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Neo Conservatives And The Military-Industrial Complex

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

President Dwight Eisenhower wrote, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."

If it goes unchecked it will inevitably lead to a state of constant war, a fascist government and an ideology to pursue total war and absolute world domination. The industries involved, mostly arms and oil corporations, economically profit and also gain political influence from all conflicts and war. The global military-industrial complex and its chief partner, the U.S.A., have this dangerous new ideology, which is termed neo-conservatism.

The philosophy of this ideology is that it is often compulsory for leaders to deceive and manipulate others for their gain, as long as it benefits the state. In constitutional democracies, the leadership power to deceive and manipulate others resides in the "emergency powers." After the Nazis created a state of "emergency" and blamed communist terrorists for it, they were able to unite the German people in opposition to a perceived "enemy". Hitler was thus enabled to gain dictatorial power.

Under the neo-conservatives, the government of the United States has grown larger than ever before. The neo-cons advocate an imperialistic foreign policy. They believe in the concept of pre-emptive war, are strong advocates of an American Empire and that it is necessary to remove many personal liberties to increase and sustain the state’s power. They promote a new, inclusive and integrative force, a new ideological tool, a globalization stradegy, to contain and suppress nationalist and oppositional movements around the world.

The neo-conservatives can not maintained their power without help from the media, which is owned by the military-industrial complex. The U.S. media is entirely owned by a few corporations; Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation, General Electric. GE is also a military corporation and it is making high-tech surveillance equipment, both are making it billions of dollars from the "War on Terror," terrorists being the new "enemy," and the emergence of a domestic police state at home.

The anti-Soviet weapon is being replaced by the tool of "free trade." This new phase of capitalist accumulation and colonization is termed "globalization." Neo-cons advocate integration versus fragmentation. Thus again, the world is seen through the prism of the good versus the evil, with globalization representing good, satisfaction of economic needs for the wealthy and removal of trade barriers in pursuit of progress.

The tools of global governance are the global institutions of management of the economy, environment and politics. They include GATT, the World Trade Organization, the Security Council, the World Bank and the IMF. NAFTA, APEC, the EU, and the G-8 are among the regional instruments which are in synchronization with the global institutions. Together, they are touted as the instruments of integration and homogenization which counter the global forces of fragmentation, which include nationalists, Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism, Indigenous decolonization movements and ethnic rivalries. This is the neo-cons plan and strategy to usher in a new world order.

Posted by: Wahkon
