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What others have to say: 

I found this forum and, being an old hippie of the 60s/70s, am hoping to 
locate some hippies of that time era also. I am very happy that so many of 
the youth are learning about peace, love and into being a hippie, but for 
myself, I need to connect with someone my age. I looked at the Flashback 
link, and only got depressed. It was everything that was so beautiful and 
where has it all gone? It was the Woodstock I went to, the Beatle music I 
listened (and listen) to, and so much more. I also realize it was the druggie 
who ODd, the person I knew who jumped out of a window and thought he could 
fly while on LSD. (He lived, thank God.) Yes, I am a realist. The
60s/70s were wonderful times and not so wonderful times. But it seems lately 
we have more of the not so wonderful times which remain unbalanced. For me, I 
have personally found some balance. I am a Hare Krishna devotee and have 
found peace and love through Krishna. I feel that being a hippie is 
connecting with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Anyone who is open to
that, please write me. While I am especially looking for the older crowd, my 
age, I would love to share with anyone who connects to what I am saying. By 
the way, I am not into drugs and think one gets a whole lot higher 
meditating than they can with weed, etc. Looking for older hippies who 
developed boundaries, weren't afraid to grow up and did not loose that hippie 
mood of kindness and peace in the process. Is there such a creature? 

Also, check out my web page
Hippie Days, Hippie Ways
E-mail me

in the 

Fossil fuels leak thousands of gallons into lakes, rivers and seas,
not even counting the exxon valdez. 
World cotton yearly uses 1/4 million tons of petro-sides. Cutting down 
rainforests, ancient cypress and redwoods. Eco-systems destroyed,
undocumented species extinct. Corporate farms, workers poisoned for
less than minimum wage. Natives, family farms and poor, loosing more
everyday. Peoples, starving throughout the earth, seniors and children
malnourished since birth. Juries filled with corporate and
government employees, while prisons rise faster than low income
housing. Seniors jailed for illegally smiling. Fertilizer
Education depravation administrated on and by teachers, cops and
preachers, mo money for building brownshirts and bleechers. The hemp parchment constitution, by-passed to "ends justify means"
rules. Illiteracy and unemployment maintain a steady labor pool. 
Incarcerating cannabis users to pay the "drug war" debt, 
pharmaceuticals tell us herbs are a threat. Street people forced to dive into dumpsters, a war crime in Geneva,
none of it need happen if we just used the, stalks and seeds of sativa,
or the Cannabis flowers for medicinal needs, only we the people can
stop this greed. squads eradicating FARMaceuticals, getting 99.28% Food, Fuel
and Fiber. Little flipper babies of thalidomide, once banned, now
FDA rebirthed to battle the heathen devil weed. 
The Korpse reap, with meat, 4/1, cows/Mericans. Eating 80% of our,
(half gone Ogalala reservoir watered, pestoherbofertolized) Ag. 1/12
ratio meat/grain. Waste dung rising nitrates, causing mutated deformed,
anti-choice, Bible belt babies. 
Reefer mads cowboys spraying agent orange. Kill grouse, pheasant homes
and the most nutritionally complete food on the planet. 
Now Israeli science says: CANNABIS PREVENTS BRAIN DAMAGE.....
Cannabis is Food, Fuel, Fiber, FARMaceuticals
Den de Cannabist 

If you don't like all the hate, racism, greed, unlovingness of our world
today then do something to change it! That's why we were born with
brains and free will! How is it gonna change if no one does anything? This shit effects everyone so everyone should do something to change
Don't you think that it we had one day where everyone in the world got
high and hung out together - that the world, even if it was only for 1
day, would be a loving, peaceful, wonderful, place?? 
I wonder if I will ever find true peace & love in this world - in this

OK this is simple and to the point. Deep down I think all people are good. You just have to scratch the surface to get the truth. I have tried and tried to make this world a better place. Some say one person can make a difference but I am starting to not believe that. I spend hours cleaning up my town of trash and litter, to come back two days later and see it all there again. The earth has taken care of us for thousands of years now it is time for us to take care of her. Just like people the earth is good we just have to scratch the surface to find the beauty. 
Love always 

Hello brothers and sisters....The name's Rainbow Sunshine and I'm 16 
years old. I have a few things I need to say. Well, these are not the 
ramblings of a mad man-I am of sound mind and body.
Take a look around--go ahead and take a good look around. How do you view 
the world? Do you see a world that's free of hatred, violence & war? A 
world free of prejudice, rape & murder? If that's what you see when you 
evaluate this world, then it's time you stop kidding yourself....It's 
time for a wake up call....It's sad, very sad to see the potential we all 
have to become something greater-and we waste this potential. Is this 
world a place where our children can grow and learn; be loved and 
accepted? A place where we can live in peace and harmony and don't fear 
our fellow man? Is this a place where people share with those that are 
less fortunate---well yes, you may say "Yes-this is such a 
place"----"Land of the brave home of the free"--we do live in "the 
United States of America"(what the hell is United about it? All I see is 
a divided people---divided by racial/cultural/religious barriers)....Let 
me ask you why there are still starving people in this ("give me your 
tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be FREE") world. (I might 
add that this is stated on the statue of liberty--America's calling 
card).And why are our children not receiving an education? Homeless 
people? So why don't you Reevaluate your view on the world....because I 
believe things can change--if people would see the world not only for 
what it IS, but for what it COULD be. The fate of our world lies in YOUR 
hands, so WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT? We have a force within us that 
is more powerful than you could EVER imagine....and you know what it 
is-FREE WILL. It's up to you to decide what to do with it. Thank you very 
much for listening-you may not agree with everything I said but I had to 
get all that off my chest.(See I live in a really small town in Ohio, so 
it's hard to find an open minded person to listen to my opinions and 
philosophies.)I want to wish you all much love and happiness in your 
journey through this life....follow your heart and let your soul guide 
you. And remember free will is the key to freedom.

Love always,

Rainbow Sunshine

Money is such a materialistic object that this world places too
much emphasis on. I know I don't have that much life experience being
only 16, but I have already developed a hatred towards money and other
materialistic objects. I seen my mom go from caring and loving mom to a
money obsessive beast. She works way too much and left me alone for a
good couple of years so in that which I just stated I went out and
found friends and made a family of friends on my own to make up the
one I was lacking. I realize that perhaps some of my decisions I made
with friends probably weren't the best but who was I to learn from if
my parents weren't home to guide me and to set morals for me. The
results of my escapades was my getting sent away from everything I've
ever known and been familiar with to go live with my dad. Now I
guess you need to know that she wasn't a single working mother nor were
we in debt. If anything her and my step father who I have nothing
against had more money than they knew what to do with. And over about a
period of seven or eight years I watched my mom and dad turn into money
obsessive, work- ahloic freaks. I seen them change their priorities
and life-style so they could work more. And in seeing these things my
opinion on life has changed a lot. I had what every kid might dream of
materialistically, but if there is no love, moral support, or structure
than I'd rather be poor. Whereas most kids my age want money and want
to go to college I seen what money can do how it can change lives and
how it affects others around you and I don't want any part of that.


"next stop is Vietnam"-arlo Guthrie

MANY PEOPLE have used the term 'hate' in whatever they were tryin to 
state. People hate us deny us but they can never ignore us. i envy the 
times of woodstock and the power of dark resistance. As they used to say 
we have no enemies. but as a 21yr. old from a third world country INDIA 
my reason for takin towards a life like this is to do and show the 5% of 
the world population who control the rest of it. hey!!! all those 
trippers get up ur lazy old bones u have done it in sixties u have to do 
it again u were never whipped out but pushed aside by people who were 
really afraid of love and peace. We are children are at the edge of 
everything save us join us start it all over again. No u were not stupid 
druggies runnin from the real world but people who dared to change a 
bloody course of history its time again. 
me and my friend bische smoke weed and prepare ourselves to increase 
this long forgotten movement to a height where we can make a difference 
as there is very little time left. i don't know how many agree with me 
but lets not hold to the past lets do again and lets do it the right 
way. We smoke weed becoz thats even our god used to smoke ( its natural 
and better than and chemical designer trip) Please stick with nature and 
propagate this movement, Spread out conquer your enemies with love and 
join the small fragments of jigsaw puzzle to the huge magnificent 

saugat friend)

To me a hippie is someone who's at one with the earth. Someone who
understands nature and it's creatures. Someone who believes in world
peace, someone who believe love overpowers violence. I for one believe in
all of these things, as well as my best friend. We are both hippies. I
think the reason many people categorize hippies by the way they dress,
and whether or not they do drugs, because a lot of hippies do. So those
ignorant people out there (which there are many) automatically think all
hippies are like that, or if you do any of those things you're a hippie,
which is wrong. But what can we do, except hope that someday they'll all
understand. I also believe a hippie is someone who is what they want to
be, not what they're 'supposed' to be. And who doesn't care what other
people think about them. I admit that me and my friend do wear beads,
bell bottoms, hemp, love candles and incense, toke weed, have bean bags
and lava lamps, have bead curtains, and say 'groovy', 'dig it?' and
other words used by hippies often, and of course we love THE DOORS, but
it still gives people no right to be so prejudiced. I guess all of those
people are just so unaware of what the worlds really like, and that they
have to accept people for who they are, not what they want them to be.
I'm sorry if I got to detailed, but the fact about how some people act
about hippies, witches, Indians (which I love as well), blacks, etc.
gets me very angry.


First of all let me say that the term "hippy" was coined by the media, not the people who fell under the definition given for the term.....There was no "hippy" movement in the 60's.....the 60's were so much more that the "hippy" movement 
There was a social and cultural revolution....we children of the sixties were the first generation to live with the very real possibility of total annihilation of the entire planet at the button pushing whim of a group of politicians I remember having bomb drills in the fourth grade and having to get under my desk to seek protection from the possibility of nuclear war Can you imagine that?? I remember wondering what good it would do to have a little piece of wood over my head, when we had just had a science lesson on just how the atom bomb worked and the destructive force it delivered, complete with film of a mushroom cloud.....I remember also thinking that all I wanted to do was be home and safe with my family...and how I would feel when the bomb was dropped and my parents were across town and I would be alone 
forever...pretty heavy stuff for a 9 yr old.....I think that mentality and horror show was what planted the seeds of change in the minds of a whole generation..... before that period of history, children were safe and protected. Then we were being told that not even God could protect us from this unseen enemy with the power to destroy the world. I guess teachers and politicians thought they were doing something good, when in fact they were breeding radical ideas in our wee little heads. 
Then when we hit puberty, we had Vietnam and again we saw that nothing could protect us from our own government. I had friends graduate high school, with nothing but the whole world in front of them, only to be taken down by an evil old man who wanted become a piece of history.....and again politicians..... 
I saw for the first time that rules and regulations and following orders meant death and loss and misery. Is it any wonder that a whole generation stopped and 
said to the entire world NO MORE!!!!!!! It took guts and maybe a little madness to try to fight the system in the sixties, more than the present generation of 90's hippies can maybe imagine. I had more than one close friend beaten to a pulp just because he had long hair and holes in his jeans. We were spit on, cursed at, threatened and sometimes physically hurt (always mentally hurt) just because we dared to question the government and other bastions of authority. It was a long strange trip....(Thank you Jerry) but I am surely glad that I was along for the ride... 
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.....we did make a difference.....we taught our children well and now there is another generation on the back burner, waiting for their time.....sometimes you have to make the world a better place, one person at a time.... 
And yeah, there were some great times, but they weren't a result of drug use or free love. They were a by-product of the feelings of a collective group of people who came together to try to change their world. The government has blamed the so-called hippy ear for the escalation in drug-use, but that is just a way to make people afraid to become part of such a movement....more control, more lies. Check history, statistics, etc.....i never met a hippy junkie that would not have become a junkie in any situation. People with addictive personalities will become, no matter what setting they are in. Alcohol has ruined more lives and killed more people than most wars we have fought in.....yet this industry is allowed to operate with little or no control....all because there is money to be made and that, after all, is the American way. 
Take statistics on alcohol related injury and death and compare to pot statistics on the same staggers the mind. Look at how long it took to bring the insidious tobacco industry to its knees. The powers that be allowed the drug nicotine to become such an addicting presence in our society that it was once considered to be odd if you didn't smoke the crap..... even though they knew it was killing people. All because the tobacco industry had the money and the power to control the government,,,,until the people spoke out!!!! 
These are the kinds of wars we are fighting home...on our own soil.....Remember that!!! 
I don’t smoke, drink or have any addictive vices that could harm anyone in anyway. 
I try to be kind and show compassion to all living creatures. I care deeply about 
this world and hope that this 90's generation takes a long hard look at their world. It isn't about partying and drugs and sex and all that other stuff that I see a lot of young people identifying with being a "hippy". It is about commitment, caring and 
awareness. Question Authority!! Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.....Civil disobedience worked for Gandhi and millions of Indians..... 
I wouldn't go back and be a teen-ager again for all the tea in China, especially in today’s world. Our demons were real, but far removed was a presence that loomed over us, always there, but not always tangible. This world is a dangerous place to schools, gangs, violence in the streets, lack of self-control and conscience.....yet I see a ray of hope among this "hippy" community...Peace and Love are not just words.....they are a way of life. Live the dream. 
the Gypsymama 

hi I’m kelly and I’m only 15 but I’m a true hippy at heart but came a little later than the originals. i believe in peace and love. i think people in this age "the 90's" are to busy caring about themselves and not their fellow man and not mother nature. i wish i could've lived back in the 60's when there was the original hippies! 
~~Kelly Lyn Mccarville~~ 
please contact me with to show your opinion of my opinions

Hello Far out people.,, 
Cancel world debt. 
arrange a woodstock '99 to be held in london - yeh far out..complete with 60s groovy original performers ... 
Overthrow fascists' - tony blair(blur) 
Scrap the house of Lords' 
Overthrow aristocrats. esp the royals' 
have one schooling system for all. 
don't allow animals to be killed 
No capital punishment 
legalize cannabis in Britain 
only then can I safely declare world peace 
PLay it COol 

Hello fellow hippies, 
I am fifteen years old and live in a small materialistic community in southern Illinois. I find it hard to be myself, a hippie. Since visiting your site many times, I have realized that it is OK to be myself and that I shouldn't care what others think. I plan to move away from here when I graduate from high school (education is of upmost priority to me) and attend U of I in Champaign and also hopefully meet other hippies, a dying race in my area. My parents were hippies and have instilled in me all the hippie ways. I am forever thankful to them for that. I was born to be a hippie. I hope everyone who read this enjoyed what I had to add to this great site. 
Love and Peace Be With You, 
Taylor Rain

1. Knowledge is Power, so spread the word.
2. United we stand (divided we fall), so let us all connect and become 
ONE strong movement. 
3. Talk is cheap & Action speaks louder than words, it's about time we 
got off our butts and DID something.

Hippies are those people who dare pick up the petals that fell from the

To The Flower Children......
I was recently at a festival where I heard this amazing performer
named Joules Graves. I'm not sure how many people actually know of
her, but one of her songs titled " People of the Earth Tribe" really
hit some strings with me! I wanted to leave you with the lyrics of
the song in the hopes that whoever reads it really starts to pay
attention to our Mother Earth and her needs! :)
If you'd like to email me.. I'd love to hear from anyone!
Love, Light and Faerie Kisses,
Violet Moon :)

People of the Earth Tribe Rise!

People of the Earth Tribe Rise!
people of the earth tribe Rise, unite!
We are everywhere
Conquistador creating war 
Oppressing the poor
Whatcha fighting for?
So hard they tried to conquer divine
But were unified
We will not be defied
People of the Earth Tribe Rise!
People of the Earth Tribe Rise, unite!
Don't bite the hand
Hand that feeds
She bleeds by our greeds
And still she re-seeds to meet out needs
Do you hear her voices as she pleads?
She says
People of the Earth Tribe Rise!
People of the Earth Tribe Rise, unite!
Well now some they say namaste
Some say aho metacuaysin
Some say om
Other say Shalom
But we all call mama Earth our home
Respect her!
Protect her!
Now rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
People of the Earth tribe Rise
People of the Earth tribe Rise unite!
Ya know love is the answer to every question
Love is the answer!
-Joules Graves

It is so nice to see that our work in the sixties was not in vain. The
hippie movement was not only earth-friendly, it was people friendly. I
grew up with the Beatles, Airplane and the Dead...I was thrown out of
school for long hair...We had "far-out" all night parties, skinny
dipping, smoking grass and doin' schrooms...they were great times, not
for the times, but for the total feeling shared by a whole generation of
society. The times were terrible. We watched our friends go and fight in
Viet Nam...the people were split into two camps...the pigs...the
freaks...and the cops weren't on our side. We spoke of peace and love and
they spoke of pie. But we wanted change...the
lakes and rivers were and factories darkened our
air...races were seperated, segregated and oppressed...we were fighting a
lonely war in a strange place...hippies were treated as an
abomination...Kent State culminated these feelings as four students were
shot dead during anti-war protests. No...times were not so great in the
sixties...the great thing was the idea...and it was it
was an idea, not a time...We still live the idea...these times are
actually pretty calm...Just live the dream and have fun with your
lives...but watch-out though...When we smoked grass, it was real good and
you got a lid for 10dollars. Now days, a bag of brown is 100bucks. That's
big business and a lot of violent people involved. Just keep it tight
with your friends and don't buy or sell with a stranger. If it was legal
we could grow it and it wouldn't cost anything, but that doesn't seem
very likely. I belong to a band called "The Last Hippy Band". We've been
performing for twenty years. Some of our members also go to Rainbow
Gatherings. The idea is still alive and is just as popular as any other
time. The only thing really that has changed is the over-all social
enlightenment we enjoyed. But keep on because there is a new awakening
coming to the world and we'll be dancing in the streets once again. Come
see the band...we're around...and stay out of cigarettes, alcohol and
hard drugs...but most of all...stay cool...

Thomas Burke

I strongly believe that to be a hippie, you must feel a spiritual peace. You
must, of course, have corresponding ideas and thoughts as the rest of us, but
isn't the hippie movement about freedom? Being different and being your own
person? That's what it is about for me. You don't have to conform to any
state of mind or being to be what we call "a hippie," but you should
definately keep peace and love in your heart and whatever walk of life you
lean toward, remember these basic principles and we can make the earth a
better place for tomorrow. Peace to all of you, 


To everybody that wants to go back to the '60's, I just have to say,
"sh*t, @**-holes!!" We have to try and do what we can here - now. 
There was a war going on then, too, only, a lot more people were getting
killed!!! We're part of an anti-war counterculture - remember?! This
all started because of the war. We have to try to patch things up in
the present so it won't be a problem in the future. I hope I didn't get
anybody mad, I was just getting tired of everybody talking about wanting
to go back because "things were better then", but while some people were
getting high trying to get away from everything, people were getting
blown up and shot. Peace and love make the world go 'round, and we have
to let everybody else know it.

First of I hate the 90's ever since the dawn of electricity things have
gone down hill. We would be better off if we never had electricity, we
would have a lot less stress if we didn't have to work all night and we
wouldn't have to without lights! The 60's slowed down Sociaty's
destruction but we did not stop it all though as soon as it is gone
things will be better. I'm only 13 but I grew up in a hippy family all
the way, this made my life wonderful and from growing up in a hippy
family taught me a lot. Not the kind of knowledge you have taught to you
in school. the know ho to servive in life is what i learned. I was taken
out of school in 5 grade and I loved it, my mind was being sucked out
thrue school and know I have an even better link with mother earth. If
you want to get even deeper into my thought my e-mail address is and my home page is "PEACE OUT!"
~dearest children of the sunshine~
first of all i would like to say STOP THIS WAR!!!!! why are we trying to define what a hippy is? i strongly believe that being a hippy is all about being against any kind of label/definition. come on man we're starting to sound more like the "skaters/punx/wierdos" (or whatever you choose to call them). they all have to put a label on everything and figure out who's a poser & who's not. it's ultimately rediculous!! instead of putting all our efforts on trying to tell each other what we are, we should be more worried about helping our mother earth, or helping people who need our help. i guess there are some "fake" hippies out there but we shouldn't worry about that. THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! i am the ONLY hippy were i live and i would personaly give my right arm to meet a "hippy" guy. i have to settle with going out with these wierdos/punx. i guess there really isn't anything wrong with them, but i know i would much happier with someone i could relate with or someone who would wanna go to the park and throw frisbees to our dogs while toking, that would be very groovy!! so i say if you have fellow hippies who you feel are fake, hell just teach them the ways and send them to me because if you don't want them i'll certaimly appreciate them!!:) well children, keep spreading peace, love, and harmony! 
Hello Everyone !!! I'm writing this message to share my view on
and animal testing. I have been one for more than 2 years... and I have no
temptation for meat or any animal by-products. Since I have been meatless...
I have been healthier and support animal rights groups. I also stay away
from products that have been tested on animals which are numerously...
Proctor and Gamble products. many ask me why i have gone vegetarian and that
it is pointless. Well people... think of it this way. Do you believe that
animals are fed... mothered and then brought to some fancy building, put to
sleep then VOILA they are burgers in burger king? Hell no... animals who are
first born are separated from their parents... placed into a small stuffy
room with many other young innocent animals who are either starving... or
overfed enough to make them loose balance and never walk. Sometimes
cannibolism takes place. Animals are treated like rag dolls and do not
deserve to live like that. animal testing can sometimes be worse. i
personally hope you don't support having a chemical poured into a rabbit's
eye to see if it is safe!! Obviously the chemical should be tested to see if
it works on what it was supposed to do, such as clean windows and such. The
way I see it... is that the "smart" scientists should use their brain and
read the ingredients to see if any harmful chemicals are in it. After all
they should know which chemical is which! i guess some people have to be @**
holes and test products the unsafe way. testing shit on animals is the same
as grabbing a newborn boy/girl from the mother and keeping him/her in a
cage.. never feeding or paying attention to him/her. They are then chained
to an uncomfy table by careless scientists, and smothered with harmful
chemicals to be "tested" for side effects such as blindness or even death.
"oh gee" says the scientists... "we just killed the stupid new born!! oh
well... we will throw it out and grab a new one"
F U all who support this. use common sense and stop animal testing for
useless purposes!!! THANK YOU for your time and I would enjoy seeing your
reaction to wild madness by emailing me
sincerely, Rachel Wessel aka graceslick in hippychat

I'm only 16, and i wasnt at Monterey or Woostock or any of those other 
legendary 60's happenings, but i have recently felt like i should have 
been. I am a hippie just born a little too late. I take one look at the
world of the 90's and it makes me sick. 
Wasnt everything so much better back then ? 
Sometimes i just feel like i missed the boat. and now im stuck here in a 
society that is becoming increasingly less tolerant of hippies. 
One of the first steps i took to combat this was smoking weed, of 
course. I have some really groovy friends who could hook me up with all 
sorts of stuff, and they let me smoke a couple of joints with them from 
time to time. Let me tell you, i had FUN. The third time i ever smoked, 
i was just about trippin. It opened my mind to the love and the 
wonderful things in the world. Dont let the media fool you, drugs have 
changed my life for the better !  Anyway, it makes me really sad that 
nowadays, most people dont accept hippies. Where i live is NOT a hippie 
As soon as i am out of high school (i cant wait), i am finding some 
places where hippies can find some peace and love in a supportive 
Anyway, let me just say that the best years that mankind has ever gone 
through were from the mid 60's to early 70's (64-74). 
Dont ever forget those times, for the sake of the people who werent 
around to remember them ! 
  well, thats it, keep loving ! 
:)   :)    :)    :)    :)    :) 
and PEACE ! 

i consider myself to be a hippy because i believe in peace and love, 
which is basic but explains all.  i work a nine to five job because it 
gives me the freedom to do and be what i want in my own time.  the hippy 
way, to me, is to love and accept others, even if you don't agree with 
their ideals. 

i am also a great supporter of the hemp movement, and i believe that the 
current laws are ridiculous, and steeped in misinformation.  many people 
in our government (i live in canada, but especially in the united 
states) do not even know the basic facts about hemp! one acre of hemp 
equals FIVE acres of forest- it takes decades or centuries for trees to 
grow, yet a hemp crop can be grown in 120 DAYS! they are unaware that 
hemp was the largest cash crop in the world before it was illegalized. 
the original declaration of independance was written on hemp paper.  the 
sails that brought us here to north america were made of hemp.  the list 
goes on and on. 

however, we live in a society that does not inform us honestly about the 
cannabis plant and what it's benefits and uses are.  we must learn about 
it, do research, inform ourselves so that we can teach others the 
reality of what cannabis is. 

the more we are educated, the more we will be taken seriously.  we must 
fight the establishment with words and with education. 

i smoke pot pretty much everyday of my life.  i find it soothing, and 
most helpful with pain (such as menstrual cramps or muscle stiffness). 
it is also a wonderful alternative to alcohol, as it is not physically 
addictive and not one person has toked him/herself to death.  it 
stimulates the mind instead of deadening it. 

the reasons behind prohibition of cannabis are full of racism and hate. 
yellow journalism by william hearst began the drug scare, not actual 
facts about the substance.  he hated mexicans, so he scared people into 
thinking they are lazy, unproductive and dirty because they smoked pot. 
he was also threatened by new ways to produce hemp paper faster and 
cleaner by his newspaper enemies. also, many black americans smoked 
"reefer", and white people were charmed by it's wonderful effects. 
unfortunately, racism was widespread, and white women were being 
"tainted" by association with these blacks.  hence, america was 
frightened into prohibition through hate, lies, and bigotry.  today, 
upstanding conservatives try to hide this truth by telling young people 
that it stunts your growth, kills all your brain cells, etc etc. 
meanwhile, tobacco and alcohol, which are both more lethal than cannabis 
remain legal.  is it not horrible that our governments lie to us to 
uphold laws that were originally made to punish blacks and hispanics? 
and they try to make pot look evil?  disgusting!

we as hippie must inform the world that we will not, as citizens of a 
free country, stand for being lied to and jailed for partaking, in a 
natural, beautiful substance.  we do not jail alcoholics unless they do 
bodily harm to others.  we must begin to demand these rights for 
ourselves as well. 

if anyone wants to educate themselves thoroughly, please read "THE 
EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES" by Jack Herer.  All the facts are there.  then 
you can relate the message to others, and the world may finally come to 
it's senses. 


Hippies Suck! 
hippies are peacefull,dirty,smelly,breeding,idiots,who 
should all be dragged out into the street and shot. 

   the sixties have been greatly romanticized over the years. they were a time 
of great social change, yes, and an opening of doors that had previously been 
shut in society. but what about the political and social climate? race riots? 
the vietnam war? government oppression? police brutality? racism? 
environmental destruction? womens oppression? compare that to the liberal 
free-thinking '90s. i'd choose the '90s over the sixties any day, because the 
freedom (especially the relative freedom from discrimination we have, unlike 
the original beats and hippies) we live in today is closer to the utopia the 
sixties radicals wanted than what they lived in, in their day. the arts, the 
music, the devotion to causes all were wonderful parts of the sixties. but the 
'90s has all that and more...why would you want to go back? the sixties laid 
the foundation...its up to us to keep the spirit alive and well and to move 
forward towards that day when the world lives as one. 
thanks for letting me share with you! 

I wanted to share my view on how wrong abortion is. 
I know that a lot of people think that it's not so bad since the baby isn't 
born yet, but the truth is that it can feel EVERYTHING going on around it, 
just like you and me. 
So many babies are being murdered, yes murdered, every single day! If this 
many people were being killed so cruelly in America or another place in 
this world, would you stand for it? If you knew that one of you brothers or 
sisters was going to have scissors shoved into their heads and their brain 
vacuumed out, would you stand by and watch it happen? Or if their bodies 
were cut up into smaller part and vacuumed out, would you just not care? 
Well, I should hope not! The same with these innocent children. They 
haven't had the chance to walk in our beautiful earth, or listen to music 
and fully enjoy life the way so many of us take for granted. Life is such a 
beautiful GIFT! There are so many people out there who are not fortunate 
enough to have children, so the go to adoption agencies and have to wait 
TEN YEARS! Just to have a family! And why is the wait so long? Because too 
many mothers are taking the easy way out and killing there babies. 
Brothers and sisters, I hope that I have reached you with my urgent 
message. If we don't even give them a chance to speak for them selves, who 
will speak for them? I will and I hope you will help stop this abomination 
and save our future. Together we can save lives and live in peace and 
harmony with all our brothers and sisters with us. 
  -Thank you, 
   Mills Provosty 

there are 2 types of hippies, people!!!!! #1: a real hippie........#2: the hypocrite. the real ones are the people who honestly care for the whole world. if you feel like you honestly wanna help make the world a better place.........dressed up like a hippie or are a hippie. now, the hypocrites are those who feel no care about the world at all. or, yeah, they might care but---- to let people notice that they care.......they dress up like hippies. they dress up like a stereotyped hippie. well, you can dress in whatever you want but there are some people  who seem to desperately want other people to know that they are hippies. which is not really necessary......i can always show that in what you do, right? right! not in how you dress. 

Hi there. I am a firm believer in past lives, and I was a hippie in my past 
life. I live my life the best I can, coping with the problems in the 1990's. 
Don't get me wrong, your site is really neat, and informative. But I feel that 
a true Hippie is humble to what he/she does, and to what he/she is. There 
really is no need to comercialize, or try and let the world know..."Hey...I am 
a Hippie...look at me!"  Take the Hippie Land glossary for example, No one has 
a set way of speaking. I have friends who say "far-out and groovy" and they 
are the preppiest people I know, that want nothing to do with the peace, love, 
generation. People are people, thoughts are thoughts. Being a Hippie, should 
mean not to categorize people, especially  one's self, and view everyone as a 
brother or sister, and nothing more. And.. you can use my email address if 
this were to be used. Thank you for letting me express myself. All of my L<3 V 
E ,  Peace.

Children of the flowers~ 

        Do not be afraid to be who you are!  So many of our souls have died 
because of people like us living thier lives as if they don't believe in the 
whole concept of the 60's.  I dress somewhat like a 'hippy' and wear makeup 
and yes i do shave my legs.  But because my entire body doesn't say hippy 
doesn't mean i am not one.  Being a hippy is not determined by what you look
or dress like.  I the is determined by what your soul says.  The best advice 
i can give anyone who questions if they are or aren't is mind over body.  If 
your soul says you are then you are!  I have smoked pot from time to time 
and i think it is totally fine.  I do not regret it at all.  If you want 
someone to talk to about things concerning what i have written in this 
letter or anything at all write me @ i promise i will write 
                         you may say i am a dreamer 
                            but i'm not the only 
                       i hope someday you will join us 
                          and the world will live as 

cherrio everyone!!!!! 

   no, obviously i never grew up in the sixties, and i only really got 
into the "hippie scene" (not really not a good word for it)  3 years 
  maybe some of the original hippies may think i don't know anything 
about the whole hippie experience, that i never had to live through the 
vietnam war nightmare, the riots......etc. and i know that the sixties 
really weren't that peaceful.  but, i totally agree and believe all 
their views. the peace, the love, the freedom, speaking your mind. 
protesting for your rights, especially for women's lib and racial 
   i call myself a "hippie" for many reasons.  i know that creating 
labels for people isn't very good, but sometimes the word "hippie" can 
say many things.  i am a vegetarian, i do dress like a hippie, i have 
long hair, i love sixties music, my idol is john lennon, i love sixties 
culture, i smoke pot once in a while,  i love art and music, although i 
can't draw for shit. :-) 
and each day i try to open my mind a little larger to make this world a 
better place. i know that it's really hard to change the world, 
especially today, but maybe, if everyday somebody can see that we can 
all make the world a better place, it just may happen. 
 at school i'm faced almost everyday with comments like "go back to the 
sixties" or "it's the nineties you hippie freak", or some ignorant 
people comment on my homemade bellbottoms, saying  "nice pants" in a mean 
and sarcastic way. but, those comments don't bother me at all. i know 
those people are living in a closed minded world, and if i could turn 
them on to this great state of mind and lifestyle, i would, but i know 
that i have to let them figure themselves out first. 
well, speaking of  the drugs and sex and stuff, my philosophy is, do 
whatever YOU want. not what OTHERS want you to do, but listen to your 
inner self.  sure i may smoke pot sometimes, but that's because I want 
well, i know that i'm rambling on.......... but i would appreciate if 
you fellow brothers and sisters could email me back expressing your 
feelings about my post, or if you just want someone to talk to or 
express yourself. (just don't email me telling me about how pot ruined
your life, and how smoking pot will send me to hell, because frankly, i 
don't find anything wrong with smoking some pot once in a while!!!! JUST 
well, peace/love/sunshine/freedom 
sandra sunshine


so called "hippies" that care about free livin', not labeling people, 
lovin' everyone, and thing on mother earth can be quite a joke at 
times.  now i don't want this to apply to all but i have been looked 
down upon by many phish heads and hippies at shows and festivals. 
they'll look at me and say "she's too god damn young to know and 
expierience the ways of the "know all hippie", she couldn't go down 
that golden road that i did." i was born in 1983, so that makes me a 
very young 15, but i have understood far more than most aged hippies 
think i have.  i don't have as much freedom as a 21 year old has but i 
do have the knowledge who i am.  and i'll let other people figure out 
who they think i am without me telling them, i'm a hippie or phish 
head.  only the smart will accept me for who i am, and usually i end 
up with these people because being who i really am without wearing any 
disguise or putting on an act will always lead me to people i like to 
be with and understand me. so i'll keep sewin my own clothes, let my 
dreadies hang free, enjoy each high, love every animal without eatin 
it and still keep life in control. i'm just livin' life like anyone 
else but keepin my own views no matter where they may stand. but older 
generations that look at mine and immediatly turn us away.. you gotta 
look deeper, cause you aren't the only ones left. there are still many 
lovin' and understandin' kids risin.  the love will go on, but it's up 
to you to keep it. so to all the hippies, you gotta love everyone and 
not discriminate the younger hippies, give them (us) a chance. and 
they'll help keep the beliefs and love goin stong. thanks for 
listening, and keep sharin the groove. 

courtney--all the way out in MA. 
drop me a line->  i'd luv to hear from you. i'm 
also up for any kind of trade. 
....surrender to the flow.... 

"Think for yourselves!"  That was the message from Timothy Leary the last time he was in Boulder...  Can't most of you see that you're just following another set of rules?  The de riguer music, hair and clothing styles are just another uniform that peer pressure has  convinced you to wear (even if it's not mainstream).  Let your actions define who you are.  Or as the joke goes about piercings - "I hear all the non-conformists are doing it." 
The 60's weren't about looking backwards, but a new perspective on the present and 
future.  Forge your own reality, don't rely on someone else's. 

Live simply, make a difference, be yourself 


-: -, - 

Hello, all.  I've read some of your posts and frankly, I don't blame the 
hippies [myself included] for the drug problem.  Sorry, that's too 
simplistic.  In every generation there are people who can't handle their 
lives and need something to ease the pain.  For the boomers so 
afflicted, it was drugs and alcohol.  Truth be told, most boomers 
weren't hippies; we were a subculture within the greater population. 
Cheers, Cynthia.  ~Think like a democrat, live like a republican~ 

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