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Marxism and Nonviolence (1966)

In May, 1966, for the second year in a row, Isaac Deutscher spoke at Berkeley’s Vietnam Day. In 1965, Vietnam Day had made a major impact on the campus and the country, with more than 10,000 students participating and a broad range of viewpoints represented on the sponsoring committee and on the speakers’ platform. The […] Continue reading

Weather Underground Frees Timothy Leary! (1970)

September 15, 1970. This is the fourth communication from the Weatherman Underground. The Weatherman Underground has had the honor and pleasure of helping Dr. Timothy Leary escape from the POW camp at San Luis Obispo, California. Dr. Leary was being held against his will and against the will of millions of kids in this country. […] Continue reading

Weather Underground Fifth Communication (1970)

The following communication was received at the New York YIP (Youth International Party) office Tuesday, October 6, 1970 at 11:00am. A year ago we blew away the Haymarker pig statue at the start of a youth riot in Chicago. The head of the Police Sergeant’s Association called emotionally for all-out war between the pigs and […] Continue reading

Creating a new culture based on tribal values

Inter Caetera denies indigenous peoples some of their fundamental human rights. If Pope Benedict XVI would be so kind to publicly revoke this papal bull, or apologize for it, and then write and publish a document that states that indigenous peoples have the same fundamental human rights as all other peoples, this would go a […] Continue reading

A Real Solution to the Economic Crisis

I have a real solution to the economic crisis. China needs to invest $1 trillion in U.S. Real Estate, commercial and residential. China has the dollar currency reserves and Treasuries to do it easily. China can work with the US on an agreement that will guarantee a $1 trillion Chinese investment in the US economy. […] Continue reading

Hippyland Updated!

We just moved Hippyland’s website to Hipplanet.com.  Please let us know if you notice any problems.  The domain Hippy.com was purchased by another party. Posted by: admin Views: 4907 Topic:1 Continue reading

Former Revolutionary About to Become Brazil’s President

Just one year after socialist revolutionary, Jose Mujica of Uruguay became president of that country, Brazil is ready to elect another former revolutionary to lead its government. Dilma Rousseff, the daughter of Bulgarian immigrants is set to win Brazil’s next presidential election. Currently the prime minister of Brazil, she has risen quickly thru the political […] Continue reading

Student Dress Codes? (1969)

Unrest in the Southwest Source: Plain Brown Watermelon, Bellaire High School Newspaper, Oct. 1969, Vol 1, #1 Things are bubbling out there in the southwest area high schools. Here’s a brief, and admittedly incomplete rundown on a few incidents which occurred during he last two weeks. At Bellaire a student council sponsored referendum was presented […] Continue reading

School is Bad for Children (1969)

SCHOOL IS BAD FOR CHILDREN (1969) BY JOHN HOLT Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more curious, less afraid of what he doesn’t know, better at finding and figuring things out, more confident, resourceful, persistent and independent than he will ever be again in his […] Continue reading