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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Isla Vista Student Riots (1970)

More than 1,000 kids seized a three-block business district in a student neighborhood near the University of California at Santa Barbara wednesday night, Feb. 25, held it from police for six hours, smashed windows, set fire to a police car, and burned a plush Bank of America office to the ground doing more than a […] Continue reading

University of Illinois Becomes A Battlefield Scene (1970)

CHAMPAICK, Ill. (LNS)–It started with a small, peaceful rally Monday, March 2. Within four days, the University of Illinois campus here had become a scarred battlefield, an occupied, curfewed zone-a Day After. The outburst of student rage, which eventually saw thousands of people battling with every size, shape and brand of cop the state could […] Continue reading


As the traffic came closer and closer soon enough we had entered BONNAROO. Now for you who don’t know, its ok, but BONNAROO was the only festival to ever come close to what WOODSTOCK originally was. Not the ’94 and ’99 tragedy to music, and the disgrace to the name WOODSTOCK. WOOSTOCK ’99 was the […] Continue reading

Reagan & FBI – Conspiracy to Silence Dissent in America

Note: This recent news article shows precisely how the Federal government conspired to deny American Citizens their lawful right to protest. And how they broke many laws themselves in their fascist zeal. And now with unlimited technological resources in their hands, do you really believe things are any different? Feds Worked to Quash College Protests […] Continue reading

How the CIA Operates (1986)

CIA INTELLIGENCE NETWORKS This article is reprinted from Full Disclosure. Copyright (c) 1986. HTML by Harry. Duplication encouraged. The Central Intelligence Agency like many revolutionary organizations (including the Russian KGB) organize their agent networks on a cell system, with small groups who meet and carry out specific activities. The small groups have very few connections […] Continue reading

Judi Bari and the FBI

Judi Bari and the FBI Dan Brook Judi loved to howl, so we howled for her, we howled for fun, and we howled for justice. 24 May 2002 marked exactly twelve years since a bomb ripped through Judi Bari and the car that she and Darryl Cherney were in. The motion-activated pipe bomb was conveniently […] Continue reading

Time Heals Loves Wounds?

I’ve been seeing a guy for about 8 months now and things are going really good, however, we both have been thru failed marriages and been hurt and we’re both scared to fall in love again and take the chance of being hurt again. It’s been 2 yrs now since my divorce and i feel […] Continue reading