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Electrical Banana?

hey i was wondering about some drug that people used
in the 60’s. it was part of a banana or something so if
you would let me know bout that then just e-mail me
back and let me know where to find it on the banana and
how to prepare it. thanks a lot man.
peace out man

No you can’t get high off banana peels, but it fooled many for awhile. This was back when Donovan’s Mellow Yellow was at the top of the charts (and drug experimentation was at the top of many a hippy’s chart).

The rumor, as I heard it then, was you take some banana peels, dry roast them in an oven, then scrape the inside of the peel and put it in a pipe and smoke it. Of course I wouldn’t advise anyone to do it, as it was just a joke.

The Old Hippy
E-lec-tri-cal Banana is gonna be a sudden craze. – Donovan

Posted by: skip
Views: 45466