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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Republicans, Christians and Hippies

by Glenn McReynolds It was Sunday morning. I was living and working in North Wales at the time. It was one of those cool but sunny Welsh mornings…too incredible to describe really. When a knock came on the door. It was a guy I had come to know. His name was Chris. Now Chris was […] Continue reading

The Hippies Dream

In the hills of California Where the Hippies once did rave, Five eights of the way to accomplishment Lies a godforsaken grave. Hippies have never flowered the tomb Though the tombstone’’s said to gleam, For the fools that dug the hole never mentioned to a soul Where they buried the Hippies dream? www.xlibris.com/MeetMarkTwain.html Posted by: […] Continue reading

Supreme Court Vs. Medical Marijuana Users

By Paul Dougan By a six-to-three margin, the Supreme Court proclaims sick Americans easing their pain with pot are criminal. So, an 85-year-old grandmother trying to deal with the nausea caused by her chemotherapy, seeking, perhaps, to follow the advice of her physician, is an enemy of the state. Yes, here in America, that noble […] Continue reading

Hippie Roots & The Perennial Subculture

By Gordon Kennedy & Kody Ryan Wandervogels Abschied by Fidus, 1900 According to Webster’s dictionary (2003) a hippie or hippy is: a young person of the 1960’s who rejected established social mores, advocated spontaneity, free expression of love and the expansion of consciousness, often wore long hair and unconventional clothes, and used psychedelic drugs. This […] Continue reading

The Secret Wigwam of Chappaquiddick Island

The Secret Wigwam of Chappaquiddick By Bill Grote It was 1973, and Nixon was still president. It was before we found out he really was a crook. I had just graduated from San Francisco State College. Having worked my way through school, living on government food stamps, and the occasional odd job, I was ready […] Continue reading


hi i stumbled upon your site because i figured that who would be able to help my cause the most hippies. They had to endure the same persecusion for freedom of speech that my cause is trying to protect. There is a law that is trying to be passed and its called the rave act […] Continue reading

Malefic, Menacing, Mortal, Mushroom Clouds

Malefic, Menacing, Mortal, Mushroom Clouds Last night I dreamed my soul was crying, For defenceless people “brave” pilots were frying, (While Bu$$h and Rum$$feld kept on lying) Sending death from sensitivity-secure sections in the sky So they shouldn’t see sickeningly singed, sweet children cry, Bu$$h’s rush to rule and rob the roost, the real reason […] Continue reading

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam November, 2002 Review by Skip Stone What do you believe in? That theme was one of the deeper questions answered by dozens of documentaries competing at the 15th Annual IDFA. It’s an interesting query for these turbulent times, when whole belief systems are being politicized and many people around the […] Continue reading

The 15th Annual High Times Cannabis Cup

The 15th Annual High Times Cannabis Cup Amsterdam, November, 2002. Review by Skip Stone Last year’s Cannabis Cup was held under the shadow of 9/11. Numbed by the events of the prior 2 months, the 2001 Cup seemed muted. It felt odd to be so concerned about Cannabis when the future appeared so uncertain and […] Continue reading