Stonehenge and the time between times
From the aboriginal sites of Australia to the South American Aztec sun temples, many of the sites of antiquity around the globe are constructed to align the rays and shadows of the sun as it rises and sets (the time between times). Stonehenge is among this cast of world players, with the broad horizon of Salisbury Plain as it's backdrop, it acts out these elaborate displays. Discover what it means to the people who want to mark Solstice and other celebrations at Stonehenge HERE. A more academic view of Stonehenge is HERE.
The magical 'time between times' generally occurs outside visiting times for the English Heritage site, but you can put in an application to the Home Office for a special inspection of the site. If your application is approved you will then receive information concerning the payment of the fifteen quid necessary to gain admission. I personally have little respect for anything that's been built within the last 4,000 years near the site, fence included. That's how come Bekki and me saw the sunrise on New Years Day 1999(CE) at the Grand Henge. One of the best thirty quids I never spent. All that after the free party we were going to on Salisbury Plain got busted and lots of other adventures.
But before anyone goes jumping over the fence mob-handed with their mates shouting "Dave said it'd be OK". Bear in mind this. I don't know why, but for some reason the bluecoats have decided that if you turn up to witness one of the most awesome experiences on the planet and you happen to turn up on the actual morning that the cosmos aligns to define the use of Stonehenge, you may just get baton charged.
Bit of a bummer, eh?
Please read the following account of the Battle of Beanfield by Alan Tash on his excellent site . They (whoever THEY are) have not all been pensioned off to a Nazi retirement home somewhere and those that have, have been replaced by equally thuggish, eager young stormtroopers. BE WARNED. Gathering together without a permit can result in hoards of tooled up coppers. Ask the miners, poll tax demonstrators, travellers, free party people, dockers or anyone else that shouts when hit in the UK. Right, thats the real world stuff out of the way ... on with the equally important dreamtime.
"The time between times has always brought the hope of a new day at dawn and the banishment of woes to history at dusk. These things are an armour to past wrongs and a fresh sword to future quests. Take them, drink them deep, for non can take them from you when they are part of you."
Fears die with the setting sun
Kickin' up fuss into the next millenia, not bad for a pile of rocks, eh?