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Monthly Archives: February 2017


by Nicole Poirier So maybe I should have been born earlier. Hypnotized. Eyes of Kaleidoscopes. Tie-dyed bandanas around my forehead, beads in my hair, and flowers engraved on my skin. When anything goes, and you are not judged for stepping on your pants, wearing shredded shirts, and no bra to boot I’d wear my hair […] Continue reading

A Good Investment!

(someone wrote me, asking for investment advice – LOL! This was back in 1999, when the market was flying high.) My Advice: Take all your money out of the market. The bubble is gonna come crashing down. Invest your capital directly into people and projects that you yourself have a say and can manage. There […] Continue reading

New Hippie Holidays!

Why can’t everyday be a Thanksgiving? Why do we have only one day a year where we give thanks for what we have? That should be part of our outlook on life! It’s like holding your piety and self-reflection (and don’t forget hypocricy) for Sunday. I do think this is a good holiday, for one […] Continue reading

Matriarchal vs Patriarchal Society

Respect for women varies from culture to culture. The main difference seems to be between Patriarchal societies (where power resides with men) and Matriarchal (where power resides with women). Almost all Judeo/Christian societies are patriarchal, where as many primitive cultures are Matriarchal. Believe it or not, in some societies women own the property and pass […] Continue reading

Organized Religion – What is it good for?

I agree that we need to respect other people’s religious beliefs. However a popular religious belief among hippies is that a person’s religion is a very personal affair, that is, no one can tell another what to believe, your belief system should be something you discover for yourself either through personal revelation or study of […] Continue reading

God, Free Will, Determinism & Karma

Determinism vs free-will is always an interesting debate. Let’s expand it to include a discussion of God and Karma. First, I think everyone needs to stop anthropomophizing God. God is not a person like us, who makes decisions for everybody and everything (imho). But that’s not my point. My point is that if you believe […] Continue reading

Realizing Perfection

Perfection of the universe includes us! Our bodies, our minds represent a being on the path to perfection. Indeed we are the mirrors of the perfection around us that is God (for lack of a better term). When we can truly see the perfection that surrounds us is when we realize our own perfection. To […] Continue reading

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

Lawrence Kohlberg was a distinguished professor at Harvard who developed a very interesting theory for human moral development that helps explain why some people have higher moral standards than others. It’s actually pretty simple. It’s a matter of being exposed to examples (people) exhibiting higher levels of morality that affords us the opportunity to accept […] Continue reading

The Astrology of the Hippy Movement

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius Aquarius from the play Hair * The Hippy Movement was less of a movement and more of an unseen force that permeated the minds and hearts of hippies around the world. In cities, on college campuses, in communes hippies everywhere were part of a collective consciousness […] Continue reading