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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Alan Stivell: Renaissance of the Celtic Harp (1971)

Alan Stivell, from Brittany, is by far one of my all-time favorite Celtic artists, and he had quite a varied career from rock-oriented material to New Age and everything in between. Renaissance of the Celtic Harp, known in France as Renaissance de la Harpe Celtique, obviously focuses on the Celtic harp. This out of the […] Continue reading

Jethro Tull – Stand Up by: Matt Ainsworth

In incendiary brilliance of Jethro Tull’s follow up to the magnificent “This Was” is staggering. Totally veering away from the jazzy blues of their debut, the band set up an album comprising mainly of rock, folk and classical. The album starts with the full on crunchy riff-fest of “New day yesterday”, a style which is […] Continue reading

Random Stabbings & Artless Critique – January 2006 by: Eric W. Saeger

RANDOM STABBINGS & ARTLESS CRITIQUE – January 2006 by Eric Saeger Zodiac Mindwarp & The Love Reaction, “Rock Savage” (Abstract Sounds) Medium-speed sleaze-metal so full of its double-Y self it can’t help but succeed. AWOL from his writing/cartooning/psychiatric- ward-squatting pursuits, Zode brags on and on about booze, motorcycles and stealing your girlfriend in his best […] Continue reading

New Music Reviews by Eric Saeger by: Eric W. Saeger

RANDOM STABBINGS & ARTLESS CRITIQUE – November 2005 The Catz in the Hatz, “”Take One” (Catz in the Hatz Records) Stardust-sprinkled jazz favorites played by genial weekend warriors for the Arthur Murray set. The marketing sound-bite for this SoCal-based quintet is “Jazz with an attitude” but with such foxtrot favorites as “I’ve Got You Under […] Continue reading

LOVE by Andrew Sanger by: Gerry Dunham

LOVE is a beautifully written novel about two hippies/dope freaks, Angela and Simon. It starts in Berkeley in 1968. Simon is an English kid just out to have a good time who has come to be in the center of hippydom and revolution. There’s a lot of great pages simply evoking the feel of the […] Continue reading

Fiji by: Skip

South Sea Island Fiji I’ve been wanting to visit Fiji ever since 1982 when my plane stopped there to refuel on my way to Auckland, New Zealand. I wished then I could hop off and check it out, but that wasn’t allowed then. Most ex-pats like me sooner or later need to do a visa […] Continue reading

War of the Worlds (2005) by: Eric W. Saeger

Review: “War of the Worlds” (Paramount Pictures) Starring Tom Cruise, Tim Robbins, Dakota Fanning.   Rated PG-13. By Eric W. Saeger Moviegoers expecting a goggle-eyed computer graphics spectacle from Steven Spielberg are going to be slightly disappointed by the newest film adaptation of H.G. Welles’s novel. The blame for this falls on whoever decided that […] Continue reading

Dyssekilde, Denmark by: J.H

With so much attention being given to the “free city” community of Christiania in Copenhagen at the moment, I wanted to shed light on a fascinating alternative-living project near Hundested in North Denmark. Dyssekilde is a community of houses in an idyllic rural setting, built using alternative and environmentally-friendly methods. People have come from as […] Continue reading

Random Stabbings & Artless Critique by:

June 2005 by Eric Saeger Eric is a former contributor to Boston Rock, Factsheet Five, The Portsmouth Herald (NH) and the seminal San Francisco punk fanzine Why Music Sucks. Ghost Orgy, “Lullabies for Lunatics” (Thoth Music) In “Lullabies for Lunatics,” Filipina hottie Dina Concina has come up with some of the most misfit mall-goth in […] Continue reading

Senastions’ Fix: Portable Madness (1974)

Sensations’ Fix has already been covered here through Fragments of Light and Finest Finger. Now here’s a review for their second album, Portable Madness, released later the same year as the amazing Fragments of Light. While Fragments of Light was mainly a Franco Falsini project with only Richard Ursillo and Keith Edwards contributing only the […] Continue reading