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Monthly Archives: February 2017

North Beach: The Beat Goes On!!

NORTH BEACH The Beat Goes On Tour! By: Mike Marino NORTH BEACH…The Beat Goes On!! Many people have truly Left Their Heart in San Francisco!! The Bagdad by the Bay has left its indelible imprint on visitors and residents alike and is many things to many people. Its The Golden Gate Bridge…a stalwart sentry sitting […] Continue reading

Haight Ashbury: The Spare Change Tour

HAIGHT ASHBURY The Spare Change Tour! By: Mike Marino The Spare Change Sixties gave birth to a flower power Garden of Urban Eden in San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury District. Half a world away the war raged on in Vietnam while a counter culture of dissent protested and searched for answers on the homefront. Olive drab […] Continue reading

Cheech and Chong Conspiracy

Cheech and Chong Conspiracy The Grassy Bowl Theory!! By: Mike Marino Sex…Drugs…Rock n’ Roll! The left over baggy of the seeds and stems of Haight Ashbury’s purple haze daze, and the tie-dyed Summer of Love have long since gone up in smoke. It was a dimebag time of rolling papers, roach clips, and badda-bing, badda-bong […] Continue reading

Putting aside our differences to make a difference!

Our Zeitgeist: Putting aside our differences to make a difference! Five years after embarking into a brave new millennium, twenty years after my birth, the miners’ strike, and the year that George Orwell indelibly etched into our minds as the symbol of a nightmare totalitarian society; and what portrait can we paint today? What threads […] Continue reading

The Perversion of Democracy

We’re all outraged at what’s happening, but it also seems like it’s all been said, over and over, which makes it most difficult to add anything. Maybe I just have writer’s block. My underlying grievance is that Bush et al are setting the agenda with hard right-wing policies even though they only came second in […] Continue reading

Pending Draft Legislation

There is pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills: S 89 and HR 163) which will time the program’s initiation so the draft can begin at early as Spring 2005 — just after the 2004 presidential election. The administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public’s attention is […] Continue reading

The War on American Soldiers

I am currently watching as more and more numbers get piled on to the already large number of soldiers here in Iraq. I still ask myself why I’m in Iraq. Fighting for something that I don’t even know about. I wish I could say that I understood why we’re here. Maybe oil, maybe something else. […] Continue reading

Young Hippies

This is written by a young hippie to young hippies…. Hippies were the most abundnt in the 1960s, but that doesnt mean that there aren’t still hippies being born today. Most of these young, teenage hippies, are a very small minority. They face discrimination and ridicule just because they are differnent and peace loving. Everything […] Continue reading

Let’s Spy on the Spies!

All this fuss over the spying at the UN got me thinking again about transparency in government. Look at how everyone either lies about or doesn’t disclose what is obvious to everyone in diplomatic circles, that bugging is a fact of life for politicians. Yet, why is that bugging is limited to spy agencies? And […] Continue reading