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Monthly Archives: February 2017

SNCC Position Paper: On Vietnam

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Position Paper: On Vietnam The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee has a right and a responsibility to dissent with United States foreign policy on any issue when it sees fit. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee now states its opposition to the United States’ involvement in Vietnam on these grounds: We believe the […] Continue reading

A Veteran Speaks Against the War (1971)

Bob Muller, Vietnam Veterans Against the WarPresented at a meeting of the Student Assembly of Columbia University Student Assembly, July 23, 1971. Vietnam is something you have to experience firsthand to believe. I know I didn’t believe what anybody told me about Vietnam before I went; it was something I had to go through myself. […] Continue reading

Vietnam Veterans Against the War (1971)

Vietnam Veterans Against the WarStatement by John Kerry to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations April 23, 1971 I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to […] Continue reading

Young Lords Party: 13-Point Program and Platform

The Young Lords Party is a Revolutionary Political Party Fighting for the Liberation of All Oppressed People 1. We want self-determination for Puerto Ricans–Liberation of the Island and inside the United States. For 500 years, first spain and then united states have colonized our country. Billions of dollars in profits leave our country for the […] Continue reading

The Black Revolution: Speech by Malcolm X (1963)

The Black Revolution Malcolm X Dr. Powell, distinguished guests, brothers and sisters, friends, and even our enemies. As a follower and minister of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who is the Messenger of Allah to the American so-called Negro, I am very happy to accept Dr. Powell’s invitation to be here this evening at the Abyssinian […] Continue reading

The Basis of Black Power (SNCC)

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Position Paper: The Basis of Black Power The myth that the Negro is somehow incapable of liberating himself, is lazy, etc., came out of the American experience. In the books that children read, whites are always good (good symbols are white), blacks are evil or seen as savages in movies, their […] Continue reading

Letter From Japanese Right Winger

Dear Sir/Miss/Madam, Hello. I am a member of a Japanese right wing group, WAKONJUKU, but I just wanted to say that I believe in many of the things that you stand for and I agree with most of you who believe that the goal of peace is the answer to many of the problems that […] Continue reading

PTA Prez Appalled!

I am appauled at the drug content posters you have on your site. I used to love looking through your site. I found your hideous collection of non-funny posters as I was surfing the web for anti-drug posters for my sons elementary school’s Red Ribbon Week. I will never buy anything from your site and […] Continue reading