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Monthly Archives: February 2017

The Spirit of Going Barefoot

The Spirit of Going Barefoot by Jon The Barefoot Pilgrim. E-mail: wotnoshoes@bigfoot.com I’d just like to share with you some of my thoughts about the spirit of barefooting. I own a book called Barefoot Dreaming by Adele Coombs which is a collection of creative prose and photography inspired by the natural landscape of Australia. She […] Continue reading

Hippy Names

Hippy Names Due to the overwhelming response to our Question of the Week, asking for names for a hippy baby, we have decided to create this special page for hippie names.If you’re looking for a name for your baby or you just want one for your new identity there’s hundreds here from Ashley to Ziggy. […] Continue reading

Happy Holidaze!

Skip’s Corner by Skip Stone Click here to see more of Skip Stone’s writings!Happy Holidaze! Wow, I can hardly believe it’s been a whole year since I last updated my own page! I’ve been so busy working on the sites and of course I like to post on our Hip Forums site where in the […] Continue reading

A Call to Arms (1969?)

A People’s Militia should be formed in Berkeley. Collective, armed self-defense is needed to protect our community against the dual threat of an expanding police state and right-wing vigilantism. Our community is creating collective institutions upon which our lifestyles and politics can be realized. We are building a Tenants’ Union to deal with housing conditions, […] Continue reading

Marijuana and PCP

Dear old Hippy, I feel Marijuana is my spiritual food. I discovered Marijuana’s spiritual benefits in 1994 at age 22. It opened my mind up to deep ideas about the world, God, and love of the earth and humankind. All these ideas flowed with euphoria, as I grooved to great music, which MJ enhanced much […] Continue reading

2003 – What a year!

I guess it’s time to write another end-of-the-year editorial about what happened on Hippyland & the Hip Forums. First, the site continued to grow rapidly with our registered membership reaching 45,000. This has affected the performance of the site, and thus we shall move it to a new server yet again early next year. This […] Continue reading

Is LSD A Killer Drug?

Dear old hippy, I have been wondering for a long time is LSD really as dangerous as everybody tells me?? Can you really die or something if you take a normal trip of acid?? i´d really like to know that?? Love & Peace Sunflower Dear Sunflower, No you can’t die from from it. Yet it […] Continue reading

Scared to say

I have a question about love for you. I’m in love with a guy. I want to express my love to him, but the last time i told a guy i had feelings for him, he really hurt me. i need advice on what to do because i am scared. Every guy is different. Most […] Continue reading