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Fearless Puppy on American Road by: Nancy Crompton

True road tales from an activist warrior wanderer — The author, Doug “Ten” Rose, spent 35 or more years homeless and staying alive by working at hostels, doing odd jobs, and raising funds for activist groups to help the environment, for famine relief, and to help orphans, along with paying his dues in Bardo-like lands while recovering from heroin addiction.

This is a good read that you can’t put down; it’s been called a “page-turner” by people who rarely read but who find it rewarding to go down the roads that they themselves might have wanted to follow, but didn’t have the courage to try.

From coast to coast, Rose encounters ordinary and extraordinary kindness, from the people who drive far out of their way to get him to a safe place, to the farmer who happens to grow some restorative medicine in the midst of his crops, to the Buddhist practitioners who assist him by taking him to teachings. Rose’s clear, easy-to-grasp descriptions of Tibetan rituals and meditation are rare and encouraging. Nothing is beyond reach: the book is filled with real-life revelations. The reader will find a lot of friends among them: angelic Hell’s Angels, the bighearted cowgirl, the modern-day Robin Hood, the sanest man in the ward for the insane, the beggar king of the blues hall, the lesbian musicians who play for the deaf. The stories roll on and on…

This is what life without fear could be for all of us, a steadfast journey in the direction of truth, even when it seems to be going against all the odds. The author is dedicating profits from this book to help Wisdom Workers around the globe. If you like the book, tell your friends; if you don’t like it, email the author, he’d be happy to hear from you.

Buy this book at Amazon.com!

Added: April 29th 2011
Reviewer: Nancy Crompton | See all reviews by Nancy Crompton
Category: Books