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Monthly Archives: February 2017

OH NO YOKO! Plastic Lennon Doll!

Yup, Yoko Ono has done it again. Is there ANYTHING she won’t do for a buck (or a few million?). Now she’s authorized a John Lennon action figure that talks! Oh, yes, John may be gone but his words will live on. Thanks Yoko for showing us just how low you can go. I can […] Continue reading

Big Brit is Watching You!

Britian will soon be the first country in the world to monitor the movements of every car, every day. That means a record will be kept of everywhere you’ve been, and can be analyzed. According to the article below, they will be especially suspicious of vehicles that come near other vehicles that are used by […] Continue reading

Green Tea and Cholesterol facts

A green and lush oasis in the middle of a scorching dessert. A cool breeze on a hot summer night. A bright light in the end of a cold and dark tunnel. Green tea and cholesterol. For the millions and millions of people suffering from high cholesterol green tea may be that light. You can […] Continue reading

Be Everything You Want To Be

We live in such a beautiful world, such a precious world yet for most (generic society)we seem to focus on the negative. We get sucked in to the evil things in life such as the world of superficiality, materialism and the need to be something more. I encourage people to embrace life and not focus […] Continue reading

From Dung to Gold – The Ultimate in Recycled Paper

From Dung to Gold – The Ultimate in Recycled Paper Idaho artists create hand made paper and artwork from Bison Dung and Recycled Paper Waste! Tatanka (Tuh-tahn-ka) is the Lakota Indian word for bull bison, or scientifically, the American Bison (bison bison). In the Native American culture, the bison is revered as a powerful, spiritual […] Continue reading

My Dad, the Hippie

I’m guessing I may be a lot younger then usual speakers of this site, but when I happened to come across this site for the first time today I couldn’t help but express what may be less then engaging then most articles on here. Being that I’m not even of legal drinking age, those who […] Continue reading

We Must Drop Out

I cannot live in a system where it is safe to conform, no hope for a greater improvement, where my goal in life is to grow up and work so I can afford vacations. I have no hope for America, or any other countries that support the death of human spirit. The only light my […] Continue reading

The Great Divide

Before political correctness, dodge-ball was a great American sport. Choosing teams was always an exciting part of the game, especially if you were a team captain. But when the last picks were made, maybe you felt just a bit sorry for those two or three chosen last. Maybe you were one of them. There was […] Continue reading

The Republicans are Weakening

Now is not the time to become apathetic or quit. -Bu$h’s approval rating is below 40%. -Support for the war is at 2 in 5 people and dropping. -Karl Rove has the C.I.A. pissed at him over Vallery Plame’s identity… Rove is Bush’s Brain… and Bush has a lot of secrets… the republican party cannot […] Continue reading