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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Ramparts Magazine (1962-1975)

Founded by a rich convert, Ramparts magazine was envisaged as a monthly Church-and-secular-affairs magazine for moderately hip Catholic lay people. By a twist of fate, the magazine fell into the hands of journalist (and former Catholic-school problem child) Warren Hinckle, who became its editor. What happened next is subject to interpretation. According to the revisionist […] Continue reading

Genocide by Jean-Paul Sartre

The word genocide is relatively new. It was coined by the jurist Raphael Lemkin between the two world wars. But the fact of genocide is as old as humanity. To this day there has been no society protected by its structure from committing that crime. Every case of genocide is a product of history and […] Continue reading

Disruption of the New Left, an FBI Counterintelligence Program (1968)

COINTELPRO letter from J. Edgar Hoover to Special Agent in Charge, Albany SAC, Albany 7/5/68 Director, FBI (100-449698) COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAM INTERNAL SECURITY DISRUPTION OF THE NEW LEFT (COINTELPRO – NEW LEFT) Bulet 5/10/68 requested suggestions for counterintelligence action against the New Left. The replies to the Bureau’s request have been analyzed and it is felt […] Continue reading

Science Fiction Page

Science Fiction I regard science fiction as the entry drug into the psychedelic world. If by nine, ten, eleven or twelve, you’re reading science fiction, then you’re probably lost to normality. –Terence McKenna The hippy generation was the first to grow up aware of the awesome power unleashed upon this planet by our scientists and […] Continue reading

Sex, Love and Hippies

Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth, but it’s usually too battered with rules to be heard. We cripple ourselves with lies. Most people have no idea of what they’re missing, our society places a supreme value on control, on hiding what you feel. It mocks primitive culture and prides […] Continue reading

An Open Letter to the Corporations of America (1969)

Today, March 22, 1969, in the Washington office of the Dow Chemical Company we spill human blood and destroy files and office equipment. By this action, we condemn you, the Dow Chemical Company, and all similar American Corporations. We are outraged by the death-dealing exploitation of people of the Third World, and of all the […] Continue reading

Draft Board and Dow Chemical Raids (1969)

An incomplete listing on draft board and Dow Chemical Co. raids (The Dow raids are of the same genre and often are conducted by the same people) shows that they have become much more frequent as the Vietnam war has dragged on. There was a kind of freak raid on a Minnesota draft board in […] Continue reading

A Leaflet from The East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives

As American citizens who share a responsibility for the actions of our country, we have liberated draft files in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and General Electric files in Washington, D.C. We have done so because of our concern for human life. We have done so because we are aware of the conspiracy among the military, large corporations […] Continue reading