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A semi fictional encounter in Istanbul.

Arriving in Istanbul, a muslim city, at night, had been a shock. They hadn’t known where they were. There was nothing that resembled a bus station or a tourist information booth. Buses were loading and unloading in narrow streets, moustached Turkish men wearing cloth caps were piling in and out of old American cars. There […] Continue reading

Revolt in the High Schools (1969)

REVOLT IN THE HIGH SCHOOLS (1969) THE WAY IT’S GOING TO BE By DIANE DIVOKY THE words of the school board were unimpeachable: It is the aim of our high school to encourage students to freely express themselves, in writing or otherwise, as part of their educational program, What they meant, in fact, was that […] Continue reading

People of A New Age (1968)

People of A New Age (1968) By Martin Jezer To experience the contours of the land, to feel its vibrations and penetrate its fogs and mists, is to begin to understand the fears and aspirations that shape its people. Early in May, Ray Mungo, Verandah Porche, Peter Simon, and I drove cross-country from San Francisco […] Continue reading

Youth As A Class (1968)

Youth As A Class (1968) In a long and closely argued article Youth as a Class (International Socialist Journal, February 1968), John and Margaret Rowntree take the bull by the horns and declare that youth is now in the crucial pivotal class position within the United States, and that the young are increasingly becoming culturally […] Continue reading

Youth and the Great Refusal (1968)

Youth and the Great Refusalby Theodore Roszak Published herewith is Theodore Roszak’s introductory essay to a four-part series on what he calls the counter culture, or by allusion, the invasion of centaurs. In this impressive work of synthesis he brings together, organizes and evaluates the many aspects of a phenomenon now generally if inadequately perceived […] Continue reading

George Katsiaficas: Prototype of radicalization

George Katsiaficas: Prototype of radicalizationby Jim Smith Radicalization is an interesting process. It may be born out of many sub-processes: the frustration of working for McCarthy and losing convention; the emotional impact of a friend being killed in Vietnam; or of witnessing police brutality to demonstrators; or it may devolve from pure intellectual research and […] Continue reading

The Draft as a Means of Repression (1969)

The Draft as a Means of Repression (1969) As people across the country organize for social and economic change, officials – on the local, state and federal level – are moving to stop them.Sometimes they charge these people directly with their organizing work-as in the conspiracy cases of the Boston Five (Dr. Benjamin Spock) and […] Continue reading

A Government Spy in the SDS (1969)

A Government Spy in the SDS (1969) Don Meinshausen, a 19-year-old New Jersey student, was called before the House Internal Security Committee (formerly HUAC) one day in August to testify as a friendly witness on his activities as paid infiltrator of SDS chapters, conventions, and the National Office. Several months before, however, Meinshausen had begun […] Continue reading

Who’s Going to Collect the Garbage? (1969)

Who’s Going to Collect the Garbage?by Marjorie Heins America is a nation so incredibly wealthy that all morality is based on EXCESS:True American career counselors now ask only one question.‘Do you want to produce garbage or do you want to collect garbage?’ Industrialist or politician?Fishfarm or junkyard?The young people want no part of it, what […] Continue reading

September 21st: Peace One Day

September 21st: Peace One Day The month of September certainly has its fair share of memorable historical events attached to it. Its eleventh day will forever be indelibly etched into our minds as the tragic day the twin towers fell to the culmination of the bitter enmities between two reactionary ideologies, if not for the […] Continue reading