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Hip Quotes

Hip Quotes: Hannah Moore

“Prayer is not eloquence, but earnestness; not in the definition of helplessness, but the feeling of it; it is the cry of faith to the ear of mercy.”

– Hannah Moore –

Category: Prayers

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Hip Quotes: Obadiah Sedgwick

“Like the light of the sun, those otherwise unobserved and secret atoms of senses flying within the house; I mean in the secret chambers of the soul.”

– Obadiah Sedgwick –

Category: Spirituality

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Hip Quotes: Aristotle

“Should a man live underground, and there converse with the works of art and mechanism, and should afterwards be brought up into the open day, and see the several glories of the heaven and earth, he would immediately pronounce them… Continue reading

Hip Quotes: Anthony Burgess

“As a chamber hung round about with looking-glasses represents the face upon every turn, thus all the world doth the mercy and the bounty of God; though that be visible, yet it discovers an invisible God and his invisible properties.”… Continue reading

Hip Quotes: John Trapp

“As every flower hath its sweet smell, so every good action hath its sweet reflection upon the soul.”

– John Trapp –

Category: Peace

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Hip Quotes: Gurdjieff

Lecture by Gurdjieff quoted in J.G.Bennett’s  ‘Making a New World’.


“Freedom leads to freedom. Those are the first words of truth. You do not know what truth is because you do not know what freedom is. All the… Continue reading