Comments, vibes and suggestions sent to Hippyland.
All artwork and content copyright 1999, Hip Inc.

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just visited your site and i got the biggest blast of positive
energy!!!!!!!! here is right back at you old hippie stuck in
mississippi!!!!!!!!!      GOD  BLESS YOU!!!!!!PEACE<     JUNE
Greetings of peace from the snowy Colorado Rockies. Just came across

your sight and I just wanted to say WONDER----FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey man, your site rocks! It's one of the grooviest sites I've seen

online! I think I've read almost everything you have, and it was
really good! Keep up the good work, :)

Fellow Hippies,
-Lisa & Jesse :)

this is a very positive website....the vibe can be felt for sure.
to prove my theory- one person can change the world.....with the help of many 
others. this site seems to start the ball rolling.

A Great Success

I LOVE this page.  Should it ever cease to exist, I would be lost in the
plethora of reality in which I am forced to live.  Thank you for this great
escape -- I utilize it for procrastination, entertainment, information and
An excellent website.

The vibe hits me as soon as I see the homepage.

Hi Folks!
Great site you've put together, amazing how many
younger kids aspire to being hippys, I'm a 60's
hippy, my wife too and proud of it ...thanks for
your site honoring the movement.
I claim myself to have been born in the wrong era. I was born in '79 but

I seemed more like I was a member of the "Love" generation. I got along
with all the people that I met from that generation. I was a hippy chic
from head to toe. From my pigtails braids with flowers in them (everyday
& even in high school) to the authentic bellbottoms (my mom's) and my
sandals. I prefer barefoot, but the school wouldn't even consider it. I
got detention for not wearing my sandals!! My parents completely freaked
out and grounded me for a month for that. It was a total bummer. I snuck
out anyway. It didn't matter.

After I graduated I went to Europe and had a groovy time for 10 days!! I
met a hippy in Paris, named Andre, but called Sky. I snuck out of the
hotel (was w/ a school club) and stayed out with him until 5 am, smoking
and sharing our souls. It's just a shame we forgot to get each other's
adresses.  When I returned I had to get a job in order to use my mom's
car so that I could actually go and smoke w/ my friends. (I'd
hitch-hike, but not only is it illegal, but I had already had a run-in
w/ the cops about it!)

I got married not long after that. I had to move away from my friends
and stop smoking and I grew out of my hippie clothes; considering that I
got pregnant 2 months after I married. I almost forgot my hippy ways. I
just was so bummed and I couldn't figure out why! I'm happily married, I
love my baby , but something was missing! When we got the internet, I
stumbled onto this site!! I got a complete tingle up and down my body.
After looking at everything on this site, I didn't feel something was
missing any more. Everything came back and I am now in the process of
fitting back into my clothes. It feels so good wearing my corduroy
bell-bottoms with the holes in them. ahhh!!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me find my way back
to the person I enjoy being and reminding me of the beliefs that I had
forgotten that I stood for!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!!
:-)  April (a.k.a. "Swirl")

i think this site is great.  there are so few hippies anymore but this is the place to meet people.  there is so much cool shit to look at.  keep up the good work.
You are not the only ones to read everything....

The Institution reads everything too...  They read all our mail, they control
the traffic lights, and also, they have cameras installed in every electric
toothbrush distributed anywhere in the world.  Oral-cam.

Oh no, they are coming.  I am undone, i must flee.

Groovy!  Love the interior decor, man...  A bit more pink please, as pink is the purest colour after Twilight Orange, which is quite a nice colour, I have my bathroom painted that colour, and apart from developing some rather nasty athletes foot, I feel at one with myself in my bathroom, undoubtedly due to the colour.  It can be overwhelming, as we mortals are far from perfect, and cannot really accept too much purity.  For examply, I was in Purity
Supermarkets the other week, and I saw some toilet paper that was Twilight Orange, and because there was a whole wall of it, it was quite overwhelming, and I had to sit down.  Hey Gary, pass the joint...

i m from cyprus and i would like to thank u for creating this excellent
site! i would like to know if there are any movements that i could join or a way
of getting in touch with "flower people"
keep up the good work!

There are various organizations that have specific goals that might interest you. Visit our Peace Page or Mother Earth Page for lists. You can contact "flower people" via our Hippy Chat room or check out the messages at Smoke Signals or leave one of your own!

Thank You for Your relaxing and colourful site, which really makes my Soul
fly! It it so good to know, that we are not alone, we have our own World
filled with Love, Peace and Flowers, and we didn´t disappear to the mist of
the new society and the generation of cold feelings... Thank You for Your

With Love, Peace and Flowers
Perhonen (from Finland) 

Hey!! This is really cool site!! It bring back the it keeps the hippies
momeries live.......


After just scratching the surface of this site I remember what it felt like to believe in something with all my heart. Many thanks from a greying beard Peace! 

So glad to see that you guys haven't vanished! Man, I was sweating for a while. Keep up the great work. You have a very worth while site here! I never get tired of visiting.     PEACE!~pass it on~

This site rocks!!!!!!  I found it about two years ago and I am still
coming back on an almost daily basis.  I was worried for a couple days
when you were switching the server thing because I thought somebody was
trying to keep me out ( I don't know who, its just me I'm paranoid
alot).  But, I just wanted to write and say how much I love you guys and
keep up the good work!


Unfortunately, we were down for a week while we changed servers.  We now have a lot of new features you will enjoy in the months to come! - Skip

    Hello!!!! Just thought I'd write and say that this site is wonderful!!!
I'm a regular in the chat room, and have made many friends. This site
contains letters from others who aren't afraid to speak their minds which I
really dig!!!!! Keep up the great work, and to anyone reading this who would
like to write me... my address is...    @___@   <---
alien smiling
 Rachel Wessel

hi hippyland!!!!!!
i just wanna say that your page rules!!! it's the best site on the web. i come
to it practically every time i come on. this site
peace, love, and all happiness,

A lot of people on this site consider themselves to be hippies because 
they are into drugs, and stuff like that.  Clothing and drugs don't make 
a hippie.  That's why there are a lot of phonies in the world today. 
Don't lable yourself by the clothes you wear, or how you talk, or who 
you're friends with.  A hippie is not a tangable object.  It's a 
feeling.  I'm not here to pass judgement, but if you don't "understand" 
the feeling, then why make the true hippies of the world look bad? 
Drugs do not make a hippie.  Some "hippies" don't get that.  I know a 
kid who plays the part of a hippie, to a degree, but only when it's 
convenient for him.  I have never met another human being with such bad 
karma.  He steals, but claims to be a true hippie.  He says mean things 
to others, but gives the peace sign.  He wears tie-dyes, and hemp, and 
sandals, (he has the "look") but it doesn't take anytime with him to 
realize how he's only wearing the mask of a hippie.  He thinks because 
he does drugs he's one of the biggest hippies in the world.  He doesn't 
believe that hippies are about goodness, real love, mother Earth, 
(that's another thing, he litters more than an unspayed cat!!) and 
harmony.  He goes for the "look" and that means he's a hippie.  He can't 
go to a show without being high or drunk.  But enough of this 
negativity.  I'm not here to bring anyone else down, just to enlighten 
those who don't understand.  It brings me down, just by thinking about 
him.  That should say enough.  He's not a good person to say the least. 
But please, understand that real hippies can wear any clothing and still 
be a hippie at heart.  Be cool, and do the real hippies a favor, don't 
bum us out with your phoniness and negativity.  It's not healthy.  Thank 
you for your time. 
   That's the way it's been in town, ever since they tore the jukebox down.
     Love Tess 

Hello,,I would like to congratulate you on a terrific website here,,I found 
it very interesting,,intertaining,,and informative .Being an old hippy 
myself , was very happy to come across this website,,the only thing I was 
dissapointed in was the chat room . I thought ,at last at place to go and 
chat with my peers,,, not so,,,3 times gone in ,,all I found there was teens 
and young people wanting to cyber sex ,much like all of the other chats on 
the internet..and being insulted for being older and not interested in that 
kind of thing,,maybe there is not enough of us real hippys on here I dont 
know,,all I know is I havnt found any,,I guess we really dont fit in 
anywhere on here,,not even our own website ,,lol,, 
Those  are my comments ,I still think this is a good idea if we can make it 
work for us,,,peace,,,ladyblue 

only just got here, but I allready love it 

Merijn from Belgium 

Hey. I'm a young hippie who loves your site and totally agrees with most of your 
views on life and all that other stuff. thanks for all your work and you guys 
have definately lived up to your "mission statement" in educating use young ones 
so keep up the great work! 

just sittin back queitly observing your web page, i found myself feeling the 
need to scream....but don't worry it was a good scream,  feeling the energy 
course from my body and into the wide open air i realized that hey, im me and 
i can go and do whatever the hell i wanted to.  So now im on my way and i got 
a shitload of good tunes following me so i will see you all in a couple of 
peace love, and never forget yourself 

I sent a message a bit ago.I don't know if it went through though.In it I 
mentioned the 'hippy chat'. Puleeeeeezzzze,direct me to my species. Will 
the true aging hippies please stand up????  There are obviously so many 
kids in there .I tried talking.but it was clear that they were foreign to 
my generation and didn't understand. Where are the people who know that the 
real meaning of rapping,is not knocking on a door.? And that heavy is not a 
weight measurement? And so on and so on. 

Thanks for listening, 

Just wanted to say that I have shared your web-site with many of my 
friends. It sure floods back the memories of Menlo Park, SF and the 
'60's to me. My friends love the links you have as well. 
Jenny Anne
The American Dream does not come to those who fall asleep.

Just wanted to tell you this has to be the greatest site I've found thus far.
Keep up the good work.  The entire time I was in the site I just kept thinking
"if I could only go back". 

I thought I was alone out there in my beliefs of the past.

Keep up the great work,

Love and peace to all those involved.


First off I have to say that your page is the greatest!. In my opinion
it's the best "hippie" page on the net.  I visit as often as I can (a
few times a week).  I just had a question and a suggestion that may help out frequent visitors.  OK my question is this: Do you update EVERYTHING every week? Or do you do it bits at a time? (I know you update Smoke signals, the profiles...)

Now my suggestion to you is that the stuff near the bottom of the page
like the Happenings, Hippiedom, and all that section, you should put a
little sign saying UPDATED (that's if you don't update it every week)  I
think it would help those who visit often. Then were not looking all
over the place to see what's new because most of the time I forget
what's on each page.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a hippie day

Thanks for the good suggestions.  We update things whenever we get a chance. If you visit once a week you should find new stuff to check out.  We realize that our regulars would like to get around the site faster so we’ve introduced a faster home page without all the graphics.  Also we have started to archive the longer pages like Profiles and Signals

You guys need a singles section for us old hippies that can't find a good
hippie woman.  Most are into the main stream of life and are afraid to get
too far from the mall or their hair dresser.  I live the life still, and
sure would like to find a good woman to share it with. 

I love your idea here and wish I would have known about it much sooner. 
This was the best part of my life and really miss it dearly. 

I would also like to see an area in your page for people who would like to
visit or maybe consider the old commune way of living.  I have 23 acres and
would love to have some of the old type of people around.  Not sure how to
go about it yet but the thoughts are there.

I hope to hear more from you.

We post your kind of message on our Signals page.  I wish you luck finding a hippie woman and setting up a community.

I love you page! it's just SO awesome and groovy!!! I also liked the
hippyland hall of fame survey very much and that’s why I ask; could you put
those links you had in your survey on your site again or at least tell me
what were the addresses of Janis Joplin, Carole King, Jimi Hendrix and the
Byrds pages...?? I’m also glad you have updated again, you can't imagine
how happy I was when I came in to your page and noticed you have updated!!!
=) =D =) 
   peace & luv;
    daisy  (pia.sellge@pp.inet fi)

The results are posted at the Hall of Fame Winners page.  The links to all the info about the nominees are on the Ballot page.  Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!

Hey Guys, You've really been missed here for the past few months!! I remember the days on the road and how much you may not want to get off the road!! When you do take a break in the travels PLEASE keep this awesome site happening man!!  Another old Hippie, The Mainprize

You mean someone noticed we were gone?  Ok, we're like working on so much new stuff it's gonna take awhile before we can update it all.  But hang in
there, it will be worth it.  Thanx for the positive vibes! 

      Hey everyone over there in Hippyland!  I just wanted to drop you a note
to let you know that this is the best site I have come across on the web!!!
You guys really do a great job.  Keep up the good work, and thanks for giving
me this great place to visit!

I rekon the only thing this site needs is a page that tells of local hippy
meetings. i'd love to meet heaps more peoples on my distorted colourful and
fun wavelength..peace to U all..****

We'd love to post more info on hippy events.  Anyone who knows of something in their area can send the info to  Please try to get as much information as possible.  To see the current list of events please go to our Happenings page.  Thanks to everyone who contributes to this area. 

This is a short poem written by one of my friends last year :

                                         A Sudden Sorrow
by : Carolyn Virgilio 

The people around did not know why .
When there sounded a boom and smoke filled the sky . 
The peace was gone , the building fell . 
This innocent place was no longer well . 
For them people we felt sorrow and pity .
When the bomb went off in Oklahhoma City . 

This poem made me think about all of the hate in the world , and how sad this
place can be . I think those people who are hippies in their hearts should be
hippies on the outside as well . So that we all can change the world and make
it a better place filled with peace and love . Your page does an awesome job
expressing feeling and views , and helps fellow hippies get together . Keep up
the good work, you have the most amazing page I have seen . Thanx for being
so wonderful . Have a nice day .

~ Rachael

I need to know the type of font you guys use to make everything
look GROOVY and FUNKY! Could you help me download or install it so I can
write a report with that font? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Chrissy Stanek

We use many type faces and sometimes we invent our own (like the Hippyland logo) using graphics programs.  If you are referring to some text on the page, you can see the name of the font by having your browser view the html source.  Most of our type faces come from different sources, like Corel Draw, the internet or from CD font disks (this is an easy way to get lots of fonts cheap).  Depending on which fonts you have installed on your system, you might not see all our special fonts.  You'll have to follow the instructions that come with the fonts to install them on your computer.

Just wanted to tell you your site is fantastic, my first time on and being
a old hippy from the 60's I loved it can't wait to get back on. It's about
time us hippies had a site.
Loving every minute of it, thumbs up.

When are you going to complete the "Coming Soon" section of the"Sixties?" 
i.e., Robert Kennedy and Abbie Hoffman.

You are referring to another site that we link to.  To see what site you are on always check the URL to see if you've moved to another site.  You can backup to Hippyland after you've followed the link.  Sites are always in a state of change.  At Hippyland we are constantly updating our sections, so check back often.

I was wondering if you can help me.  I'm writing a term paper on the effects
of such events as the civil rights movements and vietnam war on the music of
the 1960s.  I'm having a really hard time finding information, both in books
and on the web.  Do you know of any pages or anything that might help me?  I'd
really appreciate it!  Thank you for your time =)

Meghan Kearns

Sounds like a great report!  You are welcome to submit it for publishing at Hippyland.  But unfortunately, we can't help with your paper and we discourage students from soliciting our help.  What you are learning is how to do research.  We created Hippyland to make it easier for you to do the research.  You must work and draw your own conclusions.  And yes, it is difficult to find this type of information (we ought to know) because it is only now that this period is being analysed in depth.

I loved the hippy hall of fame survey! It was fantastic!!!  Very hard
choices though :o)


The survey was meant to be fun, educational and nostalgic.  We had fun putting the survey together.  The results will be posted when we get them counted.  Would you believe we're doing it partially manually (having to cut and paste endlessly, then stuff into a database, then parse, then format, then save as html on a new page - hey this is work!).  There were a lot of interesting write-ins.