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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Underground Woman! (1970)

By Mary Moylan Mary Moylan was one of the Catonsville 9, who destroyed draft files at a Selective Service office in the suburbs of Baltimore on May 17, 1968. The 9 were convicted of two federal and four state crimes; appeals failed, and six were to begin serving their concurrent terms on April 9, 1970 […] Continue reading

Why Women Aren’t Liberated Yet (1969)

The Grand Coolie Damn By Marge Piercyhttps://www.margepiercy.com/The movement is supposed to be for human liberation: how come the condition of women inside it is no better than outside? We have been trying to educate and agitate around women’s liberation for several years. How come things are getting worse? Women’s liberation has raised the level of […] Continue reading

How the Free Speech Movement Began (1969)

A multiple memoir of the New Left by MICHAEL ROSSMAN That man in Chicago or wherever, the one they were doing the operation on and his heart stopped unexpectedly, and they iced his head and all while they finally got it started again, but by every test known to medical science he was dead for […] Continue reading

Radicals ‘Take on’ R.O.T.C. Cadets (1968)

About 75 radical students from the City College had a glorious time doing their thing yesterday morning which was to mock an equal number of R.O.T.C. cadets doing their thing – namely drilling. For two hours the students skipped, danced, scampered and tumbled around the cadets, like a swarm of gnats. Half the cadets, with […] Continue reading

Democrats Response To Bush Comparing Iraq to Vietnam

Former Sen. Max Cleland, D-Ga.: My fellow Americans, this is Max Cleland, former U.S. senator from Georgia. This week, President Bush gave a speech comparing the ongoing war in Iraq to the Vietnam War. He used this analogy in his latest plea to the American people for yet more time to continue his war. I […] Continue reading

40TH Anniversary Of The Summer of Love

40TH Anniversary Of The Summer of Love Read Skip Stone’s write up and view his photos of this great event! The following was posted by me, Roger, hippy forums User ID drjackalope. I was at the first 1967 Summer of Love Love-In and plan to attend the 40th anniversary. Copy and paste link below into […] Continue reading

hello summer

She felt the dry peculiar taste in her throat…the smoke felt like it was clinging on to every inch inside..green goblins soon took their places…the plant has empowered ..clouding schoolwork with green mazes…and she instantly fell in love… She was 16, in San Francisco..and it was 1969..at the centre of the permanent carnival…long haired freaks […] Continue reading

Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney

HRES 333 IH110th CONGRESS1st SessionH. RES. 333 Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 24, 2007 Mr. KUCINICH submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary RESOLUTION Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United […] Continue reading