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Monthly Archives: February 2017

About Life, Death & Love

i love you old hippie. i love the way you help people out, young people who have become lost are need to find their way, or at least need a song to sing on the journey. i might be one of those people, i dont know. maybe i am just searching for answers? there are […] Continue reading

A Definition of Anarchy

Anarchism is the doctrine which proposes that society shall be reorganized on the basis of small, self-governing communities in which the land, produce, and machinery of production will be owned in common, and the power of the political state abolished in order that the fullest measure of individual liberty and equality may prevail. The philosophy […] Continue reading

The Communist Manifesto Part II (1848)

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Manifesto of the Communist Party Part II1848 Bourgeois and Proletarians | Proletarians and Communists | Socialist and Communist Literature | Position of the Communists in relation to the various existing opposition parties | Preface to 1872 German edition | Preface to 1882 Russian edition | Preface to 1883 German edition […] Continue reading

The Communist Manifesto (1848)

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Manifesto of the Communist Party 1848   Bourgeois and Proletarians | Proletarians and Communists | Socialist and Communist Literature | Position of the Communists in relation to the various existing opposition parties | Preface to 1872 German edition | Preface to 1882 Russian edition | Preface to 1883 German edition […] Continue reading

Claiming Turf in Berkeley (1968)

Claiming Turf in Berkeley by Michael Rossman People are considering the First Battle of Berkeley in terms of police brutality, civil liberties, Berkeley civic politics, or even the emergence of a revolutionary political vanguard, god help us. There is much confusion about what the Battle meant, in what if any sense it was a victory, […] Continue reading

Rules of the Black Panther Party

Rules of the Black Panther Party Every member of the Black Panther Party throughout this country of racist America must abide by these rules as functional members of this party. Central Committee members, Central Staffs, and Local Staffs, including all captains subordinated to either national, state, and local leadership of the Black Panther Party will […] Continue reading

Free Speech Movement

Free Speech Movement: Do Not Fold, Bend, Mutilate or Spindle At the beginning, we did not realize the strength of the forces we were up against. We have learned that we must fight not only Dean Towle, Chancellor Strong, and President Kerr, but also the Board of Regents with their billions of dollars and Governor […] Continue reading

GIs United Against the War in Vietnam

GIs United Against the War in Vietnam: Statement of Aims Fellow GIs: For the past decade our country has been involved in a long, drawn-out, costly and tragic war in Vietnam. Most Americans do not support this war–increasing numbers are demonstrating their opposition, including active duty GIs. It is the most unpopular war in our […] Continue reading

What is the May 2nd Movement? (1965)

We, as students in the richest but most brutally confused country in the world, cannot understand that world and our part in it with the a-historical education we receive in our universities. In order to make ourselves into effective social beings and in order to discover, sharpen, and use the power of our knowledge, we […] Continue reading