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Hip Glossary – Light Shows

Light Shows: A visual performance accompanying music at clubs and concert venues using strobes, film, video, special effects and more recently lasers. Andy Warhol put on some famous light shows in NYC.

Hip Glossary – Love beads

Love beads: Love beads were orginally made from small seeds. They came in numerous patterns, and were given as gifts between friends or made by the wearer. They were a common sign of friendship.

Hip Glossary – Love-In

Love-In: Like a Be-In it was a reason to get together with other hippies and have fun. Loving everyone and everything was the general theme of the event. Usually accompanied by live music, readings by poets, and lots of psychedelic drugs.

Hip Glossary – LSD or LSD25

LSD or LSD25: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. a rye ergot derivative. First synthesized and absorbed by Albert Hoffman of Sandoz Labs, Switzerland in 1938. Extremely hallucinogenic in minute doses, measured in micrograms. Effects can last up to 24 hours depending upon… Continue reading