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Electric Sandwich

Squelching reverb and crescendo leadbreaks quantify the German Freakbeat band Electric Sandwich. The first phase of this hippy ensemble came together with ex Whetstones drummer ‘Wolf‘ Lupus Fabian joined up with ex Chaotic Trust bassist Klaus ‘Lowry’ Lormann and ex Slaves of Fire guitarist Jog ‘Edu’ Ohlert , fronted by ex Flashback singer Jochen ‘Archie’ Carthaus, who also played all those mean saxophone riffs. The groups big break came when Scorpion mentor Gunter Korber stood aghast as Electric Sandwich shuddered through a fuzz driven set at the Hanover Pop 71. Amidst the power of Taj Mahal , Jane and Scorpions the Sandwich opened it’s squelching feedback to hack second place, no mean feat for a bunch of renegade flowerkids. Spring 1973 Electric Sandwich released their self titled debut in tow with their single “On My Mind”, backed by a shortened version of their opus “China”, a song later included on the 2004 Rolling Stone Magazine Rare Trax CD.

Two tracks from the album, “Devils Dream” and the bass / sax stirring “Material Darkness” were used in a low budget Art Nouveau soundtrack called Witches Of Sark which went largely unnoticed, other than the artistic integrity of the French. Jog ‘Edu’ Ohlert rips like a Catholic witchhunter on “Nervous Creek” while ye old delta feel grinds through “Archies Blues”, reeling with Gibson fretwork and imploring bass by Klaus Lormann, a definite nod to The Living Blues Band. To borrow a Sandwich phrase- on my mind their greatest riff is “It’s No Use To Run”, again Living Blues Band shadows. At times their sound seemed to be an Epitaph twin lead and although Jog is pictured with a Strat, the sound is very Gibson, unless Lormann is taking the front. Their only whisper “I Want You” reaches deep and darkly as that Gothic vox runs like a Dracula shadow till the axe severs all asunder. The Sandwich went on to play the Saturday Show on BIBS and included in a 45mind TV show called Rhinozeros