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Monthly Archives: February 2017

The Berkeley Liberation Program (1969)

The Berkeley Liberation program was written by several groups of Bay Area radicals and was first made public at the time of the People’s Park struggle. It is one of the first efforts by movement activists to set out a more or less comprehensive political vision for the city in which they live and work. […] Continue reading

A Trip Through the Sixties – How It All Began

How It All Began January, 1961 saw the inauguaration of a new president, John F. Kennedy. The youngest president ever, he brought a vibrant energy into the White House, and claimed to represent a new generation of Americans. His enthusiasm was contagious and his famous inaugural speech ended with ask not what your country can […] Continue reading

Who Owns People’s Park? (1969)

The following is the original position paper of the Park’s People by F. Bardacke. Someday a petty official will appear with a piece of paper, called a land title, which states that the University of California owns the land of People’s Park. Where did that piece of paper come from? What is it worth? A […] Continue reading

Forcing Religion on Children

Hi Old Hippy! I would like to ask you what do you think about parents (and society, in general) forcing children or teenagers to submit to their religion? I was raised in a catholic country (Portugal) and attended a catholic school and I hated it! I don’t understand how people can be raised and basicly […] Continue reading

Should I Marry A Pot Smoker?

Dear Old Hippy, I met my boyfriend in Costa Rica on a tropical biology course, and we have been dating long-distance for five months. We are both totally crazy about each other, and in fact when I was visiting him last week, he asked me to marry him! I said yes, and I am very […] Continue reading

Internet Romance or Freedom?

Hey Hippie, I am not a hippie kid, no, I am a middleaged hippie chick who happened upon your site by accident (or an act of the universe). Hippie I spent the last 18 years as a drafted (widowed) single mother. Now its my turn. Selling the house in the suburbs and heading for the […] Continue reading

How Marijuana Unavailability Leads to Use of Harder Drugs (1969)

The following study shows how the interception of marijuana shipments into NYC in 1969, led thousands of people to use harder drugs. OPERATION INTERCEPT The Multiple Consequences of Public Policy By Lawrence A. Gooberman CHAPTER 2 The Multiple Consequences of Operation Intercept The findings given in this chapter have been consolidated from the responses to […] Continue reading

Fat-Cat Sociology (1968)

by Martin Nicholaus Note: This speech was given in August 1968 at the Convention of the American Sociological Association in Boston. Martin Nicolaus was on the platform with Wilbur Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. A caucus organized by Columbia University graduate students and the New University Conference protested Cohen’s appearance as major speaker […] Continue reading

Student Spring Offensive On! (1969)

By Carl Davidson The opening assault in the radical student movement’s spring offensive rocked campus after campus across the country last week. The full range of the nation’s institutions of higher education felt the attack: from Ivy League colleges and state universities to community colleges and working-class high schools. Tens of thousands of students have […] Continue reading