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Hip Quotes

Hip Quotes: Noam Chomsky

“If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged.”

– Noam Chomsky –

Category: Peace

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Hip Quotes: Abbie Hoffman

“Smoking dope and hanging up Che’s picture is no more a commitment than drinking milk and collecting postage stamps. A revolution in consciousness is an empty high without a revolution in the distribution of power. We are not interested in… Continue reading

Hip Quotes: Terence McKenna

“We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for psychedelic drugs. In terms of the role of psilocybin in human evolution on the grasslands of Africa, people not on drugs were behind the curve. The fact is that, in terms of… Continue reading

Hip Quotes: Terence McKenna

“I think the real test of psychedelics is what you do with them when you’re not on them, what kind of culture you build, what kind of art, what kind of technologies… What’s lacking in the Western mind is the… Continue reading

Hip Quotes: Deborah Smullyan

“General Motors wants crewcuts, punctuality and respectful conformity. Uncle Sam wants patriotic cannon fodder. A world like this deserves contempt. Only goodness in our generation can counter the decadence of the society we are inheriting. And our generation is good.”… Continue reading

Hip Quotes: Abbie Hoffman

“Life actors never rehearse and need no script. A life actor uses only what is available, nothing more, nothing less.”

– Abbie Hoffman –

Category: activism

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Hip Quotes: Vincent Harding

“A nation that combines the America predilection towards violence, the American stockpile of weapons and the American lack of empthy for the earth’s humiliated peoples is a dangerous nation.”

– Vincent Harding – Motive, April 1968

Category: Activism

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