, men! Give peace a chance, as Lennon says.'

I protest linear time

I think that the things that should be protested are:
cruelty to animals
meat eating
sweat shops
nuclear testing
police officers
drugs being illegal
>From your friend, Sharon Leach @

I would protest the fact that marijuana is illegal in the United States,
since it is much less harmful then Tobacco or Alcohol, and all the bullshit
the gov't drug programs that just suck up your money (like DARE) harm
family life, and do not tell the TRUTH about marijuana.
Come visit my Homepage at:

i protest the constant hypocracy of the human race. even us as hippies,
who intentionally tried to get away from conformities of our cultures,
have formed a stereotype of ourselves as long-hair, hemp-smoking,
vw-driving weirdos. the worst problem is that we foster this kind of
thinking. why can't we just be ourselves and not have to fulfill some
stupid stereotype? no matter what anyone says they are a product of our
culture but we must try to break out of this bond and find our own place
in this galaxy.

I protest littering in my school and war.

Fighting Pitbulls

I protest for the way the american government tries to manipulate the
whole world.


i protest in people who try to change you and make you b-lieve in the
things you don't
i protest in people who want war

Astro Flow

Protest the lies and deceit of the government

I proudly protest to war, poaching, racism, harassment, using abortion for
birth control, stealing, bad aditudes, cheating, guns in the hands of the
youth, illeagalization of pot (beer will kill you faster),&, assumption of a
person in a bad way or any other. if you assume a person is bad for the way
they look that makes you less of a person. don't judge a book by its cover, it
could be the best book you ever read.
new waver hippy freak chick-

The death penalty. The legal lynching of Mumia Abu- Jamal. The imprisonment of Leonard Peltier. The oppression in Tibet. USA's imperialism. stuff like that. 
check yas later 


i know you are all expecting these protest things
to come in and you guys expect people to be protesting things like animal
rights and abortion and stuff. well i protest something small but worthy. i
protest dress codes in schools. i believe that the only limit to ones clothes
is their imagination. we claim to be a free nation but how can thins be true
if we even restrict the clothes we wear? i just don't understand.
thanks. luv, Luna Marie

The Bomb, that dope should be legal in all Australian states on not only
in the ACT, that the Jabaluka mine be stopped and reduction in waste and
fossil fuels.

I protest dna alterations and the unnecessary use of violence

I protest the ultimate evil: conservatism. I feel that instead of 
mindlessly choking down the spoon-fed beliefs, ethics and lifestyle of 
one's family and associates, we should open our minds and think for 
ourselves. Mental autonomy is something that I treasure and that 
everyone should strive for. We see examples of conservatism everywhere. 
It angers me to no end that some people can be so ignorant and 
intolerant. If we could all learn to be more open-minded and liberated, 
then we would be a giant step closer to world peace.

negative thinking

The fact that people could be so crule to test products on animals just makes
me sick! I think they should have shit tested on them! 

i protest war, homework, raceism, male dominence, and people who lie under oath.

I protest not given the legal right to smoke pot. I think pot is less
dangerous than alcohol.
There is lest fighting, no hangovers,a better appitite.

I protest the maiming and intentional experimentation of innocent Somlian squirrel. 
Your friend in squirrel-dom, 
Kevin Nut

Real simple, I protest the money hungry, brain washing government, and those stereo-typical politicians, who have the hand in the cookie jar all the time....

i protest the violation of peoples rights as individuals and human
beings. unfortunately human nature makes us incapable of being nice to
everyone all the time. though that doesn't mean that we all cant try
our hardest no matter how trying the individual. : )

valerie berg