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Who Will Blow the Whistle on Bush & Cheney?

Bush’s presidency has been marked by an unprecedented amount of secrecy and stealth. Yet as the presidential elections loom ever closer, one can’t help but wonder who will be the big whistle blower on the President, vice president and staff?

Other than Paul O’Neill a former cabinet member, not one member of Bush’s staff or in the administration has felt safe enough (probably in fear of their lives) to come forward and reveal all the misdeeds and coverups of this administration.

As it stands Bush & his cronies have been able to stifle just about every negative remark from within their own ranks. This too is pretty much unprecedented for a whole term in office for any president.

We ALL know about Bush and how he is constantly kept OUT OF TOUCH with reality, getting all his info from his advisors, who also are the ones who set all the policies for the US without Bush’s input anyway.

What a CLOSED circle the US administration has become with NO outside input of ideas or intelligence other than those politically or economically motivated.

When will someone wise up that it is truly in the national, nay the International interest of humanity to reveal the truth about the Bush administration to save us another 4 years of hell and war, death and destruction, more raping of our planet and disregard for human rights?

Whomever comes forward with enough evidence to indict Bush or Cheney will be America’s next BIG HERO. Does anyone in the US government have the guts? Or are they all such sheep they can’t see they’re being led by a pack of wolves?

Posted by: skip
Views: 16683