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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Back in 1973

EXCERPT FROM THE BRAT CHRONICLES: by Michael Ritter I knew that Mr. Dwight had a free period, so I skipped English Literature and made a beeline for his class. When I entered the room, Carl was leaning back in his chair, reading the Stars and Stripes. What do you think about all this Watergate stuff, […] Continue reading

Bush, Terrorism and Fear Mongering

i agree that there should be peace but how can there be peace when there is a constant threat of terroism in israel and america. bush has no choice but to go to war. what would people think of him if he didn’t do anything about the terror attacks of 9/11. in this situation there […] Continue reading

Human Species, Prognosis: Terminal

I hereby submit to you the idea, that the human race, as we know it, will soon be extinct. To prove this theory, I will use concepts from human psychology to show how we are all facing the death of our species in the same way we would face our own deaths or those of […] Continue reading

Bad Trip Flashbacks

There are so many myths to psychadelics and i dont trust anyone at all with what they say since my trips have been entirely different than other peoples experiences but maybe you can help because of your age old wisdom! i wanna talk about mushrooms (i know you dont do them anymore but you have […] Continue reading

What’s The Worst Drug?

Hey old hippie! First off I would like to say that Hippyland is awesome and I come here everyday to check out the information and chat with other hippies like me! Anyways… I was wondering what you thought was the worst drug. One that could really hurt someone. I am thinking of heroin but I […] Continue reading

Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968)

Lee Otis Johnson died June 12, 2002. Please read the update at the bottom of the page. May he rest in peace. In the past six months, police have placed more than 16 different charges against Lee Otis Johnson, chairman of Houston SNCC and a member of the Black Panther Party. They wanted him very […] Continue reading

Conservatives Struck With Fear! Hippy Menace Alert!

American conservatives are running with fear, losing credibility on every front. Even a war on terror can’t keep Americans supporting Bush much longer. Especially now that the war in Israel has gone beyond any hope of peace, and the invasion of Iraq is imminent, no talk of sensible alternatives to war will be tolerated by […] Continue reading

Hip Profile: Lee Bridges, The Cannabis Poet

Hip Profile: Lee Bridges, The Cannabis Poet by Skip Stone In Memoriam, R.I.P. Lee 1927-2005 No one believes Amsterdam Will ever stop swinging when So much real freedom is truly Felt, especially in the smoking Coffeeshops where tensions and Hostilities melt and WWWHHHOOOoooeee! What a beautiful scene   The Scene (Part C) Copyright 2000 by […] Continue reading

Skip on Hippie Fashions

This is a story published in the New York Sun, on July 25, 2002. I was interviewed by email and was featured in this fashion piece. Here’s the entire story. ARTS & FEATURES What’s Next: MTA-Chic? Nicole Graev Talks to the True Originators of Today’s Fashions – In the world of fashion, it seems that […] Continue reading