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Common Sense by Paul Williams


A guide to the present situation

By Paul Williams (author
of Das

Copyright 1982

Our purpose here

is to take action

and have an effect on the world.

We have been born

into a moment

of unprecedented danger and opportunity.

Our failure to act

is itself a choice.

There is nowhere to hide

from this awareness.

It is time.

It is time for each one of us

to commit our energy, time, money, attention

to a vision of enduring peace and abundance

to a vision of humanity as a sound mind

in the healthy body of the biosphere

to a vision of a world that works

to a vision of our children’s children

growing up in a world without war

a world committed to the freedom and dignity

of every individual

regardless of race, sex belief or nation

a world committed to clean air, clean food, clean water

for all

a world united in the awareness

that in diversity lies strength

a world more full of love than hatred

It is time for each of us

to vote with our lives

–our daily lives–

for or against

the vision of a more hopeful future.

Our purpose here

is to build a bridge.

The purpose of the bridge

is to span the distance

between our present situation

and our vision of a better world.

The beauty of a bridge is that,

once it is in place,

anyone can walk on it.

A few people can build a bridge

that can be walked on by many.

This is our response

to the dangers that face us:

We will build a bridge of faith

over the great ocean.

Every individual on earth

is welcome

to take part in this work.

It is as individuals, working alone or in groups,

that we will accomplish our goals.

This is the greatest challenge we have ever faced.

We humans are being given the opportunity

to use what we’ve learned.

Hey, I see you, hiding under the rug there.

Come out, my friend, and be of service. It’s time.

breathe in, breathe out

breathe in hope, breathe out fear

breathe in courage, breathe out despair

the time for action has arrived

breathe in love, breathe out fatigue

breathe in, breathe out

fear keeps going out

there’s never an end to it, but it’s not a problem

there are no problems

keep breathing

I am bringing forth my own energy

I can feel it welling up in me

and pouring out into my work

I can’t say thank you for the gifts fast enough

I can’t stop crying out for more

What a wonderful moment to be alive in!

The momentum achieved

by many different people

in different places

working towards a common goal

is a tremendous source

of encouragement and strength

it allows each of us to approach our individual efforts

with joy and energy and love

and yet that moment always returns

when we are alone with our uncertainties

On the edge of the dream

we face our deepest doubts.

Now that it all is almost real

a terrible fear of success takes hold

and we grab desperately, uncontrollably, for failure.

One last chance to get off easy.

Who among us really wants to save the world,

to be born again into two thousand more years

of struggle?

How much sweeter to be the doomed generation,

floating gently on the errors and villainy of others,

towards some glorious apocalypse now…

Hallelujah! It’s not my fault —

Bring on the end times!

We hate our enemies

to provide ourselves in advance

with excuses for possible failure

Only when we give up

the comforts of pessimism

the luxury of enemies

the sweetness of helplessness

can we see beyond our own doubts.

I am speaking today of a great possibility

a chance to return to life

a chance to create a world for our children

not worse than the one we have

How dare I be discouraged in the work

by anything so trivial

as the fear of personal failure?

Fear of success and fear of failure

must be pushed aside and replaced

with enthusiasm for the work at hand

every day a new beginning

Let’s go —

There are bridges to build

new maps of consciousness to be delivered

to every planetary address

in every planetary language

We are ironworkers, skywalkers,

stubborn messengers

of light and life.

Oh friends

don’t forget

why we’re here!

The truth is, we have the skills

and we have the courage

if we could only keep our minds

on what we really want.

When you know what you want

all things are possible.

We want many things.

Now is the time to take a look at our priorities.

I can’t believe we want security and comfort

for ourselves

more than we want good health and full lives

for our children.

But our actions don’t always express our priorities.

Not because we’re afraid to admit

that our daily choices of where to commit our energies

will make the difference.

We are afraid to admit

that we could be building bridges

right now.

The truth is, we have everything to gain

and nothing to lose.

The satisfaction of knowing

you are doing your heart’s work

cannot be matched by any other pleasure on earth.

The freedom of total service to a greater good

is exactly what every seeker is searching for.

Maybe what really scares us

is that if we stopped procrastinating

something real might happen.

What is the nature of the work?

I think the first step is to add yourself

to the vision.

Imagine that you have a specific role to play…

and don’t take no for an answer.

breathe in, breathe out

it is time to remember what I already know

it is time to gather the tools I already have

time to walk forward naked in the direction

where my heart’s voice tells me to go

confident that my tools and my knowledge

will be at hand when I need them

breathe in, breathe out

fill my lungs with patience

exhale anxiety and greed

today I take a vow

not to love the world more than myself

not to love myself more than I love the world

I vow to build a bridge

over this gulf of imagination

that pretends to separate

my awareness of my own needs

from my awareness of the needs of the planet

we are one

that means I must serve you

if I wish to please myself

Let us serve as models.

And let us vow

to enjoy our work so much

that the hesitant and the fearful will grow jealous

and drop their chains

and run to join the fun.

How to prevent world catastrophe:

1) Admit that it could happen.

2) Decide that it will not happen

3) Commit your vision and energy to number two

without ever forgetting number one.

To choose to build a bridge

is the essential act of love.

Posted by: skip
Views: 14774