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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Radio Massacre International: Emissaries (2005)

Britain’s Radio Massacre International (RMI) has got to be the greatest electronic music discovery I’ve made since buying all the ’70s classics from the likes of Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze. I felt electronic music really went through a dry spell by the 1980s, so much of it devolved into New Age that it got […] Continue reading

Eloy: Inside (1973)

1973 is regarded by many as the first real Eloy album. In 1971, they released their self-entitled debut on Philips, which was basically a hard rock album, with political overtones. The band was lead by Erich Schriever, and Frank Bornemann was basically doing extra guitar duty. But with Schriever gone, as well as original drummer […] Continue reading

Nik Turner’s Sphynx: Xitintoday (1978)

Every Hawkwind fan knows about the band rarely every keeping the same lineup for more than one album. In 1975, the band lost Lemmy, in which he formed Motorhead (named after the 1975 Hawkwind single Lemmy wrote and recorded for while still in Hawkwind), and in 1976, they lost Nik Turner following the release of […] Continue reading

Cosmic Jokers: Galactic Supermarket (1974)

The Cosmic Jokers were no doubt one of the most controversial creations in the Krautrock scene. It’s because the musicians involved did not know they were actually this group or had any intention to release this stuff on record for the public to buy. Rolf Ulrich Kaiser, head honcho of Ohr Records, who, in 1973, […] Continue reading

Focus: Focus II/Moving Waves (1971)

In 1970, Focus released their debut album, In & Out of Focus. It was basically an album that showed promise, which would be fully realized on following albums (think of In & Out of Focus like Trespass by Genesis or the first two albums from Yes). It was by far their most vocal dominated album, […] Continue reading

Focus: Hamburger Concerto (1974)

While Focus 3 did have some great stuff, I also thought the album got bogged down by excessive guitar and drum solos (“Anonymous II” was the guilty verdict). The band then recorded Live at the Rainbow in 1973, which was recorded at the Rainbow Theatre in London during the peak of their success. They were […] Continue reading

Traffic Sound: Yellow Sea Years 68-71 (2005)

Hard to believe Peru actually had a rock scene! When one thinks of Peruvian music, they think obviously of traditional Incan music, played on panpipes, charango, quena, etc. But in the late ’60s and early ’70s, there was a band from Lima called Traffic Sound, and they hardly played traditional Andean music by any stretch […] Continue reading

Van der Graaf Generator: The Aerosol Grey Machine (1969)

The Aerosol Grey Machine was the debut album from Van der Graaf Generator, although some people don’t regard it as really a VdGG album (usually the detractors), which I’ll explain. It actually wasn’t meant to be a VdGG album, rather a solo album from Peter Hammill. The band broke up briefly around this time period, […] Continue reading

Pentangle: Cruel Sister (1970)

Cruel Sister was the fourth album by this British folk group Pentangle. Before this album, the band would combine traditional folk material, non-folk material, and their own in an all-acoustic setting. The group had two guitarists, John Renbourn and Bert Jansch, who handled strictly acoustic guitars, while bassist Danny Thompson used his trustworthy double-bass that […] Continue reading