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Hip Quotes: Srila Prabhupada

“Some people say,"We beleive animals have no soul."… Here is scientific proof…the animal is eating, you are eating; the animal is sleeping you are sleeping; the animal is defending, you are defending; the animal is having sex, you are having sex; the animals have children, you have children; they have a living place, you have a living place. If the animal’s body is cut, there is blood; if your body is cut, there is blood. So, all these similarities are there. Now, why do you deny this one similarity, the presence of a soul? That is not logical. You have studied logic? In logic there is something called anology. Anology means drawing a conclusion by finding many points of similarity. If there are so many points of similarity between human beings and animals, why deny one similarity? That is not logic. That is not science.”

– Srila Prabhupada – The Higher Taste

Category: Spirituality

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