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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Best Way to Ingest Mushrooms?

I’m planning a shroom event…….. My question…….I CAN’T STAND the taste of those mushrooms, what is the best way to ingest them??? I’ve heard in teas, also that milk products elimate the taste of the shroom. Please explain to me the best way to process them? Thanks, Bill My favorite way is to make honey […] Continue reading

Are Punks A Manifestation of Hippies?

Ah…Where to begin??? First of all, lets not talk about the punks as if it were a thing of the 70’s and 80’s, I believe there still is a scene, alive and well.;) You were explaining to some kid about why his parents no longer seem to hold the same ideals and are now job-holding […] Continue reading

Making Hashish Yourself

Greetings oh Elder of the most high, My quest is to make my own hash. I’m very interested both traditional and hi-tec pollen extractors. I have been experimenting with silk screens with some success and disasters. Time of harvest and cure seem important aspects, shaking or rubbing presure on the screen seems to vary the […] Continue reading

Hitchhiking Tips

What are some tips if any for being on the road with just you and your backpack? thanks, Oskee In case you’re wondering what the Old Hippy did during the boring 80’s, I backpacked and hitchhiked my way around the world. I got to visit some of the more interesting places on the hippy trail. […] Continue reading

The Only Hippie In Town

Dear Old Hippy, First of all I would like to say that it’s really nice of you to share your wisdom with the younger hippies. With your help, we will gain the knowledge you guys had in the 60s and take over where you left off. I was hoping you could help me with a […] Continue reading

Obama Speaks Out on Race

Obama Speaks Out on Race The following speech by Barak Obama on the subject of Race was inspired by the racial debate that has soured the Democratic Primaries. His goal is to take America beyond race by confronting the long-standing issues that underly them rather than ignoring those issues. “We the people, in order to […] Continue reading

The “Hippie” Label & Activism

From the time that hippie became a common term applied to a recognizable but mysterious phenomenon, the question of the political behavior of hippies became significant. The general snap conclusion was quite upsetting to most student activists. Hippie, to them, meant drop-out, from political behavior as well as everything else. Many, especially in the East, […] Continue reading