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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Hippyland’s 10 Year Anniversary!

It’s hard to believe that 10 years have gone by since we started Hippyland back in 1996. Things have changed dramatically since then. We were still in the Internet boom, and it seemed like the Internet was going to change the world almost overnight. It was this enormous potential of the Internet to democratize the […] Continue reading

Listen to Neil Young’s New CD! – Living With War

Check out Neil Young’s New CD, Living With War. It includes the song, Let’s Impeach the President. Neil has produced perhaps the strongest American protest music ever. Every cut on this CD is a protest against the current Bush Administration, and the war in Iraq. This CD is likely to be the biggest hit of […] Continue reading

Time to Nationalize American Oil Companies!

With gasoline prices now well over $3 a gallon, and no relief in sight. I believe it’s time for the US government to nationalize the biggest American oil companies. They are making record profits at the expense of every American. Did you know that in Venezuela gasoline is only 13 cents a gallon? Chavez has […] Continue reading

Hippyland Song – By Tommy Chong

Hippyland by Tommy Chong from the movie Far Out Man 1990 When my woman left I had a brilliant flash I started Hippyland, man Just to raise some cash I wanted it to be just like Disneyland, Man For all the hippy-dippy people all across this land With a Big-Bong ride that would suck you […] Continue reading

Buddhist Words of REAL LOVE

“If the LOVE within your mind is lost and you see other beings as enemies, then no matter how much knowledge or education or material comfort you have, only suffering and confusion will ensue.” – His Holiness the Dalai Lama from “The Little Book of Buddhism” – The “near enemy” of LOVE, or a quality, […] Continue reading

Bush’s War on Freedom of the Press!

I knew there was a huge conspiracy by Bush & Karl Rove to control the media, but now it’s finally being revealed as the most UNAMERICAN, Unpatriotic war on journalism ever launched in the US. It put’s Hitler’s propaganda machine to shame. And it’s criminal because attacks on the media have taken the form of […] Continue reading

Bush Ordered NSA to Spy on Americans

It’s now been revealed that President Bush secretly ordered the NSA to spy on Americans. He signed an executive order giving the NSA new powers to spy on all communications traffic in and thru the USA. That was never their domain before. https://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-nsa16.html This may well be in violation of Constitutional protections to privacy and […] Continue reading

Canadian Supreme Court OK’s Group Sex in Clubs!

In a very liberal decision that changes the way crime is viewed in Canada, the Supreme Court OK’d group sex in clubs. Saying that the activity in no way threatens society, they raised the bar and set a new standard for what can be prosecuted under Canadian law. Criminal indecency or obscenity must rest on […] Continue reading

FBI Spying on Greenpeace, PETA and other Protest Groups!

The New York Times just revealed that since 9/11 Bush has ordered the FBI to spy on domestic protest groups including environmental, animal rights and others. This includes monitoring their communications, websites and using agents infiltrated into these groups and informants. This is exactly what J. Edgar Hoover did in the 1960s & 70s, developing […] Continue reading