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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Passing It Along

Mr. Elder Hippie, I’ll not spend this moment with a question for your site,but rather to express my gratitude that you have a site. I fell upon your spot by chance,and it filled me with joy. There,in a hopelessly modern world, you grant the children wisdom and guidance, knowledge and well-earned experience. I will visit […] Continue reading

Fading Memories

Hey man, I am a child of the 60’s and have discovered I now remember less than I used to. Before I did some really stupid amounts of various reality altering friends, I had a perfect photographic memory. I still remember everything thing I see and hear but am not always able to retrieve it […] Continue reading

Burned Out on Pot

Dear old hippy, I have smoked weed for about three years. At first it was great but for the past year or so it hasn’t been very pleasant. Everything gets distorted and I’m so nervous I can hardly talk and I get weird beats in my heart area that almost make me twitch. I would […] Continue reading

Electrical Banana?

hey i was wondering about some drug that people used in the 60’s. it was part of a banana or something so if you would let me know bout that then just e-mail me back and let me know where to find it on the banana and how to prepare it. thanks a lot man. […] Continue reading

A New Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority (1969)

Opponents of the Vietnam War have worked to end it in many ways, some through conventional politics, some by supporting draft resistance or attacking university complicity in militarism. Others have carried resistance further, destroying draft files and developing opposition within the armed forces. We believe that resistance to many forms of illegitimate authority is necessary […] Continue reading

Common Sense by Paul Williams

COMMON SENSE A guide to the present situation By Paul Williams (author of Das Energi) Copyright 1982 Our purpose here is to take action and have an effect on the world. We have been born into a moment of unprecedented danger and opportunity. Our failure to act is itself a choice. There is nowhere to […] Continue reading